X Plane 12 System Requirements Discussion

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good evening everybody joe from ndb aviation and tonight we're getting back to our regular type of programming we're talking about flight simulation tonight specifically x-plane x-plane 12 is coming sometime very soon in 2022 the demo is going to be released as they actually release the overall full version but what i want to talk about tonight are system requirements for flight simulator specifically what's been released on laminar research's own website talking about the requirements for x plane 12. now i'm going to put a link here up on the screen and it's down in the comments section or descript description section down below and it will lead you to where i have this information from as well and i'm going to put it up on the screen here as i read over a few things and then go over them as well after that so let's talk about the overall minimum minimum hardware requirements and if you know anything about flight simulation it's a lot better to go above and beyond the minimum requirements to get the most realistic and well just enjoyable experience out of any of your flight simulators out there so let's jump right in so minimal hardware hardware requirements will be an intel i3 i5 i7 or i9 cpu with four or more cores or an amd ryzen 3 5 or 7 or 9. those with other cpus should try the demo before purchasing memory at least 8 gigabytes of ram video card a directx 12 capable video card from nvidia or amd with at least 2 gigabytes of vram so back to my ugly mug let's talk about this for a quick second these are the minimum requirements and it's pretty vague when you think about it so we're talking about something within the last two to three generations of intel chips amd chips i would say if i'm personally suggesting to somebody a 10 000 intel chip so a 10 700 k would probably be the oldest generation i'd really recommend but as you're going to see here shortly they're going to recommend things even older but what i'm going to try to say is this x-plane 12 is going to lead you over the next three to five years of x-planes overall refresh cycle so you're not going to want to take something that's already four or five years of generation old cpu or gpu hardware you want to get something a little bit newer and when we're talking about four cores that makes sense you should be able to get away with four cores especially with the brand new intel chips coming out their new i5 and some of the i3s look like they could probably do a pretty good job with an x-plane 12. let alone x-plane 11 and microsoft lyson 2020 um eight gigabytes of ram now depending on what kind of ram you're going with these days eight gig is pretty cheap i would strongly recommend for flights i mean flight simulation purposes 16 gigabytes to 32 gigabytes are really the sweet spot preferably go all the way up to 32 gigabytes even microsoft like some 2020 is going to be right around 16 on a usual basis but as those scenery packs get larger as the overall flight simulation gets larger and larger for especially the systems in the aircraft and they get better you're going to want more especially with x-plane 12 bringing in more and more realism for the sense of the systems if you go to some of their videos that they're talking about now they're going to have complex systems more so than they've ever had in the past which will take up more of your ram most likely and then below that gpu they're talking about two gigabytes of vram on a gpu and if you're looking at current generation gpus i don't know if you can find one with only two gigabytes you're going to be looking at at least four to six gigabytes some all the way up to i think was it 16 or 18 gigabytes for some of the new video cards but you're looking in crazy price territories and honestly i'd say anything that's a 3060 ti or a 6700 from amd those are all going to kick butt for explain 11 and most likely x plane 12. so now let's get set up and let's take a look at the recommended system or hardware requirements so i'm going to throw that up now so cpu they're talking about an intel i5 86k meaning k is unlocked so you can overclock that processor a ryzen 5 3 500 or better memory 16 to 24 gigabytes of ram so let's say 16 or more 32 is the preference on my side if i'm telling somebody video card a directx 12 capable capable video card from nvidia or amd with at least four gigabytes of vram they recommend a 1070 gtx or better or similar from amd so back to this ugly mug again let's talk about this intel i5 8600k that's going back one two three four almost five years now at this point get a 10 series intel chip if you're going to go for an older generation they're cheap right now but the big problem you're going to find is if you go too far back for a cpu you're going to be having trouble finding a motherboard to fit that cpu so what i recommend is try to figure out which one you want in a sense of if you're building a brand new desktop are you going for efficiency or are you going to go for the maximum frame rates you can get and then on top of that are you an intel or amd person they're both good i built my recent rebuild for my desktop with an amd chip for the first time and i've been really really happy with it but i'm really intrigued to see these uh 12th generation intel chips with their small core big core small core big core design it should be rather promising from all the current and uh just kind of ahead of time ahead of time benchmarks we're seeing i think microsoft lights from 2020 x plane 11 are going to really do really well on these new intel chips but time will tell i think amd is going to do a good job countering but overall intel might finally put amd back in their place of being number two in a sense of what people are buying on a regular basis memory like i already said if you can afford to get 32 gigabytes of ram when you're building your desktop or if you have a laptop upgrade the laptops ram all the way up to 32 gigabytes you'll be happy you'll thank me later trust me video cards directx 12 capable so you're looking at an rtx 3060 and up you could probably still get an rtx 2060 and that'll take care of you without a problem but you're not going to get the maximum visuals you'll probably do very well with 1080p gaming but if you or somebody was a 1440p screen or a 4k screen you're going to have to spend a lot of money to push that kind of power out especially if you're explaining 11x.12 for microsoft lysom 2020. if you want those ultra graphic settings you are going to need an rtx 3080 or better i'd recommend you wait until the rta rtx 4000 cards come out because we are still seeing issues with some of these gpus today maxing out on 4k quality with everything maxed out given it might not be the gpu it could just be the pcie generation that we're currently stuck with just doesn't give them maximum bandwidth but from all that i've seen we're still not even utilizing the maximum bandwidth of pci gen 4.0 so i don't think that's really the big issue here i would say wait until the next generation of gpus come out later this year if you can't look for an rtx 3070 a uh i forgot how they do them but the amd uh 6700 is i would say my bottom point unless you really can't afford anything more so or less of that so you can get the 6600 and i think they have a budget-friendly one the 6500 coming out soon but in all honesty if you're trying to build a serious flight simulation rig i'd say 6700 from amd or rtx 3070 are your best bets for bang for the buck and performance that you're going to get for x playing 12 or microsoft likes from 2020. so overall i think we know where we stand for what to expect with x-plane 12 and what you're going to have to put into it to get it to run smoothly at high settings or better basically take whatever you're using for microsoft likes from 2020 and you've got it if you're already using only x-plane 11 and you're running on old hardware and it's already struggling you have an idea of what you're going to need to upgrade later on you might already have a decent enough cpu now you just need a gpu when the gpu gpu prices finally fall last seen to cover and i am happy to see here the supported operating systems so they will still have support for mac linux and windows that's great and it continues a trend that they've always done in the past now there's probably some kind of caveat here and there but i'll throw this up on the screen so you guys can read that as well there are a few other things that they have included on their dev blog and one thing that i'd like to throw up that is interesting to me they are saying they're going to be reverse compatible for x-plane 11 add-ons however there is a major catch to this they explicitly state well-behaving add-ons that can mean a lot of things so i am going to be interested to see how many of the add-ons actually transfer from x 11 to x plane 12 when it's all said and done because there's a lot going on under the hood for x-plane 12 and i think it will be interesting to see what the first few versions of x-plane 12 bring us i remember the first few versions of x-plane 10 the first few versions of x-plane 11 and there were some serious teething problems i'm not going to say it's going to turn people off but if you're somebody that's kind of going back and forth between x plane 11 and microsoft flight some 2020 i would say hold on to the x plane 11 copy for the first few updates of x plane 12 before you jump over and if you already own microsoft likes from 2020 depending on what you're using it for you're probably happy and there will be no reason to go to x-plane 11 or explain 12. however if you are somebody that's actually taking simming more and more serious to the point that you're actually going to go out there and learn to fly a real airplane you might want to look at x plane 12 and x plane 11 at some point if you haven't already but i hope you guys like this video like and subscribe if you liked if you have any questions or comments leave them in the comment section below because i'm really interested to see what these x-plane forecasts really play out to be and what it's going to require i think usually with x-plane you kind of got to go with overkill at the beginning and then within the three versions after the initial release it finally comes down to where it's usable depending on what your system requirements are i remember back in the day with the titan cards some people had titan cards for x-plane 11 and they were still not able to push high frame rates with the maximum resolutions it was just that much of a power power hungry resource hog of a flight simulator just like microsoft likes from 2020 has been at times however i think one thing that a sobo got right microsoft for lights from 2020 looks good without requiring the top bang for the buck cards or just over price cards i should really say with those rtx 30 90s you don't have to have a 3090 to make microsoft lights from 2020 look better than x-plane 11. so i think the real test for laminar research here is going to be whether or not austin and your team if you guys can put forward a flight simulator that can match microsoft likes in 2020 visually while still maintaining your overall study level flights and credentials i can't wait to see what it is so guys keep the hard work up and i can't wait to play with this stuff when it comes out take care everyone stay safe stay healthy out there see you again real soon bye-bye
Views: 13,391
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Keywords: Xplane 12, X-Plane 12, Flight Sim, Flight Simulator, MSFS 2020, MSFS, Flight Training, Flight simulation, X-Plane 11, Xplane 11
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 2sec (722 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 16 2022
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