Airbus A330 to Charlotte | X-Plane 11

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hello everybody welcome back to x-play 11 once again today we're flying the airbus a330 200 from orlando up to charlotte now you may be saying that's a very short route for this type of airplane and you would be correct however they have been flying this route recently with this airplane under American flight 18:49 so that's what we're doing right now the jar' a330 had a huge update so this is the latest and greatest version of it I forget which version is now 3.5 or something but it still does have the jar' style bugs in it and we might encounter those during the flight so if we do I'll explain that as we go along however we are pretty much ready to push back soon as they're all done here with the catering and the loading of the airplane I have the flight plan in and everything like that so we're gonna be ready to push back from the gate pretty soon so let's hop up into the cockpit and check it out and welcome aboard the Airbus a330 very very similar to most of the Airbus systems you have seen with the a319 a320 etc but here we are on the ramp in Orlando and we're pretty much ready to push back we're just gonna go here down to the mcdu the MCD you menu and we go to the ground handling page and I'm gonna have them close up everything so we don't need the caterers anymore the loader the fuel already came and gone really cool though you can have the fuel truck come out and you can manually pump the gas if you'd like which is really cool but you can go to the load and fuel option here and this is what we're dealing with today we've got our 30.2 payload for the most part in 17,000 kilos of fuel so normally I operate with pounds but this airplane forces you to do kilos so that's what we're doing today with that said you have those options your door options here as you can see the bulk we told him to go away so he'll close that door before too long and in fact you go over to the door page and you'll be able to see it back there it is indeed open and we can force them to close it but it sounds like they're doing that right now actually so let's go to the flight plan and check it out we are doing the Jag 6 departure out of Orlando on three six right with a direct to sharks intersection than Wiig though we're doing the q77 airway to wig though from sharks and then we do ponds and we start the arrival into Charlotte 1-8 Center they're landing the South there so we shoot the ILS 180 Center approach but once we get down here you'll see we'll have a disco there after Jordan and I'm fine with that because we're just gonna go to vectoring by ourselves so usually you don't have to have all this information in but we're not using ATC we're not flying online that's the reason why I could put the destination information in there already as we see fit so I'm happy with a flight plan I've already checked it all outs we're ready to go upstairs we're just gonna go ahead and make sure that that door is closed which it is they did do it we turn the beacon light on we have our seat belt signs on and you have a little bit of an interactive checklist here on the left hand side it shows you what you need which is really cool so beacon lights on in fact we're gonna get the pushback to come out and hook up next all right we're gonna have them take the jet way away we'll just cycle the parking brake and that'll do that so there goes the jet way and they're gonna be ready to push here in just a few moments main thing we want to make sure we have the APU bleed on and the APU is on if you don't have the bleed on you can't start the engines obviously fuel pumps are good everything is set on the overhead panel for our start all right we release the parking brake and we're gonna be clear to start instance you've got it so we go here to the right-hand side and we just set this over to the start mode and it puts it on the engine page and we're gonna start engine two first so let's go ahead and do that just flip up engine two and it's pretty automatic from there we're using the BSS sound pack it sounds awesome so we're gonna listen to it as she fires up here okay we're gonna set the parking brake for them and we're going to be ready to start engine number one flip that up into the up position we can see we've got everything opening up looking good and - wonderful now we're firing up engine number one [Music] [Music] well see you next time we'll look for the pin it'll be on the right-hand side so that's two good engine starts there let's go ahead and set our flaps to one for departure one F is set like and that wonderful go to the flight control page and we'll do a flight control test here and that's what they want from us anyway so we're gonna fill up so pull up go neutral pull down neutral pull left neutral pull right neutral will do rudder pedal full left neutral and full right neutral as well and we can see it all working there on our flight control page fantastic okay we're gonna arm the spoilers there we go max brake for the auto brakes takeoff config we're all good to go there let's go ahead and turn our nose like the taxi position in the center there release the parking brake and will power this baby up and head over to three six right I love the sound setting this thing as we tax you out here we go ahead and kill the APU we don't need him on anymore and the bleed can come off as well as we are all set for that don't need any anti-ice nothing like that we turn our runway turn off light on there we go and we'll turn that wing light on as well [Music] okay so we have two one zero for our departure I'm fine with that since we're not using ATC that's plenty of altitude for us flex temp not using it today we're just using toka ATC that is gonna be down here on this panel that want us to go to t-ara and go to the above position or whatever we want that to be keep an eye on in front of us there and this goes the on position so ATC is good to go cabin crew we're just gonna go over here the ATT budgets are wearing cabin is ready for takeoff beautiful we hit okay on that so now they have been briefed and then the packs are going to be on for our departure end that goes to norm and we are good to go [Music] [Music] we're gonna be cleared for takeoff down here three six right so let's go and go landing lights on this goes to takeoff position strobe lights come on and wing lights already on and everybody is good overhead and now we just line up on the runway [Music] all right well line up on the runway here it is a much bigger airplane so we line up a little bit different we extend a little further out on the piano keys before we make that right-hand turn but she is the big airplane for making sure that we take it easy on it hit Crono you taking the runway here be ready for our departure put our nose about right over here and then all of the right don't you line up right on three six right no problem we are lined up we're gonna bring them up to 50 percent so let's go ahead and hit the brakes here is if we're doing a line up in a weight and then we're gonna bring them up to 50 percent there's 50 notes forward and we're gonna go ahead and go toga [Music] the reason why I'm doing toga and not flex is because there's a lot that goes into calculating the Flex takeoff and if we're not doing it right might as well not do it at all it's looking good here on a roll and here's a tea we're good and at least that's in neutral utter knots heretic nice and easy on that stick she gracefully comes off the ground positive brake gear up we're lightly reloaded today so we're gonna be climbing pretty good here you're gonna notice and the lever goes to climb there we go thrust climb set back on our line here the left bring that nose down this thing it loves the climb man when it's lightly loaded like big-time wonderful just small little movements on the fly-by-wire system it's got a very awkward fly-by-wire feel to it it gets blown around in the wind like a Cessna like I'm not gonna lie I wish that weren't the case but it just is more than right here there we go and we're climbing out of Orlando no problem let's go ahead and go autopilot one [Music] climbing through 8,500 feet right now we can go ahead and disarm the spoilers those don't need to be armed anymore they're begun right there that looks good seatbelts know smokings are on auto brake lights are out all right ten thousand feet landing lights off and those guys can go off as well winged light off airplanes picking up speed we're looking good here Barrow rep for gonna set that the standard at 18,000 quick Q&A chat one zero one three but we can change that into this mode instead right here that was our altimeter when we departed out of Orlando and that you can change between HPA and that by clicking that guy six minutes into our flight and now the airplane is accelerating and we are still climbing here's 18,000 feet to go ahead and pull that to standard and that is all good to go and we can cool lick that out a few times on the range and we'll go ahead and turn our weather radar on see if there's anything out there from what I saw on the weather it didn't look like we're gonna run into anything at all so I'm not really really worried about that when I fly maintain our flight level three seven zero look at the cabin pressure everything's looking good here as I go through all of my little pages here hydraulics those look good the bleeds look at those that's our conditioned system there but you can see how that's working and then here we have the bleed system high pressure that looks awesome very nice it's cool all that stuff's modeled there's some things in there that are kind of weird I don't want CB is and it just says normal so I guess that's a good thing right definitely a good thing we're climbing out of here 26,000 feet not an issue at all total time was looking like it's going to take an hour in 19 minutes to get up to Charlotte today so that's not too bad actually considering we have a nice headland right now if 77 knots so as we climb to our flight level we're using the X enviro that's why we're gonna have some volumetric clouds although we're not going to see a whole lot of that today unfortunately I've seen some really cool stuff lately and right now since we were in Florida I don't have the seasons turned on but as we get closer to Charlotte I'll have those turned on and you'll see the difference in the ortho there coming up on flight level three seven zero we hit a little bit of turbulence as we were in that cloud layer which is really cool that's one thing I do like a lot about X and by rows that you get volumetric clouds but on top of that you get cloud turbulence which is really really cool something that normally doesn't happen turn that seatbelt sign off let people move about the cabin all they would like and we are on our way to Charlotte finally not too much traffic around us here but we're now 23 900 miles the Sharks intersection will make that right-hand turn and continue on [Music] [Music] we are 41 nautical miles to ponds if we look here on our mcdu let's go to our next phase here and I already put all the information we need for our arrival here in Charlotte altimeters two Niner seven one this 15 degrees Celsius winds are two four zero at ten transition altitude is good their V approach 136 VLS 135 we're doing a full flaps landing and I have decision high to 200 in there as well MBA 797 according to that approach and all is well and they're wonderful so actually let's look here and we'll see what we're dealing with on the progress page and go or in cruise right now there but if we go to the previous page there we are 18 nautical miles to our top at a sense and it's starting to show up here on our display now so we'll start our way down around 10 nautical miles out from our top and ascent looking at our flight plan here we can see we're going all the way down to looks like it's gonna be 12,000 ft looks so we can put 12,000 into here and we'll do a descent now you can do an open descent or a navigation to sense a ravine have descendant I mean however this airplanes got a lot of bugs in it and I have had way more success with it descending an open descent than an actual navigation so we're probably gonna go with that what you see here we're ten miles out from it right now so let's go ahead and put it into the set mode and we'll see if it wants to behave today on a V nab descent which we have it in right now if it doesn't want to Center if it starts descending too much too fast then we will put it into open December right now seems to be doing a pretty good job there and we have begun our initial descent down into Charlotte it's going to turn the seatbelt signs back on and all of you well we're over ponds intersection let's go ahead and put some speed brakes out we're gonna double gonna need those today pull them back simply light airplanes gonna be nice and slippery coming into the airport so we have that ready to go and increases our rate of its sense as well and our next intersection has us at 270 knots so we'll see if the airplane slows down to 270 which it should if it's in Mach mode right now of course but it's gonna switch over to 270 we'll see if it does that here shortly shouldn't take very long all these seven nautical miles to that and we're gonna keep an eye on the bigger picture here and spread it out their debit and that you see the whole arrival all the way out there a lot of constraints on this one too gonna follow those as closely as we can now once we get over this intersection it should interest we should get the changeover to 270 knots let's see if it does that and you have to babysit the airplane so you'll notice once we get closer to the airport we're gonna be vectoring ourselves to the heading but the number one thing you have to do is really follow the speed there it goes it's in descent mode so the thrust is coming back it should be at idle here before too long but it's not diving down or anything like that I love the fact that it's not doing that I've had it to do that before so that's wonderful but as we get closer to the airport usually when we have the 210 restriction I go over and I manually select the speed if you don't do that the airplane will do some weird stuff if there's known bugs of it just like firewalling the throttles and stuff when you're trying to get on the approach and that's never fun so airplane is slowing out or somebody knots looking great here look at that 102 knot head wind off our left-hand side we are basically flying sideways right now and we're almost the checking intersection here so that's good a lot of these restrictions are at or above except for the next one banker that's 270 and it's got a restriction on the flight level on it big time right there and we'll clearly make that that won't be a problem we're just watching everything here and here's our turn here over checking and we had to credit eighteen thousand feet four two Niner seven one so let's go ahead and set that to 9 is 7 one airplane slowing down to 250 as it should as we crossed over debit and now we got robber and that's gonna be between 16 and 12 so we're fine still on the descent profile let's say we continue down actually since everything is going smooth as far as what it should let's say we're going all the way down to Jordans 4500 before we hit the disco and it's good to be 2400 it's C low so we'll keep an eye on that let's just sentim maintain 5,000 next and that looks good right there and we're at 250 knots doing great 1,300 we've still got our speed brakes out I'm fine with that I'll word in four minutes into our flight so far we'll be on the ground before too long that's Charlotte up here on our right cross and deluxe at 12,000 feet things are going well stick-up is five miles and then that little pink circle after there that is our approach phase and we'll see if the airplane actually does it I've been having issues with the jar not doing that and you have to manually activate the approach space so if that's the case then we'll just keep an eye on it and we'll make sure it does go into approach space from there once we make that left turn after stick up we're pretty much in the part here where we will not be editing anything out so we're going to just fly it down to the runway keeping an eye on the speed right now it is doing something you can see it how are the thrust is in descent mode here here's the left turn and that's Charlotte off our nose right there that's doing well and we'll see if it picks up the approach face but I'm not sure if it's going to rub up to 10,000 feet here and there it is red there's a speed that's good and it's gonna add a little bit of power but don't worry about that I'm not gonna put the speedbrakes away yet because I know what this thing wants to do and it's gonna try to dive down again right now just making sure that it's gonna be maintaining 250 knots but here comes that nose drop and if you're not ready for it with the speed brakes you're going to have a heck of a time getting this thing slowed down below 10,000 feet still laying light comes on turn our wing light on as well and that is fantastic so 250 we can go ahead and we're going to hit speed here and we're at 250 and I'm fine with that and we're also going to say anything with a heading so we run heading mode and we're going to be about 3 5 9 because we have a 37 knot crosswind right now pushing us to the right alright so we had a go-around at Charlotte and we are now shooting the approach again at the very last I was all beautifully set up on the approach and there was an airplane on the runway and I could not land so we had to go around and we'll try again so that's as edgy out there at 3,000 we're here 3180 nuts looking beautiful and we'll just square up our approach here and shoot the ILS for 1/8 Center again part of flying though you know sometimes you just have to go around and what's weird is traffic Global is supposed to not do that it's supposed to know that you're coming in on a runway and they should not be taxiing airplanes across and or onto the runway but it happened what are you gonna do we're almost here - as edgy Larr gonna make that right-hand turn again which really sucks was a beautiful approach it really was she was beautiful all right heading over this way that's okay we just do it again about zero eight five works for me [Music] this airplane loves to go around though man it's got some power it is got some power [Music] okay lining up here zero eight five and we're gonna slow down to about 160 there we go slow down to 160 this is what I did last time and then heading mode or to select that all the way about one three five that'll work for me you should be able to grab the localizer from there you know what it's for the fun of it my airplane I'll hand fly this I let's approach I don't normally get to do that but we're gonna do it today I got a little bit more to the right looking good here you can see it is in motion so we're gonna keep the turn to the right I want to chase the needle let's get back up to 3,000 feet and now we're at about 160 there once we intercept the glide slope we're gonna go gear down and all that so coming up on the glide slope now there's our runway here down you're gonna come down I'm fine with 164 right now go flaps to line up here a little off but I want to be because we have a crosswind to the right about 14 knots so that worked out great bring the nose down a little bit here and we're gonna slow her down about 141 is what we said for our VRS it'll take the airplane a little bit to get there anyway so that kind of works out a little high on this approach for right now but that's okay it's fun to hand fly these now she's not so bad up we could see out of the airplane no problem so we have the Pappy lights we do have three white one red that's not a problem at all not a problem at all let's go and go flaps three I'm gonna slow this puppy down man it does not want to slow even with our speed set to 141 it's like no I don't want to slow down for you all right this is looking okay right now although we don't have an a dummy on the runway this time all right so we're about almost 5 once we're at 5 we're gonna go flaps full which we're about there so flaps full that's good to go all right let's make sure we have our takeoff and when they turn off Sun thousand feet beautiful got that crosswind still happening here only 9 knots right now that's not so bad [Music] Airbus systems art of the rust is you keep it all the way down but I'm going to the throttles back at probably 40 and the 40 call out otherwise you'll just kind of float down the run away the whole way and you don't want to do that can we have some airplanes he's not gonna wait for us is he no he's not we're not going around again I'm sorry we're just not gonna do that so traffic global I'm gonna go ahead and just kill ya we're not dealing with you today two in a row and you don't care that we're on final here all right we're looking good here I'm happy with this hello there's the win they got one departure out lucky them see that wind man is something else in this airplane which is not realistic that's like 7 knots it feels like it's 30 like a gust of 30 at least throw out that crash there on down she comes come on baby float a little bit there and that comes out apply that nosewheel down a reverse seen looking good auto brakes were at low so we could roll out quite a bit let's go ahead and kill those manual braking feel that guy's well yeah she floated quite a bit but that's something I've noticed what this airplane is that it does like to it doesn't like to get thrown around in the wind quite a bit and that's annoying I mean that was nothing you know seven knot crosswind would not be throwing the airplane around like that nonetheless we finally got on the ground traffic Global try to screw us two times in a row on that one alright bring up the flaps we're gonna go taxi over to our place we'll bring our travel global back up I just want to make sure that they weren't gonna screw us on that one lane light off smacking all right we can keep that off I'll put that the taxi mode here turn the strobe lights off winged light off you go in the middle taxi there we go wonderful we'll start the APU so master switch comes on a bit more power here so you we don't come to a stop have a nice day APU is good and flap open let's go ahead start it there we go well ladies and gentlemen welcome to Charlotte's what an interesting flight that was it would've been perfect you know I had it all lined up and it was great on final into Charlotte originally but that airplane was right there I'll be sure to show that in editing to go around and you can see just what that airplane was doing he was like taxi in and he tacks it on to the runway and then made a left-hand turn we're gonna cross this runway here so the strobe lights come back on there we go and we'll taxi it into the ramp above 50 40 30 20 10 [Music] 50 40 30 20 10 5 50 40 30 20 10 5 all right you see our gate right there where we're going let's go ahead and turn our text you lied to the off position and we will be marshaled into our gate all right parking brake is on we can go ahead and kill these engines as we will be on the APU so if you bleed is on a pew gen all that's good to get us off off jetways coming out beacon light comes off and we can find it it's over here there we go and seatbelt sign off there we go well I hope you enjoyed the flight to Charlotte it was definitely interesting but I'm getting used to the a330 I'm starting to like it a little bit more and more I'll see you next time take care you
Channel: Jeff Favignano
Views: 223,629
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jfavignano, Episode, Series, X-Plane (Video Game), fly with me, x-plane 11 beta, jfavignano x-plane, jfavignano fly with me, flight sim, jardesign, jar a330, airbus a330, a330 jar, jar airbus, xplane airbus, xplane 11 jar, xplane 11 jar a330
Id: ZShFnDtZQlk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 11sec (2231 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 05 2019
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