Covid-19 | An Update On Our Family's Battle

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[Music] [Music] so [Music] so it is day five of quarantine here on the homestead a little update jeremy is still in bed nevada is still in bed kaimani woke up sick this morning so i think we're definitely in this for the long haul mr eli here he only felt bad for about a day and he's doing much better him and kira have made pretty much a full recovery they're both still a little bit tired how you feeling good pretty good and then it looks like i'm kind of the last man standing as far as being affected by this so so far i still feel really good it's really smoky today so i definitely feel the smoke just heavy in the air today we are making it through this we're going around doing everyone's chores huh we're going to keep things running around here the other interesting thing about quarantine is we have watched a ridiculous ridiculous amount of peppa pig i think we're all going to be speaking in english accents at the end of this with our entire family in quarantine i've been trying to find ways to be productive so i've really been digging into my skillshare membership skillshare is an online learning community with thousands of inspiring classes for creators explore new skills deepen existing passions and get lost in creativity it's curated specifically for learning meaning there are no ads and they're always launching new premium classes so you can stay focused and follow wherever your creativity takes you skillshare online classes have been a huge part of our online learning and the kids have really been enjoying the art classes this week this week i'm personally taking a class by amber ahmed baking basics make perfect pastries every time so now whether it's sweet tarts or a savory mediterranean focaccia bread i am sure to impress at the next potluck because normally i'm that lady that shows up with the store-bought cookies for me the best part about skillshare is i can do it from the comfort of my own home most of the classes are under an hour long and broken up into short lessons so they fit anyone's schedule the first 1 000 of our subscribers that click the link in the description below will get a one month free skill share membership and you can start discovering your creativity today [Music] we are on day seven of this cova journey of quarantine it is the evening of day seven so almost day eight uh the little kids are doing significantly better they i can still see it in their eyes they're still tired but they had about 48 hours of this and then they just kind of moved on it was rather incredible to watch them recover so quickly nevaeh it hit her much harder she's just sitting up for the first time in about five days so she got it a little later than jeremy got it and then i got it about the same time i've got the cough and the headache but nowhere near her or jeremy's level i've still been able to maintain taking care of everybody and cooking and taking care of the garden and the animals and keeping the little kids who are now feeling much better and are playing a little louder trying to keep them quiet and keep them outside so i've been giving them little jobs like repainting all the socket boards that we already painted so we actually ended up turning them over and doing the underside and then hey guys let's do a second coat on these so they're going to be really really weatherproof they help me tape off the brackets for the truss i've been trying to do these little tasks mostly i think just to get outside and get my mind off things for an hour a day or so but also because when jeremy is feeling better he's not going to be able to just get at it and i want these little tedious tasks to just be done so we have to worry about that so we can go out and we can put an hour of work in and then i know he's probably going to be feeling exhausted and if we can kind of get that time consuming stuff just done when i can here and there and we had all these plans for this week and i'm actually sitting on our horse structure this was supposed to be going up next week is not going to be going up next week we have horses arriving in two weeks their structure probably will not be up unfortunately i've been thinking like how we should be doing this and then it's like no we should be healing we should be resting and that's what we've been doing so we've been watching all the seasons of downton abbey nevada's wanted to watch that show for a long time and it keeps her sitting up which is really good for her lungs and her chest she was having some chest pain and some difficulty taking deep breaths but every time i hear that the music come on i get a little depressed because i think here goes another hour of my life i i don't like sitting around and i don't like relying on people i'm really really bad at relying on people so we've had to have neighbors go to the store for us and they have been a tremendous blessing and every time i'm like i'm sorry can you also grab a watermelon i'm sorry can you also grab gatorade though stop saying sorry and i appreciate that they tell me to stop it stop apologizing for being sick because i need to hear that sometimes i need to hear melissa shut up it's okay to ask for help and i don't know i just this has been really frustrating and really depressing because there hasn't been any progress and i want to see progress for jeremy and it's been a really interesting reminder of just how fragile life is because we were going 100 miles an hour we had big plans for this week we're going to get the house dried in we had the lift rented it was supposed to be showing up last weekend had to cancel all that this horse shelter was going up the horses were coming everything was so good and positive and we were making this huge progress and then it was just like bam stop everything stops and that's how health is it's one of those things that you don't really think about you take for granted until all of a sudden something comes up so we just need to get jeremy feeling better your well wishes and your emails and your instagram messages and your facebook messages you guys those have meant so much to us just to have somebody that we've never met say we were thinking about you guys today or we sat down with our family and we prayed for you tonight that is so incredible that people around the world are praying about us and caring for us this is kind of my my my blanket response to let you guys know that we are still here and we are maneuvering through this we are seven days in which means we are seven days out and we're going to be fine we just need to get through this little rough patch get through the next few days and i know that jeremy's going to tell me any day now that he's feeling better and that's what i'm looking forward to so we will keep you guys updated thank you again so much for your support and that's just that's where we are right now on day seven [Music] so over the last three days i have gotten progressively worse and jeremy has gotten progressively better so we've we've flopped rolls now so now jeremy has to take over going to pick up our curbside pickup and uh uh chores yeah do these things that have to get done our weekly uh list of things to do like getting food at the store so yeah it's not my turn to step up to the plate and get all that done since i'm feeling better melissa can rest relax and try to recoup a little bit uh this has been a horrible experience overall obviously getting sick is never fun but this was uh this one just persisted and it does not go away um doesn't cut you any slack for sure so those first few days for me at least were pretty uh unenjoyable you guys saw that on the was that the last video and i can't remember the last video first two days pretty awful days four through eight were really bad i was completely bedridden didn't want to get out of bed didn't want to move i had a really bad head and body aches it was tough to deal with yeah i didn't i didn't feel really really sick but the body aches were just out of control and i think melissa's starting to feel that now yep that's what i'm dealing with now i woke up this morning really early and it was like every point of my body that was touching a mattress or a blanket or anything uh it's like touch hurts and it goes like into the bone so and now i'm kind of dealing with this cough too so when you cough it like hurts into your lungs i don't know this is a it's an interesting virus yeah it's weird i've been sicker before but i've never been sick this long yeah i've been explaining it so i mean this is day 10. i feel a lot better but i'm still not 100 and now i've got this nagging cough i'm trying not to do it on camera i'm sorry but um yeah it's just it does not go away and it does not relent it's it's amazing i've never been that sick that long i think that it'll be a little bit longer before we're really able to get back to work it doesn't help that now i'm coming down with symptoms of it so um hopefully mine aren't as severe and as long i guess we'll see what the days ahead bring yeah we're gonna do what we can we do have a lot to do now is maybe the worst part of this whole thing is knowing that you know we've got a laundry list of of goals and things that we want to accomplish here we wanted to get them done this month there's no way that's gonna happen now so everything's kind of been pushed back but with feeling better you know hopefully we can get around to that we're trying to keep our health uh the top priority but it's tough to do it's tough to remain disciplined and remind yourself that hey your health is what's most important right now so big thanks to you guys really appreciate all the well wishes and our prayers that you sent our way we got an overwhelming number of messages from you guys out there uh just like i said uh very supportive and just wishing as well so great we greatly appreciate that thank you for your patience with the lack of videos that have been coming out we just again we're trying to keep our health the the top priority right now so uh making videos has been a challenge to say the least but we're going to hopefully get back to some normalcy here soon um start banging out some of these projects that we're now behind on accomplishing what it is that we were hoping to accomplish this month moving forward yes that didn't make sense but yeah we're hoping to get stuff done so we will continue to rest and to get better and when we can we will get back to our projects so yes once again we appreciate your guys support so much and uh we'll hopefully get back to our normal routine here very soon you
Channel: Good Simple Living
Views: 168,125
Rating: 4.9613004 out of 5
Keywords: life uncontained, wild wonderful off grid, good simple living, covid-19, delta variant, home build, building a house, how to build, DIY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 8sec (728 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 18 2021
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