Wuthering Waves 1.1 - Final Boss Jinhsi vs Jue & Ending

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I should have died a long time ago but I was lucky enough to be saved by you allowing me the chance to see the glittering lights of Jing Joo for myself you rewinded time to save me I am responsible Jingo is my home if it's ever in danger I will do everything in my power to protect what I hold dear even at the cost of my own life such a valiant speech do you know the weight of this decision I understand your concerns I will reach my second Awakening with our destined confrontation and restore the time flow are you willing to bet on me restore the time flow pray from where does this confidence arise you are my resonator but your strength is only a fraction of mine there is little chance for you to retreat unscathed but I can at least win some hope for our people even if it costs me my soul my everything I cannot die without trying I may only bear your power for a fleeting moment it's all I need to secure a better future for Jing Joe defying all of your predictions and I can keep you safe if there is anyone who can face you in a fight that person has to be your [Music] resonator I will be your final winning move in this game are you truly ready to challenge a being worshiped by your kind will you not regret it when you meet your bitter demise I will not regret it no matter what very well magistrate of jjo come to the summit demonstrate your [Music] promise show me how you shall be my triumphant [Music] Ace Lord arer one is curious about your choice this time wherever the tides may take us you will bear witness to our fight [Music] [Music] government must be guided by virtue G do you keep this in mind yes virtue must come first politics Commerce it all must serve the people from now on you shall be known as gingi bearing Ginger's name as your own what do you think of this world like here Darkness clings but lights flicker in the Gloom a guid light easily lit that's why they stand out so brightly against the [Applause] darkness this entrance leads to one's sonoros fear Magistrate gingi one shall await you there Rover this battle is related to the fate of Jingo and only you can open this sonoro fear the key to jeno's future lies in your hands if I it jensi is bound to face you in the ultimate battle the ideal outcome would be for her to absorb your power at the critical moment and restore the time flow without any loss of life but there's a chance that she could push herself too far and end up dying from [Music] overclocking though if I do nothing you'll use your remaining power to freeze all of Jingo in time H now please let us know your choice [Music] roover I have been preparing for this moment leaving Jing Joo behind fills me with regret knowing I may never again bask in its glorious sunshine or witness the purity of its snowflakes but that's why I'm here to ensure that others can still experience the wonders of nature our city has a rich history with Generations witnessing endless sunrises and sunsets at the border our people have sacrificed their Blood and Tears to protect Wang L's safety they deserve a bright future I want to protect Jingo in my own way as gingi as a citizen of gingo and as jino's Magistrate let's begin [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] the fine Harmony [Music] [Applause] ins [Music] on help [Music] [Music] forgive me [Music] [Music] d [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] onwards heav ordains Spanish all Bight [Music] [Music] onwards oh Stars keep my calling [Music] the sky take flight on quite the impressive te magistrate gingi however you are still a long way from inheriting my power back down now while you still can I've made up my mind and I will not back down he once said it's not easy to become a candle of light but I still want to try I want to see if I can can ignite a spark of hope for Jin Joe [Music] [Music] [Music] surpr they're all [Music] ARR what do you [Music] say Lord Arbiter may this one transfer the temporal mandate to Jin she [Music] I've got just the [Music] one this one has heard your decision [Music] [Music] what do you think of this they desure [Music] [Music] the transfer has been carried out as you instruct gingi one shall honor one's promise and restore Ginger's future to you and its people Jim she has recovered one will soon send her back to Jingo for recuperation please do not [Music] worry with all matters resolved as per the agreement it is time for one to address you one is prepared to answer any inquiries you may [Music] have I am J The Sentinel the guide of jino's civilization everything about Jingo has been stored in my [Music] mind you are my Arbiter and my former master in bygone days I stood by your side as you established Jingo City you tust me with safeguarding its Prosperity this one begs your pardon for it is not all knowing all my knowledge came from you one is prepared to answer any inquiries you may have in the past one was granted the key to that sonoros sphere by your hand you said you plan to particip in history to make choices and witness the development of civilizations one had previously requested for permission to transfer the temporal mandate to Jin she as that is how one is designed to function every ANS of my existence from life to death and even the passing on of power is subject to your [Music] approval one is prepared to answer any inquiries you may have since Jin has inherited my power the temporal programs are now complete Jingo is no longer under threat ji has fully assumed the mantle of leadership from this day forth one shall only offer it when it is truly needed this situation has been analyzed before but the number of variables made reaching a safe conclusion impossible to accomplish her goal gingi must possess both strength and confidence revealing the truth to her earlier would only add to her troubles and not Aid in improving her [Music] abilities today was not the ideal moment for our destined battle to unfold but the fraus has remarkably escalated its arrival one is prepared to answer any inquiries you may have the flow of time when M firmament has been restored to its natural pace but the citizens of Hong Jen must must still contend with shortened lifespans should they attempt to depart fortunately with gin's resonance ability they can stay safe as long as they remain on the [Music] mountain for lack of a better solution this is the best we K do through countless ages the imposing Mount firmament stood firm against the storms but as spring brings Thunder and change one feels a spark of transformation in the [Music] air the people of hongen have a bright future ahead one that can be steered in the right direction within your days with proper leadership one is prepared to answer any inquiries you may have your ccid mark there is something [Music] unusual what what what's wrong Rover who's bullying you uhuh is it you big thing huh how dare you I'm going to teach you a Le h wait pause I don't think it has any bad intentions it smells like the unnatural smell I smelled in gingo [Music] before oh so you must be that Sentinel hello there big one Rover why didn't you wake me up earlier I got a feeling I missed out on a lot of fun it does feel similar to me but there is some [Music] difference this entity is unfamiliar to me as it resides within your tacet mark one can only assume you granted it access [Music] intentionally Lord Arbiter have you heard of the black [Music] Shores the black Shores is the starting point of your journey in this world if you have dogs this one suggests a visit to that Island worry not the weing waves end and flow they shall send you back to where you [Music] belong one suggests heading back to Hong Jen to reunite with your companions Lord Arbiter with M firmament no longer posing a threat surely Hong Jen will undergo significant changes Mount firmament glowed with the Sun's light high above the clouds and snow then suddenly they vanished revealing a distant blue sky and amidst it all stood a white-haired maiden like a goddess descended from the heavens with a mere wave of her hand she brought forth a new season transforming the streets below this Maiden was none other than the dead infant now reborn as the magistrate of gingo when thunder roars in Spring's embrace the sun shall shine upon this place for only through death and strife can one truly Embrace New Life h i see doesn't matter that's not important for our goal we have the answers we wanted already with the second resonance Awakening we will tap into powers that rival the Sentinels complete control of the artificial resonator Awakening processes Within Reach and lastly about that Rover this trip was worth it we've collected many wonderful notes haven't we it's about time get moving can't let a certain someone wait too long behind buz [Music] a
Channel: Rubhen925
Views: 8,327
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rubhen925, wuthering waves, wuthering waves 1.1, jinhsi, jinhsi gameplay, changli, wuthering waves jinhsi, wuthering waves 1.1 final boss, wuthering waves 1.1 ending, wuthering waves jinhsi vs jue, jue, dragon jue, wuthering waves jue, wuthering waves jue boss, wuthering waves jue boss fight, wuthering waves 1.1 jinhsi, wuthering waves 1.1 jinhsi gameplay, wuthering waves 1.1 jue, wuthering waves 1.1 jue boss, wuthering waves 1.1 jue boss fight, wuwa 1.1
Id: MvBFYszE-nU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 32sec (1592 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 28 2024
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