Compare and Contrast Content of Materials |GRADE 10| MELC-based VIDEO LESSON|QUARTER 1| MODULE 4

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time check it's english o'clock [Music] english teacher nihuan [Music] i made learning english easy for you please like comment and subscribe hello there everyone welcome to another learning episode for english 10 lessons [Music] our target most essential learning competency for this video is compare and contrast the content of the materials viewed with outside sources of information in terms of accessibility and effectiveness most probably you have already tried to make a poster for a poster making contest in your school which between these two coloring materials is more effective to use crayons or oil pastel i bet you'll choose oil pastel tamaba maybe your reason is kapag oil pastel masmatinkad ankulenito crayons atmos madeleine mcblenden colors to achieve the desired effect what if naman you are to choose between enchanted kingdom or disneyland most probably what you have in mind is disneyland tamaba but if we are to consider the accessibility it is the enchanted kingdom which is more accessible i have mentioned from the given examples the terms effectiveness and accessibility [Music] crayon or oil pastel and most effective gametes are poster making and you chose oil when asked which between enchanted kingdom or disneyland is more accessible it is of course the enchanted kingdom now let us define these terms effectiveness refers to the degree of being able to achieve the desired result based on the information's objective or purpose while accessibility refers to the quality of being easy to find obtain and use let's utilize these terminologies in the aspect of comparing and contrasting the contents of one source of information to another in short the target of this lesson is to guide you in comparing and contrasting two materials or source of information in terms of effectiveness and accessibility [Music] for example your task is to compare and contrast the content of the story the gorgon said found on your english textbook versus its counterpart video adaptation on youtube after reading the selection and after viewing the video you will analyze which between the two materials is more effective and more accessible by the way natand video lesson about the different sources of information if not kindly check out this video [Music] meanwhile here are some graphic organizers used for comparing and contrasting graphic organizers like venn diagram and the ones presented are particularly suitable for displaying comparisons as they can usefully display areas of difference as well as any overlapping similarities now to create an effective and conclusive comparison out of numerous information you have to use conjunctions and transition words like the ones listed below comparison words like likewise same as also two both similarly in the same manner in like manner in the same way contrast words but yet although even though whereas in contrast conversely dissimilarly nevertheless however on the other hand let's test your knowledge identify the appropriate conjunctions or transition words to complete the following sentences number one watering new plants is necessary for growth blank too much water can ruin them a like b however c also d similarly [Music] the answer is b however number two blank the book and the movie open with the same scene a likewise b also c yet d both [Music] the answer is [Music] both number three i brought a cake carla blank brought pie [Music] a to b both c on the other hand d although [Music] the answer is c on the other hand number four these homemade cookies are delicious blank this butter cake is very flavorful a likewise b in contrast c however d both answer is a likewise and lastly tu ba taharif is one of six unesco world heritage sites in the philippines blank puerto princesa underground river a but b yet c same as d although the answer is c same as comparing and contrasting information from multiple sources allows you to create a comprehensive view of topics from this point i'll guide you with the steps on comparing and contrasting sources of information step one is note taking say for example you are to analyze an infographic and an article about the effects of smoking you will then record as much information as possible in note form or bullet points using this graphic organizer [Music] step two is to identify similarities and differences in the content of the two materials based on the information that you have extracted you will identify the similarities and differences between the infographic and article using event diagram [Music] and in the final step you will craft the connections so based on your answers in the venn diagram you are now ready to construct sentences that show comparison and contrast using appropriate conjunctions and connecting adverbs [Music] now let's dig deeper into comparing and contrasting this materials in terms of their effectiveness and accessibility by pondering on the set of questions what is the infographic and article all about how is the information presented which is more effective the infographic or the article that you read why which source of information is more accessible why great job after completing all those tasks you are now able to master the skills in comparing and contrasting soon you'll be equipped with skills that will be helpful especially in research where you need to be a critical thinker so did you learn something today sure call hindi nosebleed if you want more of this video tutorial and learn english in a light speed walk kalimu tang muk subscribe see ya you
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Id: 11zeR3kBBlY
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Length: 10min 49sec (649 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 11 2021
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