WTF Happened to Ricardo Rosset?

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hey guys before I begin I have something really really cool lined up at the end of this video and my advice would be pay close attention to the video it may just come in handy also make sure to LIKE this video and subscribe if you liked it anyway without further adieu let's get into it hey drivers have been in Formula One since forever and the 1990 seem to house a real cesspool of them from jean-denis des Lettres - Giovanni lavake - the great tucky in no way it seemed that any team that didn't have a cigarette advertising plastered all over the car was using South American cartel money to fund their campaigns the same principle is applied nowadays except the drivers and money are coming from Canada now back in the master cloud Lola episode I detailed how that disastrous joke of a team was run into the ground by the unreasonable demands of this sponsor this leaf both of their drives contracted for that season out of a drive both of these men were interesting cases when it came to Formula one one of those drivers was venture so speedy who had a successful junior career when was described by Michael Schumacher as dominating however this guy never really had a proper cracker f1 whereas his teammate did kind of but this particular guy isn't exactly revered within Formula one circles in fact many look upon him as a complete joke however why after all the success that came in other forms of racing did his Formula One campaign go so horribly wrong like literally what the happened to Ricardo Ross's as most of you probably would have guessed by now Ross it came from money I mean after all pretty much all racing drivers come from money with Ross's his family owned a lingerie and swimwear business which allowed for him to pursue his racing career after running around in karts achieving nothing worthy of being submitted to Wikipedia he made his car racing debut in the Brazilian Formula Ford Championship oh yeah there's something I forgot to mention he made his karting debut at the age of 22 which in motor racing terms is about a hundred and twenty million buoyed by success in Formula Ford Ross it made his way over to Europe to compete in the Formula Opel euro Series with PTM motorsport his season was pretty crap really PTM Motorsports supposedly put all their efforts behind his teammates Brunel Aguiar who went on to finish fourth in the championship more Ross it would finish in 17th despite this unmitigated failure Ross it would step up to the bridge formula 3 series 4 1993 with Alan doc and racing Ross's strong soul was of hindrance to the young Brazilian but under dockings guidance he ironed out his ragged style and gradually improved as a results as the season went on now while this is fantastic when you look at some of us driving in later life you got a wonder how bad was it to start off with yes during the course of that season Roset achieved three podiums over the 15 races he contested finishing sixth in the standings he also raced and beat future Formula One personalities such as Pedro de la Rosa and Christian Horner yeah this was before he settled into the role of stifling Australians and pissing off overly emotional cat heads he also contested the Macau Grand Prix with Alan Dakin racing where he would be joined by future LeMond winner Stefano telly Ross it was hovering around the midfield for pace although he was significantly faster than Ortelli however his race pace left a lot to be desired to put it mildly put it bluntly he was [ __ ] in 1994 Ross it would remain in the British form of a 3 championship this time with team AGS the season was a tad better taking victory at Snetterton and finishing fifth in the standings just one point behind dario franchitti having said that young Magnussen had beaten the crap out of the field black and blue during that season he also contested in the masses of f3 and Macau Grand Prix where he showed relatively good pace so up to this point Ross 'its junior career wasn't remarkable but he wasn't insultingly bad either however this would all change in 1995 when Ross had skipped up to formula 3000 driving with super nova racing alongside the highly regarded vincenzo so speedy formula 3000 for those of you unaware was basically the final step before Formula One in the Junior formula calendar it was effectively what formula 2 is today if you competed in this thing you were dead serious about making it to the main game even a few were weren't very good but despite what you may think Ross it took the pole and the race win at Silverstone to kick off the season his first ever drive in an F 3000 car anyone a second-place finishing a busload omit that for the time being at least he remained the leader of the championship however a poor showing at po handed the advantage to teammate saw speedy a win in the next round a producer put Ross at beckon contention however that would be his last win of the season and he wouldn't be able to rein in the points Jefferson too saw speedy before season's end however it was second place in the championship in his debut season not bad at all and naturally results like this warrants someone having a look at the formula 1 seed right although given the last few years of average results was this all a read hearing we were gonna find out the hard way in 1996 at the conclusion of the 1995 season Tom Walkinshaw had bought the footwork arrows team from jockey Oliver the focus therefore was on the 1997 season rendering the 1996 season null and void as no development will be undertaken on the fa 17 chassis the sounds kind of stupid to some but there is a reason behind it the team at that stage was no good despite the fact that Gianni Muhammad Ali scored a podium at the end of the season for them so a restructuring needed to get the team into the position where it needed to be in was required this wasn't exactly welcoming new Strasser who had just bought his way into the team to replace Stuckey in no way the lack of development covered with a gutless engine didn't help matters and so the car began to fall back ever so slightly towards season's end not that Ross it made it very hard to get there as he was always at the back of the grid at the opening round of the season and Melbourne Roset qualified in 18th place almost a full second behind teammate Yas worst happen in the following race at Interlagos he was only 3/10 behind Verstappen but this was about as good as it got from here it was all downhill and I mean really really downhill in Argentina Ross had suffered the indignity of being passed by the 42 of the dollar and Mont Remini at the start of the Grand Prix he claimed he couldn't see the light switch to be honest makes no [ __ ] sense considering the 40's must have seen the lights to get the jump on him and they were behind him on the grid he would struggle on throughout the race before retiring on lap 24 due to a faulty oil pump Medora seemed jealous at the attention Ross it was getting from the marshals and so rolled over his car to create a diversion at the Nurburgring Ross it neglected to adhere to yellow flags which almost resulted in some of the marshals being hit as they sought to a Jonna Lacey this John Watson to describe him as a fool which is probably the more benign of nicknames that would be handed to him but more on that later things weren't much better for him at San Marino as he would retire on like 40 with an engine failure Monaco too was a miserable affair with qualifying being much the same story as before which may as well mention at this point aside from those first two rounds where he was relatively close to teammate Verstappen he never out qualified him and sometimes to get between the two was a little bit embarrassing something only really achieved by the likes of Lord Maha veer by the way boys and girls get all your Lord might have the emerg on the saw I mean if you wanna and so this is the overview of the qualifying battle between first steppin and Russert throughout the 1996 season and as you could see yeah it didn't go very well for Ross it now didn't it and the racing itself wasn't much better Ross it did not partake in the warm-up as the team was not confident that they would receive the car back in one piece so instead Ross it plowed into the wall and let three of the Grand Prix on the approached alaska's the next round in Spain was not a terribly successful fear either as he would retire again after being involved with the calamities at the back of the grid at the start of the race but Goering how a season had transpired thus far it would have been optimistic to assume Ross it would have gone the full distance in this boat race anyway his race in Canada entered in retirement after tangling with Tokyo katayama although he would achieve his third finish of the season in France two laps down and out of the points he would require special dispensation in order to compete in the British Grand Prix after he technically didn't qualify for the race but as race ended on lap 13 after his electrics packed up as the season drew on Ross had started agent little closer to her stepping in lap times however it wasn't as cut and dry as you may be thinking the lack of development meant that whatever the pace of the car was at the start of the year that was it no more improvements were coming in but luckily for Ross it it meant that he had more time to learn the car get familiar and post more competitive times relative to Verstappen but he was still significantly slower than Verstappen overall and was only really out qualifying Giovanni lavash II which is a bass solo to clear it doesn't even require the effort of jumping but while his qualifying remained dismal Ross it began finishing races on a consistent basis while as teammate faltered how this would come to an end at Monza after he spun off into the sandbox in what was a very awkward retirement he did finish the next race three laps down before barely qualifying for the Japanese Grand Prix where he would be the last finishing car a full lap behind teammate for Stepan yikes yeah that was painful but hey it can't possibly get any worse than this eh right well it did it got much much worse for the 1997 season arrows replaced we're stepping in Roset in favor of pedra than is a defending world champion damon hill what damon hill and arrows what's that all about well to explain all this I've drafted in moto meerkat to explain what the hell happened so there's this bloke called Damon Hill you might have heard of him son of two-time fallen world champion Graham Hill so we had some pretty big boost to fill but I'd say you did a very good job astonishingly over the 1996 season Hill didn't qualify off the front whoa always do Hill didn't qualify off the front row once throughout the 1996 season and this equalled the record of starting all 16 races from the front row that had been set previously by Ayrton Senna in 1989 and Alain Prost in 1993 and obviously this incredible qualifying form would help him to take eight wins during the 16 race season and pip is rookie teammate Jacques builder to to tomatillo Williams actually ended up sacking Damon Hill in favor of heinz-harald Frentzen who I believe is one of Josh's favorite trying this actually he must believe that it was likely Damon was gonna join Jordan for the 97 season Binstead in a shock decision Damon actually decided to join the newly rebranded arrows team arrows had agreed to pay Damon Hill six million dollars to drive for them for the 97 season but wouldn't be all sunshine and rainbows for the Aeros team the season started very poorly with Damon barely even qualifying it for the first round and not even making it round the parade lap because his car would pack up halfway Clary the rest of the season wasn't particularly great either with Damon only picked up his first points at the ninth round Silverstone but Hungary to get a little bit better with Hill qualifying in third getting 35 seconds in the lead before his car had a hydraulics problem he lost loads of pace and dropped down to second but still a fantastic result for the team and it would actually be their last podium so yeah that's it's basically the story but the pain and misery Hillwood suffered by being with arrows for the season would be nothing compared to the debacle further down the grid Roset had ventured off to the lola team for the 1997 season by all accounts this looked to be a decent deal for him a reputable manufacturer the backing of a large American company and an in-house v10 engine to boot except in the space of just a couple of months the team would crumple like the Greek economy after MasterCard put the pressure on Lola to start one year earlier than intended the project was rushed and therefore saw an underdeveloped car rolled out with a gutless Ford v8 engine a gearbox that changed gears depending on its mood and a sponsor that had the temperament of a wet cat this is the very British version of the tumultuous tale but the end result was what you would expect Ross it would be joined by former f3000 teammates vincenzo saw speedy and when it came time for qualifying it was less than stellar Ross it was just over a second slower than his teammate which was becoming less and less of a surprise by the day however saw speedy himself was over five seconds slower than the 107 percent time if you are slightly confused by what I just said the 100 sym percent ruling means that anyone who couldn't beat that time would not be allowed to start the race unless of course you can get special exemption which is only applicable to cars that can negate a hill without having to change down but the Lola's would not be granted this and the team would be forced to pack up and head for the next round in Brazil except this wouldn't happen either it appeared that mastercard weren't too pleased about the sales figures of the f1 a club card which was effectively running the team the result was that lola had no backing and were millions of pounds in the red the team subsequently announced its withdrawal just days before the race thus ending saw speed his f1 career but for Ross it's he would rejoin the grid for 1998 this time with the turul team which was once one of the top teams in the sport but in its later years it had essentially become a goat dancing around open fire because of their struggles the team was purchased by Craig Pollock who neatly became a controversial figure Pollock was a man who boasted about a lot of things which ultimately would not eventuate spoken like a true politician but nevertheless it did help the team stay afloat for at least a little while longer until the team became var and you just quickly t'rul became var which became Honda which became Braun which eventually became Mercedes yes that Mercedes team was once this fledgling wreck of an outfit technically to help them in the adventure the team was looking for to pay drivers to take their seats one of those seats would be taken up by Torah Takagi takagi had a decent campaign in junior formula and had a wealth of success in karting ha he was also terral's test driver from 1997 so he had a mold understanding of what was to come and I'm sure by now you would have guessed who got that sick and t'rul seat yeah and this drew the ire of the man who founded the team way back in 1969 Ken Turell so incensed by the decision to sign Roset he quit his own team before the first round which understandably would have dampened the spirits of everyone who worked there but the show went on and the team headed for Australia for the first Grand Prix of the season now you believe that Ross it would at least be within the ballpark of what Takagi could deliver in terms of pace realistically given Ross its experience he should be ahead of him takagi out-qualified Ross it by 1.8 seconds now just think about that being beaten by rookie by almost two seconds yes it's petty yes it's mean yes Matt's is [ __ ] boring but evil it afire Kent Earls outrage in that Ross it was a man of many talents but that driving was not one of them the next few qualifying sessions were no better either at Interlagos he was half a second behind Takagi in point outsiders he was 1.6 seconds behind and Emily he was 2.4 seconds behind Hey just so long as it races go well everything's fine right qualifying isn't everything it's about how you perform in the race I mean that's what Lance straw fence say right well he retired from the first two races due to transmission issues although he did finish the Argentine Grand Prix however it should be mentioned that he was two laps behind Takagi now this may look like a bad result and that's because it was Roset then proceeded to make life difficult for his competitors during the race and this drew the ire of both Murray Walker and Martin Brundle his race would in with a blown engine so heavily out-qualified ridiculed by the media and without a meaningful result ever since well as f1 debut in 1996 for that matter in fact heading into the Spanish Grand Prix not once had Raza out-qualified a teammate throughout his entire f1 career but things weren't really gonna get much better for him it was evident that the turell's were slow at bust loner given that Takagi was only a sickening from not qualifying Roset meanwhile wouldn't qualify the result of this meant that Roset was sidelined for the Grand Prix and I'll spare you any optimism here and just tell you upfront that the next round of Monaco was nothing short of a [ __ ] disaster after colliding with defending world champion Jacques Villeneuve and free practice to Brossart space meant that if he couldn't meet the 107 percent time in qualifying he was not gonna get special dispensation to race on Sunday the 107 percent time was a one twenty five point three eight three after Mika häkkinen has said a best time of one nineteen point seven nine eight with four minutes to go Ross it was down on that time by four tenths of a second manageable for sure and four minutes is plenty of time to go for another lap however this is the predicament he found himself in with those four minutes to go spun at the swimming-pool section and left with no alternative but to flex minute and wrong way however he would flick spin into the opening and eliminated any chance he would have had of qualifying this was the driving of a man who did not deserve to be in Formula One and don't take that from me just listen to what Martin Brundle had to say so yeah Ross it would attribute this to a faulty clutch but really are we prepared to take his word as gospel especially given the animosity toward him due to his poor attitude team members said that Ross it was always complaining always blaming the car bad-mouthing people behind their backs but never to their face and full of conspiracy theories as to why he was so much slower than Takagi sounds like a toxic environment just like Twitter and the snobbish behavior lead engineers to rearrange the leaders on Ross's paddock scooter performing the Alba kennel switched with the IRA in the tea so that it would spell out the word tosser and insult to the wounds after not having qualified for the second race in a row and the next round he would match his best Guam pre finish of eighth place although he was still well off the pace of his teammate in qualifying but just three weeks later at many cause something amazing happened Roset out qualified his teammates but he would retire on lap 16 with hydraulic problems the British Grand Prix was a dismal affair he qualified slowest spun off during the race and into the gravel trap which was becoming increasingly familiar to him and while the race was weird enough to warrant a red flag in case someone drowned Roset was nine seconds off the pace per lap which in the next few rounds yielded no success for the Brazilian and thinks would get no better as we approach season's end after crashing in free practice Ross's car was withdrawn for the remainder of the weekend in Germany thus making it his third did not qualify of the season and his fourth would come in the next run in Hungary where he was 2.8 seconds slower than Takagi what the [ __ ] is going on Ross it would qualify for the Belgian Grand Prix but as race campaign wouldn't last very long we all know the calamities that transpired at the start of the race but there was something that he himself wasn't aware of until he slammed into the orgy of carbon fibre thereby giving him an awareness score of minus a million amazingly he tried to pin the blame on the team which matches up to us I can't see the lights excuse in Argentina he without qualified to car G at Monza although this would be the last time that Ross it without qualified teammate in his f1 career he finished that race in 12th place and a lap behind his teammates he was the last place qualifier at the Nurburgring before finally not qualifying and the final round at Suzuka citing a NIC injury from a crash in practice earlier following this dismal failure Gossett quit the sport and went to join the family business since then he has mainly kept a selling underwear with occasional appearances in motorsport he did win the Porsche gt3 Cup Brazil in 2010 2013 and 2015 now I could in the video here but there is some unfinished business to attend to first off why was he so successful another racing but not Formula One I truthfully can't give you an answer on that because he seems a decent driver in the junior ranks on the rise to f1 not something amazing but he was relatively competent having said that success in Junior Series doesn't necessarily guarantee you success when you get to Formula One Taecyeon Magnussen for example magazines junior career meant that people were telling him to be the next Senna but once he got into Formula One nothing seemed to come together for him there are drivers like that and Ross it was one of them the crucial thing is however is that you don't make yourself look too much of an idiot which brings me on to my next point Roset claimed at footwork arrows gave him a dangerous car and that the turul team actively worked against him to ensure that his life would be made as miserable as possible putting the good parts on Takagi's car and giving the crap ones to Roset and whilst this has been true in some instances and Formula One such as the steaming cesspool of a team known as Andrea Motor Terrell was a team and dire need of results but mean hey Who am I to question the word of a tosser now before I wrap this video up let's talk about that cool thing I mentioned at the start of the video so I've got a little giveaway going on courtesy of world race circuits who have a store on the GP box these guys have an amazing array of products and have generously offered this Nurburgring wall art for the giveaway if you want to get yourself in the draw here's what you got to do pick out something in the store that you like and provide a link to it and answer this trivia question name the three teams that Roset drove for in Formula One I'll provide a link in the description to the GP box so you can see and once you've done those two things above email your answers to this address got it mint so what do you think of Ricardo Roset and what were your memories of him if you were even alive then comment below and remember keep it respectful be wholesome don't be a - and as always I'll see you all later [Music] I [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Josh Revell
Views: 558,864
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ricardo Rosset, Rosset, Formula 1, F1
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 7sec (1327 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 08 2020
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