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Oh boy, it’s been a while. I don’t do these chronological order videos that often, since I need like a whole series of films to come to a relative close, but now that Logan has been released and the fate of the next X-Men movie is a bit unsure, I thought, might as well do an updated version of my X-Men timeline. Now fair warning, a) this will obviously contain spoilers from all the X-Men movies, b) this is going to get confusing at points and there might be a few little plot holes because….well, if you’ve seen the X-Men movies you know it gets confusing and there are plenty of plot holes, and c) I’m not including Deadpool in this because it doesn’t really line up with this universe at all. Which, as we get more and more into this might sound like a joke, but I’m warning you, no Deadpool. Alright, with all that said, let’s dive into it. So our story starts at some unspecified point before 3600 BC when the first mutant is born, who gets the nickname Apocalypse. He’s got some pretty vague powers but basically he’s extremely extremely powerful, and over the centuries or potentially millennia he has passed on his power from body to body as his current body gets too old to do all of his Apocalypse-ing. He’s responsible for many phenomena of the human race, but the main one we see is that at some point in time in Ancient Egypt he helps construct the Pyramid of Giza, and the Ancient Egyptians worship him like a god. However, in 3600 BC, during his latest transference of power to a new body, a few of his worshippers betray him and try to murder him. His four horsemen, basically his four glorified bodyguards, manage to save his life but at the cost of him being trapped under a ton of rock for a long, long time. Aaaand now you can keep him in the back of your mind for a while, cuz he won’t be back for a bit. Let’s fast forward now just a bit, and by just a bit I mean thousands and thousands of years to 1845, when a young mutant boy called James Howlett is hanging out with his friend Victor when Victor’s dad kills James’ dad. Due to the trauma of this situation, James goes through mutant puberty I guess and bone claws grow out of his knuckles. He uses these to kill Victor’s dad who is revealed to be his dad. *what a twist* after all this drama, James and his brother Victor runoff to have more adventures throughout the years, and since their mutations also make them pretty much immortal, they live throughout the ages. They fight together in the Civil War and in World War I. Along the way James also adopts the name Logan and will eventually become Wolverine. Then a few years later World War II starts, and so does the Holocaust. One mutant, Erik Lensherr, is being dragged away from his family at Auschwitz in 1944, when his mutant powers of metal manipulation start to manifest and he bends a metal gate before being knocked out. And who happened to be watching him but super powerful mutant Kevin Bacon, whose name in this series is Sebastian Shaw, but who I will refer to as Kevin Bacon fro the rest of this video. He tries to get Erik to use his powers again, but it doesn’t work, so he shoots Erik’s mom, and voila, problem solved. At the same time as this happening, in Westchester New York, a young boy with telepathic mutant powers called Charles Xavier catches a young mutant who can transform into other people called Raven (better known as Mystique) trying to steal food from his house. Instead of calling the police though, Charles and Mystique become good friends that night. Meanwhile, Wolverine and Victor (now known as Sabertooth) are still off fighting in wars, this time taking part in the D-Day invasion. At some point after this, Logan decides to move across to Japan, where he’s there just in time for the Nagasaki nuclear bombing. He saves some random guy’s life during it, a guy called Yashida who's going to be a somebody one day, and Yashida gives Logan a sword as a sign of his appreciation. Now over the next several years Mystique lives with her new best friend Charles and she grows up basically as his sister in his huge mansion for the years to come, all the while across the ocean Erik’s kept and tortured by Kevin Bacon for many years until he manages to escape and goes out into the world, eventually starting a revenge plan to kill his torturer. Also this might seem a bit random, but while going around the globe in his revenge plot, Erik meets a nice woman, gets her pregnant, and then leaves her. The kid that woman has though becomes a super fast mutant called Quicksilver, more on him later. Now around the year 1960, a scientist called Bolivar Trask who has a bit of an obsession and fascination with human evolution discovers the X-Gene while doing research, and predicts that if mutants exist, it’s only a matter of time before humans go extinct, so he’s trying to find a way to control mutants. He also gets a personal bodyguard, William Stryker, who you’ll find seems to a) pop up a lot in this story and b) really doesn’t like mutants. Like at all. But we’ll let them sit for a while, because now things get interesting. Erik’s revenge hunting schemes have almost lead him to Kevin Bacon, who’s gotten a team of mutants of his own a thit this point, including mutants like Emma Frost and Azazel. A CIA agent called Moira MacTaggert accidentally discovers this and goes to Charles Xavier, who at this point is a leading mind in mutations and all that. He comes with her to the CIA to help solve the case of these crazy powers Moira saw, and thanks to a little demonstration by Mystique the CIA soon starts believing and helping them. They locate Kevin Bacon unfortunately at right about the same time that Erik does, and before Erik can revenge it up the CIA interrupt and in the mess that follows Kevin Bacon escapes. However, Erik now joins up with Charles, Mystique, Moira, and another mutant scientist called Hank McCoy to work together for a common goal. However, to take down Kevin Bacon from doing whatever evil stuff he’s doing, probably something to do with starting nuclear war between Russia and America, these four need a little help, so Charles uses a mutant finding machine called Cerebro to find a team of mutants to work with them. These mutants include a stripper, a cab driver, an army prisoner, and a guy who can shout really loud. *what are we some kind of suicide squad* They try to recruit Wolverine, who's hanging out in the States at this point in time, but you probably guessed that doesn’t go over so well. Charles and Erik head over to Russia and get information from Emma Frost, and now they basically know the villain’s whole plan. Now back at home, these young X-Men, if you will are all hanging out and they’re giving out nicknames like Havoc and Magneto and Professor X, but like my mom always says, it’s all fun and games until Kevin Bacon shows up. After crashing the party, turning some CIA guys into pancakes, and killing one of the team members, he leaves the group in a bit of a slump, so they go through an extensive training montage to get both their powers and spirits back up. Now while the X-Men are bonding and getting ready to take down the evil forces once and for all before the world is basically destroyed, Erik is making Mystique more and more independent and proud of her mutant self, while Hank McCoy is going the other direction and trying to find ways to keep his mutant self at bay. He tries a serum to fix his huge beast feet, but instead of stopping the mutation, it enhances it, and he becomes a big blue furry guy. With all this the X-Men fly out to the Cuban beach where long story short, Magneto finds the true strengths of his powers, there's a big beach fight between the X-Men and the bad guys, and Erik finally confronts Kevin Bacon for real and gets his long awaited revenge by pushing a coin through his head while Charles is holding him in place and can feel the whole thing. Pretty brutal. After this the Russians and the Americans fire missiles at the beach to wipe out this crazy mutant force they’re seeing for the first time, but Magneto stops them and is about to throw them right back at the puny humans when Moira starts shooting at him so he’ll stop. He deflects the bullets with ease but not with much care, as one of them ricochets into Charles’ spine, paralyzing him from the waist down. Magneto isn't very happy about it but isn’t too sad as he just teleports away with Mystique and Kevin Bacon’s former henchmen. The remaining X-Men take Charles back to New York where he starts rolling around in a wheelchair, and he also decides to erase Moira’s memories of the whole incident so she can live a better life or some nonsense like that. Now Charles decides to start up a school for mutants, while Erik is setting up his brotherhood of basically bad guys. However, the Vietnam War is getting worse around this time and so a lot of the students and teachers at Charles’ school get drafted, and after losing Erik and Mystique and his legs and now his school, he feels completely broken and so starts taking a serum that Hank designs that will give him the use of his legs back but takes away his telekinetic powers. He becomes addicted to it and becomes a bit of a washed up junkie. Also, something that doesn’t really help is that Erik accidentally kills JFK. Yeah, he’s trying to save JFK by curving the bullet because JFK was apparently also a mutant, but in the process he accidentally killed him. Early on in the year after he turns himself in and is locked up permanently in the Pentagon. Also, after this whole big incident in Cuba where mutants really became prominent to different world governments, a program called Project WideAwake is started to investigate the mutant X-Gene, with Bolivar Trask all up in that. This ends with the capture, torture, and experimentation of a lot of mutants, including Angel Salvadore and Azazel. Bolivar Trask uses the mutant DNA to propose the Sentinel Program, which is basically a bunch of giant robots that can target and eliminate mutants when needed. These aren’t really taken seriously at the time, until Mystique, having found out about the torture of her mutant friends, finds Trask and shoots him in the head. This helps propel the Sentinel Program to full force, and also Mystique is captured by the government, so her shape shifting DNA is used to make the Sentinels that much more advanced. I guess it took about 50 years for these Sentinels to fully develop though, because we won't really be seeing much of them for a while. Meanwhile, Wolverine is off, you guessed it, fighting another war, this time the Vietnam War. However, his brother Sabertooth is getting a little bit out of control, and due to some less than gentlemanly conduct on his part, the two are sentenced to death by firing squad. Their healing factors save them though, and they’re approached by our old friend William Stryker, who now is putting together a mutant team called Team X, which consists of a bunch of C-list mutants plus Wade Wilson and Will.i.Am. They go on their first mission in Nigeria, but Wolverine isn’t a big fan of the awful and brutal way the team treats some of the local people, so he leaves the team. Over the course of the next 6 years Logan heads out to good old Canada and becomes a lumberjack. Stryker isn’t too happy with Logan leaving though and sends a mutant named Kayla Silverfox to undercover keep an eye on him. Logan of course falls in love with her and they live happily for a few years and she tells him boring stories about foxes and tricksters and moons and whatnot that eventually lead to him taking on the name Wolverine. Meanwhile, Stryker is kidnapping young mutants to harness the powers and turn them into weapons, including his own son, Jason, Emma Frost….I guess, and Scott Summers, the brother of Alex Summers from earlier. He plans to use the DNA from these different mutants to create Weapon 11, which is a culmination of all these different powers in the body of Wade Wilson, aka Deadpool….I guess. Now at some point in these years, in an unexplained way, Charles Xavier gets out of his slump of depression and drug binging and opens up his school again, they don’t explain what gave him the motivation in this timeline, he just does. And also, another thing that is unexplained in this timeline but i guess happens, Magneto manages to get out of the Pentagon, and him and Charles reconnect on some level despite all the awful things Magneto did to Charles. They kind of become friends again is the bottom line. Meanwhile, William Stryker also wants to turn Logan into the ultimate weapon for him, so he hatches a cunning plan. He gets Sabertooth to go around killing the previous members of Team X, then goes to Logan to ask for help with the whole situation. Logan doesn’t buy it and turns him down, but after Sabertooth pretends to kill Kayla and Logan is pretty devastated, he comes back to accept Stryker’s offer. To take down Sabertooth, Stryker convinces Logan to get an indestructible metal called adamantium put over his entire skeleton, making him completely unstoppable along with his healing factor. However, as he’s going under, he hears that Stryker plans to wipe his memory afterward so he’ll be a killing machine for him, so he breaks free and escapes. Logan runs away and tries to hide out with an old grandma and grandpa, but Stryker orders one of the Team X mutants to kill them, and he does. After a confrontation and an unironic walk away from an explosion, Wolverine plans to go after Stryker for revenge. With the help of Will.i.Am. and the Blob, Logan finds out about Stryker’s evil plan and facility and goes to find it with the help of an escaped mutant from there, Gambit. Wolverine gets to the facility, finds out Silverfox betrayed him and is still alive, and fights Sabertooth. He beats him and knocks him out and frees all the young mutants, who are greeted outside by Charles Xavier, who I guess sensed all the mutants in danger and takes them away to his school. All while this is happening, Wolverine fights Deadpool now with the help of Sabertooth, who has decided that because they’re brothers, he’ll fight by his side. Wolverine and Sabertooth end up beating Deadpool and killing him, but despite this friendly back to back they’re still enemies. Wolverine however is shot in the head with an adamantium bullet by Stryker, which knocks him and erases some of his memories, but also doesn’t kill him for some reason. Basically he loses all of his memories about Weapon X, about his adventures here, about everything basically. Stryker is sent away to walk until his feet bleed by Silverfox, but he’s eventually picked up by military convoys, don’t worry. Wolverine runs away and goes off into the world, moving from city to city and, with no real sense of who he is or his purpose in the world, ends up fighting in cage matches at bars for money. Now towards the late 80s, Charles and Erik are out in the world together looking for mutants to recruit for Charles’ school, cuz Erik has seen the errors in his ways or something. They find a young telepathic mutant called Jean Grey and take her in despite the immense dangerous power that she could potentially harbor. Charles is aware of this “Dark Phoenix” power as it’s called, but sets in some telekinetic barriers to stop it….for now. However, over the next 15 years or so, Charles and Erik have another falling out, I guess Erik goes back on seeing the error in his ways and he believes mutants should be ruling over the humans, while Charles believes more in acceptance. So while Charles is running his school quite successfully, Erik is forming his evil brotherhood of mutants. He even recruits Sabertooth. Now mutants are still kind of feared by the general public, remember, those Sentinels are still low key in mass production, and now the government wants to introduce a registration act for all mutants to register with the government. Erik is obviously not a big fan of this idea and at a big conference near the Statue of Liberty he plans to send out a signal that turns all the big supporters of this registration act into mutants themselves, so that they can’t really pass the act. While all this is going down, a girl called Marie, also known as Rogue, runs away from home after her mutation starts to develop and she’s freaking out about it. On her travels she finds Wolverine, cagefighting. She hitches a ride with him and they almost kind of start to bond. However, Magneto needs Rogue for his big grand plan and so he sends Sabertooth out to capture her. Sabertooth and Wolverine have a bit of a fight once again, but Scott Summers aka Cyclops and a new X-Man, Storm, show up and save the day, taking Wolverine and Rogue back to Xavier’s school where Charles fills him in on all this stuff. While he’s getting kind of settled into this environment and kind of starts hitting on Jean Grey to Cyclops’ dismay, Magneto is busy getting his plan together. Mystique who's still working for him kidnaps a Senator who is trying to push this mutant registration act, and he tests his mutant-ifying machine on him, and it works! Then a bunch of stuff happens, Wolverine accidentally stabs Rogue and she absorbs his powers to heal herself, she then runs away and is taken away by Magneto, Charles is sent into a coma because of some green goo placed in Cerebro, and Magneto’s plan is coming to a head at the Statue of Liberty. The X-Men arrive and are able to stop him, in the process saving Rogue, letting Mystique slip away, and putting Magneto in a plastic prison cell. After all these adventures, Wolverine, who's still got those memories lost in his brain from that adamantium headshot, is starting to have nightmares about his past and so asks Charles to help him remember his past. Charles sends him off to the Weapon X facility at Alkali Lake where Stryker initially gave him the adamantium and turned him into what he is today. Wolverine checks it out but doesn’t find much except for an abandoned dam, and a wolf or something? If my memory of X2 serves me correctly. Meanwhile, William Stryker still has a huge vendetta against mutants, and gets the location of Charles’ school and the inner workings of the Cerebro machine by interrogating Magneto in prison. He wants to conduct a raid on the school which can lead him to Cerebro which through more evil planning can lead to him killing every mutant on the planet, and so he concocts another one of his devilish Stryker plans when he forces a teleporting mutant called Nightcrawler to attempt to kill the President of the United States for “mutant freedom and rights.” This gives him the authority to attack the school, while Storm and Jean Grey find Nightcrawler and recruit him to their team, and Charles and Cyclops go to visit Magneto in prison, where Charles is kidnapped and Cyclops is overpowered by Stryker’s new bodyguard, called Lady Deathstrike. Stryker’s raid on the school happens and he confronts Wolverine, who's starting to get more glimpses of his past, but him, Rogue, and two other students called Bobby and Pyro manage to escape, while most of the other mutants are kidnapped. Charles is held captive by Stryker and Stryker brings out his own mutant son to manipulate Charles’ mind into doing what he wants him to do, that being killing all the mutants in the world. Wolverine and the gang hang out a Bobby’s parents house, but the cops soon show up and things go a little sour. The four are picked up by Jean, Storm, and Nightcrawler and all of them soon meetup with Magneto, who managed to escape from his prison with a little help from Mystique and a little too much iron in the blood. They realize that Stryker’s secret base is actually underneath Alkali Lake, and they go to infiltrate it to save Charles, Cyclops, and the other mutants. In the action that follows, Wolverine has a face off with Lady Deathstrike and kills her and gets some more severe flashbacks from his times at Weapon X, the mutants are freed and Magneto manages to get control of Charles and Cerebro back, however, although he seemed like he wanted to be good again there for a little bit, he changes Charles’ objective from killing all the mutants in the world to killing all the humans. Luckily he’s stopped just in time and the X-Men leave the premises, with Magneto, Mystique, and newest member to their bad guy team Pyro going a separate way. Stryker is chained to the dam at Alkali Lake which then bursts, killing him while the X-Men fly away. However, the X-Plane isn’t in tip top condition and can’t make it properly all the way, so to save the team, Jean uses her powers to hold off the flood for just enough time for the plane to get away. She is then overwhelmed and dies, which is pretty devastating to everyone on the team. A few months pass and life somewhat continues as normal, although the X-Men are still a little torn up over the loss of Jean. Cyclops in particular has kind of gone mad and is super reclusive now after Jean died. Generally speaking life is moving on decently well for the mutants though, Wolverine is now teaching a bit at Charles’ school, and Hank McCoy has gotten himself a political seat, as the X-Men recently had a little visit to the President’s office to clear up who are the good guys and who are not. He’s the Secretary of Mutant Affairs now in the Presidential Cabinet, and he’s told that the government has found, thanks to this kid, a way to suppress the mutant gene. A cure, if you will. He goes to tell Charles and company, who are pretty shocked by this to say the least. While this is happening, Magneto is still on the run as a fugitive, but Mystique has been apprehended by the FBI and is being interrogated about Magneto’s whereabouts. Magento isn’t very happy about this and plans to break her out. He’s also, as you would expect, not too fond of this whole “mutant cure” idea and is once again recruiting mutants to his “brotherhood” to fight against the humans. Meanwhile, Cyclops, still distressed about Jean’s death, goes to Alkali Lake where she died and has a little bit of a meltdown. However, Jean comes back to life thanks to the evil Dark Phoenix force inside of her, and after a few pleasantries she kills Cyclops. Storm and Wolverine come and are very surprised to see Jean alive, and they take her back to the school to see what’s happened to her. Charles discovers that the Phoenix force inside of her has basically unlimited power and is getting out of control, and he’s starting to get a bit concerned. Wolverine however, whos still very stunned and happy to see Jean alive again, doesn’t fully go along with Charles. Also, throughout this whole time there’s a whole thing with a mutant called Angel and his dad learning to accept him, and it’s not really super important to the main story so I’m just gonna mention it here. I’m just saying it because I know someone will be like, where’s Angel and his dad? Alright, I’ve got enough to talk about already. Magneto breaks Mystique out of her prison convoy and adds a few new recruits to his team along the way, including the Juggernaut and Multiple Man (?). However, Mystique is hit by a dose of the mutant cure, and what with her now being useless to him, Magneto abandons her. Now back at the mansion, Jean wakes up and after a brief...confrontation? with Wolverine, Jean escapes from the mansion. She’s detected by Magneto, who thinks unlimited power might come in handy for his fight against the cure and so he goes to find her. Charles and the gang also go to confront her, and there’s a big meetup at Jean’s old family home. Charles and Magneto set aside their differences for a few minutes to try to reason with Jean, but Magneto isn’t very good at it, and Jean ends up lifting up the house and vaporizing Charles Xavier. She then runs off with Magneto while the X-Men grieve over the loss of such a great man. And by loss, I mean kind of. Also, Rogue is dating Bobby at this point, but he starts showing interest in a new student at the school called Kitty, and again, this is another subplot that doesn’t really affect the main story. Wolverine hears the inner Jean fighting against the Phoenix calling his name, so he follows that to Magneto’s big mutant rally out in the forest. He learns of Magneto’s big evil plans and the X-Men plan to stop him. The next morning Magneto leads an epic charge on the facility on Alcatraz Island where the kid with the power to cure mutation is, and the military and the X-Men have a big fight there. The X-Men eventually kind of win and get the kid out of there before Magneto can kill him, and Beast injects Magneto with the cure. But the Phoenix force has now fully taken over Jean, and she’s unleashing total havoc and chaos until Wolverine is forced to make the climb up to her and finally kill her to end it all. This obviously isn’t so fun for him and he has nightmares about it for years to come. Magneto goes out on free foot, a mutant no more, but as it turns out the effects of the cure are temporary and he starts to regain his metal manipulation powers. And as for Charles, Moira MacTaggert, yeah remember her? She just doesn’t seem to age I suppose, and she’s looking over the body of Charles Xavier’s brain dead twin brother who Charles has transferred his consciousness into and now he’s alive again. Yes, that’s what happened, yes, it makes very little sense, yes, they’ve never mentioned his twin before, yes, I know all these things. That’s just how it is, Charles is back to life, in another body that looks exactly like his old one, deal with it. After all this, the Sentinel program is still getting produced, and is now in its final stage of development, almost ready to be initiated. Now Wolverine decides to retire from X-Manning and go live in the Canadian wild with his guilt over killing Jean Grey. However, it’s not too long until Yashida, the guy he saved in World War II, sends his assistant Yukio to go get Wolverine so he can thank him for saving his life. But really he wants Wolverine to come so he can ask him if he can take his healing factor so he doesn’t have to die. Wolverine flies out to Japan and declines giving up his healing factor to Yashida, and the next day Yashida fakes his own death and goes into hiding, building a giant Samurai suit to fight and live in. During the night, Viper, Yashida’s poisonous mutant associate, puts this Matrix-y spider bot inside Wolverine that slows down his healing factor considerably. The next day at Yashida’s funeral Wolverine gets in a bit of a scuffle and discovers he’s not healing. He starts basically becoming the bodyguard for Mariko, Yashida’s granddaughter. After another little friendly joust on a bullet train, Wolverine and Mariko go off to her little country home and kind of start to fall in love a little bit. However, Mariko gets kidnapped and now Wolverine and Yukio are out to find her. They end up back at Yashida’s home where Wolverine finds the parasite in his chest and very gruesomely removes it while Yukio defends him from a ninja bad guy. Wolverine gets his healing factor back and saves the day. They then manage to trace Mariko to this giant Yashida facility, but on the way Wolverine has another battle and this time he loses. He’s taken prisoner by Viper and Yashida in the Silver Samurai suit, but with a little help from Mariko and this archer guy he’s able to fight back. Yashida eventually ends up with the high ground and extracts the adamantium from Wolverine’s body. Wolverine is able to get back up however and kills Yashida with one final one-liner. He says goodbye to Mariko, who has helped him move on from his Jean Grey guilt, and leaves Japan with Yukio. They presumably part ways at some point after this, maybe because she offered him such a ridiculous costume. Now after all these adventures, Wolverine is going around the world, finding some place to chill out, and he heads to an airport, when to his disbelief Charles and Erik show up, both alive and fully powered, to recruit him back and get him to fight with them against the Sentinels. At some point here Magneto also helps to recoat Wolverine’s skeleton, or at the very least his claws, with adamantium. In the few years that follow this, the Sentinels go fully operational and start slaughtering mutants. They kill some, they put some in giant futuristic camps, they seek out people who might one day have mutant children, it’s just really bad. The world is basically turned into a Terminator world for mutants. A select group of X-Men are able to move from location to location as Kitty Pryde is able to send one of them back in time a few days before an attack happens so they’re always one step ahead. However, they start losing ground and soon come to their final safehouse. Here, with nowhere left to run, they plan to send someone back in time to 1973 to stop Mystique from killing Bolivar Trask in the first place, which is what really gave the Sentinel program that boost to actuality. They decide on sending Wolverine back in time as his healing factor would stop him from being torn apart by the whole procedure. So, Kitty Pryde holds Wolverine in suspension as he goes back to the 70s to try and save the day, while the Sentinels come and attack. The remaining X-Men put up their last fight until they’re all murdered, one by one. Every last mutant is killed. And that’s the end….of this timeline. So now, we start a new timeline. Basically, if this is the old X-Men timeline, Wolverine going back in time more or less went over here, back to 1973. So everything that I’ve talked about that happened pre-1973 still happened here, but now things change going forward. So, Wolverine goes back to 1973 and meets up with a younger and much more washed up Charles Xavier and a younger Hank McCoy, and he explains to them that they have to stop Mystique from killing Bolivar Trask and this whole Sentinel thing from starting. So with the help of that previous acquaintance of Wolverine, Quicksilver, they manage to break out Erik from the Pentagon and they go on their way to find Mystique. Although there are some bumps along the way, they do manage to stop Mystique from killing Trask, however, due to a little bullet that Erik just couldn’t not fire, Trask still has Mystique’s blood and so the Sentinel program is continued. Erik has gotten kind of pissed about the whole situation at this point and so runs off and takes control of the Sentinels by placing metal bars in them. Charles is feeling pretty down on his luck at this point but thanks to some vague mind tricks with Wolverine he’s able to get a pep talk from old Charles. After realizing that Mystique is going to Washington D.C. to try and kill Trask again at the big Sentinel unveiling by the White House, Charles, Logan, and Hank head over there. Magneto also comes along, brings a stadium with him, and turns the Sentinels on the President. In the fight that follows, Charles is incapacitated, Wolverine has metal bars put through him and is put out to drown, and Erik prepares to kill President Nixon and all his men. However, Mystique, disguised as Nixon, stops Magneto just in time, and decides in the end to not kill Trask. She walks off into the sunset and starts her new mission to find and help mutants who are being abused around the world. Erik flies off, a wanted fugitive now, and eventually somehow makes his way to Poland, where he finds a wife, has a kid, and settles down under a new identity working in a big, metal, containers-holding-lava kind of job. Charles, having found new hope after these adventures, shaves his beard and opens up his school for business again, and mutants come pouring in once more. Also, Wolverine is picked out of the ocean by Mystique disguised as William Stryker, but she just sends him to the Weapon X program as usual. Here they do the metal put it the body thing and he’s kept as a living weapon, blah blah blah, that part doesn’t really change. After all this mutants are accepted into society for the most part and things are going pretty swimmingly for the X-Men for about 10 years. New mutants, including Jean Grey and Jubilee join the school. Then in 1983, while doing some investigation into mutant cult worshippers, Moira MacTaggert, yeah, remember her? Again? She’s back, and she witnesses a group of people attempting and actually succeeding in awakening that original mutant Apocalypse from his slumber. That’s right, he’s finally back. Now the awakening of Apocalypse sends shock waves around the world, literally, and in a roundabout way this leads to Erik getting exposed as Magneto. The local police confront him and accidentally kill his wife and kid in the process, which means they all get necklaced super hard. While all this is happening, Mystique helps out a younger Nightcrawler, a young Scott Summers starts at Xavier’s School after his mutations start to develop, Charles and Alex Summers aka Havoc, who's back i nthis, go to meet Moira and discuss Apocalypse, and Apocalypse starts gathering his four horsemen for the modern times. He puts together a crack team of young Storm, Psylocke, young(?) Angel, and Magneto, the last of which gets to destroy Auschwitz along the way, so that’s fun. Now while looking for Erik using Cerebro, Charles accidentally lets Apocalypse into his head and he gets rid of all the nukes….instead of using them to destroy the world….whatever. After this Apocalypse shows up at the mansion with his gang and kidnap Charles, and Alex Summers, being the genius that he is, sets off a massive explosion at the X Mansion, but Quicksilver, who's there to confront Magento about him being his dad, manages to save everyone….except for Alex Summers. However, putting out a signal that sets off the world’s nuclear missiles is going to attract the attention of the government, specifically the one government guy with a serious X-Men bone to pick, William Stryker. He shows up at the scene and takes some of the X-Men back to his Wolverine keeping base at Alkali Lake to interrogate them about the whereabouts of Professor X. The X-Men manage to escape and set free Wolverine along the way, who runs off into the Canadian wild. After the X-Men leave Alkali lake, some businessmen from the Essex Corporation, shady company basically that will later kind of turn into something called the Transigen Corporation, show up and take some of Wolverine’s DNA for their own nefarious purposes. We’ll get to that later though. Now Apocalypse wants to transfer his consciousness into Charles so he can have ultimate power. While he’s doing this he also turns this city into just a giant sandstorm battle ground with pyramids and vanity statues and everything. Charles also finally goes bald in the process, whoopdeedoo. However, the X-Men show up to stop him, and with the help of newly good-guy-ified Storm and Magneto, plus the Phoenix fire powers inside Jean Grey, Apocalypse is finally defeated. Xavier’s school is rebuilt with the help of the X-Men, and he starts not just teaching the children old English poetry as he always seems to be doing and instead starts teaching a few select students, namely Quicksilver, Storm, Nightcrawler, Cyclops, and Jean Grey, how to fight and become X-Men, with the help of Mystique. He also makes everything good with Erik, who, despite being presumably still a wanted fugitive who probably helped kill millions of people, just wanders off on his way. Now for about 30 years, I’m gonna go ahead and assume that everything was pretty great for this new X-Men team. They probably had some fun-ish adventures, none of them died, some new X-Men joined, and because of all the event of the past decades mutants aren’t hated and are more accepted in society, and everything’s pretty great. Wolverine even ends up coming across the X-Men team again, somehow, and ends up becoming a teacher at Charles’ school. One day in 2023 Wolverine wakes up and remembers all the crazy time travel adventures of the past that I guess due to some time travel side effect he’d just kind of forgotten up until now. He walks around the school with his buddies Jean and Scott and Charles explains to him everything that has happened since 1973. Generally, everything’s pretty amazing for the mutants at this point. And now things get….complicated. Really annoyingly complicated. And the annoying thing is, this would be pretty simple if not for one line of dialogue from the movie Logan. Take that line out and I would be saying, and then all the mutants died and yada yada road trip and yada yada dead Charles and dead Logan yada yada the end. But, in Logan, Logan himself says “there hasn’t been a new mutant born in 25 years.” Which, the events of Logan happen in 2029, only 6 years after the future parts of Days of Future Past, so….how does this work. Well, there are a few theories out there, but I’m gonna say that Logan takes place in an alternate timeline. That’s right, we’re adding a third timeline to this, because that’s what this video needed. And before I explain this, I wanna give full credit to Nick Mason of the Weekly Planet podcast for thinking of this, I’ll link that below, I just think this is a really good theory. In this third alternate timeline, mutants have been around for a while and all the stuff that happened in the past parts of Days of Future Past and Apocalypse happened, but after that the only real X-Men movie plot that still exists is X-Men 1. Because in Logan they reference Wolverine being found in a cage match, and a fight on the Statue of Liberty, so X-Men 1 definitely happened here. That would also be about 25 years before the plot of Logan. And then following that one X-Men adventure, none of the other X-Men movie plots actually happened but those plots were made up and written about in X-Men comic books, which very clearly exist in the Logan universe. The X-Men kind of become these legendary figures and they’re living in Charles’ school until Dr. Zander Rice of the Transigen Corporation, new-ish name and new-ish company late in the game, I know, so just know that they’re bad. They make a virus to wipe out mutants so they can develop their own mutants and use them as weapons. Also, Wolverine killed Dr. Rice’s dad somewhere in this mayhem, so he already has kind of a grudge against him. They start growing their own mutant children using the DNA from other mutants, including the DNA they took from the Weapon X program back in the 80s. Around this time as well, Charles Xavier’s brain starts deteriorating and he starts having very dangerous seizures, one in particular in Westchester in around 2023 that kills a lot of people and several X-Men. Wolverine becomes a chauffeur and starts driving around pretty much whoever will pay him, and he gets another mutant called Caliban to help him care for a slowly dying Charles Xavier on the Mexican border. However, a little while later, the Transigen Corporation start developing other weapons, including X-24, a direct clone of Wolverine, and these new weapons are so effective that they decide the child mutants are no longer useful and want to kill them. A few employees there, including a woman named Gabriela, manage to sneak a few of the kid mutants out before they can be killed though, and Gabriela takes home with her Laura, also known as X-23, the child made from Wolverine’s DNA. She seeks out Logan’s help in taking the child to a safe meetup spot she read in a comic book called Eden. Logan’s already not having a great time now since his healing factor is weakened and the adamantium in his body is slowly poisoning him, and he’s not in the mood for any more adventures. So he doesn’t help Gabriela at the start. However, after Donald Pierce, the part time head of security for Transigen and full time robot-arm having douchebag comes looking for Laura and murders Gabriela, Logan decides to take her in and goes on the road with her and Charles. They drive towards Eden in North Dakota with Pierce and his gang of Reavers on their tail, and they make a few pit stops along the way, including at one point a stop at a family home in some place in the midwest. Here the Reavers catch up to them and the X-24 clone of Wolverine murders Charles Xavier and the hospitable family there, while Logan and Laura barely escape. Oh, and Caliban dies too. After this Logan drops off Laura with the other child mutants in North Dakota and is prepared to go on his way and maybe shoot himself with an adamantium bullet that’s he’s been carrying around just in case he wants to end it all, when he sees the Reavers are still chasing them. He injects himself with some super mutant juice which allows him to briefly become the Wolverine of old, allowing him to slaughter a lot of the Reavers. However, the serum wears off and he’s put up against X-24 again, and to put it lightly, he loses that fight. Bad. However, Laura manages to shoot X-24 with that adamantium bullet and blows half his freaking skull off, and the other child mutants manage to kill enough of the Reavers to get away. Logan then finally dies in his sort of daughter’s arms and is buried near the Canadian wilderness where he’d previously spent so much time. Then Laura and the new young mutants runoff to safety, and Canada, and their fate is up to your imagination, for now. SO, there you go. The X-Men movies actually have 3 different timelines, one that ends in the X-Men being slaughtered by Sentinels, one that ends in the X-Men being killed off by a virus and a few select mutants still on free foot in Canada, and one ends with all the mutants happy and at peace with the world being taught at Xavier’s School. Take your pick, I’m done talking about these movies for a while now. So that was the X-Men movie timeline in chronological order. What do you think of this whole mess? Let me know all of your thoughts down below in the comments. While you’re at it be sure to like this video, check out my Instagram and Twitter @bhl_hudson, and subscribe for more videos like the one you just watched. Thanks for watching and I’ll see ya next time.
Channel: BHL Hudson
Views: 2,518,967
Rating: 4.8754864 out of 5
Keywords: X-MEN MOVIES IN CHRONOLOGICAL ORDER *UPDATED EDITION*, X MEN MOVIES IN CHRONOLOGICAL ORDER *UPDATED EDITION*, bhl hudson, x-men movies, x-men movies in chronological order, chronological order, timeline, x-men timeline, x-men movie timeline, logan, x-men timeline logan, xmen timeline, x-men, xmen in chronological order, xmen movies in chronological order, logan x-men timeline, logan 2017, logan trailer, x-men: apocalypse, hugh jackman, updated, order, x-men: days of future past
Id: zkRqbRpdBR4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 23sec (2123 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 22 2017
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