WW2 - Oversimplified Reaction | Reaksi

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hi guys welcome back to our channel and this time we are going to watch what over simplify itself www yeah so it's pretty much we already watched uh world war one yeah hitler and this time it's worthwhile too yeah really yeah this is your video so it's relating video yeah this video is a little bit long because of two parts this one is the first part so huh okay let's see this video was made possible by skillshare churchill was a man with many talents he was an artist a butterfly enthusiast and he had an unpublished manuscript about aliens clearly he was a man with an insatiable thirst for knowledge maybe he could have loaded up his computer and logged onto skillshare an online learning community with more than 19 000 classes but didn't know where to start on skillshare he would find courses in fashion and garment construction skillshare gives you access to high quality classes taught by genuine experts working in their field i work heavily with animation and i was genuinely blown away available to me like this class full of tips and tricks for creating vector art or this one for creating character walk cycles for an annual subscription skillshare is under 10 a month and if you'd like to try it out first then i've got a deal just for oversimplified viewers the first 1000 people to use this link which can be found in the description will get their first two months of skillshare for just 99 cents be sure to try it out using the link in the description and learn something new today now without further ado a young man by the name of beniko mussolini moves from italy to switzerland to avoid military service he gets big into socialism working for trade unions writing for socialist newspapers advocating a violent overthrow of european monarchies the whole shebang this gets him in a bit of trouble with the swiss police so he gets arrested sent back to italy set free returns to switzerland is arrested again goes back to italy again completes his military service after previously avoiding it and then after a brief stint as an elementary school teacher he finally returns to work as an avid socialist his speeches and journalistic abilities made him famous among italian socialists he was anti-war so in italy colonized libya in 1910 he arrived and got arrested then world war one came along and once again he protested italy's involvement but then he thought wait a minute this war could bring about the social climate he needed to overthrow european monarchies and bring about the socialist revolution everywhere and suddenly he was pro-war but his fellow socialists didn't like his new pro-war stance so they kicked him out of the party so then he said you know what i'm done with socialism we need something new not based on class divisions tearing us apart but based on unity through nationality we'll conquer the mediterranean and reunite all italian people just like the days of the roman empire i'll call it fascismo and it will guide the italian nation to greatness that's all will and good mr mussolini and what kind of haircut am i giving you let's go with bold that's him i guess italy had been on the winner's side in world war one and they hoped they were going to get a lot out of it but in the end they only got a little and they felt cheated on top of that a bad economy and weak governments meant that the italian people were a little unhappy so when mussolini came along said that he could fix everything his fascist movement gave a lot of support in 1922 he went to the king and said make me prime minister or i'll make me prime minister and the king said you and what army this army fair enough then he went about establishing a dictatorship with himself at its center europe had its first fascist dictator next up germany germany had been on the losers side and they got absolutely wrecked by the treaty of versailles they lost territory had to demilitarize the rhineland had to reduce their army to just one hundred thousand men couldn't have an air force had to pay the allies a huge amount of money that it didn't have and a new rule was established that every englishman would held the right to walk into the center of berlin pick out any german they wanted and spike the hell out of them i made that last one but it helps you understand how all this felt to germans on top of that a bad economy and weak governments meant that when a small angry man with a silly mustache came along and said that he could fix everything the german people loved him during world war one and he was crazy patriotic and nobody was better than him about germany's humiliation he helped start a new political party and in 1923 attended a march on munich with his boys and then he got arrested but his popularity grew and grew and in 1933 the president made a chancellor he believed he was germany's great destined savior and he went full megalomania establishing a dictatorship with himself at its center europe had fascist dictator number two hitler and mussolini had a lot of the same ideas but more importantly they had their same enemies and they started to get along anyone else want to be friends franco no you good i do who's that it's japan and they've taken over northern china let's rewind a bit japan had isolated itself from the rest of the world for over 200 years until the americans showed up and said you're going to trade with us and you're going to like it then the western powers imposed a bunch of unequal treaties meaning japan's economy was bus they also had no natural resources so they decided to go get some they went to war with china to gain a sphere of influence over korea and they took a bunch of chinese stuff but then the west said hey cut that out and since japan couldn't take on the west they said okay i guess we'll just go home wait a minute what are you doing taking advantage of a week in china and setting up spheres of influence but i was the one who weakened them we know and you guys didn't let me have anything we know that seems unfair we don't think so okay see it so japan thought screw this and went to war with russia and stunned everyone by actually winning then they fully annexed korea but they didn't stop there in world war one they took germany's colonies and islands in asia and then in an incident that was maybe staged by the japanese army a bomb block japanese train in manchuria giving them an excuse to launch an invasion and take over so here's the situation nazi germany fascist italy and japan all believe they're racially superior all feel hostility towards the allies and all want to militarize and take over more stuff and so they did let's start with germany hitler hated the treaty of versailles and now he was ready to begin undoing it in complete violation of the treaty the first luftwaffe squadrons were set up conscription was introduced and he pimped up his army the allies did nothing then hitler sent his army back into the demilitarized rhineland giving orders to immediately retreat if the allies showed up the allies did nothing with his military re-strengthened he could now move on to step two he wanted to rapidly increase the aryan population and to do so he needed levin's wrong or in other words he would have to take over the world but for now a good portion of europe would do and he began eyeing up his neighbors the allies finally started to get worried so they implemented a fairly useless diplomatic strategy called appeasement and it went a little something like this hitler would say i want that thing and the allies would say you can't have that thing okay you can have that thing but no more i want that thing and repeat in 1938 he was only marched into austria and just took it with no resistance boom this is germany now next he demanded to become this dating lab an area of czechoslovakia with many ethnic germans the allies held a meeting with hitler munich and said look we're going to give you one hang on this meeting is about my territory shouldn't i come to the meeting too anyway we're going to give you what you want really yeah just like that yep what's the catch just sign this piece of paper promising you won't invade the rest of czechoslovakia okay then chamberlain returned to victoria's waving a signed piece of paper in the air declaring crisis to be inverted and the continuation of world peace when we built a statute [Music] you lied to me what do you expect i'm hitler nation somewhere which is so underdeveloped that the people would be defending themselves against our tanks with literal bows and arrows and wooden spears oh there is fantastic and so he took it italy also wanted to control the entrance to the adriatic sea so they occupied albania then in another incident which was maybe staged by the japanese gunfire was exchanged by japanese and chinese troops at the marco polo bridge and the japanese launched yet another invasion against china they swept through beijing and shanghai and then advanced through the yangtze valley to china's then capital nan king it was here that saw the worst of japan's shocking atrocities committed against the chinese people back in europe germany and italy made their relationship status official by signing the pact of steel then hitler turned his eyes towards poland and the hated polish corridor splitting germany in two at this point the allies really had to put their foot down and they warned him that an invasion of poland would mean war hitler had planned to continue his advance eastward but he didn't want to end up fighting a war on two fronts so for now he made an alliance with stout and saying how about we both invade poland and split it between the two of us and i definitely won't not refrain from not betraying you sometime in the future sounds good this new line stud the west on the 1st of september 1939 german jews entered poland and britain and france declared war on germany the polls fought hard but they were no match for the two giants crashing down on them from either side then came a period known as the phony war where everyone just sort of sat around not doing much the french had launched a small invasion into the starland but they maintained mostly defensive positions and after a while decided to just turn around and call it a day speaking of france the french were still super proud of their victory in world war one and they hadn't really moved on from it they still used horses they dispatched messages by motorbike instead of using radio orders from the commander and chief were usually pretty vague and the troops were rarely inspected they built a line of defenses along their german border but didn't bother extending it all the way to the channel and they wouldn't launch artillery strikes against germany out of fear of being retaliated against in a war they didn't want to attack the enemy and at first the uk wasn't much better chamberlain still naively hoped the war could be ended diplomatically instead of bombing race the raf dropped propaganda leaflets over german cities which one air marshal said likely did nothing but provide the continent with toilet paper for the duration of the war they also only sent 200 000 men to france while the friendship mobilized millions both britain and france wanted to avoid a repeat of the first world war and so they wanted to keep the war as far from home as possible so they turned their eyes north towards norway neutral sweden was exporting iron ore to germany through neutral norway so the allies asked them if they could please stop exporting iron to germany but this request was refused then the soviet union attacked finland so the allies said how about we land troops in norway and move them across sweden to go help out your good pal finland and along the way maybe they control all your enemies but norway and sweden still said no so if you can mine the waters around norway to force any transport ships into international waters and they also attacked the german tanker they found in the area hitler realized what the allies were up to and he quickly moved to secure his supply of iron ore he launched an invasion through denmark into norway the allies rushed to land troops at keyboards along the coast but germany had taken control of norway's airfield and their heir superiority decided to fight the allies had to retreat after this slightly embarrassing failure chamberlain resigned and was replaced with winston churchill who had a slightly different approach to dealing with the germans hitler's overall strategy was similar to germany's first world war strategy attack france defeat france knocking out the uk in the process then turn on the soviet union and win the war during the phony war the allies had given hitler time to prepare his forces now he was ready to attack the allies have wanted to place troops in belgium for belgium to refuse and in the movie that surprised pretty much from no one ever launched an invasion to get around france's defenses the allies charged into belgium at full speed to meet the german invasion head-on and it looked like a repeat of the first world war was coming but this time hitler had a trick up his sleeve blitzkrieg as the germans advanced they sent thousands of refugees westward slowing down the allies then to the south the french had left the ardennes an area full of hills and forests pretty underdefended because they thought it was naturally impenetrable while the germans were about to penetrate it with everything they had they smashed 50 vermont divisions through and encircled the allied armies at lightning speed the best of the allied forces were now trapped the germans squeezed in from all sides taking out france's best armies and nearly wiping out the british too but they managed to make a desperate last minute escape at dunkirk with british civilian ships even making them bring their young men home with most of the french forces depleted the germans breezed through taking paris and france fell what the germans couldn't do in world war one hitler had done just like that hitler hoped that with the fall of france the uk would also lose hope and sue for peace but quite annoyingly it didn't and he needed to secure the western front so he tried to force him into submission with mind games the uk were now all alone and hitler wanted to emphasize that first of all just before france fell italy finally declared war on the allies making the uk situation even worse next instead of just occupying all of france killer occupied the coastal areas for defense but allowed france to continue its existence as a german puppet state this way it looked like the uk's old ally had decided to switch sides hitler also hoped that the uk wouldn't attack any of our old ally's navy bases or colonies in africa giving hitler an extra line of defense to the south the uk made sure to respond to this by sailing down to france's navy base in algeria and wrecking a bunch of ships so have at it hitler then began laying down plans for an invasion of great britain before german troops could land on british soil he would first need air and naval superiority across the channel waves and german bombers came while the completely outnumbered arya worked bravely around the clock in an attempt to quell the german attacks at first the liftoff targeted british ports and coastal facilities then it attacked darian bases crippling the raf's ability to defend the nation and it looked like hitler's great british invasion was coming but then churchill ordered a small pretty insignificant bombing raid over berlin it didn't do much damage but hitler was furious and he immediately ordered the luftwaffe to refocus its attacks on civilian targets in london children were sent off to the countryside away from their parents to avoid danger and frequent trips to airaid shelters became a daily occurrence but british morale held firms smiling knitting lounging casually these people have balls of steel this refocusing on london also gave the raf breathing space to reorganize so hitler kind of shot himself in the foot there just a foot for now finally the lift office sent one massive all-out attack on london and the raf successfully repelled it destroying many of the german aircraft and placing air superiority firmly in british hands hitler's invasion had to be postponed but the bombing of british cities continued for some time yeah okay that's the first one yeah okay uh the price is the second part the last part which is about 15 minutes i guess same like the usual uh the first one okay this video was made possible by skype canon online skip this one to learn how you can get an exclusive deal just for over simplifying so what else is happening well when i said britain was all alone that wasn't entirely true many commonwealth nations and other allied colonies had joined the war in britain's support they would play a key role throughout the war particularly in the african and italian campaigns on the access side germany italy and japan signed the defensive tripod of bringing their military alliance even closer together the soviet union's war against finland should have been an easy victory but it became a humiliating struggle and their military ineptitude was put on full display in the end they did force the finns to sue for peace then they continued their honorable campaign of pushing around much smaller countries by annexing the baltic states and part of northern romania france's colonies in equatorial africa were like heck no we aren't going to join the germans and they all pledged their allegiance to free france except for gabon which had to be taken by military force the allies also tried to capture the strategic port of dakar but that ended in failing mussolini had seen hitler's successes and he thought now it was italy's time to shine so he tried to take british somaliland and that went pretty well then he tried to take egypt and that went less well then he tried to take greece and that went really badly churchill began referring to italy as europe's soft underbelly he began favoring a military campaign from the south and started sending british troops to greece all of this had hitler pretty concerned and he moved to protect his southern flank he had been getting friendly with hungary and twisted their army to signing the tripartite pact and joining the axis powers romania was also eager to join for protection against the soviet union the tripartite pack was designed to prevent any other countries from deciding to join the allies specifically britain's old ally the pesky united states of america when war first broke out american public opinion was strongly against joining in in 1940 there was an election the republican candidate said i will not send any young americans to die in europe and sitting president franklin d roosevelt said i will also not send any young americans to die in europe unless i have to then i might and roosevelt won churchill asked him to join the war isabel said no can do winston but you know what here have some weapons america began supplying the allies with food and munitions but there was one problem german u-boats were sinking thousands of allied supply ships in the atlantic including american ones if the germans could sever britain's supply line the uk would start throughout the war galleries had to come up with better technology to fight the u-boats improved radar aircraft with longer range better weaponry and convoy tactics at one point the man even called a meeting and said pie creed you take some wood you take some ice you put them together you get pie cream and then he pulled out a gun and shot some wood and it shattered and then he shot some pie creek and the bullet ricocheted outfit and hit someone else in the conference room then they tried to make a pie creed aircraft carrier but that idea was scrapped because that's a really dumb idea in the end alan turing and his team of code breakers crack germany's enigma code and the ubuds gradually became less and less of a threat back in africa britain decided to push italy out of egypt hey that was pretty easy so they kept going hitler realized he was going to have to finally step in and do something he went to bulgarian yugoslavia and said hey i'm going to move troops 3 to get to greece so either join us or you know be invaded bulgaria opted to join them yugoslavia opted to be invaded then greece finally fell to the joint german italian invasion the british had moved troops from north africa to fight in greece which helped rommel and his tight divisions push the british back to egypt and they could have kept going but a small mostly australian force held out under siege for eight months into denying the germans as strategic port city and disrupting their supply line despite having some success in the middle east the british didn't seem like any real threat for now hey soviet union look out with three million troops hitler launched the largest ground invasion in history and stalin was far from ready both churchill and roosevelt had warned him of an impending attack but he dug his head in the sand and the soviets didn't stand a chance germany made staggering progress with huge encircling movements capturing mind-boggling numbers of russian troops a quarter million at bialystok minsk three hundred thousand at smolensk nearly seven hundred thousand at kiev and again at piazza and brunswick leningrad was put under a siege that would last an insufferable four years the invasion of russia had been hitler's main ideological goal from the beginning and his hatred for the ethnic peoples there was now unleashed in all its fury the eastern front of the second world war was brutal for all that endured injured the germans were now inside of moscow and that's it it's all over but then it happened it got cold stupid cold hitler had hoped the soviets would give up before winter but they kept fighting his commanders came to him and said can we please dig in for the winter and wait until spring no keep going but oil is literally freezing inside our vehicles that's fine keep going we're having to leave the corpses of our frozen horses by the side of the road so we can still find our way in the snowdrift perfectly normal keep going hitler hadn't given his millions on any winter clothing and supplies because he thought he really should have won by now then stalin called in troops from the siberian front specially trained to fight in the extreme cold and the germans were no match they were now being pushed back they had no choice but to dig in and wait for winter to end germany's victories were staggering and japan was eager not to miss the victory bus their war in china had come to a standstill but they wanted to keep expanding their sphere of influence and getting the sweet sweet raw materials they began making plans to expand southward but there was a problem southeast asia was heavily colonized by america and great britain it was also full of ocean ocean meant naval combat and there was no way the japanese navy could stand up to the us and the uk so they thought wouldn't it be nice if we could destroy their navies before we begin our conquest and so it was on december 7th 1941 the japanese launched a surprise air raid on the u.s pacific fleet at pearl harbor and inflicted a huge amount of damage they also attacked british colonies in southeast asia roosevelt had no choice but to declare war on japan and so did churchill hitler then declared war on america even though he totally didn't have to the attack on pearl harbor seemed like a big japanese victory but they didn't attack any of the naval or perry yards fuel storage tanks or the submarine base meaning the pacific fleet would be up and running again pretty soon in the meantime though the japanese were able to begin their conquest they took guam the gilbert islands wake island hong kong and the philippines they forced thailand to join them so they can march their troops through to malaya they swept through singapore north borneo the east indies new guinea the solomons and they were now threatening northern australia and the borders of india japan's victory had been as staggering as the germans and it reinforced the japanese idea that this was a defined war which they were destined to win but their victories have been based on speed not power and power would eventually catch up with them for now though in all occupied nations the people suffered persecution forced labor harsh punishments for any who spoke out against their occupiers in europe the nazis were rounding up ethnic minorities and other unwanted groups and individuals in particular millions of jewish people would suffer through the terrible events of the holocaust brave resistance movements rose up in defiance of their invaders while the people held out for hope and hope was coming winter was over and hitler could continue his push esport but this time he switched off his strategy he wanted to focus on the south his plan was to cut off the russian armies in the caucuses an area full of oil and then invade the caucasus and take all the oil his forces moved across the north with ease and hitler got cocky he rerouted the fourth panzer army south early leaving the 6th army to complete the encircling movement alone to do so the sikh army had to reach and take the key soviet city of stalingrad the russians defended it fiercely and stalingrad saw some of the harshest fighting of the entire war the soviets held up the german advance for five months as they battled in the war-torn city which bought them valuable time when the germans had first launched their invasion a year earlier the soviets had moved their factories to the east those factories have been building a but ton of times in aircraft and getting the soviet army up to scratch now it was ready stalin gathered his new and improved forces around the city and in an attack that resembled hitler's own encirclement tactics they began surrounding the sixth army hitler's commanders came to him and said hey maybe we should retreat but hitler said no no you stay the entire stick army was trapped and had to surrender with complete air superiority the soviets started pushing westward for stalin it was a resounding victory for hitler absolute catastrophe things also weren't looking too good for hitler elsewhere with america now in the war allied bombing over german cities reached devastating levels in africa the british had pushed rommel back again then they were pushed back again and finally after a decisive battle at llma and with american and british troops arriving in the west the germans and italians were squeezed out of africa japan was also already seeing its rapid success being turned around they attempted to take the island of midway but the us navy was ready for the attack and they sank japan's carrier actually they sent a lot of them it was a battle from which the japanese navy would never recover british indian and chinese troops held the line in the harsh jungle terrain of burma and the japanese suffered losses in the solomon islands and new guinea they began to realize they were not invincible with the axis out of africa the allies had to decide their next move churchill still wanted to attack from the south while the americans preferred a full sea invasion in northern france all right said the americans will do it your way allied forces successfully landed in sicily and began moving north they also carried out bombing raids over rome the thing was many of the people in sicily had relatives living in america and they greeted the american troops quite warmly with the war reaching home territory most italians just weren't that into it and mussolini was suddenly very unpopular he was voted out by his own fascist grand council and was toppled from power italy immediately began negotiations for surrender hitler wasn't surprised and had already sent reinforcements southward in an operation he ironically called operation axis german troops quickly disarmed italian troops in the north the allies continued fighting the germans up through italy but then winter set in meaning mud and everything slowed to a halt alright said the americans let's do it our way as well germany had made itself a lot of enemies and millions of allied troops had been gathering in england as factories worked around the clock producing the war material needed for a super crazy massive the likes of which the world has never seen before invasion of europe the germans knew an allied invasion would come but they didn't know where it would land thanks to allied deception tactics they thought there was a pretty good chance it would come at calais but the allies were really gonna land in normandy because it was less fortified and the beaches were nicer under the careful planning of general dwight d eisenhower the invasion that had been long in the making was just about ready to go just one thing was preventing the launch the british weather for a short while everyone sat around waiting for a decent day and then it came on the night of june 5th over a thousand bombers took off from raided coastline defenses while paratroopers were dropped inland in a bit of a chaotic operation tasked with sabotaging defenses and capturing key bridges to stop any german reinforcements from reaching the beaches early the next morning the barrage came as allied ships fired a huge number of shells at the german fortifications and then the landings the americans at utah and omaha the british had golden sword and the canadians at june it was a tremendous struggle with a great loss of life particularly at omaha but the allied troops captured the beaches and the landings were a success then they began their movements inland they took the port of sherbert and the city of kong the americans moved south to capture brittany then in a massive disaster for the germans british and canadian troops from the north and american from the south trapped the german seventh army in a near wipeout encircling movement in august alley troops landed in the south of france to little resistance on one beach all they found was a frenchman handing out champagne paris was liberated and the germans were pushed out of france as the allies entered belgium in the far east the allies started to push the japanese out of burma as the americans launched a two-prong defensive in the pacific in the south general macarthur led the push to liberate the philippines while general nimitz oversaw the brutal island hopping campaign american forces had to make hard-fought landing after a hard-fought landing on fiercely defended small islands as they moved steadily towards the japanese mainland the japanese believed that the greatest thing a person could do was to die in battle and the most dishonorable act was to surrender as a result they fought ferociously to the very end and the closer the americans got to the mainland the more ferocious the resistance became in february 1945 the americans captured the island of iwo jima and an intense firebombing campaign of japan's wooden cities began the allies suffered some setbacks trying to liberate the netherlands but they were making progress and were now threatening the industrial heartland of germany hitler's health both mentally and physically was rapidly deteriorating things were looking bad and he was desperate he said we need to turn this thing around and i have just the trick remember a few years back when we blitzed street through the ardennes and trapped the allied forces in belgium well i'm gonna do the exact same thing again he gathered his forces and tried to pull him through the ardennes he used up the remainder of germany's strength and resources and he managed to create quite a nice bulge he also trapped some american forces in the belgian town of bastogne the germans sent the trapped americans a message saying surrender or be annihilated when it was read out to the commanding officer he said they want to surrender no sir they want us to surrender nuts and that's what they sent off as their official reply general patton's third army then managed to break the seats from the southwest and the germans were pushed back hitler's last ditch attempt had failed and what followed was a total collapse of the german forces the allies pushed into germany from both sides the soviet union took warsaw and kept pushing to berlin in his bunker hitler realized all hope was lost berlin fell and with it hitler's dreams of a great german empire two of the axis nations had been knocked out one to go the americans began their assault on okinawa the last island before they would reach the japanese mainland the desperate japanese fought hard launching kamikaze attacks on the u.s ships the citizens of okinawa suffered through the terrible fighting but in two months the island was captured the allies now had to make a choice either continued the devastating struggle up the japanese mainland or they could try to coerce the japanese into surrendering now in july the first successful atomic bomb test took place in new mexico and the destructive weapon was ready for use america and the uk were also seeing the soviet union not so much liberating as occupying its captured territories and so they wanted to put on a show of force on august 6th the a-bomb fell on hiroshima then on the ninth nagasaki the cities were reduced to rubble and for the people living there it was a terrible fate but for the allies it achieved their main aim in september the emperor announced japan surrendered saying the war situation has developed not necessarily to japan's advantage after six years war was finally over the allies occupied japan for eight years the emperor was allowed to keep his position but general macarthur made sure this picture was printed in the japanese press to display to the japanese people that their emperor was not the divine powerful being they had believed germany was divided between america the uk france and the soviet union in 1949 the allied sectors were united into west germany the second world war had been more terrible and destructive than the first in its aftermath two major superpowers with two very different ideologies had come out victorious and the tension between the two of them would create a new kind of war a very very cold one wow churchill that looks just like me and you're actually doing this as well and this quesadilla you made this to die for you i just wanted to do all this stuff i use the link in the description to get to it okay after that it's going to be a cold war until now no no no no yeah so is it good for germany only hitler hitler hitler was cool full of the mind um mine so he thinks that if germany didn't affect yeah so he thinks german made a mistake by attacking the united states according to him japan was stupid for attacking everyone everyone randomly yeah randomly randomly [Music] it's not uh smarter than the player so there is a good president each other recently um [Music] what she said she says as an indonesian people i mean we learn most of the stuff it's only japan's inflation to indonesia japan and then we i mean she thought that japan the world war started after the uh uh not high school school yeah so you know you want to add something like what did you want to say [Music] japan is an independent country just give the tree for indonesian it's clear yeah i tried to start slapping he said that uh japan is like an independent country and in the world war two uh because uh german and italy uh are together but uh japan is just the the only one right uh they attack together which is german and uh italy but japan but i thought because hitler just gave the free i don't think they have some kind of no uh big plan like okay we have to attack this and then you attack them i don't think they have they have that kind of plan i think they just okay guys we affect the allies and the analysis this decision and then okay just take over the world i think i think it takes this one oh it works okay we take another i think they didn't have a concrete plane like okay this year we have to take this like that you did this for me yeah i don't think yeah the great thing they just okay guys uh it's a buffet just take whatever you want i think it's something like that yeah yeah that's what i mean hitler give the free option for the japanese but in this video i realized that uh the world war two it is just about two sides yes i think one side is just wait wasn't the world war one it's only two sides yeah i i mean i mean uh the size uh is not balanced in the world war two statistics two is it's germany and australia yeah and then of course other smaller countries that follow them i think this one is about the same way but yeah it's it's not the only two sides though it's what these sides because in the soviet is their own yeah oh yeah okay so basically yeah there were three sides uh yeah i mean i think german's fault was when they attacked you the soviet like there's no need for that you know so can you need a different effect what's the point yeah turmeric german yeah then yeah [Applause] yeah and then if you like this channel then please click like share and subscribe and then if you want to see ourselves if you want to follow our social media and see our lives outside your place yeah and then you can see the links in description box description yeah if you like this channel then maybe you can tell your father mother gentleman uh brother sister uh what auntie uncle grandma grandpa [Laughter] [Music] of course maybe she wants to be here some kind of history to [Music] thank you
Channel: ChillaWorld
Views: 257,965
Rating: 4.8285317 out of 5
Keywords: WW2 - Oversimplified Reaction, WW2 - Oversimplified, Oversimplified Reaction, Reaksi Oversimplified, Reaksi Perang Dunia 2, Perang Dunia, Perang Dunia 2, Reaksi Perang Dunia, World War Reaction, World War 2 Reaction, WW2 Reaction, WW Reaction, Reaction, Reaksi, React, Indonesia, Jakarta, Reactor
Id: VizRM_TKCfc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 50sec (2330 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 13 2020
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