Yarım Kalan Aşklar | 1. Bölüm

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-I said no. -I don't understand. There is nothing to understand. I told you not to go there and you will not! I know it is something important. I can feel it. Actually, I have a bad feeling about it. If there is something to report, then we'll get and figure it out. Okay, I am telling you. We should go there. We just can't wait for it to drop in our laps, can we? I said you will not go there! What is it? Why is he arguing with Mr. Ihsan again? He has a hunch. I know he won't leave it alone until he figures it out. Please, why don't you let me go after it? You are not going to find anything over there. I will find something. I can feel it. We all know the figures. The cases have been increasing since 2016. I mean, it can't be a coincidence. I am sure it has a potential. Ozan, listen. People don't read newspapers anymore. The entire world is in this thing. They can find all the news in the world anytime they want. We have to sell this newspaper and to do that, we need big headlines. We need bigger headlines in bigger fonts. Is that it? Do you think being a reporter... ...is just making big headlines? Huh? What about the reality? What about the contents? Aren't they important at all? I am not saying they aren't important. I am just saying that nobody would read news... ...about people getting blind without no reason. Why wouldn't they read it? Because blindness is just a contagious disease in this country. What are you going to do tonight? With Ozan, I mean. I don't know. We didn't talk about it. Do you think he forgot it? Ozan? I am sure he didn't forget it. I know I will find something. I don't care if you want to publish it or not. He is pissing me off! I wouldn't be surprised... ...if he would tell me to be a tabloid reporter. Flash! Flash! Flash! The famous actor got drunk yesterday... ...and showed his ass to the tabloid reporters. Isn't he convinced? I don't care if he isn't convinced. I am convinced anyway. Don't you think it is weird? All the people who got blind... ...showed the same symptoms before they got blind. They all had severe headaches and they all heard supernatural voices. You know what happens next? All of a sudden, their visions go blank. Ozan, where are you going? There is someone I need to find. Door is closing. Who do you need to find? Door is closing. A chemical professor. Sadık. Door is opening. Door is closing. He is a professor. His name is Sadık Yılmaz. He is a chemical professor. I read his interview. So? I emailed him a few days ago but he didn't get back to me. I found his address but he's moved. I found his phone number but it's not in use anymore. I have to find that man. Door is opening. Is that all then? What do you mean by is that all? Don't you think there is something special about today? Come on, hop on. You can go. I don't want to go with you. Hop on! Press Museum What are we doing here? Please, stop asking questions for a while. What's up brother Hikmet? Son, where have you been? You said you'd be here at 7. I am here, brother. -What are you on about? -Come with me. Come on. My dad used to be a great newspaper photographer. He helped them to establish this museum. Look, that's my dad's camera. And the one next to it is Ara Guler's. He was kind of his student. He used to tell me not to look at life, at people... ...he used to tell me that I should watch them. He used to tell me there was a difference... ...between looking and watching. -Is that right? -To watch people. He used to tell me watching people was really important. This is my dad's favourite photograph. It is beautiful but I am sure he took better ones. You are looking at it. Try to see it with your eyes. That's you. Yes, but that's not the thing you have to see. The first time I saw you, I thought I knew you. I was sure my hands knew you, my lips knew you. I don't know how they knew each other... ...but I knew our bodies had to be together. Love is not between two bodies, it is between two souls. Photographs, my love. Sometimes they keep a lot of secrets. That little girl. That's me! That's me! How did I not remember that day? I was there. That's me. Yes. Idiot! I hope it won't rain so heavy. Wow! I am starving, you know. So, why don't you come to mine? I can make you pasta. I don't think I can reject that offer. Of course. Hello? Who are you? Huh, yes, yes. About people getting blind. Erm, I mean, about the increase in the cases. I read your article. Can we meet please? It is the professor I was talking about. Can I come to see you tomorrow? I have a plan with my girlfriend for tonight. You should meet with him. Okay, I will be there. Can you text me the address please? Because I knew you would ruin the entire evening... ...if you couldn't see him tonight. Thank you. Looks like it will rain cats and dogs. Why don't you... Hey, there is a cab over there. Why don't you take it? What are you going to do then? I can take the bike. My house is not that far anyway. Come on. -I will see you at home. -See you later. Ozan? Ozan! Ozan! Ozan! Ozan! Ozan! My love! Help me! Ozan, my love! My love! Ozan! Someone, please help me! Ozan! Why? Ozan, don't leave me. Someone, help me! INTERRUPTED Fucking hell! Fucking hell! Fucking hell! Fucking hell! Fucking hell! Fucking hell! What's this man? Fucking hell! Who is that? Fucking hell! Fucking hell! Hey, what the fuck is going on? What's going on? What's happening, man! Who are you? Hold on, hold on. I know you. You are the man I saw in the elevator. I saw you in the cab as well. I wish I could enjoy this thing. Am I dead? Say something, man! What's going on? What's going on here? Who are you? I am from the interrupted business department, Haluk. I am the vice head of the department. What? I think I am in a nightmare. I will wake up in a minute. I will wake up in a minute. Or am I wrong? Unfortunately. Wait a second. You said something a minute ago. Interrupted business department or something? We have three departments in our management. Interrupted love department, interrupted business department... ...and interrupted dreams department. All three of them would be interested in your case... ...but the head of department wanted me to deal with you. What's all this? What does it mean? Let me explain it to you then. We are giving you a second chance. So, I am going to keep living? Yes, but in another body. What? You have a very little time to make a decision. We have to sort this out as soon as we can. You have to start living your new life as soon as possible. Why are you doing this to me? You have an interrupted business... ...or an interrupted love or an interrupted dream. You don't have to accept our deal though. You can bow to the inevitable. -It is not easy, is it? -Of course, it is not easy. You can't talk about it with anyone. Never. That's rule number one. -What is the second rule? -There is no second rule. What am I going to do then? Try not to get noticed and focus on finishing your business, okay? It is not okay! Who am I? Everyone asks the same question. You are not the only one in this situation. I am sure you will figure it out soon. Don't ruin everything, okay? Good luck. Hey! Stop! Stop! Stop! You are not going anywhere. Can I at least say it to Elif? Huh? Let me say it to Elif please. I have my parents too. I am sure they are worried about me. At least let me explain them. Nobody. What if I tell them? Go ahead, try me. At least let me explain it to Elif. If you manage to solve the case, then you might have a chance. What do you want me to do then? Pick up where you left of, continue to play the game. Listen, I am not your life coach or something, okay? How shall I say it to you? I am following the orders as well. I would never question it. You should do the same thing so we can both be winners. Come on. Be careful! Hey no! Stop! Where are you? God, I am going to lose my mind! What's going on? Think. Think. Elif. Elif! My phone! -Hello? -Hello, Elif? Elif cannot take a call right now. I am her friend. How can I help you? Where is Elif? I am sorry but we are at a funeral right now. Elif lost her boyfriend last night. My condolences. Where is he going to be buried? -Zincirlikuyu. -Okay, thanks. Keys. Keys. Yes. Kadir. Kadir Bilmez. Kadir Bilmez. My son! He was so young, they have taken him from me. Dad. Dad, you must be his dad, right? Yes. My condolences. Thank you, son. God bless you. Come on, let's go. I want to stay for a while. Are you sure? Please, I want to stay here for a while. Elif. I want you to calm down. I am going to tell you everything, okay? I am listening. I... Hey, are you okay? He was right. Sir? Who are you talking about? Nothing. I just had a headache. Are you okay now? I am fine. You said you had something to tell me. Huh, no. Ozan was such a nice man. I wanted to tell you that I am really sorry. How did you know him? From high school. What did you say your name was? Kadir. I am Kadir. Kadir Bilmez. Ozan. Was he your boyfriend? He was my everything. Chief Nejat Hello? Hey, son! Where have you been since last night? I called you but you never answered. I have been texting you all night. Erm, I was busy. Fuck off! Don't lie to me! I know what you have been up to. Please accept my condolences. -Thank you very much. -Come here, quickly. Okay. What division am I in? Police Chief Inspector Homicide Bureau Istanbul Police Department What's up, Kadir? Brother Ismet sent you his regards. He said you have until next Wednesday. How are you today, Chief Inspector? Chief Inspector? I am fine. How about you? I am fine too. Thanks. Remember, you borrowed 1000 TL from me. You said you needed it. You said you'd pay me next week. I will pay you. But you said that three months ago, Chief. Okay, I will pay you back. Asshole! 3rd Floor Homicide Bureau Sir, when are you going to finish your work? Chief, it will be finished tomorrow. Is the bulb gone? It is the smoke detector, miss. We have to change them all. They all got rotten. Don't do anything wrong. Don't get us blown up, okay? No, no, I got it, sister. He is here again. Fucking asshole. Chief Inspector? Are you okay? Kadir! Kadir! Come over here, man! Come here. Look at me, man! Do you want me to kill you, huh? You are nothing but trouble, man! You are just a fucking trouble maker! What did I do, sir? Ebru was here and she was crying. She said she had a wedding in two weeks. So? You fucked her, didn't you! You fucked her! She is engaged. She will get married next week. Why did you fuck her, huh? And on top of everything her fiancé is our colleague. You, asshole! You have no shame! Hayati was here. He said he borrowed you 1000 TL three months ago... ...but you didn't pay him back. Cemal told me you got 2600 TL from him as well. Even teaboy Sadık, man. Teaboy Sadık! How can you not pay 55 TL in seven months, man? 55 TL! You, asshole! I had to pay him for you. You never show up. You never do something. You drink, you gamble, you hit on women! You do all those stupid things, man! Hey! I can't tell if you are a cop or a gangster! You, fucking asshole. You can't quit, can you? Quit what? You know the shit I am talking about. -What shit, sir? -Shut up! You will quit it. Or I swear to god, I would put a bullet in your head. You know me, I would do it. And I would tell them you pulled a gun at me and so I had to shoot you. Nobody would get suspicious. It is homicide, you know. Who else would do it if I couldn't! Who else! -Okay, I will quit, sir. Fuck off! I will quit, sir, he says. I have heard that before. Go and tell them to pull themselves together. We have work to do. Come on. I said, come on! A guy stabbed and killed his wife at Bağcılar. Where are we on that? Chief called me... ...and asked about it but I couldn't give him any answer. Sir, we are trying to catch him. He was seen at the bus station last. We are about to catch him. I am sure we will catch him today. Okay, fine. What did you do about the night club case at Şişli? Two people were murdered. Sir, we caught them yesterday. We are still questioning them. Son, do you think I can think straight? Sure. We got them, right? Now. Chief called me a minute ago. Someone hit and run a reporter last night. His name was Ozan. Chief told me to investigate the case. We don't want newspapers to say that we weren't interested in the case. Soon, we might get promoted... ...or transferred somewhere else. I don't want any troubles. Why homicide would investigate a traffic accident? I don't know, love. I really don't. He was a reporter. I am sure he poked his nose into something. They always do, don't they! Sir, I am sure the driver was drunk or he didn't have a license. I am sure he made a runner already. Didn't they find something on the security cameras? We just got the footage. Put it on. Why is he standing in the middle of the road like an asshole? He crashed into him so hard, man! I am sure the driver is about 16 or 17 years old. I am sure he didn't have a license as well. Did you check the number plate? It was a stolen vehicle. I see. Anyway, go to his office. Speak with his family. Ask them if he was getting any threats or something. You know what I mean. And then, we can transfer it to the public order department. They can deal with it. It is none of our business. Who wants to go then? Sir, I can do that. Where do you think you are going, son? To my office. To his office. Did he bang his head or something? I thought we were the cops. Son, we are the cops here. You are just a stupid asshole, Kadir. I just want to take this case, sir. Okay, fine. Case is yours. Do whatever you want. I hate running errands anyway. Come on, go back to your work. Come on. Who the hell is Saadet, man? God damn you, man! To hell with you! You, asshole! I am an idiot! I am just an idiot! I curse the day I got married to you! What did I do to deserve an asshole like you? -I am married too? -Why aren't you answering my calls? You have to pay the alimony, Kadir. I want my money. You hear me? The money you sent me was not enough for Ada's expenses anyway. -I am divorced. -You have two days. Can you hear me? If you don't pay me in two days... ...then I will take you to the court. And I am going to take everything you got. Actually, you don't have anything but... You, asshole. You, idiot! Give me my money! Give me my money! Good god! What did I get involved in, god! Ozan was my boyfriend. He was my everything. But he wasn't only my boyfriend, he was also... ...my hero too. He taught me how to be a reporter. He taught me to write about the truth. He thought me to do the right thing. He taught me how to be brave. He thought me to listen to my hunch. He thought me to finish what I started. And he thought me love. If he was here right now... ...he would be saying, people are waiting... ...to hear news from you, why are you all crying now? Ozan. Ozan, we'll miss you so much. Guys, you heard Elif. We have a newspaper to run. Come on. Miss Elif. Hello. What are you doing here? Kadir, right? Kadir. I am Ozan's friend from the university. But you said you were his high school friend at the cemetery. Yes, I was confused. I am sorry. Can I ask you a few questions if you have a minute? About what? Homicide. Are you suspicious about something? No, no. It is only a procedure. You know, just in case. Do you know if someone was threatening Ozan? Or an enemy or something? Sleep. I mean, he used to hate sleeping... ...because he said he couldn't work while he was sleeping. I see, maybe he was working on a case or something? There was a case he was working on but he just started, you know. I mean, he didn't even know what was going on. Why are you asking me all those questions? Have you found something? No, we were talking about it at the station. We thought we should investigate it. And I said I could take the case. I was his friend, you know. That's why. Erm, so, you are saying, no one was threatening him. No, not at all. Okay. I should make a move now. You have a nice day. Taxi! Mom, it would be difficult for you to get here. It is a 13-hour flight, you know. I am not okay, mom. I am not okay, but I will be okay, don't worry. Mom, my phone rings all the time anyway. Mom, Çağla left a minute ago. Okay? Okay. We'll talk some other time. Bye for now. Elif, Elif. Elif. Elif. Elif. Are you okay? What are you doing here? How did you get inside? Hold on, hold on. Calm down. Calm down. I was at your door. I rang the bell but you didn't hear it. I saw the light inside. And I looked inside and saw you lying on the floor. I came in through the garden afterwards. I came in through the garden and you were lying on the floor. And I got worried for you. Okay? That's why I got inside. I am really sorry. Not a problem. Do you have some ice? Are you feeling a bit better? I am fine. I really am. It aches a little. Why did you come to see me? I brought you these. Ozan's belongings. I thought his family should have those? They told me to give them to you. Thank you. You have a beautiful house. Thank you. My dad's retirement project. I know. I'd better leave now. Can you tell me about Ozan, please? I mean when he was at the high school. That would only upset you though. I don't have a better plan. Let me make coffee then. How do you know that I keep the cups over there? I think it was a lucky guess. That picture was taken at Bozburun. You look beautiful together. Looks like he was a handsome man. Very handsome. This is our last picture together. It was taken three days ago. It is the car! What is it? That's the car. The car that hit and run Ozan! I didn't know he was following us. You are right! It is exactly the same car. How do you know that? You weren't there. I watched the CCTV footage. I saw it on there. No, it wasn't an accident. It was a murder. Obviously, it was a murder. Murder, it was. It is on here as well. He literally followed you. But why did he want to kill him? Maybe it was about the case he was working on? Maybe, that's why. But you told me you couldn't find anything. Maybe he did find something but he didn't want to tell me. Maybe he was so close. Maybe some people weren't really happy about it. I don't know. Everything is possible, you know. Professor. What did you say? You told me he was going to meet with a guy. Professor! Yes! Professor! Maybe he has some answers, right? Do you have his address? No, Ozan called him. And then he called him back and texted him the address. It must be on his phone. Where is his phone? Passcode? Fuck! -Do you know his passcode? -Of course, not. Maybe it is his birthday. Maybe he used your birthday. What else can it be? Erm, the day you became lovers? I don't remember that date. I don't know. How can you not remember it? Think about the day you first kissed him. Maybe he took you to a movie or something? Yes, yes, he took me to see a movie. I can remember it was a day in October... ...but I can't remember if it was 12th or the 13th. Try the 12th. I am in. Okay. I am in. Come on, let's go. Right away? I am going to see him. You can join me if you like. And we should check the security cameras of the café. Maybe we can find something. Okay, but it is late. It must be closed now. How do you know where I am talking about? -What number did you say? -Four. Fucking hell! -The guy at the stairs. -What? What? The guy at the stairs. Hey! Stop! Why don't you shoot back? Don't you have a gun? What? Yeah. Take the safety off. Are you sure you are a cop? So, all this happened in one night, huh? Do you want me to believe that? Sir, someone killed this guy and that reporter. How can you be so sure about that? I am sure he found something. I will not stop following this case. You better sort yourself out first! Don't you have any shame? Why are you hiding your hands? You are shaking like someone left out cold at a cemetery. Come on, you should go home and have some rest. Come on. Home? It was only a figure of speech. I should have called it dumpster, really. Come on, off you go! Sir, we couldn't find any fingerprints. Whoever did that, did a clean job. We couldn't find anything on the security cameras as well. I think he knew where the cameras were. That's all we need right now. Why are you still here? Come on! Off you go! Move! We'll talk later. Where the fuck is my house? Ebru. I feel exhausted. Can you give me a lift home? I am busy. Ayhan is downstairs. Ask him. Thanks. Chief. Hey! Chief. We are here. We are here, Chief. Yes. Chief, your keys. Have a nice day. Mr. Kadir. Welcome. Thank you. Mr. Kadir, I know I told you before but... How much I owe you? You haven't paid maintenance fee for three months. The landlord told me... Hey, why don't you take a look at my face first? Do I look like someone who would pay maintenance fee, huh? What do you see? Let me tell you what I see. I see a son of a bitch. I see a scumbag, an asshole, a crook, a shitbag. I see a complete son of a bitch. This can't be right! Or can it? I don't know what to say, sir. It is a problem but... -Okay, I will pay. I will pay it. Mr. Kadir. I think that's your car. You parked at Mr. Şevki's spot. Mr. Sevki told me to tell the owner to move his car. Did I park it there? Okay, I will move it. I will move it. I left your invoice on the door. What door? Okay. Okay, you can leave now. Look at this mess, man! It would look better if you were to take a shit... ...in the middle of the living room, man. You got me. Do you want to put handcuffs on me? Who? Who the hell are you? Where have you been, you, naught boy? You don't need that, love. Your gun is over here. What is it? Can't you get a hard on? What did you do with the money, love? What money? What do you mean what money? Didn't you take the money? What money? I risked my life for you. Do you know what he would do to me if he knew I was fucking you? Don't you ever try to screw me over, Kadir Bilmez. Don't you dare! Or I would slit your throat right here. Joke, I was only joking. Okay? I was only joking. I hid the money somewhere, it is safe. And when the time is right, I will bring it. For both of us. That's what I wanted to hear. Someone at the door! It must be that idiot janitor. Forget about him. Don't answer it. You don't have to answer it. Don't answer it. -I think I should see him at least. -Don't answer. I will be right back. Who the hell she is? Who is she? It must be the wrong flat. I don't know her. Look, what I have here for you. Yes, hello? Mr. Kadir? Yes, hello. It is me. I called you about Ada. Remember now? Yes, but which Ada? Aficionada! Which Ada you think, Mr. Kadir? Your daughter, Ada. Yes, I am listening. Listen. I will read something to you. It is a homework we give to our students. I thought you would like to know what your daughter wrote... ...because I thought you or her mother... ...would like to know about your daughter's psychology. I am listening. "I hate my school. I hate people. Because they are very cruel. I hate my mother. My mother always nags. She always complains about something. She is criticizing me all the time because I am a fat girl. She is telling me that boys wouldn't like me. I think all the boys are idiots. And my dad is the most idiot one. We never see him anyway. He is never there for me. The other day, a fat bird, just like me, hit on my window and died. Life is so silly. Why do we live if we are going to die one day? Maybe when we die, we go to a better place. Sometimes I really want to die. I am so unhappy to be alive." Mr. Kadir. Ka... Mr. Kadir? Where are you going? You don't even open the door anymore. I was in the shower. I know you looked through the peephole. I am sure you have another woman inside. Are you okay? No! Headmistress called me. Why did you write all that? Because I want to die so you and mom can all be happy. Why did you say that? What did you mean by that? Why are you talking like that? -Like what? -Like an idiot. Hello? Kadir, I found the footage. Which footage? Remember that car on the background. I found the security camera footage. I thought maybe we could see his face but they didn't give it to me. They said I needed a court order. What do you mean they didn't give it to you? I know how to take it from them. Don't worry. I am on my way. Okay? Wait for me. Wait for me. I am on my way. Come on, get in. Let me give you a lift to school. -Are you talking to me? -Yes, I am talking to you. I am in hurry. Come on, get in! Move! What do you think? Guys, why don't you gather? I think we found the killer of that reporter. What do you mean? He's been following him. But he got caught on security camera. What was the date? 14th of June 2020. That's the one! That's the one. Be careful. Be careful. This is a government office. If you do something stupid, then I will screw you. What's are you doing over there? Are you watching funny movies again? No, sir. Chief Inspector thinks... ...that he found the killer of that reporter. We are checking that. -Move aside. Go to 2 o'clock. Hey! You are here. Look. Is that the other camera? I think so, sir. It is there. It is there. He parked the car. He is getting out of the car. He is getting out. Show us your face. He will, he will show his face now. Fucking hell! God damn it! Stop! Stop! Stop! What have you done! Switch off all the computers! Hurry up! -Come on, come on! -Hurry up, guys! Someone, turn the water off! Turn the water off! I am trying! Turn off the god damn water! You fucking idiot! You fucking idiot! Careful! Turn that thing off! Computers! Turn that thing off! Computers!
Channel: blutv
Views: 4,216,535
Rating: 4.8635569 out of 5
Keywords: yarım kalan aşklar, yarım kalan aşklar 1. bölüm, yka 1. bölüm
Id: Mfk2nXoHnj0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 40sec (3580 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 23 2020
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