WTF Happened to Jack Nicholson?

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Uh, he’s a rich, happy, and successful old man.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Feb 21 2020 🗫︎ replies
as far as you can he's a legendary Hollywood actor who retired a decade ago that's right Jack Nicholson hasn't made a movie in 10 years now you can only see him at award shows and Laker games so let's think back on the life of Jack Nicholson this guy doesn't make movies he makes classics which is something that Jack actually says himself but why did this icon step down from his throne was he tired of the art of cinema was it just old age or was it something more so what the [ __ ] happened to Jack Nicholson WTF thank you and good morning Jack was born in 1937 and raised in New Jersey he grew up with his mother and his older sister but in his 30s he would later discover that his sister was actually his mother and his mother was actually his grandmother because it was the 1930s and teen moms didn't get reality MTV shows they just got public shame it was scandalous samara catholic neighborhood and learning that his birth mama was his big sister must have been very difficult young Jack loved movies and he idolized Marlon Brando and as a teen he proudly took on the role of class clown in school he even worked as a lifeguard on a beach and saved quite a few lives one day while patrolling the waves Nicholson spotted Joker actor cesar romero he was strolling along the beach and young jack went up to him and spoke to Romero about working in Hollywood what it was like to be an actor Jack asked for Ramirez advice because he was planning on moving to Hollywood soon and this oh gee Joker looked little Jack right in the eyes and said that Hollywood can be the lousy astound in the world if you're not working and after graduating he did move out to Hollywood to get into showbiz he started out his career in the industry as a messenger boy at MGM Studios and he also ran errands for animators hanna-barbera Jack Nicholson failed his first screen test and decided to take acting lessons because he wasn't good in class he befriended Roger who as we all know would go on to become a legendary producer and Roger Corman could see the talent that was in Jack Nicholson he discovered Jack Nicholson and put him in his first film the crybaby killer and Corman also gave him a nice little part in the original Little Shop of Horrors next step for Jack was to work on a few low-budget westerns some small TV parts and a few more Roger Corman movies Nicholson got heavy into the psychedelic drug scene and was taking lots of acid one night he and his wife were tripping and while his wife was hallucinating she saw Jack turned into the devil this caused some tension in their marriage and would be one of the reasons they would divorce his family life was falling apart and his career was going nowhere so he decided to take a shot at screenwriting and he wrote a movie for the Monkees called head [Music] and he pinned the script for the film the trip which was inspired by his LSD experiences fellow acid head Peter Fonda directed this one and this led to Jack's next role it was a role that would change his life in a film that would change the world Easy Rider this drug fuelled cinematic hippie trip to find the counterculture and revolutionized independent cinema playing this fun-loving drunken lawyer dude even earned him an Oscar nomination his first of many behind the scenes of Easy Rider was even wilder than the film they were doing real drugs and stuff real hippie hippie stuff jack infamously smoked over a hundred joints during the campfire scene and this scene instantly made Jack a star is a great monologue about UFOs and stuff aliens Nicholson's roll and Easy Rider is brief only 17 minutes to be exact but he sure does leave an impression jack was starting to become the legend that we know today Easy Rider was very successful it made almost 45 million dollars at the box office which was unheard of for a small indie flick and Jack got a cut of the profits and the first thing he did with that money was buy a house in the Hollywood Hills right next to Marlon Brando he did a film with Streisand called on a clear day you can see forever which is one of the few films on Rotten Tomatoes to be ranked 100% another Oscar nomination soon followed with five Easy Pieces a wonderful cinematic classic this film really gave Nicholson a chance to shine and lit audiences see his screen presence this movie was like hello world this is Jack Nicholson these are the kind of movies he's gonna make and just sit back and enjoy it for the next couple decades next Jack revealed to the world his love of basketball which he would be later known for almost as much as his acting he directed a basketball movie called Drive he said and it was very controversial because of a full-frontal shower scene Jack is always trying to stir up trouble and it usually involves naked people Jack always worked with the great filmmakers which is why he became so respected like Mike Nichols in carnal knowledge and the fortune and again in 1986 with heartburn and then he would team up many times with his five Easy Pieces director and make films like the king of Marvin gardens and The Postman Always Rings Twice and he would work with director Michelangelo and Donnie with the passenger which is a beautiful film look at that shot look at it Wow look at that shot whoa Wow it's a great shot nothing but greatness was coming from Jack nothing but greatness there was the last detail from Hal Ashby which got him another Oscar nomination and Chinatown directed by Roman Polanski in 1974 oh and here's a fun fact that's not fun at all but you know that horrible thing that Roman Polanski did yeah that one well he did it in Jack Nicholson's hot tub but but don't worry Jack was not home so so he's he's okay but yeah Chinatown it's considered one of the greatest films of all time some even consider it the greatest but who's to say you'd say whatever you want it's really good it's a classic oh and don't forget the who musical Tommy he was in it then Jack finally won that unholy golden idol called the Oscar when he gave the performance of a lifetime in One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest crazy Jack got to play a crazy guy playing crazy it was crazy worked with another brilliant filmmaker milos forman this movie proved that he was a superstar he's probably the most unusual movie star we've ever seen but he's he's weird-looking and but he also like looks like a movie star I don't know he's a character actor and a leading man mixed together to create his own category of actor he was trading acting like it was jazz his style was so refreshing and it paved the way for other big stars to experiment and take on unusual characters like this Jack finally got to act alongside his childhood hero and next-door neighbor Marlon Brando in Arthur Penn's Western the Missouri Breaks Andy weir with yet another master filmmaker Elyon Kazan in the Last Tycoon now it was time for Jack to step behind the camera again in going south then of course there was the shining he got to experience working with Stanley Kubrick his freaky face frightened an entire world and created nightmares for generations of moviegoers at the time the film came out it actually wasn't widely praised people did not like it that much but now everybody puts it on the top of their favorite horror movie list it was in ready player 1 so that means something here's Johnny Jack was in the epic film Reds with another Oscar nomination and he was great in the film the border then he won the Oscar again for Best Supporting Actor this time in terms of endearment played an astronaut but it doesn't take place in space there's so many other great performances he worked with director John Huston and Prizzi's honor and he was romantically involved with his daughter Angelica this film brought him another Oscar nomination and there was George Miller's witches of eastwick in 1987 and another Oscar nomination for the film Ironweed then came the Year 1989 it was the year of the bat Jack Nicholson brought to life the Joker for the first time ever on the big screen in Tim Burton's Batman movie called Batman he showed that big time respected actors could be in comic book movies and he showed that you could be silly and have a fun time but still give a wonderful performance jack is dead my friend call me John Jack Nicholson was so good people actually thought that no one would ever even try to perform as the Joker again but there was Heath Ledger he was brave enough but since Jack's Joker left such an impression on our pop-culture Heath had to do something radically different because if you just copy Jack you risk the attack of the fanboys and they can be vicious I know I'm one of them and of course Heath was amazing too in his own way both Joker's are amazing and and here's something that I feel like I need to mention when the paparazzi asked Nicholson to share his thoughts on the death of Heath Ledger jack replied with quite possibly the most bizarre answer ever i won he warned him what what is what is that what does that mean is that just Jack's twisted sense of humor or did Jack warn Heath about taking on the role of the Joker or about drugs or just about Hollywood in general he warned him I was it's just the guy just died a guy who who's playing a character that you were known for and being compared to and he just died and a young tragic death and and you reply I warned him that's either some Illuminati thing or Jack is just being Jack both seemed equally possible to me what do you think Jack was talking about comment your comments in the comments I won then in 1990 he directed a sequel to Chinatown called the two Jakes which I've never even heard of until now it's a sequel to Chinatown like what it was made like years after the original why is it good have y'all seen it am i a horrible human being for not even knowing what this film existed I loved Chinatown how did I not know about this movie should I be tarred and feathered for this or is this is this like a real-life cinema sin what do you guys think comment your comment in the comments and like all womanizing Hollywood Playboy's Jack had some personal problems with his girlfriend Angelica Houston when he impregnated a woman who was not his girlfriend Angelica Houston what this scandal did not slow down Jack's career one bit when Jack misbehaves people kind of just go that's Jack it's like a sitcom with a laugh track the guy could get everything in the world pregnant and we would just shrug our shoulders and go there he goes again let's give him another Oscar but yeah the scandal didn't hurt him one bit next he joined the incredible ensemble cast of a few good men it was the 90s and Jack was hot stuff and still at the top of his game it's the truth I don't know if you can handle it or not but it's the truth and oh yeah yet again he got an Oscar nom he's like the male Meryl Streep I call him male Streep Sean Penn then directed him in the crossing guard then he played Jimmy Hoffa and there was no digital D aging needed and a werewolf with no digital effects needed then he did a sequel to terms of endearment entitled the evening star which I also had no idea existed until right now how do I not know about these Jack Nicholson's sequence he teamed up with Tim Burton again to play two roles one of which being the president of the US of A and the sci-fi satire Mars Attacks I saw this as a kid I didn't understand the satire I didn't even know what satire was I I'm still not 100% sure but but this movie was legitimately dramatic and terrifying to me then I watched it again years later in my adult years and I found it hilarious there's like one movie would but but two experiences two birds one stone but of course not everybody loves this movie some people really hate it but you got to admit it's fun to watch Jack Nicholson be the president then he nabbed his third Oscar with as good as it gets Jack would joke that he had an Oscar for every decade Jack was so good in this he was as good as it gets was that the worst joke in the world comment your comment in the comments in 1998 he went to Cuba and hung out with Fidel Castro and you would think that palying around with a communist dictator would hurt your career but no remember kids this is Hollywood it's okay then he took a four-year break cuz why the hell not and he returned with the pledge his second film directed by Sean Penn and then Jackie boy gave a fabulous performance in About Schmidt it's one of my favorite Jack Nicholson films and of course he got an Oscar nomination this is a great film it shows a side of Jack that we never get to see his character was kind of pathetic and and there's none of that Jack confidence and charm but yet he still captured audience's hearts and had us again rooting for a different kind of grumpy old bastard and he got to see Kathy Bates naked but most people know this movie because it's the source of a YouTube video mean thing Jack Nicholson reacting to Jared Leto's interpretation of the Joker and nowadays being a video meme thing is more important than being a video movie star thing then came anger management restart alongside Adam Sandler this was a different kind of thing for Jack but he fit right into this wacky world Sandler and Nicholson had a lot of chemistry and since it was 2003 and this was an Adam Sandler comedy it made 200 million bucks anger management was perfect for Jack because he's made a career out of being angry this guy's great at being angry he's the best angry guy I said over easy then jack played an elderly woman Iser who has a taste for younger women and the romantic comedy something's gotta give there's a charming rom-com and he got to see Diane Keaton naked [Music] I'm sorry then he took another break from acting cuz why the hell not and three years later he gave us the departed finally Jack got to work with Martin Scorsese and it was a match made in movie heaven why did these to wait till 2006 to work together just imagine all of the great films they could have been making over the decades oh well I guess it all happens for a reason but yeah the departed is great it's one of Marty's best one of Jack's best it's a great cast and Jack rules over them all with his Iron Fist of acting Irishness director Marty allowed Jack to improvise and do whatever he wanted which is why every scene with Jack is so bizarre and out of control but it works perfectly he surprised Leo and pulled a gun on him and he surprised Daymond and pulled a big black sex toy on him that's jack mr. Nicholson then teamed up with yet another acting legend Morgan Freeman for the comedy the bucket list cuz old people are funny Jack plays a man who was dying and since jack is a method actor he met with people who were dying and talked to them about what it was like to to be dying imagine being on your deathbed and Jack Nicholson is looking down on you and he's like tell me how you feel I'm doing research for a Rob Reiner comedy critics weren't too crazy about this one but audiences loved it made a lot of money this film was about to seniors checking off their bucket list which put the morbid thought in all of our minds that Jack wouldn't be around forever and that we hoped his real bucket list included making more great films but it didn't in 2010 Jack possibly made his final silver screen appearance in how do you know he played Paul Rudd's dad and it bombed the film lost millions at the box-office and critics tore it to pieces one critic from The Guardian called it a depressing parade of nothingness and the film lost over 100 million dollars Jack's cinematic swan song was a dud and everybody hated it after decades and decades of pumping out classic masterpieces Jack ended it all with something very less than good Nicholson was done no more acting no more brilliant monologues no more crazy eyed close-ups no more movies no more jack but actually he was in one shot of Joaquin Phoenix as a social experiment I'm still here I don't think that really counts but I just wanted to show you footage of two jokers hugging it's pretty cool look at that it's just watch it for a second two jokers hugging two worlds colliding I'm sorry I'm gonna it's okay back to what am i doing okay yes rumors of memory loss and health problems circulated the tabloids but jack denied the reports and said he feels better than ever he was just bored of being a movie star and he's enjoying retirement he said he's still quote/unquote wild at heart but can't party and hit on girls at his age anymore thank God even though he was clearly creeping up on JLo at the 2012 Oscars that's Jack Nicholson has also said that he doesn't want to work until the day he dies some actors do that and that's very respectable but Jack doesn't want to do that he achieved his superstar oscar-winning icon status and he's perfectly fine not dying in the spotlight Jack actually never really did enjoy the celebrity status the the red carpet stuff not he hated it he never did interviews and he actually he hasn't been on a talk show since the 70s he loved the perks of Hollywood and the wild parties and the women and the drugs don't get me wrong but it's time to move on never dance with the devil in the panel mind white and it's not like he retired because the offer stopped coming in no no no he actually constantly gets scripts thrown his way but Jack don't want to be back but don't give up hope we saw a glimmer of hope in 2017 when he planned to return to the silver screen for the American remake of the acclaimed German film Tony Erdman but eventually dropped out of the project so at least that shows that occasionally the acting bug still bites him come on Jack don't go out on how do you know well give us one more if you have it in you maybe like a glorified cameo or something I you don't have to but it's okay I I understand you've worked hard you've worked your ass off and movies are better because of you there are plenty of great jack films out there I'm being selfish I'll just rewatch them you just relax on your yacht it's cool you don't have to make movies anymore I'll get over it I love his movies almost as much as he loves the Lakers actually I don't think anybody loves anything as much as Jack Nicholson loves the Lakers [Applause] so what the [ __ ] happened to Jack Nicholson classic after classic after classic and then suddenly gone no more work he worked and worked and worked and now he wants to play I guess it's more true than ever that all work and no play does make Jack a dull boy even though dole is a word I would never use to describe anything about Jack Nicholson and that's what the happened to Jack Nicholson [Music] [Music] you
Channel: JoBlo Videos
Views: 797,698
Rating: 4.7576246 out of 5
Keywords: joblo videos, joblo, wtf happened to jack nicholson, what happened to jack nicholson, wtf happened to, jack nicholson, one flew over the cuckoo's nest, the shining, as good as it gets, the departed, batman, jack nicholson joker, anger management, a few good men, chinatown, terms of endearment, the witches of eastwick, hoffa, wolf, mars attacks!, about schmidt, the bucket list
Id: UpUcQ8uQTjI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 5sec (1265 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 17 2020
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