WW2 Bunker found. Finally Inside ! AMAZING

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His daughter is the best part. "She got pissed off and knocked the wall down"

She puts her hand by spider, dad flips out.

👍︎︎ 18 👤︎︎ u/PeterFnet 📅︎︎ Nov 22 2015 🗫︎ replies

What an absolute thrill of a video. So pleased and envious at the same time. Was willing to bet there would have been some old porno mags in there :-)

👍︎︎ 16 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Nov 22 2015 🗫︎ replies

This reminds me of Ted the Caver

👍︎︎ 9 👤︎︎ u/Tickle_Till_I_Puke 📅︎︎ Nov 22 2015 🗫︎ replies

his channel is full of lots of history hunting

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/mikesxrs 📅︎︎ Nov 22 2015 🗫︎ replies

I was hoping for the Nazi gold train, but not bad.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/nirad 📅︎︎ Nov 22 2015 🗫︎ replies


👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/tridentloop 📅︎︎ Nov 22 2015 🗫︎ replies

Going in without any type of breathing filter is crazy.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/WretchedRob 📅︎︎ Nov 23 2015 🗫︎ replies





👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Skyrowind 📅︎︎ Nov 23 2015 🗫︎ replies
good morning he's three hunter here looking for well more to history I likes location events whatever ha today is like last and I'm back at the stubborn bunker I'm gonna do a last attempt to get in and let's find out what's in there it's been a struggle being here several times with a lot of equipment struggling through the terrain here and I have to say I'm really really got to sort of get to the bottom of what is in there and just call it a day been a lot of work involved so let's see if I can do some more hair today and hopefully we'd be able to find out what's in that bunker so here we are yet again with my stack of tools electric drill drill bits or going through concrete I got some manual tools great big hammer and up there is my objective for today I'm gonna see if I can remove one of the one of the rocks there too or not rock but brick wall with bricks there so let's do something here holy [ __ ] I started feeling a bit crazy for doing this but you know I want her if I just removed one of those and have a sneak peek inside you can see this crack yeah some sort of thing that could be a weak link I'm gonna drill another hole here another hole here tried to separate the rock from the rest get a hole and get in that stupid bunker here holy crap just as I got through here it's a big spider coming down from the roof and I don't kid you it was major I have to shoe it back up the roof here so it was a block there oh crap I hate them they're so big so I got this next hole here and I'm gonna try and just hammer it a little bit and see what happens but we won't hurt anything but I'll give it a go oh crap I just finished two batteries that's all I got with me and I haven't even made a dent in it I just made our cover more holes but it's gonna take a lot more than that and the main problem is that I'm actually not able to attack it by laying down that's actually too tough work I just can't get the punching power to do it and now I'm sort of lost I really really don't know what to do next this is a pain in the ass to be honest and that wall is really haunting me it's sort of like telling me that you're never gonna get through here bla bla bla alright alright did I quit hell no I didn't quit I just had to make a break go back think about it and come back with this solution here made lands like stupid it's impossible to work laying down in there some minute Lance heavy-duty sort of end there show you a couple of pictures so I brought reinforcements with my daughter this Lance is gonna break through that wall whether it wants or not today I made this hardened tip welded it onto this chest and we're gonna get through that wall shoot day I'm sick and tired of this bunker now I want to get in there see what's in there and thought it would be best to bring my expert daughter to help me out with this so let's go up there and see if we can do something here today all right about halfway this freakin heart and it's very difficult my daughter has a sprained ankle so we have to take it very carefully here I'm happy she's joining me who helped me today so we just taking it easy all right we made it get the tool and ID see that the rocks are still there at the same place so it's now or never all right we did some tests knocking and it really looks like it's gonna work we're gonna build up a small V profile here so that we'd be able to Ram the Ravi and I'm gonna see [ __ ] sure you can you lift it up in the end there so I can take it in yeah so we're thinking we could remedy banging like that bang so hopefully we'd be able to guide this thing and then bang as hard as we can but we haven't damaged it at least a little bit now so that's that's more than I expected all right do the first trials I'm hitting it so if you start hitting it just take it in out and come on perfect yeah we're actually true we're through oh my god we're inside the bunker you're just gonna hit that little thing there are the open all right I can hear my own echo say I saw it here mean my daughter we conquered now it's just a matter of trying to rig some cameras and get in there at least look with some cameras I can see some white paint and stuff Wow all right you can pull back the that wasn't amazing all right we're finally there my daughter he got pissed off and she just knocked down the hole so there are totally different she just like get it over with and go in there but now why are we gonna go inside the bunker for the first time for a very long time I haven't got a clue what could be in there so let's do this together with you we have to take the camera here cuz I have to climb in so I'll meet you on the inside this is absolutely insane here you can see the ventilation shafts that I was going through there are still some majors Pyrus out there look at that the wall is sort of white painted still to make it light inside the ventilation sort of thing was up there now it's on the floor so it probably rusted off this is where we came in a lot of water on the floor a lot of spires in the in the roof here alright first thing meeting us here it's one of the original ventilator sort of bowels you can actually see the number there VW want to be yellow paint this is what the air ran through and it's on the ground there my daughter's trying to get through here this alone is amazing fine then it's wow the grid inside is still there kara steve-o the boffin our egos there would you believe it we are greeted with this unit from 1939 and if I'm not mistaken assuming there's the German the Phenom eagle this is the serial number of the pump or sorry ventilation sort of thing 1939 and the buffalo eagle absolutely amazing first thing in the bunker here and I'm speechless you see further down here with all has pulled down nothing in the shelves it's just a lot of nothing Boyd this wasn't so exciting huh and you're in here with us amazing sort of thing here I am paging around that box another ventilation shaft who is just a lot of water on the floor there that's been color stuff as well but it's open it's been like that ever since amazing and down in the water you won't believe it look at the size of these spiders I'm sure they're dead on the water but they're like a penny sighs at least crap that's a cup that's a porcelain cup and the amazing thing is turn around underneath see if I can show it you made in Poland I'm gonna take a picture of that you probably can see it made in Poland we're gonna find out what the time frame with that one is this is a ventilation shaft sort of the thing make sure that the bunker is airtight still they're really nice so do you know why you could get sort of a small panic attack in here that's why that's the biggest spider I don't do that I hate them look at that bees man I don't know whether don't do that are you crazy so we finally found something else and what is that there is another entrance we never saw it there is the door it's been totally shot and dad is probably buried so we did find the door can't see any markings there's the ventilation sort of local valve to make sure that the bunker could be airtight in the event of a gas attack but would you believe it the door is right there we never seen that before that's a pass the door get it tight and would be very difficult to get through that and that could also be another door outside of that one again so we are probably the only one here for very very long time it's amazing something happens in the corner I'm not sure what that is that could have been an attack or something hasn't been blown apart there on the corner looks like it's someone tried to come in from that side wait and here is the secondary door that's what I thought this is the secondary door frame is just behind me here you can see the hinge bones there this is where the door would have been locked you can see it is the inside of the valve for the in the valve which is you know like here so this is actually the frame for the for the second door and that is the first dose that's the blast door and this is where the airtight sort of seal would go on this door here Wow you seal this valve here just brushed German text everywhere and this is an amazing point and this is gonna be sort of the last images of this bunker for for this time we're gonna seal it and we're never coming back and we'll share the pictures with you here today so you can see the fantastic things that we found not that fantastic but it was an amazing small trip an amazing adventure alright let's take a little look up what we actually founded the bunker I think is what I think is interesting a lot of small stuff but this is what we sort of took with us got some small bits and pieces there I'll show you that and this huge piece here which is a piece of the ventilation system with the Genoa and sort of yellow colour and what it actually is is a sort of valve and pre-filter arrangement that was attached to the wall so they could sort of switch on and off the air coming in through the suction going through here so inside there there's a sort of a pre-filter let me get a light here and I'll show it to you you can see they come on work yeah you can see there's some sort of webbing thing inside there so basically they had a manual pump system that could pump and draw in air from the outside and the air would pass through the it comes in here goes through the sort of filter arrangement and comes out through a flexible hose here into some filters and odd as breathable air for the crew what I find very sort of cool is the numbers and the identification even a date so we have a vw1 point to be there and the most interesting piece is this one here let me see if I consume in there you have the production sort of stamp you got the 1939 production date you have the sort of production number and in the middle there you have the actual vessel hump eagle and that is pretty rare to find and I think that is very special that's a sort of a good confirmation of the time frame who owned it and when was it made also down here on this valve system here you can see the German writing there it's like what's it's a dolphin on vest Oh blah blah blah Ethne on the top there very very cool this item would have rotten away there so I cleaned it I'm sort of preserving it and I'm definitely gonna keep it to just have this cool reminder of this fantastic adventure a lot of things laying around everywhere on the floor in some of the things that fallen down on the floor the cabinet's actually inside a air valve on the top of a Ledge all these things were coming out so let's go very briefly and quickly through them this is a cup porcelain cup and the special thing is that underneath there yeah actually it's a polish cup and it says in Polish sort of like made in Poland and I'm trying to figure out what time frame it is is it from that time frame or is it new I can't say but it's definitely worth looking up then we're onto something that I really recognize this is a piece that was just sort of in the water there that is the cap that you unscrew from a German potato masher hand grenades this could easily have been either an inkpot or something else I don't know you have combined sort of aluminium spoon that would have been a fork air as well I can't see in the markings that's very very cool you have this one it's a hook to hold the belt on a German soldiers uniform you can easily see that if you just google that belt hook German uniform small piece of looks to be a backlight comb personal belonging probably for a soldier a couple of buttons here I'm not familiar with what they are could be uniform could be for some of the equipment that I do recognize that is genuine world war ii german sort of a uniform button and this is very cool a Mauser clip very rusted sort of laying just down in this sort of drain thing on the bottom of the of the floor in the bunker and this one nine millimeter live cartridge that's very very cool the coolest part of all are these two here found several of these this one was actually laying inside of one of the valves and have a look down there is the German eagle and the swastika coffee cup whatever very very cool a lot of shards different kinds nothing on them and a what was that is that one - a coin what was it from 1941 not to good condition but overall very very nice small items coming out from this sort of fantastic epic adventure with the hidden bunker so very pleased with that and hopefully I can sort of restore them all and keep them for forever wow wow wow I guess this adventure is finished lot of dust in there we did our best we Spectre up with rocks we put a lot of camouflage in front of it hopefully it will be left alone for a very very long time this was such an fantastic adventure going around here in the wilderness finding the bunker going through the ups and downs the drilling the camera stuff no more light disaster after disaster and this huge success here today we have this beautiful ventilator with the button on beagle dated sort of item that's absolutely perfect it's a perfect ending of this adventure and I have to say thank you very much to my daughter and thank you very much for all of you watching this crazy sort of adventure here in the forest I hope you had fun I had and will definitely be back in the new in the near future so keep watching keep giving me the thumbs up that is my motivation and if you leave a sub or a comment I really appreciate that so until next time have a nice day and we'll definitely see you later you
Channel: WW2HistoryHunter
Views: 4,754,082
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: relics hunting, found a bunker, relic hunting, Fisher F75 ltd, Garrett pro-pointer find treasure, WW2 bunker, German WW2, German bunker, German WW2 bunker, What is inside ?, did you know ?, Urbex, Urbex secrets, Outdoor adventure, metaldetectingWW2, History Secrets, Secret location, Hidden WW2 bunker, if no one had recorded it, WOW we found a hidden bunker !, Sniper, German sniper, Panzer, Tiger Panzer, ww2historyhunter, WW2 Bunker found, secret bunker, metal detecting
Id: T96PP2pgvUE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 5sec (1265 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 22 2015
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