XREAL Air 2 & 2 Pro AR Glasses - Review & Gaming Experience!

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hello guys crisp here welcome back to another video in this one my friends I'm going to be testing the xreal air 2s as well as the xreal air2 pros let's get into it shall we so these are AR glasses with two micro OLED displays with 1080p resolution 46° fov and 120 htz they actually project an image of a 130 in TV basically so when you're wearing these and you connect them via US BC to your phone for example if your phone has the capabilities of display out through USBC my pixel 8 Pro doesn't have that unfortunately it's like you're actually watching a movie in the cinema for example that's crazy now this right here is just a little shade you know so it blocks almost all of the light around you it makes everything really dark in the background but if you remove them I can actually see you guys in the camera right now and I can you can also adjust the brightness of the internal displays right here with the buttons on the side there's a little button that works differently for the air2 pros which I'm using right now and the air 2s so if you pay close attention to my eyes right now you can see that everything should go dark whenever I press this button right here so it kind of mimics this thing right here which also comes with the pros by the way and makes everything even dark but with the pros you don't really need to carry this around and it it does a really good job of making everything super dark uh behind the display I really like this feature still on the display specs we have 500 nits of perceived brightness which works very well even out in the real world with sunny days and stuff like that I didn't really have a problem with visibility talking about the audio next it has some speakers and they actually sound pretty decent you know it's not mindblowing it's not like you're wearing some good quality headphones obviously but it works and especially when you're wearing a hoodie for example the sound actually sounds way Fuller that way so if you can and if it's cold outside and if you're wearing these glasses I really recommend a hoodie but even without that it works okay I actually watched an entire season of a series that's based here in Portugal Muk I don't recommend you to watch that by the way it's very cringe and it's bad and I watched the entire thing with these glasses and the audio coming from them I didn't really have any issues whatsoever which leads me to comfort these are very comfortable glasses they're actually malleable like this you know they don't really cause a lot of strain in your head they fit very comfortable in your nose as well even with my very weird nose which has this little bump right here and even after watching three episodes in a row of that series that I was telling you about I felt comfortable I didn't feel any fatigue on my nose or ears the only thing that I didn't really like was that I had a slight headache after wearing it for about like 3 hours but that's it now let's talk about something that I did not enjoy with these glasses that's the edge Haze that happens it it becomes a little bit blurry on the edges for my eyes at least I'm not really sure if everybody experiences this I've seen on Reddit that some people do see that but my girlfriend could ALS o see the little Haze and a friend of mine as well although he wears glasses so it doesn't count speaking of glasses by the way it also comes with a little bracket for some custom lenses that you can utilize with these glasses so they got you covered if you wear glasses you can also adjust the angle of the glasses like this the viewing angle you could say but it's only three clicks as you can see it doesn't go further than that but I really wish there was a little bit better adjustability because going back to that hazy look on the edges I think that would be fixed with some ipd adjustments and that's interpupillary distance that's something that you find in most VR headsets like these ones right here these are the dpvr e4s so I think if we could adjust that with these glasses right here they would be perfect for a lot more people you know still it's not the end of the world and if you can resize the window of the movie that you're watching and stuff like that make the display basically smaller uh you can get rid of the haze and that's where the X real beam comes in my friends this little thing is an extra it's $120 the beam allows you to have a couple of more viewing modes as well smooth follow where the image will follow your head movement slowly smoothly I guess you could say body anchor I can't really show any of the beam stuff to you guys because I can't really record it with a capture card but body anchor just has a steel image and then you can look around like this is a menu right here what I'm looking at and I can see more options by lowering my head and then there is side view which makes you have little window on the corner of the display basically and then you can see whatever you're doing like cooking for example or doing other stuff with a little window where you can watch a movie for example or a little video so I'm going to be honest the first thing I did when I received these was connect them to the Asus Rog Ally and man I was happy like one of the main gripes that I have with like the steam deck and the frog Ally is the 7in display it's enough for many of the things that you do there but I've always wanted bigger that's what she said no it's not it's not what she I always thought that a little bit bigger display would definitely benefit my gaming experience with those devices and the xreal air tws man they deliver on that my friends aside from the little blurry edges once again that I really don't like I really enjoyed just plugging these into the Ally and playing Hades as well as Hollow night all day long well not really all day long but sometimes for like 2 3 hours straight but there's one thing that I haven't really done with these glasses and that's play games on a fullon desktop PC with power that can actually achieve 120 HZ in like AAA titles let's put this to the test and actually play some games at 120 htz connecting this to a PC I will use a capture card to record everything that I see through the glasses and I'm not going to be using my usual monitors and stuff I'm just going to use the glasses as my monitor all right guys small change of plans the capture card didn't work so I'm actually going to utilize Nvidia Shadow play to record the game playay no problems though but when connecting that desktop PC to the beam and then the beam to the glasses I only got 60 htz and this is all with the cables included from xre now it was working flawlessly at 6D HTS I could resize the Monitor and everything make it 105 in and 120 in and that got rid of the haziness that I was seeing and blur at the edges of the display and it was looking very pretty but yeah the 60 HZ man I I don't want that instead of using the desktop PC right there I'll be using this laptop with a ryzen 95900 HX and RTX 370 let's play the games now finally all right let's start with Counter Strike two my friends oh yes oh yes see I oh this is great this is so interesting so different from what I'm used to holy crap and also I can I can feel and see the little vibrations when I'm talking by the way that's really distracting but the display itself it's so responsive and really smooth at 120 htz this is great guys I really like this okay uh I'm actually going to dim the background right right now okay that's more immersive all right damn and now I can actually it's just a different experience and right now in counter oh I'm so sorry buddy I'm so he didn't want to kill me you know what this would be really cool with like a Mini PC for example imagine your setup not even having a monitor guys cuz this is pretty vibrant it's pretty bright as well and it's OLED so colors just really pop and the blacks are very deep as well I like it also in terms of input lag there is none if you connect the glasses directly to to the GPU um or the device that you're using of course like a phone or something but if you use the the beam in between okay and get the 60 HZ image that we talked about previously you do get quite a bit of added input like so I don't think that would be fit for Counter Strike for example come on damn it damn it all right we did it guys first place is ours nice head shot percentage 60% so you can still be very precise with this just not as much as a real monitor obviously now it is time for cyber Punk 20 oh my God it's it's really unreal how this works the dimming of the background dude damn in cyber Punk we will drop from 60 FPS because there's a CPU bottleneck here with this system it's also getting a few stuttering issues here and there sometimes uh and of course the performance is lowered because we are recording inside of the computer with Shadow play but yeah if I if it was a higher end laptop capable of like 120 FPS it would feel really really good and it still feels okay even if you can't really reach 100 plus frames per second all of the time I mean it's still a 60 HZ experience you know or a 60 FPS experience it's still running out of 120 Herz of course but now let's keep Bob goodbye Bob there we go that this is what I came for guys there we go yes beautiful but now let's talk about those Graphics once again we got the haze effect that I can see but you guys can't really see um I can still read the things like 1 10 a.m. for example I can read the uh 370 temp power and so on but there's just a little Haze Trail right there that I don't really like but once again if you are focusing on the game not on the corners of the game it's really sharp and once again 10 a really works with these glasses I don't see much aliasing and I am using dlss I think actually 1080p quality dlss yeah dlss also reduces noise in this game so I like to utilize it let's go goodbye Bob once again oh yes now I can kill him without getting out of the car because of the new updates okay so that's it for cyber Punk okay now it's doed to and I really really want to check this one out cuz it has a lot of little uh text and details and stuff like that and uh yeah for example over on the gold right there I can see it but it's a little bit blurry guys maybe it's just my eyes I don't know but if I for example close my right eye I can clearly read it but if I close my left eye and leave my right eye open I I cannot see that I cannot see the cursor at the moment it's out of the frame I'm actually seeing a game take place right now the colors look really nice guys like that's the thing all that displays are very bright and very vibrant and it's just a joy to look at you know the colors and stuff yes the cursor is pixelated I don't know what's going on with that but everything else looks pretty good indeed now let's try to take a look at the text over here for example again towards the bottom right it's a little bit hazy but it's okay I can still read it you know also we're getting low FPS yes because we're recording we are a CPU bottle next still and the game is basically maxed out and it's still getting like 60 plus frames per second so no problem it still feels all right it's okay overall I actually expected I wouldn't be able to see these icons over here and the text from them very well but turns out it's seeable I just wish the haze was gone of course that's a big issue if you guys grab one of these glasses and see a ton of haze you might be a bit disappointed you know especially when pairing the glasses as an external display without the beam with the beam as I told you already you can actually adjust the size and not have anything displayed on the far edges that will work very well so I've said pretty much everything that there was to say about these two guys right here these are just the Boxes by the way but they look beautiful don't they oh yes now do I recommend the air tws for 400 bucks which is what they cost or the air2 pros for 450 I think I'd actually go for the air2 pros because that little deing feature just does make a huge difference especially Outdoors you know and it's also pretty cool to show off to your friends not going to lie so for only 50 bucks more I think this is the real deal the pros I don't think they're too expensive but they're also not cheap obviously and if you're planning on just using it as a monitor for example you could buy some better monitors for that price obviously they're not going to be doing the full Cinema room experience you could say with everything dark and a floating window but a monitor will also be a little bit more stable as well for playing games and edit videos and stuff like that but I don't think where these Shine the most is as a computer monitor even though I really had a lot of fun playing the games today I think they're actually a really nice addition when you're traveling for example on a hotel room with a tiny TV you know you could pop these in and wow you can watch your series your movies and stuff like that and it's actually really nice you could also again go to the bathroom do your business and instead of staring at a 7in screen on your steam deck or Rog Ally you're just watching a big monitor in front of you and immersing yourself and spending hours End hours on end pooping and also if you have a stationary bike or like some gym thingies like the machines and stuff I think you could be watching like a movie or something and doing cardio at the same time and it would work really well as well like I I'm yet to do that cuz I don't really have any of those machines and I'm a little bit shy to go to the gym with sunglasses but I will try that out eventually so yeah it's these different used cases that we're not really used to being consuming content on that these really really shine or in the case of like traveling on an airplane these just provide a better content consumption experience and I think for those use cases these are totally worth it guys now lastly what about the beam this is just the beam box okay not the real beam the real beam is right here I feel like if you're like me and you see a lot of haze around the edges of the display this really helps a lot because you can resize the display once again and make it a little bit smaller and then the haze will be gone and the picture will be perfect a little bit more Alias than the real deal like the full-on display but still it will look pretty good if it wasn't for this I wouldn't really be as comfortable wearing these glasses I really hope to see the next iteration of the air 2s like the air 3s I guess have some ipd adjustments so you can actually adjust them to your own eyes like VR headsets so now that's been it for this video I hope you guys enjoyed it there are a couple of links Down Below in the description if you want to buy these things that we showcase here today they're not affiliate links by the way and I'll catch you in the next one very soon as always love you all bye-bye wow look at the sunset it's so beautiful are you seeing this what sunset
Channel: zWORMz Gaming
Views: 40,581
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: xreal, ar, augmented reality, virtual reality, glasses, 3d, 3d glasses, AR, VR, rog ally, gaming, ar glasses gaming, review, cs2, counter strike 2, cyberpunk 2077, dota 2, experience, good, nreal, x real, air 2, air 2 pro, x real air, xreal air 2 pro, discount code
Id: vzLCO7OIjR4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 11sec (971 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 19 2023
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