XDefiant - Top 5 BEST Guns (+ ATTACHMENTS & SETUP)

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what is up ladies and gentlemen welcome to a brand new video today we have the top five best weapons in X to finded in order as well so we're starting with the fifth and then we'll go up to what I think is the best weapon in the game I'm also showing the attachments which is probably the most interesting thing and I want to get right into it it's just a quick informational video in case you're curious for what to use and what attachments to unlock of course you need to get every gun to level 42 in case you want to have all the attachments uh but for some of the weapons you don't even need to but then you know what attachments you need to work towards uh so the first weapon we have which is a little bit of a surprise cuz I don't see many people use this but trust me this weapon is absolutely amazing if you have a little bit of a defensive play style it's the M249 which is on the lmg class I think it's the first or the second lmg you unlock but you unlock it very quickly it's an extremely good gun the only problem is is a slow weapon so if you're running around make sure you have your pistol out cuz then you run faster in this game a lot faster but if you're on a a stationary position this lmg does not lose gunfights just make sure you're pre adsing most of your gun fights so the attachments that I am using are the for the barrel I Ed the Recon one uh it's the first one you unlock and then I have the Reflex S you can also kind of mess around with the higher Zooms in case you want to play really passive but the reflex side gives you that overview still when you need to kill uh multiple players this one's important tactical H redu the ads walking speed but the recal recovery is a lot better so it makes it more of a beamy weapon and since you want to play slow with this weapon I think this is the best option you have and then for the uh rear grip I have the leather wrapped grip which improves ads walking uh speed but reduces Sprint shooting time you want to be able to still strafe with this uh weapon so that's why I went with the letter wrapped uh uh wrap and then for the stock I have the padded stock which is the first one you unlock which I also think is the best one cuz it doesn't have uh anything uh that is against it or any cons I should say uh but it it increases the recoil recovery again so again it makes it more of a beamy weapon be sure to give this weapon a proper try it might feel very slow and very defensive in the beginning but once you get used to this weapon it is really good I got my highest kill game with this uh weapon on Arena I think 93 kills and it's just literally by adsing and no one will win gunfights from you so the next weapon is uh the P90 which is a very good SMG it just doesn't beat MP7 in one versus one gunfights but because it has that 50 round ma it is really good for getting high kill games on the right map it doesn't work on all maps I notied that with this gun if you're going for medium range the long range gunfights you need to be sure you're going to win the gunfight you cannot win gunfights versus ARS or other ele GS or dmrs you need to make sure the player is not watching you but up close it's going absolutely Shred with the 50 round Max you can kill multiple players with one magc um so the options that I have are the optical of course reflex and I have the Tactical for the front rail uh it makes it a little bit more beamy which I thought was kind of worth it cuz I noticed in this game there's a lot of head glitching uh positions so even up close you want to be sure to have a straight aim and I use the Recon Barrel then I have the Quick Draw which makes this gun very fast and then I have the stock the paded stock again it has no cons so it might might as well be worth using the other ones have some cons that are not worth uh trying so this is the setup that I have for the P90 next up is the other SMG in the game the MP7 this one will win pretty much every Clos range gun fights maybe you're going to struggle first as the vector but not many people use the vector cuz it's not that good with the amount of round it has the MP7 is probably the best up close range gun you can use at the moment I'm pretty sure it has 35 rounds for the attachments that I use the reflex side the pistol one this is a good one to try out um it makes it a lot faster so you want to be aggressive with this weapon of course the Recon Barrel then I have the Quick Draw which also makes it a lot faster and the padded stock I tried some other stocks but I just didn't like it so I went back to the paded sock which is the first one you unlock so that's a pro um it is worth trying out the extended Mac I have noticed um because you can of course you get 15 plus bullets in this Mac which makes it a 50 round um Mac weapon uh but I was missing out on some other attachments and since I don't really use the 50 rounds that much if I want to be pop something I will go with the P90 I decided to not put a MAG on this weapon and next up and I wonder if people are going to agree with this it's the AK hey I put it in this on position number two um it's of course uh the ACR which is in position number one uh I wasn't sure which weapon to put on number one I think they're both great weapons I just think the ACR is a little bit more versatile and a little bit more uh beamy than the AK so I decided to put the AK in position number two I've used them both a lot for the attachments I used the uh Recon one I use the pistol grip I don't use an optic um if you like Optics and you need this on the AK um you got to try and switch out probably the quick magc uh but I really like the iron Sid so if you like the iron sides no optic is working fine for this gun I have to Quick Mac cuz the reload is quite slow on this gun then I have the wear grip lightweight grip makes a little bit more beamy but it's it struggles a little bit extra with the gunfights but I notice that you don't really have those two often in this game and then the padded stock uh again then for the last weapon which I think is the best gun in the game right now be sure to check the time if you're watching this video what time it is maybe there's some updates coming out in the future that are going to Nerf these weapons I wouldn't be surprised if the ACR gets a little bit of a Nerf uh but for the ACR I use the reflex sight I don't like the iron sights very much on this gun I have the pistol grip the quick Mac grip tape and padded uh stock so hopefully this video was useful be sure to subscribe I'm putting out some more xifin content on the channel if you guys are liking it hopefully hopefully this was useful if you have any questions be sure to drop it in the comment section and I hope to see you guys in the next video [Music]
Channel: Maxiq
Views: 68,608
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Keywords: XDefiant settings guide, XDefiant controller settings, XDefiant best settings, XDefiant controller guide, XDefiant tips and tricks, XDefiant gameplay, XDefiant console settings, XDefiant PS5 settings, XDefiant Xbox settings, XDefiant sensitivity settings, XDefiant aim settings, XDefiant pro settings, XDefiant control setup, XDefiant button layout, XDefiant aim assist, XDefiant beginners guide, XDefiant gameplay settings, XDefiant controller configuration
Id: GEn8UgwIWW0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 57sec (417 seconds)
Published: Tue May 28 2024
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