How to set up a Windows 10 machine for Linux Development w/ WSL! Can we convert a diehard machead?

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This is going to change my life!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/thunderbong πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 12 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

why there's BeyoncΓ© in the thumbnail?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/thebonga πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 12 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
hey folks it's Scott Hanselman and I'm here with the Chania kotuku and you are not a windows person and this is a Windows laptop what's going on yeah well it's actually my gaming computer that I built and um I've been getting tired of like you know I use a USBC till I connect my display ports and all that so it's like I've been getting tired of like programming or like my MacBook and I was like okay I'll switch over playing games so I wanted to like you know see if I can get a development environment set up on my Windows computer so I can like you know just focus on like I'll play games right then like Windows computers lying around yeah have a do stuff yeah okay cool and you're finding they setup to be confusing because it's not like out of the box ready to do what you wanted to do yeah you know that file isn't gonna work here as much okay cool so I see that you've got some stuff already done like in the lower corner there and the lower right if you'd hover over hyper it looks like you've got hyper going that's a third party got terminal and yep a terminal in Windows is different than a shell so like if you hit the Start menu real quick for me and then just a second like CMD right that's the command prompt right that's kind of like it's not really dost but it's das and if you run that thing go ahead and run that real quick this is like dass ich yeah and if you type ver then it's gonna be like hey I'm kind of das right and it's awful like it's got no tabs it's just very Windows 95 because it really hasn't like changed since then right yeah is that why you installed hyper yep pretty much I also liked you know just like the customization aspects of it and how it looks and all that good stuff as well okay and then you went and you did install the windows subsystem for Linux that's the wsl because you wanted a Linux prompt instead of a boss like prompt or Windows prompt like this so type bash in here yeah just like bash okay and then type underscore release LSB underscore release - a1 all one word LSB underscore release space - a so you were from the DOS prompt in this command prompt thing in this terminal able to run bash and then you ran LSB release which shows you that you've got to boom to 1804 now hit exit and then you're back in das right yeah that's the windows subsystem for linux type in WS l - L so you have one linux on this machine yeah okay and if you type in WS l - - help you've got you can list out all the running list them all you can terminate them you can import them and export them as like tar files and you can run as many linux's as make you happy you can dress Windows Store you can like type in Linux and then if you go to the Windows Store right now and type Linux and then go to the corner and then type Linux there's like a bunch of them right Colin interesting and whatever anybody got arc yeah just like grab like whatever like grab a Linux that makes you happy I think was even like an Alpine the money somewhere in there okay get that Alpine W so that's just like a silly little one which one is it Alpine W so lower left corner third ones on the Left no this one thank you sir that's the Alpine that you would use in it's a it's a yeah and then they'll just say install it it's really small it's like a meg it's like some okay and then go ahead and just like hit free trial yeah some of them cost money from other people some of them don't like this is not this is not one that we're gonna yeah no logical and it's like oh look and now you've got that okay now go back to command prompt and then hit up with your up arrow and there you go go back to WS l - L now you got - ah okay okay when you type bash you get the default one yep makes sense when you type WS l - D for distro space alpine you'll get Alpine and then do bash now just hit space by itself and then it'll it'll probably ask you for a username something know you're in the Alpine okay and then exit out and do whatever like so you can have as many of these as you want you can have or have multiple Ubuntu's you can name them different stuff you can get it perfect then you can go wsl - des export put it on your other machine and import it oh wow okay that way you can literally just like share them like with like pokemon with your friends like it's a tar file nice okay it's worth pointing out though that here in this crappy terminal in the quote-unquote DOS prompt you've got the opportunity to run these things you could type PowerShell type power shell right so like now you're in PowerShell and then you hit exit then you're back and see it says PS you hit back here so the terminal is not the shell just like on a Mac like X term and I term are all alternative terminals same thing applies here so you should be able to go back over to your hyper now and you can probably like open another tab or what does decipher have tabs the hamburger menu there or something right yeah you're in T much though this is a way cuz the sub you're in bash right now so which where are you hit LSB underscore release - eh - ask yourself where you are in this case you'll be in a boom - what are the hamburger menu in in this app and can you open a new tab yeah like this yeah there you go she says WL yeah it's running the default I did that so you configured hyper to do what you wanted to do right yeah there you go so you would need to basically go into your hyper config and hook that up this is a real important point that you can have n number of shells and terminals and this is just a terminal emulator right it's the thing that talks to this yep okay so humor me go to the Windows Store and type in terminal and we'll download the Windows terminal it's free it's free and open-source it's up on github the preview that one there yeah it'll be out later look I saw something about this recently yeah yeah I think I got this hey cool so hit launch never really actually opened it okay now hit the Chevron to the left to the right of the + yep okay so it automatically noticed Ubuntu an Alpine yeah so hit a bunch ooh boom new tab right and then hit the Chevron again your colors suck yeah so hit settings yeah now you've got Visual Studio code so it actually already brought that up right yeah here you've got profiles you can see it's detected a bunch if there was a special thing you wanted or if you like wanted to hide alpine you see they're in line 40 you could say hidden equals true and say I don't want I don't care about Alpine like I know it's there but it doesn't deserve a menu yeah or if you don't dig PowerShell you could do that on line 28 and say I don't like it okay also you can then have as you scroll down there in lines 53 you can have color schemes and things like that I could like you know put a I let me do this I'm gonna go on my machine right now and I'm gonna give you an a boon to I'm gonna put it in the gist alright my machine and and go to head and look at your schemes there right I'm gonna go down to mine I'm gonna give you one is called boon to legit that me and Kayla cinnamon did she Cayla cinnamon is the pm4 actually you know I'm gonna do I'm gonna put my entire settings into a gist and then I want you to go and get that just alright alright cool so let me do that real quick sorry looking at the whiteboard yeah go to no I'm gonna do this go ahead and go to gist github and then go to the Hanselman shan Suleman get just I just made a public one just stuck it on the car last chance mama and I just put up my profile okay cool so go to my profile up there you go ten seconds ago see this so these are like some changes I made like always show the tabs and always want dark theme give me a little control plus action here please yes sir enhance enhance enhance yeah okay so check it out close tab new line lit screen raw chicken broth let's take the same control plus for me oh thank you for your patience yep so like you can have some Global's yep you can have you can change your font your default font or whatever kind of makes you happy scroll down scroll down there's the font one that I'll keep going okay check it profiles here I have a certain color scheme and a certain command line I have a vintage cursor so I put this side-by-side go ahead and hit do this you're not a Windows person right you don't match person yeah okay hit the Windows key like a shift button and hit Windows right okay now click on business video code see you've just snapped one thing to the right and the other connects left you can windows left right windows up down and move stuff around the screen without using your mouse that's sick okay so humor me for a second and scroll all the way down on the right hand side to my schemes router schemes games we're looking for a boon to legit maybe controller control F your way to glory yeah legit are here okay oh you were asking about starting directory's to see yeah so grab that whole section that whole block of whatever it no that actually no I'm sorry that's my mistake that is the profile that uses in boo to legit that's not the actual scheme okay let's go farther down and find that one this one there it is okay so grab that stick that into your schemes you can have it and then there's our actually an I term if you have a bunch of like if your favorite I term colors yeah you can go ahead and clean that comma up online 74 on the left there if there's some there's there's a PowerShell snippet that'll basically download I term schemes and then import them into your profile and you're on the left because you're using Visual Studio code you can click on any of these colors and like make it look the way you want to look yeah I like this well then no one search for Windows terminal I term themes Windows terminal I term and there's actually like a whole color schemes for I term themes and then there's scripts that will go and import them all into your like they'll dump them all in see they're interesting this one yeah we could go dig into that a little later and it would basically download all the I term themes but you can go and pick the ones that make you happy and those are all I term converted so there's one that makes you happy like tomorrow night 80s click on it yeah okay steal that too , and then stick that in there now you got to check you awesome okay now let's go back to my profile and that just alright alright so now I'll go and find one of my profiles I had one that was using Ubuntu legit let's look at that one wait that's my profile go back up to yours on the left-hand side and find one of your profiles I think you had a boon to one right there yeah one right here yeah okay so you can add stuff like tab title on line 295 on the right there you could say use acrylic acrylic acrylic is our like kind of like transparent II kind of cool windowing thing it's like gives you a little bit transparency if you don't like it you turn off font face font size we have a new font that we shipped that's called Cascadia code yeah and if you go and search for Cascadia code on github under releases there is now a powerline Cascadia code so there it is and then hit releases I believe Cascadia code actually ships with the terminal but you see that mono and then there's also Cascadia PLU like the mono spaced one was TL sent for again powerline that's the cool get prompts and stuff that people do okay so then click on that again I want to just point something out so when yeah before you hit before you hit install shear it says font name yeah Cascadia ma no PL we got a member that so right got to make sure that we keep that in our brain okay yes sir do you think I'm scared regular ma no as well yeah can't hurt now most of these I think already ship with the the terminal or they will so you're just getting like the freshest nerd fonts basically works for me sure I've gotten visit but whatever that's cool this is yeah the other way you can do it on Windows is just drag the fonts directly into the fonts folder there's lots of ways to do things so Cascadia mono Cascadia mono space you know alright now go ahead and put in Cascadia space mah no space peel and then put your comma there at the end of the line now alt tab save that and then alt tab back over to the terminal and see if it's updated itself was it again it's the third one from the left left thank you yes sir now the colors are so bad we can't tell so let's go back into our stuff here and let's go ahead and on add a line that's a color scheme is it one two legit okay so then save that get rid of that coma Oh keep on forgetting it's all good we have a schema it's just going to complain yeah see it was mad about that Laskey color scheme there you go yeah you're talking now do you have a mouse yeah I do control and scroll will make your fonts bigger shift control scroll try that we have control scroll shift control scroll and watch the acrylic oh I was like why is it changing nice it's your transparency choice because you know make it nice but not too nice right whatever makes you happy cool so now you've gotten a boon to style kind of like that a boon to purple evocative purple yeah right and then you can go and do whatever colors make you happy you have a power line font so if you want to install power line and get your get prompt all kind of looking snazzy you can do that now - nice okay so you could go and like do like a LS - a log F alo G no LS - alo G capital F - Oh G yeah a al o G capital F alright that gives you like so then you could go and get like add color to that and then you would go and have all that now this is interesting you see some of the errors that is giving you here yeah I guess come in like the mount and it's like outside of the windows subsystem so you're actually on slash mount slash see do you have any other drives on your on your machine other than the C Drive yeah have a secondary drive - terabyte for games okay cool no one do an LS of slash mount and see what we got oops right so there's your C and your D right so anything you plug in will show in there nice that's your home right now where you are if you don't like that and you know somewhere else go ahead and take a look at the way I got around it it would be starter I think that's how it works you can try it it might not work on WS l1 which we'll talk about in a second how do I know that how do you how do you know them on W cell one I'm guessing because you're probably not on insiders wsl 2 comes out later this year okay and also go ahead and humor me for a second let's go to the windows hit windows are windows are like the pops up like the run dialog and then hit backslash backslash w WS L dollar sign and hit enter and let's see if this works okay there you go so there's your a boon to ya then double-click on that so this is your a boon to file system as viewed through an artificial network okay ok as you go yeah really mess with your a boon to file system from windows so because if you do that then you're messing with the file system without telling Lubuntu that you did stuff yep so it's really important that you not edit your boon to files your Linux files from windows or it will freak out yeah ok so now let's try that so let's go ahead and close terminal ok problems good yeah really good good I couldn't get all that in editor there you go and then let's run the terminal again by the way go ahead and right-click I do this for me hit the start menu type in terminal before you run it right-click on it and say pin to taskbar yep all right and I want to point something out hold down the the Windows key notice that you have the power tools it sounds like you found the power toys yeah and I want to be a clean-out yeah go ahead and make that go away and hold that button down again notice that it's hovering numbers along the side there that's telling you that Windows key plus that number will run that thing oh nice so hit like windows 4 and now you're go ahead and like with the windows key to get rid of happened windows 4 takes you back to Chrome humor me pick up the terminal and drag it all the way to the left to make it the first thing okay now hold down Windows it's Windows one so then just hit Windows one boom now you're in your terminal nice okay now go ahead and go to a bunt you won by opening the Chevron yep hit it boom - and if I like so is the first one that pops up if I wanted to reorder it I can let's do it yeah I won't fix that so let's go up to the top there and you see what says default profile and it's got a good yeah grab the clothes on line 33 and make that your default profile solid you cool so now close the terminal and let's try windows 1 again loop eyes clicked it like a mouse in it that's cool yeah ok boom and now AWD are you where yeah be there you guess sir cool now let's check this out humor me for a second you see you got that flashing bar yeah okay go back to your Visual Studio code in your profile and then all tab again to bring your chrome back to the front and put in the cursor color and the cursor shape that's lines to 85 and to 86 there and make them not oh yeah give me like a something bright and then on cursor shape I do like bright green or whatever and I just like a CSS it's exactly I don't know if bright green let's try that no it's maybe the green what we'll find out well know if it doesn't work in a minute cursor shape give me a thick a filled box maybe get the old vintage vintage vintage bit yes oh crap okay I don't think that green is gonna work but we'll find out in a second go ahead and hit control s and go back and see if it worked yeah it doesn't like the green go ahead and go back and just put in you know 0 0 FF 0 0 yeah green see our nice set that vintage bright cursor now doesn't eat into background be black can they'll be the same thing whatever makes you happy right so now right so I just made it look like Ubuntu because that's the color of an Ubuntu machine yeah you can do it whatever you want like you have total school yeah okay yeah actually prefer this alright now they now have control ctrl shift scroll and get it to the opacity that you want some people like to see stuff some people don't and then you can go in there and if you look at the opacity options you can set it to like 99 percent or 4 percent or whatever uh and - we're sorry go ahead and go back to my profile and use my profile as an example yep okay and I've got acrylic and acrylic capacity line 281 I said it to you know 85 but you can set it to whatever that's going you seem to be onto something toss ahead to 0.5 yeah you see how it's picking it up as you do it yeah it's like a live reload right exactly now go ahead and run your tea mugs and see if it looks cool you got what you want yep are you talking I'm actually liking this I think you also does a better rendering of fonts to comparison to like hyper it actually does now no disrespect to hyper it's lovely there's lots of great choices there's consul - there's column you there's hyper there's a whole ecosystem of really cool third-party terminals but this one is is native Windows it's basically like using DirectX so it's almost like it's a game so it's like you know a thousand frames a second kind of a thing hyper uses chromium right so you're ultimately rendering through a web browser yeah so this should give you the speed absolutely now ooh hit alt enter I'll enter I like this full screen okay now hit alt enter again and it's window hit windows tab the windows key not all tab at window tab yeah window tab yep okay hit new stop yep now hit go back to desktop one again and hit Windows tab and then drag your stuff into a desktop to now click on desktop to alt enter oh now hit control windows left troll gastly there we go nice see now you can switch desktops and if you have a touchpad with a precision touchpad you can go four finger swipe just like a Mac that's dope but do you probably have is a desktop so you need to use yeah so you know Windows 10 or whatever and now you've got a very comfortable experience nice let's see uh husband render man not good wait I change your colors right yeah that's that's a colouring thing that's not rendering what no it's not yep don't cool so you can guess some of the colors look the way you want some they don't um you can control trying to make sure yeah it's all fine-tuning right now let's talk about you were saying that you weren't sure what version of W cell you're on yeah okay so go to this type the Start menu again and type win ver WI Enver and then hit enter a win for ya so you are on 1909 so that's 2019 and oh nine means September oh yeah you're on that you're in the September 2019 version of Windows that sounds ok like current version or its current enough yeah alright that's fair like it's only what that's three months old do you feel bad no I mean a little bit but hey it's all good it's like five months old more so but hey okay cool so do this go out to the command prompt now this would be not not a boon to go ahead and hit okay there yeah all right let's see if ctrl T is bound and you can maybe open another terminal no I don't own that command prompt going back into your Windows terminal oh yeah you made it the default so you're just going to end up into another Ubuntu hover hover the mouse at the top of the screen and or maybe have to control actually hit alt enter to get out of here because I don't know how to and then just pull up daus or PowerShell with the Chevron let's do uh a partial core is fine either one doesn't matter just something that's not type in WS l - - list space - V for verbose yeah okay so you have WS l1 uh sucks on my side I see the state and then the version of the W cell the deal is here another way you can look at this by the way is go back to your team ox and you have H stop running yeah I do okay good go ahead and right-click in the taskbar anywhere at the bottom of the screen there and they go ahead run H top it's correct and then right click in the bottom of the screen there anywhere in the taskbar anywhere in the black arrow yep right click and hit task manager and then sort by CPU okay you see zsh right there mm-hm see how it shows up like a process yeah it's a Pico process it's a tiny process it's a Linux process running on the Windows kernel WSL one doesn't have a Linux kernel it's running the Linux user mode elf binaries and then it's redirecting any calls to Linux to the Windows kernel Wow let me let me express this in a different way switch to your other desktop and close the task manager and open up the whiteboard and then whiteboard would be uh this right okay so that's your whiteboard but you and I are there together so you can see me can you see that here yep so where's wait where you that maybe scroll around a little bit you may have left me why don't you invite oh yeah but here Fred cool that's me okay yeah may give me a little room zoom me out a little bit so I'm writing over here so I'm using the Microsoft whiteboard is free it's just an app you can get so here is the Windows kernel right that's the work and WS l1 the W cell that is currently released as of the time of this discussion which is February of 2020 says hey I'm gonna make a sis call I'm gonna open a file I'm gonna open a port and it goes looking for Linux and Linux does not exist and we have a subsystem layer of magic that says I have a list of syscalls I'm gonna let the Windows kernel do it and it works great but it's not super fast it's maybe you know let's just say half as fast as it could be it's not running in full speed because every single low-level system call needs to go to the Windows kernel but you get really cool very lightweight processes you can see them in the task manager turns out people really really want a Linux kernel so we could just do like a virtual machine but visual machines are depressing and heavy doesn't it be like Oh Virgil like if I just said hey we work great with Linux just install but you know VirtualBox or hyper or whatever or hyper-v you're gonna be like yeah that's not really a solution and it's give me 30 seconds to boot up right so we have what's called a lightweight utility VM and we ship a tiny little 50 Meg Linux kernel in real Linux kernel it's actually a Microsoft Linux Fork you can go and find it on github and wsl to WSL to uses a real Linux kernel on type of a tiny little VM and that VM starts up in less than a second nice so you don't feel it you don't see it in hyper-v it doesn't bother anybody it's just doing its thing and then you can have n number of Linux's they'll all share that Linux kernel in their own virtual machine kind of instance and then if you went and looked in the task manager instead of seeing zsh like you do now you would see a vm memory that's just a young a chunk of memory so now you've got this interesting kind of dichotomy where it's like well do I want my my windows to be my W cell to behave this way or do want it to behave that way fortunately you have choice and you can have each individual one be a different version so I can have one a boon to be version one and one wouldn't be version two the benefits of the version two one is full docker support on windows that's what I need so if you want that you would upgrade you can either do two things you wait until later this year and you get it for free before you go to the settings dialog right now and you enroll in ego settings update and security the windows insider program in the lower left-hand corner you would go and get started I don't know if we want to do this right now yeah you would sign up and it would then put you on the fast train nice now there's two trains the slow train and the fast train the fast train has a risk that there have been times when stuff broke yeah slow train and you'll get and you'll get an update every single week and you're going to basically be on the next version of Windows the slow train is less risky and it includes wsl too and it only happens like once a month so it's reasonable to get on slow I'm on slow and I haven't had any major issues but you are taking a risk this would then give you the ability to beyond you know basically either version w cell 1 or w cell 2 and you built on docker desktop and it would just work so now I need Zakhar that'd be hot but I'd love to get it working well I think we can do something else in the short term with zero risk ok ok so humor me go ahead and close out of here you have Python the different stuff that you want running over in in terminal let's go ahead and go and close hyper and then the Taro's alpine yeah and then let's go back to the the Windows terminal this is I remember the windows 1 because yeah I made it that there you go and when you're in this start of that little moment of startup there you must have some stuff in your profile so you're doing some kind of startup so you might want a profile check out your profile and see what you got going on maybe you're doing some some sourcing you got some virtual environment rappers you might be doing a little bit of work there so just be thoughtful about the things in there that might take you a little bit of time the autoload and stuff like that up yeah ok now check this out go ahead and type in Hiromi notepad.exe enter I haven't seen this app in a while mmm but think about what you just did though I can open in Windows app from the Linux subsystem because the Linux subsystem is still around Windows when it fails to run something it gives Windows like the second chance like the Linux Linux gets the right of first refusal yeah okay so go ahead and close out of here before and do you have any Python lying around anywhere any HelloWorld or anything all right we make the folder and then go in it yep give me a little hello world Python action humor me try something I don't know if this don't do nvm i want you try something else yeah try code space dot and see what happens oh interests i watch the lower left-hand corner watch watch watch hang on stop stop always read this you're on a private network so go ahead and turn on the private network and hit allow access you're allowing it to talk to itself yeah look at the lower left corner it says isn't oh wow now now go to the file menu and say open folder look at that send the subsystem holy crap yes now where's your where's your folder you just made scrappy yeah click it hit OK all new however yeah make your hello world or whatever you're in a final nail so give me a little print line was it print F or print no does print so it's uh a Python are you think you don't even even need a deaf main is Python yeah I right go do make it a go file up and then hold up I did this front row less yeah control s and anyone make this uh don't were paired up go huh hit okay okay now look it says hey this is important and don't click too fast I can't explain it sorry it just said it's installing Python now now go ahead and get it reload required just gonna do a little blink now look at the left hand side and drink this in for a second locally you have the wsl extension but inside who boon to you have Python it's split Visual Studio code into two halves a Visual Studio server now go back to your terminal I can link to that and you'll inter stuff later we'll figure all that out alright do this actually hit Windows right to go ahead and push that off to the right hand side yep then hit they go hit enter or whatever and then click that now that's on the left hand side type in H top do you see there it is at the very bottom the pit is 82 82 you can hit what is it oh and CPU or whatever yeah they go down there see vias code is running a server inside of Linux oh wow half of vias code runs in Linux and the other half runs in Windows now go over here on the right-hand side on line one and hit f9 on the in there hit f9 and hit f5 to run the app python file enter ok look at that look right there in the terminal it's launching Python you're at a breakpoint in windows in vs code debugging Python code that's running in Linux that's Wow now do the same thing with go all right let me go program a little bit yeah ok so get out of here stop that sister solve that yeah just hit the stop or whatever and then you just close this close this make another folder over in another world ok new folder click do this humor me in the lower corner there where it says W selling green click on that new window so you can actually say new window using distro yeah go ahead click on that for a second I want to point something out you know you can have as many linux as you want different visual studio codes talking to different linux's for different reasons ESCO but go ahead and pick up one two again yep now you have another vs code you could go and make a folder over on the left hand side I don't know Oh where's that I don't need to be his code it's in Explorer yeah you go by the way we have if you like them we have them key bindings OAS for vias code so if you okay go ahead and open folder yep and I have you have scratch but you on the left hand side you could go and make another go ahead and get out of H top make another folder for your go hello world here all right we see here yeah there you go so give me get out of here and make some go oh oh that's the open folder yeah yeah yeah /hello that's a folder we're opening a photo not up not a non-existent file yeah and you said you liked vim by the way so we had a hit okay here you know now hit f f1 f1 yeah and then type in extension should be like extension install actually there install extension oh there you go and I think in the marketplace there's like a vim type in vim this way go baby emulator vs FM so put install ugly yeah that'll give you all your Venus and goodness well goodness in quotes I smell an Emacs person I'm old school okay so alright so go ahead and make your new file I what was I doing you were making a file in the scratch go folder that was a heck can't see cuz freaking alt F and then n for new there you go oh wow laughing yeah new fire-control in there you go give me some go alright let's see a package makes notice that you don't have coloring and we'll fix that in a second yeah okay I got my film keybindings uh hello doc oh cool okay now watch up early just said the go extension is recommended cool install nice now you look at your colors you just got color and syntax highlighting yeah and I hit reload now a nice go-to line at the end of line four yep wow I'm getting a lot let's go ahead and install all yeah nice now when you do that watch the output from that year pull that up yeah go ahead and pull that whole thing up it's actually going off and doing that now oh nice see the go path is not set and it's gonna go and install 17 tools right now to get your go environment set up now it's done with go code this will take a while look on the left-hand side while this is happening and notice that it's only installing go in W cell because you don't have go on Windows in this oh wow I didn't even notice that that's why you don't have to install go in Windows and feet unless you want to because it's installing it inside of Ubuntu that's crazy and the language services the thing that gives you intellisense hey in the visual studio code server the thing that gives you the you know format dot and then pops down all of the things that you want yeah is serviced by Ubuntu and tri so we've made visual studio code a client-server app that's pretty dope it is very dope so it's almost done how I like save this linting here for Africa I want to throw and I want to test FM t dot and see if we succeeded will get intellisense yeah on our go code and this is only a one-time thing it's tree nice it is super cool I appreciate that you appreciate it okay so go ahead and go to the end there this Barbie sim go error or maybe the wrong version ago or something this is just goes to try some by yes go ahead go they London and a line for and see what you can do there in the lab Florian yeah in the line for enter append enter and then FM t dot boom nice dig it uh yeah for sure yeah so now you've got them bindings you've got vs code you can go and add whatever expect you'd like different themes and stuff did you just build it yeah I just saved sorry look you saved it and it went did the the vets are down the end uh yeah I can what was it the hockey and the debug folder their debug menu there at the top so you can see run without debugging yep and there you go look API servers listening see where it says terminal yeah you actually have another terminal click there you've got your zsh here as well oh wow so if you don't want to be split-screen like I got you here on the right hand side there that's also a boon to mmm you're making a hard case for switching over to vs code so now open this fullscreen right yep Oh press the wrong button always windows up there you go and you can make this fullscreen as well you can change the colors of your terminal what not and see where it says zh8 1 : zsh on the right hand yeah there pull that down you can have your default show the plus next to it you can open up other terminals now you got two nice C split it Wow it not tea mugs but regular splitting yeah what's the hotkey for sex between two panes I don't know it's all configurable now go and do this hit f1 and then hit set type in settings the settings are Jason she wishes open default settings or open Oh slow down sorry I know I know setting here it's a setting Hugh I yes so go there same it gray to enter same exact thing except for expressed like this so then if you want like type in terminal I don't know what I'm doing by the way terminal there you go so there's your answers he says I'm on the left side - yeah yeah so click on that and now there's all of your things X term price would be what X term I wouldn't go messin with other I would mess around but you do that later when I'm but you get the idea to scroll down these are all the terminal things you can change nice and then whatever current whatever like hotkeys you want so let's let us wait let us like go back and like conclude this is our like what do we do yeah we install Windows terminal yep we installed wsl yep we installed Visual Studio code and if you click on the extensions on the left hand side below the debug thing a little there you go click on that the remote extensions were automatically suggested by vs code when you open vs code for the first time sometime before you got on the phone with me it said oh you've got wsl and you were like cool then you made a go file it said oh you need go you made a Python file is that you need Python and now it's recommending other stuff in the lower corner there that you can or cannot pick no whatever makes you happy the lower left-hand corner in bright green that says wsl tells you whether or not you're in a certain distribution and you can have as many distributions as you want nice the only thing left to do in another episode is to get you off a chrome and on edge iam ok I'm down for that yeah much this is cool yeah it's awesome thank you so people on Twitter were wondering why I was giving you uh concierge experiment look at that you even got like help and stuff when you hover there yeah Doc's Janna if you're wondering like oh we're just gonna like do this we filmed it so thank you for letting me film this and let's see if thank you for helping me out like does this so that was pretty cool man let me hit there happens oh and such that smashed that Bell subscribe to my youtube yeah that's what the kids say alright yeah recording
Channel: Scott Hanselman
Views: 98,210
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: j0PPcUUtHlw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 25sec (2725 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 10 2020
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