[Xbox Series X|S] How To Install Retroarch! Ver 2.0

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in this video i'm going to cover how to install retroarch on an xbox series x or s and a number of fun extras welcome to the second edition of my how to install retroarch on your xbox series x or s tutorial for the longest time the uwp version of retroarch wasn't getting an official update on the retroarch website so it has been stuck at version 1.9.0 for quite a few months with the release of 1.9.4 this has changed and the official build has finally been caught up to where retroarch is with its current releases it has been over five months since i made the first version of this guide and a number of things have changed i've learned a few more things about how dev mode works how to better optimize a setup for it so this guide is looking to be kind of an all-inclusive update for everyone just starting out how to get the best experience out of dev mode with the least amount of hassle i hope some parts of this guide haven't changed from the original version like how to activate dev mode on your account that's going to be the same from the old video so if you already have dev mode activated you can skip right ahead to expanding your dev mode storage space if you already did that you could skip ahead to installing the new version of retroarch and getting that all configured but let's go ahead and dive in we're gonna start on the xbox side of things so load up your xbox series s or series x and once you're on the dashboard you can press the y button on your xbox controller and that will bring up a search menu go ahead and type in dev mode and you will get this dev mode activation box here and for the love of everything that's good if you are on an xbox series x or s choose the one with the green background that has an xbox series x or s on it and not the one with an xbox one otherwise it will continually ask you to update your console when there are no updates the program is only about 100 megabytes so it shouldn't take too long to install but for some reason the beginning of the download does take a minute before it really gets going so ah i'm just leaving it all real time here for you and now that that's downloaded go ahead and open it so you're gonna get these welcome pages talking about uh welcoming you to the developer program and blah blah blah don't really care so just go ahead and click next through all of these and you will be greeted with a screen that has a code on it that looks something like this now this code is used to register your xbox console to your developer account so you do need to have a developer mode license it costs 20 and we are going to go to the website listed here to get this all set up over on your computer type in that web address that you just saw on your xbox so https colon slash aka dot ms slash activate xbox and when you press enter it will bring you to the microsoft partner page if you're already signed into an xbox live account or a microsoft account rather so i'm already logged in so it just brought me to this you might need to log in for this to show up from here go ahead and scroll down to the developer programs and there is a windows and xbox section here also rip mixer and uh yeah windows and xbox click get started and it'll bring you to this new page get started with windows apps so we're gonna click sign up now and go ahead and fill out all of this registration and account info so it's gonna ask you for your name address and uh payment options so you are an individual so you're going to be paying 19 to get this activated so go ahead fill all this out get it set up i'm just gonna go ahead and skip past this part so you don't see all my personal info after you finish your registration and payment you will get a registered a registration confirmation and be brought to your microsoft uh developer dashboard here from here go ahead and type in that https colon slash slash aka dot ms slash activate xbox web address again this will bring you to your manage xbox one consoles tab where you can add in your xbox series x so over on the right is a plus button click on that enter activation code and type in the code that appears on your xbox if you took a long time during registration like i did when you enter the code it might give you an error that it is no longer valid like this and that's fine just go ahead and refresh the page and refresh the page on your xbox now do it again interactivation code and type in your new code and your xbox is now registered on your developer account and you can go ahead and rename this if you want to it doesn't have a name by default so you can just add one if you feel so inclined you don't have to i just went ahead and did it anyway and save when you're done tada your xbox is all set up on your developer account and is ready to be switched into dev mode so back over on the xbox you will see that the code page has changed over to this switch to developer mode page so switch and restart and wait for it to reboot after it finishes rebooting you will be brought to the xbox dev menu here and there's quite an interesting look to this but that's okay if it asks you for advanced video features go ahead and enable them that way you just have your maximum display resolution set by default next you want to make sure that your xbox is connected to your network if you're using ethernet like i am it's connected automatically so you're good to go but if it's not you need to go down into settings launch your settings go into your network settings and then go back in and set up your wireless network as you need again mine is connected through ethernet so i don't have to do this but you need to make sure that your xbox is connected to your network once that's finished we need to set up our remote access settings so for most of you that's probably going to be down in the bottom right i actually got rid of my test accounts page up here in the upper right that way remote access is appearing up here but just find your remote access settings go into it make sure that you enable the xbox device portal with this handy dandy checkbox here and then you're gonna need to set up authentication so check this box to require authentication for whatever reason i have not been able to get this to work without it and a lot of you in the comment sections have said you have not been able to get this to work without it so turn on require authentication and then set a username and password in here and once that's done you can go ahead and close out of the remote access tab next we're going to expand our dev mode storage because without this we cannot play any games over two gigabytes so that pretty much eliminates anything ps2 related and wii related not that those systems really work the greatest to begin with but hey they're still fun to experiment with so to do this we're going to press our start button on our controller or menu button as it's known now i really don't give a crap it's a start button and we're going to go down to manage dev storage so by default i believe it should be set to around 5-ish gigs and you're going to want to expand this depending on how many ps2 or wii games you're going to want to play or just how many things you want to store internally most systems run great from usb but there are a number that do require you to install games internally so for my purposes i'm actually just going to set this up to about a hundred gigs let's go with 105. there we go now to expand dev mode storage you do need to have at least 50 gigs free on the retail side of your ssd if you have too many xbox games installed you will not be able to expand storage until you clear up some space so again i'm gonna go with 105 gigs for my purposes and then i'll go down here and click save now it's going to ask you to restart the box so it could do the changes and if you have anything installed currently like an older version of retroarch or my files explorer ppsspp what have you it is going to delete all of that stuff this is resetting your dev mode storage so it's wiping everything make the appropriate backups now hit cancel make the backups come back and do it again but once you hit restart it will take a couple of minutes for it to reboot so just be patient and once that has rebooted you could go into manage dev storage make sure it took the change appropriately it looks like it did so we are now ready to move over to our computer or other internet enabled device get retroarch downloaded and installed on our xbox so head on over to retroarch.com and click on the download tab from here we're going to scroll down until we find the xbox series slash one uwp app right here now click on download and then we also need to download the microsoft visual c plus plus 2015 uwp runtime package so click on that as well if for whatever reason these try to install on your computer you can right click on them and hit save link as and then manually save it to your preferred folders additionally you can also download the my files explorer app right now from the link that will be in the description below read the description there's a link there it'll say my files explorer you can download it from that link it's right there in the description i think we get it in the description in the description um anyway once you have all the packages that you want to install to your xbox we are ready to begin doing so so to do this open up a web browser now go up to the navigation bar and type in the ip address that appears in your device portal settings so just a quick reminder here it's just up in that upper right hand corner for me for you it's probably going to be down in that bottom right hand corner so type in the address as you see it right there and mine had auto complete on so that's nice now you'll get a thing saying your connection isn't private alright that's cool you're just connecting to a freaking xbox click on advanced continue anyway and then it will ask you for the username and password that you set up previously and once you get logged in you should be at a screen that looks very similar to this and we're ready to begin installing our programs so we're going to go ahead and start out with retroarch so click on add under my games and apps and you can either drag in the retroarch package file or click choose file i'm just going to click on choose file and i'm going to choose retroarch from here click on next and it's going to ask you to choose any necessary dependencies and this is where we're going to put in that visual c plus plus dependency file we downloaded so choose file microsoft vc libs and once we have that selected we can go ahead and click on start and it will begin installing retroarch and once that's finished you can click on done and you will now see retroarch under my games and apps now if you are choosing to install my files explorer you will do so now so click on add choose the file and then choose my files explorer click open next this one doesn't have any dependencies so click on start and done there we go now you have retroarch and my files explorer installed onto your xbox series x or s with retrowark and optionally my files explorer installed we're going to switch back over to the xbox for a moment and get a few things set up the most important of which is to change retroarch from an app to a game if you don't change this the file browser gets screwed up performance is killed and it'll just make your life a big headache so press the back button or view button on your controller and it will bring up a little options menu here and from here we're going to go down to view details and as you can see the app type is set to app if you press a on this you can change it to a game once this is set go ahead and press b and then we're just going to restart the console for the change to take effect once your console is finished rebooting you can go down to retroarch press your back button again view details and make sure it's still set to a game it is good let's go ahead and launch into retroarch for the first time so when you first launch into retroarch you will notice that it doesn't look quite right most of the labels are blocked out and uh the text is all retro-e and this is simply because retroarch doesn't come with its assets installed by default so no icons no text nothing so we need to go down to the online updater and we need to update our assets and once it's finished extracting it will look a lot better we now have icons and everything is good but we're not quite done there so head back into the online updater and make sure that you update your core info files controller profiles databases overlays if you plan to use some glsl shaders and slang shaders you can also update the cheats that retroarch has built into it here as well if you plan on using cheats but once you have everything up to date we can back out of the online updater now from here we're going to set a few options to make our retroarch install a little bit nicer so press left on your d-pad or thumb stick to go over to the left menu here and go down to settings now one of the nicest things about 1.9.4 is that it has all of the drivers set the way that i would recommend having them set so we don't need to mess with anything in the drivers menu at this time so our first stop is actually going to be under user interface press a to enter this menu and we're going to go down to show advanced settings and turn that on now there are a couple of other steps i'd recommend doing here just to save yourself some time and headaches later and that would be to go into menu item visibility now the first thing we're going to do we're going to disable the show explore tab this tab can cause crashes when you start making playlists within retroarch it is a hassle it's a headache there's always a long stutter of pause when it gets to this tab so just turn it off and then you can also turn off images music and any other tabs here that you might want to turn off so for me i like to turn off the help tab explore i like favor now i don't even care for favorites honestly i like history import content will leave playlists definitely but yes the main ones here are going to be turning off the explore tab but once you have these set the way you want you can just go ahead and back out and then back out again to the main settings page but now that we have the show advanced options enabled let's go up to the video settings here and enter this tab from here we're going to go down to full screen mode and we're going to turn on start in full screen mode now one of the new features added to the uwp version of retroarch is to force the resolution to 4k on xbox consoles unfortunately this doesn't seem to work with the opengl driver currently it works under direct3d 12 and i believe direct3d11 cores but for opengl this just messes up your screen like you can see here even when it's set to the correct zero and zero it's just it doesn't work under opengl so i'm gonna ignore this for the time being and hope for an update that will add opengl support because once that's implemented in all three video drivers that is going to be sick and the reason for that is because of scaling integer scaling is a great way to get a sharp picture with no shimmering effects on scrolling or just other visual noise that goes on when you upscale a game to an improper ratio so i like to enable integer scaling but it does cause a border currently in the uwp version of retroarch on most cores with that force 4k mode most of these 240 games natively scale up to 4k so you get a nicer bigger picture but under opengl cores we just don't have that yet at least not that i've been able to get a workaround for if you know the magic bullet to get it to work under opengl let me know but yes turn on integer scaling if you want a sharper nicer picture but do be aware it will cause a black border around certain cores and then one more option you can set if you so choose is to enable or disable bi-linear filtering if you want your image to appear a little bit smoother but more blurry you can enable by linear filtering gets rid of some of the harsh pixels or if you prefer to have them sharp leave it off but with that we are done in the video options next head down to input and from here we're going to scroll down to hotkeys and we need to enable a menu toggle controller combo otherwise we can't leave any of our emulation cores without a keyboard so press a on this and set the combo that will work for you i'm going to turn mine on to hold start for two seconds and there's also a number of other hotkeys available in here as well if you so choose to set them up but once you're finished go ahead and back out of the hotkeys tab and then we can back out of input once you have all of these options set go back over to the left and scroll up to main menu and then scroll down to configuration file and save the current configuration and then we can go ahead and quit out of retroarch and load back in for all of the settings to take effect and that's pretty much going to cover it as far as basic retroarch setup on xbox series x and s goes from this point you can continue on with any of my core setup guides to get started playing your games those guides were made using the 1.9.0 version but the basic setup steps are going to be identical the menu just looks different a link to that playlist will be down in the description below and then just as a quick note when you are done playing games in retroarch and want to change your xbox back over to retail mode you could do so by going over here and hitting leave dev mode and when you press a on this a box will appear that says leave dev mode switch out of developer mode will restart your console delete side loaded games and apps that is checked that means it's going to delete all of your stuff so uncheck it before pressing ok unless you want to reinstall everything but with that basic setup out of the way and everyone is able to continue on with the core guides as they are currently built i want to talk about some advanced setup options that you can choose to do if you plan on doing a more internal install of retroarch one of my biggest pet peeves about this entire process has always been my files explorer i hate this app i hate using it i hated having to explain it in every video how to use it i just really don't like it and it turns out that you can make it so you don't even need it and it is the greatest thing ever to not need this stupid program so for those of you that are interested i'm going to show you how to get retroarch set up so you never need to use my files explorer again so turn your xbox on leave it in dev mode be on the dev mode screen here and we're gonna go back over to our pc this tutorial is going to cover how to do this on pc if you're on mac or linux i don't know the process on how to access the file browser and stuff on that this is specifically for windows users right now you could try to follow along on those operating systems if you are able to do file browsing easily then it should work just fine i just don't know i don't have those operating systems to go over it and learn how to do it but anyway switching back over to pc our first step to getting an install that doesn't require my files explorer is to once again go back into the xbox device portal once you have the device portal pulled up we are going to click on the file explorer tab here on the left from here there is a browse button over on the right hand side click on that and it will give you instructions on how to open a file explorer into your xbox so basically you copy this address here and then on windows all you need to do is open up something like this pc or any other file browser and then click in the navigation bar and paste in that address and when you press enter it's going to ask you for a username which is right here and a password which is right there if you don't want to enter a username and password every time that you pull up this address there is a key down here so this guy right here it starts with cmd key dot exe you could copy this whole thing and then load up command prompt so i just type cmd in the search bar here brings it right up so then you can just open it and once command prompt is open just paste in that command key that you just copied and press enter and it adds the credentials for that address so that way every time you copy in your file explorer address you can just press enter and it will bring you to your xbox and then from here you can navigate into your retroarch folders now another step that i wholeheartedly recommend that you do is to map this as a network drive as you can see down here i have done so previously this is my xbox's internal storage it shows me how much space i have left i can easily enter it and access all of my files in dev mode to do this on windows you just click on map network drive up here map network drive copy in the file explorer address assign it a drive letter i already had mine set to x tell it to reconnect it sign in if you want to you don't need it to and then click on finish and you will now have a network location to your xbox just like i do right here again this is a major time save and just super convenient lets you know exactly how much space is on your xbox and lets you copy over files super easily but let's go ahead and mess around in here so we can make it so retroarch never needs my files explorer again so open up the windows apps folder go into your retroarch folder we're looking for the underscore x64 folder right here now we're going to make some new folders so first up we are going to make a system folder so type in system done now we want to make a saves folder done now a save state folder so that one we could just call state states done and now one more folder we're gonna make is a games folder there so basically retroarch is split across two partitions under the uwp build a lot of it is here in the s drive that i have accessed on the computer a lot of it is on the q drive which is what you would access through my files explorer by making these folders we are going to move some of the things that we need to change most often into our s drive so we can access them from a computer so for example all of your system bios files go in a system folder we can now copy them over from our computer instead of having to copy them over with a usb thumb drive if you want to backup or import saves you can move your save folder to the s drive so that way you can move them between your computer you can move it between your computer and move them to your xbox and then save states as well and then a games folder so we can store our games on the s drive properly so that way it doesn't break our retro arc install by putting them in the q drive if you so choose you can also make another folder in here and name it config so that way any config file you make outside of the default one will be saved into the s drive for easy backup as well once you have these folders made we just need to change the location that retroarc is looking for them back on the xbox so back on the xbox open up retroarch go over to settings and this time we are going to press up on our d-pad to go to directory i don't know why i said it like that but whatever we did it alright so the first thing we're going to change is the system slash bios folder so press a on this navigate down to s scroll down to program files windows apps choose the 1.9.4 underscore x64 folder here and choose your new system folder and tell it to use this directory there we go our system folder is now defaulted to the s drive now i was going to change my config files to the s drive as well so configs we're going to change this down to s program files windows apps retroarch folder config folder use this directory and then we're going to scroll down and we're going to change the location of our save files save files change it to the s drive program files windows apps retroarch folder and saves use this directory and then save states same thing s drive program files windows apps retroarch folder states folder use this directory and there we go the most commonly accessed folders are now available through your computer network so you don't ever need to touch my files explorer you can back up your save files your save states your configs your system folder it's all accessible now through the network so once you have these set you can back out go to the main menu and save the current configuration and now we never need to touch my files explorer again this method makes retroarch on xbox so much better than it ever was before i definitely recommend doing it but you don't have to you can keep using my files explorer you keep doing it the way i showed back in december but this new way is a lot simpler and far more convenient but that's gonna do it for this video on how to install retroarch for your xbox series x and s as always if you happen to have any questions about any part of the setup procedure outside of things that are completely out of my control like microsoft's billing procedures i can't do anything about that i'm not a microsoft employee there's nothing i could do there but any questions related to retroarch and the setup ask in the comments i will help you out and try to get you set up but now if you could all do me a huge favor please be sure to hit that like or dislike button just depending on how much you like today's video and if you haven't done so already hit that sub button so you can see when new videos go live on the channel we're gonna be making a few updates to a couple of the retroarch setup videos for xbox so stay tuned for that if you'd like to further help support the channel you can also check out that join button here on youtube or the patreon link in the bottom right hand corner of the screen my channel has gotten to the point where it's big enough that the files that i am hosting are starting to cause too much traffic for free file hosting so i am having to start paying for file hosting so any little bit helps in regard to that thank you to all of our current champions that are really keeping us going here you guys are rock stars we appreciate you so much but that's gonna do it for this one so until next time my wonderful internet peeps stay awesome and we will see you all back next video
Channel: Archades Games
Views: 24,974
Rating: 4.9307694 out of 5
Keywords: Archades Games, Archades, retroarch xbox, xbox series x emulation, retroarch xbox series x, xbox series s retroarch, xbox series x retroarch, xbox series s emulation, retroarch setup guide, how to install retroarch on xbox series x, retroarch xbox series x tutorial, retroarch on xbox series x, xbox series x retroarch guide, xbox series x retroarch tutorial, how to install retroarch on xbox series s, install retroarch on xbox series x, retroarch xbox series x setup, dev mode
Id: tmwPyFDoQiI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 52sec (1792 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 02 2021
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