WRP | How To Get Setup In Sonoran Radio

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[Music] all righty call Everybody's Shadow here I'm going to make a quick uh tutorial video on how to download and use our new Sonoran radio uh with a few other cool features uh within our community so first thing you want to do is uh go to the link that I put in the description and download either the 64 or 32-bit here now 99 of the time for you guys it's going to be 64 but some people may use 32 it depends on your computer uh nine times out of ten 64 but go ahead install that once you click on this uh when it's downloading it's done download and click on the little download pop-up it's going to ask you if you want to install it you'll do the except install yada yada yada it'll say okay please restart your team Suite it'll close it install it whatsoever now you want to reopen TeamSpeak first thing you want to do is go to tools options add-ons make sure that Sonoran radio is enabled next thing you want to do if you do not have it if you do have radio effects then just ignore the smart and wait but if you do not have radio effects you want to go to browse online radio enter radio Effects by Thor read more you want to install it once it's installed you want to go back to my add-ons make sure it's enabled so you want to go to playback you want to unclick own client place right clicks and other plan other clients play mic clicks you want to make sure those are off because snoring radio automatically comes with mic clicks once that's set you are all set up you want to join the server here join RTO now what you want to do load into the server in game once you load in-game hold on let me make this a little easier here once you load in-game you want to open up the cad sign into the police side once you are in there there's two ways to do this you can do T slash radio or the way that I suggest going into your settings and keybinds because they're probably going to want to do this long term anyway 5m and just set the actual keybind for it here I use uh here it is show radio listen on radio these new pad uh period there uh you can do whatever you want once you're in CAD and you shut that keybind go ahead and open it up now for me it's going to be on when you first open it it's going to look like this it's going to be a black screen you're gonna have to turn it on click this knob here on the top right it's going to turn on as you can see this is my status available if you click on here if you are in a call in the cad it is linked they're both Sonoran so they're both linked if you're in a call on the cat or something it's going to look and be the same here it links up now it may take a minute to update but I promise you it will update orange button that's the panic button obviously in your in role play don't hit it unless you need it and then this little knob up here is changing frequencies so there's actually two ways to do it you can change frequency there you go next preset so it's going to set me to the next frequency so how I do it scrolling through frequency click the little three lines here here are a bunch of preset channels so obviously if you're Leo you own Leo if you need to contact Fire EMS you can switch over real quick now the beauty of this plugin the biggest thing about it is the fact of everyone could be in one channel the regular RTO and TeamSpeak and unless you are on the same frequency on this radio you are not going to hear each other and you're not going to hear each other's mic click so being you follow all these steps completely you're not going to hear a word out of them unless you're on the same frequency that's the beauty of it um that's that's pretty much that for the radio another thing uh if before the storm radio you had that radio emote key binded you are gonna have to unbind user disconnected from your channel the fact that this snoring radio actually comes automatically with that emote binded so being your radios turned on if your radio is not turned on it won't bind that it will interfere if you already have it binded through your f8 console therefore if you need that unbinded go ahead and contact me I will send you the unbind command all you have to do is copy and paste it in your f8 console here hit enter and it will automatically unbind it for you and you'll never have to worry about it [Music] next part here you want to go back into TeamSpeak you want to go into tools options and are not tools and options correction uh you want to go to plug in Sonoran radio settings now this is this is the change your mic clicks by default in my personal opinion I think it comes with terrible mic clicks you can keep them if you want but uh this is my suggestion it's how you do this uh I'm gonna have a linked download link for Mike clicks a set I might click on my click off all you gotta do is download these real quick and this is how you do it so self-talk permit key down this is this is when you first uh push the RTO button you click that and you'll do configure choose file you want to put the mic click on there the key up that's when you release the key AKA end of transmission so you want to do the mic click off self-talk deny you also want to right click off key down you want to right click on key up my click off once you set those by doing the choose file and selecting those ones go ahead X out now it's saved now we have your radio effects you have your built-in mic clicks you are fully set up on the Sonoran radio you are all set to go at this point I hope you found this tutorial quick and easy and now you're ready to role play with us ladies and gentlemen have a good one and I hope to see you in real life
Channel: Shadow
Views: 2,737
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 5sAbN6Un1Ww
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 5sec (365 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 20 2022
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