Goodbye Old Cabin

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Well, I am just here to say goodbye and take the very last few things from the cabin. It's official. We have sold the cabin and the new owners take possession shortly. So, this will for sure be my last time here. Unless I come and visit them in the future. Young family. A couple with a single child bought the place and I'm not sure what their plans are long term but they were asking about things that would suggest they may be considering living here permanently. And I assume building something a little bit more substantial. But, I am glad it is somebody like that who bought it and is going to put it to or use it for their personal enjoyment. It is not going to become a business or be exploited by the sounds of it. I don't know. It's none of my business what happens to it now, I suppose, but anyway, it's ah....obviously I've got mixed feelings about leaving for the very last time. Excited about the future but...four years...that's how long it's been since I started building here. Now I am just starting to pick up the last few things. Tools and even some of the wood. Special pieces of wood that I have collected over the years. So anyway.. Like I said, bittersweet. But, this is it. Saying goodby for the last time. Hmm It's ironic but down in the valley, behind the cabin here where the stream runs through, there is a beaver dam where I filmed the wildlife over the years. And right now the beavers have returned. The first time I have seen any here in four years. And they dammed that back up (that waterway). Not only right here but down where I built that shelter in the first weeks that we owned the property actually, four years ago. So down further there is a little waterfall and a beaver dam. And they've dammed that up. So the whole area back here is a creek and a flooded pond and it's flooded all the way back in the ditch, where the driveway is and there is only a few inches of gravel above the waterline. So I think that somebody's going to have to maintain this. Keep taking out pieces or encouraging the beavers not to set up home here. So, that's it. I can't believe it. So that they can keep that water level down a little bit. It's nice to have the ponds back though. I think that I'd have um..not sure what I'd do if I'd just let them stay and enjoy those ponds and worry about a little bit of maintenance on the driveway or um..not sure. Anyway, it's not for me to worry about now. 0:03:51.621,1193:02:47.295 Somebody else can consider that. But in the meantime like I said, it is nice to see that wetland habitat restored down there by the beavers. Really can't believe it. This is the end. So, um, if I ever come back and visit I will take you along with me, of course. It makes me want to go back and visit the cabin I built in 90...what 91'? Yeah, 1991 I think. The first cabin that I built, that I visited four or five years ago. Actually saw it was still standing and was kindof inspired to this that again. I was 21 at that time. 51 right now so 30 years ago. Wow.. So, (sigh) 51 and starting over at the new homestead. But like I said, I am excited about that and as much as I am going to miss this place, I'm ready to move on and I'm sure the new people are ready to enjoy it. So, good for them and good luck to them. That's it pup. That's it Cali. Let's go. Are you staying at Cali's pond? You don't want to leave? Come on pup.
Channel: Shawn James
Views: 583,642
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: self reliance, my self reliance, log cabin, off grid, ontario, canada, bushcraft, survival, dog, golden retriever, cali, goodbye, saying goodbye to the cabin, off grid cabin, moving on
Id: Kna0VX6mF74
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 51sec (531 seconds)
Published: Mon May 17 2021
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