Sonoran CAD + Plugins (FiveM) - Full Install Tutorial/Overview

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hello everyone and welcome back to today's video today it is a very highly requested video we're going to be taking a look at sonoran cad which is a cad system for dispatchers for sieves for police officers you could literally make this your whole server just based around this it's super cool it has so many integrations um we're going to be going through most of the integrations in this video and everything will be time stamped using the youtube chapter feature so if you don't want to go over the documentation you want to go straight to installation and everything feel free to do that by clicking the chapters and going to the part where you want to see it we're going to be going over in-game we're going to go over the 5pd integration we're going to do pretty much everything we can possibly do with this to show it off because it's super cool um so we're going to get straight into this we're going to go over the documentation and pricing first there is a free version so we'll go over that in a minute um so let's go ahead and get started so how do you access it um the way this works is they have a their own website so you can do it directly through a chrome browser or whatever you want ios app store so you can have a phone version if you want google play store windows desktop the downloadable apps they have the database thing they have the in-game integration they have the discord permissions they have live maps fully translatable smart signs in-game cads twitch overlays for body cams and everything they also have a roblox integration with a roblox game which is really really cool they let you open as many windows and stuff on there as you want stream deck team speak three they have an api they have a bunch of different options to customize stuff you can customize your account emails your domain all that good stuff don't have a dispatcher you can self-dispatch in game they have pdf records street name addresses hotkeys all that good stuff is all through there they also have voice commands when using online chrome version of the browser which i have used and i will showcase a little bit later on in the video so why don't we go through getting started um we're going to go through all of this one at a time but before we actually get to this we'll go through the pricing actually so they have a lot of different options they have free starter standard plus and pro obviously if you are a small community and you don't need that many user accounts don't need uh in-game like major integrations or anything you don't need that so each one of the available plugins and add-ons require a certain api endpoint so for like dispatch notify will require the plus version so that would require this version um to use that integration so we will be showcasing the pro um on the sonoran uh one subscription service that i was given for a month thank you over to brian there but obviously you would be limited um on your in-game standard plug-ins and stuff um to if you were paying it rather than having it for free so some of the integrations and stuff will require you um to have a paid plan with them i do recommend if you are a serious role player or a serious server to go with pro just because you unlock all of those endpoints and you can use them for custom resources and stuff though if you are just getting started one of the lower plans is completely fine as well i will note that they also have server hosting they have a community management system and a radio um we're going to be going over the cms and the radio um in a future video so make sure to stay tuned for all of that um and then you do get if you buy a dedicated service thumb you get a free um sonoran one subscription which includes the cms the radio and the cad for free as well and 30 off if you're one of their customers i don't know it's pretty cool and then they also do 5pd installations um if you buy a vps i believe with them so pretty cool um why don't we get into this and get started so we're gonna head over to the website when you're on the website what you're gonna wanna do is just go to and you're going to go in and sign in when you sign in if you have a community or you've joined a community before it's going to appear here i have my recording server one that we were testing with yesterday but we're actually going to go ahead and create a community this community i'm going to name youtube tester just like that you can link a website if you want but i'm just going to click create community and then you can see youtube tester and if you go ahead and click on this you are the admin so you're going to actually have all of the roles unlocked right away we're going to go to the admin tab and this is where you can kind of find everything about um the integrations to link stuff customization and all your accounts so we'll start with the account area this is where you can set up permissions for users in your cad if a user joins your community they will put into a pending state in which you can then edit their permissions and then enable them to active so our accounts obviously active but if someone joined you would just go and search for pending and you could add them and give them the permissions that they're supposed to have so if they're a civilian you'll only give them access to the civilian etc etc under accounts you also have permission keys so you can set this up to have them enter a permission key when they open the cad and that will be on the main screen so if you go to community member community overview you'll put your permission key here and that will let you select one of these which is pretty cool um so you can set that up as well to your liking however you need it let's take a look at overall customization there's a lot in here you can customize your community name logo and everything else you can go through here it is so you have your website if you want it all that good stuff can be edited there where you are what is your emergency code your penal codes pin code name currency all that good stuff unit code status is it busy available in root the reason we can't edit any of this is because we haven't hooked our plan in we'll do that in a minute but i'm just going to go through these real quick custom login page you can set this up as well there is a tutorial on this we're not going to be using the custom login page in this video but you can go ahead and set this up however you want but you would use cname and dns and everything you have quick links so you can create a quick link to be at the top or the army in the bottom of your cad or wherever you actually put that note to notification navigation um you have tones so you can play these tones um i don't know if they're going to be playing on the video but i will try to overlay that as well you want custom emails so you can modify these as well page colors any restrictions to the amount of civilian and discord rich presence is also available which is pretty cool you can also have multiple servers so you can have server one set up here all your names you'll be able to set up all your addresses for in-game they have a pre-made cfv file which will import later on lookup types and the tone board so you can have custom tones be played over your stuff all right so why don't we go ahead and hit into our um actual setting up our plan so if we go to the limits tab you can see we are on the free version and this is our community id this is very important you're going to use this a lot so what i'm going to do is i'm going to press upgrade your cad and if you have a subscription um like i have here you can see i have a sonoran one subscription um so i can go ahead and use that you can compare plans or create a new subscription so just to show you you can do this new subscription by clicking new subscription and you have the overlay so you have um you want the pro subscription the plus standard starter or if you want all of the stuff bundled together you can get the sonoran one subscription as well all right so i've gone ahead and hooked this cad into my existing subscription you can do that under modify or you can do that under set community id actually so i set it to my uh 62 rather than my other one now if i go back to the main menu go to youtube tester we are now under admin going to check our limits and you can see it is the sonoran one version so we know we are all good to go we have all of our things enabled now when we go back to that customization you can see we can actually edit all of these things because our plan is now active all right let's take a few looks at other things we can customize you have custom records so you can set up like um do you want police records bolos warrants all this stuff can be edited as well in here you got your departments so this is where you're going to edit your overall department so just to edit this you just click edit click the name of the department i'm just going to call it the police department and i'm going to say covers the whole map and obviously you would do this for your own server on however you want to set up departments or whatever their names are okay so once you are in the you have your police agency if you go in here you can see there are departments so i'm going to go ahead and edit this department i'm just going to change the existing one to lspd lspd and obviously you would set the postal code to whatever your postal code is in game i'll say 8 000 which is the peer and you have your address there too and then i'm just going to edit and delete this one because we don't want duplicates so now we just have the lspd obviously you would set this up for your own server in exactly how you need to set it up where it is on the map all your different departments and in here you have the subdivision so you could set this up as well where each one is a subdivision so like you have the gang unit or anything like that or the individual town names whatever you want to set up you can go ahead and do in here under customization we also have the 10 codes so this is going to be a list you can set the amount you want on each page you can have a list of all of the different 10 codes add as many as you want import them export them etc set this up however you want i recommend doing that for your server the penal codes is where everything else is um they have two example ones for the actual charges for the penal code which is armed robbery and murder um obviously it varies depending on divisions and locations so you would want to set this up for wherever your server is based from if you're doing la you could look up a list of theirs and put it into a spreadsheet that they provide and then you can just import it quite easily as well we'll go over that a little bit later under advanced you have your log section so you can actually go ahead and look at all the different changes making in things we have the in-game integration we're going to go through this all in a minute which includes the web api server events and graded maps database syncs we're not going to go over database syncs because that is requiring a mysql database for like um different characters and everything else we're not gonna actually do that you have license mapping vehicle mapping so you can change how the license plates look and everything else like that um i recommend keeping that all default unless you have a reason to kind of change it up a little bit you have the discord integration which is just setting up all your web hooks civilian web hooks and administrator web hooks so you can set this up to your liking you have your limits obviously that shows you everything you can wipe all records so if you're like doing a clean or anything you can change your community id if you need support they have a code that you're going to give them under the authenticate and you can transfer or delete it as well so you can do all that and then obviously their tutorials will re-link over here to their wiki which i highly recommend reading through if you haven't already we only took a short look at that so now we have our overall cad let's go ahead and take a look at the different sub menus you have civilians so inside civilian you can create characters you can set their hair color you can set an image contact numbers all that good stuff you can edit them you can have records so if you have any records they're going to appear here you also have the dmv where you can get vehicle registrations and the license and all that good stuff you have 9-1-1 where you can call 9-1-1 obviously you would need to select a character for this so why don't we create a quick test character my name is going to be bob my last name is going to be test i was born i've 1 1 1952 i guess that's not my real age obviously i don't even know what age that would be um you can fill out all this so i'm like i don't know hair color blonde eye color black emergency contact relationship whatever just add that and you can see now that i have that i can actually register my vehicle and i can get a license so i can change this to an approved license it's going to be a valid license the driver license expiration you can enter all of your civilian information if you don't um want to you can also search for it um but i know all my info so i'm just going to keep it right there so i'm going to add that and then obviously you can do the same for your registration valid and then the vehicle information as well truck license plate whatever you can add that and then whenever you search for bob test that's going to pop up and we're going to look at that in a minute under the other info so you have the dmv so you can look up here's the lookup if i just look up bob civilians and records are going to come up as one you can see they're going to pop up here i have a license bob there you go you have a plate search identifier record id as well so that's pretty cool if you go over to law this is going to be like your court so you can look up all the records for your court and arrests and everything you have police and fire which is actually going to ask you to use your microphone if you want voice integration i'm just going to say yes to that but you can set all this up and set your available enroute on scene panic you just hear this and you can see you need to modify this so i'm going to be adam 18 my name is going to be noodles my rank is going to be recruit i guess i don't know that's not how you spell that there we go i'm going to be available my location area of play whole map your agency police department lspd because we set that up and i'm going to save so now it's going to be at the top i can change all my different call signs you can hear the sound that goes with that you have a panic button [Music] that will go off over the server as well which is pretty cool you have self dispatch so if you don't have a dispatcher you can update the call change it around if you don't have that obviously you're not going to be able to modify this but you will be able to add a note when you actually have a call um so i would go ahead and cancel the panic there your navigation will be in the bottom left when you're in one of these menus as well um so i'm just gonna go to the system and you can see you have settings here so you can set up your api ids and everything to your liking as well all right so other things we have you have fire and ems which is pretty much the same menu just for the different divisions feel free to use that to whatever your usage is obviously if you have fire and ems on your server you'll use that you have dispatch and admin admin where we took a look at dispatch is where everything really is you can see any of our available units is going to be here so this is a18 you have unit group so if you want to group these guys into unit groups you can do that if you have any 911 calls we'll go over that with the integration in a minute and you have a new disk back so you can do the new dispatch whenever you want so we had a caller call in it is an active call code three wherever your address is so when we actually have our street name you're going to be able to do this um postal 9000 i don't even know if that's postal on the map call title man with gun and then the code just find the one you want 1032 is a man with gun primary unit is going to be a dash 18 and i'm going to drag my unit on to this dispatch call description a man was like a man had a gun and pointed it at someone any call notes you can add these will appear when the unit will add a note i'm going to create the call dispatch one oh three two man with a gun nine oh there you go so you can see it as uh sent that out and then obviously if i had my other cat open this would appear under there we can actually go look at that real quick we can go back to under police so you can see i now have this unit and i can say i'm in route just like that and if i go back to this pack obviously you want to be jumping back and forth you can now see my status is changed in root and we can see that and obviously dispatch can edit this call by just clicking and editing the call and then if we say call has been closed update the call it's going to go ahead and do that and we can set our unit back to available pretty easy sound effects are really cool they play in game two we're gonna hear that in a little bit that's it kind of for the overview of the cad um and how this works for now now we're gonna go into setting up the in-game connection to the cad all the integrations and then we're gonna do a showcase at the end uh using a few different units so let's get into it all right so we are here on the wiki now and we are going to install the framework for all of the in-game integrations the main framework obviously adds the in-game tablet and the cat itself um so you can use it from in-game so why don't we go ahead and get started we're going to click the framework installation on the wiki we're going to go down here and press download the latest zip from our github it will open github and then just download the latest zip file open this up with winzip 7.0 zip winrar the install is very easy just like any other resource for your 5m server it's just going to require a little configuring on our part we're going to go ahead and open this up and go to wherever our resources are in our server for me it's my server data resources folder depending on your host it could be in different locations just make sure it's wherever all your resources are stored and then in here you can see it has the sonoran cad and i'm just going to drag this whole folder in just like that and inside of here you can see we have the id card live map update helper cad tablet and the um speed radar script which if you already have this installed on your server uninstall it and use the one that they provide because it includes a connection to the cad as well um so inside of the cad there is a bunch of stuff in here like the plugins and then the config the config is what we're going to actually look at first so when we go back over here to the wiki page you can see it tells us exactly what we need to do we need to set our community id and our api key so we're just going to do this real quick the first thing we're going to do is we're going to rename the file and just make it config.json rather than config.changeme.json just like that so now it's config.json and we're going to edit this with notepad plus plus and in here you can see it needs a community id api key and then it lets you set any of these other available um statuses and everything i'm going to keep everything else different because i just need to enter my community id and api key so in order to do this obviously you would go to your admin tab and then you're going to go and get your community id which you can do under limits or you can just look over on the main page for the cad so i'm going to go ahead and copy my community id and post this in to the config and then i'm going to go to advanced and go to in-game integration and then where you see web api i'm going to click resources and this is where your api key is you can also grab your community id from here which is really useful so then i'm going to just go ahead and paste in that api key directly into the config and save it that's all i'm going to do with that config now when we look over on the um documentation it's going to say you need a steam api key set i'll leave a link on how to do that down in the description below as well and then you can install any other plugins you want and if you want to use the radar obviously set that up as well just rename that one file i'm not going to be using this in this video so i'm not going to set that up and then it's going to go through all the tutorials on how to fix any issues but this is what we need to do we're just going to take these four ensure notes here and we're going to add this to our server.cfg file so wherever you have that for me it's also my server data folder and i'm just going to add all this ensure there and then it's also going to give you two ace commands to add so i'm just going to go ahead and take these two ace commands right there and then i'm going to paste them in where my commands are down here there we go so now my ace commands are here and obviously you can use ace permissions to set who has access to those permissions there we go we have installed the integration now when we start our server it will actually connect but instead of starting our server right away we're going to install any of the other plugins we want to install which can be any of these obviously we have the pro plan so we have all of these but it will depend on your plan pricing depending on which ones you can use the ones we are going to use um the main one that uh you actually have to set up is locations a lot of the other ones uses this and what the locations does is it lets your unit actually um connect to the cad so it actually has the location of all that you are also going to use for us we're going to use postal so we want our postal script and you can get the postals script from the 5m forums it's just a normal default nearest postal script i just recommend using this one this is what we use in our videos and everything so you have this you're going to use this but the first one we're going to install is location so why don't we go ahead and do the location so in a way it's kind of like installing a resource but a little bit different because we don't actually install it to our resources folder we're going to add it to the sonoran cad folder so what we're going to do is make sure you have the framework installed which we just did we are all good there and we're going to download the locations plugin which is going to take us to github just download that latest version and open it up with winzip 7zip winrar whatever you use and then you're going to go to your resources and then you're going to go to the sonoran cad folder and you're going to go to the other sonoran cad folder and in here you're going to see the plugins folder this is where you're going to go into and this is where inside of your first folder don't drag in over the github download you're going to drag in the locations folder within that github download and drag it in here now in order all of the different plugins are going to be like this you're going to have to change where it says change me config.locations.lula you're going to change this and you're going to rename it actually we're going to have to go in there in a second we're going to rename it and get rid of the change me so it's just config underscore locations.lula for all of the other plugins it's going to be something different as well just make sure you remove that change me you're going to edit it with notepad plus plus and enable it and do any configuration you need for this file i'm going to keep it completely default there's nothing we need to do other than change it to enabled true it is that easy to install the plugins and we're going to go pretty much one by one on all of the plugins we want to install for this the nearest postal one is a little bit different so what we're going to do is we're going to go ahead and download nearest postals first which is a resource so we're going to go into the resource and we're going to actually download this so this is the one i'm going to use you can obviously use a custom one but it's going to need more downloads and more customization on your end so i'm just going to use the one that everybody uses and i'm going to install this like a normal resource and i'm just going to name it nearest postal keep it easy then obviously this would be started you want this to start before the cad does so this is going to be the thing i'm going to start up here before all of my other resources so nearest postal is going to be loading before the cad just make sure you do that because the cad needs to hook into all of the other ones so now that we have that we can actually go ahead and install the um plug-in now for this and it's the same exact way in the sonoran cad folder plug-ins and then you're going to go ahead and download the um postal plug-in via github just from the link on the version go ahead and open this up with winzip again inside that folder there's a postal folder you're gonna drag that in and then we're gonna go ahead and edit this postal folders rename the file to config underscore postals just like this it's pretty much the same step for all of your integrations very easy edit with notepad plus plus and enable it but you can see this one has a little bit of a different one this is where you're going to put the folder name for your nearest postal script for me i named it nearest postal for you if it's postal you'll just get rid of the nearest dash name this whatever the folder name of that resources is so we can actually hook into it if you have a custom one you can look over on the integration overview and it will tell you how to use a custom postal script and actually add this in obviously we're not going to do that because it's not needed and if you're using an old version of nearest postals you can also set this up and you have to add one line to the config but if you're using the newest version you don't have to do that so that is very useful now we have those two installed we can install any of the other available plugins that we want to add it's very easy to do this live map is the one that i really like because it can pull up in the cad for dispatchers so why don't we install this all you have to do you need the unit locations plugin which is the locations when we already installed if you want the postal plugins you can install that if you want smart signs they are provided for pro users for free if you want to you do have to choose your map as well and you also can have the call commands plugin which we're going to install in a moment but in order to enable the map and have it work you're going to actually go into your admin you're going to go to server events and integrated live map under advanced and in-game integration and you're just going to enable the map the map will be whatever you want for us we're using the normal default postal map so we have that and you're going to enter the ip and the port of the server obviously make sure that they are port forwarded for your router for me it is a local host so i'm going to enter all this details and then blur it out but for you it would be whatever your server ip is that support forwarded so your main server your main server port and when you are done just press save and deploy and you are good to go which is pretty easy indeed all right let's install the call commands as well same as the other ones you're just going to click here download it from github go ahead and open this up with unzip seven zip with rar whatever then you're gonna go into your plugins folder again drag in call commands go in here rename the file you can kind of see it's getting a little repetitive now but this is exactly how you're going to do it go ahead and right click edit with notepad plus plus change it to true if you wish to enable or disable any of the commands you can do that here you can add um if it's an emergency should it pop up as an emergency what's the prefixes can you have a panic button when it creates a call when a panic button is made etc etc can go ahead and be set up in here as well which is really really cool indeed let's see what other ones we are wanting to install here we're going to install 5pd in a little bit but so i'll open it for now but we're just going to go through this real quick civilian integration um we're not going to have any of that we're not going to have any of our call commands i don't think we need that we are not using esx or cubus so we don't need to use that either you can have uh postals we already installed lookups is an interesting one so pretty much what lookups does is it will use the plate reader and it will be able to search for the plate reader when you are driving around so you can get returns when you pull someone over which is pretty cool teamspeak integration sonoran radio we'll go over those in a future video not today unit status and traffic stop pretty much what these do is it lets you set the uh unit status uh based on a command if you want uh so like you can do like traffic stop and then ts and then write out all the areas and stuff and it will automatically create a um call in the cad obviously we don't need that we are like a two-person server so we're not gonna enable that but if we had a bigger server we may enable that go ahead and go into let's say the police we're gonna sit in here and we're gonna hop in game and we're gonna try to connect our account and make sure everything's working properly and of course when you start up your server forgot to mention this you're just gonna look here and you can see that it has started up successfully all that and it will also say hey loaded your community id with the api your available plugins have been loaded and make sure you are running a latest build so i'm going to go ahead and update bit my build because it says it wants 5280 so i'm going to go in an update start up our server we should no longer receive that error we do not we're good and we know we are hooked incorrectly our available plugins have loaded our community id synced we're good to go let's hop in game all right so we are in game here and the first thing i like doing when i am in game with the cad system is i like going to settings i like going down to key bindings or up to key bindings i don't know where i was going there down to 5m and then you're going to find cad tablet and you're going to set this is going to be blank by default i have it set to k the reason i have it set to k is because it's one of the keyboard bindings that doesn't actually do anything from what i can tell in gta so that is going to be the one i want and you also can attack you can change your attacks to call on everything as well um for me i'm just going to go ahead and delete this out of here yes i know i know it's going to say that but my cat tablet is going to be k so i'm just going to go out of here and if i press k it's going to go in and open up the cad tablet now obviously i've used 5m before i've signed in so my account is going to be on my recording server so i'm going to switch my community but by default you're going to have a login page here you're going to log in with your account and then select the community at the top there will be a red bar not like this red bar it's going to say you need to connect your api once you sign in go ahead and click retry and that bar is going to go away you are good to go then so now that we have our thing here if i log into police you can see all of that info from there is going to sync in here um so what i'm going to do is i'm going to open up our cat over here and i'm going to switch this to dispatch mode um so we're going to go back and we're going to go into the dispatch and inside of dispatch we have our account we have all our people i can open up my unit management i can open the live map so we now have that map over here with the postal codes and everything so that is pretty cool i do really like that and what you're going to see is i don't have my local server port forwarded so it's not going to work on this end but you will see that there is like a unit um identifier on the map and it will move depending on where your player in game moves which is pretty cool now if we go ahead and create a call so we'll go ahead and create a radio dispatch it's gonna be an active call priority three um whatever your address wants to be postal let's come up with a real postal this time i don't know uh what is the best postal number we can do i don't have a postal map here so why don't we open up a uh you also have look up as disk back so they can search for users as well let's open up our live map that i just closed and then let's find a postal number let's do four zero zero three four zero zero three um call title test code crime in progress is fine description test and then i'm going to drag over this unit so then i'm going to drag this to the other screen and then i'm going to click in game there you go you can hear it so you both you heard both the dispatch audio and the in-game audio but if i go ahead and mute my tab outside and i go ahead and do this again here we go now you can hear it only once there you go so you can open up your cad you can see what you're currently on what your call title is all of that good stuff is available here and obviously this is going to update depending on your other units so if i close this call it's going to go ahead and close it on in game as well i can switch my unit can do panic button all that good stuff i'm busy i'm unavailable all that good stuff is available and then over here i can toggle this as well and it will change in game depending on that which is quite cool so i can toggle panic off and it will toggle it off in game as well so that is pretty much how it works we are all set up uh we added our chat commands so we can do 911 test call the call has been sent to dispatch then you can see there's a test call in here i can open it in the editor 1085 great ocean highway so 1085 and then if i drag my unit over here i can create that call obviously setting the priority and then i can create the call and then it will pop up in game as well i can add notes to this so test add the note and then over on the disk that will pop up which is pretty cool that's pretty much how this cad system works um hopefully you did enjoy it you can obviously change the call status and everything um from out here and you can open up cads and close the cad calls and all that good stuff see the call history all of it's available here as well very very nice to do thank you so much for the sonoran people for letting me have access to this to make a video on it very appreciated um if you have questions please let them know over on their support pages and i'll leave all the links to everything we've done down in the description as well a few things that are coming out in the next few weeks i'm going to do another video on this with five pds integration the smart signs integration probably in the next few days and then next week i'm going to do sonoran radio and get into some of that stuff as well so thank you so much for watching today's video hopefully you did enjoy and hopefully this did help you it's a very advanced system i do recommend messing around with it if you can if you have a community large enough for it go ahead and use it so thanks so much for watching we're going to showcase this a little bit in 5pd this week as well and i'll see you next time [Music] you
Channel: BGHDDevelopment
Views: 28,144
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: BGHDDevelopment, BGHD, BGHDDev, Tutorial, sonoran cad, sonoran cad erlc, sonoran cad dispatch, sonoran cad fivem, sonoran cad panic button, sonoran cad radio, sonoran cad fivepd, sonoran cad setup, sonoran cad api id, sonoran cad live map, sonoran cad permission key, bghd development, sonoran cad emergency response liberty county, sonoran cad tones, fivem cad system, fivem cad system free, fivem cad tablet, fivem cad integration, fivem cad mdt, fivem cad live map
Id: 70nDTmfPA8U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 20sec (1940 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 09 2022
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