15 Things Dogs Hate about Humans

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owning a dog is a responsibility to be taken seriously there may be some things you do that your furry friend secretly hates dogs often tolerate these behaviors because they are very loyal and easygoing in this video we'll discuss the top 15 things that dogs hate about humans being rushed at potty time dogs want to be able to take their time when they go out to potty aside from doing their business they also like to have some time to explore and sniff instead of rushing your dog train them to come back when they are done this is easily done with treats and positive reinforcement badly timed walks make sure you pay attention to your dog's cues if it is too hot or too cold out a walk may not be the best idea oftentimes humans like a midday walk but keep in mind that in the middle of summer the pavement could be scorching hot and very uncomfortable on your dog's paws in the winter you will want to make sure that the temperature is not too cold and that there is a place to walk where the snow is not cumbersome dogs can get snow in between their toes making it painful to walk poor nail trimming it takes a bit of confidence to trim your dog's nails yourself if you are not sure how to do it properly it is better left to a professional if you cut your dog's nails too short you will be cutting their quick a blood vessel and nerve found in the nail this can result in a lot of blood and it hurts your dog on the flipside if the nails are too long after clipping they can get in the way of your dog's walking and can cause pain deserting and isolating dogs are pack animals when they are in the wild they do everything together and they are loyal to the pack for a domestic dog you are the leader of their pack when you are not able to spend enough time with your dog they can develop separation anxiety make sure that you take them for walks and give them lots of attention when you can if you work longer hours it is a good idea to have someone stop in and check on your pets you could also take them to a doggy daycare now and then so they can socialize with other animals and humans while you are away hugging even though it's tempting full-body hugs aren't good for dogs a hug is usually threatening or unwelcome to them especially if they feel trapped dogs are not human so having someone come up and wrap their arms around their body or neck may be disconcerting most dogs will allow trusted people to hug them but that does not mean that they all enjoy in the way that a human does rather than hugging a dog let the dog lean into you and pet them on their back and chest a tight leash dogs get irritated if they are being pulled on their leash all the time it is painful and can injure them a dog can easily be leash trained with the use of a proper harness and positive reinforcement there is no need to have to tug on the leash when the dog knows his limits and is rewarded when they can heal deviating from the schedule dogs are creatures of habit they get accustomed to a schedule and come to expect certain things at certain times try to have a regular schedule for everything from feeding to playtime a dog depends on routine and may experience anxiety if it is not followed if you do not follow a routine it is important to make one and then stick to it no opportunity to explore dogs need their exercise and love going on walks but going for a walk and not having a chance to explore is no fun at all dogs see the world primarily through sense rushing your dog through a walk without allowing them to stop is unkind if you think about it it's like someone taking you to your favorite store without letting you stop and looking at things if it happens often it will be pretty frustrating making them apologize many people think that dogs know when they have done something wrong because they look guilty but in reality your dog isn't sorry that they have cued your shoes or knocked over your plants scientists believe that dogs can't feel complex emotions such as guilt or shame your dog is just reacting to your body language and the tone of your voice they Pierre scared or upset because you are angry at them instead of being upset with them work more on training the behaviors you want to see your house has sense they hate dogs have about a one thousand to ten thousand of your ability to perceive sense there are smells that we may barely notice but they could be very annoying to your dog try to minimize perfumes cleaning products vinegar chili peppers and citrus scents this is not to say these items can't be in your house at all but you should provide a place for your dog where the sense would not be a problem for instance if you are in the kitchen cooking with chili peppers your dog should have a comfortable bed away from the area where they can relax in consistency Doakes do not always understand what we want from them so it is important to be consistent if you use one command and gesture for six but someone in the house uses something different it is much harder for the dog to know what we want them to do make sure that you all use the same hand signals and verbal commands with your dog so they know what you want giving mixed signals will confuse and frustrate your pets valvetime dogs hate getting a bath due to a variety of reasons their aversion to bathing goes far beyond the concept of getting wet they might hate the smell of the shampoo or they might be afraid of the running water baths can also bring back scary memories most dogs will tolerate a bath if you ease them into the experience phrases keep it simple dogs can be trained to learn a lot of things but remember they do not understand the human language commands with too many words confuse and frustrate them use key words rather than long phrases and reinforce these words with gestures and body language past trauma the Humane Society speculates that some dogs are born with certain fears they can also develop fear from past trauma most dogs fear loud noises and any loud and unfamiliar sound may startle them some people think it is funny that a dog barks at the vacuum cleaner but exposing your canine companion to this noise can be torture to them yelling at your dog is another way that creates anxiety and stress speak in a calm and reassuring voice and offer treats to encourage your pets dogs can also be afraid of thunderstorms and fireworks you can't control forces of nature but you should avoid taking your pets of places where their fears may intensify dressing your dog don't buy clothes for your pet just because they may look cute in them when it is cold you may want to dress your dog for walks but also keep in mind that they have fur to help regulate their body temperature if you do live in a colder climate and choose to use a jacket ensure that it is not restrictive
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Views: 4,516,683
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Id: w69lZLkhWok
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Length: 7min 38sec (458 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 02 2020
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