Yahya Ibrahim ¦ The Art of #Dream Interpretation in #Islam

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the topic that's been assigned chosen for me by my dear brother chef if de Sala Feb is about dreams and dream interpretation and the artistry of it and how we as Muslims value our dreams and I thought just to begin by speaking about something that I'm sure I have and you have at some point or another felt that your dream meant something and irrespective of your level of faith whether you believe in God or not whether you're a Muslim or not whether you're a practicing Muslim or not at some point each and every one of us we looks into we look into our dreams we look into the restful sleep we had and we say there was something about that and I feel it means something and I wish I knew who I could ask or you sit with yourself and you ponder over it and I want to speak about the first kind of dream which is a dream that you can make come true so just say you dream that you were eating honey and you wake up in the morning and you actually just like a lot have a lot Yvette agree thank you so much for that I appreciate it so just say you wake up and you were dreaming last night you are gonna have a cup of tea and it's within your means to actually walk over to the kitchen and make a cup of tea the Sunnah of the Prophet slice a limb is to make your dream come true and I want that to be the first point to make your dream come true to make the dream of others come true that's the Sunnah where do we get this from in an authentic hadith there was once a hobby his name is pose I'm not on the allahu anhu allah he came to the prophet so i said i'm excited he goes yeah rasool allah you won't believe what I saw last night the Prophet I said him said what did you see last night he said I saw myself making sujood your forehead and the Prophet SAW I said him laid back on the ground and said okay go ahead doesn't emphysema made so dude on the forehead of the prophet sallallaahu you a sedative now that's not usually the first thought that comes when you hear that there's a class or a lecture about dream interpretation you usually think in the abstract in the figurative in the symbolism which will come to Inchon law because there's also to it there's principles that you are taught in how you view dreams for yourself and especially for others but here you find the prophets I Selim was a dream maker he was someone who brought someone's dream into a reality I had a dream some time after I got married the first year after I got married this a long time ago and I dreamt that I was making toll off and I could see my dream right now like as I'm talking to you I can see it I was making Tawaf and I had my right shoulder was exposed and holding onto my mom I looked over the cab is here I looked over and there with my brother-in-law and behind him holding on to him was my other brother-in-law and I was leading them in tow off they've never been to head they've never been to her and I was leading them until off and when I woke up I said to my wife I'm gonna take me hat and Nordine terminal or to Hajj she said why do you say that I said I saw it she goes oh you saw it and subhanAllah about eight years later I took them to hutch they took me to hatch and that same dream of them holding on for dear life because it was the Hajj where subhanAllah the crane collapsed I don't know if you yeah a few years ago just as we were you know the crane collapsed and we were holding on we were running and and it's not that my dream came true that I made my dream come true I want you to understand what that means that means that you and I have the first say in making your dream a reality and therefore when you hear hadith of the Prophet I Selim where he says that your dreams are attached to the foot of a sparrow and when you interpret them or it's interpreted for you it lands it lands as you interpret it so be careful who interprets your dream so you don't go to somebody who's got wickedness in their heart and you say to them you know I saw this and this and this they say oh my gosh I feel so bad for you you know what that means and they give you this thing that comes to them because in their heart they don't have love for you they don't have care for you empathy for you they give you something that comes to their mind that causes you to react or them or others to react to make that dream a reality in that negative way and therefore the first principle that I wish to share with you is that it is the Sunnah of the Prophet SAW solemn to make your dream come true to make others dreams come true some of the great Sahaba of the Prophet sallallaahu are you a settler used to see magnificent dreams and I want to keep our discussion kind of a little bit more academic than just spiritual and so on and I've actually brought some notes with me ah if you want something a little bit further there's a couple of articles that I've written they're called the art of dream interpretation part 1 & 2 part 3 will probably come out next week because the brother invited me so it made me write part 3 and then they'll be part 4 so just like a la fair you've inspired me so we'll continue the series insha'Allah and it's on Muslim matters org so you can follow through with that in child but I thought I'd just share some notes and I thought we'd keep it at something that was at a level that you can go and see the research behind it and make it of importance to you to carry on this great tradition of the Prophet Eisenman now let me begin by saying the very first books of hadith that were written were collections of dream interpretation the very first books of hadith way back in the time of the tab area tab at Abilene and those who came after them they were initially structured around dreams that people had at the time of the prophets I Selim and what he said about them and what abu bakr said about them and what a snap into abu bakr radiallahu anhum said about them and what muhammad nazim who was her student said about it it was collections of those narrations they were one of the first things that people said we need to preserve Leeson writing those were some of the very first hadith of the Prophet SAW I seldom that were collated in indexes and books there used to be a split an imam a chakra he used to actually speak really harshly about the industry of dream interpreters like in today's age in in the UK you guys have the industry of raffia everyone's are asking masha'Allah everyone's getting paid mashallah all right it's an industry Imam is a very he may he said known this industry about dream interpretation and you go to this person cuz he knows more than others it's false and his words were actually quite cutting Alabama chef area buno I am and I'll cook this for you he said I left behind in Iraq because he used to be in Baghdad and Iraq and then he transitioned to Egypt where he was buried or out of metal IRA I left behind in in Iraq Zanna defer people who don't truly believe in Allah heretics who can things calling it dream interpretation to fool them with illicit knowledge and claim from them wealth right it was a problem even way back then with a man like an Amish a fairy could you imagine you have any Manish Choudhary sitting here and some other guy telling you come let me tell you what your dream means and pay me a little bit of bill hump and people will go to that person cuz he'll make up these fantastical statements that would uplift them would show them something that they wanted to believe in and they were charlatans but of course we know that dreams and their interpretation is very much a part of our theological belief Allah subhana WA Ta'ala says that one of the greatest blessings giving to use of alehissalaam wakka delica mckenna do so fulfill our owed and as such we gave providence and success and dominion to yusuf in the earth after all the trouble that he faced and one of the greatest things while l'm Nachum in Tukwila hadith the greatest of things as a blessing that we gave unto him is that we taught him an alumna who it is from us that this learning arrived to him the interpretation and the understanding of dreams and use of alehissalaam only and simply inherited that wisdom from his father from his grandfather and from his great-grandfather ibrahim alaih-is-salaam ibrahim alaih-is-salaam was a person who used to receive much of his wife he matches of his revelation in the form of dreams when he comes to his son and he says my son in me ara film Minami and neo-baroque my son I see in my dream that I must slaughter you I must kill you fundal Maha Tora tell me what you think of my dream and that's almost as if it's the first attempt for someone to interpret your dream what should i do what do you think that dream means is it actionable or not Kalia abbot if Alma told mom he said my father do as you are commanded because the dreams of the prophet sallallaahu solemn alignment Marine our separate to the rest of humanity they are a reality they are from a hobbit from the aspects of reality as if in their wakeful state let's get a bit technical all right and I hope you follow through insha'Allah the prophet sallallaahu hari wasalam said Lamia common and Noble well after me nothing from prophethood will remain ulema basharat except the things that give you good news of what is to come something that will prophesize for you good things that will happen in your life and they said o Messenger of Allah what are these good things that what does that mean and he said sallallahu wasallam it is that a righteous man a righteous person a righteous woman sees a good dream for a good purpose so lala haria send him he then said that there is 46 parts of prophethood and only one of them will remain which is dream interpretation now this hadith was a little bit problematic because the same hadith is narrated by others with different variants in one other instance the Prophet said one thing that remains from prophethood is dreams and their interpretation and it's out of 25 other prophetic characteristics in another hadith he says 45 in another hadith he says 70 and an imam in Abdullah he reconciles this it's not that the narrators have quoted the same hadith with different numbers what it means is that the higher your piety and ascension and relationship with Allah the more likely your dreams are true and carry good messages and the best of us who can never be prophets the greatest ratio you will get is 1 to 25 some are 1 to 70 and the word 70 is considered Nakula it's considered an open-ended number meaning it's a large number you might dream night after night after night after night week after week and not see a righteous dream 1 out of 70 it's a 1 in 70 shot but the best of them is 1 out of 25 and the most likely the average Muslim the one who's connected to Allah is 1 out of 45 1 out of 46 and that's how the Sahaba and the tabie ream kind of understood it now there was always this attempt of the prophet salallahu alaihe wasalam to emphasize to people that how they live by day affects how they sleep and what they see by night and therefore you and I are always taught by our Imam Ossama l'affaire that before you sleep there are certain sunnah actions to do you should sleep upon module you should sleep after reading your evening vicar you should include in that evening lik ayatul kursi the last two verses of surat al-baqara you should read the last 3 : 3 times each you should cup your hands and read Surat al-fatiha seven times and breathe on them and wipe all parts of your body that are exposed and aren't covered by your clothing or your bedspread all of these are Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad sallallaahu are you a salem and all of them have one aim that is that it gives you a restful sleep and protects you from the meddling of the Shaitaan what does that mean well it comes in the authentic hadith narrated by imam abu Hadi where the prophet sallallaahu ardi wa salem said that there are three types of dreams that a person experiences one is hadith honest is that your soul talks to you hadith meaning a narration or a story that your Neffs shares with you second Hellmuth on it is that the shaitaan shows you an image and a dream and third is a Rukia a vision and therefore when we talk about dreams were actually really talking about visions as they relate to those who are practicing and faithful to Allah who see that vision one out of every 25 one out of every 45 one out of every 70 it's something that you see that inspires you because it's sent to you by Allah let's speak about the first one hadith or Neffs now the ramblings of the soul of the lawful Islam Yusuf Ali osela one of the greatest ways that Allah freed him from his false imprisonment was that he caused a king a pharaoh who was a king a righteous king not a believer an atheist one who didn't believe in God to see a dream and that dream was something that was inspiring and strange and a Lori tells the dream so you and I can wonder about it and Allah says that Yusuf was the one who interpreted it and the dream was that the king saw seven cows Sahaba Carlton a Jalen yeah cool ahuna seminary Java 7 well fed healthy cows being pursued consumed eaten by seven sickly cows was separation Avila and seven years of corn that were healthy being overcome and consumed by seven that were sickly and unattainable he says to his ministers of Tunis fury I give me a fatwa in what I've seen in kuntum Libya table urine if you know what dreams and in these verses is so much benefit we don't have time for all of its statements but here the King says I need a fatwa of Tunis meaning it's something that you're gonna give but I don't have to follow the classical definition of fatwa is that someone gives you an opinion but you're not bound to follow it which is the same as a Mufti you can come to the mufti in Manchester one of your move teas and you ask him hey what should I do in this situation he goes well I think you should do this and you're not bound to follow what he said because it's a fatwa what should I do what's your fatwa my dream condo at Waffle Alam they said it's a mixed up rambling of your soul meaning we don't know but we don't want to tell you we don't know we know some of its meaning but not others we we can't interpret we do where we want to be careful because we don't want to say something to you that isn't true and subhanAllah this is an evidence that our own amat show that even people who lacked faith understood that if you direct a person about a dream that they saw without being sure and it's just something you're saying that it can cause greater damage than good and therefore it is better to be quiet than to give any opinion at all number three you learn that when somebody doesn't know it doesn't mean that everybody doesn't know and that someone who's seen as a lofty position of you know the priest in his society didn't know the king wasn't too ashamed to say if anyone else knows bring them forward even if they're a prisoner subhanAllah sometimes our dreams mean so much to us that it's worth the effort to find their meaning even in unlikely places with unlikely people and use of awliya salam of course provides the answer but makes it conditional to other things we ask Allah subhana WA Ta'ala to give us an insight into the inner meanings of our dreams and to help us use them in bringing us closer to allah subhana wa to honor what we learned from this is that a person who is immoral impious isn't connected to allah to God in a very meaningful way can and will see dreams that are meaningful to them that can have a prophetic reality and it's not just believers and righteous people who see good dreams and that's something that standard as a texture of the Quran because after Yousef there's gonna come another King but it's not a king he's gonna be a pharaoh and he's gonna see a dream of a young child who's going to destroy his kingdom and that was Pharaon who was seeing the dream of mooses arrival alehissalaam aji shadow Diallo Han huh what are Doha she spoke about the first signs of the prophets revelation coming to him she asked the Prophet SAW Selim you know before gibreel came to you did you feel strange now it's such a wifey question isn't it like she wants to know everything so I know you're a messenger of allah now but before you weren't a messenger of allah so kind of like what were you like what did you used to do what did you see like what happened he said you know what aisha before you briefed came six months before it every time i went to sleep i would see a dream and the next day it would break in its reality like the break of dawn some allah allah was in him every night and it was as if Allah was saying to him listen there's gonna be so many things that are gonna come to you so many things you're gonna see so much experiences you're gonna have and I want your heart to be steadfast that there's something special about you in an authentic hadith narrated by IBN majah and it's deemed authentic by the edema of hadith the Prophet SAW Selim's mother before giving birth to him saw light emanating from her womb from her stomach that radiated light all the way to Damascus it's as if she could see Damascus that's how much light filled the world she saw that in a dream Moses's mother Ali has said I saw a dream before Moses was born as she was carrying him that Pharaoh is going to give an instruction to keep kill every male child born in that year and that she should begin to design an airtight basket and she followed the instructions that they saw in the dream and Allah subhana WA Ta'ala describes this moment where a hyena Allah only Musa we gave ye revelation to the mother of Moses and out of there he feed him clothe him keep him happy for the fifty a day he fell to he will be mu Allah to Hoffy well as any when the time comes and you feel they're gonna come you've seen it in your dream I've shown you exactly what's gonna happen when that day comes for Althea valium don't be scared put him in the basket and throw him in the water you already know what's gonna happen he's gonna survive in now Rob do-hui like you know he's gonna come back to you well ji do home in Amman Saleem we've shown you in your dream that that boy is going to be a Messenger of Allah who will save his people Allahu Akbar dreams are found in almost every story of every prophet in the Quran Maryam alaihe salam Hina Miriam's mother alehissalaam Zachariah alehissalaam all of them would see dreams of things that were coming as warnings and therefore we know that the prophets of Allah who are us Allah has said to us that allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala gives us these premonitions as a moba sharat good tidings even when they warned us of hardship Moose's mother seen she has to cast her son away in the Nile it's a bushel ah don't worry eventually years later even after your life he's going to be a messenger of Allah you won't see it but you've seen it now Allah now the final dream because I want to get to this other waffle and thus ramblings of the soul the final dream that I want to share with you is the dream of the prophets I seldom of him making tawa around the Kaaba the Prophet SAW said limb after the Battle of Honda they were you know under siege for more than a month and the enemy finally went back to Mecca and the Confederates went to their different tribes and the trench that was dug they were trying to refill it and the Prophet went to sleep and saw a dream that he was making pull off and he said to abu bakr umar call out to the people and then Finocchiaro Marfa in Mecca a jihad of whom salt la romana you have the loudest voice amongst my companions call out to the people to get ready we're going to rock Salalah Holly Wilson the prophet interpreted it now we're gonna do toe off now everybody get ready now everybody gets your head to you now let's go we're gonna make him run now and we're gonna make cloth around the Kaaba and when they got there they were barred and they were stopped and Allah mentions this in so little fat the chapter of conquest of the prophet sallallaahu and he was a little that the prophets I seldom saw a dream of him had latina rusical el mapa serene that some shaved and some cut their hair and then they got there and the prophet signed a peace treaty that said he had to return to medina without toll off without entering mecca was it that his dream was untrue no his dream was true so lala haria wa salem but he interpreted it in its reality but its timeline had not yet arrived and therefore i want you to see the dream of use of alehissalaam where he sees eleven stars and the Sun and the moon prostrating to him that that dream took more than forty years to come to reality while the dream of the king this year immediately next had its negative consequence and that becomes a really important discussion that we will have insha'Allah the first kind of dream that a person sees is your soul being exhausted your soul being apprehensive your souls troubled this financial worries I'm excited at my upcoming marriage I'm whatever it is it could be excitement happiness fear sorrow difficulty financial psychological whatever it is something in your day-to-day life is kind of preoccupying you and one of the ways for you to solve and work through that problem is in your sleep and allah says wa ja alna Leilani Vasa I made Knight a time of là-bas of comforting protection where Allah protects us from our own troubles and our own difficulties in our sleep and subhanAllah as a person is asleep at night you begin to solve mathematical problems you begin to count how many tiles you need to purchase for the renovation well I counted tiles I think I woke up in the morning said I need to buy six hundred and twenty she goes what as soon as I woke up I said who I want I need to buy six hundred and twenty she was well 621 what do you don't know I said all tiles she goes are you dreaming about tiles I was like yeah 620 that's how much it is I couldn't work it out while I was awake I worked it out was asleep psychologists will tell you and especially for young people were still in academia and university that the best kind of study is sleep study sleep study it's actually a scientific term study sleep study that you study and sleep and then study and sleep and then study that that is much better for you than to study and then sleep and not study again cramming for an exam doesn't work it's better for you to study sleep wake up and study again and that will be much better breaking it up in days because your soul solves the problems but part of our soul is not just the happy moments some of it is our anxiety and difficulty and some of the signs that your soul is in combat is that you see dreams that are not entirely pleasing not just counting tiles but you're having financial trouble and you just don't know where you're gonna make ends meet and you go to sleep that night you see yourself free-falling and you wake up and you're kind of scared I had a dream that I was falling and falling and falling and it's because the power that you have in your life isn't really yours you have a dream and there's dogs chasing you and your first thought is our the realignment of shades on our team and it has nothing really to do with the Shaitaan it's that you're being pursued for something that you feel unjust people are accusing me or saying something about me or someone said something about me that I know that isn't true and I don't know how to defend myself and they're being vicious and you'll use those words in your wakeful day and when you go to sleep it manifests itself a brothel on your soul releases that tension that has made you in your sleep clench your jaw and grind your teeth and wake up after seven eight nine ten hours of restful sleep tired where your body feels like it just run a marathon but you know you've been in bed the whole time where you are in bed and it's a cool night but you wake up in sweat and you wonder why and those dreams are not just the shaitaan it's not the Shaitaan that has put your body in that stress it is your day-to-day life and it is you experiencing those traumas those elations those difficulties those happy moments and sorwful moments that are expressed in that sleep and there were times where the prophet sallallaahu I will send them would say to a person that that isn't our inner soul Allah the second kind of sleep is the one we've all experienced at some point or another which is the Shaitaan and therefore we spoke about those Sunnah things that we do to make sure that were protected from the touch of the Shaitaan when we sleep and the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he said that the one for example who recites ayatul kursi ayatul kursi table and Yanam Vallely he Halford there are lessons for them a guardian angel standing at their head yahooza human could the other protecting that person from any harm so how does the Shaitaan harm you Lia's una Lavina Amon Allah says in the Quran to put a depressive state in you to make you feel sorrowful and the dreams that come from the Shaitaan are the ones where you wake up and you don't feel good it's not you don't feel good and know that there's something else on your mind from your day-to-day life but you don't feel good and you feel scared or you feel sorrowful or you saw something that made you unhappy the second kind of dream of the Shaitaan is where he plays with you and this happened with one of the Sahaba he came to the Prophet SAW at him and said I'm so scared a Messenger of Allah last night while is while I was asleep I saw that my head popped off my shoulders and it was rolling and I was running after it and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said to him those type of dreams are from the Shaitaan don't narrate them to others he's playing with you rather the moment you wake up his dad will die he min ash-shaytaan-i'r rajeem say oh the billahi min ash-shaytaan-i'r rajeem what fill allah allah somatic and breathe out three quick births on your left people and I want to show you the Sunnah way this is actually through is not through chain of narration my teacher showed me his teacher showed him all the way back to the Prophet so I said I'm doing it how do you spit on your shoulder you see people doing it wrong all right they're like whoo all right that's not it it's not even a movement of your head you don't even turn your head it's simply the direction to the left and it's just a small turn and it's three quick exhale and there's no liquid that comes out your wife should not feel any bombardments in your life she's like what what happened why am i drenched right the person praying next to you in Salah when you feel you've lost concentration should not need to wipe their beard Hey that shouldn't happen it's a simple movement my chef chef now Mohammed soft what not a Dean when I asked him he said Hakka that a lemony shaker this is what my chef told me his chef said Haraka ha ha Leland he just moved it aside and you remain facing the Qibla because one of the conditions of solder is to remain facing Allah except for need right so that was taught by the Prophet sighs mmm he also taught us and we'll just complete how to change the condition of a bad dream he said as soon as you wake up turned slightly to the left breathe out three times and change your position so if you were sleeping on your right sleep on your left even though it's not the Sunnah it is what is best at that moment if you were sleeping sitting up you fell asleep like this lay down if you were laying down and you you want to change the other side of the bed change to the other side of the bed right and the rationale for that is the Shaitaan settles and the prophets I seldom says in the hadith when the Shaitaan arrives he envelops he settles on you so change your position and that's why we move that's why the Prophet so I sent him said someone gets angry the hadith of ulema muslim and he's standing up sit because the Shaitaan is settled in that position with you sit down lay down go for a walk change that environment as is a statement so Allah who are you asunder so those are all ways of correcting that say arrow the relay administrator regime recite a little courtesy and in one hadith the Prophet SAW salem said the greatest protection is if you can wake up and make woudl and therefore if you've had a terror and a nightmare and something has bothered you and upset you wake up make will do before you go back to sleep and if you still feel fearful these are the three escalation so at first they are oh the villainous Shaitan regime spit on your left and turn your position if you can't get to sleep you're so scared get up and make wudu you still can't get up mayn't will duel and pray to a rock are asking Allah for his protection subhana WA Ta'ala those are the three levels of escalation of cleansing yourself from that environment of the Shaitaan the third and final dream is called ruia vision rata means with clear sight ara means I see you with my eyes yeah comes from that same word it's as if what I see with my heart with my soul in my sleep is like with my own eyes that are in my head in my wakeful state and that's why the Prophet SAW said LEM said memoral anni filmin am the one who sees me weaning with their eyes in their sleep fedora and ha-has saw a truth for in the Shaitaan LA at a method OB for the Shaitaan does not have the power to take on my form so la la hawla wa sallim so when you see the prophets of allah who are áyouá seldom in a dream it's actually praiseworthy it is the sunnah to mention it to others it's not something you should say oh I I'm gonna protect this I don't want people to know and I'm doula I have seen the Prophet SAW bla bla hard a with sudden a minute dream when you see the prophets of Allah how do you send them in a dream you know it's the profit of a loss of Allah Allah with sin but your must test what you've seen to what you know of his sila so if you see in your dream an old man with a large white beard who's dressed in white clothing who smells amazing and in it you wake up and you say I think I saw the Prophet so I said let me you haven't because the Prophet SAW I said did not have a large white beard he had a large black beard that had less than 23 white hairs in it and in summary why at 21 hairs the profits I seldom was in an old broken-down man he was a person who was 63 years old but in full fit health and when you see him you will know that so you say but all chef you just said that shaitaan doesn't take his form meaning Ali Mahmoud Najib all the Imams say the Shaitaan doesn't take his real form but the Shaitaan can take a form to say to you other than what is actually his real form but he can't take what is his real form so Allah how do you assemble and therefore Abdullah had not bass or the allahu allah or da who's a sahabi of the prophets i sell him a nephew of the prophet i seldom heard a man say i saw the prophet at one of the Tiberian who never met the prophet in real life I saw the prophets I sell him last night he said to him sit with me what did you see him look like and he said he was this height and he was dressed like this and his hand was like this and his forehead was like that he said tell me again about his nose tell me again about his eyes tell me again about his duck caca fee he made him speak about even my new inches of him sallallahu Hari was a limped and then he finally said to him Fahad relator who hug you have seen him so Allah who are you listening it wasn't just something where oh yeah I saw him one of the clearest signs of dreams being true is that they engender in you when it is Olivia and absoluteness there isn't when I woke up seeing my cousin my brother's a month off I had no doubt we're gonna do it all off together that's it and I'm gonna be the first one to take them there I interpreted my dream because I was the one standing in front of them I'm the one in front of them so I'm they're not gonna go there before they go with me that's the rule yeah that's my dream that's how I interpreted it and we're gonna see how we interpret dreams quickly so the dreams that are oh yeah they have particular kind of subject matter and particulars the first trait is that they're short they're very concise and they're very clear and they're like the Rising Sun and it happens very quickly second is that a righteous dream a vision does not have a particular time in the day or night where it's more likely to happen and I know you will have heard by some people saying oh a good dream usually comes right before fudgie and that's not a reality that isn't the meaning of the hadith of the prophet sallallaahu are you Salim and most of the Imams in fact I believe it could be even a consensus say that a righteous dream can happen at any time of the day when a person has had a meaningful deep sleep right third a good dream it's message is not enacted in the sense that you have to do something about it it's not commanding you to do something so although I saw myself in a dream doing Tawaf my first instinct wasn't how much money do we have in the bank account we need to go now that's not the meaning of the dream it's meant that you're supposed to try the main get happen and Allah will bless you with making it happen but it's not something that's immediate and inactive all that I have to get up right now leave everything go do and make this dream come a reality the third and final thing that is significant about a true vision is that it can be seen by you for yourself or it can be seen by someone else for you and there were people who saw dreams for themselves and people who saw dreams for other than themselves and we'll study some of these famous incidents where the prophet saw his element saw a dream for Omer he saw a dream for villain the Prophet heard Bilal in general his footsteps and he woke up the next day he goes Bulow you're gonna be in gender that's how we know Bilal is in general I heard your footsteps in Jannah you were even ahead of me and I heard your distinct gait and shuffle ahead of me general he saw umar radiyaallahu anhu that when the prophets i sallam was given milk to drink he said cherub to minho until I filled myself completely I drank and drank and drank and then I drank more until the milk began to pour out of my fingers and in one R'lyeh milk began to come even from under my fingernails I drank so much I didn't want to stop drinking that milk but I saw umar radiyaallahu anhu so i stopped drinking and gave himself for Shelley Berman who had a shovel and he drank until he was full it didn't come out of his fingers and they asked the prophets I said him what what do you interpret it as what do you guys think the Milken means what do you think what is milk in this particular honey now you know Richmond what else think about milk no no is it faith no it's Aidan knowledge knowledge and that's why milk is how does our ulema interpret milk milk is something that you don't make for yourself you have to get it out of something so you got to work for it you got to sit under a sheep or a cow or a you got out work to get it out and once you get it out you got to preserve it or drink it and you've got to drink it really soon or it's gonna go oh and there's people who don't get knowledge or apply knowledge wrong and if you apply knowledge wrong it's like you're having bad spoiled milk milk is also something that is considered slothy pure it's a pure substance it comes from something you would think should have blood in it and other things in it but Allah tells you I'm in Bailey for thin wear them in Lebanon Harley's on milk comes out Harless pure and adulterated and knowledge when it's from Allah it's pure and clean and unadulterated and when the Prophet gives milk to remember the allahu anhu it means that allah is receiving that knowledge in its clear pure state not from allah but through muhammed sallalahu a whistle for daily it's knowledge you want to learn about how we interpret dreams alright so we spoken about the background now the text that we're gonna study is one of the earliest texts on dream interpretation it's by lemon biblical tiba rahmatullahi day one of the early early in the first you know generations of the people of islam he Minelli mom of is a day of Kaiulani they had the very earliest that still remain tact books of hadith that interpret dreams all right and their own Amma when they began to analyze dreams and how the prophet interpreted them sallallahu alayhi wa send them they began to see that there were certain principles and I'm gonna talk to you about nine principles we're gonna study a few of them but not all of them all right some of them are a little bit too advanced you know interpretation through poetry and other things so what are the nine principles the first Tet wheel the first way of interpreting dreams is through a less map through the Entomology or the names that appear in a dream someone's name it means something it's not just you know you see yeah Kia in the dream it's not about me what does my name have to do with the dream yeah Kia means one who has long life right so the dream might be considered in accordance to the meaning of my name right number two interpretation bill manna in accordance to the meaning of what occurs in the dream something meaningful is exchanged and said not give examples of this number three interpreting using verses from the Quran or hadith verses from the Quran or whole surahs or whole Jews or even just single words or even letters from the Quran number four interpreting using the prophetic tradition of the Prophet Muhammad sallallaahu are you affirm them something the Prophet said hadith that mentioned something and we'll make this clear shortly insha'Allah number five is using the interpretation of Proverbs and poetry you know there's certain things that in the culture here make sense to you and interpreting something according to a particular culture is important it's not the one symbol means the same thing everywhere if you were to see a snake in your dream is it a good thing or a bad thing you see your culture tells you it's a bad thing if your Indonesia seeing us think is a good thing seeing a snake in a dream too Indonesian Imams is that that person's gonna get married there's a snake hiding out trying to strike prey is hunting there's someone who's looking at you sister and he wants to devour you all right that's how the Indonesians that's how the Malaysian see snakes in Arabic culture it's different and therefore the M fan the Proverbs of the PERT of the person who's seeing it and the person interpreting it becomes very important number six at that will be dildo and maloo interpretation according to inversion and opposition so you see someone dying it means that there's a birth coming to the family and you know you get a lot of people they'll say chef he has a panel I saw my grandmother dying I say Allah shall IFE how long have you been married he goes ah yeah we got married I said mashallah yeah you know he was what you mean I said bro you married a cousin yes how did you know she's from this your grandmother on that side he goes yes there's someone coming along the way right so for some people it's an inversion it's the opposite of what you see in the dream number seven it's an interpretation busy odda that you see an increase which means it's a decrease or you see number eight and decrease which means it's an increase so you see subhanAllah your health going away and a loss of hano to Allah blesses you in in in in wealth you see something being deprived but it's actually a sign that something's going to increase in a different way and finally number nine at that we developed the timelines and time considerations I want you to think back of that example I gave you a prophet use of interpreting the REME of the king all nine principles are found in that area and your mission in sha allah if you seek to accept it is to try to find all nine in those selection of verses in verses number forty-two till 50 in Surat Yusuf after we're done and you've kind of heard everything that I have to say go back and read those verses in English and say oh my goodness there's the name he's a king he's identified and there's the symbol what is the corn mean what is the wheat mean what is the cow mean why does the cow refer to years of famine why does the corn or the ear of of we refer to that all right so let's begin inshallah let's do the first section what did we say the first principle of interpretation is names all right let's look into the hadith of the Prophet I seldom how has he interpreted someone's name to mean something in the authentic hadith narrated by imam muslim the prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam and this hadith is reported by an asymptomatic so an asymptomatic is with the Prophet SAW Selim and he sees this happen the Prophet SAW said Allah said I saw in my sleep at night that I saw a pert what normally a person Slee meaning I saw a dream in my sleep Aroha in my sleep that we were in the house of the real table a banana even elephant we were in the house of October abner author or the allahu anhu allah and there was brought to us in that house dates from the form of abner table the form of a man named Edna table farewell to who so i interpret my dream look at the words of the Prophet SAW seldom to mean that good and sublime 'less has finally come to us in Modena and I take it from the name Ignatov table means Thalia bright have you ever heard or type goodness so he interpreted it that the dates that came dates is something sweet it's something that nourishes you it's something that is indicative of Modena what was Modena known for dates so the prophets had dates from a farm in Modena and the farmer's name is even a pop club lies atop widen it come from a beautiful farm why didn't it come from Earth man's farm why did it come from his farm because Allah subhana WA Ta'ala even a table that there is play ba has arrived and that's one of the names of what what is one of the names of the medina playa that's where it comes from right so Lala hearty whistling so you see that the Prophet used somebody's name to refer to something rock by evening ignore off the prophet sallallaahu are they were selling whenever it would seem he would say erotic allah may allah elevate you or are fair means elevation right and he would say may Allah elevate you he would use names to make your art for people and to honor people sallallahu Hari was sitting the question you're gonna ask is well why didn't the Prophet use the name of Aqaba as the interpreter what made him see even it fob well now we got to take it to level 2 right so we said first you can interpret by the names of the people that you see in your dream number 2 we said what's the second principle at wheel bill mana meanings right there's a hadith of the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu wasallam and this is narrated by Abdullah of Normandy allahu anhu 'it's in sahih al-bukhari the prophets I seldom said and I just shared this hadith with you that remark that he said I saw in my dream that I was given a bowl of milk and I began to drink from this milk until I noticed its wetness and it filled me so much that it began to come out of my limbs my every part of my body even my nails began that milk would come from it and I saw that there were people sitting around and the one that I chose to give it to was a remote of little table radi allahu anhu wallah and they said o Messenger of Allah what does it mean he said la Li that I've given any I've handed over in that the milk symbolizes in why does milk symbolize him all right we said milk is pure and when it's clear it's something beneficial it's something you enjoy drinking when it's off its unusable you can't hand it to others it's something that stinks up it's something that can lead astray and therefore it smell changes its color changes and no one wants it so the prophets I said I'm continuing to drink milk and meant that the milk was healthy and good for him and it was good for others milk is also seen as nourishment and there is nothing that nourishes the soul more important than a hidden knowledge of Allah knowledge of our Deen and this is what the prophet sallallaahu RA wasalam said that the one whom Allah wish is good for him he gives them a furnace in their knowledge of the deme milk milk is also something that you have to derive it's not something that's just within you you have to get it from somewhere else same with knowledge and it has to be from something that's domesticated and something that's willing to share it with you no one goes out and tries to wrassle a wild animal to get milk it's an animal it's something that is within your home and your household that you know and have access to and therefore aim is derived as being the interpretation by the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu wasallam but there's also an excess in the hadith the prophets I seldom said that when I was drinking milk and it was coming z2i added so much of it and one of the do are that Allah orders the Prophet SAW seldom in the Quran in surah taha what could Rob be Sydney Rhema and therefore aim and Giada are always together so whenever you see abundance and things that are overflowing it signifies something real to knowledge and therefore the meaning of milk is more important than the substance in and of itself according to the prophet muhammad sallallahoalyhiwasallam and you see this in tune that when gibreel and the prophets i salem were about to ascend to heaven gibreel gave the prophet two cups two balls one of milk and one of wine and the prophet chose milk and gibreel said had you drunk the wine your OMA would have been led astray so what does that tell you the interpretation of wine means misguidance not following knowledge right it's the opposite of milk which is following the knowledge and following the teachings that has been sent to you o messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi wasallam let me give you another hadith about meaning also referring to her mother's lap table allahu anhu and this hadith is also narrating hari that the prophet saw seldom said while I was asleep and I saw in my dream I saw in my dream in front of me many people some of them were clothed just partially their shoulder showing their leg showing you know people were merely covering up to their chest their shirt just came down to here just came down to their stomach and so on but then I'm already allahu anhu passed in front of me and his shirt was dragging on the ground what is the symbolism of the shirt what would you assume it is more than guidance what what is shirts do for us they beautify us they protect us they also are distinctive right this person dresses this way and it makes them different from this person right he's wearing a power suit and it's he has an important meeting this person they're wearing something that is you know a basketball clothes that you know that they're they're not going to work they're in their pajamas right it gives layers of distinction so they asked the Prophet sallallaahu he was seldom Oh Messenger of Allah what do you interpret the dream as he said sallallahu assalam it is a strictness in his practice of the deal strictness in it that it is covering up his faults that it's something that honors him that people will make mention of Mr everyone say allah allahu anhu he will become a reference point his clothing will distinguish him he will be known and notable for his practice of the Deen what does Allah describe Billy bass as in the Quran in surat al-a'raf allah says well he besought taqwa Danika hide the garment of piety is the best one to adorn yourself with said I'm on a go alright let's take another look let's look at a tuile with using the Quran and let's look at how certain verses can be used and how we can make use of them insha'Allah and we'll just go through a quick list in sha Allah so let's choose some funny ones what if you see a donkey in a dream what do you think it means anyone know any verses in the plan that involve a donkey a bad sound okay so what do you think that bad sound means how would you interpret it it's people turning away from you right people turning their ears away from you people not wanting to listen to you people not giving you that attention what else Allah has described the donkey's as is that they carry books of the Torah on their backs that weren't being practiced by those who were supposed to maintain them and Allah subhana WA Ta'ala says come ethylene omalley yak middle espera you see the donkey carrying books on their back that aren't inside themselves and a loss characterizing me or you as a person of faith that you might have the whole Quran memorized but you don't practice it you're like a donkey that's burdened with nothing so when you see a donkey in your dream it's symbolism can be that you will travel to seek knowledge but that knowledge main benefits you or that you will carry knowledge to others who will benefit and you'll be excluded from it or you will be a person who will Bray and preach and teach and keep talking about knowledge but you're nothing but a donkey you have no blessing in that regard let's take another symbol all right a rope what does it mean just say you see yourself holding on to a rope is there an image of ropes in the Quran now yes Wow tulsi moveable Allah he Jumeirah and therefore just say you're having a little bit of difficulty in your marriage and you know you're not doing well with your wife and subhanAllah you see yourself and there's a rope as a symbol in your dream it's a way of allah subhana wa ta'ala telling you hold on to the Rope of Allah meaning the Covenant you've given in marriage because how did you get into marriage you gave a promise to Allah and it's to enact you say when you're shaking the hand of the wali Cavill to allocate avila in accordance to the Book of Allah and the Sunnah of the messenger muhammad sallallahu wasallam what about a ship what do you think it means what did not ride on the ship of salvation right so if you see yourself cruising in the Mediterranean that means you have done well to please Allah subhana wa ta'ala and especially if the ship is in trouble waters and you're on the ship but what if you see the ship and you're not on it something to worry about because the ship is salvation and imam malik he used to say that the ship of salvation for the believer is the Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad SAW a ascendant which means to you that Imams would say to somebody who saw a dream of a ship that they were doing something that was bid ah that they have departed from the Sunnah of the messenger muhammad sallallahu wasallam what about would you're sitting there making things out of wood or you see yourself training to be a carpenter it means hypocrisy allah subhanho wa taala describes the hypocrites in the quran by saying can nahusha abu musa nada you see the hypocrites like leaning beams of Tampa timber they used to be trees full of life and faith but now their timber Hollow they're empty of faith illness you see yourself sick it's hypocrisy it means between you and Allah you know what you should do but you're not doing it and what is supposed to be pleasing to Allah you're doing it for the pleasure of other people clothing can mean marriage and a loss of Hannah Tyler says hood Nelly bastard luckily your wife is your garment what an to believe a silicone clothing that covers you way too much isn't marriage it's not it's practice in your relationship with allah subhanaw taala as is the hadith of Emirati allahu I know it's about taqwa water whether you are unable to drink it or you're drinking too much of it or you're surrounded by it can signify that you are in or about to deal with a hardship and difficulty water other than rain not rain weather soft rain hard rain water unable to drink it even if it's zim zim unable to Joe because why do you drink Zemzem to do what for yourself to heal yourself right you have troubles they say oh I'm gonna drink some them and make jihad to Allah that Allah will help me so even seeing Zemzem isn't seen as something of comfort in that sense heavy rain that keeps you in a place where you don't want to run out so you're sheltering under it you're sheltering under a tree under a roof because the rain is so hard it means that there will be difficulty after difficulty after difficulty and not allah subhana wa ta'ala is about to test you not once or twice but it's going to rain upon you so be steadfast and find your shelter right let's do some narrations from the hadith and we'll take a few more examples acro if you see a crow in your dream the Prophet sallallahu wasallam said that crows are treacherous people and the prophet sallallaahu Hari was seldom said he labeled the crow fasik Allah horrible facet meaning that there's someone you are trusting who is actually a facet who's about to let you down who seeks your harm rather than your well-being if you see a ribbon whether it's a rib that you're eating or you know the ribs of a person who's exposed as you're walking you see someone who's skinny and the ribs stand out in your mind it means a woman in your life is about to face hardship and the prophet sallallaahu ra will send them describe the woman as been created from a rib and men due to their injustice try to hammer the rib and they break it and therefore when you see a rib it is a sign that someone in your vicinity someone you love from the women in your household your mother your sister your daughter is about to experience difficulty cups vessels plates signify women that are important in your life the Prophet SAW said and described women as they are you know blessed vessels they are career they are like crystals that you have to be careful with don't drop her look at that imagery of the Prophet your wife rift bundle career he says Rifkin deal with the crystal softly so Lala Harrison look at the advice he would give relief bundle career because you know you drop her she's gonna break she's gonna shatter all right it's a lot what he was in there to see a bed or a Faraj or a sleeping quarter or that you're in your home and your aunt your dream end with you walking into your bedroom or that your dream ends with you laying down on your bed especially for a sister seeing a dream like that it means that you are soon to carry a child the Prophet SAW said LEM said a Louella doodle Faraj a child that is soon to be born should always be counted in the bed that he was born in in the name of the father who shared that bed with that person even if they had passed away sallallaahu or they were sending them horses galloping and running whether you ride them or you see them in a distance or someone brings them to you or you buy them or you sell them all of them it means that they will bring an abundance of good and an abundance of Brazil and it will come swiftly like the swiftness of a steed all of those are statements from the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu aleyhi wanna Ali wasabi or sellin so those are the first four of the nine principles and I want you in Java because also not gonna be soon upon us to go back and take a look at those verses in Surat Yusuf and what you will see you will be able to identify that there are names and symbols and meanings that there are things that are inverted in opposites and things that are given in deficiency that will actually bring plentifulness when the King sees that the cows that are small eat the big cows the healthy cows he thinks you know destruction is coming but after it what happens there's gonna be a resurgence and higher and there's gonna be so much goodness so although you see that there's an increase that brought decrease if the cows were big and then there were small ones that ate them then you see the that there's a resurgence and it comes back there we'll come back that will outdo what has been taken from us I want to end with three or four quick points in sha Allah so that we can end with some important principles and the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa send them was a person who taught people the value of dreams and wanted others to learn how to interpret them and after the Prophet SAW I seldom the best interpreter of dream after the prophets of Allah and our Navy's I Salaam is Abu Bakr Siddiq and the reason is because of his suit his truthfulness so the Prophet SAW I seldom said and I want this to be a general principle as decock immoral as datacom hadatha the most truthful of you in their dreams are the most truthful of you with their words so when you want to see good dreams real dreams that give you prophecy of what's to come be careful with your promises and your you know the ones that are meaningful and the ones that aren't always try to be so deal not just solve it and therefore Abu Bakr was the most truthful after the Prophet SAW said Allah he was the most knowledgeable of the interpretation of dreams number two the more you see a rupiah the more important it is and the more true it is and you get this from a number of hadith more than one so hobby in the same night heard the van before it was given to the Prophet isolinear once a hobby comes and says I saw a dream that this is how we should call the people to prayer at the same time there is also can Allah I saw a dream where I saw the same event another one guy I heard the same of them the more people who see it or the more times you see it the more true the dream is next is to know that dreams can be about past events not just future and you can see our awliya about something you mistakenly understood in the past it's not just a law selling in what's going to happen in the future most people have this mistake sometimes you see a dream and you're interpreting it about future events when that's not the reality it's actually Allah talking to you about something in the past that you've misunderstood and Allah wants you to re-examine it understand it correctly right they could be about past present and future in fact rarely are they about future events most of the Imams say that most Allah are to reignite for you something that you have misunderstood in the past Drude true dreams increase as time comes to an end people understood this hadith of the Prophet sallallahu wasallam to mean that people will see true dreams when the Dajjal is around or something right you know what it actually means is that this time that we're in now the day is coming to an end it's the prophets I am saying in the alterations of the early morning and that's why people say Oh at the very early morning they're taking it from this statement that it's right now that than muna is about to go the the dream is going to be most truthful at a time of before you wake up or before you sleep so in that in the two extremes of the day we're gonna pause here some Chanukah l'homme of Chanukah shadow allah in atlantis africa - we like and we'll take a quick break for the Adhan inshaallah and I will conclude just two minutes before we get ready for Salah so I want to end on just three final quick points insha'Allah first most of the dreams that we see that are glad tidings from Allah subhana WA Ta'ala that are oh yeah the ulama agree take long time to be accomplished like prophet use of forty years like the Prophet Muhammad SAW he said let me he saw making tole off it wasn't immediate yet to wait another year they take a time for them to come into action and therefore if you see a dream and it comes into action straightaway usually those are the dreams that are other lawful a plan that you can bring about so you saw a dream that you're drinking honey you went and drank honey and you you know you you fix that yourself it's not a rule in that sense it's something you enacted the next thing that I think is important to make mention of is that the prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam he warned us that if we see true dreams not to become overconfident and not to make it a source of pride where we vie with others in what we see and say awesome Han Allah I saw this and you you know Subhan Allah I know more than you or this is something that I've been blessed with that you don't have and rather dreams are indications insha'Allah of a good state with Allah and it should not be something that we take pride or go to extremes in finally dreams are entirely presumptions in the terms of us having them as a vision you're presuming you've understood it but that never allows you to contravene the Sharia to attain it and therefore just say you see in a dream your grandfather may Allah have mercy on the departed just say I see my grandfather and he comes to me yeah yeah I want you in sha Allah from now on to do this particular thing or to give this particular donation might be a good thing he has to give this particular donation don't do it don't do it just because of the dream and this happened in the time of Abdul Abdul Mossad or the allahu anhu a man woke up and he saw he said i saw in a dream that the one who prays to raka today will be forgiven their sins so people when they heard and he was a righteous person so and I'm the luckiest Rudisill Sahabi so and I'm the lockni Massoud heard this everyone started coming to the manager to pray to Iraq I have the liveness route stood at the door of the message and said 'i Ruggiero allah beautiful go back to your home Serena who hatoful Shaitaan that was a passing Shaitaan that he saw subhanAllah because Irish area does not legislate that you would wonder why would of the Leitner's hotel people not to pray in the masjid well so why did they went and prayed to raka it's because the false belief would take root that on account of someone seeing a dream it can change that reality right it can change our spiritual reality and our practice of Islam so may allah subhanaw taala protect us from this may allah subhanaw taala continue to guide our hearts and make us from those who are accessible to the truth allah ameen
Channel: Imam Yahya Ibrahim
Views: 15,343
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Id: mxvAqCzGKKc
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Length: 76min 21sec (4581 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 28 2018
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