XDefiant Best Loadout For You! - Top 6 Builds You Must Try

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want the best X defiant load out I've got you covered we've got six loadouts today that focus on different roles taking advantage of the best of each of these roles we have a up close running gun load out with the MP7 we have a movement based ACR which is the most versatile build in the game we have a longer range AK build we have a sniper build and also an objective Focus build if you like to focus on the objective and then we have a sixth build which is well we'll wait till the end for that one so let's start this off with the first short range runin gun build this build focuses on being able to move around as quickly as possible deal as much damage as possible while still staying alive amongst the chaos it all starts with the MP7 and muzzle booster alongside the rapid fire these two together allow the MP7 pure damage and time to kill to be boosted did massively you get a 7.5% increase with both of these combined now it is going to affect the recoil but that is not a big deal because you're going to be up and close in people's faces anywhere this slow out the recoil is not a problem next up we go with the Leever wrapped uh front rail this is going to allow us to focus on another element of this build which is ADS walking speed that means when you're ads you're going to move faster strafe more and Dodge more more bullets optic there won't be an optic for this build because the iron sights on the MP7 are pretty good and you only get five attachments so doing this allows you essentially to have more power in other elements of the gun we also won't have a magazine because the base 30 round is more than enough and if you look at this quick mag sounds good but the reload speed on an SMG is only an extra .3 seconds now we'd rather just not have a magazine so that we can put more power in the other elements of the build trust me you got to try this it's really worth doing you'll start to realize that you don't need to reload as often as you think you do now we're going to get the lever wrapped on the grip which gives us more walking speed while it's ads and finally can you guess the lightweight stock which gives us even more movement whilst ads so the goal with this load out is to run around as fast as you can ads everything and you'll be knocking players crazy fast so besides that what else do we want to do what uh faction should we play what grenade and all that stuff I think the frag nade is the best it's honestly the most versatile option it's really good at stopping defenses really good at throwing nades around corners when you need to run away and someone's Chasing You secondary you can go with whatever you want honestly because this MP7 has great movement speed anyway you don't really need to worry about using your pistol at all you really never really need to do it now for the faction for this build I honestly think you should go for cleaners the cleaners passive gives you more damage over time if you're up close now if you're longer range you lose out on damage but we're not going to be doing that we're going to be up close anyway of this build so extra damage combined with a faster fire rate on the MP7 we've just built means even more damage for the fastest time to kill you can possibly imagine we also go for firebomb for the activated ability this basically is a oh no I missed my shots button all you need to do is just press it uh if you miss some shots and jump around like crazy and anyone near you will die it's also great at basically causing a bit of a mess inside a Zone let's say you're playing occupy and there's a whole team inside if you can run in behind them and activate this they'll all die it's really really strong and it pairs really well with this close range sort of load out that this MP7 build is focused on next we move on to what I call the most versatile build in the game this is focusing on allowing you to cover all elements of game play close range long range short range medium range getting the objective going for kills everything all in one at Le the most versatile weapon I can think of building it uses the ACR which in my opinion is the best gun in the game it's not as high damage as the AK but it's pretty close and it has better handling which means you are going to have better control longer range than you are of the AK however it's not as uh good handling as an SMG which means up close you're going to struggle so we're going to choose some attachments that help you to ensure you have better handling up close so it can compete with the SMGs there'll be no Muzzle and no Barrel because these can affect the handling that we don't want to deal with right now this is a build that basically allows the ACR to be a little bit more useful up close because long range it's already really good first you take the lever W so you get more ads walking speed and ads stability this is going to do two things the walking speed once again is going to allow you to move faster up close so you can compete with those fast moving uh SMG players IA stability will mean there's less of this shaking when you're firing making long range a little bit easier reflex optic I think this is really important you want that Clear Sight picture uh you can go for the hollow but personally I'm a reflex fan quick mag now quick mag on ARS is pretty important not only you get more ammo in this but the reload speed is going to be a lot more handy as you can see with these stats here you save .3 seconds doesn't sound like a lot but it starts to add up when you have a longer reload on these higher sort of slower reload weapon so I think it's really important you could do the fast mag but you're going to lose out on a lot of ads speed you could try if you want to but I don't think it's worth it because once again we got to try and compete with SMGs with this load out right we want to use it up close we want to use it all ranges if you add too much ads speed which is how long it takes to aim down sights you're going to start to struggle as you get build up more minus ads speed so I think quick mag is the best the grip we go for is lever wrapped for more ads walking speed again so once again you're going to move faster when a aiming down sights so you can compete with that fast movement speed of the SMGs again and the stock is lightweight so ads walking speed and movement speed once again that's going to give you more up close movement speed so the ATR is already really amazing long range so we've got a little bit more ads stability with this the lightweight kind of counter it a little bit unfortunately but overall you got really fast EDS movement speed with this so what you have to do is every time you shoot a player ads and strafe like crazy and you're going to come out on top in most fights now for the pistol I would go for the M9 the M9 has the fastest movement speed out of all pistols so whenever you need to move from point A to point B put your M4 away sorry your ACR away and get your pistol out because it's going to allow you to move faster I go for frag grenade again now you could do sticky nade if you wanted but frag nade to me is the most versatile you can use to kill enemies you can cook it and throw it on objectives and clear it out very easily definitely the best nade in the game in my opinion it's the most versatile remember this is The Versatile build now for factions for this build we are going to go for libertard this is the best legend or faction in the game in most circumstances this healing ability here throw if revitalizing gas canister that heals friendly until destroyed or canceled is so strong it allows you to stay alive for longer than you should do it allows your teammates to stay alive for longer than you should do you can put it on a corner as you peek into an objective you can put it inside the objective itself if you're defending there are so many cases where this is going to allow you to stay alive for longer and it's just really strong so you'll see that in other build as well next up we have a really powerful longer range AR build this is not really going to be so good on smaller Maps but if you're playing escort or longer range Maps you may want to have this build on the side because it's going to be really handy in some cases first we go for muzzle booster this is going to give you a little bit more fire rate on the AK to make it more powerful we won't have a barrel though because that gives us more room for other attachments we move on we get the angled GP basically what we're doing with this build is to have a really nice stable aim longer distance with the AK so that we can focus on getting head shot and clean damage and just killing players as quick as possible all across the map right so the angle grip is going to give you ads stability so your aim isn't shaking too much so it's easier to hit shots long range it also has a bit of horizontal recor control less movement speed but this build is not for close ranges for longer ranges it's for that load out on the side where you're like right there's some long range angles in this game right now let me switch to this real quick so I can deal with these snipers or whatever 3x scope because like I say longer range distances this is what it's going for uh magazine no magazine because we want to have more stable aim we're not going to need a MAG we're mostly using this for sort of longer distances so if we need to reload no one's going to push us by the time we've reloaded anyway we're going for a fabric grip which gives us faster ads speed so we're zoomed in quicker quite important when we're using a longer range scope and more ads stability once again and then the stock can you guess as much ads stability as possible with the padded stock and basically this is going to give you the most stable sight picture long range with the AK meaning you can laser beam people you can you can get long range damage no problem now I would pair this build with the fragr hit again and the M9 so once again you can run around really quickly if you need to and honestly I would still go for the same faction the libertard faction with the El Remo passive or the Tactical sorry that amazing healing power power is really good and if you set up long range and just throw down your Tactical you can put so much suppressive fire on all players across the map you can even do it in the arena map um I had some surprising success with it because every time you get shot at you just go behind cover wait to heal and then peek again it's really really strong next up we have the sniper build you definitely want to go with the attack 50 it's more damage uh you are going to one-hot people more often with this in fact every single time unless you hit them in the legs that's not the case with the m44 so keep that in mind muzzle we're going to go for light suppressor to be honest no Muzzle is really important like you don't really need to borrow about this much uh Barrel once again I think nothing's important here you could go for the heavy barrel if you wanted uh that would do a bit more damage but you're one-shotting anyway so basically you don't need any of this stuff I I don't think any of these barrels are really going to help much perhaps the ads speed the lightweight Barrel could be good but um you know then you lose out on damage long range so that's not so great honestly no Barrel to me felt the best sniper scope you can go for the 12x it is a bit long though you may want to go for the 4 to 8X soon surprisingly I found myself doing really well with the 12x so I kind of stuck with it magazine quick mag or even fast mag it depends on how you feel because you want to be reloading as quick as possible and that slow reload time is really going to slow you down at times rear grip we've gone with fabric I kind of realized that if we ads as quick as possible it's going to help right so if we can aim down sites quicker that's going to be useful because there's no real good uh stocks for the sniper to help you with ads speed I've just gone with the one that provides the most benefit honestly this weapon is so strong stock build without any attachment so you don't need to worry too much about that now for grenades I've gone for the EMP grenade this time because you'll face a lot of phantom players and you can't just fire a Fallout weapon to destroy the shield so throwing an EMP grenade will allow you to then snipe them quickly so to me EMP with a sniper build works the best as for the faction honestly I mean I I you could do Phantom with a shield yourself if you wanted but once again I feel the Healer class with the l medor tactical is still the absolute best it's just so good it is probably the strongest in the game in my opinion Now we move on to what I call the objective base build if you like to play objectives this one's for you starts with the AK-47 it's doing the most amount of damage possible with this thing by combining the muzzle booster and the rapid fire to have Fast Fire rate I feel like when you're playing the objective you're up close and personal so you don't need to worry about longrange engagements too much you can also uh apply the upop with it this will give you better ads stability so you're able to hit more shots once again uh you're playing the objective so you don't need necessarily to be out in the open jumping around and much so the 5% movement speed is not a big deal reflex site really important you definitely want that better site picture on the AK it's hard to aim without it magazine I haven't gone for one rear grip I haven't gone for one you could take a MAG but I don't think it's necessary I'd rather have more stability so if you notice stock ads stability ads Flint control hand stop ads stability so this just going to give you better aim it's just going to be easier to hit your shots cuz your aim isn't shaking all over the place and in this game head shot are really important they're like really high damage uh it's really important to try and get for head shot so I think that's more important than trying to have like uh better ads speed or a better movement speed if you're going for a high damage build like this anyway secondary M9 for the faster movement speed again and then we got the prox mine for the uh device because this is really strong like if you're set up in the zone you're going to want to put this down to stop anyone pushing you from behind really really useful and most of the time it's going to pick up a bunch of kills without you even really doing anything for factions we actually go for Phantoms and we're going to take the mag barrier having this to push and defend objective points is so strong in this game it really is very very powerful and it's going to help you hold objectives so much better now we have the sixth build which is the best build in the game can you guess what it is it is whatever works best for you yes you can try every single gun in the game and guess what they may work for you and they may not work for someone else so whilst the builds I've suggested in this video are a guideline for what may want you know get you started the most fun you're going to have and the most success you're going to have is if you just build your own Loadout so if you have no idea where to start consider these first five options pick one that sounds the best for you give it a go and then adjust try different factions try different weapons try different attachments try different gadgets see what works the best for you and that's where you're going to have the most fun in the game anyway hopefully you found this video useful and I'll see you all in the comments cheio
Channel: The Gaming Merchant
Views: 68,505
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Id: uZK5Sw8QiNw
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Length: 14min 42sec (882 seconds)
Published: Sun May 26 2024
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