Xreal Air 2 Pro - IMPRESSIVE

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one thing that the rlg Ally the Lenovo Legion go the steam deck the steam deck OLED which just came out or is about to come out the Nintendo switch and the Bevy of other handheld PC devices that are out there all have in common one thing that they all share is that when you're using them when you're playing games on these devices you spend a lot of time looking down and the solution to this problem is augmented reality glasses which just keep getting better and better and better and these are the newest ones from xreal and they are not an exception to this rule they just keep getting better in fact these that's kind of like the theme for my video These have exceeded my expectations in just about every possible way now if you're anything like me you're probably sitting there with a a tad bit of skepticism uh when I tell you that these things are awesome in fact I was very skeptical that I would like these when xre they used to be called nreal but when they first reached out to me with their first set of glasses I was very skeptical that they would be useful at all and I H I'm here to tell you that I was pleasantly surprised and then these new ones basically improve upon that first uh iteration in a whole bunch of ways that I want to talk about in this video um what would you use these for well I will say that uh recently my family and I went we took our first train trip to New York City and um previously whenever we travel anywhere I'm driving like I'm the person who drives wherever we go so this was a a different experience for me and man I really wish that I had these glasses with me when we went on this trip because if if I had boy it would have made the 6-hour train trip so much better because these things are just fantastic essentially they are a private entertainment center that uh you can bring with you and they have like this they they have the equivalent of like a 300 in screen I'll get to the specific numbers later on the video but they have like a massive screen built into them with these little OLED uh displays from Sony and they basically allow you to bring this your own private ener entainment center with you wherever you go so if you want to play games on it with uh you know without worrying about people looking at your screen and maybe seeing something that they might find offensive if it's an mated game you know like in Doom Eternal or something where you're chopping dudes up you don't have to worry about bothering other people with what you're doing on your gaming system when you have these with you on top of that if you're sitting there on a window seat you're going to have a bunch of Reflections on your screen and there's no Reflections at all when you are looking through these glasses and I got to say these glasses actually look pretty decent like they look fairly normal like a regular pair of sunglasses something else that all of those video game systems have in common is that they have fairly small screens which makes reading text in a video game kind of hard to do well because you've got this giant screen in front of you with these glasses you don't have to worry about that it makes it so much easier to read the onscreen text when you're playing a game so I think that these a really good solution for a lot of reasons but my favorite reason to use them isn't actually for video games at all it's for hooking up to my phone my phone is upside down it's for hooking up to my phone and watching a movie on it like it's just such a great plug-and-play experience this is the iPhone 15 I just got it and a single cord from from the glasses to your phone and you can watch whatever movie you want on a giant screen wherever you are and it's just really impressive most devices are going to work right out of the box you take the USBC cord that is included that has the perfect shape to clip onto the back of the glasses and then you plug that into whatever device it is that you're going to be using and it will basically get detected as an external display automatically switch over and you are ready to go and it puts the the the screen uh out out there in front of you so that you can see whatever it is you want to play or watch on the right arm of the glasses is a button that does one of the coolest things that I have ever seen and we're going to talk about that in a little bit but next to that button are these two buttons it's actually like a rocker uh right here now when I first put the glasses on I thought that they were really nice looking but then I went to adjust the volume and I realized that these two buttons or The Rocker as I said uh they changed the brightness of the image but if you do want to adjust the volume all you have to do is long press the plus button for just a few seconds it'll switch over to volume adjustment you'll hear a little beep and then you can adjust how loud everything is the screens go all the way up to 500 nits of brightness which is about the same brightness of the LCD uh steam deck but it feels brighter than that because the screen isn't competing with other light sources the new Sony OLED panels have a 40 6° field of view and they go up to 1080p 120 htz which gives you a display equivalent of about 33 in out in front of you floating in space wherever you are I don't know how they calculate 330 in but it's it's a massive display and it's bigger than any screen that I could really fit in this room so having that in a pair of glasses that I can take Wherever I Go is just so cool okay let's get back to that button that I talked about a little bit ago this button is incredibly cool it is the button that activates the electr chroma dimming which basically says that when you push that button it changes the tint of the lenses in front of your face so when you turn off the dimming it's like you can see more of the room out in front of but when you turn it on the lenses get darker and there are three different levels of Darkness to these lenses and at the darkest level it's almost not 100% but almost like when you have the covers on and these still come with covers but honestly the uh the pros which are the ones with the electroch Chromo diming um I don't see myself ever putting the covers on on these again because the the dimming is just so so well done all right so I'm not sure how well this is going to show up on screen but uh right now I've got these hooked up to my phone and I'm going to currently the electr Chromo dimming is turned off I'm going to put it on the lower setting and now you can see like they've gotten darker and now I'm going to do it again and this is at the darkest level and at this level I cannot even see the camera that's in front of me like it is completely uh obscured by the darkness of the lenses and just down here just underneath I can just barely see my hand and then I turn that off and I can see everything in front of me it's it's so weird and I I expect that regular glasses like I would love to have a pair of regular glasses that had a battery in them that I could charge whenever and just allow me to switch between the shade without having to uh like have transition lenses or something like that this is so cool but it's not it's not the coolest feature on the glasses and we'll get to that in a little bit first let's talk about the audio xreal did a lot of work to improve the audio in this set of glasses over their original ones um the volume is adjusted by whatever device you actually have attached to the glasses at the time or you can adjust the volume using the xra beam which we'll talk about later on in the video the air2 and the air2 pro glasses have an allnew sound system that has more directional audio coming out of these speakers right here they sound really good way better than I thought they would and they also kind of sound muffled to anybody who's not actually wearing the glasses so if I'm sitting there and I'm watching a movie I I it like if I crank it up other people are going to hear it but if I have it at a reasonable volume it's going to sound great to me and everybody around me is just going to like they'll be aware that I'm listening to something but they won't be able to figure out what it is on top of that it means that I don't have headphones on or I don't have in ear headphones on it so I also can hear the world around me which is is a huge benefit and because there's a speaker on both arms that means you get directional audio so I loaded up cyberpunk 2077 I was running down the road and I could hear the cars driving by me on the leftand side as I did that that's really cool it's something that you don't often have in a handheld PC and we definitely have some separation of the audio but it's not going to be nearly as good separation as you get on something that is a tiny little speaker right next to your head I don't feel like the previous iteration of these glasses was uncomfortable in any way uh but these are so much of this is the biggest upgrade is Comfort the biggest upgrade from the previous versions of these glasses to the new versions of the glasses is how comfortable they are they're super soft they are very light they're very comfortable the of the arms are flexible and soft which makes it easier to wear these for an extended period of time plus they're lighter than the previous glasses it's only by 4 G but you can feel it it's really strange how light these feel especially because the weight is just distributed so perfectly across the glasses when I first put them on I felt like the screen W the the built-in screen was too big and it was cutting off the bottom half of the screen but that was before I replaced my nose piece with a bigger nose piece to you know for my big old honker of a nose and then I you know there were a little bit wider so the glasses then sat down further on my face and suddenly I could see way more of the screen and it was more comfortable so definitely check out the different nose pieces that come with them it actually comes with two well three nose pieces one that's already on it one that's much smaller and then one that is much bigger I'm currently using the biggest one and it it's perfect for me xra also sent this over this is the xreal beam which is a really cool device uh it's about $120 as of the time that I'm recording this uh but it it it gives your glasses a few more options the xra beam allows you to Anchor the screen to lock it in place in a virtual space so it doesn't move when you move your head honestly I thought that I would like this more but I find the next mode to be way better and that is the smooth motion mode so when you move your head yeah the screen moves around but it's it's a slight delay which sounds bad but it's not it basically takes all the little Jitters out of how you move your head around and Smooths everything out and I think that that's that's the mode that I like the most when using the xra beam side view lets you push the display off to the side so you can see more of the world that's out in front of you but honestly I just don't see myself using that as a mode uh and then the xra beam also allows you to adjust the the screen size so you can shrink it down if you want I personally don't like using that mode I prefer it to be as big as possible but you know I'm glad that they give you the option to change those things this will also allow you to play video games on your Nintendo switch using this without having to use the Nintendo switch dock originally with the with the first ones if you wanted to use the switch you had to use the switch with your switch dock which was a you know kind of a terrible experience for a portable system so I didn't ever see myself doing that but with the xra beam which is also compatible with the older glasses you can use this as your Nintendo switch dock the only issue is the switch sees it as a dock and then turns off the attached joycon so you have to take the joycons off and play with them uh detached or like a regular controller uh instead of just playing it with the switch in hand the finish on the beam feels really great it's super soft to the touch and it doesn't pick up fingerprints at all I wish every device had this finish in different colors one thing I'd love to see on the xra beam would be an app for game streaming like GeForce now uh which can hit frame rates of I think up to 120 frames per second which these glasses can support um and I think that over Wi-Fi this would have no trouble streaming a 1080p game at0 HZ on your display that would be a fantastic uh experience it has a 4,870 milliamp battery it'll last about 3.5 hours and charges to 50% in just 30 minutes so I think the xra beam is really cool but it's worth noting that you do not need this in order to use the glasses with anything other than a Nintendo switch or like something that uses HDMI pretty much all handheld PCS are going to work on this thing right out of the box without anything else needed so this is definitely optional I said it with my first video so I'm going to say it again these glasses they feel like that first iPhone moment or that first Walkman moment where you suddenly have this new category of device and I can see the the the the iterations from the first version to this version are so awesome that I cannot wait to see what xre is going to do with augmented reality glasses in the next 10 years just think about what the first iPhone was like and compare that to say the iPhone 15 I think that that that leap if you look at that with glasses is going to be really really crazy and I can't wait to see what going to happen if you want to pick these up for yourself there are links down below the prices are xra air for 339 the Air 2 for 399 and the air2 pro for 449 my recommendation is the air2 pros the Comfort the electro uh chromic dimming is is absolutely worth the extra 50 bucks that you would pay for that um the the Comfort alone is just such a fantastic upgrade and for only $50 more to get that chromic dimming so that you don't have to put the the the lens the the yeah lens cover uh on the glasses is without a doubt just amazing if you enjoyed this video then you're probably going to enjoy this video as well from the nerd Nest I'm Bill stay R everybody
Channel: NerdNest
Views: 60,876
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Nerd Nest, nerdnest, the nerd nest
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 16sec (976 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 19 2023
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