Xebra Emulator Complete Install Guide (PlayStation)

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good day guys sauce today and today we're gonna be looking at PlayStation 1 emulation in fact to be more specific we're going to be looking at the egg zebra or zebra emulator for the PlayStation 1 now I know what you're thinking we've been down this road on numerous occasions we've looked in depth at various emulators already for the PlayStation 1 but there's good reasons why I bring this to your table guys and that reason is that this is my number 1 emulator for the PlayStation 1 I've saved the best to last and that's because it is the best is the most compatible emulator you can find for the PlayStation and it emulates this pristinely perfect can compared to all the other ones this blows them all out of the water now the problem you will find what it's a bellator is there is not much literature on it because it's made by doctor hell a Japanese guy and well he doesn't talk much English let's put it that way now there's a few tutorials arounds a few places we can grab the simulator but trust me guys it's not up front you have to delve into the darkest regions of the internet to find any kind of useful information to get this not only working but working to its full potential but that's what I do so not only are we going to be installing this emulator today but I'm going to show you something that has never been done with a simulator well not in terms of tutorials a guide anyway we're going to be adding post-processing effects to this aim later we're going to be adding shaders we're gonna be adding filters we're gonna be adding all sorts to it and this will be trust me your number one go-to emulator for the PlayStation 1 games so without further ado let's get stuck in okay so today we're looking at the zebra emulator the PlayStation 1 emulator and the reason why this is so good is because it's not just an emulator it doesn't just emulate games it actually emulates the PlayStation 1 system in general now you gotta think about most emulators out there they will emulate games they will you know get them working and there is no problem with that whatsoever however when you then start to throw various other games out there they become glitchy they become problematic and you have to wait for development to move on before you can get those games working and it's a long drawn-out process however what this guy is done dr. hell is he's managed to actually emulate the PlayStation and the way it works almost pinch perfect this can emulate well I've never thrown anything at it and had trouble with it it emulates absolutely everything perfect and when we go into more detail you'll see the kind of work in the kind of information that this guy he has put down because he's torn the PlayStation and the way it works are and he's rebuilt it in terms of an eye this is emulation on another level now this is a double-edged sword it's got its own little beasts within because although the emulation is perfect it's perfect in terms of PlayStation termination or in terms of the actual PlayStation itself so there is no 4k resolution there is no added extra effects there is no fault processor system there's no plugins no features you've actually just cut the box standard PlayStation itself but you know me I don't just stop there not only am i bringing this were emulator to you I might you going to show you something which hasn't been done before and that's to add extra effects to this emulator because I don't just live with a normal I like to go extreme either for me guys we live on the edge and that's what we're gonna do today we're gonna live on the edge and I'm going to show you how to get every bit of nutri good dissimulation out of this but then take the visuals to the next level so hang on g seats guys and take note because here we go ok so this is the website in the description down below I'll give you a link to ear this is dr. hell's website and what a website it is it goes into a hell of a lot of detail however as you can see it's not my tongue it's not my dialect I cannot you know read anything this if I do a bit of google translate it will give me more information and I can probably read a hell of a lot of this however then we will then find out that there's not much actually in terms of the emulator itself yes the way it works yes the way PlayStation works there's a hell of a lot of information on that but none of it that will probably aid you in your quest for getting your games to run so that's why I have put a pack together for you and in the description down below more than likely going to be a link to a mega site download that and well I lead you through it but as you can see his website yes you know it's a dream come true for anybody that wants to start programming emulators and you know see the real-time progress that people have made and the way they go about interpreting the actual way consoles run but in terms of getting the emulator to work for you guys not much there at all so like I said the description down below download it you'll end up with a file similar if not identical to this and it's a compressed file server zip so I use the 7-zip program itself to uncompress decompress or extract whatever it is you call it so I don't know extract here and there we go just made this and this is the pac-man I put together for you is the emulator and everything that you will need to get this working so within here is the actual zebra emulator itself the application there's a file or program which is put together to you know transform various different format into a CCD format also some memory card stuff but we won't go into too much detail but any of this we will go into detail in actually get in the emulator working it's not rocket science at all so well let's get stuck in first off then run the emulator as you can see it's not much to it again you know it's just the way it is and going through the actual settings and you know features that it's got it's all more or less interpreting the actual physical features of the PlayStation itself so as you can see he is got a little power switch on pause obviously you got the pause button on your control but but that suppose the actual emulator itself reset like it did on the actual shell of the physical PlayStation and then we start going into the actual physical stuff that you can do with it like open shell is basically open the lid close a lid so if you were to I don't know do multi-disc systems and stuff if you were going to do this specifically through the emulator itself and the way it interprets it you would have to add it all change the disk open the lid blardy blar go for the same rig mode as you would physically have to do it's perfectly done but it's crazy the way it doesn't you know it's not the norm but hats off to the guy is a hundred percent accurate so first thing we need to do to get this up and running is let someone look controller configure your controller I'm not going to talk you through this basically you choose whatever control you want then you choose whatever controller you want to interpret it as and then you go through the various keys and settings here - you know designate whatever setting you want as a controller itself and it does work on any controller I've been told as long as your windows can pick up that you've actually got our controller inputted on your system then this can also pick it up I've not experienced experimented that much I've got this working on a ps4 controller I believe and I've got it working on a 360 controller so there was no issues there with me so ok click out there I'm gonna show you how to suck eggs so you can set up a controller on your own but what I'm going to do is show you how to get these games working again it's not rocket science you gotta think about the way the actual physical PlayStation would have worked back in the day so the first thing we need to do is actually well normally when you put a PlayStation 1 emulator up and running you would first off pick the BIOS doctor he'll himself is actually me his own BIOS you don't need one to run anything and the good thing about it is it's a multi BIOS it will play from any region at all which is something that originally prior to 2015 this emulator it didn't do so literally we can go file open we can put a file or a a disk image into the emulator and this will take any disk image that you can throw at it I've never found a disk image that it will not take in his own words in this translation he states choose whatever this format you want to put in it including physical formats themself into the drive choose the biggest file format the day comes along with that image so in this case the most common one is bin queue the bin file itself so as you can see we got crash bandicoot both exactly the same the bin file itself is the largest out of the two so I would choose that now theoretically it's in the drive so all we need to do now is click run now this will now run on his bio so as you see is different from the original it looks a bit weird wait a couple of seconds and it will load the actual game come on there you go I've actually muted this guy so there will be obviously music in the background but YouTube will start kicking off and we don't need that we just want to get these games working trust me the sounds working I've just proved it but as you can see this is the emulator it's fully working but it's using his buy off so you can get any game to work with his BIOS but it hasn't got that fuzzy feeling inside when you actually load the game so what I've done is this excel there loaded up again what I've done is I've included a bios set for you now the caveat to this is that if you are going to run it through the actual emulator itself ie you're not using the launcher program such as rocket launcher or you're not using a front-end then the caveat to that is that it then becomes region-specific so whatever game you run from whatever region you have to use a BIOS file that works in conjunction with that but the good point is that you get the fuzzy feeling from the way that the games used to boot so it depends on what's important to you do you want the games to give you that feeling on the inside to think oh yeah I like that or do you want it to just run the game and then enjoy it as it was it's up to you completely but I've included for you if you go into the OS ROM image go into the emulator itself or the file but you just downloaded by us choose the BIOS file which suits your region then go in in fact I'll just make sure I've got the right image because I know that kicks off about the games so again the same game pin file run it in fact I will now put the sound on so you can listen to the fuzzy feeling see now to me that's the way PlayStation was that's the PlayStation feeling and as good as a multi BIOS is you don't get that fuzzy feeling so I use this for a front-end anyway so I don't need his multi BIOS I will use the original and that's why I have some typos for you but for those of you who are just working this for the emulator please bear that in mind it is region specific for the bios's if you use the original ones so that is it that is the actual emulator up and running it's working there isn't really much else you can play with but from multi distance and flick that notice when we go fullscreen it notice when we go fullscreen it will stretch it if you've got a widescreen monitor or something like that it will stretch the screen to suit your monitor and that is obviously something which wasn't available back then well I don't know anybody back in the 90s who had a widescreen TV unless you were at some rich parents so what I like to do because I hate stretching games that aren't natively in that format is which one is this now this is where you've got to play around to suit your needs you've got three different options that you can play with it you got width height and scale normally if you are to choose the width and basically what elapid is it will just bring the size of the emulator in because it will do the width you know it depends on the screen that you're using so if I was to make this full screen again do view this time we'll go for height scale and this time we will go hopefully into 4x3 mode let's put the scale down because obviously now we've gone into that mold right laughs Jesus see this is where you really gotta start messing around it's hard to get your head around because this is relative to whatever screen you're running so I'm going to put that to there and then go to scale this up there we go so now if I was to go fullscreen as you can see it keeps the four by three ratio but as you can also see you've got to have a mess around to find what works for you the actual I don't know instructions and the actual drop down columns don't really make sense they're all relative to the actual emulator itself to the game that you're running - whatever ratio you've got going on and of course - whatever resolution your system is running natively so you've got other play around I cannot tell you the best way play around see what works best for you find the best combination but in terms of actual visuals in terms of transforming them getting them high-definition getting filters plugins all that stuff there's none of it that comes normally as part of the emulator but that's what I do I bring extras to you so look forward because when a transform this wonderful caterpillar into the most beautiful butterfly you will ever imagine okay so we got the zebra emulator up and running is playing our games flawlessly and we can now configure it to the way we like it however one thing we cannot do from within the emulator is mess around with any graphical enhancements post-processing effects filters shaders and all that kind of good stuff but what we can do is add those ourself using some well very good software which and going to show you now so first off then take yourself to this website link is in the description down below basically this is called re shade now it's a program that puts together quite a lot of post-processing effects and you can utilize quite a lot of features from within ear it's very updated it's you know very advanced of what it does there's a big write up here you can peruse at your own pleasure but trust me guys this is the way forward now this doesn't just work on our emulator this works on current PC games you can completely transform Grand Theft Auto 5 battlefields all that kind of good stuff but what I like it for is for those emulators what you can't do anything with you know you've got no graphical options there's nothing to play with but I like to give my emulators my games a feel whether it be retro advanced or whatever I don't just like the normal mundane look so I transform them so here it there's a whole eager transform then first of them take yourself to this website peruse at your own leisure down the bottom here you'll see the download all you need to do is download it'll take you to a link site give it a second and download as you can see I've already downloaded it before and so we don't have to wait for this to finish those we need to do is open it up it's a 7-zip compressed file I'll put together I'm gonna do is close this now in case it gives me an ear errors when I start adding stuff and it will come with all these files what you want to do is because as default it doesn't come with a folder I'm just gonna make one quickly folder and we'll call this Rashid okay then I just need to do is extract this to whatever you want to put it as again and put it in this reshape folder to keep it all organized and now we can get rid of it don't forget it's a 7-zip compression so I would encourage you to use a 7-zip decompression or extraction or whatever you call it anyway we digress let's look inside okay this is the bountiful program that it has and this can use a loads of different effects inside here are the main ones which cover standards so we've got the old favourite sweet effects personal files here whatever does that effects Mike Mick fix gem effect custom effects and basic effects also on the website I'm not going to go into too much detail but it's pretty self-explanatory if you go into the forums I'm going to shade as an effects presentation in fact in loads of places on these forums as loads of different ones that you can actually download and mess around with your heart's content but basically I'm just going to show you how to use this so you can use the the base package if you want to go into more detail especially with a lot of the modern games then you can well completely transform them again this preset so you can have a look at ones that people have already made and try them on yours tweak them enhance whatever games you're doing but again we digress today we'll focus in on our transformation of the emulator so let's navigate back to the root of this so here is our reshape folder first off what you need to do is actually load up mediator it will pop up with this little message telling you all about it agreements blardy blar Terms and Conditions peruse at your leisure if you wish however I'm scripted exit out and this is the actual mediator itself it looks a bit weird to be honest it's not got many features going on but this can be used along with many emulators basically as we'll show in a second you can build profiles you can build different games so each games got different profile and you can add that profile to a different game completely it's it's really good the way they've put it together but again let's get stuck in so this is media the first thing we want to do is it's got information here that will aid you setting it up so if you get stuck basically read the right I'll tell you all about what to do at what point however what we want to do is press add and now what we want to do is point this at our executable file so as we were talking about we're first off going to be using this with eggsy bro or zebra how do you pronounce this and we want to point it at the zebra executable so come out of here let's look for it something the desktop somewhere you zebra okay so basically it's given us all that now what we need to do is use whatever rendering device or technique it's going to be using so in this instance we know it's going to be using OpenGL because that's what the zebra uses if you're doing this for a modern PC game or whatever of your emulator think about what rendering device you're going to be using whether it could be DirectX 3d 911 whatever but these are the ones that are supported so far however I know that this uses our OpenGL so I'm going to choose that once that's done press confirm ok now opens up a few more boxes basically these are boxes for different profiles that we can make and once we've added them and we've built up our profiles you can actually peruse and change between profiles for each game that we're going to be running quite interesting but again it's got all the information about what you should be doing at this point here and if you are stuck on anything as you can see at the top of the page when you start navigating around these will start changing and this will give you a like a real-time help and it doesn't need to click Add at this point and this will start building the profile so as you can see at this moment time we've only got one so I cannot change that once we start building more profiles you can switch in between what we want to do now is update and this basically it will start open it up as you see it's already put a link into our folder because it knows it's good where it's going to be working from well this we'll do now is actually update the files from within here to start so it can utilize it so click update and then positing to do now is once I click this it's going to make some files and folders within here again so whenever I make a change on here it can push them over to the game itself exceptional there you go reshape folder has been done and now whenever I start XE bruh or zebra it will load read shade it while it would load the pre the profile that we just put in that he's this hard to explain but basically what we've done is we've synced up mediator or reshape with our emulator and this could be done again with any games that you've got on your computer any emulators well most of them are also some of them use different techniques which aren't available to be used on this this one has got limited feature doesn't work the way it's supposed to because it's finished the guys who do this have been currently focusing on actual PC games current gen ones and the actual backwards compatibility with these older emulators especially this one which is quite random and the dark regions of the internet and there isn't a much compatibility but we can now get it to work so let's top digressing let's start kicking this off then okay so first thing we need to do then is we've done everything at this point as you can see we've got a default profile which would be blank all over and we got a zebra profile hustle we want to start loading up our zebra profile and you can name it whatever you want at this point but I'm going to keep it as that you can look also load predefined profiles that people have already made that may be combated compatible with whatever game or program you using and and look at the profile some of them are quite vague some of them have got different things going on as you can see there's not much to play with at this point but we're going to build our own today and the way we do that is by basically building it up now these are all the different enhancements that you can give it I mean the different plugins and things that you can start messing around with it's quite advanced and for me to go through them all you know a beer all day is for you to peruse because I don't know what kind of thing you're looking for me myself I like to go for the retro look for the PlayStation because it's how I remember it so I don't want the pristine graphics and things like that what I want to do is give it the ultra and retro look so first off then what I want to do is actually load it up so then I can see what's going on in real time so got it loaded go for the rigmarole set this up manually so I've got cd-rom image let's do let's do crash bandicoot again then we got a baseline of what we know we're looking at loaded up room give it a second to boot up and as you can see we shade is now synced in with this so it gives us a little warning thing of what's going on it's Meyer I'm still down don't we need volume for this okay so we wait for the game to actually load up now we can start our effects to be honest first off one of those go back to the set up I want to do float on top because I want to keep this on top it's much easier to mess around with the settings from within here if you're in windowed mode so you know it's common sense unless you've got multiple monitors and then you can start spreading things around but if you've got fullscreen going on then you can't exactly mess around me settings so when you configure in whatever game or emulating you doing this on make sure it's windowed make life a lot easier just why you're going through the configuration stage okay then so let's go back to where we were these are the various different settings we can do now just so I can show you an example all you need to do to get one to work is tick the box that will then say I want this to work whenever I want it to work now in the normal world when this is fully compatible with your say for example PC games like Battlefield and things like that once this is synced up and we was to click apply it would then display this effect on the actual game in real time the problem is because this isn't 100% compatible with this all lemonade's we've do things a little bit more manual so click on the setup tab at the bottom here you'll see permanent push to application so if I was to now do this it will then apply those changes and the post-processing effects and filters and shaders to this setup so this is quite an extreme one hee hee go so basically that's made it look like an old grainy film from somewhere who actually suits this scene to be honest yeah as you can see he can get some quite advanced effects going on with all this kind of stuff oh we rock this is almost unplayable in this state but you can see what's going on in ok let's have a look see if I can find some less extreme ones but basically once you've actually selected it or even before you select it if you was to click on the actual title instead of just tick the box you can actually edit the effect itself so let's have a look at the effects as you can see different effects we've got different sliders that enable you to do different things so I don't know let's tone this down a little bit because it's slightly extreme in this moment in time so let's get rid of that let's get rid of the noise because those affects quite over-the-top and let's see what this gives so I was need to do again to a fly is click apply at this point it would normally do it automatically but because it's not 100% compatible we actually have to inject this into the game as explained so then we press this and as you can see is kind of toned it down a little bit and to be honest that's not a bad effect it's still quite extreme you know we've got quite a lot of extreme effects going on here but it's retro from back in a day again I would like to tone that down a little bit and we're getting some really good visual effects it probably not your taste or whatever but if you're going you know if you've got an LCD cavern you're putting old retro games on there and your emulator doesn't handle it then this is probably the way to go forward because this is progress the way your TV looks back in the day so yeah you know let's have a look what else we've got them basically we've got that which is quite extreme what else can we do pipeline in case these are different effects where orders get rid of that he could also add loads of effects at the same time so let's say for example but now when I update is just going to go back to normal so what I want to do is put some I wouldn't say high quality but some let's put some bloom on there and let's put some where else we got HQ times four put some motion blur in there just to shake it up a little bit FXAA you can also make it give the CRT look give it the warped look fisheye borders all kinds of stuff going on let's have a look see what this looks like for now to be honest this won't be that much for a radical change that's a push this to this from now what will probably get is a bit more of a blurred look so as you can see the it's looking good we should have a little bit of a I don't know where at ease look because we've got the motion blur going on it's not bad it'll probably look good with some scan lines on and stuff and in here is the scan line effects all that kind of stuff or if you want to go I don't know let's get rid of the blur let's get rid of the blue we'll keep that will keep we'll put SMA a on and what else coming to put on paint this would probably make it a little more blocky and actual paint effects kind of like the BRZ scaling effect so click apply sets up push and as you can see now we're starting to look it quite advanced with our effects and the completely transforming the way this looks obviously the paint effect is quite broad strokes so we probably need to tone that down again all you need to do is click on the actual thing and then you go in there and mess around with the options to change it however you want for that zero paint method I've got no idea what the methods are usually when you're on the actual lines or whatever it is that you can do if you look at the top here in the box it will tell you some recommended or advice on most of the options some of the maps you got it missing but it will give you some advice on that and such you see what this looks like like set up it's probably torn it down a little tiny bit so now we've got the paint effect but it's not as Extreme as what it was and again you know you start messing around volleys and you add them to each other you mess around put scanlines on add the effects heighten the actual graphics and stuff and you can come up with some absolutely stunning effects whether it be the HD side of things going on or going for the retro look the world is your oyster you're only limited by your own imagination on this one and then again like I said if you go into the forums and you never got the profiles there's a lot more tools there's a lot more effects that you can download and add to this as you go along it really is an awesome bit of kit especially if you're into your modern games I mean if you load up coarser wherever is a set of course where is and you start messing around with this you can get so much detail out the game that wasn't there originally just with the lighting effects you can add glare you can add all kinds of stuff going on this program is absolutely amazing it used to be the fact that you you start to edit like config files as in like a written file of text and put ones and zeroes all over the place and it wasn't too hard to get your head around but it was a complicated procedure now with the aid of this mediator program that they've got as well so as it is a media it's that the in-between of adding the effects and the game itself giving you a control panel to play with you can actually do all this with ease kind of thing but again you know this is all personal taste that could sit here all day and go all the way through the effects it's up to you guys just to experiment and see what you can get from here but this is a simple way how you can transform an emulator which has got no graphical settings and actually introduce them yourself so now you can absolutely go buckwild on all your plugins all your filters all your shaders you can introduce new effects it's a good idea to start basic find the feel that you kind of like and then start tweaking it add a new effect tweet that one add a new effect build it up until you find something that you really like and that really suits the system and the games that you're playing once thats done save the config start building new ones you can build them for all these systems all your emulators you can even start to build them on a game by game basis the world's your oyster so yeah there we go guys that is tutorial complete you are now free to go forth and build your empire of beautiful PlayStation 1 games and possibly some more PC games you know I've given you the tools it's up to you to hammer the nails well that's it guys thank you for joining me on today's tutorial look forward yes we are going into the hyper spin side of things and don't worry I've not forgotten we're not leaving it behind or anything and the same with all the other front ends and tutorial guides but especially with the high post but at the moment there's some major updates on the way especially in terms of the rocket launcher what I don't want to do is make a guide and then it'd be outdated in a matter of days because they're just updated and all the options have changed I don't want to make two guides for the sake of it so please wait for the new rocket launcher to be unleashed upon the public and I will update and make the guides which you've all been waiting for in no time and yeah also look forward but getting back into the PI kind of things that's why I did the Cody setup not because of what you all on coldly but because now we're going to start introducing games to that and cross-platform in so we can do the front ends whip coding and vice versa gradually gonna put a front end into Cody we're go start with the steam stuff we're gonna start with the PC games are if the possibilities are endless but that's it for today guys I'm not gonna draw this out anymore thank you for joining me please like if you like this video please subscribe if you like the stuff that I do but most of all guys most of all if you have a good day laters
Channel: Simply Austin
Views: 150,342
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: xebra, xebra emulator, xebra emulation, xebra ps1, plastion 1 emulator, best ps1 emulator, psx emulator, playstation emulator, PS1, PSx, best playstation emulator, emulator guide, sony playstation 1, psx emu, retro emulator, epsxe, ppsspp, cute kittens, reshade, ps2 emulator, nintendo, sega, hyperspin, front end, gaming, retro gaming, best emulators, 2016, emulators 2016, install guide, setup guide, configuration, how to
Id: hq1ktz79ve4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 28sec (2188 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 24 2016
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