Aşk Laftan Anlamaz 1.Bölüm ᴴᴰ

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Is love understood by words? I don't believe in coincidences. There is nothing I don't know. In spite of those who know a lot. To my left and right, there are cruel women. I'm tired, get me out of this gossip game. The candle of lies is burning out. And the story goes back to the beginning. There was a song, what was it? This love, is it clear? It comes back and finds me. Is it not my life? This is luck, is it clear? It comes back and finds me. Love is not understood by words. Welcome, Murat Sir. Let's drop the "sir" when it's just us two. How is it going? Same as when you left. To the company or to home? Home. Which one? Ours. I guessed so. Why did you ask me then? This is life; one can never be absolutely sure. I thought maybe you'd choose differently today. You steer life. And you already know, I don't like changes. Now let's go; they are expecting me for breakfast. Ipek... Hmm? I'm having a dream and there is a realistic menemen (turkish dish with egg and tomatoes) smell. No, that's not a dream; I can smell it as well. Asli is trying to surprise us then. Don't be ridiculous - Asli is keeping watch at the hospital. Then who is making menemen? This is the smell of true menemen. Like the one my mom makes. Like a true mom-made menemen. Breakfast is ready! Wake up now! And that is the voice of a true mother. Mom! That's mom! Mom, what are you doing here? Wake up now, you lazy girls. When did you come Mom? At six. What are you doing with my stuff? I'm packing. But why Aunt Emine? Her father said, it's enough already. He said to go and get the girl. You know what the father says is done. He said, "school is finished and she can't find a job, so she shall come back home." He said, "She left for university and never returned." "From now, she will stay by my side," he said. I swear by god I didn't say it, your dad said it all. All of this, dad said? But I spoke with him and he didn't say anything to me. My dear girl, of course he won't say anything to you. You know your father - he has eaten (destroyed) my life. Welcome Aunt Emine....bye, bye Hayat. Take this! Our move? Do we prefer an agressive or constructive approach? Should we attack now, or retreat and then attack from behind? Let him go first. Are we sure? There is no going back. Yes we are sure. When are you going to grow up? Hmm? You still want to play around with me. So much time has passed, only the size of the cars has increased. One big brother is enough for a household. And I'm quite happy with my situation... Welcome, Abi (big brother) I'm happy to be back. But the right of way was ours, Doruk Sir. That is how merciless life is, dear Kerem. One attack can change the entire balance. So abi, what did you do? Did you conquer Ankara (turkish city) for us? Did you increase the stength of the Sarslimaz family in the capital? Something like that, something like that. What about you? Where are you coming from at this hour? Oh, and we have a meeting today. You know, right? I don't want to go into the details, but it was a tiring night. Even if it was no where near your performance in Ankara. I had a small lantern extinguishing operation. So I guess I'll sleep through the whole day. The matter is closed for discussion. You have 30 minutes, get ready. We'll leave together. I am truly being persecuted in this house! Welcome. Don't forget, we have half an hour. But you see, half an hour is not enough to be able to finish grandma's questioning. Good luck, Azime Sultan. Where were you, you litte donkey, huh? You know I was in Ankara for work. Of course I know. Thank god, I have not gone senile yet. But tell me, why did you take so long? Well, it was necessary. What? Don't tell me you found a bride in Ankara, and are keeping it a secret. I know you, you're not going to reveal it that easily. Look, if she's from Ankara that's fine. It's a city of government officials. Girls from there are good. Come on, I am not asking for much. She shall look decent. Have an education, be able to housekeep and cook. Be fertile, and respect her elders. That's all. Really, I was there for just work. Now forget about me, tell me about you. Are you doing fine? Come on boy, how can I be? Living under the same roof as that sinister woman, how can I be fine? Don't say that, she'll hear you! So what? Is it a lie? Come now. Oh my god, you're so cute. Derya! Yeah? Really, you just can't get ready, Derya. Do you want to tell me I'm slow, Nejat? You see I'm getting ready. Can't you hurry a bit, please? I'm sure Murat is already here. So what? He was going to come for breakfast. That boy is punctual, let's not make him wait. So you want to say I enjoy making people wait? But you're right, we shouldn't make Murat Sir wait. Good morning! Good morning, Murat dear. I have let them prepare for breakfast outside. I know. Uh..did you need anything, dear? No, I was going to wake him up. Doruk came? Yes, and he went straight to sleep, that's why I am suspicious. If he came back just this morning, let the child sleep. Wow (repeatedly), conquerer of Ankara! Welcome! Come here. How did the meetings go? The Ankara front is alright. The Milanese group is next. Ah...the meeting is today, right Murat? Where is Doruk? Isn't he up yet? He came back this morning Nejat, let him sleep. Why should I? Dear God! Go and wake that punk up, he shall come to the meeting as well. Nejat dear, let the child sleep! Indiscipline has its price as well, right dear? He will have to go sleepless today. Asli, you came at the right time! Sublingual tablets, blood pressure medicine, take out whatever you have! Aunt Fadik, do I look like a drug store? I'm just a tired nurse returning from watch. What is going on? Hell is breaking loose inside! Why? What happened? Your Aunt Emine came. Ah, how nice. She is welcome. Yeah, I also said welcome. How are you my dear, I said. And what did she reply? My dear Aunt Emine. Hayat's father told her to go get Hayat. If she can't get a job, she shall return to her hometown. How? Aunt Emine came to take Hayat back? But she can't do that! My girl, do they put tranquilizers in your tea at the hospital? Mother and daughter are eating each other, I say. Blood is flooding bodies away in the house. Someone needs to intervene right now. Run. Run. If you were going to keep me by your side, why did you let me study in the first place? So what if you studied, huh? What's going on? Welcome, Aunt Emine. I came well, I came well, but I am satisfied with what I was met with. Aunt Fadik, please say something to my mom. She wants to drag me back like a child. Why are you doing this, Emine? I'm doing nothing. Her father said it, "today is the last night," - he said it, and that's it. But Mom today, I have two interviews. And that's exactly what your dad said. If she finds a job today, she does. But if she doesn't, he said grab her hand and bring her here. Shall we buy the bus tickets now? Or after breakfast? Thanks a lot, Ipek. Oh, what can I do? Do you think it is easy to find a job in Istanbul? Right Aunt Emine? Your father is right. Why do you say such things? This is life, one can never know what will happen. No, Hayat is me (her name means life) and what will happen is clear. Oh but I'm already of legal age, you can't force me to do anything I don't want to do. Hmm. Your father said he won't send you a cent anymore. Huh? Let's see how you sit here in hunger, even if you are of legal age. Uh, why should she sit here in hunger? I'm here after all. Thank God, I have enough to give to her as well. Fadik! Don't spoil them I say. They always rely on you. My girl. Either you find a job today, or else it's back to the hometown. That's it. I didn't say any of this. I swear to God, it was all her father, really. Ugh. Now that the whole family is here. I want to tell you all something. I have decided to retire. Uh... I'll come and go now, and six months from now, I will actually quit. I don't really get it. What's going to happen after six months? I will look at your performances. And decide who will be the head of the company. But you don't need to do that. Doruk and I can lead very well together. I agree. There has to be only one head, Murat. Even if you are siblings, if there is a dispute - who will decide in the end? Huh? Dad is right, Abi. There should be only one boss. And that will be you, and I can continue my life as it is. Great. This is not the time for jokes, Doruk dear. Your dad is speaking of an important matter. Your mother has said the right thing for the first time. Just like your father, who built Sarte from a zero, In the future, you will do the same with your children. Speaking of children... Oh, mother, please, if you begin to discuss children and grandchildren it'll never end. Right Grandma, and Doruk and I don't have time right now, right Doruk? Abi, you go. I'l come right after eating this fruit salad and follow you closely, I promise. Bon appetit. Why did we stop? It's too hot. What will we do now? We shall see. Let me take a look at it. And, Kerem? No water left. What? No water left. Then add some and let's go. The motor needs to cool down. No way, I will be late. I will request for another car from the company. Leave it, leave it, that'll take time. I'll just take a taxi. Go and sit at home! Everybody wants to take a taxi. I have to go to the interview. Or else, go back to my hometown. There is something called public transportation. Why is everyone after luxury? Taxi! Oh no, that's not a taxi. Excuse me. Where are you going, beauty? To hell, do you want to come? Get away - don't be mistaken by my looks. I curse and attack with my tongue! GO! What beauty? Rude man! Snob...ugh. Are you Free? Of course, brother. Get in. I ordered a toast from here so I'll get it and come back immediately. Ok. Ok, ok. Close it. Come on, let's go. But this taxi is mine. Good for you! But I didn't ask whose name the license is in. I said let's go. No, you misunderstood me. You didn't understand me at all, Mister. I'm very late, let's leave, come on! You walk, Miss. I'm getting in this taxi. Of course, you'll get in so we can go. How would you drive without getting in? That's the problem anyway. I'm not the driver, I'm a customer. You're not anymore. Why is that? Because my business is very urgent. It's a life or death situation. My business is also urgent. Let's go together if you want. He'll drop me off at my destination and then continue on with yours. What for? Why would I ride in a taxi with a stranger? Do you know the taxi driver? No. You'll ride with him in the same car as well. That's different and this is different, alright? How so? Fine! I'd rather walk than ride a taxi with a man I don't know. With two men you don't know. You keep missing the taxi driver. Are you okay? Inhumane! Monument of selfishness! Epitome of cruel! What could you be? Monument of selfishness? Epitome of cruel? Alright brother, get in, where are we going? Do you know the Sarte building? The one in Levent? Precisely. If you aren't answering your phone, could you switch it to mute? It's bothering me. I was going to ask you the same thing. But it's not my phone ringing. Not mine either. She must have dropped her phone. Let's return it to the lady, and then leave on our way. Okay. Did all the problematic people agree with each other to mess with me today? Is there a bet going around for who is going to make Hayat lose her mind? Am I a betting coupon? Am I betting coupon? Look at that man, "and do you know the taxi driver?" I know him. Miss! He is my father's friend in the army. There is logic. The man has logic. But his gentlemanliness in zero! Little Miss! What is going on? Are you following me? No, no. What do you have in your hand? A cellphone. And trying to ask for my number without any shame. Look Miss, you misunderstood me again and my patience is running out. What did I misunderstand? What is it that I misunderstood? His patience is running out. Look at the man. You are shoving the phone in my face with the excuse of asking for my number. Give me that! What have you done? I drew the line, enough! Let's stop. Have a nice day! If my eye-arrest is finished, I request my acquittal and discharge. What are you trying to do, Nejat? Huh? You've ignited a dynamite stick and placed it between the two siblings. You're going to make them fight each other. Of course not, I would never do that, Mom. Of course you won't...but your wife will. Oh mother...uff...uff Why you don't get along with her, I just don't know. Why should I with that slimy looking sea? (Derya means sea) But she has a problem with us. For god's sake, Mom, please. Who is "us"? And who is Derya? What are you trying to say? We are the Sarslimaz family, and she is the third party trying to break us apart. Huh? You're saying that our end is an open battle? Joke around all you want. If Murat becomes the head, World War 3 will break out, I tell you, World War 3. Mom.. Murat and Doruk are the same for me. But you also know, that the younger one has his head in the clouds and isn't responsible. I hope he will come to his senses, when he is burdened with responsibility. Else, we both know... That Murat will be the company's head in the end. Welcome, Murat Sir. I want the production quality reports on my desk at 4. The reports will be ready at 4. What about the statistics I asked for, for the meeting with the Milano group? They are ready. But...there is a small problem with that matter. What's that? They called to say they'd be late, 5 minutes ago. Well, isn't the meeting in 10 minutes, after all? Yes, they said they'd be an hour late. Cancel the meeting, but don't inform them. The meeting is cancelled. They won't be informed. What do you mean, Sir? Inform them about the cancellation when they arrive. Then they will learn not to waste the time of others. The Milan meeting is cancelled. The boss is so angry. Why did it slow down? Something went wrong yesterday, Sir. We informed them and it shall be fixed right away. Too late to say that. The problem should have been fixed yesterday. It's too late now. Yesterday, yesterday. How is the catalog shoot going? Have you started? They started it, Sir. It's going according to schedule. Let's confirm. I can't reach you. What happened? Did you get the job? One second. Asli also called. I'll add her too. Hayat I'm dying to know - please tell me that you got the job and that you won't be going back to your hometown. Just admit it. You couldn't do it - we'll be sending you off from the bus terminal this evening. I don't know - because, I wasn't in the job interview but a garbage dumpster. Uh...what? Wasn't your job interview in Maslak? Oh, Ipek please don't force me. I can't take a joke right now. I couldn't catch a taxi and then I threw my phone into the garbage because of an annoying man. Oh, girl, why did you take your anger out on your phone? It was pretty new - you could have used it for a long while. Girls, it's not what you think. I'll explain when I get back home. People would think he is a decent guy. Snob! So you are saying he was handsome? Look, take notes, next time you meet a handsome guy, Give him your cell number, don't throw your phone in the garbage. If I see him again, I know what I'll give him. What will you give him? I'll tell him to get lost. Anyway, I am hanging up. I couldn't catch the first one, I'll try to catch the second one. What's next? A receptionist position for Sarte Textile Company. Guys, I can see the back-cloth of the skirt. Try to hide it. Her right sleeve fell off. Fix it. Take care of the neckline cut. We are waiting for Ms. Didem's fix-ups. They will never end. Do what I say. What is the problem, Didem? I think there is shine on the left side of my chin. I wish that shining part of hers fell off. That way we could do our jobs. Sweetheart! You have such a great figure that no one will notice your beautiful chin. Can you see the mole on my foot? That's no problem Ms. Didem, we can photoshop that. Okay. Okay. We can start if you're ready. Okay. That's great. What now? Tuval, the nail polish on my pinkie is smudged. Let's think of it as a talisman, okay honey? Let's continue. Okay. Okay, I'm taking it. That's great. *Gasp* Murat! Welcome, sweetheart. I don't want to interrupt the shoot. Continue. If I had the chance, I would pleat her face. I wouldn't even wait for the last ironer. I would iron her waist myself. Welcome, Murat dear. How is it going, Tuval? We didn't have a chance to see, as we haven't begun shooting. How is the decor, Murat Sir? What is the theme? The theme is this: Ms. Didem is a socialite, and she wears one of our dresses to a party... She'll do that by lying on a sofa? Pardon? If she is going to a party, why is she lying on a sofa? Serdar? Yes, Murat Sir. Why is Didem lying on the sofa? It's because I look better in photos when I'm lying down. We aren't trying to see Ms. Didem, but the dress, right Serdar? You're right, Murat Sir. We also know that. Please do what needs to be done. Did he say something mean to me, Tuval? You are so carefree - to the extent that it's as large as bell bottoms from the 70's. We must be affected by the evil eye. Everyone has their eyes on Murat. They are jealous of our relationship. Oh, so you and Murat are in a relationship? Yeah, we see each other 5 days a week. Yes, you see each other weekdays because you work in the same company. No, we go to launch ceremonies and meetings together. Wow. So do we. Whatever, ugh. He replies to my messages and calls back whenever I call him. You also know, sometimes I spend the night at his house. It's because he is kind. Also, "cevap" and "yanit" have the same meaning - it would be better if you knew that. Then what is my connection with Murat, if it isn't a relationship? Having a good time. Murat doesn't like commitments and expectations. Look, Tuval. If I say I have a relationship with a man, then it's true. If I don't have it, then I'll make it happen. If we break up, I'll fix it. It's all up to me. Understand? (Italian) I don't understand. You are forgetting that the other party is Murat. Uh-uh, Murat, Suat, doesn't matter. They are all men anyway. *Mocks* Capiche?! You finished early? I waited for the Milano group but met with no one. I cancelled it. Ooooh...Murat Sarslimaz is spitting nails again. In short, it's one of those lucky days. As if that were not enough... Dad called a while ago. He said he has an old friend, Kemal Sir, and that I have to hire his daughter. As Cagla's assistant. So what's wrong with that? Her father told dad to give her a tough time and show her how the business world is. You just need to be yourself. That's it. It's not professional. I don't like to hire people I can't fire. Is the girl at least beautiful? Thanks, Cagla. Enjoy, Murat Sir. Enjoy. So this is the cage your father wants to confine you in, my love. Yes, my love, but he won't be successful. I'll take the interview. Then I'll tell dad they didn't hire me. But, honey, you're backed up. The job is yours already. I'll try my hardest to not get hired. I've lived my life just the way dad wanted until now. I learned 4 languages just because he wanted me to. I'm tired of it. I want to live my own life. How about you tell your dad everything, Suna? Dad can't tell a dove from a crow, Gokce. He'll die the moment I tell him I want to watch birds with my boyfriend and live in a tent. He won't understand us. Even if he does, he won't accept it. Don't worry, I'll handle it. Yes, Sir. Excuse me, I came for an interview. Me too. 4th floor. Thank you. Some girl Suna Pektas already got the job through connections. I came to where I am by working hard. They have no shame. I hate backing up the most. You're right, Cagla. They have no shame. These girls study abroad using their dad's money and then come here to show it off. Why does it take so long to reach the 4th floor? Why did it slow down? It's broken. It'll be fixed. Murat Sir hates these kind of backups. You haven't heard the best part. The girl's dad told them to do whatever they want. Murat Sir will make her life miserable. Now I feel bad for her. Poor girl. Aren't we getting off? What the heck? I'm coming across maniacs all day long. What? 4 languages? Which school? Michigan university? Wow. Bravo, she did work hard, with God's will. She even did a master's degree. Japanese, Russian, Arabic, English. She didn't really need a back up. They'd hire her right away. Excuse me, I'm here for a job interview. Okay, it's the last desk on the right. Thank you You're welcome. Hello. I came for the job interview. Welcome, Suna... Pektas, we were waiting for you. No, it's not like that. Yes, yes it is. Nejat Sir told us what to do. You'll be working as my assistant. But he had to leave. So you'll fill and sign this contract and bring it tomorrow. Tomorrow? You want to start next week? What? Oh, you don't like the position. No, no, that's not it. What?! 3,000 Turkish Liras? That's the minimum wage. Yes? Yes, okay, I'm coming. See you tomorrow. Hey! She said 3,000 Turkish Liras! But Suna Pektas... But Mom... Woah, you again? I was going to ask you the same thing. Let me say it from now, chasing me, following me - that doesn't fool me. I'm not afraid at all. This is my work place. What a coincidence. Mine too. I am going down, if you don't mind. Just in case you have any worries about riding in the same elevator with a man you don't know. Which department do you work in? Why do you ask? Because I have not seen you before. That's why. The assistant of the Boss's personal assistant. I mean, I just became that a little while ago. Then it's you. What's that? You don't like it? And perhaps you're the patron's errand boy. It's something like that. It's good that you know what you are. Why did this stop? It's broken. Broken? How is it broken? Why has it stopped? Will it stay like this? Are we stuck here like this? I'm just an errand boy. I don't know anything about elevators. Stop. Get me out of here. Get me out of here! I'm claustrophobic, look, I can't breathe. Do something. Do something, quick. At your command? Do something, I'm not kidding. I can't breathe. I'm having a panic attack. I....I... I know what needs to be done for claustrophobic people. But you'll get mad again. Do it, do what you know. I can't breathe. I'm having a panic attack. I know myself. Alright. Alright, relax, it passed, alright. You're safe, alright, relax. You're better, alright? Relax. Mmm...what's this beautiful smell? What is this? You're taking advantage of the situation, let go of me! I won't let go, or you'll get worse. I said let go! No, keep your word a little! You told me to hold, so I'm holding you. And now I'm telling you to let go. No. Let the elevator start working again, after that, I promise you. Admit that I, at least, distracted you and eased the panic attack. See you. So shrewd. He's also a pervert. What's happening? Doruk, was that you? What're you doing there? I was charmed by you. I swear, you attract like a magnet. If looking hot and attractive is a crime, they can lock me up. It's okay. But you'll get a life sentence, Tuval Yanikoglu. Those who touch you... burn their hands. You are so hot. You are so sweet. Let me smell you, too. No, it's not you. I'm going crazy, where does this smell come from?! What smell? The smell of love is in the air, honey. Can't you smell it? No. This body is a radar for love, alright? This nose is never wrong. Whenever I smell this, love blossoms. Kenan, Sinem, Beren, Kenan, Halit, Berguzar (all actors/actresses) I smelled them all. Really, I'm so scared of you, Tuval. You are so crazy. I'm not the one who is crazy. Love! But what this love have to do with Sarte? Don't talk like that. It appears in an unexpected time and place. The moment you fall into it's hands. It'll burn you up. Don't forget it. Love cannot be understood by words. (Ask Laftan Anlamaz) Abi, she's beginning to talk with hard candy. We're done for. Why did you call for us, grandma? Just take your hard candies. Put on the cologne. Okay. Grandma, the candy is okay. But the cologne isn't suitable. We have plans. We'll go out. But if you insist so much, we can't refuse, right Abi? Did we make a mistake? I'm the one guilty of not marrying you off after you graduated from school. Here we are. We haven't had any recent talks on grandchildren and marriage right. Great. Don't try to make a joke out of it, Doruk. Will I be able to take a grandchild in my arms before I die? You have us. It's different. But why, grandma? Aren't we your grandchildren? So you're acting like you don't understand, you little donkeys. Grandma, for me atleast, the week has 7 days and I spend 8 days understanding this matter. Just explain it to Abi. You little...am I talking about that? Enough with collecting flowers. It's time to make some honey! When you say it like that grandma, I feel like a breeder calf. It's true you are a breeder calf. Also, Abi comes before me when it comes to that. We have to follow the order when it comes to marriage. Grandma, I don't want to break your heart but I've decided already. I don't believe in marriage. Really? Yes. All this love, marriage stuff isn't for me. Invest in Doruk. I'll throw this cologne on your heads. You little... Emine.. Look at that. He is a hunk. He's an architect and comes from a good family. If she doesn't get a job, we'll marry her off so she doesn't have to go back to her hometown. What do you think? Let it go, Fadik. She told me she got a job on the phone. I don't believe her though. I'll find her a good guy from back home. You can't miss this guy. Looks like a gentleman. Have a look. Let me see. Look. Hey...he isn't bad. Let's introduce them to each other. That'd be best. It's not possible to not like him. You're so funny. Why're you laughing? He looks like a good guy. Look, look, I'll zoom in. Why're you laughing? I'm laughing at you. Such a gentleman. I just wanted a job, a JOB, I didn't want to be in the crime world. What now? Identity frauds get atleast five years in jails. I can't visit you everyday, I'm too busy. I'll come see you, my friend, don't worry. I won't sleep even on my off days. I'll come to see in anyway possible. I'll bring you clean underwear, and also books. Like they say, numbered days pass quickly. Don't fool around. Just help me out. What do I do? Do I act like Suna or Hayat? What do I do? That's not a problem. You may go to jail as Suna, but you'll be on house arrest for sure if you back to your family. I think you must be honest, and when you go to work tomorrow, tell them, "I'm not Suna." Tell them you're not Suna, if you explain clearly, they'll definitely give you the job. Why? Because you're honest. Sure, and they'd give her a medal right? Get a hold of yourself, Hayat. You have to work as Suna else Aunt Emine will take you back. So? You can find a new job. Are there no other jobs for you? And also..Aunt Emine is very understanding. Uh... You're hometown is very beautiful. Ugh. I don't want to go to jail or to my hometown. I, especially, don't want to work with that stiff man. Come on, girl, you got a great job and you start tomorrow. What else do you want? Come, let's arrange something for you to wear. Check, please. So Abi...has your assistant started yet? Your sudden concern about work is making me tear up, Doruk Sir. It's hard to please you. I'd like to choose the assistant myself but the order came from a higher place. Abi, don't exaggerate. He's our dad and he asked you to something for him in quite a while. Oh boy, the problem is not dad. It's the girl. The girl is moody and irrational. She is needlessly self-confident and quick at arguing. She doesn't know what she says. She's just weird. How cool! That's just perfect for you. By the way, you still haven't told me if she's beautiful. I don't know. I don't know?! I don't know, I haven't looked at her like that. Okay, tell me honestly, is he good-looking or not? As if I care.. Look at what I'm worrying about, and what you're worried about, Asli. I think Asli is right. Besides, hot-tempered men are trendy right now. If everything works out, you may go back with a boyfriend. How's that? I don't want him as a boyfriend, not even a garbage can. And I can't love a stiff man like him. Snob. Also, she's spoiled. Mr. Know-it-all She's irritating. Total egoist. So why does it matter if she's beautiful? What's his position? What more could he be, than an errand boy? We encountered each other in the elevator, and he said, "this is my workplace." I can't be defeated, so I said, "this is MY workplace and I'm the boss's assistant's assistant." Wow...good answer. What? So you hid from her that you're the boss? I wasn't able to say. So you plan on exploding the bomb tomorrow. Why does every problem gather around me? Who's that? Didem! Why don't you respond? She doesn't understand, that's why. She know's its a men's night yet this is her 7th call. Abi, I can't believe you're bothered. Let me handle this. What's up, Dido? I'm good too. We were just talking about you. A person who appears while they are being talked about is a good person. We were just going to the club. Why don't you come? Look, my brother is saying, he's waiting for you badly. Okay. Okay, dear, kisses. Bye, bye. Lots of kisses. She said you shouldn't worry she's on her way. I'm truly thanking you for your efforts. We can say it's payback for waking me up this morning. I wouldn't want to stay under the same roof as that man... neither breath the same air from the atmosphere, but I have to do it to earn a living. Anyways, that's not the point. Girls, I'm starting work as a secretary tomorrow. What do I wear? I have only two pairs of shoes and my wardrobe is full of cheap market-place clothes. Don't worry about shoes, I'll handle that. I guess she'll give you her nurse slippers. I said I'd deal with it. Just a moment. Girl, what's going on. It looks like she's been hiding a treasure in her room. I love shoes and I thought I'd wear them one day so I bought all of them. Wow. Girl.. You have to get yourself a boyfriend for these shoes. But you hardly leave the hospital. So how are you getting a boyfriend? Maybe you can cure a patient... Or, you can find someone healthy and make them love sick. Stop messing with me. Am I the issue here? It's Hayat. Okay, girl, I coudn't wear but you have the chance. Try them on and let's have a look. How's it? Good. Very good. Is it really good? Very good. Don't worry, don't worry, you can walk in them. I'll admit, this season's collection is great. Do you like the theme, Doruk Sir, or the stripes? Abi, you know, I like it natural. More than just the person's outfit, I pay attention to the person them-self. Do you see the girl in red? She's so hot. Don't misunderstand, but she's mine. Boy, don't you already have three? Look, I look up to my brother, there isn't one face of a brand or supermodel whom he hasn't been with for four seasons. I'd like to correct you. They were short liaisons. Anything longer than a night is a relationship. A relationship starts at promises and ends at expectations. So it ends before it begins for you, then. Exactly. Yes. I look like a secretary with a five-year old shirt and a skirt I bought for my aunt's wedding. I trying to pretend the skirt doesn't exist. It's horrible. It might look better if we unbuttoned your shirt. No, no, not that. I don't want a revealing neckline. I'll climb the career ladder through my diligence and skills, if God wills, not my unbuttoned shirt. Girl, men are simple creatures. You have to send signals to their brains. Meaning, you have to be more open and learn how to use your femininity. Why? People can succeed at work with their brains and skills, alright? Sure, girls can do that, like me. But, angelic, doll-like girls have priority... They don't know the capital of Italy, or the number of continents in the world, but they are pros at controlling men. And here comes my sister-in-law. I'll get revenge when we leave. Hello! Hello, darling. What's up, Doruk, how are you? Dido, you're blocking my view, please. Doruk dear, can you let me sit next to Murat or shall we share a chair? Don't be so ethical, I'll get up. The purpose is to let lovebirds meet. I'll die before I reach work. I'm done. My girl, why can't you take shallow breaths? Say "hmph" and hold your breath. Can't you endure? Because you look so good. It suits you well. Ooh. Can't you see, Miss Nurse, the girl is blue? She'll need an oxygen bottle attached to the back. It won't work. I wonder if there's something suitable in my closet. There is, no doubt. There are pajamas, nurse coats, grandma clothes. Girl, you're closet would only trend at old homes. Wait, wait, just a moment. I'll be back in a moment, in a moment. Where are we going next? I'm going home. I don't know about Doruk. Doruk dear, can you tell your brother to stay. Why is he leaving early? Please, I don't want to interfere. Call for a cab for Didem, please. Immediately. Miss Didem? I'll see you later. Miss Didem, can we do an interview with you? The way you shooed her away, wow. I want to say that, but the girl just isn't normal. Normal people don't come near me. This won't work. We can't succeed. I'd better go back to my hometown, wear my joggers and crawl under the blanket. Great! What a pain. Stand still. Give that to me. And this inside. This could work, it's not bad, right. Ipek, are these pants yours? Yes, they are. Girl, the size looks perfect for you. Hold it, let's see. Great, it looks like it fits her. We solved it! What time do I come in the morning? 9 am is fine. So, that's all for today. Yes. Can I ask you something since work is over? You don't need to wait till after work to ask me. But still, we have to distinguish between work and friendship. Are you okay? I am okay. I'm just a little tired. Alright, if there is a problem you can tell me. Though I don't understand your affairs. I'm good at listening to worries. I know my friend, thank you. Take care till tomorrow. You too. You're a gem. Go. Darling! Didem? My sweetheart. What are you doing here? Didn't we come in different cars so the paparazzi wouldn't catch us. Look, I'm really tired. You picked he wrong night. Shame on you, darling. Am I really so inconsiderate? If you're tired, we can take a shower first then lie and watch a movie. Okay. Mom, Aunt Fadik, please let me sleep else I will be late my first day. Here we go. What kind of job is that? Your father has said, I should find out what job it is. He said, be careful that Hayat doesn't lie to you about the job. He said, what'll she do, how much will she earn? I got that, Mom. Now ask what you want and let me sleep. What's your position there? I'm the boss's assistant's assistant. Don't make it up. What type of position is that? This to this to this to this. I'm not making it up, Mom. You'll understand when I get my salary. Transportation, meal, insurance? Insurance... Included, Aunt Fadik, it's all included. What do they do, meaning, what sector is it? Sector is mode, textile - Mom, they make clothes. How long since they were established? Are they stable? This year is their 40th anniversary. They will definitely be celebrating a 40th anniversary. That's possible. How much is the profit margin? Meaning, how much are their stocks worth? Meaning, do they have investments? Are they thinking of expansion? What are their dreams? Tell me of the path they are following. Why are you laughing? How could I not laugh, Aunt Fadik? I'm not buying the company, I'm only working there. Oh, my girl, my child, don't say that. You'll be jobless if the company is bankrupt. That what I asked, I mean, your DAD asked. He asked me about the profit margin and said we should reconsider after looking at the stock prices. You tell him, that Hayat said, don't worry, she has a great job and could lose it tomorrow because of your investigation. Good night. She's right. May God give you a clear mind, my girl. Look, be heavy... But don't let anyone crush you. Do what your works asks of you, but don't overwork yourself. Search for your rights, but don't you dare... Get fired. Because your father said he won't give you another chance if you get fired. And he said he'll come and take you from here and that's all. And what do you have to say, mom? What would I say, my girl? No, I mean what do you expect from me? What could I expect, my girl? I want you to be fine, healthy and happy. What else could a mother want? God forgive you. But if I go back there, I won't be fine or happy, mom. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying this because I look down on that place. I love my hometown. But if I go back there, it is clear which life awaits me. At least, that life is not the life I dream about. That life is not this Hayat, mom. (Her name means life in Turkish) At least you don't do it. Come here. My child....my child. Alright, alright. I promise you I won't get fired. And kiss my father a lot for me, okay? I'm late! I'm very late! May God forgive you all. Why didn't you wake me? What's wrong with her? She slept in. Come. My beautiful girl. Go on. See you. Miss Suna? Suna, I'm calling you. Did you call me? Are there...any other Suna's here? I don't know, I guess not. Nejat Sir is waiting for you in his office. Nejat Sir? Nejat Sarslimaz. The big Boss. Your father's friend. Ha! Right! Nejat Sir... Uncle Nejat... He's my fathers friend. The room at the end of the corridor. Wouldn't it be better to settle at my desk first, get to know my colleagues? I mean, it wouldn't be a good first impression for the boss if I appeared so freely. No, that won't do. I mean, you can't delay. He wanted to see you as soon as you arrived. So, it's a strict order. There's no escape, I'm guessing. Okay, I'll have to go then. But... This way. What has she smoked? Welcome, Murat Sir. These the new ones? Yes, Sir. Have you organized a meeting with the designers? I have Sir, they'll be here at 11. Bring me a double espresso. Before breakfast, Sir? I'd have asked for breakfast if I wanted to, alright Cagla? How nice, we're going to be tormented by you today. Help me, God. Enter please. Come in, my child. So you are our Kemal's daughter, Suna, right? There has been something said about that..yes. Exactly like her father, great! Come, sit down. I wouldn't want to inconvenience you. Oh, what inconvenience my girl, come let's sit and talk about your father a little. And... We don't get to talk much on the phone. Tell me how he's doing. Umm...actually, I... But how are you going to know it, right? He stays mostly in Capetown, how great! So what? How much time left till his retirement? Wait, what'd he say? Something like, it's his last year? Seems so. He should have remarried. Derya and I told him that many times after your mother passed away. He's lived his life alone. Isn't ist normal, when the pain from losing my mom is so fresh? It's been 20 years, my child. Oh, is that so? Has it already been so long? Time flies so fast, Uncle Nejat That's true, right. For example, you were only 5 years old when I last saw you. But you were blonde back then? That's color in my hair. I'm still blonde. Anyway, I don't want to bother you anymore and make your boss angry. My boss? Your father didn't tell you? I'm slowly passing all my work to my sons. Oh, so he's so grumpy again. If he doesn't throw this espresso at me, then my name is not Cagla. Miss Suna! Perfect, perfect, perfect timing. Murat Sir expects you. Come one by one. Who is Murat Sir? Nejat Sir's eldest son. So sweet. Especially in the morning, like a marshmallow. He asked for an espresso. I thought you could start from here. From now, this is your job. It's the opposite room. Hurry. Hurry, hurry, run. Run. Come in. You can place it on my table, Cagla. Cagla, I mean Miss Cagla asked me to bring your coffee to you. No way, that's too much. No way. What are you doing here? I told you. This is my workplace. I got that. But what are you doing in Murat Sir's office. What are these poses, with your hands in your pockets, in front of the window? I'm Murat. So what? If you asked 10 people on the street, at least two will say they're Murat. Just because you have the same name, doesn't mean you can enter... the boss's room. Ah. You..I mean, you, are that Murat. Boss Murat. His very self. Can you give me my espresso now? I'm so sorry. I'm actually really sorry. Had I known, I wouldn't have... But you didn't show it either. Thanks for letting me know. I'll go around saying I'm Murat Sarslimaz from now on. No, that's not what I meant... Okay, discussion over. Suna, right? No, Hayat. How? I mean, my name is Suna Pektas on my ID only. In my private life, I prefer to be called Hayat. My father doesn't know. I don't want him to think I don't like the name he gave me. Alright, discussion over. Yeah, sure. The fact that you are working as a favor to your father means nothing to me. Neglectfulness and carelessness are what I hate at work. Thats why in my eyes, you are not Suna Pektas, but just any ordinary worker. That's exactly what I am. Please do not disturb me. Yes. Yes, what? You said don't disturb me, so what do I do now? Oh, so you can't understand without an order. You may leave now. I say that the epitome of selfishness, the ice bear, turned out to be my boss - and look what you're saying, Asli. What's there to be angry about? I only said that every great love begins with a fight. You know that saying turned into "you'll be chased if you run" like a hundred years ago. In this case, Hayat is going to run after him. Because he's her boss. Girls, you've been a great help. What can I do now, tell me? There are not only lies, but suffering is connected to this job too. If I were you, I'd quit. Don't even think about that. You know what'll happen if you do. Besides, what's so bad about lying? Life can't go on with lies (Hayat means life). Life can't go on without lies, either. Also, there's no such thing as a good boss - only suffering employees. Enjoy the cruelty! You're exactly an hour and a half late for the fitting. And, you only care for makeup, Didem dear? Look at me, Tuval, for God's sake, look at me. Turn so I can see. Look. Yes. You really look like a rotten model who was forgotten in the warehouse. Thank you, Tuval, you're great with morale. Uhh...I don't work in the morale team. I'm the head designer of the great Sarslimaz company. I'm with you right now because I care about getting the job done in time. There's no way I can face people like this, no way. Don't push me, Tuval. I'm already tired, don't push me. Tell me what happened? Were you carrying a heavy basket on your back till morning? We were at Murat's house last night, darling. We went to be very, very late. Blah, blah, blah. I'm not interested in your private life, and I don't think Murat is either. If you could be back before my new creation is old, I'd be glad. So, what do you plan to do? Go and wash my face with cold water first. I think my blood pressure is high. And tell your boss: "hmph, you may look good. But you don't have a personality." Don't even think of doing that. Don't be rude. Besides, who are you to judge his personality? Alright, girls, I'm hanging up. Darling, could you get me two napkins, please? Just place it on my neckline so I don't get powder all over. Thank you (in French) Slowly, don't spout it on my clothes. Anything else? I haven't had breakfast. Go buy me fresh orange juice and yogurt with muesli, but without fruit chunks. Dear, God, look at you now. I can't look, my mascara isn't dry. Hurry! What're you waiting for? Do you know who I am? No. I am Murat Sarslimaz's assistant's assistant. Oh really? I am Murat Sarslimaz's girlfriend. Oh, as far as I know, there is no such position as the boss's girlfriend. I am also the company's face this year. Ah, now the stones are falling into place. What stones? What are you talking about? I'm saying that serving dolls with connections, like you, isn't part of my job description. Find yourself an errand boy. Have nice day. What the heck? Doruk. Doruk, wake up. Wake up, Doruk. Mom, I fell asleep early this morning. Don't wake me up. Everything that has happened to us is because of your sleeping in every morning. What happened to us? You don't see it, right. You look pretty good. Son, aren't you aware of anything at all? Mom, wouldn't it better if you put aside the questions and spoke more openly? Your brother is at work. Your father is making vacation plans for after his retirement. And you're still lying in bed. Isn't it great? Everything is in order. Perfect. You'll get out of the bed, take a shower and go to work. Look Doruk, you owe me. I swear, I won't bless you. Get out of bed right now! Okay, okay, okay. Calm down. Just relax. Are you going through menopause? Doruk, you little... Going through it for sure. Rush the catalog shootings. The agent is waiting for the photos, to bind the magazine. Catalog, speed, agent, photo. Why are you waiting here? If I say for a bus, we'll have to talk more. I'm waiting for a task. What title were you hired as? Your assistant's assistant. Then assist my assistant. Have you announced to the sector that we're looking for young designers? We advertised it, Sir. If I wanted that, I would have said. Advertisement is cancelled. He'd have said so. I need young designers with experience who have proved themselves. We know what we need. Look at the staff of rival companies. Make them offers they can't refuse. We're going to steal them? I mean, isn't it shameful? Plus, why would they work for you if they already have good jobs? Miss Cagla, please tell your assistant, she's here not to question my orders but to execute them. Since she can't work without orders, at least she can listen. Don't question. Carry out. Listen. He'd die if I gave him an order? How is the winter collection coming? Designs will be done soon, Sir. But we are still in June. What did I say? How is the winter collection coming along? What did we talk about along the way? You must be trusting your memory, as you aren't taking notes. You're questioning me. Have you announced to the sector that we are looking for young designers? If I wanted advertisements, I'd have said so. I need young designers with experience who have proved themselves. Check out the rival companies' staff, and make them offers they can't refuse. Let the young lady do the adaptation process. What is that? In short, you run errands between 4 floors. Find Odil on the second floor - she'll tell you what you to do. Uff. I'd give you a piece of my mind if I didn't need this job. It's all because of my parents. As if backing up works - I wonder what'd happen if I wasn't backed up. What a sadist. Look where you're going. You're talking to me? Excuse me, I got angry at someone and took it out on you. Let me guess. That person is Murat Sarslimaz. It's him. What a strange person. I don't know what his problem is. He gains strength by torturing others. He is a hard case - if they examined him, it'd take 3 years to diagnose his illness. Well, he's only like that about work. I don't think so. He is what he is. Whoever says differently, is a liar. No one said it, I'm talking from experience. Are you two friends? Kind of. Please don't tell me you are more than that. He happens to be my big brother. I wasn't expecting that. No, it's okay. My brother sometimes deserves to be cursed. I want to praise you on your courage, though. Doruk Sarslimaz. Suna Pektas, but I'm using my birth-name, Hayat. How could two people be so different, Ipek? I wonder how they have the same parents. It seems they weren't anyway. Their moms are different. One of them is humane. The other belongs to a zoo. Because of that piece of garbage, I took the stairs so much. Why don't you just think of the money? I won't get any money. Mom has already returned to the hometown. I'll look for another job. You can't find one. Girl, why can't you say anything nice? I'll find a job. I, Hayat Uzun, will find another job and then "shake" that Murat Sarslimaz (his last name means unshakable) up. It's over. Go, Hayat! Hayat, go. Did Asli come early? I don't know. Welcome. Mom? Didn't we send you off this morning? Your father said to. He said stay. With her sharp tongue, no one will keep her for long, he said. Stay and wait, he said. Either she'll be fired or she'll resign and the next day, bring her with you he said. He must have said that. Have some mercy, my son. I'm an old man. You could outdo all of us, Nejat Sarslimaz. We don't favor anyone, or show any mercy. Wow, wow, wow, wow, look at that rascal. Where did you learn that sentence? In "Hababam Sinifi" (classic Turkish movies from the 70's) That movie is all about you: mischief, devilish luck, escaping work. It's all there. Who's winning? I'll choose my side according to that. Come son, this brother of yours has beat me. Surprise me just once, Nejat. But dad, even with Abi, the results wont change. I can beat you both. Don't forget, Doruk, the one who laughs last, laughs best. Oh, look at that bet. But for once, forget about betting Abi and come play the game. You can't win every game, right. I can. But it depends on one thing. What's that I wonder? Only if the winner is not my brother. Oh! Boys, then, the one who catches it will win. If my mom discovered what I'm doing, she'd crush me like these nuts, without any mercy. To be honest, my dear, I think you should tell the truth. I mean, when you explained this morning, she softened. She listened to you. That's Aunt Emine, she won't soften even if you marinate her for 3 days. Who died from honesty? The truth can't always be told. Girls, don't start again. Anyway, it doesn't matter if I tell them or not, they'll find out soon. Exactly. They wont. The girl knows 4 languages! 4! My English is this: Alright, Okay, Yes, No. There's nowhere she hasn't been, and I don't even have a passport. That human mess won't ask for anything but work, but if stumble into Nejat Sir, I don't know what to do. I mean, they can just check her social media accounts, and I'll be done for. You're lucky, you don't need plastic surgery. She doesn't have any selfies, and her accounts are private. You sly fox, you were investigating her social media accounts? Exactly. I think its more helpful than cracking hazelnuts. I could eat you. Any other news? Well, I mean, From now on you're a complete animal lover and nature addict. Your accounts are full of wings and beaks. I don't know why, but you're really into birds. Girls, I don't think her brain is normal. This is an unknown bird, Suna. We must see it. We must. It comes once every five years and stays for 3 days. It is so unknown, that it doesn't even have a name. There is only one thing I know: I'm finished. How am I going to tell Dad I didn't get the job. Maybe you should leave a voice mail. Until today, I've lived like my dad wished. But I'm fed up. Just to teach me a lesson, he sent me with the CV to be the head's assistant's assistant. I'll go now and tell him, that's it dad. He can also be the sad one from time to time. But his heart... No, Gokce, he doesn't have a heart. No, I mean because he has a stent. What about my broken heart, Gokce? Who will think of it? I made my mind, this matter will be closed tonight. Murat. I want to gain back the calories that I burned. This good for nothing sport makes me gain weight, my son. I'm as hungry as a wolf. What should we let them prepare? Later, okay, Dad? I have to go home now and prepare for an important meeting tomorrow. I was waiting to say goodbye. Don't go, my son. Work can wait. Life won't pass like this. Work can wait? Nejat Sir, work can't wait. I learned that from you. That's true but when you're older, your priorities change, son. That's why I must retire. Ok, then go. But I also wanted to call Kemal. Maybe you'd want to chat with him before you go. You could share your observations of the girl with him. It's better if I don't share them. And you know I don't like to lie. It's so bad you say. The girl just started. And her CV was quite good. Well her first performance showed me that I have to keep my expectations low. Now, excuse me, I must go. Alright, bye. But.. Stay true to your word. You promised me a meal. And I'm aware that the student has become the master, Murat. I'm proud of you, don't forget. My pride, my tableau of gratification, I can't tell you how proud I am as a father. Dad, I... No, no, it is me that is happy. My little girl is grown and has begun to work. Yes, work, well... You loved it, right? Textile is a colorful sector. Dad. We have to talk. Ah, see who is calling, your Nejat Uncle. Oh, Nejat, how are you? Thank god. I was just talking with Suna about you. Oh, very nice, very nice, God has willed it. Look, that's good, now I feel relieved. No I will arrange it before I go, then bye. Take care. You're not sad? The opposite, I'm glad. Uncle Nejat liked you a lot. Nejat Uncle... Me? He said I raised you well. Such a respectful girl. And he liked your little talk. "Our" talk? Yes, your talk in the morning. I have to leave for 30 minutes. Until I return, stay away from things that need initiatives. Answer the phone, but don't make promises. And Murat Sir wanted to see you. I'm gone. May our war by blessed. It won't take long. As soon as I figure out what's going on, I'll be back. What be going on, dear, maybe your Dad misunderstood. I left without meeting anyone that day. So who was that person that Nejat Uncle met, Gokce? Yes, that's a little mysterious. I'll be back after solving that mystery. Come in. Take this. What is this? I don't know. Looks like a key. I got that. I meant, what I do do with it? Ah... But I guess, this opens doors, etc. This is the key of the archive where past creations are stored. So it stays with me? No, you will stay there. Am I going to be on a shelf after the stairs punishment yesterday? You're seeing work as punishment, interesting. I suggest you get therapy. I was looking for Suna Pektas. I saw her go into Murat Sir's room You can wait here if you want to. Okay, thanks. You have to clean the archive. Clean up? Maybe you should see an ear specialist after therapy. The drawings and documents from the first 20 years are in the files. You have to screen them and enter them into the system. One by one? If you can, do it ten by ten. What's your problem with me? Ok, my father may have said to not show me mercy. This has nothing to do with your dad. Huh, I see. You say this is my general attitude. Look, I don't see your point. But when it comes to work I only have one attitude: professionalism. If you want to be my assistant, you have to know what we work on. I tell you to enter files into the system, but you have absolutely no clue about it. I repeat: don't question, carry out. Alright. Don't question, act, you have no clue about the job. You have no idea how to be a human, what can we do? It's like I'm not an assistant but a torture victim. He's not a boss, but a demon from hell. What sins did I commit to enter the hands of this beastly creature? But Suna must have sensed it, that's why she fled. Hello. I'm looking for Suna Pektas. I am Suna Pektas. What a coincidence. Me too. Miss Suna? Yes, Sir.
Channel: Aşk Laftan Anlamaz
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Keywords: dizi, ask laftan anlamaz 1, aşk laftan anlamaz 1.bölüm, ask laftan anlamaz 1 bolum, aşk laftan anlamaz 1, aşk laftan anlamaz 1 bölüm, aşk laftan anlamaz 1 bolum, ask laftan anlamaz 1.bolum, aşk laftan anlamaz1, aşk laftan anlamaz 1.bolum, hande erçel, burak deniz, ask laftan anlamaz, bi yapım, aşk laftan anlamaz 1. bölüm, ask laftan anlamaz 1 bölüm, dizi izle, izle, ask laftan anlamaz dizi, ask laftan anlamaz 1.bölüm, ALADZFULL, aşk laftan anlamaz 23 mayıs
Id: JTbWF3cwehg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 110min 16sec (6616 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 29 2016
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