Wuthering Waves Reveal Livestream(s) in 7 Minutes

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weathering waves had a special stream to celebrate the launch of the game but it was met with some controversy the English version anyway so I'm going to break down what happened in the English version of the stream and the Chinese version so you feel like you get both sides of the story The English stream featured five people two content creators one voice actor one CS player and the host we got a look at the waking of a World trailer which was excellent and interestingly the English version seems to have a male vocalist while the Chinese version has a female vocalist it makes the vibe of the song really different but I think they both turned out great we got one of our first looks at this spooky flowery lady also seen with red hair in this shot Chung Le just had an artwork teaser but this is our first look at her 3D model in the game and I have to say she looks amazing her awesome glowing hand hello her beautiful eyes they actually made her for me it's so over we also got a small glimpse of this guy next to mortify who will probably have a decent role if his appearance is anything to go by and then there's this silver-haired guy seen at the end of the trailer he has a tacit mark on his neck just like scar there was another 1.0 trailer that showcased some of the characters dialogue but that was kind of it for the English stream for the most part it was just the guest playing mini games including this game where they were tortured by having to eat something that was both too big and potentially spicy I mean there is a little more to it than that but it was covered in the Chinese stream so let's just get to that the Chinese stream begins with lead developer dung giving a little bit of backstory about the world of weathering waves it takes place on a planet called Solaris 3 the third closest planet to the Sun and was ravaged by an event called the lament that changed the world forever after this event certain people gained special powers these people are called resonators and of of course they're the playable characters of the game Wang long is the region that will start out in and weathering waves but it's revealed that there will be another area we can explore that was not available even to closed beta Players called nor fall Barons they show the 1.0 trailer and we get a better look at the little creature that appears at the end this old Digimon looking guy not only does it have a tacit mark on its forehead it also appears to have a tacit Mark in each eye what does it mean it looks like one of those mascot characters from like Sailor Moon or Card Capture Sakura or something then we get a small interview with two of the weathering waves team members they explain a little bit about the story and then mention that we're getting some extra story that wasn't seen in the closed betas either by the looks of it it features the most interesting characters so I'm really excited you'll be able to do three different companion stories in 1.0 one for GN one for yinin and one for lingyang this stream was privy to a little bit of extra footage of yinlin tying up Rover they explained that on top of how they designed the movement in the game with a high degree of Freedom you'll also be able to do these exploration quests that have deeper stories about the world there you might find some interesting bosses so I definitely recommend doing them the lament caused to the bosses of weing waves to appear in the world and that leads us nicely into the boss trailer where we get a good look at this enemy who looks a lot like the crownless but female this as we learn is called dreamless and can I just say dreamless is so dreamy her long terrifying arms and Claws and the wings with hands coming out of them everywhere I love her your honor she's perfect and if they ever make a playable character who looks like this let me tell you I will be the first in line but no for now she's a boss which means that she is also probably an echo two new devs enter the chat and we get another look at footage that wasn't present in the English Liv stream showing dreamless emerging from this giant sphere in the sky something that got a special mention is that the feedback when hitting an enemy is a lot better now it was kind of weak and pathetic in the previous close beta so that's great to hear they also showed this slow-mo when dealing the final blow to a boss pretty cool and thankfully when fighting really huge enemies you can actually see the silhouette of your character through them so you don't get lost anymore a few different game modes were shown off including depths of elusive realm which is one of my favorite from the betas depths of elusive realm is a Rog light where you'll choose one character and power them up throughout next up the echo system Echo are like Pokémon and your equipment and skills Allin one here we got to see the menu looking a little bit nicer with a different background a lot of echo abilities have been adjusted or added to they showed off the way you can transform into bosses like Inferno Rider and impermanent Teran which gives you movement for a set amount of time meanwhile you can also collect Phantom Echoes which are basically shiny Pokémon and when you get them you essentially unlock a skin of that shiny that you can apply to the regular version so if your Phantom Echo doesn't have the best stats you can still use its awesome appearance they explained that they made tacd Fields more valuable to do by combining more rewards into it you'll also be able to combine Echoes you don't want into one or more Echoes that you hopefully do this way you can recycle what you've got and that brings us to the version 1.0 banners starting from launch day Gian and his weapon will be available from two separate banners and there will be a 50% chance that you can get him like with all characters and then on June 12th the game actually finally starts because that's when yin's Banner arrives and she's wonderful likewise her weapon Banner will arrive at the same time and these are limited characters so if you miss out on them when they debut you might have to wait a while for them to come back in addition there's also the beginner Banner system the initial standard character Banner will only cost 50 pulls to guarantee a random five-star character and if you pull 10 pulls at a time you get a discount and it costs eight meaning it's essentially 40 PS for a guaranteed random five-star character remember this does not include limited characters like Gianna yinan once you've done this one the banner will change into a banner that lets you target any of the standard characters you want in this way you're pretty much guaranteed two standard bannered characters for free we'll be getting a whole lot of rewards including Level Up Rewards at Union level 45 we even get a five-star weapon offer and it's recommended to pick the sword from this because so many characters use it and it's got a crit rate stat on it so keep that in mind before you decide to do any weapon Banner pulls and then there's this awesome new merch that's pretty much it for the big reveals soon we'll be playing the game ourselves and none of this will be a mystery anymore pretty exciting after all this time but while the English live stream may have been a bit of a Miss Kuru games doesn't slack when it comes to World building and you'll have to watch this video if you want to see how good they are at designing a world and the people in it I hope I can be the one to embrace all that you are and share with you all that you car
Channel: Rate-Up Radio
Views: 84,691
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wuwa, ww, wuthering waves, wave radio, mobile games, gacha, open world, kuro games, kuro game, kuro, withering waves, weathering waves, wuthering radio, rate up radio, rateup radio, changli, jiyan, yinlin, mortefi, rover, echo, phantom echo, cn, en, chinese, english
Id: iER3WE6reG0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 38sec (458 seconds)
Published: Tue May 21 2024
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