Wuthering Waves Best Settings Max FPS Max Graphics

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what's going on guys this is going to be a quick video on the best settings that you can have on PC for weathering waves now the first thing that I noticed when I started playing this game is the sensitivity on the mouse is terrible it's really hard to look left and right and up and down if you go over here and you try to pick something up it's really hard to move your character around and I felt like the camera was zoomed in a little too far we'll be able to fix all of those things quite easily just going in the settings so if you're on PC just simply press Escape go on down to this gear COG right here this is going to be for your volume settings I'll go ahead and leave all these on maximum it's pretty fine over here is where you could change your graphics settings unfortunately right now they have the FPS locked at 60 60 frames per second that will hopefully be patched to be going back up to 120 FPS like they had it in the beta however there was apparently some bugs with that so they're trying to work on fixing that now if you don't have a very high quality PC you can lower the shadow quality to as low as you can go then that will help boost your performance quite a bit now I got a pretty decent PC so I have all my settings maxed out but again if you don't have a good one just go ahead and set everything to low and that should improve your FPS now I always like to turn off motion blur whenever I play the games this is more of a personal preference option for me but you could go ahead and leave this on or leave this off however you prefer volumetric lighting just makes the game look a little bit better all these other settings are just simple Graphics settings super resolution I just go ahead and leave that on it's basically a little feature to increase your performance as well if you're still finding yourself lagging with this you could go ahead and change this to uh performance mode that may help you boost out a little bit more quality on your gaming but I like to just leave everything on here on auto I got vsync on and N Video reflex is on as well now here's where the settings for the gam playay are going to come into play right here's the horizontal view Sensitivity I have this bumped all the way up to 80 on each of them I found this to be a very nice one what this is the horizontal it's your character looking left and right as you see my character moves left and right quite quickly and up and down is the vertical one so you can adjust that as you see fit I personally recommend 80 on each you could go higher if you find that too slow or you could go lower if you find that too fast now horizontal view sensitivity aiming that's going to be once you get a range character I haven't really gotten with a range character yet but I up that as well because I prefer to have less slow Sensitivity I want have to move my mouse halfway across my desk just to shoot one enemy so I have this at 75 for now I may want to move that up or down later on camera Shake intensity is exactly what it says if if you find yourself getting a little nauseous playing this game or you just dislike the camera shake you could lower that or if you love having camera shake you could turn that on high now regular camera distance this is going to be the biggest setting for those of you who are like this is not enough space I need to see more things if you go ahead and boost this all the way up to 100 on the regular and the combat look at what happens you get way way way way more view on your character some of you guys may love to have this much view on your character and some bosses this might actually come in really clutch in order to see more of the area around your character now when you guys first load load the game it's going to be all the way down to zero so I recommend upping that to whatever you feel comfortable with so again this is going to be the base setting coming out it's going to be this close and as you can see there's very very little space behind your character which is fine you could still play the game this way but I feel a lot more comfortable recommending that all of you guys bump this up to at least 30 to 25 at the minimum anything more than that is perfectly fine as well but I found 30 to be a very nice sweet spot as you see there's a decent space between me and my character and it's not too close not too far away so I like it at 30 now if we go ahead and go on back over to these settings we'll see what else is left we've got camera reset I have that set to off moving camera correction I have set to on combat camera correction I have also set to on assisted aiming I'm a little cheater so I have that set to on input settings the console vibration intensity I believe that's for your controller so so I have that set to 50 I'm not really using a controller and motion control sensitivity again I think this is for the controller if you find it too slow on your controller when you're on PC you could go ahead and up that and that should increase that as well console vibration range again this should be for controllers you could turn off vibration if you don't like that on your controller now this is going to just be the simple key bindings for your controller you can adjust this as you see fit whatever is the best for you again I'm using PC so really it's just whatever is most comfortable for you on that and then you have your language setting which of course if you want to swap to a different language you could do so very easily and that is pretty much it guys you can just go ahead and do all of those things and again make sure you set at least your camera distance in my opinion at least set that to 30 other than that make sure you up that sensitivity for both controller and for your horizontal and vertical and you should be enjoy ening your game play a lot a lot better right off the bat
Channel: Anzurai
Views: 16,858
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wuthering waves, wuthering waves settings, wuthering waves Best settings, sensitive, sensitivity
Id: sztu9eUc2Dc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 34sec (334 seconds)
Published: Thu May 23 2024
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