10 Most Ancient Dog Breeds On Earth

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forever green prevents ten most ancient dog breeds on earth number one Saluki the Saluki is perhaps the oldest known read of domesticated dog this beautiful dog has been found on rock art dating back to 10,000 BC they were considered to be the Royal dog of Egypt they are identified by some historians as having been a distinct breed and type as long ago as 329 BC when Alexander invaded India this breed also appears on the Egyptian tombs of 2,100 BC and the Sumerian Empire of 7,000 to 6000 BC having incredible speed the Saluki was used by the arab primarily to trapped and bring down gazelle the fastest of the antelopes Salukis were first brought to Europe and America in 1840 number to Afghan Hamed an extremely fast and active runner this afghan breed is a sight him which means eight hunts by sight little is known for certain about its origin but it is mentioned several times in egyptian papyrus as well as pictured in caves of northern afghanistan more than four thousand years ago the breed was kept here for centuries and its exportation was always prohibited it was in afghanistan that the breed developed a long code for protection from the cold at high altitude he was first brought to Europe in the 1920s by the officers of the East India Company Pablo Picasso owns an Afghan Tam's named Pavel he is 1962 painting femme ocean features an Afghan hound which was sold for ten million dollars in 2012 number three show Louis Quint lead the show Louis Quint Lee is a hairless Mexican dog that is so primitive that it was actually worshipped by the Aztecs according to the mythology the god shallow told made the dogs from a silver of the bones of life which was also used to create all of mankind sure low so gave the dog to man asking him to guard it with his life in exchange the dog would guide me into the world of death the Xolos became emotionally mature at age two the breed was not inbred like many other purebred animals so they are incredibly healthy but they do require moisturizer sunscreen and bass to prevent sunburn acne and blackheads number four Peruvian Inca orchid like their northern neighbor breeze these pups were worshiped by the Incas but the breed is actually a lot older than the Incan culture pictures of the breed appeared in Peruvian artwork from as far back as 750 ad Peruvian folklore much of which is based on Incan stories says that hugging the dogs can help with medicinal problems particularly stomach problems sadly the animals were almost ran out of existence after the Spanish conquest of Peru small villages in rural areas are all that kept the breed alive they need lotion and lots of VAS to prevent sunburn acne and dry skin number five norwegian londoom the LA Zoo has some amazing features that make it physically unlike any other breed one of its more distinct characteristics is the fact that it has six toes on each foot it also has unique shoulder and neck jointer that allow it to stretch its legs out straight in both directions and to reach its forehead all the way to its back it can also close its ear canal at will prevent dirt and water from getting in the dogs were originally trained to hunt puffins all the way back in the 1600s but after the practice died out the breed almost went extinct by the 1900's the only small population survived in small villages amongst em in 1963 there were only six of the dogs alive and thanks to the care and effort of a few dedicated breeders there are now at least 1,500 of the dogs alive number 6 Chinese shar-pei the Chinese shar-pei is thought to have originated in the area around the small village of Tai Lee in Kuantan province as existed for centuries in the southern provinces of China apparently since the Han Dynasty which is said to exist in 200 BC statues bearing a strong resemblance to the shar-pei have been discovered in dated to this period this breed has been seen in pictures on pottery dating back to 206 BCE the shar-pei like the Chao Chao has a black blue tongue these are the only two breeds featuring this characteristic number seven cats a hula leopard zone these pups aren't just unique because they have a cool name they also are amazing hunters and are even able to climb trees to chase prey the dogs are believed to be one of the longest surviving breed in all of North America and reprise by Native Americans for their amazing hunting ability the breed name comes from the Catahoula parish of Louisiana where the breed originated number eight Neapolitan Mastiff fans of the Harry Potter movies might recognize the massive mongrel as Hagrid's pet saying while they aren't quite as massive as the one in the movie was made to appear the dog are incredibly large standing over two and a half feet tall at the shoulder and weighing up to 150 pounds historically the breed is said to have fought beside the Roman legions wearing bladed spiced leather harnesses so they could run under the belly of enemy horses and disembowel them sadly despite their long breed history they were almost extinct after World War two but shortly after an Italian painter set up a kennel to protect the breed by mixing the remaining Neapolitan Mastiffs with a few English math tips to help diversify this amazing breeze number 9 Cooley the coolies are known for their mops like appearance due to dense dreadlocks present on it in which also stop it from shedding and make it waterproof while no one knows exactly where cuvees come from there are indications that ancient Romans owned this dog tree and there is some evidence that shows the breed is over 6000 years old it is said that they could be found in Asia over 2,000 years ago and were introduced into Hungary 1,000 years ago while the brief dreadlocks were naturally owners still need to actively groom the dog keeping the course clean eat and thin number 10 here a line a dog this dog doesn't look too odd but what makes it unique lies not in its physical appearance but its DNA as it turns out the Carolina dog may be the oldest canine species in North America appearing in rock painting by early Native Americans they also share DNA with Australian dingoes and New Guinea singing dum they are still relatively primitive animals subject to social hierarchy problems between their owners and are not recommended for first-time dog owners [Music]
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Keywords: 4 ever green, dogs, top 10, most ancient dogs, oldest dogs on earth, first ever dog, old dogs, mastiff, dog breeds, deangerous dog breed, most wierd dog, lund hund dog, afghan hound, pitbul, shar pei, top 10 dogs, facts about dogs, history of dogs, most ancient dog species, which dog is the oldest dog, historic dogs, rare, which dog is most ancient, oldest known dogs, before selective breeding, longest living dogs, what is th oldest dog breed, animals
Id: IQcKzzjaZhQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 10sec (490 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 29 2017
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