☕️ How They Made Coffee 200 Years Ago | Internet Drama | The Adventures of Captain Cook | LIVE CHAT

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[Music] [Music] n [Music] [Music] n [Music] your coffee is ready my dear well thank you I hope you like it I think I will it smells terrific Ron has actually never had coffee prepared over the fire before never I've always been the uh store-bought grounds I've never started with the whole beans before and ground them up so it the aroma is amazing in here yes I hope I hope you like it I think I'm going to like it so first I'm going to serve you up some cream okay cuz he doesn't take his coffee dark I'm not old enough to drink it black yet no tell me that's that's uh that's plenty oh would you like some sugar you know I haven't had sugar in my coffee since I was like 10 years old why not why not I used to drink it in my coffee when I was a little kid when I'd uh spend time with my grandparents because that's how I would stomach it right but uh before you got hair on your chest Who who okay that's not okay it's going to be sweet whoa whoa whoa he said by the way welcome to another tun chat here on front tier Patriot um we do not have a cooking video uh this go around so we're going to have a casual drink and chat with some Ye Old coffee and talk about updates on the house the wedding plans that are coming up and uh random hisy stuff yeah Y and we'll talk about why we are not putting a cooking video out this week yes in a little bit but first let me go ahead and pour this man some beverages well thank this thing is really cool it is really cool I got it off of eBay the triet is made into the pot and the pot is copper and it's lining with tin I did kind of fill it all the way to the tippy to that's all right now I'm going to pour myself some coffee as well but now Justin's not a coffee drinker and I'm a tea drinker but off camera I said you better drink it I had to eat the fish uh dishes and all the other stuff that yeah all the Seafoods that I subjected you to so this is your sweet revenge did you put some sugar no I you're right I am going to completely doctor this up make it edible yes if you're not a coffee drinker I highly recommend you Doctor it up whole idea for this week coffee or tea coffee or tea I am a huge tea drinker I'm a tea addict I have at least two to three cups a day of green tea she does I mean literally as soon as I wake up in the morning before I do anything else before I even go to the bathroom in the morning I drink a cup of tea before she's even out of bed I have to bring her green tea where's I hear okay it ain't quite like that I don't R the Bell no I do it without the bell ring no but then I'm well trained Ron knows that I'm awake so he kindly comes over and gives me a cup of green tea every morning which I I greatly appreciate oh that's good is it really that's good oh oh okay I was worried about it maybe being bitter because it was over the fire for a good while okay um but it's good it's very good as you see I have a significantly smaller cup than Ron does I think I've had coffee maybe five times in my entire life now you've had some fancy coffee the is it Turkish coffee is that what it's called where it's really thi stuff the Arabic Middle Eastern style coffee is it's actually really really good but it's we put so much sugar in it that it's it's a treat but um still I've only had coffee maybe five times in my life so well I hope you like this thank you I'm going to go ahead and put this slightly by the fire not in the fire but just kind of by it just to keep it warm in case you'd like some more it's really neat cuz the lights are on it and the way they're placed on it you can just literally tilt it over and I didn't know if you guys notice there's a little flappy thing on it so it it's it's just cool a flappy thing I got to go lid I got to go get it like a muffler on a tractor on the spout here yeah so there's it's really tightly sealed uh it helps it to heat up a lot faster yes doesn't let the uh the steam escape the outside is copper and the inside is lined with tin well this is a fantastic cup of coffee I mean this is a $3 cup of coffee if you go to a diner anywhere this is nice oh I'm glad you like it I'm going to let mine cool a little bit just cuz I do have a mouth even with my that's good good even with my green tea in the morning I let it sit for a little bit until the steam is gone but it does look pretty good it's very good tea or coffee guys let us know in the comments or if you're watching this live let us know in the live chat I I think the the poll should be green tea black tea black coffee or coffee V creamer I'm going to have because there are people who only drink their coffee with creamer like me and there's people who only drink it black and there's people like you who only drink green tea and there's other people that only drink the black tea like my mom she only drinks black tea wow so I didn't know that and little fun fact for you guys you might think that drinking coffee is more patriotic than drinking tea and to a certain extent I I guess you could make that argument except for the fact the reason why Americans drink so much coffee in the late 18th century and when the United States became the United States is because it was cheaper than tea coffee was like a fourth of the price of tea that is true there is a kind of a myth going around that um like because of the Boston Tea Party in the 18th century we dumped all the tea in the harbor we were saying No thank you to England but you know what the funny thing is the king owns the coffee as well as the tea so they were upset about the tax on the tea not upset about the price and tax on coffee cuz like I said coffee was way cheaper than the tea cheaper but guess who still owns it the king so Dam the king and damn his tea but I'll still drinking his coffee until we became the United States and then it just kind of fell out of favor I would say because coffee is cheaper coffee people were broke we just got out of a war so a lot of coffee is grown in South America which means that we're still in the same kind of area here the Western Hemisphere yeah exactly we're still in the same hemisphere so it doesn't cost as much to import it and that could be why it's a lot cheaper than importing tea which usually comes from China this is true M now let's talk about why we don't have a cooking video out this week we are still going to put a cooking video out but it's going to be a couple of days that's all just a few days maybe three or four days from now so there's two reasons yes you can't hear the one right now because they're done but the road workers were Paving um the road and they were doing a lot of beep beep yeah beep beep beep beep so all far away way in the woods you can't even see the road from here it's off in the woods there's a road yes like half a mile May half a mile maybe through the woods there's a road and they decided the last couple weeks that they're going to start Paving that road it's like gravel right now but we don't know when they're doing it it's super random one day they'll come and then the next it's not even a weekend the next day like Tuesday they'll work and then Friday they work and and their hours are just random as well so unfortunately the construction noises are kind of ruining the video we tried but we're going to have to give them a few days finish up last week we did a dress video because they were Road workking the week before um the video that we made that was very tough we were shooting around all the beep beep beeps and you know the the tractors and the dump trucks and stuff so it was a long day and today we just said you know what we're not doing it again so so we're just doing the chw chat version and we're I'll give you a secret or I'll let you in on secret oh secret the next cooking video is going to involve coffee but it ain't going to be you know we're not going to sit there and drink it we're going to eat it but I ain't going to tell you how we're going to eat it you're going have to wait and find out M yep so um the second reason why we're not filming today but we will in a few days one second I took a drink and I did this and you can see my the scam coming out my breath it was pretty cool it was pretty cool that is pretty cool all right carry on okay so as I was saying okay so to be frank and personal with you guys I kind of need a mental health break just for a little bit we're busy yeah I I mean I don't mean like weeks and months I'm having on the crisis no it ain't like that I just I need a I just need a couple of days to myself and the reason for that is because yesterday a family member of mine uh brought it to my attention that there's this group on Facebook that they're called VT like the the letters VT that they made a video about me without telling me they were going to do this so they never contacted me they never interviewed me they never emailed me AB I had no clue they were doing this and I would have never known if it wasn't for that family member tagging me and letting me know but basically they just made up a whole alternative Universe story about us apparently we are Hobbits and we live in the middle of nowhere in the woods and we have no contact with Modern Life yeah with civilization but yet somehow there's a camera that follows us around yeah so there um this video has 2,000 likes the last time I checked it's only been out for I think a week now so it's gaining some attention but they're saying that Ron and Justine met each other and decided to live in the middle of the woods and decided to live as a as a 1800 couple they don't have any electricity they don't have any Plumbing they live exactly like how it was in the 1800s they live completely off grid and they have no contact with modern civilization guys we're just reenactors we're re actors who really love our job yeah we are history Educators I don't think I ever told anyone ever that we live as reenactors 24/7 it would be impossible it would be impossible there would be no way to get to events today and and haul all your junk without having like two two wagons and a team of horses and leaving a week in the head the time and it would just be a pain in the rear it's it's it's not feasible if you're out there and you seriously well basically Amish people live like that you know they have but but they're set up they have a community they have one guy that does this one guy does that you cannot do that on your own there's no way you have to you have to have heal now you could be a mountain man and go live in the mountains and grow a beard like ZZ Top and you know have a Itchy Butt because you can't bathe because you ain't got nothing you ain't got no money to buy nothing and yeah so anyway uh basically this post is saying that we live like we live in the 1800s we've completely rejected modern society that's a very controversial take on what we do and we don't want people to think that we're full in everybody and we we don't live like that we live in a modern home our parents live in modern homes we're building a home that yes it looks has toil it looks historical and we're going to fill it with fine things that are that's our aesthetic but this is not reality this is the weekend you know there's nothing wrong with that but we don't live like this we don't we don't live like this every single day I mean we we're reenactors so we go to these events we camp out with other reenactors and and all that but I I don't know a single reenactor who seriously lives like that 247 like they don't use toothpaste modern toothpaste they don't use deodorant they nothing modern no cell phone no car no YouTube no tractors No cameras no absolutely nothing so we wouldn't be on the internet I don't know anyone who does that but obviously Amish people are different but I'm talking about reenactors right yeah so our goal is just to teach and educate educate people about American culture and history and give you a glimpse and maybe this person isn't I wouldn't call this person a true fan because they would obviously know us if they were they don't know us so maybe they're just seeing some of the drama videos and skits and thinking wow they really live this way let me make a video about them and get clicks and make money no the thing is this okay so because we try to show the lifestyle but we don't live that it's impossible so I um I know some people who work on the inside of TV channels like TLC and reality TV shows and he told me that these kind of places will straight up lie to people like they will try to sens sensationalize someone's life so he told me that if I went on TLC for example they would refuse to film US unless we lied and told people that we live like we're in the 1800s because they want sensation they want weird they want strange they don't want us to go on there and say oh no we're just history Educators but we're trying to reach more people than just standing in front of a board with a textbook so we're just trying to visually show people how someone would have dressed and ate back then instead of just in the year of Our Lord this is what happened this battle you know we're doing it about we're going about it a different way but we're still just trying to teach people out history they don't want that they want to lie and say that this look at the freaks look at the freaks they live like it's the 1800s they don't use toilet paper they they use corn cobs and they wear all fur and leather and they two sticks together you know the funny thing things keep going the way they're going we might end up living like the 1800s and they'll be the ones that the ones that can't survive that might be true so anyway this group on Facebook this video that they put out that's going like semi vial right now the comments are very mean I mean I would say like 95% of the comments are negative some of the comments are like the typical ones where they say oh I would never live back then cuz you would get uh tyho and West now irus and you're like like some really silly assumptions about how people Liv back then like everyone was dying by the age of 25 you know okay I can put up with that well it's fine we're used to that those kind of assumptions but then a lot of the comments are just really mean against me personally because the story painted us out to be weirdos that live in the woods like it's the 1800s and we totally reject Modern Life and we just hate people who live modern so people in the comments are I don't know they're criticizing my appearance my clothes they're saying I don't know what I'm doing that I can't cook to save my life and uh there's an absolute obsession with my fingernails in the comments for some reason there's like 50 comments about my fingernails people are saying oh she's a fake yeah I'm a fake cuz I don't live I don't live like that all the time but anyway they're saying like her nails are too long there's no way she could be doing that in real life it's just like oh my gosh guys I have strong nails I trim my nails once every two weeks with a Clipper and that's it I don't never had a manicure pedicure in my life I don't even know what that means what the difference is I don't paint my nails like I'm sorry God made me to have long nails but anyway because I just need I just need a mental health break for a little bit because sometimes the trolls will get to you and we can't be ignorant or rude because then they'll say hey look look look look how they uh yeah so and it does get to you after a while they they say don't read the comments well you you always read the comments uh we do R read all the comments we might not reply to them but we read them because we want to know what you guys are thinking you're real people I want to see what you guys are saying I don't view you as a number right like oh my video has 500 comments no I you're 500 individual people I want to see what you guys are saying and you can always you can always grow thick skin and and it might get thicker over time but sometimes it's just it creeps in and once it creeps in it just gets you in it and then it got got to uh us this week so uh we're just taking it lowkey today yeah just lowkey today you know because it takes 8 hours to film a video that's only 10 minutes long um with on early American cuz it's just Ron and I and so we're constantly changing the camera and the lighting you got to make sure the fire is always going yeah um so because of that you know it's really hard to do that when you're going through an episode of depression to be frank to slave over a hot fire for 8 hours when you're just mentally put down and kicked down it's it's not hard so it's not easy so I I just I just needed a couple days nothing crazy but I don't know I just I just need a little bit I did have one person apologize to me in the comment section of that video and satisfaction I am I hold you in the highest esteem and regard for doing that because it's so rare when a troll apologizes but um I just replied and I said hey I'm the woman in this video and don't live like it's the 1800s all the time I'm just a history educator and I'm trying just to teach people about American culture and she totally apologized and said oh I'm sorry I thought I believed what the video said about you so I didn't question it and she even subscribed afterwards yeah so that was really nice you know there's definitely a lot of very good people out there but unfortunately there's a lot of fake news on Facebook really really bad ignorance is bliss it is people will just watch it and it's not necessarily about me it's about anybody and they'll assume it's true I mean you could come here and I don't know who's a random celebrity Tom Cruz Tom Cruz amputated his own leg using a toothbrush because he's gone mentally insane and you'll have like 30,000 likes and people are going crazy saying oh my gosh that guy is crazy I can't believe it they'll believe it they believe anything every other week there's some kind of post that somebody says such and such celebrity died or whatever but they didn't they're still alive people just eat it up you you know and these groups they do it for money advertising the more clicking they get the more viewers that is so then the more advertising they can sell cuz they say look 100,000 people clicked on this story here so I mean and it's not just us it's it's anything and everything so oh right um I just stay off those trash clickbait um yeah I'm trying my bestes I normally stay off of that as well but because it's literally about me I got suckered into it yesterday actually what happened is we we came back home and I found out all about this while we were driving back home in our modern day Vehicles MH and Ron got out of the car cuz we were home and I was still looking at my phone going as I was reading through these comments and I just sat in the car for probably half an hour yeah I was like what is she doing I back get out she told me what happened I was like oh I was frozen it really affected me like just how mean these comments were about me cuz it wasn't about like oh you know history I could never live like that it was about me like they were just being really rude MH so anyway that's why we just need a little mental health break for a little bit but you know all those trolls I'm still praying for you I hope you still have a very good day I just wish that some people would be more openminded to the fact that everything you read on the Internet isn't true right yeah hey on a happy note thank you to everybody that watched the wedding dress video that Justin and Anna and I I was there in modern clothes behind the modern camera yeah Ron see me in my wedding dress there's no secrets between us and I I've said this before I know more about women's historical clothing how to attach it and stuff than any other 30 some OD year old man should know um so I I'm not bragging but I am usually a pretty good help Ron is my with fitting stuff but Anna is excellent as well and that's why Anna was in the video of course cuz it would just be inappropriate for me to be there of course but Anna bless her heart she's my best friend she's the sweetest girl ever and she's an excellent seamstress and she's completely saved the day if you guys been following the wedding dress drama where um my wedding dress was made too small for me and there was no fixing it cuz it's like all embroidered and stuff and it's custom and yeah it's it's custom so we had to figure out what to do either I lose a lot of weight and I'm talking like at least 15 lbs in the chest particularly in the chest and it has to only be in the chest because you could lose 20 lbs and it you lose it all from your arms your thighs you can't control where you're going to lose the weight um but then my friend Anna came up with a marvelous solution she made a stomacher she surprised me with it and the day is saved yes you look absolutely wonderful in that dress thank you now we don't have an official photographer it's funny for me i' I've shot dozens and dozens of weddings over the years but I can't bring myself to hire somebody for the same price to shoot my wedding so I'm going to try to do our photos my our myself whenever the ceremon is done we're going to hop in the carriage we got the carriage by the way yeah we got a horse carage after the ceremony I'm going to take my camera with us or it's going to be in the carriage already and we're going to go elsewhere while all y'all that are have been invited to the wedding are going to go to the reception area we're going to go to the park or whatever take a few little pictures I took a few at the house that you did the video in unfortunately it was very kind of dingy dark in there there there's no electricity um so I plan on doing some really pretty photos we showed one really pretty photo at the end and I really lik that photo it was very pretty yeah Ron was funny cuz Ron's a photo a wedding phot I'm finally getting to photograph the most important wedding of my life my own wedding and speaking of wedding and clothes Justina showed you her dress yes I actually mine is on the way here right now it's in the mail but I made my own um waste coat waste coat or vest if you will or or I bought one and I embroidered stuff on it to make it look um what what's the word I should say fancy just more formal formal yeah more formal but yeah you've never embroidered anything before this is your first time so here it is guys what what do you think about it it I I have two examples here of Originals that inspired me there's no way I could do them so this is what you got here in the middle um I did use yarn I used cotton yarn I didn't have time to do a bunch of little bitty stitches with the the skin of your string so I think it's going to pass it's going to work for what we're doing and I'm proud of it's so cute I would normally never wear flowers but I I'm kind of proud of it oh you're not a flower wearing kind of guy I mean unless it's I I do like these to be floral these are nice oh yeah yes I I absolutely love it I think you did a great job thank you how do you like the coffee by the way it's Halfway Gone do you do you enjoy it I can tolerate coffee as long as I put ridiculous and unhealthy amounts of sugar in it I think there's probably like three tablespoons of sugar in this little cup which is not very pleasant for my health but it tastes good it's I mean it's great as long as there's a lot of sugar in it it's very tasty I like it this is better than the stuff I you know nor drink yes I'm quite enjoying this well I'll just start I'll just start making you coffee like that every day thank you I'll just start um okay so when I was a little girl my dad had a wallmounted coffee grinder and I loved using that thing I've never seen one it is so satisfying putting coffee beans in here and just uh doing this as a kid and hearing the crunchy sounds and powder comes out so I have no problem doing that for you well thank you there's actually a good amount left in here try to show you all without it like spilling out right it smells so good it does I mean the beans already smelt great when they were still in the skillet but when you you uh round them up it just I'll admit coffee smells absolutely amazing it does and there's my mom does not like to drink coffee but she loves the smell of coffee I'm one of those people so I I think everybody loves the smell of coffee but not everybody likes to drink it is there anyone who doesn't like the smell of coffee in the chat I'm I'm curious now if there's such a person out there I will say a few years ago whenever the crazy sickness stuff was going around U I did get it and you had it too it rued you say that word they're going to flag us it ruined the coffee for me it tasted like I was drinking feces cuz the smell it changed the smell I didn't drink coffee for 6 months cuz it took forever for my smell to come back that's true they do say that Co for some people it get gets rid of your sense of smell I was so mad it really wasn't even that sick it was like having the flu a normal cold flu but but it got rid of your sense of taste and that ticked me off cuz I like to eat and I like to drink my my drinks this man is led by his stomach I was mad oh he was mad he was ready to take that Co virus and go I was hey um a little bit of news last week we had a new cult born uh cult means a a baby boy horsey and he is half warmblood and half Arabian and he's a beautiful little thing he's red he's got little white socks and a little white spot on his head he's so cute you can see him just prancing around with his mom yeah he is so cute Ron's dad owns a horse farm y um I don't even know how many horses are there I think we own personally like 30 something horses but there's other horses maybe like an additional 10 horses where people bored or are having them broke or bred or medical things be done MH we specialize in hoof treatment stuff so my dad's a horseshoer my stepmom is a a vet here in St Genevie and her sister as well is a vet in St Genevie and we specialize on livestock but particularly horses so and your sisters train them yeah my sisters break the horses all three of my sisters they uh they ride and they they they you know you know they'll break them I won't do that I've been bucked off once before and that's enough for me oh really I was riding when I was little they said okay we're going to go to town no riding the motorcycle no riding the horses while we're gone what did I do well that time anyways I hopped on the horse how old were you I was probably I don't know nine or something a and I you know I wasn't supposed to and got into mischief and then the horse freaked out and bucked me off and yeah end the story does it even have a saddle on it yeah it has saddle on it but she was hry thing she was appleoosa sometimes they're a little hry her name was Sarah I'm glad that you're okay s s I've heard some nightmare stories about people um getting bucked off horses and the horse lands on top of them and they break their spine that's scary stuff mhm um also speaking of horses like I said we got the carriage I am also going to be riding down the aisle on a horse I'm arriving to the wedding on a horse yep it's a tradition your dad also rode down the island he did and they left in a carriage at the end so that's so it's happening now speaking of wedding stuff we won't bore you with it too much longer we'll change the subject would you go okay just one last thing about it don't take this the wrong way no don't take this the wrong way we decided to implement somewhat of a dress code yes a very relaxed dress code because when you go to the wedding you don't wear crots or NASCAR t-shirt or cut off shorts so but we found out that there's a a lot of people that are planning on attending our wedding in Crocs NASCAR t-shirts and shorts well that level of dresses I'll say they uhuh you cannot get something off Amazon and go to historical event at all it's it's like getting a Halloween costume and we don't mean this in a mean way or anything but we want this this is a formal event um so when we say historical clothing that these are not costumes to us these are real clothing this is not naon po polyester Amazon this is a $150 vest cuz they're all like hand yeah it's formal clothes so if you cannot Pro uh you can't find formal um historically accurate clothing please just wear modern cloes formal clothes to the wedding don't come in a a Halloween George Washington outfit please do not cuz it it's we don't want this to be perceived as a joke or anything because our families are there photos will be taken video will be taken we want it to be high class thing we don't want to get in trouble with our parents we don't want our parents to think that we think it's a joke right it's not a Halloween party no it's it's also not Versa we don't expect you guys to buy the most expensive thing but if you're involved with the wedding or something you usually buy a nice sports jacket let's just say a sports jacket runs 75 bucks and a pair of slats nice pair of slats runs 50 butts that's about the same price you can buy something a little bit cheap cheaper than this Samson historical sells things that are um under $100 for pants and shirts for men and they they have some ladies options that are very affordable yeah uh but please do not go to Amazon oh yeah please no Amazon Amazon I understand like money can be an issue for a lot of people than just wear the the modern form you have yes so on our wedding invitation we said that it's 18th century wedding we're going for rev War era yeah like so no Renaissance Era please that's not no no Cowboy cow Cowboy is not it Renaissance is not it so uh yeah um so but you know we've had some people message us saying that they want to wear like Crocs to our wedding and uh like they send me links to Amazon dresses that literally say Little House on the Prairie fantasy dress and it's like a Disney princess Halloween costume with you know it has no boning in it no structure and it just has some ribbons on the front and this is a serious event it's a wedding that's not period correct it's like something you'd wear to a Halloween party there's like literally no time period ever in history where anyone wore those clothes even in Little House of the Prairie they like what is that 1880s they actually did not wear those clothes they wore core sets even if you were poor you would have worn a coret probably cuz it was if you didn't wear one you were seen as being a prostitute so but anyway it was like just please don't come to the wedding um anything not and not respectfully dressed and like Ron said if you can't afford a new outfit um we have friends that sew their own clothes and you can make like a Woman's outfit from the 18 century a short gown and a drawstring skirt for $50 there's there's a how-to video on candi's channel cabin crafts her and Justine make the skirt and um the the short gown which is a a jacket like goes over in pens you don't need to lace it you don't need stays for it necessarily it's a one siiz fits all yeah so comfortable it's like a 18th century kimono so you just buy what like two or three yards of fabric and you can buy really cheap fabric I mean just for that much maybe $20 and you know but if you don't sew then just and you you just come in modern clothes it's okay we'll make exceptions you know it's fine but we would rather have people come in modern clothes than come in a Halloween costume yes and like I said you ain't got to buy the the most expensive thing you ain't got to have the full Ensemble just just try your best and just no nylon polyester Amazon stuff please yeah and then as far as modern clothes go like we said just please be respectful it's not a barbecue it's not a barbecue and I can't believe we have to tell this to people unfortunately we do I get that someone real excited but please remember is this is a this is a wedding it's a real wedding and our family's going to be there and we we don't I mean just be respectful guys like you're going to you're going to someone's wedding and you're not blood relation so you can't get away with stuff like you would if you were the grandma you know I would make an exception for my grandma I'd be like okay Grandma sure I just want you to be there but now if you want an 18th century version of crots there are these things that you can wear they are wooden shoes they're called shabos oh yeah they slip right on just like crots no okay okay I'm trying to think why someone would want to wear Crocs to a wedding is it because you have feet issues like I've never worn Crocs I've heard they're comfortable they breathe cuz they got holes in them maybe yeah but don't they make other shoes that are for people who have arthritis and feets I got drct shs in my boots I'm not joking with you they're in my boots oh yeah I have sensitive feet as well you know but I don't know your Dad wears Crocs even when he's welding he's obsessed with Crocs is a different breed of man yeah so his dad has Crocs but he still ain't come to the wedding in Croc no no no you know speaking of my dad and crot it reminds me of a story we're going to get into cuz we're going to give a house update he was actually wearing house shoes when he was up on the roof with working on the plumbing by the way this is the picture of the vent piping for our plumbing on our house that the plumber did how does that look how septical is this for a brand new um system is what I'll call it now here's a picture of what me Dad and Zach did look how professional this looks that plumber that came out butchered our roof it was leaking butchered our walls he drilled holes and then decided that wasn't where the pipe was going there's like 15 holes in each board along the wall of the bathroom upstairs didn't even put it in the right place like the bathtubs in the wrong place the bathtub was a foot off the drain it's just you got to go back and do this stuff and the things these ain't things that I caught because don't know these things I shouldn't have to know these things if this guy's a professional yeah we paid money for him and he just show up when we weren't there he's like Hey where's key at I'm out here and oh we didn't know you were coming we're in the middle of a video or something we didn't know you were coming so you can't watch them and I trying not to microm manage because I've done that in the past working in the restaurant I I ran a really tight ship in the kitchen as a kitchen manager and you know some people didn't like that but it was you know we ran it nicely so I I've learned take a step back on certain things because I don't want to come off as a jerk cuz I have a there's a fine line to walk there when you're micromanaging from being a jerk about it or being nice but yet firm and everybody takes it a little bit different so I just try to give you the benefit of the doubt at least the first time we let him do his thing we we didn't like stand over him or we just let him do his thing CU I don't like when people do that to me and then a few days later it rains the roof is leaking the roof's leaking we once we we're finally going and installing like the toilets and the bathtu oh yeah also have you ever gotten to a shower where you open the door remove the curtain reach straight in turn on the water and it in your face and then you hurry up close the door before it gets on the floor nobody has that he put the shower head fac the opening and he said well you have an external wall here can't put water lines in that but yet he did it upstairs two he should have called me and said the partial wall cuz our shower is like a I'll say it's a square mhm so you have to put a another wall for the other side of the shower to be on he should have said Mr rafield I will come back whenever you have that wall built so I can put the shower head on it no he didn't say that he just put it on the the wall that was already there which means it's facing the the entrance way yeah so anyway this is why we have mental health issues now no kidding like this is why ha what's left of it yeah so okay the the roof is leak our our brand new roof and Ron messages this plumber and he's very he's very nice about it he says um The Roof is leaking and he just sends some pictures the plumber says okay I'll come out and fix it and at first we said that's fine but Ron's dad used to work in construction so he knows literally everything and Ron's dad said no he said this guy butchered it so bad that I don't trust him to come out to even fix it he's just going to make it worse right so then you guys get up on the roof and fix it and this is what it's supposed to look like and now the roof isn't leaking anymore but unfortunately we paid money for this guy to come out and do all this that will'll never get back no yeah that was a rip deal and the sad thing is he was bragging on his way out I'm okay sugar no no no okay uh he's like you know yeah I just got a big job I'm doing all these departments and nuts tailing over and now I'm thinking jez four people I I he's going to get sued hopefully he's insured cuz he's about to get in some trouble but the joys of home ownership and which we still need to send him the picture of what it's supposed to look like I normally wouldn't spite somebody but this was a so bad we we paid $4,000 to have him do this and everything was isolated in one area it's not like he had to go snake stuff uh unconvenient throughout the house because we built everything to be right there and 4,000 is a lot of money for us we had to save up a while for that and we had to redo the the job we had to redo you know it's just I don't know it it's like you can't depend on we're learning you can't depend on anything the only people that did a good job so far is the well people and the concrete and the concrete people and then the wood people us that's you us but that's all we've had out anyway there hasn't been anyone else out really so um oh yeah speaking of the well we finally have running water I thought we told them that but we're telling you again okay yeah it was 700 ft deep 680 ft deep to be Arian well so it's constantly spitting out water yeah and finally because I have 40 potato plants that came up um I've you know most people they don't plant a garden while building a house it's one or the other but I want us to move in and have food um this year and if you don't think ahead of time by the time it gets to be winter you're not going to have any green beans you're not going to have any carrots or potatoes or corn and we're about to plant field corn yeah she wants to experiment with making her own chicken feed yeah I do I do okay so I bought some field corn seeds now that's interesting because we couldn't find field corn seeds for sale anywhere around here unless you're a licensed farmer yeah the I think monsano has something do I think they do I do but I did find some for sale online okay what is field corn field corn is a type of corn that you can dry it's Dent Dent corn Dent corn that's right and you can grind it in cornmeal and you can feed it to livestock to your pigs to your chickies sweet corn you can't do that I think it has so much water in it that it just rots that's why we eat the sweet corn we don't eat the other one teeth yeah sweet corn uh so that right there that would be field corn yep yeah it's dried and once you dry it it's good for years and years but sweet corn it'll rot um and that the sweet corn is seeds are for sale everywhere go to Tractor Supply Walmart wherever they sell the seeds but that's a little hard to find now you can clean your sweet corn you can freeze it and you can have corn in the winter time so you don't have to eat it just right then and there yeah you can can it too take it off the cough and can it so it's like you got your own canned corn but it's and it's ready it is a lot of work but it is good I love corn U fresh corn is delicious especially whenever you put the butter on it salt pepper and you put it on the over the fire and it gets the Char Mars oh man you know corn is to the Americas it is you know what else is native to the Americas me oh yeah pumpkin squash peppers tomatoes and corn all the good things all all the foods that I can't imagine certain cultures not cooking with right oh I just remembered something what did you remember what did we do yesterday Ron what we how do you not remember this well we did like multiple things to the courthouse oh yeah we got our marriage license yes we did mhm so we got 30 days to use it which that's plenty of time for us to get married cuz we're getting married in like I don't know 15 days or whatever something like that yeah so we we had to plan that just right so that we don't run out you have to get a new one if you go past the time that it's yeah good for so for those of you that have never been married before don't know how it works which was me until yesterday so you go to the courthouse and you fill out a really tiny piece of paper it's really not that hard it's one piece of paper you just show your ID and pay $51 and you have it but you have this beautiful piece of paper and but it's not you're not officially married until a priest signs it or preacher PR priest preacher Minister someone who's ordained right yes so you have to have it signed within 30 calendar days or else it's null and void and then you're actually married in the eyes of the state so we're like half married now yeah we're half married so there there it came with two certificates one we return with the signatures on it to the couse and the other one which is fancier looking is the one that we get to keep for personal or whip out and be like remember this 50 years ago oh gosh says right there you're mine yes I'm impressed by how beautiful the paper was and then we started doing research about marriage certificates in the United States in the 1800s and they were beautiful now somebody said this one last year from the 1870s and it's just beautiful it's colorful it's gorgeous I'm not going to lie I was expecting ours to be pretty like that not just blue and white I mean it's cool but the older one was way better looking um apparently I'm easily impressed because when the lady at the counter gave it to us I said that is gorgeous I had no clue that they made such pretty marriage licenses to this day at least in Missouri they that $51 space for that nice uh thick paper oh that's that's where that and that seal that's on there oh yeah thatal that pretty seal so we are half married I'm going to change my name to Rayfield my last name once I do get married um pioneer days is next weekend May 4th and 5th it's a free event we got wagon rides we've got food for sale we got drink for sale we got oldtime root beer coming uh buds root beer they usually come at the fort at the big event in June which they'll be there uh in like a month or whatever so they're coming to our little event in St Genevie so I'm super excited about that cuz that root beer is the best darn root beer you ever ate or drink in your life it's cuz they actually make it with real root what is it sassa fras root yes yes it's not dangerous it's safe it's safe it's uncomparable to the store root beer I mean it's amazing you know I was digging up an old fence post I don't know 10 15 years ago cuz we had to repair def fence and there was these trees around there and I was digging it out cuz it was it was a cedar fence B it was rotten had to get it out of there and put a new one in and I was digging and I hit a root and I smell root beer I hit a sass FR root and I was like oh it smells like root beer smells so good it does smell amazing anyways uh Pioneer Days be sure to come it's going to be fun we got blacksmith we got gunsmith we got scrimshaw we got paper marbling uh which is Cle dipping yeah candle dipping I think I'm going to do quill riding and maybe some other things we'll see what happens uh depends on how busy I am children's games are going to be there there's going to be um I'll just call it wool spinning the lady with the spinning wheel spins the wool um and lots of other things I can't think right now cuz I ain't got my list with me but anyways it's worth it just come to it it's free and have fun yes if if you want to visit our town St Genevie Missouri it's as good an excuse as any to come that day there's a lot of airbn bees in town restaurants the weather looks great does so far it's looking like mid 70s and clear uh which is perfect and also my favorite author is going to be there Jeff baggot uh he's going to be there selling his books and other 18th century uh riding utensils and stuff like that he's a he's a book seller and he's also uh a minister and he's the one that's going to be marrying us too the following weekend so lots of stuff happening it's a very busy May yes very very busy very very excited for that though I'm very excited for the honeymoon too I'm so excited for the honeymoon um people keep saying are you guys getting nervous yet we're not nervous weed we've been together for 3 years now May fifth or sixth will actually be our third year anniversary from meeting I I'm calling it anniversary cuz that's the time we met in person we started dating the day that we met yes we went we went to Domino's that was our first dinner I mean this this gentleman he greets me in the parking lot with flowers that he picked up the side of the road yep those purple wild flowers on the side of the road so of course I started dating him literally from that moment so um where was I going with that uh we were talking about pioneer days so guys just if you want to say hi to us you know the week before our wedding just or just say hi to us in general just yeah come on down a pioneer days it's in the backyard of sassafras Creek Originals in St Genevie Missouri a free event we look forward to seeing you guys I might sell my candles I'm not 100% sure yet we'll see what happens if you're extra nice to me I'll I'll sell you one yeah well hey I have a fun history fact now we've been we love watching movies okay and lately we've been embarking on these hidden gym of historical movies um we watched a movie called tulip fever a month ago and we talked we talked about the Tulip craze so we watched another one from 1984 called the bounty has Anthony Hopkins and Mel Gibson in it a very young Mel Gibson and it has to do um with 18th century shipping and explor exploration this story is bizarre so we're going to get into this week's weird Weir history fact go now I will say the movie is not about this particular man but it does reference him and it's from the same time frame we're going to talk about a man named Captain James Cook uh he was born in 1728 and he was killed in 1779 in Hawaii oh now he is famous for the three voyages that he made he made three three-year-long voyages and the first one he went to places like New Zealand Tahiti and Australia those are all very far away they're very far relation to Hawaii yes now his second voyage he went as far as Antarctica and then but he never landed on the land mass he he went to the the the circle whatever they call it the Antarctic Circle I think there's an Arctic Circle and there's Antarctica circle wow so he was down there where it's really cold and dangerous but they ran out of Supply so he had to come back so he came back to Tahiti again to restock but he did not go back down his next Voyage he went to Hawaii and then he went all the way up to the bearing straight to Siberia you know Russia basically wow and he was famous in his day yes very famous Captain Cook is like the Explorer of all Explorers if you will to to go on a ship with sales with no GPS no weather radar no you know help will it it's it's insane you can't even predict the weather really reliably back I would not do it I'd be honestly I'd be too scared I see these videos on the internet of like these big chips in the middle of the ocean and they're just like doing these wave things you've all seen these videos where it they they go down and it just and it's like no way get me out of there my anxiety is through the roof it's watching that video it's like I'd be so terrified in a wooden boat so yeah put yourself back then on a much smaller vessel with no radio contact to mayday so anyways on his third trip he goes all the way up to the Siberia area then he comes back down to Hawaii when they get to Hawaii they have a broken Mass they like them in Hawaii they've already been there once okay so they're repairing their ship tensions are getting um you know strained they they don't want them there anymore and so some of the Hawaiian natives steal a boat from um the the captain and his crewmen he's not happy about it so he goes and friendly kidnaps the king uh cuz they don't speak the same language he friendly kidnaps the king he says come along with me oh so you mean he doesn't use Force right he he Tri he tricks him oh okay I see what you mean so the the captain is really mad about this so he tricks the king into coming to almost getting on the ship with him he's going to take him as prisoner or take him and show him off or whatever in order to get his boat back yes okay so when he gets him to I'll just say about the beach cuz that's where the story takes place where where all hell breaks loose and so he's got the king he's bringing him and then they they say King no no no in their native language of course uh he's going to kill you or or he's trying to take you then the king finally realiz what's going on they get into a scuffle the guy gets knocked on the head he gets killed and they cook him Captain Cook yeah Captain Cook they cook Captain Cook this gets dark really fast they cook him now they did didn't eat him apparently but there was cannibalism going on in Fiji and Tahiti and all these other little Islands out there so I don't know if they's trying to be squeaky clean and scrub that from history since they're part of the United States now I have no idea well why would they cook somebody in a big pot of water if you're not going to actually they baked them they they baked them they baked them till the flesh came off the bones like when you slow cook a a turkey and you go to take the leg off and the bone just comes out or whatever that didn't happen with our turkey this Thanksgiving un you know what I'm talking about till the meat's tendered to where it comes off the bone is what they did so they scraped the flesh off his bone cleaned his bones and they returned uh some of his bones to his uh countrymen and then they took them back with them and buried him at Sea they definitely ate him because why would they do that I I think they ate him now it says they didn't but like I said these other little Islands out there in the middle of nowhere they're eating can they're doing cannibalism how would they know that they didn't eat him it's not like so it's not like a white guy went back to the island and asked hey did you eat him no they didn't do that they actually tell you no why are the bones so clean oh I know these questions need to be answered but so like I said the movie The bouny it references him it takes place about 5 years after uh this this incident with Captain Cook but it it it was a very cool movie you guys should watch it but they should do a movie on Captain Cook because all the places he went you can make like five movies on that it's insane I can't believe what happened to him he got roasted he got roasted probably eaten probably and his b and some of his bones not all of them some of his bones were were given to his friends now they say that was a very religious um and honor to have you uh be cooked and have your bones scraped and buried in Hawaii at that time but like I said there was other islands in the area that did have cism why wouldn't they I don't know I'm open minded I'm going to say it's a 730% chance that he uh was eaten and 30% that they didn't okay but that's just my own opinion and belief so that's today's this weirdest history fact is the fact that Captain Cook got cooked got cooked unfortunately now I have a I I have a little mini this week's weirdest history fact as well so an additional one um it's completely unrelated to the one Ron said but I just found this out yesterday and I thought it was fascinating it's the history of the word hello hello hello how are you doing today hey nice to meet you what's up what up hey yo y hello okay so I just found out recently that the word hello is from the 1820s okay so that works it hello it works how you do it's from either 1820 6 or 1827 that is the first recorded mention where it's written down somewhere of the word hello in America in the world oh wow yeah ever um so and I don't recall I think it was in America but I could be wrong about that of course it was it was either in America or was in England cuz it's an English word obviously okay sure so how did people greet each other before the word hello how do you do that is one of them here's a couple of different ways that people would have greeted you in America before the word hello became popular Hail To Thee how fair thee good tomorrow and how do you do how do you do how do you do we still say that one I say howdy Duty howdy Duty that sounds very country do sling howdy Dy how does day fair today oh how does life Fair now that's probably Pilgrim era Old English yeah now that's going back midd yeah so I just thought that was really interesting that you know English has changed so much that even the word hello wasn't a thing like I know that the word okay also was not a thing in this time period the early 1800s so they just say all right maybe I think they just said all right all right or yes yes exactly yay we still say how do you do but we don't say the other word the other phrases really how goes the I mean who says that uh yeah I've never heard anybody say that to me we need to bring that back how goes the how goes thee it's strange I guess we're not bringing it back we don't live that way so oh yeah uh yeah that's right Facebook remember that I thought I had something else important to tell them this week oh I'm trying to think I'm trying to think too I'm thinking I'm thinking trying to summon my memory nope don't think I guess there was that's not it well anyways I hope you guys enjoyed this drinking chat you didn't chew on anything thankfully I mean that used be weird but uh the coffee is great if you can grind if you can roast your beans don't burn them or even just buy beans that are already roasted apparently grinding them up right there it's the most aeromic cofey satisfying coffee you'll ever drink way better than getting it in a a pre-ground stuff I agree so I I think I'm a a Believer or a I'm going do I'm going to do that for now on very good so thank you guys so much for watching we really appreciate you being here giving us the company God bless you all we'll see you in a couple of days we love you bye-bye take care bye-bye [Music]
Channel: Frontier Patriot
Views: 28,060
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 18th century, 19th century, cabin, rustic, townsends, early american, history, cooking, tiny house, off grid, homemade, homestead, pioneers, reenactors, time travel, civil war, victorian, revolutionary war, food, mukbang, taste test, cast iron, hearth cooking, fireplace, cooking wih fire, george washington, williamsburg, tasting history, coffee, barista, starbucks, dunkin donuts, fresh brew, wedding, sailing, adventure, drinking, muk bang, fun facts, hot beverage, cup of joe, java, espresso, usa
Id: FIpb1dHotbA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 21sec (3501 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 27 2024
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