Forgotten and Weird PlayStation 1 Games (PS1)

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yo it's Austin and a portion of today's video has been sponsored by World of Tanks Blitz the PlayStation 1 was revolutionary it wasn't the first video game console to use CDs or take the leap into the third dimension but it sure as heck took those ideas and ran with them you know the classic games you know the big mascots we all saw the birth of the massive multi-disc jrpg that when compared directly to its predecessor felt like an impossible leap into the future the PlayStation really was the start of a new era and it created iconic Games characters and franchises still around today then there's like seven of us still popping off about Rising Zan Samurai gunman [Applause] so yo it's Austin and today we're going to be diving into the extremely crowded realm of Forgotten and obscure PlayStation 1 video games considering the consoles nearly 30 years old my God there's so many games you can put your hand into a vat filled with them and pull out something you've probably never heard of for example battle tanks or tiny tank I bet you haven't heard of that speaking of Tanks this portion of today's video was sponsored by a World of Tanks Blitz Segways conquered like I said I did grow up back in the day playing a lot of tank video games and a lot of those were over the top and fun and World of Tanks Blitz is an extremely popular MMO shooter for your mobile device that's recapturing that it's a lighthearted approach to the tank genre of games that gives you something a little different you want super powers gravity defying black holes tank Combat on the moon it's got a mix of deep realistic mechanics tied together with crazy power ups interesting alternative historical setting and tight gameplay that'll keep anyone hooked and with a community of over 140 million players around the world you'll have plenty of people to play with tank video games have classically had kind of a strange and very specific reputation but Blitz is really trying to change that perception by constantly adding new experiences in and outside of the battlefield sure you can roll around and blast tanks but here you can do it in style there's over 400 different Vehicles you can deck out both historical from Real World countries or totally fantasy all of which feel good to control and conquer the battlefields with personally I like how easy it is to get in and out of a match if you and your team are really good these battles Roll by pretty quick too which is really perfect for pickup put down gameplay especially on mobile so if you join the game right now you're going to be receiving a special gift on me a German heavy tank a special exclusive animated camouflage and seven days of a premium account so click the link down in the description download world of tank Blitz today and use the code wot blitz23 to claim all of that come and meet me on the battlefield or uh the moon thanks so much to World of Tanks Blitz for sponsoring that part of the video but for now back to the PlayStation one Sony's first foray into the gaming industry had a bit of a weird start as they were originally going to be teaming up with Nintendo using CD technology that Nintendo PlayStation prototype is something weird as heck but obviously that deal fell through with them leaning instead into the Philips CDI which was a huge hit worldwide the power of the PlayStation 1 and the CD technology ended up luring over several Publishers including squaresoft who were allegedly sold by Nintendo if you're leaving us never come back whoops but this video isn't about the Titans the stuff everyone remembers that's left a cultural impact mom know about this this is about the Forgotten and with the PS1 having a library of over 3 000 individual games worldwide one of the largest console libraries ever you know there's a lot to offer the 90s were one of the strangest times in gaming history too with quite literally dozens of new titles being released each week budgets were everywhere Concepts going from vanilla to the straight up absurd like Pepsi man everyone knows Pepsi man at this point from cultural osmosis but you may not know incredible crisis a bizarre minigame collection that was definitely a good excuse for a new Tokyo Scott Paradise Orchestra album oh and yes I've talked about power Shuffle before it still rules it's like quap with an industrial excavator where sometimes you gotta make curry 10 out of 10. there's honestly so many places we could start but why not get the ball rolling with games made by none other than Sony Sony Computer Entertainment of whatever region published tons of games so many hits but even more forgotten nowadays the amount of first party Sony AAA games has slowed down big time but in the 90s you'd see something published by Sony Computer Entertainment practically every other week yeah maybe some of those were like Jim Henson's the hoobs the video game and maybe we shouldn't count that but it does join the ranks of Crash Bandicoot and God of War as first party releases this of course means there's plenty of Forgotten obscure and weird Sony PlayStation 1 games left in the dust some worth mentioning others picking up has anyone played ESPN extreme games definitely taking a hint from sega's radical 90s the unfortunate yet weirdly nostalgic extreme phase of marketing became synonymous with a trio of PS1 Sports titles ESPN extreme games was a collaboration of different racing events all inspired by the X Games in 95 when these things were really starting to ramp up in popularity pre-dating Tony Hawk's Pro Skater by several years extreme games was like a mix of cruising USA and road rage do a race by any means you felt necessary kick dudes down the street and try to finish in first place it's like someone took skate or die seriously this actually became a franchise though except they lost the license to ESPN so what do we call it extreme games too no too extreme spelled the number two letter X stream it's more of the same but more extreme apparently oh yeah we need to reprint the original game as well as it's getting decent sales so one extreme then another one three three extreme I don't know how many people looked at these logos in and complete Earnest and approved it but good job by the time the third one came out now published by 989 Studios it's just more of the same that really doesn't do anything new looks pretty dated and ugly and if you waited a few months you'd be playing Tony Hawk's Pro Skater one a much better game instead but at the very least you can shred hard as a mummy I can't get over one extreme games like this were just in the states though if you pop overseas there is a ton of Forgotten exclusives in both Japanese and pal regions the most well known and one that's important to PSP and releases a PlayStation one classic is vibribbon a rhythm game that's really difficult to truly show off it's extremely simple looking and extremely simple to play and it's really more of a super impressive bizarre Tech demo than anything else the game will load itself onto the ps1's ram then you would switch it out with a music CD to randomly play generated levels based on waveforms it's like a proto-audio serif except one made in 99 by the developers of PaRappa the Rapper there are way better examples of this now but the cuteness of the mascot character vibri the rabbit definitely stands out a little Fella's got a vocaloid thing how about fire bugs a European only Playstation One future racing game a genre that I have a soft spot for but also one that was over saturated as heck firebugs has the art style of like that one Xbox 360 Avatar with the kid blowing the bubble gum except like 10 times worse this is this is a look it feels like a hybrid of extreme G but with levels that look like they'd fit in a crash team racing it was developed by attention to detail who were responsible for the Incredible Hulk Pantheon Saga with the CGI Hulk fate but also by people who made roll cage which is a super solid array said that's very similar though I would play that over fire bugs just because it has a PC version and it goes hard unfortunately since firebugs is pal and PS1 only and made by a company that's been out of business since 2003. this thing is destined to become lost to time one of my favorites from this era is a little franchise that started as a launch window title called jumping flash it's a simple concept you're jumping and platforming but in 3D which to be fair at the time was A New Concept the developer exact also known as excellent application create team which is a dope name we're tasked with making a mascot for the new era one let's say around as long as any Mario or sonic this obviously didn't happen but Robert here definitely deserved it I mean it's a cute rabbit Mech robot it's got a rocket booster for a tail what's what's not to love the original jumping Flash coming out all the way back in 1995 was actually considered the first platforming game in 3D when when you play it now nearly 30 years later you can definitely tell the concepts are extremely simple the controls are kind of stiff and at times unforgiving but no matter which version you're playing one or two hits oozing charm each level has a simple objective be it collecting items blasting dudes away or defeating bosses you can jump on people's heads Mario Style and thankfully jumping flash does a thing where it looks down with the camera anytime you're in the air I can't imagine it not having that with the original PS1 controller being stickless considering this predates even Super Mario 64 I think jumping flash one and two hold up is a super quick and fun time there was actually a third one the Japanese only rabbit mondov which seems like more or less of the same but due to having a different developer things feel a little short the levels are way smaller and there's not really any improvements here to really Merit a third entry I think there's an alternate universe where jumping Flash and Robin are top tier Sony PlayStation mascots ones that would become playable in PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale and maybe have sequels today but unfortunately it was overshadowed pretty heavily by a much more popular 3D platformer a mere year later one that some might still consider the best one hmm jumping flash may not be totally forgotten but the further we get away from the PlayStation 1 the more obscure it becomes that's a first party game too that's kind of like Sony's version of let's say excitebite 64. people know about it but no one's talking about it these days in fact a little bit after jumping flash came out 3D Platformers began to flood the market it didn't matter the console the mascot animal or whatever you couldn't go two steps without seeing one of these on the corner there were so many companies trying to cash in on the craze of this versioning genre that of course A lot of them are going to be lost to time for say example Jersey Devil which might be okay Jersey Devil the first game by the developer of dead by daylight no seriously Jersey Devil and it's hard to see cover that's like a 65 pure darkness is a 3D platformer and a massive sea of them you go level to level smacking dudes around solving little small baby puzzles and doing your best to stop the evil Dr narf from taking over the world with vegetables pesky little pumpkins so a Jersey Devil is actually a Cryptid based in ancient Philly and New Jersey and folklore a fantastic bipedal creature with Hooves that's also kinda kangaroo and wyvern-ish and yes people actually thought this was a real thing you have to go out there to do it however you toss that into a video game format and you got yourself a cartoon devil cosplaying as Batman one with a ridiculously long intro that's like Tex Avery discovered Sprite art and seriously it actually looks pretty good high budget even it's just when you start playing around that you realize it feels extremely paint by numbers coming out in late 1997 there were already tons of other 3D Platformers that did what it did better and it seems to be more of a timing thing with these types of games you want to have a loud personality but Jersey Devil seems a little at ends with itself it has Goofy cartoon sound effects and a silly presentation with the villain whose name sounds like something pinky shouts out but then a lot of the music doesn't seem to fit in and instead goes the Batman animated series Direction by no means bad there's actually a lot of great pieces it's just a little dissonant from the gameplay foreign if you dig through the PlayStation 1's Library you're gonna see a lot of this games tossed out wanting to take the mascot World by storm but ultimately failing in those mascot Wars not everyone could be Crash Bandicoot or Spyro of the Dragon but at the same time not everyone can be a typhoo Wrath Of The Tiger DreamWorks interactive made a lot of cool stuff but they only made one Thai Foo a cool anthropomorphic tiger man wearing Tai Chi capris who goes level to level beating the Daylights out of anything he sees you study the ways of tiger style mantis style and others in order to do cool Combos and knock everyone dead it's nothing too complicated you're not going to be needing to memorize Virtual Fighter combos to reaching into the levels but it's definitely a simple and fun experience for an afternoon I like this one but weirdly it didn't get good reviews at all and I think part of that is due to its length and unoriginality considering a majority of these PS1 titles are indeed forgotten and hard to obtain it's easier to look more fondly on something that might be only like three hours long especially when it only takes a few clicks on a few weird websites while we're on the topic of anthropomorphic bipedal orange creatures we got a king Venture a game that if you haven't played seen or ever heard of I don't blame you I mean the Wikipedia page literally says upon release it generated little attention and went unnoticed so suck for them but perfect for us developed and published by psychnosis the first of many of these in the video Kingsley is a 3D platformer that takes a bit more inspiration from Legend of Zelda than say the Italian plumber and if you look at the screen at all it's pretty obvious Kingsley is a cute little Knight one who wants to become a quote true Knight whatever that means and then in order to do so he's got to run around and do good guy things it's your standard action platformer from the time but unfortunately one with some pretty gnarly tank controls I think as a whole this control scheme has a time and a place it works with Resident Evil but maybe when you're tossed difficult platforming challenges with death pits everywhere maybe maybe don't besides that Kingsley oozes charm it's got a fun soundtrack and the combat feels good enough it's got that PS1 fog but considering it's tossing you into big open world environments to explore and do puzzles in I totally get it while Ocarina of Time may have come out the previous year and more importantly mystical ninja starring goemon even earlier the standard was set for for this genre of open world dungeon exploring games but you really didn't see many of these on the PlayStation 1 and Kingsley is a pretty decent flavor of that it's just got chronic tank controls and a platformer syndrome which does suck I think this one's a bit of a Hidden Gem these days and totally worth playing by whatever means you can I'm just glad to find out that tunic has a prequel every generation of video games has like a main character genre but does that make sense like with the 7th gen it was kind of when first person shooters were really taken off and that was pretty much all over the place and with the PlayStation one it was kind of a mix between like Platformers and jrpgs and we'll get to the latter later but for now we need to talk about a genre that's been around as long as video games itself licensed games is that a genre not really when we shifted into the third dimension license games were everywhere in fact you didn't even need to be based off an IP anymore you could just be a person like VIP starring Pamela Anderson the game's so good it'll make your Time Crisis cabinet sweat the only thing missing here is the dual wield power squat from Fear effect around this time celebrities would begin attach catching their names to games left and right especially if some skeezy suit told them they can make an easy six figures with three days of work some cured a lot more than others others would be like jackfu but the game from the PlayStation one that stands out the most to me is a little something called apocalypse prior to teaming up with Tony Hawk to create the childhood for tens of thousands of sky-loving preteens neversoft would hit up Bruce Willis to make apocalypse the same year as the film Armageddon actually proving that Old Willis was part of the Doomer Club imagine if you will one part Diablo one part Robotron 2084 a little side of cheesy one-liners and you got yourself apocalypse a game for the longest time I didn't get which was a mistake with a no exaggeration you shoot your way into hell through all of the fourth Horsemen of the Apocalypse all while controlling a dude named Trey who says things like well dip me and and roll me and cracker crumbs this freaking cheese wheel drop one on it's time to jam maybe it's the same part of me that loves playing crappy or B tier games from time to time but apocalypse freaking rules and it's weirdly seen in a negative light it's dumb as heck it knows it and it's hard to ask anything more from a game that in all honesty should have been the Contra titles from this era seriously put this side by side with Legacy of war or see the Contra adventure and it's night and day I'm just glad to know that prior to being put in the Activision sequel Minds that neversoft was putting out bangers speaking of Spider-Man a lot of people know Spider-Man video games for the newer ones or the licensed sequel movie on the PlayStation 2 where you deliver the pizzas but prior to revolutionizing web swinging neversoft gave us Spider-Man on the PS1 and Nintendo 64. one where you'd swing across infinite Horizons I kinda loved it however this actually got a PlayStation 1 exclusive sequel made by vicarious Visions one that was never ported and had to be reprinted with different content Spider-Man 2 interelectro a direct sequel one that tosses the spooderman directly into another conflict with the peanut gallery of different villains all revolving around Electro the main difference here is the introduction of ground levels as the first entry mainly takes place on rooftops or indoor areas I mean really it's just more of the same but that's a good same I think at the time people wanted it to be a bigger leap than it was especially because the PlayStation 2 is already out and impressing for nearly a year why play Spider-Man 2 when you could be playing ever grace this thing definitely had its own issues though as it featured a big dramatic battle on top of two large towers that resembled the twin towers and it released in October 2001 so they reprinted the thing edited the cutscene and added a bridge between the two to make it a little different I think that overall interelectro is a pretty fun time and even though it's not as fantastic as the original holds its own ground I'm just glad that Spider-Man's out here doing good work and censoring bad words for the kids there are honestly hundreds of licensed PlayStation 1 games we could talk about and many I already have I mean there's the Fantastic Four beat em up that sucks there's countless Disney tie-ins like Lilo and Stitch don't forget 007 racing or the super cool Ghost in the Shell game made by the same team as jumping flash this entire video could just be about licensed games so for now let's move on after I say this JoJo's was our adventure is incredible and they really should have ported this instead of All-Star Battle okay bye they can't all be zingers though in fact the majority of the time when a game becomes forgotten it's because it's awful not great reprehensible vile or in a lot of cases just not very good it's also not one of my videos without digging through the literal dumpster so here we go Punky skunk yes I own this hunky skunk should have been all right but you can definitely tell this was originally gonna be a Super Nintendo game developed by the Japanese ukiyote Punky skunk also known as Coulee skunk seems to be a super ambitious title that gave you a ton of different unique power-ups so that there would be a lot of variety in each stage there's pogo sticks parachutes snowboards and also a ton of mini games between the levels to spice up the gameplay it's just for some reason the actual moment to moment feeling is just so slow Punky just kind of trods along and there's barely any momentum to well playing Punky skunk is the definition of a run-of-the-mill platformer and you can absolutely tell it was a little low on ideas once they got the base Concepts down I think some of that is due to the unreleased version of the game that was in development for a long time on the super famicom it's been leaked so now you can see how it played but no matter which version Punky skunk is an aggressively mediocre time that's gonna grade on your nerves why he makes this noise every single time in 2003 Sony would be several years into the PlayStation 2's lifespan but they would put out one more exclusive for the PS1 one that was specifically in pal regions so I bet only a few of you have ever heard of jinx 2003 huh the same year as Jack 2 WWE Smackdown Here Comes the Pain in Silent Hill three well if you weren't lucky enough to own a next-gen console three years in also lived in Europe you could get yourself a jinx for the PlayStation one rather than controlling acute or cool character you assume control of a freaking Court Jester one pogging out on the cover it's about as run-of-the-mill and as Bland of a platformer as you can make it doesn't do anything special it doesn't have any super interesting gameplay hook and practically no presence on the internet I couldn't even find a proper Long play to look at gameplay with and like that's saying something it controls poorly the platforming is a fight against the camera and it does nothing that makes it stand out amongst the crowd in fact visual lead Jinx kind of goes in the same direction as Spyro the Dragon there's a lot of similar color schemes honestly it does have some nice looking areas and some of the music is pretty decent but if you're not in the mood for a well medieval jester Castle big bouncy kind of vibe you're gonna hate it I know I did especially when the same small Loop plays for multiple stages but when you could already be playing say Super Mario Sunshine or more to the point the entire plethora of fantastic PS1 Platformers Jinx Falls incredibly short at its best Jinx is an offensive at its worst it's an argument against video games as an art form I also just kind of hate the way he looks is that too mean anyways who here likes persona uh no I'm not going to mention Persona Revelations here even though I should but long before Atlas joined up with Sega they used to publish their own games and boy they would publish some weird stuff I think I'm like one of 10 people who actually played God mode but today I'm here to bring you the good word eggs of Steel Charlie's Excellent Adventure no I did not stutter that was pretty close hey hello [Music] all right 80 positive this voiceover is just ad-libbed eggs of Steel also known as hello Charlie is a Time developed by Rhythm and Hughes of all people yeah the animation studio that did VFX for Game of Thrones and Alvin and the Chipmunks eggs of Steel plays like an early dos title but it also kind of looks like malware uh credit to my friend Aiden for that joke thank you Aiden you go around each level collecting coins hitting levers and trying not to die this thing is an audio nightmare there's so many awful clipped sound effects and single lines that play over and over you want to hear the Eggman laugh every time you pick up a coin here you go although if you die be prepared to watch one of the most gruesome horribly gory death sequences this side of Mortal Kombat [Music] for what it is it's not completely awful but more to the point why who is eggs of Steel for why did Atlas the developer of shin Megami tensei in personal Mona bring this state side there's a lot of mysteries here and perhaps someday someone will find the answers but that ain't gonna be me so instead you can watch this [Music] there's a seemingly endless amount of terrible PlayStation 1 games out there as that leap to 3D was kind of hard for a lot of people but they're not all bad since we're not gonna have time to cover everything I figured why not have ourselves a little bit of a low-fashioned lightning round let's go you ever play Team Buddies doubt it coming in halfway between worms and general chaos my favorite stupid Genesis game Team Buddies has you engaging in small-scale war for cubes you run around with your team putting these things together to make tanks to hopefully defeat the enemy team an incredibly simple concept but one that kind of hangs around battle tanks is one of those dumb video games that I enjoyed playing as a kid for several hours because I was incredibly simple and thankfully I still am speaking of simple there shouldn't be much going on with a caveman but art dink's tale of the sun is absolutely bizarre also known as Tayo no shippo wild pure simple life tale of the sun is a caveman simulator that is ultimately closer to an art experiment than an actual video game you do caveman things eat meat smack dinosaurs around and try to build a village playing this without any kind of guide in 2023 is a Fool's task but one that has momentum and speed that'll make Sonic the Hedgehog jealous there's a lot of bizarre PlayStation 1 titles out there but only tale of the sun has you randomly fall asleep at any time its soundtrack is also wild then you've got running wild from the producers of crashed Bandicoot Naughty Dog no but 989 Studios once again out here with a ridiculous concept y'all know Mad Dash on the Xbox well imagine that but made around the same time as Sonic R in fact just imagine Sonic R but with that signature PlayStation anthropomorphic 90s extreme nonsense and there you go don't you just love these character models they're so sexy burning wild is kind of fun actually but it's also one of the fartiest sounded games you'll ever play anytime you hit a boost pad it does a little so the whole thing isn't very pleasant to listen into despite being actually fun to play and experience there's barely any content only six stages so you'll be through with pretty much everything in like an hour which for a racing game is not good speaking of not good how about steel Harbinger brought to you by mindscape the people behind Lego island of all things is fmbs still Harbinger is one of those early PlayStation 1 titles that's a mix of 2D and 3D the gameplay is totally middle of the road and just just go play apocalypse instead however you can't hate on those cutscenes support this story to you as long as it is physically possible foreign don't forget about Bloody Roar one and two dope furry fighting games that are based and that's it that's all you need lastly and I'm sure a few of y'all were really hoping I bring these up but there's nothing more hidden Jim from Capcom in this era than the Mega Man Legends series everything about the way they look is incredibly cozy nostalgic and it just breathes life into me sure they're a little janky with their tank control schemes now but the fact that capcom's practically ported everything Rockman related besides these is a shame I think the real forgotten gems gotta be the Misadventures of Tron Bond a spin-off of a spin-off Misadventures follows the goofy sometimes antagonist trombone doing borderline crimes with her Army of servobots and while it's totally different than Legends it's just the kind of thing I love playing there's multiple styles of gameplay and I sure love random mini games being tossed in for the sake of variety not even joking I love it but uh good luck finding a copy of this under 500. 1 million I got one more Hidden Gem to talk about but first I need to introduce something different you know what was around all over in the 90s but has practically fallen off the planet like guns none unless you count things like the Wii zapper or whatever the heck Cabela's has on the switch you've seen light guns in all shapes and forms be they revolvers weird future guns or whatever the heck this was but now that we have HD televisions the Necessary Technology to make these work isn't being used I mean even if you have a backwards compatible PlayStation 3 and the games those old light guns simply won't work without a CRT so all of these games are practically left in the dust unless you want to play in controller mode which you don't the PlayStation 1 had the gun con and this thing was awesome this is how you played Time Crisis Resident Evil Survivor and die hard Trilogy 2. there's only a handful of releases for this thing and it was the closest that we were gonna get to that arcade gun game experience I always like playing it in the arcade but point blank was a really cool collection of mini games that tested your speed and reflexes it does definitely lose a lot of luster when you play it with a controller while there is fun to be had with friends and you know the novelty a majority of these light gun games are incredibly mid but there's only one elemental gear bolt and it is frankly absurd this thing is Peak late 90s anime you've got women with massive shoulder pads since I style Mecca gross monster designs and a totally incomprehensible story Elemental Gear bolt is a light gun title that uses well elements in order to tackle enemies you've got fire lightning water and you'll switch between them to be efficient the English version of this game is way more difficult because of some weird localization choices by working designs but even so it's a fun and totally underrated time that I think was totally passed over I love the visual style of mixing 2D and 3D elements as well as the magical Crystal look of a lot of the interface I don't think anyone really expects much out of a light gun games narrative however developer Alpha system went out of their way to create something bizarre a lot of the actual story in World building doesn't make any sense until after you finish where you see a lot of stuff get unveiled in the credits you even unlock a library's menu which is essentially a dictionary after finishing so if you feel like holding on to a gun con while reading deep lore paragraphs you can I think Elemental Gear bolt is pretty Rad but it's going to be totally forgotten due to being like three layers of Niche you not only had to own a rare Playstation 1 game one that goes for a few hundred now but also a Playstation One a gun con a CRT television the space to do so and also be a 90s anime nerd most of these things get you on the receiving end of a swirly in high school it's not perfect but Elemental Gear bolt is a total Hidden Gem that deserves more I would love to see a classic light gun collection on the switch with the joy cons or even some kind of spiritual successor in VR but for now emulation with the mouse is probably going to be your only option that is unless you are lucky enough to win working designs contest for the gold gun con and Assassin's case a piece so rare it's technically the most expensive PlayStation 1 game one that came with a warning for people with sweaty hands I actually don't have sweaty hands so if anyone out there has a spare assassin's case hit me up I'm sure there's plenty of you out there since we're talking about Japanese games y'all don't think I was gonna forget about jrpgs did you like I said earlier pretty much every generation of games has a main character genre and the PlayStation ones was definitely jrpgs you would see these things everywhere nowadays it seems like people see turn-based RPGs in a much lesser light I'm not really sure why maybe I'm just an old man who likes turn-pass video games but with that mentality you're missing out on things like midnight Suns Persona or even the new Yakuza series maybe it's just because I grew up with them but to me there's really nothing like an old school Japanese RPG the fact that squaresoft the premier developer of these things has its own hidden gems from the era really says everything for example vagrant story despite being a big Flagship title from Square back in the day one that was easily one of the most visually gorgeous things I'd seen it is such a weird feeling game that it almost feels like an experiment having turn-based combat where you target individual limbs is strange enough but they definitely put put a lot of faith in the player to understand complicated systems I love it but I wouldn't give it to my Normie Prince which kind of says it all fantastic experience though but this is just the tip of the iceberg not including the hundreds of titles that never got localized like twin brpg which I just found out exists they're honestly simply wasn't enough time to digest these back in the day all of these PlayStation 1 jrpgs were like 30 to 70 hours long usually with a ton of combat and dialogue practically designed to get as much bang for your buck as possible like if you were calculating the dollar per hour versus cost you'd be making a killing on most of these compared to tyfu some forgotten standouts of course are like squeaking in one and two which are now thankfully being remastered I guess I begged enough Sony's first party Legend of Dragoon comes up a lot as well as kodelka lunar one and two Arc the Lad collection I was really into Wild Arms 2 back in the day and Breath of Fire 3 and 4 are practically Staples of my childhood each of these little adventures were shoved on to one sometimes three or four discs and even without the big Final Fantasy name you'd still have plenty of fun sadly as it stands with the exception of being a digital PlayStation 1 Classic on the PS3 store a majority of these have never been ported are in licensing hell and just haven't seen a re-release since the 90s as much as I would love to kick back on my TV with thousand arms it doesn't seem like that's ever gonna happen and unless you want to Fork over 150 plus the high seas it is but if I had to narrow everything down to just one game to talk about from the genre it would probably be one from the aforementioned working designs one of my favorite games on the entire console is the original alundra and it's a shame a lot more people don't know about this Elantra is the very rare 2D game in an era where scea wasn't wanting those to be localized this was actually the first title by matrix software the people who would make the 3D ports of Final Fantasy 4 and 3 as well as the extremely popular Groove coaster but before all of that they created the classic Legend of Zelda clone alundra a dark fantasy Adventure about a young elf looking guy who has the ability to enter people's dreams on first appearance this may seem generic and simple you'll move a lender around a map that has the same Overworld feeling as any Link to the Past or something similar you gradually unlock items and upgrades to earn access to new areas there's weapons that'll help you take out enemies faster and find Hearts to make your numbers go up although you do have the ability to freely jump which automatically makes it the better game Sorry I don't make the rules the story goes to a lot of Dark Places dealing with issues like depression religion and even death lots and lots of death it's it's heavy however since working designs was responsible for localizing this there's a lot of well in interesting choices in dialogue you have all these sad moments happening and characters dying off and then suddenly a guy named Bonaire who they decided looked like an 80s Surfer guy decides to talk like an 80s Surfer guy the faith of a few and a little weed is all we need bro yeah I don't even have anything to say they also tweaked a lot of aspects of the difficulty making all enemies spongy as heck and causing you to have to hit a basic dude like six times in the corner before it dies but thankfully you could still get that unworking designs version you feel still Elantra got its cold status and Legacy with the original release and it's a solid Adventure start to finish it can be a little confusing knowing where to go at times but before you know it you'll be hopping between dreams embracing everything about the bomb and trying to save the village of inoa and eventually the world it's a standalone title that has stood the test of time does deserve your attention but unfortunately seems like it's slowly being forgotten there is also a sequel alendra 2 this time published by Activision this one's even more obstring but it's also one of the most disappointing sequels I've ever played it barely has anything in common with the original and is a total 180 in a lot of regards apparently the developer set out on a mission to make the world more comical to appeal to a wider audience as the original was too depressing with quote too many people dying which apparently translates to this [Music] there are a ton of Forgotten Japanese role-playing games action RPGs and heck games all over the PlayStation 1. the library is just too massive but if I had to recommend one game for you to play it would be the original alundra I'll talk about the sequel one day but that is not this day and so there you have it more forgotten and weird PlayStation 1 games and you can shake a stick yet the library of this console is just so massive that of course there's gonna be a lot of stuff that I totally whiffed on like I almost forgot about Jinx but to be fair we should all forget about Jinx or Force our friends to play it either works if there's an oddity you think I should take a look at please let me know down in the comments and I'm sure I'll find a way to hit it into the video in the future because I love finding stuff that is just totally ridiculous why well I'm covering stuff that like kingsley's Adventure quote generated little interest is something that is really appealing to me I don't know maybe I'm just a freak also go play Power Shovel seriously if you want to support the channel you can do so by visiting the patreon and pledging there or just buying one of my t-shirts on the pixel Empire everything goes back into the channel and now that we're in 2023 I plan to keep the ball rolling thank you guys so much anyways I've been Austin and catch me next time when maybe we check out a few more celebrities thank you so much for watching special patreon shout out to Aaron kwolek Blackfoot ferret cheeks Chris Shelton Doug Prince DX Buster David Molnar Elijah GM pinks hey quiggles Jay Roos Jacoby Fitzpatrick Kevin zanowski Karen arder Nick Irving Ryan Talbert and Vox thank you guys so much for the generous support I know this video came pretty quickly after the last one but I've been working on multiple things at the same time I hope you enjoyed it I love doing these forgotten game series there's so many things that I love talking about I'm just happy to be here I got one more video coming up this month and a bunch of stuff planned for March as well as I said earlier a thing of the Avengers perhaps so uh you know it's time to put up or shut up let's go see on the other side bye-bye [Music]
Channel: Austin Eruption
Views: 419,460
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Austin Eruption, Boku No Eruption, world of tanks blitz, wot blitz, wotb, world of tanks, blitz, tanks blitz, tanks, wargaming, comedy, funny, sonic, retrospective, forgotten, weird, bad, ps5, ps1, playstation, psx, best, gaming, video games, 64 bit, 16 bit, 2d, alundra, retro, old games, old school, 8 bit, chris pratt, spyro, crash bandicoot, old consoles, bad games, good games, gamecube, complete, finished, movie, worst, ps 1, playstation1, game, video game, absurd, obscure, odd, strange, marvel, disney
Id: iNplYp2Q024
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 15sec (2235 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 13 2023
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