Mixing ALL our Pigments into RESIN

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You were trying real hard not to describe the brown color as shit.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/MyParentsAre_Cousins πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 27 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Evan: Use as many words to describe purple but make it slightly more extra than Katelyn's.

Also what happenned to the rainbow layered clay and resin?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Bexter844 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 27 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

I loved the optomism at the beginning that it was going to be purple. It was always going to be brown Hahaha. I wonder if down the road there is a way a to test adding lots of colors together that doesn't end in brown?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/huskies_62 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 28 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
Hey guys, we're Evan and Katelyn. Today we're gonna be mixing all of our pigments and all of our glitters into one super pigment. At least I hope it's super. I hope it's not just brown. (Evan snickers) No laugh? Oh. (Evan and Katelyn laugh) I knew you were gonna say it already. I'm sorry. The mixing all of my blank together trend is something that was pretty popular a couple years ago, especially in the makeup community. But what about the rEsIn cOmMuNiTy? So, we're gonna do that. Just a few years late for the trend. β™ͺ Science Adjacent with Evan and Katelyn β™ͺ β™ͺ Yeah β™ͺ β™ͺ (Katelyn singing badly) β™ͺ Ready? Ready. So, we were inspired by Safiya Nygaard. SAFIYA: Just talking to myself while scraping away at some eyeshadows. And Simply Nailogical. [Simply Nailogical] All right. Now we movin' on to holo powder. Who have done things like this with all sorts of makeup and nail stuff. And long time viewers of our channel might know that we have a bit of an obsession with resin. It's resin time. β™ͺ Resin Time, Resin Time β™ͺ β™ͺ Do-do-do-do Resin Time β™ͺ KATELYN: Resin! β™ͺ ReEEEeeesiiinnnnn β™ͺ And the main thing we use to color our resin are all of these pigments. So, the plan, of course, is to mix all 81 of our pigments and glitters together, but because we are just curious about what it would look like, while we are adding everything to the big Everything Mix we're also going to be doing a little side mixture of each category. So, that's going to be eight color categories and a few special pigments. EVAN: All of our duo chrome colors, which shift between two colors our interference pigments, which are mainly white, but they have some iridescent colored undertones and then, of course, all of our glitters and holo. And then I also get to justify that digital microscope I bought a while ago and we are going to look at things at a 120 times scale. And when we are done making all of our various mixins we shall, of course, mix them into resin, cure it and see how it looks. But I think first, since we are in our science robes and we are science people, we have to start with a hypothesis. KATELYN: Yeah. I mean judging by the colors that we have here, my guess is we're gonna end up with something in the purple family, because we have a lot of blues, pinkish reds and purples and a lot whites. So, it might be kind of on the light side. What do you think? You're too good. I'm like looking at this, I think it's going to be like an extra glittery, crazy, duo-toned purple. I think you're right. BOTH: Yeah. Or it could be brown. Please, don't let it be brown. (Katelyn laughs) EVAN: Okay. Okay. Everything is categorized. We have cameras in place. We have our little tiny containers. Are you ready to start? I'm ready to science this up! β™ͺ Ready for science β™ͺ β™ͺ It's Science Time β™ͺ (Katelyn laughs) I'm sorry. We do a lot of songs here on Evan and Katelyn. That being the worst one. Science Adjacent is over. Science Adjacent is gone? β™ͺ Science Time β™ͺ Okay, I'm sorry. We can't be starting this already on such a goofy note. Are you ready? Ready. Can we start with something super exciting, like duo chrome? KATELYN: I'm down. So, we have these tiny little spoons. Do you want to try to do like a half scoop? Or like, what're you thinking? 'Cause we are gonna want-- Let's just do it by intuition and feel. Okay, but I want it to be like scientific. I want about equal amounts in the Everything. EVAN: Full scoop here. Half scoop. KATELYN: Into the Everything, yeah. (Evan laughs) So, this is our pink-gold duo chrome. Du-chrome. Now, a red-blue duo chrome. EVAN: It's like a brown-blue. Violet-Brass. I think the only one we haven't done is... Oh, red-blue. It's the same one. We have a double, okay. We're done! We're done. Wow! KATELYN: With the Duo Chrome. EVAN: Oh my gosh. That's looking so beautiful already, Katelyn. KATELYN: I know. EVAN: Go for it. Oooh! Ohhh! I guess our end is kind of like a fuschia-brass duo chrome. We need to look at it under the microscope, to get a full picture. KATELYN: It's really dark. Is that how it looks? What's happening? What? EVAN: I think this is all the shiny. KATELYN: It's so shiny. EVAN: That's so weird. All right guys, so check it out. Not saturated, but when you add a white spoon in there, there's the color that we're looking for. KATELYN: Yeah, it's a funky white balance system. It's cool looking though. You get a bit more color. KATELYN: Look at that. You can see that there's a lot going on in there. And then... What would be fun next? Gold? A gold? Yeah. Oh, no! Orange, red, copper! Sure. You're very passionate. Antique copper. EVAN: Unnamed orange. It kind of looks like, you know, the Antelope Canyon? Oh, yeah. That's what the Everything is looking like. EVAN: Straight to the shake. (Evan and Katelyn laugh) I mean I can't say it's not what I expected. EVAN: It looks pretty-- KATELYN: Wow, it's very uniform. EVAN: It looks really really uniform. They all blended. KATELYN: Okay, onwards! Gold! EVAN: Lots of gold. And kind of like a generic yellow. KATELYN: And yellows, yeah. (Evan laughs) And thus concludes the golds. KATELYN: Are you ready for the shake? EVAN: Oh, yeah, baby. I wonder how that bronzy one and how the dark antique gold is gonna affect the overall color. Wow, it's kinda ugly. EVAN: Dirty gold! KATELYN: Dirty gold! EVAN: Y'all want some dirty gold? Let's see how it looks with the microscope. EVAN: Again, very uniform. You do see some like non-uniformities right there, not that well-mixed right there, actually. Are you talking crap about my mix job? EVAN: I'm just relaying what the microscope is seeing. Yeah, but, right there. What is that? This is the bottom of the container! Oh, yeah. You're right. (Evan laughs) Okay, another special one. Now, we're gonna do the interference colors, which they show up a lot more, the undertones do, when it's on something black, but I think they're still gonna add some interest to the overall mix. So, interference blue looks like white. Yeah, but here, watch this. KATELYN: Yeah, look at that! EVAN: Blue. KATELYN: Blue! What's up with that? It's crazy. Interference gold. Interference green. Interference violet. Interference Red. KATELYN: Yeah, you can see the subtle differences between them when they are next to each other. Okay, shakey shakey time! What do you think it's gonna look like? This is gonna look like white. Wow. I wanna do a test. Oh, yeah. On your glove. Like what's the most dominant? What? KATELYN: Whoa, it's like none of it! EVAN: It just averaged out to white! Weird! I thought it would be more like unicorn rainbow iridescence. β™ͺ Science is Confusing with Evan and Katelyn β™ͺ What? (Katelyn and Evan laugh) I wonder if it will look different under the microscope. Oh wait, wait, wait! Get that camera. I started rubbing it away and look! Multiple colors showed up. Red. Green. KATELYN: Woah. EVAN: Other colors. So, it was all white, but when I spread it out-- KATELYN: Weird. EVAN: I'm just confused. KATELYN: Funky. I can definitely see the red. Wow. KATELYN: Some things in science are surprising and some things in science aren't surprising. (Evan snickers) KATELYN: Greens. Spring green. That's spring green? We have two spring greens, okay. (Evan laughs) We're gonna have to edit my number in the beginning. (Evan laughs loudly) KATELYN: It's fine! EVAN: Can I do the shakey shakey? Oh, are we done already? EVAN: That's it. Wow. KATELYN: Wow. Yup, pretty much exactly what we were expecting. Maybe we should just, save this for the more, maybe we'll do on the Glitter and the Everything. Glitter and Everything and then I think we're done with the microscope, 'cause like that's pretty standard. I'm sorry about your quest to justify your purchase. aAaAhHh so not justifiable. And then I also get to justify that digital microscope I bought a while ago. Blues. Okay, so starting with sapphire. EVAN: Generic light blue. KATELYN: Blue green. EVAN: Generic blue. Turquoise. KATELYN: True blue! EVAN: That Everything is looking amazing. KATELYN: I know. It looks like the earth now. Do you want to shakey shake? EVAN: You can shake. We'll alternate. As long as I get to shakey shake the Glitter. Then I get to shakey shake the big one. No! KATELYN: Very pretty. EVAN: That's really pretty. KATELYN: Time for purple. Purple is the first word that I taught my little brother to spell. (Evan snickers) It's not the easiest word to spell if you think about it. And I think he just like memorized the sounds of saying the letters. So I'd go, "How do you spell purple?" and he'd go, "P-U-R-P-L-E!" "P-U-R-P-L-E!" "P-U-R-P-L-E!" And then I was like, "You know what?" "I can teach this boy how to spell turtle." "T-U-R-T-L-E!" (Evan laughs) I was good big sister. Oops, that kinda spilled a little bit. Get in there. Okay. EVAN: My turn to shakey. KATELYN: I like those moves. Very nice. That's a pretty color. EVAN: That'd be a great galaxy purple. KATELYN: That's a great galaxy color. Okay, next. I will start with magenta. EVAN: Generic pink one. KATELYN: Flamingo pink. EVAN: Light pink. KATELYN: Why are these color powders so dang satisfying looking? So satisfying. This is a fun way to spend time while we are stuck in the house. (Both chuckle) Ohhh. Nice. EVAN: Saturated. Rich. Shiny. Now, for one of our collections with the least variety. White. The whites. EVAN: Pearl white. KATELYN: Stardust pearl. EVAN: Macro pearl. KATELYN: Micro pearl. Generic white. Generic white. What I fill out on our census information. (Both laugh) Wow, I get to mix up white. What an honor. β™ͺ Ba-ba-ba-bow β™ͺ KATELYN: Oh, it's smokey. Wow! Oh, it's cause of the micros. Ohhh. I think we're good. Oh, it looks nice though. It's pretty. I'm curious to see what the whites will do to the overall color. Like if we're gonna notice it at all. Or if it'll just get eaten up. Okay, our last color category. The black and silver. EVAN: Carbon black. KATELYN: Antique silver. Black shimmer. Hi, Ho Silver! EVAN: Away! Away! Shakey, shakey time! Oh, it's much more silver than I was expecting. Wow! I thought-- I like it. You know with paint how black will really take over. Black is so much stronger than other colors, so, you have to be very sparing with it. I thought it'd be the same, but that's a really nice gun metal color. EVAN: I like it. KATELYN: Cool. Okay, this isn't the grand finale, but this might be what I'm most excited for. Combining all of our glitters. Now, we have a lot of different types too. We have some pretty fine holo. We have some glitter Pretty thick chunky boi's. KATELYN: Tinsel. Some duo chrome glitter. Some really thick flakes and then we also have just cheapest-- Basic. Cheapest craft store glitter. Various levels of quality. I almost wanna get a before with the microscope. Oh my gosh. That is a party. KATELYN: Wow. EVAN: You can see the size difference too. The little ones versus big ones right there. Time to mix. Oh! Whoa! KATELYN: That's so cool. That's a party! Oh my gosh. Let's do this again. KATELYN: That's amazing looking. EVAN: Oh my gosh. That's crazy. They did kind of unify. KATELYN: They did. More than I was expecting. It's kind of a hot mess, but like also pretty sweet looking. Okay. That completes the mixture. KATELYN: Time to shakey shakey on our big mix. You dibs-ed it, baby. Let's do it. It's you. I'm just gonna double recording for this finale. KATELYN: Okay. EVAN: Wait- Oh yeah. (Evan laughs) You okay? You got it? I got it. You can trust me. I won't miss a thing. This is Everything, Katelyn. KATELYN: This is Everything. You ready? Ready. Oh, that's it? More, more, more, more, more. Just in case. I feel like it's pretty mixed. EVAN: All right, let's do it. Whoa! It's... It's... Gray? KATELYN: It's like silvery taupe. EVAN: Gray-purple? KATELYN: I didn't expect that. I thought it would be way more saturated. I didn't expect all the colors to like, everything we put in there and that's what we get back out? KATELYN: This is what we get? Well, hey, maybe it's really cool when we put it in resin, because I feel like there's a lot of surprises in here. Look at that glitter. EVAN: Yeah. KATELYN: Look at that cat hair. (Both laugh) KATELYN: There's all sorts of surprises. EVAN: There's a bunch of sparkles going on in there. How does it look worse under the microscope? You can see some remnants of the big sparkles in there. KATELYN: It's another one that's really dark. But, you know, there's too much going on. It was never meant to be seen by human eyes. I'm excited to put it in resin, 'cause resin always really brings out the vibrance of the pigment. EVAN: Yeah. KATELYN: So, I'm excited to try that. I also want to do one quick test. This may or may not be anything. So, this might get cut. KATELYN: Oh, you want to see how it looks on black? I want to see what it looks like on black. Okay. EVAN: About the same. KATELYN: About the same. You know, still, I think let's put it in resin. 'Cause that's the true test. That's what it all comes doesn't to. Nobody uses these powders just to sit on a shelf and look at. You put it in your resin stuff. Yeah, so, let's do that. (Evan laughs) Okay, well we are officially done with the grueling work of mixing together our pigments and do you know what time it is? It's resin time. β™ͺ Do-do-do-do Resin Time β™ͺ I didn't know if we were doing it this time or not. Of course we are. Now, I know everyone probably wants to get to the Everything first. We should do things in order. So, I think we'll start with the colors and we can probably speed through those pretty quickly, but we want to spend a little more time on the Duo Chrome, the Interference, the Glitter and of course the Everything 'cause I suspect those will change a little bit more in the resin. We need a bagel mold, so we can make an Everything bagel. (Both laugh) (whimsical classical music) Well, those little guys turned out pretty cute, but now it is time to move on to the specials, starting with the Duo Chrome. I suspect that it's gonna be a magenta and brass shift. The shifting shows up a lot more once it's in resin. Yeah, see! I feel like you already see the brass coming out more in the sheen. Do you see that? (wind blowing) It's just me? (Evan laughs) Yeah. I 100% support your vision, Katelyn. KATELYN: Yeah, see the like gold swirls. EVAN: Yeah, oh yeah! KATELYN: See it? EVAN: Oh, yeah. KATELYN: And that did not show up in powder form, really. Look at that. EVAN: It does look a lot more dynamic. KATELYN: That is so interesting. Look at that gold shimmer. EVAN: I can totally see us using that again. KATELYN: Yeah. That's actually super pretty. Okay. Careful. Pretty full. KATELYN: Yeah, it's pretty full. Sorry. On to the interference white. I don't really know what to think about this one. Is it gonna do what it did on your gloves? Where it all just merged? Is it gonna spread out? EVAN: I don't know. KATELYN: Yeah, are we gonna get the separate colors? Or is it just gonna be boring white? So far, it's looking kinda like boring white, but I don't want to judge it yet. (Evan snickers) Even though I'm judging it. You're just judging it silently. Yeah. (Both laugh) Okay, interference white. Hopefully you will become more interesting. And we didn't just make a white cube. (Evan snickers) Don't judge the white cube yet. Okay, baby, it's glitter time. EVAN: Now be generous here. Oh, look at that magic. KATELYN: Okay, that is pretty awesome. EVAN: It's just spreading out by itself. Look at that! Would you look at that? KATELYN: Should I keep adding more? EVAN: That's good. I like that. KATELYN: Okay, as long as it's up to your glitter standards. Oh, yes! (Both laugh) EVAN: That is fun. KATELYN: Ooo, it's like richening. Look at that. Oh my gawd. EVAN: It's a galaxy. KATELYN: It is. That's so nice. Do you think that's enough? EVAN: Yeah. Oh, that looks so magical pouring outta there. KATELYN: It really is. These are gonna be some nice cubes. EVAN: Yes. And now... β™ͺ Duh duh duh duhhh β™ͺ KATELYN: Okay, we'll definitely need to adjust the focus with this one. EVAN: It's big boi. We're doing the biggest cube for the Everything mix. EVAN: You're gonna like have to dump a lot in there. KATELYN: I know. EVAN: Hopefully something comes from this. KATELYN: I know. Let me grab a stick. Don't judge my mixed up boi. The glitter looks like trash. (Both laugh) It looks like it's litter. It's glitter litter! Maybe I just don't have it mixed enough. EVAN: Yeah, it's gonna be beautiful soon. KATELYN: You know, it's an interesting color with lots of nuance. It is nuanced. KATELYN: You know. EVAN: It looks like alien cough syrup. (Evan laughs) But it's beautiful alien cough syrup, Katelyn. I think it's really pretty. Okay, here. Oh, woah, whoa, whoa. KATELYN: What? EVAN: It's interesting. The surface texture is interesting. KATELYN: It is doing some funky stuff. I wonder if it's 'cause there's so many different brands and types and sheens. You know that pokemon? Muk? EVAN: Yeah! (Both laugh) KATELYN: That's all I'll say. Alrighty. EVAN: It's rich. KATELYN: It's rich. EVAN: That's rich. I can't wait to pop these out and see what they'll look like in their final form, but we're gonna have to wait to do that 'til tomorrow. Bye. Bye. There aren't many things in life that are both Katelyn-sized and Evan-sized. But one thing that is are our Raycon wireless earbuds. So, thank you Raycon for sponsoring this video. EVAN: I use wireless earbuds almost everyday, so I have tried out quite a few pairs over the years that are now all retired, because these are the most functional ones I've ever tried. You can seamlessly switch between the left and right ear. You can pause from either one and people actually understand what I'm saying when I'm using them for talking. KATELYN: What, like a phone call? (Katelyn laughs) And often wireless earbuds just don't fit in my ears at all and this is the first pair that I found that are actually comfortable for me. EVAN: Co-founded by Ray J. Racyon aims to provide innovative headphone designs that start at about half the price of other premium wireless earbuds and sound just as amazing. The latest model, Everyday E25, has 6 hours of play time, seamless bluetooth pairing and more bass. Plus a compact design and new colors with cases that charge the earbuds four times on a single charge. Go to BuyRaycon.com/EvanAndKatelyn to get 15% off your order. Supporting our sponsors supports us. So, thank you guys and let's get back to the video. Good morning. It's 1:45 in the afternoon. It's the next day and these have fully cured. So, now it's time to pop them out and see what they look like. EVAN: I don't know if it's just my imagination, but those do seem richer. KATELYN: Like there's more undertones. Especially the purple and honestly, the black silver. EVAN: And that blue looks like it's neon, almost. KATELYN: Yeah, like it's glowing from within. There's a darker patch and a lighter patch. They all remind me of "Power Rangers" though. They remind me of Jolly Ranchers. The Red Ranger's a little off. (Evan laughs) Ready for the big ones? The specials? Yes. So, we'll start with the Interference. EVAN: Careful not to cut myself. BOTH: Again. KATELYN: These cubed molds are kinda vicious. EVAN: Yes, okay. It just still looks completely white and I actually know why. I did the research. Are we, Hold on. Wait, wait. I didn't know we were gonna get Science Adjacent so suddenly. β™ͺ Science Adjacent with Evan and Katelyn β™ͺ β™ͺ Yeah β™ͺ All right, so, we mixed all of the different colors of interference into this one cube. Now, there's a few different types of pigments. The first type, white light shines in and if this was a blue material, it would absorb everything except for blue and blue would be reflected out. On metallic surfaces, white light is shown in, white light is shown out, but interference pigments, they're kind of three dimensional. So, depending on what angle you look at them from you get a different color. Some angles you get out the white, but some angles, you get blue. KATELYN: Wait, it's going through? Well, it's like it detracts it in a three-dimensional way. Depending on what angle you look at it from you get a different color, but when we mix all the different colors, they recombine back into white light. What? Yeah! Interference color, watch. I'm still confused about why that arrow is going through and not bouncing out. 'Cause it fractures. So, it doesn't bounce out? It bounces in a totally different direction. Oh, okay. It's like a 3D... (Evan laughs) Yeah. So, that's what it is. Mystery solved. Don't mix your interference colors together. It's just lame. EVAN: It ruins their effect. KATELYN: Very interesting. Very interesting, scientist. Scientist. Scientist. Shall we move on to the Duo Chrome? Yes. Which I assume works in a similar way except it's just two colors. Yeah. It's interesting that they-- It's a 3D pigment. A 3D pigment. Are we? Are we done sciencing? Okay. We don't want to wear our robes erroneously. Science is over. Ready? Yeah. EVAN: I think that this is suffering from the same effect. KATELYN: Where it loses the duo chrome a little bit? But when it was liquid I could see the gold. I still see a little bit of gold sheen, but I do think it's dampened slightly compared to the pure duo chromes. EVAN: Yeah, I mean these colors were designed by people to be intentionally that color combination. Sometimes mixing pigments works. Sometimes they don't. KATELYN: You know what does work though? Mixing glitters. Oh, yeah. This is the thing that I think might work the best. Already, just look at that. KATELYN: Yeah, I mean it's gorgeous. EVAN: That looks glorious. (Evan grunts) KATELYN: I know, these boi's are tough. EVAN: Wow. KATELYN: That's awesome. It's such a party! I love it! EVAN: Wow, the base is dense. KATELYN: Glitter does settle a little bit. I mean that's just a fun time. I like the mix. Okay, shall we move on? EVAN: To the Everything. KATELYN: To the Everything cube? Ooh, it's heavy. It's a chonker. Wait. Sorry, you're moving so much. I can't focus. Stop, please, stop. EVAN: Come on, big boi! KATELYN: Should I help? EVAN: Yeah! BOTH: There he is. KATELYN: It still kinda looks like street sludge after a party. Some part of our hypothesis was correct. Yeah. EVAN: It's purplish. KATELYN: It has purple undertones. And yet our greatest fear has been realized. BOTH: It is brown. (Evan and Katelyn laugh) It's like when you mix all your paints together what do you get? I just thought that the sheer amount of blues, purples, reds and pinks would like offset the greens and yellows and other mixins that might make it brown. At least it's not vomit brown. No, it's a nice-- It's a beautiful. Taupey, classy, this would be great as like a crease eyeshadow color. Classy. Classy. Shiny taupe. EVAN: I think one lesson I've learned is that you can mix pigments together to change their hue. Maybe you can add some interference color into a blue, perhaps. You can mix pigments. They blend pretty uniformly. Just be careful not to over do it. Yes. Well, thank you guys for hanging out with us while we just played around in the shop. If you want to check out more Evan and Katelyn videos, we also have a gaming channel where we post fun wholesome gaming content a couple times a week. And we look forward to seeing you in the next video. BOTH: Bye. Why'd you do that? Watch this. Watch this. Watch this. So, I'm gonna steal this obsidian and then you-- Oh and then you want me to go through? And then, yeah, you click it. Again, that's gonna generate a new portal. If I go through and I pop out somewhere else I'm in trouble. Yeah. Oh no. Oh, this is my plan. It's bad. I didn't have a lighter stick. I thought that it would just work. Oh, this is bad. Oh no. You're far underground in an unknown location.
Channel: EvanAndKatelyn
Views: 881,046
Rating: 4.9390035 out of 5
Keywords: Mixing all my, resin art, art resin, DIY resin, resin mold, resin, epoxy art, epoxy, epoxy resin art, epoxy resin, resin tutorial, resin for beginners, easy resin crafts, DIY art, art experiment, resin pigment, mixing glitter, mixing makeup, diy crafts, crafts, arts and crafts, craft ideas, mixing resin, mixing, science adjacent, evanandkatelyn, Evan and Katelyn, how to, DIY, husband and wife, husband wife, E&K, evan katelyn
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 34sec (1594 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 27 2020
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