WWSD: Aero Upper

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thank you for tuning in in range this is going to be another update on the what would stoner do project yes we're going to have a series of these and which are really not shooting videos they're discussion views about the selection process about the components we use to build these guns right because we've got a couple more components that we've done some testing and some evaluation and tried out a couple different different pieces and come to some conclusions on the one that we actually like best and we've said all along that we wanted to put them through some trials first before we came to you with a video saying this is the one we've decided to standardize on right as you said the in range stamp of hubris yes the official stamp of you this is the stamp of hubris today for the upper receiver yes so we were looking around at upper receivers and trying to find the lowest weight option that made the most sense for our applications right and we came to - yeah so originally the other criterias we wanted uppers that didn't have forward assists now that's going to be contentious and we'll get into that later in the video however with that as the criteria we came up with Mel tormé and arrow precision and so what we initially did was we built your rifle with a narrow upper and we built my rifle which you can see right there with a belt or upper and the logic behind that was that the your rifle had the longer barrel was going to be the more accurate of the two or the more longer range one of the two and the belt or upper is slightly more rigid being kind of a milled receiver yeah and in general in generally speaking the air 15g accuracy is not derive from the rigidity of its upper receiver it's derived from the barrel because the locking points and the chamber and everything is one part of the barrel in several and really the upper receiver is nothing more than to hold everything in line for the bolt carrier bolt and everything to line up with the barrel chamber right however we have to put it on one of the two and so if there's any theoretical improvement we'll put it on the long-range gun and so we started doing some shooting with it and we came to find not really ideal now there wasn't anything that it actually did wrong however it was a little bit heavier than an arrow I mean this is a it was kind of as angular cool-looking compact it is we have it right here here kind of angular kind of cool-looking but a little bit heavier and then what they did was actually a modular assembly right here in place of the forward assist and the ejection buffer the defeated like the brass deflector in fact there's a screw that holds this part in so when they make this up they mill this upper receiver they leave this area open and then they put on whichever component they want for that particular unit right so you could put on a forward to sit there if you wanted one mhm problem we came up with was when we actually went and started looking at ambidextrous control options the ambidextrous bolt release we have on use which we haven't touched on that's a separate video but it kind of this kind of interferes with it more so than a standard arrow type upper so essentially while there was absolutely nothing wrong with this product and I would consider it a high quality high value product absolutely we were not saying do not use a belt or upper for your build if you want to this is fine there's nothing wrong with it but for our purposes looking for a lower weight and having some of the strange ambi controls that are not normal to a standard AR build this upper did not lend itself towards our goals right now something we're going to ask why did we not look at the polymer arms because things so well I don't know if that's true but I mean so historically speaking there's been some carbon-fiber attempt snip stuff like that goes all the way back to the carbon 15 it does and there's now a brand new one actually being made in Tucson of all places right here in our neighborhood that I haven't had no contact with yet right we tried fine we tried looking up parts from them and they don't depart same that's ok complete guns and they're really brand new to the market American Rifleman did a little thing on them recently and they're doing a polymer upper but the reality is is that in this regard being that the pulp that the upper receiver portion of this is also our optics mounting platform this is an area that we didn't really want to mess with too much there is a need to have rigidity here yes and we don't want to play the g36 polymer in a floating 0 problem game yeah now we're not saying that the newer polymer upper receivers have that problem we don't know and we have been able to acquire a test one in a way to find out right but the Aero precision upper receiver is actually very low cost yep it is essentially a standard receiver that you would see as any other just part except they have they have the option if you want to get it to exclude the forward assist type they also make it with a four sets as well so the inria stamp of hubris is now per chunk on to the aero precision upper receiver for its weight reduction yeah qualities and you know what they're actually as you said they're very reasonably priced they're actually kind of cheap uppers they're not expensive there's certainly less expensive than the belt or and so we decided to swap mine out for another arrow so I went and bought another arrow receiver because that's what I wanted to have on the finished product so we will now be giving away yeah we will be giving away the Salter as one of our patreon supporter giveaways so that's it there's really not a lot to say here the upper receiver is not a complex complex component in part of the ar-15 selection process most upper receivers are like any other receiver there was no idiosyncrasies with the either there there were idiosyncrasies with developed or in terms of how they milled it but there were no idiosyncrasies in terms of function problems right and there were absolutely no idiosyncrasies with the arrow precision upper in that everything just worked yeah which is what you can say there was no problem mounting components on it there was no problem using it there was no functionality issues there was no malfunctions as a result of it it just plain works yeah kind of what you'd expect so that's that will go ahead and stamp that as approved but let's get into this conversation as we know it's coming yeah so no forward assist yeah so the reason or the rationale behind this is a couple fold one in this is personal experience I've been shooting ARS a long time maybe not as long as someone in the audience but maybe longer than some of the people in the audience in a moriah variety of venues high-power training events run and gun to gun three gun you name it and I can say this this is just my experience maybe they're not yours I have never personally seen the forward assist remediate I'm not functioning on the gun ever ever I have seen however many people when something goes awry to do something and this could be training I did it but the buttons they're gun no gun no worky hit button and I have seen a number of situations in which hit button made things worse right so if a round was bent or screwed up or someone tried to chamber on earlier and it's kind of warped or there's filth or something that's causing it not necessarily to slug cycle sluggishly but not go into battery right it's been my experience you're better off clearing whatever that round is out of the system and chambering afresh right smash smash just made this thing get wedge wedge yeah and not always I'm sure there's someone out there in the audience that is smash smash and fix the problem I probably considering that one has a ARCIC seems are prolific and then we've shot gazillions around through them and that was added there and there are reasons and rationale that came as a result of that but in my experience every situation I've ever seen I've never seen it been used for anything but to make things worse and it's also worth pointing out that stoner himself was against the addition because he did it only on the express requested wealth demand of the army the Air Force never did they never wanted it they landed up getting it as a result the army strong strong-armed him and he was actually stoners designing for the forward assist when he was forced to design one and he turned out not to be this button initially it was a ratcheting system built into the charging system right in which you could pull it back and it would ratchet and then you could force the charging handle forward that makes more sense to me and I can Chile I can see where stoner was going with that but this was easier and more expedient so they ended up going with the button yeah there are a couple other things that we became aware of while trying to investigate the forward assist and actually some of our collaboration with pns brought this out I have never seen this but it came up in one of our victim or at least it did when I was in they have actually seen a situation in which someone was firing around the barrier and had the forward assist wedged against the wall so they brought it around and they brought the gun back and the forward assist was depressed forward without them realizing it and fired the gun that's a bad thing turns out that's catastrophic because the bolt tries to cycle it then those teeth are then going against the forward assist this whole part shatters it breaks major components and the guns down and I'd never heard of that but when that came up on the pns discussion of like that's a fascinating failure point that really could kind of happen the other thing that I have seen or experienced and this may or may not correlate the people's experiences in the audience is that now as a right hander irrelevant as a left-hander especially in suppressed roles which by the way we have other discussions about suppressed balls on airs which is a separate video this is a gas leakage point not always but somewhat potentially it's also a problem if there is a catastrophic event and that you have an opening here and some metal parts that are held them with a pin in a spring that can blow out in that event right so these are all very unlikely situations but if you're not really getting any real benefit from having the button there in the first place why even have the possibility of these other things happening so obviously you can build your build however you see fit the what with stone or do project is an attempt to build what we think is the right answer if you think you need this well then choose an offer that has it and you're not really losing a whole lot by doing no you're not like you add a lot of weight to the gun doing it it's not like you're going to harm any of the the ambi functions that we'll be getting to correct we're we're explaining to you the rationale but why we chose not now there is one other thing people are going to set them they're going to say what if I want to close the bolt quietly and slowly with a round in the chamber and my answer to that would be there is actually a little cutout on the bolt itself there's a couple answer to that all right come on so they're there now this has happens to be a lightweight carrier not the one we're certifying it's just what's in here right now you can when it's not hot push on this yep that's there however there's a couple other things I'd like to say about that I don't know how often that's a need approximately never except when you're discussing it online this feels like the empty of discussions right because amp yes because I need to quiet a chamber around okay the other one that comes up is a press check so you bring on a full pack you look at what's in there and a properly maintained ar-15 when you let this go it go right back in the battery yes if it's not going into battery there's other problems with your gun or ammunition or things you should be looking into and I realize that in the military a lot of stuff is not a main been maintained properly and therefore that's putting it mildly that's a problem but that's not a problem with the design we're trying to apply here right if negligence is going to be your standest standard modus operandi the air 15 is not a good gun to go with in the first place get a cane ar-15s require some level of maintenance not necessarily cleaning maintenance but cyclical maintenance like has this spring been in there since 1969 you might have a problem and and if that was your experience the military the problem isn't the design and this for desist fix that fixing that problem is masking a bigger issue right a much bigger issue a much more important issue so in that said and I learned this actually from a marina Camp Perry really or not when they do the press check at least this guy did the press deck or these group of Marines did the press deck made a really cool way to do this um to show us I liked it so this is obviously not a standard charging handle another video however you don't want to do this and just pull it back there's a chance you can go too far whatever right you want to kick that round out but the reality is if you wrap your hand around the stock like this and use your thumb to grab the charging handle this will work on a standard charging handle and you bring the charging handle back until it hits the knuckle of your hand like that so I just did you can see in there you can actually feel now is this you can get enough distance when you wrap your hand around it and this is not too far back that you shouldn't have the spring should still have enough pressure to go back in the battery right so you just grab around the rear pull with your thumb pull back until it strikes the side of your hand visually identify feel if you need to because of light let it go that's my preferred press check on an air 15 there's probably 15 thousand other ways to do it and we'll hear about them in the comments I'm showing you this one it's the one that makes sense to me I can feel like a tactically identify and visually identify it doesn't bring the gun too far out of bat it just goes right back into the chamber right does that if that doesn't close and seal up you have other problems right investigate later perhaps a good thing for you to check and experiment with on your rifle at home before you go do anything else exactly if your gun doesn't go back into battery after a press check if figure out what's going on with it if that's gonna work something's wrong yeah straight up something's wrong and so that said that's the justification for this we fully understand that some of you're going to disagree with it totally acceptable but hopefully you understand the rationale behind it and why we chose it for our goals yeah that's really all there is to say about the upper receiver yeah that's it so guys thanks for tuning into this you now have another approved part for the what would stoner do build if you're following along at home if you like this kind of stuff consider supporting us on patreon we are a 'holy viewer supported project and if you can't do that oh and giveaways like that are coming to our patreon supporters we do that every month every month dollar gets you into that raffle not always something expensive but it's always something cool and sometimes it's daily a couple of cool things sometimes it is something expensive yeah like we give away in our to be yeah but even that it's always something cool it's never junk it's not it's never a bottle of slip mm it's not that sub to thousands of bad lubricants don't get me wrong with those little free gibby it's not that kind of stuff yeah if you can't support us on patreon totally get it subscribe to us on YouTube full30 and Facebook and I know some of you hate Facebook but the reality is it's where the conversation is and we have a lot of conversations on Facebook that are above and beyond the videos themselves there's a ton of activity on the Facebook okay so check that out if you can thanks for watching stay tuned for the next what would stoner do build project video thing stuff
Channel: InRangeTV
Views: 110,883
Rating: 4.9627328 out of 5
Keywords: ar15, wwsd, aero, vltor, forward assist, M16, m16a1, m16a2, m4, stoner, sullivan, eugene stoner, jim sullivan, kasarda, mccollum, inrangetv, forgotten weapons
Id: SKZTnc3W4Oc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 3sec (843 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 27 2017
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