Halka 1. Bölüm

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EPISODE 1 KAAN AND CIHANGIR <i>25 years ago, Eren Karabulut's 10-months-old baby was kidnapped.</i> What we understand from the statements, kidnappers ask for a lot of money. Karabulut accepts the amount. They tell him to go to a warehouse in Silivri and he goes to Silivri for the exchange. Who was the kidnapper, Captain? We don't know. And I don't think the Karabuluts knew. Neither Eren. He brings the money. <i>He must have known that it was a trap, a set up,</i> <i>but it was his baby boy, after all.</i> There were six bullet on the body. Three to the chest, two to the neck, and one to the head. He dies instantly. What about the baby? What happens next is very interesting. <i>The cops arrive at the crime scene.</i> <i>They find the baby in the back.</i> <i>There were no money, Eren was dead and they left the baby behind.</i> What's interesting is that the baby found in the car, was not Eren's. -What do you mean? -They switched Eren's baby with another baby. <i>Hümeyra Karabulut goes to the station.</i> <i>Eren's wife.</i> <i>Takes the baby and doesn't say a word.</i> <i>She doesn't object, takes the baby as his own.</i> Did they find his real son? No. We still don't know where he is. The case was closed. I think there was more to it than Eren Karabulut's murder. Think about it. You take a baby from some poor person and give him to Hümeyra Karabulut. God knows that they left her real son in the slum. What you're saying is that you're the destiny. "Me. I will write it. We'll start over." Your husband is dead, your baby is lost, and you're holding a stranger's baby. What can I say? Why did she take that baby? I don't know. She just took it. Maybe the baby was her husband's. She doesn't tell the cops, takes the kid in. Maybe she wanted to control her own destiny. Or she didn't want it to took it from the innocent baby. Hümeyra Karabulut, runs a football field nowadays. <i>She didn't marry again.</i> <i>She gets away from all that</i> <i>and brings up the kid that left to her.</i> Why have this case opened again? Why are we talking about it 25 years later? Why are we here? This is why. They sent this to the prison. Who is in the prison? The baby found in the car. The baby left to Hümeyra Karabulut. Aka Kaan Karabulut. He was sentenced five years for burglary and serving his time without a problem. And they sent him this. For him to watch, to know. Put it. <i>They sent this to him, but we are the ones</i> <i>that they want to show it.</i> <i>They know that we will watch it before the kid.</i> <i>They are saying "Look at what happened 25 years ago?</i> <i>Or did you forget?"</i> <i>They called me, I went there and watch it. I decided there and then.</i> <i>I wanted the kid to watch it, too.</i> <i>Kaan Karabulut watched it.</i> <i>They recorded everything.</i> <i>25 years ago.</i> Who recorded it? It can't be the murderers. We don't know. Let's watch it first. We'll talk about that later. Now the interesting part starts. Whoever sent the tape, they are identifying the murderers. <i>One of the murderers is Ercan Saner, also known as Kavak.</i> <i>And the other is İskender Akay.</i> <i>These two murderers were taking orders from İlhan Tepeli.</i> Ercan Saner is in the middle. The one wearing a tie. He died from cancer last year. At least that's what is says on the death certificate. The one beside him is İskender Akay. He was working with İlhan Tepeli, but went separate ways. İskender has his own thing now. They are not exactly friends anymore. More like rivals. Whoever sent the tape, maybe isn't aware of Ercan Saner's death. Maybe, but he's giving us the murderers with their addresses after all those years. Who is he? And who is benefiting from this revenge? That's the question we must answer. We don't see the kid being put into the car in the footage. Yes. They didn't want Kaan to know that much. Or maybe they don't know. So, they aren't saying Kaan, "You're someone else's kid." No. They just want him to know the killers, so that he takes revenge when he gets out. -Kaan doesn't know, right? -No. What about the mother, Hümeyra? Does she know what we know? I believe she knows. But we need to keep this as a secret until we can. Alright, why did they want us to know all these? They want us to investigate Tepeli. They know that we are after him. Who knows, Bahar? Who knows we are after him? Who knows we are after the Circle? This is an undercover assignment. There are just seven people. It doesn't matter if we take İlhan Tepeli in or not. I'm not just after him. I'm after who is above him, I'm after the Circle. I can't let İlham Tepeli get away with just solicitation. What do we do now? I will talk to you? My boss is inside. What's in it for me? What? I want turnip juice. Hot. Turnip? I drank it only once. I am not really fond of it. But I wanted it on the way here. I thought, "If I have a visitor, they might as well get me a turnip juice. And a <i>dürüm </i>with it. Bon appetite. Do you want a bite? No. There is no need. If one eats and the other watches him, it creates a chaos. That's why we have these walls. This is the Faculty of Little Chaos. Our lesson is to pace back and fort and this is our revolt. You get me. Yes. How long do you have here? Ask me what you don't know. Or let me ask you. It will be faster. What do you want from me? To work with us. We know about the DVD. -Did you send it? -No. They want to use you as a pawn. So, like you. You've just offered me a job. But I am a cop. We don't know who they are. I've just gave you food, and I can give again. I can get you out. I can ensure the killer of your father get what he deserves. OK. Let's talk frankly. What do I have to do? We want you to be one of his men. Be close to him. He's the killer of my father. It matters to me. Why is he important for you? Look at the one in the middle. He is İlhan Tepeli. He takes care of the money for the organization. On the surface, he is a contractor and an exporter. But his main job is to collect and distribute money. From who he takes the money, is not a concern for us. We want to know where he transfers it. You know, I just said "pawn." Tepeli is someone else's pawn. I want the people behind that pawn. Why me? She looks like a professional. She can't do it? I am a vile criminal, after all. I am not clean. Thank you. Do you take sugar? No. This is our duty. But it is a matter of life and death for you. I'd like to work with people who have a spine, have a bone to pick. You are like that. If you think about the future, you'd know that it would be good for you to work with us. You'll get out of the prison, take revenge and work with the government. It's a new life. He killed my father. Why would he hire his son? Think about the opposite. Who want to work for a guy who killed his dad? Why would he? He would just kill him. Right. I know myself. What if I kill him? What happens then? You'll get back here. You know it here. Did you know? He was innocent. Right? Tell us more. It's exciting. Kaan Karabulut, you understand what I am offering to you, right? What will happen to the person who sent the DVD? Nothing. Him, you, me, Bahar... We are on the same side. We all want İlhan Tepeli. We don't know who sent the DVD. And we won't know until he wants us to know. Besides, he will help you until you bring Tepeli down. -What if he exposes himself? -We will think about it then. We will be close to you. Bahar and I will help you. Who is this? He wasn't in the footage. It's Cihangir. Tepeli's son. He has a son. Why would he want me? You'll earn his trust, too. Did you think it will be easy? Speak. <i>Cihangir, I'm here, looking at Hakan's house.</i> OK. I am on my way. -Is it crowded? -No. <i>Not a sound. Everyone's asleep.</i> <i>I wish we had sold him to the Qataris.</i> <i>We wouldn't have to deal with him.</i> Welcome. He brought the girl after the match. According to the security, it's been an hour or so. -What about the CCTV? -They have cameras. They delete the disks once a month. -How is going Çorumlu? -Good, Adem. We talked a bit. He is kinda from my hometown. He was here when they came. -Which block? -B. Floor 15. This way. Sorry. I will get the CCTV footage on the way out. As I told you, the guy is my homeboy. Cihangir, it's a disaster. I'm in hell. It's all bad. It's like a movie. -This is crazy. -OK. Calm down. -Where is the body? -Don't say "the body." I can't believe it. Get up. -Are there any other cameras? -What? Yes. This is a smart building. I'll show you smart. Get in. Get in. Come on. -Adem? -Yes, sir. -Gather her belongings. -Right away. Listen to me. Did anyone see you leaving the club? Yes. The media was there. They took photos. Did she send them anyone? -Yes. To me. -Of course, as a memory. -How long do you know him? -We've just met. We're not in a relationship. I didn't even hold her hand. Cihangir, help me. I swear, I didn't do anything. How did she die? I went to the bathroom. She was lying there when I came back. -And? -She was dead. -No! -How did she die? I don't know. -There are no bruises. -We didn't fight. I have a transfer lined up. She texted me via WhatsApp. And I texted him back. "This goal is for you." Hakan, she is dead. What are you talking about? She was dead when I came back. She's not dead. Wake her up. Of course. -What is that Adem? -Ether. Why do you have it? -Get back to it. -Of course. Are you going to make me bury her while she is alive? You're the best! Great! -Take her to the hospital. -OK. You're coming with me. You'll stay at the hotel tonight. Anything you want. I can even stay on the grounds. I don't care where you stay. Just get out of my sight. Adem, take the CCTV footage. If she doesn't die here, she will die at the hospital. Don't you worry. She won't die. She's breathing. Sister. Where are you from? I'm on it. OK. Let's go. Why do we trust this criminal? It's not about trust. Someone wants to involve him and I'm just letting them. -What if it's a trap? -I'm taking a risk, but it's better than having someone inside. If we lose someone, it won't be our people. It will be that criminal. That's the risk. Kaan Karabulut making it out alive is not possible. If you are in prison at that age, then you are already wasted. I'm just giving him another chance. Do you think he understands that? He's funny. He isn't weary. He wants to stay alive. What did he say? I'd like to think about it. I'll tell my decision tomorrow. He makes plans. He isn't quick to decide. He leaves a distance. That's good. -Welcome, sir. -Cihangir. Son, welcome. What's wrong with your fiancée? She's sitting there, sulking. She'll die from the grief. -I will talk to her. -It's not enough. She's not only marrying you. She's also marrying me. She's mad at you. What did I do? I said I'd talk to her. Don't talk. You'll say it and she will obey. How are you, İrem? I was waiting you. -I'm tired. -You have insomnia. And I'm not even going to talk about my dad. You should see a doctor. This isn't just tiredness. Do you want to talk about it later? -Talk. -Oh, thank you very much! I will talk. You're not answering your phone. Why? It was a wrong time? I'm working. Doing my job. Your dad will be happy. But what about me? You're tired when it comes to me. What are you trying to say? Ha? -Just say it. -We weren't like that before. What happened to you? You are supposed to care about me. Why aren't you trying? Trying? I'm not doing that. I'm just trying to do the best I can. There is so much. Answer it. It's your dad. Your job can't wait, your dad can't wait, but your girlfriend can wait. Your fiancée can wait. Your dad is at the garden. What's going on İrem? She looks tense. What's going on, Cihangir? I'm talking about Hakan. It's nothing. It's not what we feared. The girl he was with was passed out. I should have sold him to the Qataris before all this nonsense... It's OK, Dad. Tomorrow I will pick up the Qataris from the airport. If someone said to me "İlhan, you'll do business with the Qataris." ten years ago, I wouldn't have believed. Right? It is fate, Dad. No. You're wrong. One creates his own fate. If I had just wait for things to happen, count on my reputation... Am I wrong? I wouldn't have all these now. Do you know what makes me different from my peers? They think that the war happens on the street, and ends at the table. But the real war is at the table. If I open up a factory in Beijing, a hotel in Moscow, that puts me into a different place, right? Those old thugs from 40 years ago are about die out, Cihangir. This is the first lesson. There are rats in every ship. You have to shake it. Always. There can't be a limit to what you can do. Business means to shake. You have to shake. Maybe that rat helps you getting that ship. That's the lesson two. OK, Dad. I will shake. This makes me talk. One last thing. They are looking into me. "That ship is old, needs to be put on the stocks." is what they are saying. Who says that? You always say the same thing. Just give me the address. I know you'll take care of it. If I get the address, I will let you know. How long has it been, Bahar? Since you have joined the intelligence. -Four years. -Really? OK. Do you remember what we talked four years ago? Yes, boss. "The state comes first. Everybody will say that. Some will hide behind it, lie and look for other things." Did I say these things? Yes, I did. I know, boss. I remember it. But I've been working with Captain Sandıkçı for three years. It's hard for me to be suspicious. Hold on. If I say to him "Cemal, report me about Bahar. Watch her, scrutinize her," what would he do? He wouldn't hesitate for a second. We have to leave our emotions behind. Cemal Sandıkçı has been working on this for all these years. He has yet to brought me anything tangible. Now he makes a move, and I don't like it. Think about this: What if he is doing it deliberately? What if he is pretending like he's failing. What if he's wasting our time? What if he's playing a game with that boy he got out of prison? Look. We can't take this risk. I think we shouldn't do it. If someone is going to undercover, we can find another way. You told this to Sandıkçı, right? Yes. I told him the same thing. He didn't want it. That's why we are not going to be involved. We will just watch. What's his name? The boy who will work for us? Kaan Karabulut. Let Cemal Sandıkçı do his thing. You will report everything to me. Let's see what he can or cannot do. If he succeeds, it would be nice. But if he can't, we need to know why. So that we can act accordingly. Yes, sir. -<i>Who is it</i>? -It's me, sister. Come. Go on. Come. Who is it? -Welcome. -Get in. Go on. -Did you turn it off? -Yes. When do you want me to wake you up? Around 09:00. Turn on the phone if I don't wake up. OK, honey. I won't wake you up even if your dad or mom calls. <i>Cihangir, you're not İlhan Tepeli's son.</i> <i>Tepeli kidnapped you and asked for money in return.</i> <i>Your father, Eren Karabulut</i> <i>was murdered by İlhan Tepeli and his two men</i> <i>at the rendezvous point.</i> <i>One of the killers is Ercan Saner, also known as Kavak.</i> <i>And the other is İskender Akay.</i> <i>This footage shows the murder of your real father.</i> <i>Tepeli took you in as his son.</i> <i>You say "dad" to your dad's killer.</i> Nurten, can you come here? Yes, honey? Were you there at my birth? Me? Of course. Dad had an enemy at the time. He wasn't giving him any break. We couldn't get out of the house. We couldn't go to the hospital, so we delivered you with your grandmother. You were born into my arms. You were three kilos. Do you remember the name -of that enemy? -No. Maybe he was someone called Eren Karabulut? I have no idea. Why? Nothing. I just wanted to ask. It's OK. Go to sleep, Cihangir. It's late. Welcome. Have you made a decision? I don't have much choice. I want to get out of here. Your choice should be based on not getting back here. You know that, right? I have to work with you to not be here and be outside. It's not something I can think about it or decide. It's the only thing I have. We're offering you a better life. I'm not sure about that part. But I will work hard. I have only one condition. Don't worry, it's not turnip juice. There is no condition. We can do it. My mother. She wouldn't believe this early release or parole or whatever this is. Why? She's... I don't know. She's different. <i>They set you up, son.</i> Someone is benefiting from you being in prison. It doesn't matter anymore. Five years. We'll think about them when I get out. I have only one son. Who did it? Tell me. I'll take care of the rest. Just give me a name. Who did it? There is no one. Don't you worry. I'm fine. <i>I want to tell her the truth.</i> Do you think this is a game? Why do you involve her in it? You'll get out and she'll be happy. Everything goes back to normal. That's it. You don't know her. Captain, my grandfather was a thug. -My dad, too. -Yeah? How should I say it? She is different. Will this help us or will it slow us down? She'll learn. I'm asking if it would be good for us. I don't know, but she'll understand the agreement we have and accept it. And it would help me to work better. Kaan, your mother... Don't get me wrong, but she's not someone important in this case. She can't know about this job, this assignment. I scratched your back, Captain. Now, you scratch mine. This is my condition. You won't accept it if we don't let you to tell your mother? Yes, that's what I'm saying. -Is this a joke? -Hold on, Bahar. Did you think about this mama's boy act over night? Yes, he did. No. She's my mother after all. I know what she thinks. I can't do it if I have to lie to my mom. I think we were wrong, Captain. We should have talk to Hümeyra Karabulut. She'd like that. If she'd seen us, she would have said "The wolf and the lamb cannot be together." Are you the lamb? <i>I have only but one life, big old wolf, not two</i> <i>That's enough for me sweet lamb, don't you worry</i> What's that? Kaan Karabulut. Your mother cannot know about that DVD. It shows the murder of your father. She might get angry and be afraid to lose you. And both of those things are not good for us. What should I say to her? That you're working with the police. You don't have to tell her what you are doing. That's it. Morning. Why didn't you sleep? I'd wake you up. Can you make me a coffee? What about linden tea? Coffee makes you sleepless. You only sleep for two or three hours. Your body will give up at some point. God forbids. If you go to a doctor, they make you sleep for three days. Nurten, I believe chamomile helps you sleep. OK. I can try that. What are you doing here, Adem? Her sausages are something. She does organic and with eggs, too. -Let him eat. Bon appetite. -Thank you. Do you want some, Cihangir? What happened to the girl, Adem? She's fine. I gave her a ride home. Did you learn who she is? She's just a girl. İskender's daughter. What are talking about? Müjde, you know. She's İskender Akay's daughter. Is she that Müjde? İskender Akay's daughter? Why do I find out about it now? I've just found out. I thought you knew. You sighed when I ask her "Where are you from?" I didn't know. -How could I know? -You're right. I found out at the hospital when they asked for her ID. But I gave her a ride home, so... Is she on anything? Drugs? No. I searched her purse. She's clean. She's just in love. That's all there is to it. Who she fell in love with? The footballer? Yes, I guess so. But you never know. Adem, follow her. Let me know when he meets Hakan. Do you want olives, Cihangir? I have tomato and chili, as well. Cihangir? He doesn't hear me. What's going on with the Qataris? What's going on İskender? You wouldn't come without calling. So if you are here without an entrance, it must be urgent. You were my boss for all those years, İlhan. I can't stay away from you. I wanted to see the man who gave orders to me. Is that alright? She's still the same. Where is Cihangir? He isn't here? We are getting old, İlhan. I'm not in a bad shape, though. But your roots are showing. What do you want, İskender? I want to ban this pool thing. -Why? -I don't know how to swim. -So, you're jealous. -I am jealous, İlhan. You take action when you have nothing. You want what you don't have. You look at the people that have those. Asking yourself, "Why don't I have those?" So? But you're just talking to yourself. But if you have power, you give orders. I've missed our conversations. It's 1997. I am saying "Let's move forward." Literally and figuratively. Rest in peace, Sabri came to the shop one day. He had a reputation. I was afraid. It's not like how we talk. He can pull the gun, I know. He said to me "Stay out of my way or I will erase your family." I am too polite for this. What are you talking about? I am talking about wasting. What do you want me to say? You will withdraw your bids. Where do you find this courage from? I have a solid back with powerful people. So, they make it easy for me to humiliate you. I've said something. Stop with the questions. Focus on what I said. Get out of here. I don't want a commit a murder in my own house. İlhan, you will kill me if you have the chance. Stop with this nonsense. You want to see my funeral. You're holding a glass of bourbon like JR. Let's have a barbecue one day. Maybe you'll remember where you came from. The people forgot about Dallas. You never liked me, right? What do you mean? I am a crazy laughter. The master of means. Go after him. Captain, you know the best, but I don't think we should trust this guy. We should assign the mission to someone from us, please. It wouldn't sit right with me if he'd accepted it without a condition. It's good that he has demands. He should believe that he has leverage. -So, we are doing this. -Yes. What he asks is nothing. I am making it difficult on purpose. Boss, Hümeyra Karabulut isn't someone we can control. We control the fate of his son. What do you want more? I don't know. Also, we know that he has a secret in his past. Kaan doesn't know he was switched. But her mother should know that we know. -Will we tell her? -Of course. Not to Kaan, but to her mother. Let him say his conditions. Cunningness is the only weapon of the fox against a lion. We won't accept the conditions easily so he thinks we are equals and do our thing. -So, I am getting Kaan out? -Yes. Let him have a look around. But not far. Go on, Bahar. Cihangir, I thought your dad was a baker when I saw him with flour all over him. He wasn't. You make the bread, but he eats it. It's a different era. You should think differently, too. Let's build a bridge together. You know I won't do that Mr. Akay. You wouldn't come here. Is everything alright? Overpopulation creates wars, Cihangir. It's hard to find money for everyone. I had just taken an order. Let me give you my card. Take it. I don't give it to everyone. You are like my namesake. Cihangir, İskender. Same thing. Let's conquer Athens together. See, you get my joke. I need someone like you. Let's go. He is chatting with İskender. How could he know? He came unannounced. He's not a guest, he's not our friend. Doesn't he think it's odd? I am angry as it is. Just stop it. I can't understand how he's so calm. If it the end of the world has come, he would only raise his voice slightly. He would just walk away slowly and quietly. His insomnia making him a different person. Sir? You know, the Qataris are here. Should I stay with them or follow the girl? -İskender's daughter. -Follow the girl. Let me know if she gets out of the house. If she won't come out, make Hakan call her to meet him outside. -What was her name? -Müjde. They probably named her after the old movies. Can you believe it? İskender watching movies... İskender will do something. Let's take precautions. We should keep an eye on Müjde. OK. Look. I couldn't reach you by phone. That's why I came here. -Your phone was off. -I forgot to turn it on. Morning. Why was İskender here? To threaten us. Dad? He used to work for us. He should be ashamed. -What's he saying Dad? -Nothing. He intimidates, fights, tell me stay out of his way. That's all. But why is he doing this? Maybe someone is helping him. He doesn't have a spine. His rages end with him chickening out. -He always imitated your dad. -Gülay, just stop it. Son, I don't know anything. If you know anything, tell me. He came here, intimidated us, talked and talked and left. But something triggered them. You will find it and tell me. I don't know anything. Look at him... Ah, the good old days of violin, clarinet, qanun. We only get electric saz and drums. What are they doing? This is <i>fidayda</i>, not <i>kolbastı</i>. -Lentils? -Tarhana. So, you like organic. You can be shown as a special case to the ministry of education. As an example for education casualty. You are good at giving speech. You should try politics. Why are you here? Have you ever thought about it? You are here because Captain believes in you. But I don't believe you and I don't trust you. Do you know <i>fidayda</i>? You're not even from Ankara. What are you talking about? You're right. So, it was in me all this time. -But laziness isn't in me. -I got that much. Come on. Wait for me İstanbul. I am coming. -Go on, Kaan. -Please. Go on. Did you find him? <i>No, the Qataris are lost.</i> What do you mean lost? Did his plane land in İstanbul? <i>-Yes.</i> -So? <i>We waited at the gate, but he wasn't there.</i> Can't you do one thing right? Where are you? <i>They don't let us to park. We're circling around.</i> We are looking for them inside. Sir, he is either running away from us or he was kidnapped. There can't be any other explanation. <i>İskender...</i> <i>I don't give it to everyone.</i> Adem. -How is Müjde?<i> -We are at Hakan's place.</i> <i>-She is here, too.</i> -Good. Don't leave her. I am coming, wait for me. -OK?<i> -Alright.</i> We are leaving. -Mr. Akay? -<i>Mr. Tepeli.</i> I'm fine. Hello? Mr. Akay? <i>Come to my place. Let's eat.</i> Your trip to İstanbul ends here. This is not my house. So, we are not in İstanbul, yet. You'll work here with us. You'll report to us here. They used to call this Green House. Don't mind the white color. Green would be better. White gets dirty easier. I don't like big houses. Your mother is inside. -Really? -You wanted her. If we are going to know each other, I wanted it to be in here. Where is she? -Does she know? -She does now. She also know how to negotiate. What do you mean? Why do you want to give him a job after all these years? Something must have happened for you think that he could be useful. Tell me about it. What's wrong? I thought she was cunning at first, but she is smart, too. Will it be good for us? Hümeyra Karabulut isn't an ordinary person. We should know that. Will she be good for us? As long as we are on the same side, she can't hurt us. Come on. How was the trip? It was fine. -I even danced to fidayda.<i> -Good for you.</i> <i>It's nice to hear.</i> What is he talking about? He danced to the song at the stop. I think he talks about that. You should have called on the way here. They didn't let me. They are speaking in code. I swear, they are speaking in code. Bring us tea. So, he danced to <i>fidayda</i>? I wouldn't call that a "dance." No, he danced. I know. I wish there were a wedding. So that he could show skills. You never know. -Know what? -When you are going to be married. Who is she Mr. Sandıkçı? Bahar. He accompanied your son. They came from Ankara together. Is that so? Thank you. -Let's talk business. -OK. So, you're after İlhan Tepeli. He was a close friend of my late husband. I haven't seen him in a long time. He will give him a job if I ask him. No, we don't want that. We want him to find a job in one of his businesses and rise on his own. İlhan Tepeli will find out about Kaan. He would be someone that sneaks up on him. It wouldn't be good if he got exposed. No, Hümeyra. We will give him a new identity. He killed his dad. Right? There is an allegation, but we're not sure. There can't be any secret between us, Cemal Sandıkçı. How do you know about the DVD? My son is good at <i>fidayda</i>. When did you do it? Good for you, but when did you manage to do it? I was watching you, Kaan. When did you tell her? I'll tell you when we danced to <i>fidayda </i>together. I promise. For God's sake... No need to play games. I can talk to İlhan Tepeli. He will give him a job. I think the real problem is not this. What's the problem? If you are after the people above İlhan Tepeli, it seems that someone prepared to sacrifice him. He's time is up. At least that's what I heard. How do you know this? I lost my husband. I can't lose my son, too. It's our lives on the line. OK, that's a new lead. Who wants to replace Tepeli? Who will take him down? İskender. Akay? Let him come. Get in, Cihangir. You know the Qatari. Hello. Sit down. We have lots of water here. Lots of wells. Not oil wells, water wells. Tell the Qatari. I will make him lamb kebap in the pit oven. The fire will heat it below and it will give its oil away. If you want your rice with lots of spices, I can do that, too. He'll say to me "It's shame. All these years without knowing the taste of it." It's tender and soft in the mouth. I can't believe it! Look, how I am talking! -Interpreter, take him to kitchen. -OK. The cooks will tell him about the pumpkin with syrup. So that he can see a real desert. He should know how the pumpkin can be so soft. OK. I'm like a tourism ambassador. Go on. Mr. Akay. -This is not nice. -What? Giving you the SIM card. Having a lunch with the Qatari? Or scaring İlhan Tepeli? I have nine strings, son. Everywhere you touch sounds different. Tell me what you want. Let's talk about it. I want you beside me. You father's passed it. They leave the shop when they see the chef. You've seen the Qatari. He saw an opportunity and he's here. Doesn't even say his name. You saw it with your own eyes. We didn't force him. Let's forget about the Qatari. What do you want from my father? He should get away from all this. I want to talk to you. And I want you to be my man. -Or else? -Or else... It's hard to find a middle ground. I will plow the field and get out of there. I will bulldoze what İlhan Tepeli has. <i>Capice?</i> You get me? I have your daughter, Müjde. I'll take you to the woods and make you search for a baby bear. Do you hear what you say? The Qatari isn't here by force. Shut up! Where is my daughter? Tell me! What do you want? What do you think about the tape? You're my compass, Mom. What do you think? I think two things. First, is what they say true? -Is it true? -It doesn't matter. The cops have to prove it. -Maybe it's a lie? -Maybe. -We are at the start again. -No. We are not. We have information. You said two things. What's the second one? They want us to take revenge? Who wants it? I'll say something, but don't get angry. What are you talking about? I told you, you're my compass. I didn't know a father. -I never knew his absence. -Don't say that. No, it's true. So, this tape isn't important to me. If I'll take revenge, I'll do it for you. It's not just me. You had it hard, too. They left you without a father. -I forgot about it. -No. No, you did not. You weren't be in prison if you'd had a father. We'd have a different life. They ruined our lives. Listen. I will tell you something. If we forget about it one day, we should remind it to each other. We shouldn't forget. They ruined our lives. I don't care who you're after. I want my husband's killer to be found. And I want my son to never go back to prison. Don't worry. We'll do those. I'm happy with our cooperation. I don't see any reason for it to collapse. As long as Kaan do what he's told, I'll make it easy for him. I'll talk to İlhan Tepeli tomorrow. Good. You'll talk to Bahar. Let's hope for the best. We should discuss one last thing. We are going into a fight. If someone talks, it will end badly. We don't want Kaan to be upset and confused. What are you talking about? The people who worked on your husband's murder case, thought that your son had been switched. And that's what they wrote in their report. I knew it. I knew that someone would say that to me one day. And you're that person. It's a lie. They are all lies. Kaan is my son. I'm his real mother. I brought him up. Me. He wasn't switched? It doesn't mean he's not my son, even if he was switched. Kaan is my child, my son. That's it. You won't hear the opposite from us. Kaan shouldn't hear, too. What do you think? She didn't get angry as I thought she would be. She was emotional, but didn't deny. She wanted us to hide the fact. Do you think it was a calculated emotion? That's what I think. No, she was sincere. It's perfectly normal for her to be angry. She had to face us. Don't believe her tough act. <i>She wasn't cold-hearted when she was hugging her son.</i> This is your chance. You're out of the prison. You're here, thank God. Thank God. If you do what you're told, your father's killers will get what they deserve. You can do it, I know. Think positive, OK? Think positive and it will be fine. Don't you worry. She has lived among powerful men all her life. She positions herself accordingly. You're like that, too. Me? No. I am what you see. No, I didn't mean that. But the people you work with can change you. That's what I'm saying. Anyways, why is İskender after İlhan Tepeli? It wasn't about the money. I thought maybe Kaan should get a job with İskender. -But there is no time. -No time. If the war has started the newcomers will be the first casualty. We'll stick to the plan. Hümeyra will talk to him and we'll see. What is he doing? -It's probably good for his soul. -What are you talking about? Nothing. He says such nonsense whenever you ask him anything. He just wants attention. His brain doesn't get enough blood. OK, I can get off here. I will walk. Don't wait for me. 25 YEARS AGO What do you mean "She's throwing down her stuff?" She locked herself in to the room and she's throwing stuff. Can't you do it right? Break the door and get in. If she's throwing stuff, she can throw herself, too. She's acting all kooky. What? OK, I will be there. She's throwing down. She's still throwing. -Mr. Tepeli, good afternoon. -Good afternoon. It's Hakan's house. They are making it rain. -Did you record it? -No. -Do you want to? -If you want me to. This is our job. Come with me. Hold on. Stay back. I'll talk with you, too. -What's your name? -Metin. Metin. Take it. Thank you, but I need a story. Take it. I'll owe you. -I'll give you a big one. -When? The channel pressuring me It's exhausting. Write down your number. I'll try to call you tonight. Tonight? That would be great. Sir. He's a bonehead, I swear. She's screaming at the top her lungs, and this Cristiano is trying to score with his left. Sir? Müjde is throwing down my stuff. Müjde? The media is outside. They will ruin my transfer. Müjde? Can you open the door? You have every right to be angry, but you don't have to make a scene. I'm not afraid of anyone. If they are annoyed with me, they can tell it to my face. I know. And I appreciate what you're saying. You wouldn't do it, if you weren't right. I am right! More power to you, really. I am sure he broke your heart. I am sick of them. They are like children. You're right. He calls me Mine. Idiot. -I am sorry. -Don't let him talk! He won't. But open the door. Let's talk. -Who are you? -I'm Cihangir. I've brought coffee. If it doesn't make you sleepless. No, it doesn't. You're fond of your mother. I thought maybe it would be hard for you get some sleep. Mom isn't here. I'm all alone! I'm just joking. Don't get mad. I'm not. Well, you don't seem to care anything, anyways. I don't get angry easily. Why? There are lots of things to get angry. When there is so many things, it becomes meaningless to get angry. What makes you angry? Why are you asking? <i>You have to be his friend.</i> He'll work with us. You have to humor him. We're partners. I should get to know you. But you ask the questions. OK. Ask me anything. Do you know <i>fidayda</i>? -Ask me another. -OK. Where are you from? I can't say any place. My parents died in a car accident. First my grandpa took me in and then my aunt. And then I went to boarding schools. I am a cop. -I can tell. -How? I can. You're a cop, I'm a criminal. I mean it's obvious. Don't get angry. You're the boss. Whatever you say goes. OK. I'll get used to it. You can talk the talk Kaan. But I don't think you can walk. You danced to <i>fidayda </i>once. There won't be a second time. Mom used to say "Your lantern went out. It's time to go to bed." when I was naughty. I am just saying. -Good night. -Good night. Thanks for the coffee. Thank you, Mr. Tepeli. I don't want the camera. You can use your phone. You can take photos, but with the phone only. -OK. -Let me take it. These are the lucky guys, huh? Thanks to Mr. Tepeli. Guy at the sports will get jealous. Let them. We've had enough with their fabricated news. Let's sign the contracts and realize the transfer of the year. Shall we go? OK. Dad keeps calling. What did you say? That you kidnapped me. He said, "I know, don't be afraid." Should I be afraid? Let's go. We're here, Müjde. Goodnight. Are you afraid of my dad? -Should I? -Everyone is afraid of something. Yes. Were you there? -When I got sick at Hakan's place? -Yes. I don't remember you. I've never seen you. But I know your voice. So much so that it was with me all day. I'd have never opened that door if it weren't for you. You did the right thing. You got angry, and calmed down. -I'm not going. -What? -I don't want to go to home. -But I need to. Dad! I'm not coming home. What is she saying? -What should we do? -Wait. Dad, he did bad things to me. Are you crazy? Are you scared, Cihangir? Don't test me. Dad, I'm not coming. -I really like him. -Get in the car! Don't make a scene. Get in! I'm warning you! This was enough. Get in the cars! -Welcome. -Thank you. How was your day? Long. -Do you want chamomile tea? -Why? Adem told me. It's good for insomnia. I've bought some. No need for it. I don't want it at this hour. Was your phone off all day? Sometimes it was off, sometimes it was on. -I just had to. -İrem was here. -What did she say? -She thought you slept over. Since your phone was off, she came here. <i>She went into your room, looked at the painting.</i> <i>And then she turned to me.</i> When did this painting was made? After Cihangir came from abroad? Yes. So? She left this for you. -Where did she get the envelope? -She wrote it to a paper. I put it in the envelope. I didn't want anyone else to read. -Did you read it? -Yes. I wanted to know if it'd make you sad or not. -Would it? -She talks about her feelings. She wants to break up. Hümeyra? Gülay? It's been a long time, right? You are still the same. Oh, come on. Thank you. I am at the age of consoling myself about my age. What can you do? Please, sit. I am really glad to see you. Let's drink something. Bring us tea! Right away. How are you? What's wrong? Do you need something? Please tell. Yes, I need your help, Gülay. Is Mr. Tepeli at home? He's downstairs, working out. Men lift weights when they get old. He'd be here to drink his orange juice soon. How are you? -Did you marry again? -No. It wasn't meant to be. Actually, I didn't want it. I had my son and trying to make ends meet, years passed without noticing. Hümeyra? What brings you out here? I'm sorry, I came unannounced. Please. You're an old friend. It's really nice to see Hümeyra again, İlhan. -Let's have breakfast together. -No, thank you. I'm not hungry. But you can go ahead. I just wanted to talk you about something. My son... About Kaan. Of course. How can I help? I can't deal with it. I can't. He's just got out of the prison. I don't know what to do. I need someone who can talks his language, who will look after him. And I thought about you. You did right. OK. I'll talk to guys. If we have an opening... İlhan. Talk to Cihangir. He can find something. If it would be problem for you, please don't... Oh, come on. Please. No, Eren's son is my son. It is my duty. I'd like him to have a better job. An useful job. That's why I hesitated. I mean... It's fine. OK. Morning. Were you able to sleep? -Adem, who's that woman? -Which one? The one talking to my mother. Her? You know, I phoned you the other day. -Eren Karabulut's... -Wife. Yes. She has a football field. <i>You asked me about Eren Karabulut.</i> <i>We went to a warehouse in Silivri to check.</i> <i>She's his wife.</i> <i>Eren Karabulut killed by İlhan Tepeli and his two men.</i> What's she doing here? I don't know. She's here to talk Mr. Tepeli. And now she talks to my mother. I am not surprised that he fooled you or Hümeyra made her own plans. We will find a middle ground. They will want something. You just focus on the flow of things. What is Sandıkçı doing? Watch him. Did he accept it right away? He didn't think much. Why? Don't answer it. You have to find out if Sandıkçı making things easier or making them harder. We are suspicious, but we're not accusing. It is our job to be suspicious. There was this guy when I first started out. He closed the door on his way out, but didn't leave the doorstep right away. He wanted to hear what was being talked inside. He was the last one to leave the room in the meetings. I learned that he was looking at what people wrote to those papers in the meeting. He used to go through garbage. He sounds crazy. Not at all. Every little bit of information can be important. You're right. And there is another matter that I want you to pay attention. What did Kaan do to go to the prison? Burglary. Did you see his file? No. Because it is confidential. I think it is because of the operation. It can be, but I am suspicious. Don't leave him out of sight. He's elusive. If you think he makes his own plans, let me know, right away. Do you know who was the person that leave the room last and go through the garbage? It was me. -I've never liked her. -İlhan. If I weren't there, you'd talk to her differently. That's enough. -What do you mean? -Let's not talk about the past. -Son. -Morning. Morning, son. Morning. You were great yesterday. Made me some money and scare İskender away. Son, did you sleep? Like always. If İskender knew that her daughter was at the side of my pool in her own will, he'd stop eating. Maybe he did. It was nice to sell Hakan, too. Who was that woman, Dad? I'd say she's someone from our younger days... But that would make your mom old. Her wife was you dad's friend. They killed him. She was left with a son. And she didn't marry again. Who was he? The husband. Eren Karabulut. <i>Cihangir, you're not İlhan Tepeli's son.</i> <i>Tepeli took you in as his own son.</i> <i>You're saying "dad" to your dad's killer.</i> I'd say he was one of those old-school thugs, but there aren't any nowadays. Eren was like that. He wasn't a thug. If he'd used his head, he would have lived. -What did she want? -Hümeyra. She wants her son to have a job. We said you could take care of it. He just got out of prison. We don't know him. Check him out. If he's OK, you can take him in. If not, this is business. We don't have to. But she came all the way to here to ask something from us. -Let's help her. -Gülay. -I'm saying the same. -Yes, İlhan. -Was Eren you partner? -No. He was just a thug. He was always asking for trouble. Who killed him? There was a lot of talk, but no one knows. We were on vacation in Cyprus. It was at that time. I took over some of his business. They even said that I killed him. Come on! If that was the case, she wouldn't have come here. -People talk. -Yes. Was İskender working with us when Eren was killed? Why are you asking all these questions? I'm just wondering. You were talking about Eren Karabulut and I got curious. I don't think İskender was in İstanbul at the time. It was ages ago. I don't want anything to do with him or Eren. They are the same. I couldn't care less about them. Just forget it. Yes, İrem? Where are you? Let's talk. I'll be there in half an hour. -The Qatari came here to make money. -What happened? -Did her blood pressure go up? -I'll talk to her. Complaints make you lose your appetite. You have your own thing. If she's behaving like this at the beginning of the road, we're in for an adventure. I'll tell you what will happen. She'll call you and test you. I guarantee you she will want a break up. She will say "I can't do it. I love you, but I can't do it." She will say it like this. She will pull you in and leave you at the same time. Don't forget this, OK? This woman, Hümeyra. Will he come to me for his son? No. His son will come to you. We said him to be at the warehouse this afternoon. I said it. <i>They were nice to me.</i> I don't think they would be nice if it was back then. Open it. You'll meet İlhan Tepeli's son at a warehouse, today. Cihangir has insomnia. He likes quiet places. That's why uses the warehouse. They use this place for the goods they send abroad. We know that he sees a doctor time to time. He has problems because of his insomnia. That's what we think. He lives alone. He stays with his old nanny. He calls her "sister." Will I stay here when I start the job? This place is not a guesthouse. This is my home. I live here as a retired rentier helping out your mother. -Uncle Cemal. -Uncle Cemal? Uncle Cemal. I'd like to rent a place close to my mom, if that's OK for you. I thought that you'd want to stay with you mom. We'll arrange it. Maybe a small place for starters. We can find a better place in the future. When I have money. Every penny you earn will be recorded. You won't see the money. You'll have an allowance. -Really? -Yes. Every dirty penny you earn will be handed over to us as evidence. -I have a request. -What is it? I want to have a couple of hours for personal business. -Personal business? -I'll get my car. Car? We can bring it. Your mom can. Look. This won't be another <i>fidayda</i>? No. But that's my request. How can I say, I don't really feel like I'm out of the prison. I'd like to be alone couple of hours. Then I can go to Cihangir's place. You don't feel like you're out of the prison? What are you talking about? Captain? Two hours. Welcome, Mr. Tepeli. Cihangir, I try to understand you. You're busy and I'm making things difficult. But we weren't like this. How were we? Things were better before you went abroad. Like what? You were busy, but you had time for me. We had fun. -Then? -Then you got lost. Went abroad and we never were the same. İrem, you're saying abroad, but you know there isn't anyone else in my life. -If that's what you're getting. -No. It's not that. Your mind is on some other thing. I don't know about that. I can't. Yes, I have insomnia. But I don't remember when it started. It was after you went abroad. You didn't have it before. I don't know. I feel like it goes way back. İrem, I know I'm upsetting you. This is not fair to you, I know. I see that you're unhappy, but I don't want you to be unhappy. I work too hard. I wouldn't want it. I start the day and it turns into a night in the blink of an eye. They all started after you went abroad. What's done is done. We can't do anything about it. You have to find a way. It can't go on like this. We have to find a way. Cihangir, you have to. I want that Cihangir back. Me too. I want Cihangir to not upset the people he loves. But you do. You're nice to me right now, but it will be night. And if same things will happen again... I don't want it. Please. Mrs. Tepeli? Mr. Tepeli's fiancée has left. Yes, Mom? Something happened? Your fiancée. She did what I told you, right? Let her. Don't you worry. She thinks it is easy to tame a lion. She can't leave you. Can we talk later? OK, we'll talk later. But don't worry, OK? She did exactly what I told you. <i>Don't you worry.</i> -Hello. -Welcome. Come. You're early. Let's call it a chance, Doctor. It's here. Like we agreed. You're early. This is too much. No. Your father used to say "You must know the price of everything. The soup makes you full until you go to work, the rice is until noon. -And bread is until night." -"And bread is until night." This is too much for me. Tell me who took my car. Someone came for it two days after you arrested. <i>He had the keys.</i> I followed him to his house. His name is Clove. I've never seen the car again, but he's a realtor. The kind that accommodates prostitutes. There is a girl outside. She'll be worried if she can't see me. Just tell him that I went for a lunch. Who is that girl? You didn't have one of those back then. -She's a policewoman. -So? That's good. It is time to find the people that set me up. They won't get away with it. I will make them pay every single day they took from me. I'm out now. I will be patient and get my revenge. And you'll witness it. I won't be a witness, I will be at your side. <i>...with the transfer window now open...</i> No music. If this place has a backdoor and you used it... It has a backdoor. He's gone. He must have taken a cab. Sir? Welcome. Are you hungry? Do you want anything? Were you with İrem? -How are you, Adem? -You know, the same. It's locked. Let me. I took the money from the Qatari. He wanted to send it to a bank account. But I wanted in cash. I say "I'm Adem." He says, "How are you?" How did you talk to him? You don't know the language. Money makes you talk. How much? 11 million European. Nice. Really? Cihangir? How are you, son? I am working, Mr. Akay. You're working too hard. You need to make time for your fiancée. <i>How are you? What are you doing?</i> <i>Did you hear me?</i> Yes. The Qatari owes me nine million. If you bring the money, you can have the girl. She shouldn't be involved. You should have thought about that when you kidnapped my daughter. -Right. -I know. I will send you the location. You'll be there in two hours with the money. Did they kidnap İrem? Prepare the bag. How much do they want? Nine. Right. They don't know he gave us 11. No. I didn't mean that we saved two million. What's wrong? This address... It's the place we went together. <i>The place Eren Karabulut was killed.</i> It's the same place. It's an empty, abandoned place. Maybe it's a coincidence. What's wrong? -Hello. -Welcome. I want to rent a place. OK. What's your budget? Please, sit down. I'll bring tea. Thank you, but we can do that later. Let's look at the houses first. I don't have much time. I'm sorry, but my assistant had to be at the hospital. I can't leave the place empty. But there is a house, close to here. I've just showed it to a client. Second floor, small apartment. It's newly painted. What's your name? Kaan. You must be Clove. Yes, that's my nickname. It's because I like to dress well. How I look is important for me. I embraced it never left the house without a clove ever since. If you don't have much time, let's look at that place. Please. Please. Come in. The landlord has just redid the plumbing. Look at the pipes. They are new. Look. It gets so much sunlight that it feels like an oven. Nice. -Clove? -Yes? Do you remember me? -What do you mean? -It's an obvious question. You're not a friend from my military service. Have we met before? No. But you know me. I'm not sure. My name is Kaan Karabulut. I'm here to take what is mine. What are you talking about? -Kneel down! -Sir! Sir? You did me wrong without even knowing me. And now you want mercy from me? -Where is my car? -What car? Where is my car? Sir, they told me park the car to a street. Who? Someone did me a favor. I owed it. I had to do it when he asked. Why didn't he do it? He knew he'd be followed. He couldn't do it. Don't lie to me. I'll break your head. If someone wants to follow you, he can follow you in the car. It's not like that. I drove the car three hours. If I was suspicious, I'd have drove it five hours. Then I left the car to a park. I waited a week. And then I left it where they told me to. Who is he? I've never seen his face. I didn't meet him, either. We talked over the phone couple of times. Then he sent me a DVD. What DVD? If you do a favor for him, he does back one for you. He's the real flower. Right, Clove? He told me that you'd come. He said, "You're my clue. He'll start looking for me with you." So, he knows everything. They are an organization. Organization? Suddenly he became they. What's the name of this organization? Circle. Circle. Get up. Where is my car? I can't believe it! They are nice to people and also know how to steal from them. I can't believe it. Where were you? I was looking for my car. This is the car you're looking for. I didn't imagine it like this. If you're done with the drama, let's go back to our job. Come on. Let's go. Did it help? -Mr. Tepeli? -In his office. Hello. Are you looking for someone? I am going to see Mr. Tepeli. About what? He's waiting for me. My mom talked to his dad this morning. Really? We're busy today. Come back later. Go on. Listen, you look like a person that waits to be asked "Where ya from?" I have to see Cihangir. You don't get it. And you don't look like you'll get it. What are you doing? Shut up! Easy. Adem! What's going on? Nothing. He wants to talk to you. Are you Cihangir? -Who are you? -Kaan Karabulut. <i>Your father is Eren Karabulut.</i> <i>These two murderers took orders form İlhan Tepeli.</i> Her husband was your father's friend. -Eren Karabulut.<i> -Hümeyra.</i> She wants her son to have a job. We said you could take care of it. Is this offside, too? I don't get it. Let's see where it goes. Go back to your work. -You were looking for a job? -Yes. Can you hold a gun? Yes. OK. Take off your jacket and give it to me. What are you doing? Wear this. -Take it. -What are we doing? Let's have an adventure, Adem. He's coming with me. He'll drive the car. I will be on his side. We've known him for just five minutes. Are you in? -For what? -They kidnapped my fiancée. They want money, so we are going to get her. -Who kidnapped her? -What? There were crackers called "kidnapper". Do you remember them? İskender Akay. He's our enemy. This is not right. You go ahead. And watch from distance. OK? I can't let you go there with this kid. I'm in. What are you talking about? You can't do it. Boss? -What's going on Bahar?<i> -We're at the warehouse.</i> Kaan went in. I'm waiting. Some people are getting out now. Kaan has just left, too. He's with Cihangir. I'm on their tail. No, don't follow them. Not today. This may be a test. They might notice you. Let him do his thing. <i>We have a long way to go. OK?</i> <i>I'm talking about Kaan.</i> Yes, sir. I won't follow them. <i>What is Sandıkçı doing? Watch him.</i> You have to find out if Sandıkçı making things easier or making them harder. <i>We are suspicious, but we're not accusing.</i> It is our job to be suspicious. Do you know this place? What do you mean? Did you ever come here? No. I didn't. This car... Two people with guns will come from the front. How do you know? -Can you take care of the car? -What? Get out and kill him. They are coming. Take care of the car. -This is the girl? -Will you take care of the car? Don't yell at me. Yes, I can take care of it. We go at the same time. Cihangir! Don't die! -He's alive. -He's passed out. Sir? Where are you going without me? Sir? Sir? Sir? Sir? Sir? Sleep. Just sleep. Go back to sleep. You just sleep. Sir.
Channel: Halka
Views: 3,578,667
Rating: 4.8707786 out of 5
Keywords: halka1.bölüm, handeerçel, yenidizi, nazankesal, halkadizi, serkançayoğlu, halkailkbölüm, halka 1 bölüm, esfilm, trt1, Halka, halka1, halka, halka 1. Bolum, halka 1 bolum, halka 1. bölüm, kaanyıldırım, halkadizisi, halka 1
Id: rGBj3GJ1Wu0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 155min 23sec (9323 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 15 2019
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