XREAL Air2 Glasses Review - I'm impressed!

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this looks really good hey guys mental Jesus here and I am back with a review and impressions of these augmented reality glasses from a company called xreal now you guys know that I've been traveling a lot this year spending a lot of time on airplanes and Trains and Automobiles and so getting some of these AR glasses for what I do has definitely been on my radar lately and I've been curious about wearable tech for a while now I like using VR glasses and so this seems right up my alley now I want to let you know that xreal did send me these for review and their sponsoring this video however I'm still going to give you my honest opinion about them there's actually a lot of things that I like about them and there's a couple things that I think that could be worked on and maybe change in future versions of it and to help me out with this video I've asked Nicole and will to also play around with them and give me their opinions as well so let's go ahead and dive into an unboxing because there is a lot to cover here for this video they sent me three different pairs of their AR glasses two of them are the standard ar2 one of them is in Gray and the other one is red and they also sent me the pro version as well and they included an optional accessory called The xra Beam which radically changes how this thing works now you may have heard of these before under another name called nreal now they changed the name of their company to xra as they expanded across the globe so just be aware if you're looking up previous reviews uh you may see the name enre but the name of the company now and the website is xreal thatcomicbookguy [Music] next draining to have to look down for hours at a time at a at a small you know portable screen and so this is a way of basically getting a massive screen in front of your eyeballs and hopefully not getting some of that neck strain I'm unboxing the Air 2 Pros first and so keep in mind that there is a regular and a pro version and as you can see here they look like regular sunglasses you would buy at the store uh but of course they have these little screens in there the St standard air2 glasses cost $400 and the pro model which I'm showing you right here is $450 picking these up for the first time I no just how light they are they come in at around 75 G I have to agree I like how light they are uh they're comfortable I kind of forget I'm wearing them pretty quickly it's important to understand that in order to keep the weight down these do not have a battery in them they actually don't have their own power at all instead you need to get power from the USBC cable and whatever you connect these two some devices do support power over USBC like my steam deck or my iPad and some things don't like the switch but don't worry they actually have a solution for that and I'm going to get into it in a little bit let's talk about the screens that are included in here they're using the latest micro OLED panels from Sony and they have a resolution of 1080p per IE and I have to tell you and it's really hard to capture this on video but they look fantastic the colors and the sharpness I I was actually very impressed again I wish I could show you how good this looks because it really did surprise me but as you can imagine it's really hard to to capture this for a video they also support a refresh rate of up to 120 HZ and they go up to 500 nits of brightness and they do have three adjustment settings so that you can get the perfect viewing angle and here's where I want to talk about the air2 pro because it has a really unique feature that'll allow you to adjust three levels of dimming of the glasses you see Nicole here pushing that button and you can clearly see it dimming to almost black it's actually really impressive if you don't get the pro model you'll have to use that plastic Snap-on to block your vision now this may seem unnecessary since all of these come with plastic blockers anyways and they snap on and off fairly easily however I can tell you that after using these for a couple weeks now it's really nice to be able to just push a button and instantly switch back and forth and be able to see through the lenses whenever you want to so for instance if if I'm sitting on the couch and I want to you know reach over and grab a drink I don't have to pull anything off my face I can just push a button and see through them grab my my drink or my snack and then instantly Di it again and then I'm right back to gaming and I could see this really handy on a plane too because you know stewardess will come by at random moments and take your order or ask you if you want a snack or something to drink again you can very quickly just push a button see her you know engage with her grab the drink and then you're right back into gaming so is it necessary probably not but it's very nice also the sound system in here is very good you know I'm kind of picky when it comes to sound I definitely like a a lot of dynamic range because I listen to music or I'm playing video games and I want to you know I want something that sounds halfway decent and I got to say these actually sound very [Music] [Laughter] [Music] good and the way that the speakers are designed into the glasses they're way more private than you would expect it must have something to do with where the speaker FES are positioned over your ears because someone sitting next to you doesn't hear a lot of audio bleed now let's go ahead and talk about the xre beam accessory so this is $120 and essentially what it does is open up a bunch of new features and also support for other systems like I mentioned these glasses do not have a battery in them and so they need to get power from USBC this little iPod looking device adds that support in a bunch more for instance if you want to use the Nintendo switch well you got to use this device because this has a battery in it and essentially what happens is you plug your switch into it and the switch now thinks it's docked so it'll take that switch video signal and then output it to the glasses and the switch looks in place great through this I played a ton of Super Mario Brothers Wonder on this the one caveat with the switch is is that again it thinks it's docked that's how it's getting the video out right and when you use the switch docked well you obviously can't use the joycons that way so you do have to detach them from the switch when you play this way or just use a switch Pro Controller it's not a big deal but I wanted to mention it and of course the beam also works with your other consoles as well so for instance I used it with my Xbox series X uh it works with the PlayStation 5 you can use it with your PC or Mac too but that's not all that the beam does it also will let you do screen casting or screen mirroring if you have your smartphone and it doesn't necessarily support video out through USBC well you can just wirelessly send the video to this and then that will send it to the glasses but probably my favorite feature of this little beam accessory is the fact that you can stabilize the image basically what this does is let you anchor the video image and make it more stable and I got to tell you this is actually really nice because if you don't use the beam let's say you're going to use the steam deck to play games you know you don't need this right but essentially it'll always have the screen wherever you happen to be looking and to be quite honest it can make you a little motion sick because as you're playing game you're moving your head around well the beam allows you to stabilize that so with this plugged in and turned on well that screen is stable now it's like in a fixed you know 3D position in front of your head and so you can move around and it's a much more natural feeling it's like when you're really looking at a television it's got a couple different modes so I mentioned body anchor which again anchors it in 3D space but then you've also got smooth follow what that does is it'll follow the glasses but it adds a little bit of lag to it so again cuts down on that motion sickness and you can adjust how big or small you want that display to be which again is really good for people who have to deal with motion sickness so if you're playing a very intense game like a first-person shooter or racing game having these options you're going to be able to dial it in so so you know it doesn't make you puke as you can tell I've been really surprised with my experience with these glasses mostly just playing a bunch of games on the steam deck and also the switch over the last couple weeks however there are two things I would love to see improved in next Generations of this product the first one being the viewing angle so it takes up about 46° of your vision it's really hard to describe unless you actually try these on it's it's not taking up your enre vision and the reason why I say that I want more of it is because honestly the screen and the experience is so good like it's so crisp and to give you an idea what I'm talking about if you think of yourself sitting in your living room on the couch looking up at your HD television and then think about how much of that Vision your HD television is taking up it's usually taking up you know maybe half of it or whatever but trust me if you had the option you would move that TV closer to you probably and make it bigger right and so that's kind of what I'm talking about here because I want it to be even bigger I want it to basically take up my entire view now I don't know how many degrees that would have to be but again I do feel like since 99% of the time you're sitting with those glasses on and they're completely dark anyways just have it take over my entire Vision I mean I think that would be awesome and the other thing is I really feel like the beam accessory is almost essential for this device but in using it it starts to feel kind of like a jumble of wires and connections and it's just not as elegant of a solution as I would like and again you don't need the beam for every device obviously like I said the steam deck the iPad they work without it but I personally really like how it would anchor the display it just made it way more comfortable and it would be cool if it was just built into the glasses somehow the other thing about the beam is that it does introduce a small amount of latency and they mentioned that on their website but honestly I couldn't really tell and I was playing a bunch of racing games and arcade style games but if you're going to use this competitively yeah you probably want to take it into consideration and like I said the Standard air two glasses will cost you 400 bucks but if you want to upgrade to the pro model and get that dimming button there which I think is pretty cool that's 450 bucks and the beam accessory is 120 so if you go all in on this yeah it's going to be a commitment but you know it's also a television that you wear on your face right and you can use it especially if you get the accessory you can use it with pretty much most of the handhelds and iPads and phones that you you probably have I know for me I've actually used this quite a bit in the last couple weeks I've used it a ton because again if Rebecca is using the television but I still want to be in the same room and kind of engage with her but also play my own games it's it's pretty convenient and I absolutely will take this with me when I travel on a plane this thing is going to be awesome to not only just be able to watch videos but also again play games and not get next Stream So anyways guys I would love to know what you think about devices like this it is really cool to see all of this wearable technology just getting better and better every single year so yeah I dig it I'm a fan of this type of stuff and it's going to be really curious to see where it goes from here so anyways guys thank you very much for watching thank you for subscribing and take care
Channel: MetalJesusRocks
Views: 126,385
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: metal jesus rocks, metaljesusrocks, review, gameplay, video, game, reviews, gaming, Xreal, Air2 Pro, Air2 glasses, AR glasses, augmented reality, Xreal Beam, xreal air, xreal air 2, best ar glasses, xreal air 2 pro, xreal air review, xreal air 2 review, nreal air, xreal air ar glasses, smart glasses, xreal air 2 pro review, xreal air glasses, nreal air ar glasses, xreal glasses, virtual reality, xreal ar glasses, xreal beam review, mixed reality, augmented reality glasses
Id: m5pTpB9x-es
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 37sec (757 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 10 2023
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