Writing the Body: How to Write a Good Paper - Study Hacks

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hi there thank you for checking out my channel thank you for clicking on this video this video is part of the series of videos I'm posting to try to help help people help students write a good paper now it's a little different from the usual aptitude test tips that I make but I realized that half a move off season I'll review my own dialects here processor in the exam this can be something helpful senior Maddon I appear still a student or if you know someone in a guy adult by now I already started this a few weeks back I started with the first video which was how to write a good paper and then I asked you guys if you want me to break down the parts do better help you understand what I was talking about and he said yes so a bunch of you said now it was supporting your letter so applying a paper she actually move papers and movies fill up some books and everything like that and that's why I'm making this this is actually part 3 I've already talked about how to write a good introduction last time today we're going to talk about the body of the paper so what do you put after your introduction I didn't get the meaning you're to sort your thoughts out because I'm usually a programmer when comes to writing papers is from paragraph 19 LM kanuma another guy in the other person I enter or you've been another programmer which is 500 pages for your requirement and paper in a minute a coach Callahan Co 4500 words solanum words and I think if you fully understand con you tips IBB acres in your minima getting problem are you campano gathering 1000 or 1500 words or 20 pages simply Burnie no in fact one of the struggles that I face when writing papers is not compile and Agrico but Connie in that anchor in kasi I usually end up with a longer paper than what is necessary you're gonna money in ahead of no professor so how do you do that okay I mean tips can you pedal it against a body in a paper I'm going to switch over to my PC so I can show you better and give you examples then like I did before of my mother of papers kono like other powerful that God that gotta hurry high score alright so I'll see you today alright let's talk about how to write a good paper this time we're going to talk about how to write your body numb paper and the main body in a paper Union Pina high contents yeah so we've already talked about the introduction we're going to talk about what to do or what the right after that now buckets are important they are annoying gusu nothing wrong attitudes about you know people in attendance the goal is this the goal is for the body to be coherent now I love this word because it's the exact word that fits you hi Lana letting go insubordinate people listen obviously nothing short in America now unlike you may clip on your 1500 bird paper but she's not being clear Neil and Buzz dr. Cassie I mean a hand upon Enid I'm noting that but coherent sure enemy should be not coherent mr. Mahina it has to be logical and well-organized now we can go into you happy on whether could say am Ellen Yin actually English there it has to be clear it has to be coherent it has to be concise so you know three C's nah man when it comes to the body concise coherent and clear so in your element but all you will hear that Monet I'm going that Damian has to be logical and well-organized and any semi he not tell on a new paper more follows a certain path okay or a marathon journey metal Xiang patterning Marin shampoo poontang 11 logical Shay be serving Dimas it's all about me that emotion and as a teacher I read many papers now along the unconstitu Road oh hey and it don't mean am I looking problema a lot of the people you know Holika Holika Mona eunuchs Angela no Pooja tapas necktie plus should ask on in erisa Pia they write me along the problem is Petrino no classy on paper Nino I saw an anonymous mobile banks corny no Kiseki burning you is logical is a pakka Sula at the money no sure no hey when your professor will be more inclined to give you a higher score I see it shows the Marin County operation even before you started typing your paper so it has to be logical it has to be well organized with the coherence kasam manage and your clarity cuz it has to be clear and it has to be concise what should have been concise it is I mean on my clay now bucket then I agree clean concise a you even power over India Makka pakka Surat nun 1000 words me LM question who got noticeably in the sir paper say again like I said pnina if you know these tips then I mean emotional McGee problem are you mad I become a Sulha I'm problem and I would be how to edit or chairman down okay so I'm not relying on nothing going what should I write I think you've got the last one panel no Matta oh yeah let me go sappy pretty cool well actually before they even ask what should I write autumn Kelantan awareness how should I write I know how much you like now when you write your papers and one thing people neglect is human process or young sequence or are you content and there are options that you can think of before you even write the paper now my muscle is all before and my momma classmates or schoolmates than before who would always complain I remember one of them distinctly mentioning my sister Nobunaga say okay Sabina I mean any stage ethical position okay and the school meet could sharpen and take a chance I mean yeah I pay natalenko distinctly sobbing Anna Salai last library aho that was not a library's computer Susumu can go go on a paper for a subject and then do my thing you doing humble most at a beach wedding you how come welcome to my video Sonia top was Shannon an international manhunt Eva perón service on paper nega nega Vanya didn't even yell on do you hot tub um cut a banana hamburger the sorry Tanya Dona rapado like type the red red shawl tapas pin the rain like by a pianist in anemia enough for printing paneer a tapas tamales para within five to ten minutes donut a person Inka humble go disappear yeah the sobbing Asaka and sorry saga no student para poner you can believe doshaka swaddle how many pattern yonago are you not gonna make a loop at home they I'll let you take a peek into our heads okay now bucket my beliefs come in MOOCs a lot the reason for that is cassette before we even start writing NASA Ottoman a mcconnell again i mean we are not having flow now who uh no your mom at a time now hindi flow la india necessarily kono young birds Kagami 10 but marina home logical municipal a famous I mean call Holly stallions out there on aha and we're going talk about outlines later so how should I write I know you people in Kona chew on on paper what will I focus on now it can be some of these things now think in terms of now you noticed I used already think no bucket see again even before you write up a TCP inertia scale and yet all the easier the moment the Sabino teacher more you're going to write the reaction paper on this this book you're going to write a paper on this topic for example creation okay but I write a paper and creation versus evolution I'm your personal unit pictures I attained some di hai pata way or mean some guy hit me at my sobbing yeah but lots of break time now in or anything like that we need ruminate Canadian topic now any second a panic attack in Bombay Permian go so that's a bi Paulo way cuz he our school was in Antigua Zambia he never he gets the fear me Cebu spell on me the breakdown konohana human anatomy cuts a paper Santa who wanna research to back it up so even before I start creating the paper naughty second and is it natural in Arabic oh so what do you think about think in terms of number one process now any process it because I mean he known if we're dealing with an event okay but you're covering an event if you're writing an example a news article think of your key points as process sameen medical first marin come next Marin come lastly the none no I thought amor it doesn't really have to be like that bullet point plan race on a human hand and yari now bucket important in an ingénue memorandum yari kasi when you type up your paper you're going to follow along to your topic suppress paragraph second paragraph three paragraph first paragraph and then you a king and Dean okay again that way organize new Alamo Koh Samui enter cuz if I'm a typo named paragraph all the things concerning this first event enter next event na next event and then so on and so forth another thing that you could think of before writing your paper you have to write in in terms of points any savvy inquanok points it makes a meeting on if you're for example as to write a reaction paper okay for example if you're asked if democracy is good for the Philippines if democracy breaks for the Philippines think of your proofs so you list down your proofs one two and three American and that long points it's good because of this it's because of this because of this afternoon on Monday and a point small so you don't argue man you know man emoji still building paragraphs on paper you will discuss this argument here in discusses are given and then this argument you don't be numb come on begin topic sentence now young paragraph so animal a re none but Allah when Allah gave musa moses amines is on paragraph muscle delay you flown an information must Metallica began hypnosis that is takes concerning that topic I'm gonna get a dozen statistics to support your topic switch your topic let's switch your topic sentence or that kind of um point that way and I'm Hani mourra Anatomy model same paragraph now another thing that you can think of would be think in terms of principles I know I know I be Savino principles think of tag lights take all para sentences that could define Kwan Yew outline more are you so much if I have a thing now this is something image or assume hanging it over so soon process or points lumps and points a random en-enjoy AMA sequence en processing madrina I say when was it step by step I'm pretty suppose me Machado model a but I believe now you can get there in a man someday but I'm going to show you an example of my paper and this employee snow all of three all of these three things steam process points and principles in one paper so I can showcase common because about this side I'm principals could say it's a little different I say it a umana pattern let me professor Nene on the garba sort of paper nina buggy in a penny a highlight so my is it blue button to it on bargain at all i mean cool anita to in kelowna hit again and in my life not to boast her but again this is all by God's peace and guessing in the Lord I've had some of my professors tell Mina oh you people more I remember it this think we can say you said something like the sometimes cannot be even quote human lines in my paper in a Qaeda home instead of Hollywood I'm gonna but the reason for that is cocina it's easier to for those principles to stand out Casilla and I said that's it someone paragraphs in the back up and Selena is not paragraph each okay so um Peter hypertensive how should I write think in terms of process points and principles and use an outline now don't outline is something that you can forego if advanced nioh and I wish I mean God but my master Jana you learn a bit of Gujarati canina I can mean a higher mark outline promise oh you mean I wanna go outline a seemingly that was to select not outline and I write the paper some people still do that and I also encourage you to do that okay um okay like outline outline her the only reason why I only mean upon Camargo an outline discussing at um discipline of thinking in terms of all these three things automatic measure I think acid a maternal papers and a sort of Kosovo Michael understand this of a I'm gonna damn uncle aliens a no I always tell my students this it's not skin it's it's experience because I've had teachers mala grade school high schools I mean like in a paper paper paper if I'm asked a normal small exam or paper paper tire paper and I was in Bible School and paisa Bible School kayo or a linear happen um Alex I mean I return oriented Bible School alumni and all you do in Bible School is write papers on papers and papers and events at school because the Messiah College I rewrite papers a lot of papers we used to average around eleven to seven in papers a week so you know requirement time you know in one week right support school or school psychology so without becoming papers so great in Hindi no honey no outlines a similar you use an outline and I'm going to teach you how to write your outline no hey now I'm going to give you a sample paper airplane now it all homework not talkin well like I promised I will show you you walking papers when I was still studying law now this is a sample of a paper that I wrote when I was still in college so Joseph Smith leadership path I think tonight la cosa finding a needing whoever whenever wherever okay we actually knew being in an Italian paper along the hill don't send a sulukule points pattern under your head and title battle I must boom granny but now a quick review Munna disappear it was happen at the last exam a look at how I started in this paper time because all the great ears have a tragic flaw so Italy equipped not anybody talked about how to start your paper you consider all the lead characters in major plays or movies so again we're talking about to say a leader that you want to pattern gaya him from the Bible so I pick Joseph better if you know this new first paragraph core doesn't talk about Joseph right away no it spero sets the tone hey and the buyer is no exception many of the great either scanning again a bhikkhu marson-knight no examples on different leaders even before I started with Joseph little NASA last the second paragraph Cove afternoon introduction who is Josephus you need that super you humans so as not to have any faults how did Joseph amazing story start ants with all great things in this world it started with a base on now you know this right here I put something in bold that was what I was talking about after you Isis among a team principal dieter suffers paragraph leadership starts with invasion now I'm going to go back here to show you you outline okay now I remembered writing this paper you know looking back and say I'm you know a policy before I started this program you say looked at the papers that I had this got a flat warning the reason for that Linna in my life but I wrote the outline for this paper so what a hormone and then eventually new NASA because along with Midland Bahama honey motor photo is wrote it on a paper uh you know Hasina heated it is today's leadership starts with the base on this was the first principle that I wrote down okay because I mean a girl in Omaha long is instead of picking out machines a boy Joseph if you don't know Joseph you can meet up on his life okay look says the dreamer up it always happen it's in you can look at Exodus and you can look at the Genesis for a news story and you know leadership starts with a vision you know unique Kimiko he knew hi and randomly and you know anyone codons are moving a melanoma Donna Raksha went on a move and you're seeing them come if there's a way for me to just pick out how about tomato and I see Joseph found about our Wuhan yeah so I started with this line leadership starts with a vision maha kasi City since you're safe from the current shouldn't dream and that was how it all started dead no so you know how the similar so leadership starts with a vision the next thing to say that happened with Joseph is no mention of our dreams yamaja Pitino and Rashad so instead of saying that my leadership is hard you know a leadership is something that not everyone will understand instead of doing this and get a walk-on in second line cooking a bit cautious and be coefficients are usually met with opposition so the person got a critical it ahead so leadership starts innovation mission our missions are usually metal opposition that was a minimus on the next I followed this train of thought instead of writing something as a random sentence you might score based on the process number Heine Joseph I turned it into principles and I used the last part of the Spurs of the sentence proceeding it as the first part of the next sentence so next opposition's bring about new opportunities hi I see Joe stepping up on touches of slaves slavers banana shot the let's just eat chips behind body for the next new opportunities to do duck Tonto new opportunities are coupled with new trials cassette and I you know your wife knew potty for innovation it's a new scanning again that's new trial I start only with the red trials trials overcome by always doing the right thing okay as I see Joseph media should I give in next trap and doing the right thing not only Somalia doing the right thing is not always rewarded oh hey bucket I say the whole lump Asha after that the next thing a leadership word comes through God's Way and in God's time so unfocused me talk or say this is this is a leadership study so leader from the Bible that you want to emulate I picked Joseph looked at at his life come on Amana life principles following the order of his life and to make it easier today member vinnik don't wash ah now now that I know neither Analia cosas paper eco-mariner who outline well in kissimmee him go Medina's having to type an entire paper based on it because I'm not going : diamond look at miss I started out with this line leadership starts elevation that was um Mexico how do we define vision so that making the pattern if you define coke on your new concept introduced and then I will give an example this one here is a pony Joseph Joseph story begins in Genesis 37 so then the story goes on getting an end to this quickening then Gary that was you are king call to action either should start with embracing a god-given vision so on again it would be I define a term I go I go and explain it subway me Joseph and then I give my own opinion and in all that combination into lenita so this is my next concept so I thought live in a society is driven by the concept of the norm i defined opposition as people who began and contra do somehow in easy process Goosen a lap around hungarian disciplina about your life joseph has the same problem that was again your opinion car however when god is the one who gave you that vision you can be sure that doesn't end there ok listen a mexican sentence again if you find my opportunity define winning Attica joseph and then conning a new nothing opinion on this oh yeah so again that hill didn't process sharma similarly in a bit you know so notice yeah I'm not going : introduced coincident ammonia it's a boy rainy Joseph I am sorry but however did not end there ok doesn't make us a note back so this is one of the papers now I totally forgot about until I revisited my files no because I wanted to make this series for you guys and this proves now again pacman Hong Kong outline become go no Haram you see now become having a paper call right but I said chapter necessary bro basically because that's what I need a second mark so let me select number so Latimer anima nobody holds a paper because Marin a whole outline Singapore my outline car okay Alamo Hanuman Egypt canal and honey let me go say hello yeah and panahon a explain okay so maha problema Hana say editing done so let's write an outline together alright so here's what's going to happen I'm going to show you how it usually works in my head okay so we can try to kind of write an outline together eventually chambray commander gonna outline the new moon animal elegant information say Italian okay for example let's use a different a new yeah that is Emily we're document tire okay so bear with me it's the first time I'm right I'm working with different programs now for example I'm writing homework I reaction people on is on the arm - laughs bye hi Stella alright Coney Island I say who so who said I'm on a movie review hey Dad a little supper ho not be set up in equal ability no no and I also do this but a mind exercise when I write my own movie abuse before I wrote my own now I don't have so much time doing that neck but even if I write for articles or anything like that newsletter it in yet another Limbaugh process so reaction paper annoying it's something I'm Tula para hi Stella okay so again you intranet and we talked about this last week here you can pull pull a poem from the movie right for example when you watch a movie but somebody we can undo knock one into smart allowed the longest among similar okay now at Ygritte is our body netting on paper so buddy no paper okay you can put in different things hey my on what do you what do you put dudes abut in a paper number one okay what you could do would be less down your information about the paper your mom logistics Nancy didn't agree Rex you know marketing and opinion next you have your positives okay under Yuma good things about the paper okay animal appreciate more cinematography on shots you mood your music whatever put it there top assume an Amana my new negatives and human criticism small under Yuma thing in mob they can improve on okay so in this my job and and then number four you recommendation on a man okay I know your recommendation yes I mean will I tell people about it will I ask my friends to watch it and no see no no no odds you know my gonna wanna do movies your mother to Luhan it oh okay and then you can end on that note now you anything but what's happening my not in next time but now that I have this I can kind of envision kah-nee-lah like a good answer paper across a under information in a logical saguru young background on director tapas in easy Pony and research research on who he is some former projects education etc now so Takahashi primarily most important agency could all most important a young former projects yeah if we ride a 1000 brilliant paper called Coulomb poppin onwards it not the communion to patient ok but don't have time and I'm on again putting more your actors oh hey now this actors see me long but suppose he knew local Avenue names okay should I pray 11 like a young names it again my own names researching and her I go get me a long long hula fire no spell normally okay names and then you put in cigarette of your opinion but in the end on how they acted their performance at all unalaq short very short like I say easy see if you suffer the positives I among I am on the wall a so what you could see would be so Tohono Maradona have for him number are latinum ass - John Connor a since I mean itís e JC was exceptional as always no not get on see Bella was a revelation organ ok I didn't know Pinnacle Annabella beforehand on a higher provided better than provided a depth divided that was necessary ah in the movie for the movie I'm argan oil Papa's medical human since even ignominy revelation for any of their been among he says I'm a supporting cast I forget his name high in Google are you nobody knew back in a friendly JJC your beatboxer yeah hung up in me your name and the anemia was revelation oh yeah and it's Abuna casino possible allah that was not GU like Reba first time I saw Nikita I don't get in your performance yeah I'm going on hey so again these things the abomasum adenine goodness nap now he some boom said booboo sentence because they shared only I know booboo sentence for each line that hill Alan : after simpler goes up and ito you can even split it some different paragraphs as you see fit okay and if you think about it your information estoppel meaning in this tornado and I mean no and I mean no and I mean I'm pretty sure that conclusion so robust now even thousand buildings and Paula okay so you would mean to edit are you positive good things what do you say don't hold on I know maganda acting maganda Direction pony array more than the cinematography Oh same again the human eye Shana yeah by the oil that was Macaulay we can adjourn and you must specific instead of saying oh the acting was good period uh examples had a kind of scenes and all scenes extend out say oh I describe that scene okay describe and critic described mo tapas charm OSHA Sabine Conan iguana about it and I'm suspending but wanting improvement reunion so my Ghanaian machines see no yawns who acted well yeah and Camaro hamana I remember an alliance penny more elegance I mean wanna see I even remember this line cuz in expand alteration survey the direction what can you explain us I mean Mona young dynamics yeah and our layers of emotion were I mean attend were mmm fresh I'm going yeah where they fine yeah he said me he known me long improvement Arden paura mia Nikita bonum bola don't belong what not a he may come alone Kutner yeah yeah Nikita malecon tsunami cannot necessarily about it I'm going to see nothing is for you to be able to see a lot of things the cinematography hey I know you my god you see the way my main window okay recurring which was a recurring theme some movie the bass have been known as people Apple on the movie dimension and Ella no no I don't know what I had said that come alongside you boondock was also in the hallways Cunha pants in your hallway bye Galahad see Jesse may my bandana painting on same wooden dock me laugh Romano class female body you can point that out in fact no moola no bullying Oksana which added to the drama of intersect entire scene entire movie Magan on ok so again when I become wasn't happy about it ok this is I mean you're my human augusto hands I'd be nothing you start burning JC was inconsistent which was true hey this from my opinion it's Alexis publish a meeting in there Marin Sean Marin tongue loopholes ok cool my mind I think the helm on loopholes compiling a team on bogey-bogey Camaro for Nikita problemas a piecing okay so don't bother yeah here and there okay savvy nothing uh you know any anything anything else something so I could go on and on about this but I'm going to stop right here because I want you to think of your own then now recommendation what can you say about your recommendation so inhuman operating among senior people on the movie was good period began on recommend musher so for example this movie is a good watch especially if you are going through something similar no because I mean he non-business I mean well another movie was good business a vimana at all commercial Magana panoorin her to you Lana there are themes and scenes which are not that or not that appropriate for young younger people only what about last night there and they are see me lung young which is through a say there may more violent scenes in some movie may my sexual scenes a movie so it's very much I mean you know there are themes and since we are ensuring appropriate for younger people again Heaney and say something bad a graph fashion play that but coherent about a lot more better these are just some of the things we can write so another thing that you could say would be this is a I hope wanna guitar I hope that is why if this is the kind of movie Roma romantic movie that is produced nowadays I look forward to the next ones oh my god on because I mean he knowing you're looking forward to more movies like this so instead of just saying the movie was good good job good machinist I have been a big done and then you end on that note on another note Hey so again it's just done an example being a buoy or more sentences but I hope that you'll get my point and I hope that is something that could help you out in the future alright I hope you learned something today did click thumbs up make sure they trade this video with your friends I don't know hey BJ oh I'm not coming I'm not a student spy maybe muscle to Luana insulin veto dial I love nothing in lahat if you went through college most of the subject subjects that we have I mean the human eye requirement no professors or papers all right so the next video will be about how to end your paper that is equally as important as you in pro and you embody no people in your essay usually the one people occupied another purpose in paper you know so I'm going to talk about that on the next video if you want to know as soon as that video posts subscribe to this channel hit the bell I buy my notified you my bag wanna upload alright thank you guys and as always if you want to reach out to me directly go to the vww are peaceful calm / team like for the exam tips and questions and all of the information regarding that thank you guys for watching god this HOH oh honey and see in my next video and bye for now
Channel: Team Lyqa
Views: 31,049
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Keywords: Civil Service Exam Review, Civil Service, SATs, SAT Review, Math Review, Math Lessons, Easy Math, Speed Math, Math Made Easy, Team Lyqa, CSE Review, UPCAT, LET, UPCAT review, LET review, free civil service review, free civil service exam, Philsat, LAE, Philsat Review, Study tips, Study Hack, Lyqa, Lyqa Maravilla, Studying, writing, writing a paper, how to get good grades, Writing a paper, writing an essay, Writing essay body, writing argumentative essay, writing concept paper
Id: BCtE3TjaHaQ
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Length: 31min 26sec (1886 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 01 2017
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