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[Music] welcome back guys today's video is long overdue spend about a year since we did one of these videos and we're gonna try to make a point to do these videos and answer questions in video format so today's video we're gonna go over I guess the solar the house build our personal lives and the family with going over the entire building and all that good stuff yeah and before we get started we wanted to give a shout out to Jessica and Andy Bryant we hope that you are out there and seeing this video we know that you guys have been going through a really tough time over the past year and ever since we saw your post you guys have been on our hearts so we're thinking of you and if you see this video or if any of you guys out there know them personally and can get in touch with them please send us an email we'd really like to send you a package just something that you can have with you and know that we have you back and we're thinking of you oh one more thing before we get going we would like to thank Ariat for partnering up with us it's always nice to have a company come and step up to help support us in making these videos and time and effort that we put into them we both they sent us each a really awesome pair of boots which I don't have mine on today I still got my old ones you want yours on either nope we're always there's still good shape the last of all you know so we're gonna I'm keeping mine safely boxed away for a while now we've if you guys know us you know that we've been wearing area for years they last a long time we could stand behind that brand so Ariat thank you and if any of you guys are in the market for a pair of boots and there is 10% off of your first order using the link in the description below yeah alright so let's get start with other questions okay so um being that we did do a QA yep like a year year and a half ago we're gonna try and avoid those same questions that were on that one just to not waste your guys time we can link in the description below the video for the first Q&A we did and also the that's dogs Chuck is in the way now he's completely I'm not sure what happen to him we got into that cupboard gray sorry I had to shoot a dog away welcome to the leaves yeah what narrative promise you all sound the same well go ahead okay so we are gonna try and not answer the same questions that we did in the last Q&A that we did we also have a video on like how we got to be debt-free or mindset on that our background that sort of thing so just to not waste your guys time in this video and so we can get to new questions we are just gonna leave the links for those two videos in the description or the first comment below so you can kind of go back and watch that video if you haven't already seen it but for today we have new questions okay okay so um first one what made you guys want to live this lifestyle like the being off-grid homeschool raising your own food all that good ya rijal plan was that living off-grid it wasn't we started out years back at a different house raising chickens raising meat Birds raising hogs also our pigs and doing all that we realized real quick that we've outgrown our property yeah and we want to start a full-fledged farm and start farming 411 and doing that yeah it all literally started with six chickens yes and a chicken coop build and it slowly grew from there and as as time went on you're like okay well you know we've got the hang of raising these chickens as egg layers why don't we try producing some of our own meat and then we moved on to like meat chickens and then larger livestock like like pigs and as we grew in raising our own food we also outgrew the land and we started to crave more self-sufficiency yes in homeschooling we were both public school kids so that was definitely a leap for us yep but Aaron when I met her she was a middle school teacher so she's actually qualified to be teaching the kids yes and I and I was comfortable but I will say I think that as a parent that you know your kids best so you don't necessarily need to have a good a degree in teaching to be qualified to to teach your kids but that gave me a sense of of comfort because I kind of knew what to expect but with our kids we knew that we were gonna homeschool them from the start it just felt like natural and the right decision for us you know there's there's lots of benefits to it because we can just go at their pace of learning so if they're struggling in one subject or one specific topic we can slow down and cover that with them there's a lot of flexibility a lot of just them being able to explore and have their own freedom and we want freedom yeah they want freedom follow their interest there's tons of approach so it just felt like the natural and right fit yes okay next question what has been your source of strength what has kept you close in marriage through the stress of this huge project and life transition well with me and Erin's a lot of laughter you guys know that yes we're always joking around playing having fun that's the biggest thing for our relationship doing that I know whenever ever I guess April Fool's comes around I'm hazed yep yeah bad I remember one year ask over one year real quick this about five three or four years ago I wake up in the morning I go ahead and I hit the handle on my truck that's vastly on on the door I open my sandwich sandwich during lunch there's sand in the sandwich there's mustard inside the muffin she made me to write I come home I take a shower so you put a booyah on beef cube in the the showerhead so it's not all okay I get a shower I'm brushing my beard to flow John the beer so it's nice and straight she actually put flour inside the blow dryer so for you and then you have she'd make in a night have fun fun with each other and I know that not everybody's relationship is like that we're a little bit buck wild we have fun lately unappropriate yeah but we have fun and we obviously get each other and yeah also great communication oh yeah communicate yeah yeah and and we don't hold grudges no definitely not nope and and we also listen so you know I mean if there's a time where we can see that the other person is getting frustrated which is like maybe whatever tasks they have going on than the we're able to like back off give that person some space to figure out like what they're dealing with and then also listen and hear them out like okay you know the person can say how they're feeling the other person listens and receives it and then the other person will also ask what can I do to help you right now I mean I could think of so many times where I've been overwhelmed with just having a lot on my plate and a lot going on and he does too but before he walks out the door to go handle what he's doing he'll turn around and ask me is there anything that you need me to do is there anything I can help you with before I go and do X Y Z and that's just it's thoughtful and it's putting you know it's taken into consideration the other person's feelings and in need so yeah so yeah I mean communication listening respect for the other person having fun together and also being a team and we're we're a hundred percent a team on absolutely everything that we do yeah we're connected to hip yes yes I mean there's nothing if the one if there's something tough that we know the other person's about to have to go out and do we're both out there together and I can think of specific instances like last winter before we had gotten our heat situation under control and we had we think the furnace in our camper doesn't work and last winter was quite cold for us we didn't really know what we were expecting or heading into and so we had some extremely cold nights and we were trying to keep the camper off of electric heat like space here it didn't work out very well it didn't work plus we were relying on the generator at that play because we didn't have them we had nothing we just moved here yes we didn't have the solar setup for any of that so there are so many times where it was extremely we get crazy high winds up here so you'd have crazy high winds or it was cold and it was like pouring rain or we would have like ice or snow coming down and the generator would go out it was always at night like 10 or 11 o'clock at night and and we had no choice but to go out there but it wasn't like just sending Josh out the door to go you know go figure out the situation go unplug this move this around my flashlight for me now but we're a team like you're never gonna find one of us going through something tough where the other person isn't by yeah that side yep work together yeah okay next question we got um oh well this kind of goes along with that too do you fight we get asked this all the time in the questions and I think it's a completely reasonable question to ask hold on we have a kid break okay okay okay so we were talking about do you fight and I mentioned that this is a completely reasonable question because people are going to be curious about this and we don't really don't it was at a communications key that's yeah we we it goes back and just goes hand in hand with everything is II just talked about we just we just get along very well and that doesn't mean that that we are we are perfect or we don't have like disagreements on stuff but we know how to to talk about them and kind of like hear what the other person's side is and and we're also not afraid to be like okay you're making sense I understand what you're saying yeah so um no and we don't we don't have big fights big knock-down drag-out fights anything if he did I'd win and there's that there's only to be honest like all those big topics that people are always like you you should try and find somebody that you agree with on all these big topics we agree on those big huge topics we are fortunate enough basically see eye to eye on a lot of things yes though there's only I would say there's only a couple of things that we don't see eye to eye on and that would be whether or not Red Lobster is a good restaurant it's delicious how he would spend the money if in some crazy instance that we were going to win the lottery yes to inspire Ferraris Lamborghinis not sure clarification she wants it all not one of us would go out and buy a whole bunch of ridiculous stuff and the other one would probably give a lot of it away next question okay the third thing what else do we not agree on I don't know not much yeah music music what we agree on a lot of types of music and we don't agree on some I mean some that we did some that we don't yeah but none of that stuff's anything that we would argue over exactly you know ii mean i mean we're also not very petty now or not and we also don't get offended easily you can joke and play with each other like that yeah comes to work okay so you're both so busy how do you keep going maintaining energy and do you fear burnouts um you have a massive energy drink problem that's that's going with now coughing the morons all we need but you get burnt out ever gets a lil bit burnt a few working five six seven days a week and you gotta take a break you know yeah we start working like that we're getting tired with nothing's going nothing's going good we take a break you got to do it to me for your own sanity right yeah yeah we we pay attention to how we're feeling and if you know if we need an evening off we take an evening little break we'll take the next day off and little we like you know we'll do something fun I mean we leave we're not hooked into like cable TV but we do have a TV in the RV so we can do family movie night yeah and we'll do that if we take a night off we'd love to go riding around the the trails in our woods on the buggy yep just anything to just kind of take take a break we're we're also very like self-motivated yes we are we we don't wait for motivation to come we know what needs to be done want to take a break for a day or two man we're inching to get back on the ground and keep on getting it because we're just very active yeah people we're not ones to really just sit sit around and you just get we get antsy and like bored yeah after a while yeah so so we take breaks when when we need to take breaks I mean it's important to do that yes let's get just don't take long breaks you know you got it you also have to like push yourself you know you have to know when you really need a break and you also have to know when you're just kind of being a wuss and you need to toughen it up and get done what needs to get done yeah yep home insurance yeah so our house is insured hits under construction insurance so it's card for I guess flood it's flood and fire damage so if something happens doing some kitchens on fire works on it they will pay for it but it's not it's not like an owner-occupied insurance for house like that just under boss under construction so once we get it completed we are moved in we have to upgrade it to I guess standard homeowners insurance yes codes and inspections yeah you gotta build the code let's be done the code everything should be built properly but the county that we live in the only inspection we have out here is septic system only yes we had Dean start to come out we didn't install the septic somebody else did got inspected and that's it you're required to pull a building permit yes but there's zero inspections yes no final inspection whatsoever yes and and no inspections obviously during during the whole process the other than that deceptive once it was installed ahead to get inspected we also in addition to a building permit we had to get a permit for the well and a permit for the septic yeah but there's no inspection on the wall there either now so I'm not sure it's gonna stay that way in this county or not I know the next county over a few years back it was the same way as this county but they recently changed its own everything 100% inspected that way yes so but they did there they actually directed us to somebody who's out of state to come and inspect if we feel we wand and tell yes so they have nibbly local here to do anything yeah and and with that said I mean we are obviously doing our due diligence we do our research and for building the home as best a code as we can because there is there is a reason for yeah you need to build things up to par yeah okay how has the process been mentally and physically how have we changed I guess or like how has it how has it been I usually don't get mentally worn down I don't know physically worn down I do I'm getting over to see it it feels like a back always hurts yeah but uh now I mean we do feel worn down I really don't not physically no but we're we're both not used to being very active and we were always active and working outside and doing stuff you know back at our previous property yeah um I would say I would say mentally that I can I can get overwhelmed with the whole process I mean you you really when you're doing this you have to kind of like bite it off in chunks because my piece you look at the whole thing of what has to get done it can be really overwhelming yeah you know piece by piece and it's like electrician commercial electrician so looking at a build and getting built you look at the entire picture you've to go chunk by chunk as a build and progresses so that's what we're doing she's I guess I've never built the house I'm just an electrician doing jobs like that so and and I would say for me I could feel like I'm juggling a lot a lot of the time which contributes to be being over overwhelmed occasionally but we're both also like vivo will recognize like how we feel and we'll like talk about it and whatnot and acknowledge it but then we just kind of move on from it and and we take care of it so it's not like if we get to the point of feeling overwhelmed we we talk about it we talk about like what the solution is or like he'll help bring me back down to reality of like okay well this is what the next step is this is what the next three steps are and then you know everything feels better and we just keep on also go back to that one question take a break yeah take a break so hey the boys are there yes good next question okay okay so the next question it's kind of a two-part I think we should combine both of these are going to go together so what is your typical schedule like this specific person has a three-year-old they want to home-school so she is just curious about what what my schedule is like or what our schedule is like and that our schedule has actually changed between what what it has been this entire time and what it is now so let's combine that with the next question which is pretty exciting and that is are you still working as an electrician and now I'm not I recently left my job we don't have much for bills around here we're in a farm for building the house remain come on YouTube so we decided call it quits have have little left we want to live and farm and build a house and build the property yes the work we're at the point now with spring and everything gearing up on the farm that I really could use him being home to help me with this because we're having like massive expansion yes on the farm which okay so before we get to the schedule I'm getting sloppy here and trying to organize all these but we might as well dive into then what the plans are for the farm because this this has been the ultimate goal the entire time was to move out here and get the house to a point where we're pretty much ready to move into this section out of the camper and then start facing like you know everything on the farm and having that be our full-time job I mean that's that's our plan long term has been to get him out of the city you know he's been commuting like two hours each way to and from work and working all day and then coming home and building the house he's given an incredible sacrifice to our family to to make this happen we knew that we were going to need his income in addition to our savings in order to get the house to this point and now we're about ready to move in and it's time to focus on the farm business and and really get that thing going yeah so what we're doing a farm is uh we do meet birds with a new place meet birds for a number of years now so we're gonna expand that goat pasture raised poultry and also we're gonna do force raise pork tail so we have a lot of we're gonna get a lot of hogs ready and getting those guys out in the forest yes and get getting the the chickens out pasture or meat birds we have them arriving really soon so we're gonna we're starting to raise those in large numbers and we're going to you know also continue I make goat's milk soap I have not been making that in large quantities to sell at the time because we're in the camper I really don't have enough space to make it or store it at this point but now that we're almost in the house that's going to expand so that's going to be another product in addition to like eggs and whatnot and you know for now we're gonna be doing meetups in different areas like both in West Virginia where we are at and in Virginia because we have a lot of our friends and family and like good customer base out that way so we're planning on just people are going to be able to like order and then we can go meet them and our different meetup locations that are relatively yep local to us so that that has always been the plan the plan has been to come out here debt-free remain debt-free build the house ourselves and grow the farm expand the farm and have that be like our big focus as a source of income our main income is a live off of farming income yes so so that's where we had it okay so then let's go back now I know I apologized obviously if those three questions all kind of go together so the typical schedule so that has obviously changed my schedule prior to Josh being home well I guess it's kind of the same how about me over here in that we divvy up the work more and he's now the cool thing is is he's a huge part of like any homeschooling that we do like the kids have their dad involved because he's here and he can teach things I'm better at math and she is absolutely and not only that ain't up to par but whatever yes but but but also other things like um you know with under parental guidance of course like Josh can be out there they the kids got Flint rocks he's been working with them on how to start their own fires anything with building that the kids got their own tool sets and like you know he's just there to answer all kinds of great questions and stuff for them so he has been awesome with that so you know also another thing that's changed her schedule has been having a washer and dryer here huge game changer I previously was you know wake up really early in the morning or one of our boys likes to start home school at like 5:00 in the morning he likes to knock that thing out quick in the morning home school is not like public school where it just it takes all day long like they have their set work they accomplish it and then they can move on with their day which is awesome so home school first thing in the morning one would start earlier than the other one and then we would overlap like common subjects and whatnot go out and take care of all of the farm chores the kids are free to play do whatever they want to do and I would take care of any household stuff that's going on like the cleaning the kids and I would go to town running errands that which include laundry I mean back then I was trying to make one trip to town in one day so it was all of the laundry all of the grocery shopping filling up the propane coming home unloading all of that getting everything cooked for dinner so that once he got home from work we were able to eat and immediately get started on the house we would build until late in the evening go to bed and start all over the next day so it's been crazy like we've we've it's been non-stop non-stop for two years yes so now he's home that's changed it's just it's kind of like late it's late in the load for both of us because you know we're sharing in a lot of tasks plus we got you know the washer and dryer which cut down on drive time in weight and time yes so huge but as you know and I think she mentioned this in her comment every day is not routine with with the homeschool you know those days are good you never know like what's gonna happen and a lot of times you're going to coops for home school or home school field trips or playdates for the kids any of that kind of stuff and she has a three year old like you know that's a lot of play based learning at that age yeah so what you're saying is kids that go to co-op so that they're actually they're socialized right yes that's that's a myth I get it I know not not everybody like I we weren't you know we as I said before we were public school kids so it's a reasonable question people people don't know but yeah I mean the like you know we you see other people don't you you're basically homeschooled now some scoop getting sort of been a farmhand I gotta teach him the ropes these days you know okay so what do the kids do well we were high so it's Carter in Haiti cars ten Hayes nine they're old enough so they're in their plan they're going on the farms doing that doing what they do the baby is pretty much with us non-stop she has her own little playroom inside the house it's sectioned off so she's in the house for working so she's always with us yes and she's not really a baby I mean she's three no I know see is a baby of the family yeah so real quick with Carter in Haiti they're old enough and responsible enough to be out doing those kinds of things and we obviously have set rules for them and like guidelines they also carry walkie-talkies we have a four pack of walkie-talkies they're always as a pair but regardless we still have a four pack so we were able to stay in communication with them you know Ellie obviously is not old enough to do that kind of so she's always with us and before she had this player and we would always have you know designated areas that were you close to us but where she was safe and could be occupied too playing and she's good at occupying hers yeah we're not we're not hover parents we're not we didn't grow up that way my school didn't there's no reason to do it now yes yeah well what's the ratio of the woods that we have to tillable land we have 13 acres of pasture and we have 60 acres of forest yes all hardwoods so and it's nice to ya know anything I'll stay on it I don't okay having past year was a huge bonus I guess I'll say that well you found this because because of how quickly we wanted to get the farm business going and and how we want to run our animals by rotating them we even talked about bond lands they didn't have it just something clear and do it but we've just happened to stumble upon this place and we've grabbed it up quickly as we could yeah who does the filming while you both work and who does the editing Aaron does I do it at all I'm a work in progress do a great job well thank you I I had I didn't have any experience with cameras like photography or videography prior yeah if you guys go back and look at the older original videos I mean she's come a long way they were awful I don't recommend don't listen to him don't go back and look at them but at the time I mean we were we started we weren't planning on doing YouTube at all so we didn't have camera equipment we came out here we came out here with a burner phone which you know was for communication yeah obviously and we had friends and family that wanted to see what was going on and what we were doing so we made videos and we posted it and at the time and maybe it was just us being naive about YouTube but you don't really you don't really think that you're gonna put a video out there and anybody's actually gonna like come up come across it or anything's yeah going to happen out of it so you know we were that like 16 subscriber channel that was friends and family and then you know somebody from Montana or Maine or whatever happens to stumble across our stuff and it was like oh wow okay so somebody grew watching it and it grew from there and we realized that you know if people were interested we weren't needed to show it in a better way because it was junk so we got a camera you know and that camera was not a camera for filming it was the we didn't know and we don't know anything about cameras so still don't yeah it was mean it was supposed to be a camera that was more for photography than like videos yeah and then you know we just continued to learn and whatnot and I'm I'm still learning and I the commute thing is that I found something that I actually really enjoyed I had no idea that I was gonna be into it but I'm I'm happy to have all this stuff yeah it's a new scope you acquired yeah yeah do a great job and it's fun and I enjoy being able to look back and seeing all these things that like I just I just film what I think of as beautiful so if that's like you know how the sky looks or the clouds or just the shape of our sheep space or Ellie playing in the mud or the boys resting like any of that kind of stuff it's it's gonna be cool to have those memories yeah okay oh okay so why not just like like finish the kitchen and move in well you've been behind that we don't want to move into a house it's not done and actually living it while we're working it with all three kids Niro just be a complete pain it will take longer it'll be a complete mess yeah non-stop yes we're we're looking forward to just reach the long-term goal yeah we're not in for instant gratification at all and in any of you that have done like a home renovation in the home that you're living and I'm sure that you guys can relate to it I mean we we put down wood floors and we had the kids I mean you know we just we've waited so long and this has been such a big dream we just want the house to be right when we move in and we're close you know yeah and the camera is not that bad it's not fun but I mean we paint we can struggle for a few more months forget that house done we're in that house and it's done so we can live in that house like new people right yes it's gonna be so much more rewarding to move in and be like it's done you know we don't like we've we still got to finish up the trim or or anything the other whatever and we want it to be pretty I mean we didn't come out here to just slap a house together you know like we're building something that we love yep so do we want to live in forever so we're gonna take our time and we're close at this point really close yeah okay so oh well when do you anticipate being able to move in it's always two three months choice but probably late spring I think late spring will be in their hands there's not that much left where we're on to the finishing touches yeah we're really in in the home stretch yep there what's it been like living in a RV as a family of five um it's not bad I mean I get along : yeah we're very we're very close-knit so we love being together anyways I wish there's more space for storage and stuff like that but I mean it's fine yeah nobody's fighting in there now it's not the most comfortable like the beds aren't the most comfortable you know the shower the hot water and there runs out really really quick so you're not taking like looks luxurious showers at the end of the long that cold day or anything um there's not much space like there's not much counter space all those I mean you guys already know the answers that just by looking at what the the inside of it looks like however it's a roof over our head we're warm we're able to take a shower and it's temporary it's temporary and it's it's a means to an end yes so we're you know it is what it is and in the end it was worth it for us to do that how do you manage monitor water runoff from the roof right guys we plan on managing it I guess right now we're not eventually we will have gutters on the house and it's gonna get piped down to a holding tank and we use that water we're not playing I'm drinking it we have it well so we'll use that water for watering livestock yes oh and with that another question we get a lot is if we're gonna close in the bottom of the house and we are eventually you're just not there yet we still we haven't insulated or anything under there and just not do that after we move it yeah that's not gonna stop us from moving in right nor is like we there's other things that we're not gonna do ahead of time like building the deck off the front doing the front entrance on the front door right there all that stuff is just later on what are your plans for phase 2 of the house so I'm not sure the reason I included this I think we might answered it in our last Q&A but I not sure and I don't know if what it was back then I don't know answer but so if you see be I don't I can tell you can't see it in the camera but the back saw the house we are gonna build onto that it's gonna be the entire bedroom wing it's right now all it is is a bathroom loft the kitchen in the great room and also I guess that's a back room back room with laundry was gonna be rushed gonna live in the laundry room right now the boys got the loft yeah and now but once you get the back house going to be the entire bedroom wing half I think with four bedrooms three baths right and that was the plan to build this in two phases has been the plan the entire time we felt like this was something that we could go ahead and like right off and get done as quickly as possible like we would be we'd be a long ways off I mean can you guys imagine if we still had that much more yes the goal is to get out of the camper into this portion of the house and then start the back side of the house and get going on that yes okay so are you gonna sell the camper when you move in her Aaron's gonna blow it up cuz she told you guys in the last video it was a joke it was more of just a testament to the fact that we are certainly ready to be out of there you know what I mean like we're we're done moving in there I mean you want to stay in it I'm so done that I won't even travel in it I know some of you suggested keeping it for travel and I it it makes sense but no I don't like I don't want to travel in it now put on Craigslist for pie half the price and get rid of it yes and then we'll put that money back into into the house okay we're getting close the end what whoa actually this might be the last one what are your plans for the channel once the house is built we have nothing but projects so we're gonna be building a full-fledged form we have a workshop going in we have another barn for the animals I guess stalls along good stuff right now we have a hay barn I'm gonna put that to be in back as a hay bar we have a store kilns we're gonna get bill we have sawmill coming we got we have tons and tons of projects like we say we're trying to build a full fledge self-sufficient farm is our plan yes this is like we came out here there is there is nothing here other than that hay barn and the pasture so we're starting the farm and the homestead from scratch and it's just going to grow grow from there we like projects we've always been that's why we moved so much yes like I've moved airing out a few houses like we buy our renovate him and then now much is done by matter projects if I put it for sale make some money do it again he gets antsy yes there's not like a project for him to do he's he's antsy and ready to go so that's a nice thing IV of endless projects that we can work on there and we plan to just continue at this point like sharing that with you guys and you know making videos on it as long as like our our standard for videos is that it needs to have some sort of value for you guys we're not gonna waste your time so if we are either like answering questions or we have some sort of progress than we that we can show you then we'll post those videos that's it guys that it you sure yep that's it that's all I got if you guys like Josh said in the beginning we do plan on being more intentional about making these kinds of videos here and there and answering your guys questions we don't have internet capable of live-streaming now at this point if we do then we'll go live but for now this is the best way for us to answer this question if you have more questions leave them in the comment section yeah and I was also thinking I'm sure like sometimes it's hard for me to find questions like unless it was specifically under this video but maybe I can make another post like a lot of these questions came from Facebook and Instagram when we posted a while back asking if you guys have questions so I'll try to do that again and you know if you keep your eye out for those posts if you're subscribed it'll pop up in the community area so I guess that's it right you guys are there any other questions that you can think of solar league or solar do we I don't know go ahead answer solar because I don't think that we did store is alive and well right we're very happy with yes so right now it's running all the equipment in the house for building the house is running the camper and it's also running the propane dryer in the washing machine in our freezer in the freezer yeah so it's doing it's doing its job we've had a few days we get three or four days left Sun started whittling down I do need to buy more batteries over time they're very expensive so here next year or two we'll buy probably three or four more hopefully but yeah it's doing well I mean it's it's actually it's it's working for our needs definitely so it is and we are part of having solar is just being mindful of what you're using I mentioned in like the last video that I use the insta pot a lot so I'll try to run that during the day you know we've got the Sun beaming down but yeah I mean we're just aware of what we're using and so far it's worked out well for us and you know we'll keep you updated yeah we sized it besides the system and the panel's correctly for what we want the biggest I guess the biggest price and the biggest issue for us is the batteries to hold a few extra days of storage yeah that's that's what the main thing we're lacking at right there's a battery you need more batteries right and and we knew that we knew that we were that was something that's the most expensive part yes so that's something that we're just going to add on to you know as funds allow and as we go along for now were weeds who need it we have generator backup yeah so we've got a few days of uh low light generator charges batteries up no issues so but like I said the inverter and the panels are the right size I just need more batteries yep but now that's good to us doing well okay anything else I don't think so I think that's it right I think so all right all right cool well thanks for watching guys we hope you enjoyed this video if you have any questions leave them for us we'll answer them on the next one yep thanks guys see ya beautifully that I already thought I glanced at the kid one time and I was like oh my god it's like recording
Channel: Wild Wonderful Off-Grid
Views: 553,167
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: vC0XG-A_SIk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 11sec (2231 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 03 2020
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