Duckstation PS1 Emulator Setup Guide 2024

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hey guys your Casual Gamer here and in this video I'm going to show you how to set up the original PlayStation emulator duck [Music] station so here we are on the homepage of duck. Org the link to this page is in the description below once you're here go ahead and click on Windows if you don't already have visual C++ installed on your PC go ahead and download that first but if you do you can go ahead and download load duck if you don't already have seven zip installed on your PC go ahead and download this program as well this is what we're going to use to extract the emulator the link to this page is in the description below so here's the downloaded duck station compressed file on my desktop we now need to extract it using seven zip so if you already have szip installed all you want to do is right click on the file go to show more options go up to seven zip and extract to duct station this will create a new folder containing all of your extracted files you no longer need the zip file so we can right click on that and delete it let's go ahead and open this folder and we're going to create a new folder in here rightclick new folder and rename this folder bios now I cannot tell you guys where to get a PS1 bios file but if you do a Google search I'm pretty sure you will find a few now when you do find a bios file this is what it should look like and it will need to be extracted so go ahead and right click on your bios show more options seven zip and extract here go ahead and delete the zip folder and your bios file should read scph1001.bin now let's go ahead and move this file into that folder we just created called bios now we can go ahead and open the emulator and that will be this file here so when you first open the emulator you will see no games in supported formats where found we're going to go ahead and click on ADD game directory but first I'm going to show you how to extract a PS1 ROM so for an example I have Crash Bandicoot 2 here that needs to be extracted let's go ahead and right click on it show more options go up to 7zip and extract the crash bandic cou 2 now we have our extracted folder we no longer need the zip file so we can right click on that and delete it now if we open this folder click on this folder and you will see a bin and Q file I also have Spyro the Dragon on my desktop let's go ahead and create a new folder and I'm just going to call it PS1 games and let's drag these two games into that folder now reopen the emulator and let's go ahead and click on ADD game directory locate wherever you have your PS1 games at in my case I just created a folder on the desktop called PS1 games right here and there's both of my games my Crash Bandicoot 2 and Spyro the Dragon I'm going to select folder and then it's going to ask would you like to scan the directory yes and there we are both of my games have been added to the emulator now your games will be listed in a list view but if you want to see them in the grid view click on this icon right here and what you can actually do with each game is you can add cover art and if you need cover art you can head over to this site here steamgrid Link in the description below and you can go ahead and click in the search bar and type in the name of whatever game you want to get some cover art so let's look up Crash Bandicoot 2 cortex Strikes Back and you can browse through the photos they give you and pick one I'll do this one here and then we can come over here and hit download right click save image ass and I'm just going to save the picture to my desktop but what you guys may want to do is create a dedicated folder to hold all of your pictures back over on the emulator now what you want to do is right click on that game go to set cover image locate wherever you have that image downloaded now it would be nice if the emulator could go through and automatically add cover art to each game but it can't so this is what you would have to do and now let's set up our bios let's go up to settings bios under bios directory select browse and now go ahead and locate wherever you have your bios installed in my case I created a new folder within that duct station folder called bios select the folder and then hit select folder now if you come up here to bio selection and hit all three of these drop- down arrows you should see your bios file that lets you know that you have a working bios now if you look over here to the left you'll see display let's go ahead and select that for the renderer I'm going to leave it at Hardware 11 because this emulator gives me no issues but if you're having issues while playing games you may want to come back here and play around with each one of these renderers to see which one works best for you for the adapter you can leave this on default if your PC has a graphics card the emulator will automatically use that graphics card but to make sure that the emulator is using your graphics card you can go ahead and change this to your graphics card so that it doesn't try to use your CPUs Graphics leave full screen mode on borderless full screen and we're going to go ahead and turn on vsync so we don't get any screen tear for the aspect ratio if you just leave it on the Auto game native it will play in a 4 to3 aspect ratio but if you want to play in full screen then change this to 16 to 9 now some games may look a little stretched but this is totally optional and it's up to you and under onscreen display if you would like any of these to be displayed while you're gaming then check your preferred box now let's go down to enhancements internal resolution scale you can bump this up to 720p 1080P 1440p or 4K I'm using a 1080p monitor so I'm just going with 1080P and for the texture filtering I'm going to change this to XBR very slow this will smooth out some of the textures in your game everything else here leave at default settings and we can go ahead and close now we're going to set up our controller let's go up to settings and come down to controllers now I am using a PS5 controller a PS4 Xbox and Xbox series controller will work as well and as long as you have a Bluetooth connection with your PC before you open the emulator the controller is already connected all you want to do is click on controller Port one now if you notice everything is already mapped out to your keyboard we want to change this to our controller so let's start with the d-pad for the up button all you want to do is click in the box and hit the up button on your controller left left button on your controller right down same thing for the left analog stick and repeat the same thing for all of your buttons once you are finished mapping your controller out go ahead and click on new profile and name that controller setting I'm just going to call it player one okay do you want to copy all bindings yes now if you have a second controller connected to your PC you will repeat that same thing for controller Port two now there's one more thing we want to do before we load into a game let's go back up to settings General and under game display we're going to check start full screen this way every time you load up a game that game will start in full screen now let's go ahead and load up Crash Bandicoot [Music] too thanks for watching I hope this video was helpful if it was make sure to leave a like And subscribe if you haven't already and hopefully I will catch you in the next one [Music] peace
Channel: UrCasualGamer
Views: 113,992
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Emulation, Emulator, PS1
Id: eeK6MG2GkXU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 25sec (505 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 13 2024
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