🌒Ye Ol' Apple Fritters | BEHOLD an Eclipse!! | Justine's 1st Ale | LIVE CHAT

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[Music] whoa Hello everybody welcome to another chew and chat I am Justine Dorne and this is Ron rafield kid hello guys hey so today we have the Savory and the sweet yes now over on our main CH Channel early American we made these apple fritters from Modern domestic cookery a book that was published in 1828 but we can't just eat dessert no we got to eat a meal too proper meal it's hot that's really hot bacon and pea soup but as Jesse mentioned over on our main Channel if you want to see her make these delicious apple fritters go over to our main Channel that's early American over there we cook it and here we eat it and here we eat it and at the end of every video over there she has the receipt for everything that she cooks so I see you guys asking each week where can I find the receipt you got to wait till the very end of the video and she puts it on the screen yeah and if you want the modern translated recipe I usually put that in the top pen comment that is correct so you got the original and then you have the modern interpretation with modern uh preheat your oven at 350° you know all that stuff okay the easy way yeah and Ron is drinking our leftover ale yes hey his once a year drink I'm not a big Beer Drinker I I don't like um liquor at all I don't like wine at all but I do enjoy a nice beer with a steak like once a year or with pizza once a year you know pizza and beer steak and beer it goes together so anyways there was some left over I thought you know what I'll drink it okay he's it drink if you're underage don't do drugs I don't drink if you're underage that too so we're going to get into these absolutely amazing apple fritters yes I'm not going to lie I had like four of them already I've also had four of them yeah it tastes like apple pie mm we have a special guest we have a guest mishmish come here kitty I hear him come here m m come on buddy come here M come here oh get up here we have a guest m is in the house I heard a me outside say hello to America and the World hello hey M it's been a while since he's been on the show beautiful day outside he's just been watering around it is Springtime and mishmish is on the prow all the time out in the woods now so he cannot be bothered to give us the joy of his company but I guess he smelled the delicious food and he thought you know what maybe I'll come by today yeah so speaking of food let's start out with this I'm going to try to grab it really quickly well I do have an A oh yes it is hot it is hot I made some split pea and pork soup which is something that we eat very frequently oh yeah in this house I know split peas when you cook them they turn green it looks like Witches Brew but it tastes so good and serve you up incredibly affordable well thank you so the meat that I put in this I put bacon end pieces you can buy a bag of that from your butcher for $2 mhm bag about this big sorry I don't know the weight of that off the top of my head maybe a pound or half maybe a pound about a pound I think y very cheap it's bacon it's just in chunks it's uh it's like the ends after they've made all the pretty slices that's true it's way cheaper so for Soups and stews it works perfectly that's right and then a bag of dried split peas is literally $1 again I don't know the weight off the top of my head maybe a pound pound it's like a dollar a150 yeah very very cheat meal we eat split pea soup maybe three times a week now I love it I love it to I don't know when you buy it from the store usually it looks like baby food but when you make the homemade stuff it still looks like baby food but weast but it's got texture it's not uh pade and just like GRL all right okay and we got bread and we got bread well let me lead us in a prayer and we'll get into this thank you dear Lord thank you for this beautiful week and this beautiful weather that you sent us thank you for all our friends and family that have surrounded ourselves around us and um helped us through our tough times of building this house with the muscle and the mental side of it and financial side of it thank you for everybody for everything that you've done for us amen amen thank you I'm hungry okay I hope you like it um do I get to rate this actually yeah okay sure go ahead I like to dip some toast into my split peas soup oh that's delicious thank you nutrition I as well as delicious don't let the green fool you I know it looks like you know puke or something don't say that it tastes so good mishmish now you want to go out that's mishmish for you okay all right there you go be free the door won't open be free I'm trying yo get out of here all right and the door is just going to stay the door stuck okay until it flies open the rest of the flies back anyways oh I love this peas are rich in protein there goes the door whoa okay the door's wide open now but there be light now when I get off my bomb I'll close it it's okay it's a beautiful day and he's still meowing outside the door is open come back in I know right okay all right so over the weekend we went to Fort theard they had a Colonial Market Fair there we met a couple fans we met some kids we love meeting the kids the children we do are awesome uh we also love meeting the old adults too but uh I love knowing that there is another generation out there that loves history yes and loves reenacting and loves American culture I love that so I especially like meeting and talking with the kids yes it it makes us proud mm that we are entertaining and educational you sure about the first part I think so I'm not sure about the second part but first part I think I'm entertaining I'm not true about anything you just said now think about it so anyways we we did that that was amazing um also those of you who know know already because you would have received one of these we finally got ours in the mail about a week ago a catalog that we were surprisingly on the front cover of for a Samson historical now they called us up to their um their shop in Indianapolis or just outside of Indianapolis I should say uh about 2 months ago and they said you mind you know posing for some photos for our new clothing that's coming out and we said sure and we didn't think anything of it we thought we were just going to be on you know page 30 or page 50 and when we are but uh they kept us a surprise and they they put us on the cover so it's a true honor there there's not a lot of history magazines so it's just as much honor to me and to Justine to be on a catalog cover as it would be a magazine cover so it's it's kind of a big deal and history reenacting world so we deeply appreciative and honored to uh be I guess spokespersons for the Samson brand cuz we're on their catalog so yeah we had no clue we were going to be on the cover they kept it a secret they did and so when we found out we were completely blown away I mean growing up I watched America's Next Top Model on TV just like every other teenager in this country Tyra Banks and all those people I thought but I'm never going to be a model myself and now look at me look at this look at me I'm a look at it look at it open your eyes look at it okay I saw it yeah I'm on the cover of a magazine and I'm deeply deeply honored about that anyways I hope sales are up and not down because I'm on the cover but anyways deeply deeply honored to to be on their their cover and get yourself one of the cataloges from Samson's website I feel like the more people that buy the catalog the more likely they are to call us back to be in the catalog next year now if you've ordered from Samson I believe they send you a catalog automatically so you probably already received yours in the mail cuz I do know that these went out like 3 weeks ago but like I said ours got lost on the mail unfortunately but um naturally everybody should have them by now and if you don't if you'd like one uh go to their website you can request for one and uh they they'll get you one they're just a couple bucks they're really cheap it's like it's like $3 $3 something like that so please support these two peasants that live in a cottage in the woods and buy this magazine so that Samson historical doesn't regret their decision yes all right I'm going to rate this soup and I'm going to eat the rest of it it is very good it's eter pe oh gosh that sounds it's very PE PE e with a y at the end yeah and the bacon the big old chunts of bacon it's it's delicious so I'm giving this an 11 this is 11 oh thank you it's an 11 I guess we're going to continue eating this three times a week I'm okay with that so I put some split peas in here water onion powder obviously the the bacon chunks a little bit of garlic powder thyme red chili flakes and black pepper and that is it don't put salt don't put salt you will ruin it because bacon has so much salt in it that as it slowly simmers over an hour and I cooked it for an hour on simmer covered the salt will come out of the bacon if you add extra salt into that soup you're going to ruin it it's going to be so salty now we're we're not salt people we we rarely touch it we uh we'll put like a pinch here and there but we are pepper people I try to stay away from too much salt too because my dad has high blood pressure really bad and cholesterol and it runs in my family so I'm trying to avoid excessive amounts of salt if I can but anyway to me this tastes perfect it doesn't taste not I I don't have a taste for salt and I've told you guys that before I I can care less of their salt on or not yeah even the big pretzels you get like at a a county fair or even at the mall oh I scraped the salt off of it I scraped salt off of it too it's too much yeah do you guys understand what we're talking about like those big chunks of sea salt or rock salt yeah it's big big old white chunks B big old chunk of salt in my mouth no I don't want that okay this is fabulous now speaking of the fort we put something pretty cool in these apple fritters from 1828 this is the first time I've used this stuff this is maple sugar sugar made from maple syrup mhm gotten locally when we went to the Fort there was a guy walking around and he had a box hanging around his neck and he was saying maple sugar for sale ding ding maple buy your maple sugar here just like at a baseball game hot dogs cold beer but it was maple sugar ding ding ding ding so I bought the last block from him that he had he actually tapped the trees himself and made the sugar himself and well I'm going to go in one of these now okay we're moving on to the actual his on to this from 1828 now this has beer in it ale ale dip it in there maybe maybe not okay it's like apple pie it is it's like a little handheld apple pie yeah it's like a little hand pie I guess you could say that's really good thank you it's uh totally my recipe no someone else's recipe from 200 years ago now you don't taste the beer at all and the beer we used it's a how would I describe it it's it's hoppy it's not an IPA but it's not a water down uh commercial type beer you taste the Hops yeah so it it I don't know it works in this somehow with the maple sugar and the Egg and the flour and the Apple it just comes around so you wouldn't take a bite of this and be like it tastes like beer no even if you don't like alcohol you could try it and not notice it has alcohol in it at all right and this thing is like I don't even know 3% oh yeah back in the day babies drank it yeah pregnant woman H I'm for not like I'm recommending that but I'm just saying it's a very it's very weak you know I actually I don't drink I don't drink Ron has a once a year I have a maybe once a year take a sip of some girly some girly drink some girly fruit flavored drink and even then I think this is cool I guess it tastes like lemonade but worse thanks and it's $10 okay yeah can I try that yeah I've never actually drank a before really never had it you guys have seen it first are let's hear The Bert I just don't like alcohol it's not for everybody this this the man's drink it's not like the burn there obviously ain't no burn with that no no there's no burn it's just beer it ain't liquor but to me it tastes like old yeasty it does taste pretty yeasty this one does yeasty old barley nastiness I just I'm not into it sorry dirty sock water okay let me try it again you do let me try it again she don't like it I have to I have to give it a proper taste we only got that little bit left now back then they would have drank beer for breakfast for lunch for dinner actually is more healthy than the water yeah and I would give a shout out to Mr John Townson who has done videos on beer on making they call them small beer which is the lower alcohol stuff that the kids drink even if you want to learn about period beers go over to him his channel and check out some of the he's done on Brewing cuz that guy he's very smart he knows his stuff about the yeah so Ron was saying that back then we're talking like the 18th or early 19th century uh early 19th century like people would drink alcohol instead of water okay so reason for that is because depending on where you lived the water could potentially have gotten you very sick you could have gotten dissenter from it but when you ferment something into alcohol kills all the bacteria and whatnot that's in there so you won't get dissenter however there is this myth that people only drank alcohol that's not true people also drank water um it just kind of depend on where you lived and if you live your situation yeah if you were in the countryside I feel like I feel like I read that if you were in the countryside you were more likely to have safe drinking water actually than if you live in a city yeah you'd want to get it from your from your well that would be safe that's safe do that today from from well water uh but a running uh water source if it's in a town where latrines are going into and you know animals are uh going in the river going in the river and people are washing clothes you don't you don't want to drink that no that's why they have City water today they don't pull from Wells in the cities anymore but uh the beer was nutrition it it it had like B vitamins yeah and protein and stuff like that and it would fill you up you know that's true especially for the poor you get get a hunk of bread and a half a pine of this and you're good to go till lunch yeah that's true so that's really crappy but our diets used to have a lot more B vitamins especially than they do today and a lot of that came from flour so modern day flour is now just completely stripped of the outer husk or shell whatever you want to call it okay and when that started to become popular around the turn of 20th century food had to be fortified because all these kids were getting rickets and other issues because they weren't growing up with the right amount of nutrition because they stopped drinking the beer no kidding but but I mean yeah we the flour but I mean food just used to have a lot more nutrition in it than it does today that's unfortunate you know right that's why you got to grow your own garden and raise your own livestock or at least support a local uh butcherer or farmer who sells beef and pork and chicken and stuff like that there's quite a few around here that do that I see it all the time even I'll I'll go for a minute even on Facebook I'm friends with some of these people they say hey we're going to butcher a cow next month who would like to buy at amount of pounds or whatever and they'll go ahead and divvy it up so when it goes to the butcher you just have to go pick it up and our flower we buy our flower from a good friend of ours yeah Jason and Jennifer Dunson uh they are one of the people that run some of the events over at the Fort and they have their own um they have I think they said it was about 3 acres of wheat wheat they have a lot more Acres than that they have a whole Farm but they dedicate about 3 acres of it to Growing this Heritage wheat that's quite a bit for a small operation it is and they Mill it themselves they don't strip out anything in it they don't bleach it so it is what it is it's very nutritious it's very good for you this is good I like it I use that flour to make these apple fritters please tell me there's some meat left in here there might be one piece there's one piece there's a piece in there the size of my finger okay now I'll wait and rate that once you have it but I'm going to go ahead and talk about the eclipse that happened who doesn't know about the eclipse if he didn't you were probably under a rock or in a coma I'm sorry I'm glad you're out of the coma it's gone I'm sorry anyways an eclipse happened and Justine has been so very kind to do some research for me and she found that our sixth President John Quincy Adams the son of our second president and Founding Father John Adams uh witnessed multiple eclipses and he wrote about them how about Benjamin Franklin he witnessed a solar eclipse too yeah so Benjamin Frankin even experienced a solar or Eclipse when he was on a ship selling back from England in I believe 1726 so he was a very young man in his 20s at that point uh but anyways I have some actual writings here from John Quincy Adams in November of 1786 when John was 19 years old he spent the days calculating an up UPC coming eclipse and he wrote I have finished my elements for an eclipse and finally found it would be here before sunrise and consequently not visible so he he did the the calculations that the eclipse was going to happen on this day and then he found out that when it lined up with whatever numbers he was doing I don't know how to do that that you got to be a scientist and a mathematician at the same time I can't do that and by the way they've been predicting eclipses since BC time so 18th century we're not primitive we're not primitive people and stare at the sky and go oh my gosh it's Zeus No No in the 18th century they knew it was scientific now a couple hundred years before that they definitely thought it still was mystical magic or whatever but at at this point in time they knew it was scientific so they could calculate when it would happen so anyways he also goes on to write quote unwell so that I could not do much all day so he was upset five years later April 1791 he charged up Beacon Hill to get a good look at a solar eclipse and wrote hurt my eyes much by deser much by observing the same eclipse without a glass huh so they did have tinted glasses back then wow for certain occasions he did not have one 5 months later he was still complaining that he quote almost blind wow yeah he wrote that he was almost blind the president yes but he wasn't the president at this time he he was just a young man in his 30 wow and it says it goes on to say his eyes never fully recovered 15 years later in 1806 he witnessed another solar eclipse this time he had special protective glasses Adams went on to write about the experience never since my existence have I seen anything like the brightness of the first beam which had shot forth upon its return so I think he means once the moon moved past the Sun that first oh yeah of bright light he was probably staring at it without glasses no he wore glasses this time oh oh good he learned his lesson but I I do notice when we were looking at the other day it was black I was looking and all of a sudden when it moved it was like a just a spotlight just came oh yeah really white different than just looking at the sun any other day wow so I think that's what he's describing and and he also continued to say the naked eye would not be able to bear it for even an instant wow so he he goes on the right I know not not the philosophical reason why the first rays of revealing Splendor should be so much more dazzling than the last beams of its spiring Glory Adams also wrote a letter to his wife Louisa in Rich detail about the sights and sounds and feelings of that day the temperature dropped 11° the fowls roosted the cows mooded the moon appeared like a patch of Court PL plaster upon the face of heaven and took on a deep crimson color before the sun emerged finally in 1846 when he was an old man the last time he would see an eclipse was in Washington DC he observed a final Eclipse uh from a public screen projected through a camera Luci the Baltimore son reported he was very much interested in what was going on and he must have been because he went right home and wrote a sonnet which is similar to like a poem right about the sun okay I don't have that so you'll have to look it up and read it if you'd like to read it but it's probably very analy probably is probably goes over our heads all right onto the Apple greens onto that and we found out that the next eclipse uh the solar eclipse is happening in 2040 something 2040 but it's not happening in our area at all so this might be the last solar eclipse that we ever see in our life which I'm not driving across country to see that thing it's cool but it ain't that cool it is pretty cool but you're right it's probably the last one we'll ever seen in our life and it's just kind of an eerie feeling as I was watching it thinking this is the last time in my life I'm going to witness this so I am going to move on to these apple fritters I've already had four of them I'm holding myself back no go for it okay M it's like apple pie mhm I do have to make a confession what's that the original receipt said to use nutmeg mhm I used cinnamon what I'm sorry you didn't follow the receipt I I did it this time I did it and you know why because I hate nutmeg shame on you I don't know why but when I eat nutmeg it tastes like soap no more for you well that's okay I got this one it tastes better I can't believe you wimped out and didn't do follow the receipt I don't like nutmeg it tastes like soap you must apologize to the people people I apologize but I don't like nutmeg you know some people when they eat cilantro tastes like soap mhm I think there's something wrong in my brain nut tastes like soap there is you don't get brain freezes oh yeah and I well I don't know if that's relay it or not but I don't get brain freeze it's random fact I've never had a brain freeze in my entire life is it related to my like of nutmeg probably not at all no but but he brought it up so we're going there but come on you have to admit it tastes good with cinnamon it does taste good with cinnamon have another one they had cinnamon back then they did if you didn't have nutmeg I guess use what you got on the shelf right curry powder oh my I'm just kidding even I wouldn't eat that chili powder garlic okay so Ron you give your review okay we've eaten half of this plate there's a lot here to begin with yeah they're they're good 1828 apple fritter what do you think I think they deserve they deserve a h they kind of look like onion rings don't they they do look like onion rings I'm giving this it's very rare for a historic receipt oh a one zero a 10 out of 10 W I wish balloons would just drop right but we don't have that kind of money for that Stu a 10 out of 10 and it's about time you've been feeding me fish and all kinds of weird stuff these last month or so I have I have it's about time for something I can indulge in well fine then have another one no don't mind if I do but you're right I have I have been feeding this poor man quite a lot of seafood lately and he hates Seafood so there you go I love it it is it is really good okay so I would give these a nine out of 10 a nine uh-huh what don't you like about them I don't know shut up maybe if I had cinnamon and cloves and all spice in the batter that would be it would have been better and sprinkled like some cinnamon sugar on top of it it would have been really good they're still getting a n out of 10 I just think like for a if I went to a modern day Bakery and they made apple fritters they would probably take it to another level they would add more spices I wonder if frying and butter would make it better too instead of large butter yeah you're going to fry it in straight up butter why not deep fry and butter okay Skillet right well these have to be submerged never mind or at least half of them and then you flip them it's like a donut you can't skill you can't stir fry a donut how why you make these fav holes by the way I ain't telling just was something around here what did you use I ain't T what did you use your bayonet again a bayonet your bayonet again I'm sorry I used your bayonet again I'll clean it it's a man's tool it's sticky but I'll clean it I'm sorry I used your bayet again this is probably like the 20th time I've used your bayonet to cook with hey it's a multi-tool it is stick it in the ground put a candle in it yeah put some holes in it stick a piece of meat on it roast it tent steak white with it mhm tent steak right yeah they could use it for a lot of stuff yeah making apple fritters making apple fritters and there were a million different ways to make fritters in this time period I think Apple frits are probably the most popular but they had so many different types of fritters they even has Savory frits with spinach in it oh wow mhm all right this my last one okay then I'm going to get into how many are left weird history moment okay oh man Grand please I can't believe how much we just ate of fish this we keep Ying honey man keep going weirdest keep going I'm still chewing too history fact keep going go I'm not done chewing yet I'm chewing to all right go has anybody here heard of a lady lady named Mary Baker Mary Baker oh yeah on April 3rd 1817 a cobbler in almondberry glas Shire it's a uh I can't pronounce that word glow Shire glow Shire England I hope I said that right met a mysterious woman who was wearing exotic clothes and speaking a language that nobody knew she just emerged Out of the Woods yes he thought she was a lost poor person and he could not understand what she was saying so he took her to the overseer of the poor who placed her in the hands of the local magistrate Samuel waral the waral family couldn't understand anything that the girl was saying but they did determine that she called herself caribou and that she was interested in Chinese imagry hey where' all them go I ate them h okay so there's this mysterious woman speaking a mysterious language who looks mysterious cuz she's wearing exotic clothes and she likes mysterious Chinese imagry wandering through the woods of England and England so all this is mysterious and exotic and strange for this time of uh this time in time and in this area what the early 1800s yes early 1800s so they then send her to the local end where she is identif where she has identified a drawing of a pineapple with the word nanas meaning pineapple in Indonesian languages and she also insists on sleeping on the floor Samuel waral declared that she was a beggar cuz he had had enough of the silliness nonsense of not being understand what she's talking about and she looked weird she had like these weird markings on her and stuff tattoos yeah she's very tribal looking wearing strange clothes not from England and he sent her to Bristol to be tried for um vagrancy vagrancy yeah vagrancy during her imprisonment waiting trial a pores sailor named Manuel said that he spoke her language and translated her story for her now according to him she was a was the princess Caribou of the island of of Javas Su and the Indian Ocean she claimed that she had been captured by Pirates and long a and after a long Voyage she had jumped overboard into the Bristol Channel and swam ashore the charges were dropped and the war walls took her home with them and for the next 10 weeks she fooled them and all the guests that they had come to to take a look at her thinking that she was royalty they whed and dined her they bought her lavish clothes and had parties in her name and they they treated her like she was royalty eventually the truth surfaced a boarding housekeeper Mrs Neil recognized her from the picture that the newspaper had put have a Drew of her in it and informed the the warw this would be princess in truth was Mary Baker which who was a cober's daughter from withd Devon Shire she had been a servant girl around England but had found no place to stay so she invented her fictitious name language and used uh exotic clothes to create this exotic character at the end of all this Mrs waral still took pity on the the poor girl and she arranged for her traveled to America she came to Philadelphia and she left for Philadelphia in June of 1817 so she foled everybody for about 10 weeks wow and the whole time she never spoke a lick of English no now when she came to America she came as Princess Caribou naturally she won't let it go she's she obviously had committed a little screwless but yeah she's committed to this fraud this lie so she she goes over there and she tries to use the this um lifestyle of hers as an attraction like come see the Exotic princess car well nobody cared no no one believed it so she then comes back to England after failing over there to be a a show if you will right she tries to do the same thing in England she goes to London to try to to do this act and nobody wants to to see about it or hear about it from her cuz she she's a she's a fake she's a foster there goes the door and the door shutting the wind did that and so she ends up marrying this guy named Richard she has a daughter um in the late 1820s and by the time 1830s roll around she has resorted to selling leeches to the local hospital wow and she sells leeches for a living until she dies in the 1860s career shift yeah for uh she she fell to her death so she fell and she died oh she fell yeah her daughter was kind of unusual as well yeah she was a crazy cat lady yeah they had crazy cat ladies even in the 1800s her daughter became a crazy cat lady and she died in house fire I believe surrounded by like 50 cats jeez so we stumbled upon this movie there's a movie called Princess Caribou I believe that's what it's called it's about this crazy lady's life it come out in the early '90s and so we watched it and we thought we've got to talk about this cuz it's it's crazy it was a very good movie by the way it was an hour and a half long I would highly recommend it and so yeah like Ron said there was was this woman that was British through and through she was 100% British and spoke English whatever she was a British British lady and she decided Well in order for me to make money and freeload off of people I'm going to pretend to be an exotic princess that washed ashore after being thrown overboard on a pirate ship she dawned these stereotypical exotic looking clothes for the time period what she thought was exotic clothes and then she just started wandering through the woods speaking gibberish it was a madeup language it was a totally made up fictitious language talking in tongues to St yeah she was she just made up and then someone found her and some people believed her story a lot of people didn't but she found a family that believed her and they were very wealthy apparently she had the look so the looks were going for her in her favor so all she had to do was give you like the puppy dog eyes and say I'm a lost princess but sheber Jabber yeah she had dark hair dark eyes and I don't know she thought she could get away with it what you on my Justine you're an imposter you wearing a turb thing like she had on you know her name makes me think of Caribbean cariban Queen now we're sharing the same drink and our [Music] hearts there's no more on the I love that song cariban Queen what it Billy Ocean I think but whatever you do don't look up the music video no the music video will ruin it for you but it's very unrelated to I'm sorry I got off topic it's just the name Caribou so it makes me want to say Caribbean Queen right I love that song but yeah I mean there's an animal called a caribou oh yeah there is she didn't look anything like it but I think she just read maybe a couple of books about uh far away countries and she combined everything together into this fictitious madeup culture that doesn't exist and she just pretended to be a princess from that culture it worked for a little bit Yeah 10 weeks 10 whopping weeks then she was selling leeches till she fell to her death exactly yeah hey you know I have a little story too okay this person reminded me of someone that I actually knew in real life really yeah do tell about spill the tea over here okay so the beans spill Spill the Beans I'm going to Spill the Beans when I was in high school I was in Germany I was in heidleberg my freshman through junior year I left Germany after my junior year was concluded but anyway so uh halfway through my freshman year I remember I was in my Spanish class and a girl it was her first day in the middle of the year she walks up to the front of class introduces herself hi my name is such and such except she had a British accent hello hello hello hello I'm from England hello Governor hello peing myit oh I'm sorry that's okay it's not your fault so anyway she had a British accent and no one question it nobody cared um because we technically lived in Europe you know Germany and so whatever uh there's people from all over the world that went to this school but I will say she was the only one with an with a British accent that went to the school and she had a very London accent boy yeah fill me pint with some she had a very London accent um she did not have a Jeremy Kyle accent she had a very sophisticated British accent so does she does she have the gap in her teeth no okay no sometimes they have that big gap in her teeth no no she she didn't have that but anyway so as the weeks unfolded she became part of our friend Circle we had a friend Circle maybe 10 10 girls and a couple guys were in our friend Circle she sat and she ate at our lunch table with us who were these guys Ron Ron I have friends with guys and girls when I was in high school okay that's fine you act like my mom no okay anyway back to my story sorry it's okay yeah she would sit she sat with us at lunch she was she would hang out with us she was our friend and she had a British accent and she never dropped this British accent not even one time did she drop it but as the months unfolded my friend and I we asked naturally uh were you born in England you know um she said no I actually wasn't born in England I only lived in England for 2 years and okay when I heard that my friend and I at the time were very suspicious as soon as we heard that we thought it was very strange and she sounded very dodgy about it as well you've only lived in England for 2 years why do you have a British accent so strong you know it doesn't make any sense like to get an accent you you kind of have to grow up in that culture right and be born into it and all that and I mean you thought she was British and so a couple years went by and my friend my best friend and I the whole time we thought okay something's up we kind of suspected something was up and a lot of other people that weren't in our friend Circle started to suspect something was up too just because every time someone asked her oh are you from England she'd say no I actually only lived over there for two years and sometimes she said I only lived there for one year and it was just starting to get real shady and strange where was she actually from um she was well oh is that part of the story that's part of part of the story okay so one day my my best friend at the time who shared suspicions about this she she went to the PX which is like an onbase store clothing store whatever and just coincidentally who was there this girl was there it was just a coincidence boy give me a dress my friend went my friend said oh hey how are you doing you know didn't think you'd be here yada yada my friend said yeah yeah I'm just here with my mom you know whatever how are you doing and she seemed really shady like she didn't want to talk to her she was kind of nervous and then her mom comes up and her mom says oh hey I heard you're her friend blah blah blah and then she's talking in this British accent to my friend yeah this is me mom and she's talking in a British accent to my friend and my and then her mom says why are you talking in that funny voice she said why she said why are you why are you talking like a British person because she the whole time she just was talking like that with and so my friend thought mhm mhm she busted she's busted so anyway like all of a sudden she stops the British accent she is American through and through and by this point she had been lying to us for 2 years that's insane I don't know what other word to use for it you're right insane and and then she just kind quickly scuttles off with her mom and she seems really embarrassed and she doesn't want to talk anymore my friend's just standing there going okay that was weird well a couple months later she still has the British accent she never dropped it she never she came back to school the next day with the British accent like nothing had happened meanwhile the whole school is saying okay you can just give it up we like you we don't need you to fake being British to like you we live in Germany why do we care about your fake British accent it makes no sense but um anyway so a few months later another friend of mine went to the public swimming pool on base and she saw her there coincidentally they were there at the same time and she was kind of spying on her a little bit and she was there with her family and she was talking in an American accent with her mom and her dad and her siblings and she was hiding behind like oh listening so to her family she talks with an American accent and then to to her friends and at school she talks in a heavy British accent that's insane she just turns it on and off like a light switch that's kind I it's talented I can't do it yeah it it does take some Talent you're right but she never dropped it now towards the end of my junior year it was getting a little ridiculous now it had been 3 years and she never dropped the accent Till The Bitter End she went to the very last day of school with this fake British accent and she refused to admit that it was fake and made up she's probably still doing it today she probably watching this video saying N I didn't like her yeah maybe but I always liked her I thought she was nice but so none of us really understood why she did that because we were friends with her and we don't know why she did that but I found her on Facebook um a couple years ago and she had a little video of her on there and she was speaking with an American accent and she would have been she was an adult now she was in her 20s so she just lied about having a British accent all throughout high school and I don't know why people do that and I'm proud to be an American I know I'm free be proud of who you are where you from yeah I don't know why I don't know why she did that it it was it was peculiar no one fell no one fell for it just like princess Caribou everyone was suspicious of her why do that yeah the the whole time that she was doing this there were people that were very suspicious that even the maids in the the household she was staying and were like we know you're an imposter more people didn't trust her then trusted her this just don't happen no no so 200 years ago today you don't just get princesses wandering through the woods no if you're a princess that gets kidnapped by Pirates they're not going to let you jump overboard they're going to hold on to you for ransom or they're going to kill you or keep you for their own but they're not going to let you go and news would probably travel fast and oh yeah and you would have someone try to find you I don't know it's just kind of it was strange even at this time you still had contacts and all these different areas of the world because just like today things come from Indonesia things come from China things come from South America even back then it did it was harder to get them and took longer but there was still contact so you would have wrote to a diplomat here or there and would have found out there were very wellestablished trade routes with these countries by this point so it's it's peculiar as is as is the fake British accent well I think that's all we got for it today so thank you guys so much don't forget pioneer days is coming up uh and less than a month May 4th and 5th uh it's going to be a good time so we love you guys we'll see you next week see you next week take care bye-bye [Music]
Channel: Frontier Patriot
Views: 26,370
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 18th century, 19th century, cabin, rustic, townsends, early american, history, cooking, tiny house, off grid, homemade, homestead, pioneers, reenactors, time travel, civil war, victorian, revolutionary war, food, mukbang, taste test, cast iron, hearth cooking, fireplace, cooking wih fire, george washington, williamsburg, tasting history, beer, apples, deep fried, dessert, soup, pea soup, bacon, solar eclipse, princess, fried apples, cooked apples, brew
Id: op8Z1ZGKLg4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 48sec (2748 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 12 2024
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