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this unwinding business has become very popular everybody's talking about unwinding detoxing and whatever first of all why are you two so toxic and then you want to detox yourself you are eating wrong you're thinking wrong your emotions are wrong and you talk stuff and now you want to detox you wind yourself up and then you want to unwind winding yourself up is a crime this is why I am saying why a purpose is important is if your purpose is really burning in your heart activity is not burdensome activity will never be burdensome you will know the joy of action because it's not burdensome it's always you're looking for an opportunity you are looking for an opportunity to be on and when I use the word on you're off means you know what it means no no we don't want that to happen right away life is about being on a time will come to go off after that you can't switch on again let me remind you all of you many of you thinking how much should I do how much should I not do see these questions will come up only if you don't have a purpose to fulfill a purpose which is larger than yourself if you don't have it in your heart then always the calculations of what should I do what should I not do there is no such thing as on and off you're on when you're exhausted you'll anyway fall down and you will get up don't plan all these unwinding plans when you're exhausted ah you fall dead and you come awake again that's how life should be hey it's Evan Carmichael and I make these videos because I need it I need it for me because I don't wake up every day and say yes let's go conquer the world now I wake up and and I need that external motivation to match my internal motivation when I see somebody who's doing amazing things it makes me just want to play a bigger game and so I hope that today's video makes you want to play a bigger game too because your message matters and let's get it out to the world so today let's get some incredible motivation from the one and only sad Guru Joy the Southerner is uh essentially towards using your emotional intelligence when we say emotional intelligence today it's being identified in the world for a long time we thought intelligence means just IQ see this is not a IQ means I stand in the queue that means always behind somebody this is the nature of the intellect intellect is always trying to imitate and be one up wanting to be better than somebody is also an imitation of somebody isn't it essentially we are trying to do a little better than the monkeys that's evolution yes the nature of the intellect is right now the way it is for most human beings it is a useless instrument unless there is a bank of information there is no information most people do not know how to use their intellect only with information they can use their intellect this is not this is not the nature of emotional intelligence it doesn't need any information it can just Embrace everything and know it it can feel its way through life it need not stand in a queue it need not stand behind somebody it need not try to be better than somebody it's simply a way of being involved with life knowing Life by involvement not by dissection this is the difference between intellect and emotion intellect tries to know everything by cutting it open by dissections emotion knows things by Embrace by inclusion please so the southern is essentially to heighten your emotional intelligence because it's so much of an easier way of doing things if you want to dissect the ultimate if you want to dissect the divine that's not a good thing and you won't get anywhere with it the best way is to embrace when you Embrace somebody you are also allowing yourself to be embraced otherwise it will not happen only I will embrace you you cannot embrace me it doesn't work like that when I embrace I am also embraced so this is a way of embracing the Divine rather than dissecting the Divine so sadhana is essentially about this devotion means just that devotion is not about dissecting the Divine it's about dancing with the divine becoming one with it essentially to heighten your emotional intelligence so that your ability to live well is not dependent upon being better than somebody your ability to live well is by your own innate nature not because you are better than somebody you don't have to prove that you're better than somebody you don't even have to try to be better than somebody this is emotional intelligence there is no hierarchy in this once intellect enters this if you say love who loves most there is no such thing do I love Diana linga more or you love the analinga more do I love this Turtle more or you love this Turtle more do I love this monkey more or you love this monkey more nobody can decide this never ever can anybody wait and say okay this person loves more than the other person there is no such thing quantities do not apply to emotional intelligence when quantities do not apply the high and low disappear big and small disappear life becomes as it is and a more important life than you or you a more important life than the ant if you think you are more important you have a gross mind you do not understand that ant considers its life as important as you consider your life probably more he's got more limbs than you probably doing more useful things he's more organized than you we don't know what else probably their population is more if you give them the Voting Rights they would win hands down so intellect is always trying to set one thing against the other it is your intellect which has created conflict it is your emotion which can bring this together but if emotion follows intellect emotion will also will become a deadly conflict if your intellect follows the emotion then there would be no conflict there would be Sweetness in the world there would be wonderful situations in the world to the southern eyes essentially oriented towards that it's a simple structure but if you give yourself it does miraculous things to you [Music] a lot of people cannot understand that something so simple can do something like this to a human being because they dissect it and see if I dissect you on C let us say you are a great singer wow you sing so well let me see what is in your vocal cords and I will dissect your vocal cords and look in I will not find any music because that is not the way life works so dissection will take you to a place where everything will become meaningless if you apply your intellect to every aspect of your life you will turn everything into meaningless rubbish this is what is happening in the life of an intellectual that everything looks meaningless and rubbish but if you apply your emotion everything becomes valuable and beautiful every little thing becomes a blade of grass becomes poetry as simply a wave of the branch becomes a song but if you apply your intellect everything can be reduced to rubbish everything becomes no good if you apply your emotion everything becomes great wherever your desire is that's where your mind will be if you desire something intensely your mind will be always there right now you desire the cup wrong place to be you desire a goal that's what you should desire when you're on the field isn't it now you can design the cup but once you're on the field you just desire the goal and goal and go nothing else once your desire is strong your body and mind naturally moves in that direction isn't it whatever you desire that's where you go if your desire falls off then you can't keep the mind on it so you just have to develop the icha in you the only itcher is to score the call then you don't have to worry about mental focus that's where the mind will be [Music] can somebody take your mind off what you desire can somebody take your mind off what you desire what you desire is where your mind will naturally go isn't it so how does yoga help in this see what are the simple parameters with which the body and mind is functioning complex machinery this is the most sophisticated machine in this planet is human body and mind isn't it everything that we have created has come out of this mind so this mind is a complex Machinery very complex so if you do anything wrong it will create many distractions within itself there are certain simple ways there is some simple technology with which you can keep your mind in a certain condition of clarity where it simply sees that you learn to keep your mind like a mirror it simply shows you what is there it doesn't distort the moment your mind gets identified with many things now you are playing as an Indian hockey player now you get all this started because now you're reading the whole history the glory of Indian hockey the depths of Indian hockey everything will flow in your mind now you will not play the game you will not see the game the way it is first of all learning to keep the mind like a mirror where it simply shows you what is there in front of you without any distortion once there is no Distortion you will walk to the best of your ability isn't it now you're walking on this floor there is no Distortion in Your Vision you can see everything clearly to the best of your ability you will go isn't it in your very Vision if there is distortion you will unnecessarily stumble all over the place so whatever talent you have whatever capability you have if it has to find full expression your mind doesn't come in between and distort anything it just shows you everything the way it is so the whole yogic system is focused on this for a spiritual purpose which can also be used for the sport that it shows you everything just the way it is not some other way not the way you think it is this is another concept which is made its around in the world that something else should motivate you to do what you're doing if what you're doing is significant enough you don't need any other thing to motivate you what you're doing is truly significant to life why do you need another motivation to make that happen if you really understand and experience that what you are doing is truly important for every life around you you don't need a motivation life just goes on see does your heartbeat need a motivation to keep it going I'm asking you all the life processes is not asking for any motivation isn't it monsoon's coming any motivation no it's coming year after year because the natural process is going on simply like that in you and me life is on what I'm telling you is if you're doing something which is aligned with the fundamental life process of Who You Are this can find a million Expressions it need not be just spiritual teaching it can find the million Expressions that what you're doing is aligned with your fundamental life process then you will not need anything to motivate you simply as a part of life it will just happen how much you do simply depends on how much time you invested on upgrading yourself the problem with the world right now is people are always trying to upgrade their activity if you upgrade your activity without upgrading yourself you are bound to break up somewhere it's like you went on a Formula One Track because you want to be on a fast track and you went with your maruti 800 suppose you hit the right kind of speed all the four wheels will go in four different directions it won't hold up if you want to be in that kind of speed and that kind of track you must prepare the machine upgradation of this one is important if you upgrade yourself activity will simply happen uh many people around me you know many times think I am superhuman because of the activity that I perform this is not about being superhuman if you explore the possibilities of Being Human if you explore the possibilities of the immensity of Being Human you will realize you don't have to be a superhuman Being Human itself is super so you will not need any external drive or some other inspiration the very process of life will do it also to make sure you're actually taking action after watching this video I've designed a special free worksheet just for this video the worksheet will highlight all the Lessons Learned in this video as well as pull out our three favorite learnings and quotes that will inspire you to actually do something the worksheet will also give you space to write down what your key takeaways are and your specific plan of action to make sure you're getting results if you want the worksheet designed specifically for this video absolutely for free there's a link in the description below go click on it and start building the momentum in your life and your business I'll see you there if you're stupid you can do whatever you want hahaha you need to understand trust does not mean somebody has to behave the way you expect them to behave trust means whatever they do it's all right with you if you come to suggest it otherwise don't do such a big word as Trust trust means they must do what you expect them to do this is a certain imprisonment your trust trust should Empower people trust should not limit people isn't it so your idea of trust is to hold them in the way you want them to be so you trust betrayal this that works don't get into all this nonsense just use your sense see this is the biggest mistake they have made they always told you to be good once you are good you have all these expectations from everybody else see first of all they told you God is good God is compassion God is love God is so many things leave what other people have told you let's say you know nothing of this nonsense from anybody you paid attention to Creation you looked at a flower carefully one thing you can see is whatever created this is of tremendous intelligence isn't it yes or no not necessarily something as pleasant as a flower you pay an attention to an ant that's crawling around the way it's made incredible intelligence or no yes or no but nobody told you God is intelligence if they had told you God is intelligence we would have had a more sensible world so don't don't get into all this trust business handle your life and relationship sensibly because these things will create expectations which no human being can fulfill and simply struggles will happen endless struggles will happen trust means I trust somebody means whatever they're doing I trust them no I trust them means they must do only what I expect them to do this is not trust this is a soft imprisonment you know in it's still not come to India maybe but everywhere else they got they got colors for the dog electronic callers no more chains the dog will be right there it will never leave the boundary because if it crosses that boundary there will be a shock okay and in America it's become very common it runs around only in your garden it won't run anywhere no offense no chain but the dog cannot run out because if it steps out why why are you making faces it's called lakshman Rekha in India foreign [Applause] so that's what she's talking about in the name of trust if you cross it there will be trouble don't don't get into this dog tag kind of trust if you really trust somebody whatever they do they may be doing it in their own understanding of life everybody is working according to his intelligence and his understanding isn't it yes right now probably that's all they're capable of if you can evolve them to another place fantastic if you cannot then you must see what to do but do not bring in such words of trust trust should not become a way of capturing people trust should be a way of liberating people isn't it only those who are not so successful are those who are not successful think somewhere if you read 10 points in a book you're going to be successful those who are successful they know they stand on their head and do circus on a daily basis okay only in the parties they stand up straight rest of the time they are on their head s okay we need to understand this if you want to be successful don't seek success what you seek is competence if you enable yourself and if you do something well other people will say you're a success if you think I'm a success it's foolish isn't it you're doing something and you're doing it well other people in the town are in the country or in the world people will say oh he's doing something really successful they're looking up to you that's fine you look up to yourself with madness Okay okay you don't seek success you seek empowerment you seek competence you do the best that you can do you cannot do as well as somebody but you can do the best that you can do so if you do your best if your best is good enough world will recognize if it is not you will be happy this body is a a huge body of memory evolutionary genetic karmic articulate inarticulate unconscious subconscious conscious levels of memories you can bifurcate into many many more strands but essentially what you know as myself is just a consequence of the memory that is stored within you which is largely not in your excess but it is playing out in its own way the very way you sit and stand the way you look the way you behave everything is controlled by your memory or in other words in modern terms let's say this is an unconscious software that you have gathered within yourself whichever way the software is that is the way the machine will function if you want to go beyond this then the existing software you must leave and either rewrite your software or learn to operate without software for a little while if you want to rewrite your software something different from the existing data which is already there then you need access to another dimension of perception and knowing having said that within us there are different dimensions of intelligence well in yoga we see 16 parts to human mind but let me make it four for the sake of understanding and convincing the first one is the intellect which is the front end of our intelligence because this is very necessary for our survival if we don't have a functioning intellect we will not know how to survive when I say functioning intellect essentially intellect is discriminatory in nature it tells you what is what what is this what is that if you do not if you don't have an intellect functioning you will not know whether to go through the wall or go through the door that's how it will become it is functioning all the time it is this functioning is happening from memory if say a child may try to scratch the you you will see a bird or an insect comes into the house he doesn't know how to get out he doesn't he doesn't recognize the door it tries to go through the wall it tries to go through the glass window so that is happening because in its memory it's not there but your pet dog or your pet bird knows how to go through the door or the window whatever is open so this is the same thing without data your intellect cannot function so anything that functions with data is a limited possibility that it is functioning within those limitations memory is hugely empowering on one level but it is also a boundary that now I have seen you if I see you again oh this is my friend with Sam okay suppose you are not in my memory I look at you and think oh who is this stranger so memory is also a boundary line which most people refuse to cross so whether you read one or ten or thousand books you are only building memory if you operate within this memory you are operating within your own self uh you know self imprisonment that you have caused to yourself when you're talking to other people about them focusing Inward and and training that muscle right because even as a five-year-old you could stare at something and ask questions like that's a that level of focus is something that is either you're born with or you have to learn it's everyone's capable but some people kind of have it easier than others when it comes to focus this whole moment is called as inner engineering when we say engineering see right now you have some engineering going on here the wiring it's engineering electrical and electronic engineering there's a building here it's civil engineering how well this machine works determines how well engineered it is yes if something is working really well for you then only you say it is well engineered is it not important to understand that the most sophisticated machine that you operate in your life is a human mechanism itself your own body mind and the complex mechanism that it is on this planet this is the most sophisticated and complex complex machine on the planet there isn't anything better than this here so I'm asking you have you read the users menu right then if you don't read the user's manual you just somehow if you if the guy who's playing the sound there if he doesn't know anything about that machine if he just bangs it here and there once in a way it works right now once in a way people are happy once in a way there is a sparkle of Genius no there is a way to engineer yourself that every moment you Sparkle every moment you blissed out there is a way to do this because this machine is something that you need to take charge of but today your education systems your social structure is such right from the day you are born they're teaching you how to conquer the world but nobody is telling you how to take charge of this the quality of your life will not depend on what you conquer in the world even if I give you the whole planet you could still be miserable all right but if you take charge of this one you determine the nature of your experience if you determine the nature of your experience what would you choose misery or blissfulness see right now if you instead of philosophizing reading scriptures reading self-help books all this just pay attention to the trees around here what are they doing being be no no no no no they have no capability to be they're not called beings only you call being human being you are they are not that's just a tree it's a wonderful tree what is it doing beneath the ground it's fighting all right what is it fighting for is this maple tree trying to produce apples no no it is just trying to be the best possible maple tree it can be it is not trying to produce apples definitely I don't see any coconuts up there all right right this is all as a human being you must see how this life can blossom into its fullest if it blossomed to its fullest somebody may become rich with money for somebody may become intelligent somebody may become knowledgeable somebody may become loving somebody may become an artist somebody images Wonder but a fully blossomed human being is a joy to see no matter what the hell they're doing or what they're not doing whichever way they are an asset to hold Humanity instead of doing that you want for example you said abundance in economic terms what is your idea of abundance in economic terms Jeff Bezos is it me personally that's not it but you mean having enough to be able to do what you want not feeling like you're a slave to paying your business I'm not insulting anybody I'm just saying right now yeah everybody's saying in the world or whatever so what is your idea of abundance 200 billion dollars of personal wealth I'm asking are you up to it the 200 billion for me yeah yeah why not uh that's not my definition of abundance but that is what is it [Music] um probably I mean probably over I guess it depends on what age I am yeah 10 years old is like a hundred thousand dollars I'm rich you know uh my present I mean I feel pretty abundant financially but I mean if you're asking for a specific number no no I'm asking for a number not because I want to find out your number yeah I'm asking because these numbers are bloody meaningless they're all socially relevant not relevant to you and anyway talking about Karma right now let's say you are the guy who has 200 billion dollars yes it's only in your memory if I erase your memory your money is gone hello yeah it's gone isn't it well it's like a bank account it is in that account but if you if you've forgotten what yeah if you forgot the code or you've got any access then a whole lot of people buried their treasure all over the bloody world right and somebody else found it thousand years later that's true a lot of people have lost all their Bitcoin and they can't get access to it yeah yeah so all these issues are there but the important thing is why do you want affluence let me put the word abundances okay an individual person wants affluence a society wants affluence a nation wants affluence everybody is striving for that why because initially it means a choice of nourishment a choice of nourishment yes if you have money you can eat what you want initially that's the goal yes if it goes beyond that after you eat everything you want to eat next thing is a choice of Lifestyle yes now for example United States of America has the highest choice of nourishment choices highest level of nourishment choices highest level of lifestyle choices all right that you're spending 3.25 trillion on health care right oh wonderful that's big that is larger than India's economy really for 1.4 billion people we don't have a three point three and a quarter trillion dollar economy all right so what is the abundance you're seeking you you want to destroy the planet that's what you're saying how do I say for me I'd say for people who actually yeah no no I'm saying this the thing that you're thinking is because you're in California your idea of abundance is here if you are in Timbuktu right your idea of abundance would be this right all right of course so I'm saying do not think in terms of abundance think in terms of a fulfillment of Life yeah if you are a fulfilled life according to your competence according to your capability according to the times in which you live you will do the appropriate thing human attention has shifted to many things that we could do that we are not able to do right now but one large area which has been left and explored is uh the human being itself whatever kind of Technologies we develop whatever kind of machines we build essentially we can only think of doing something which is an extension of our existing faculties see if you were made like a tree that is rooted to one place would you have thought of a bicycle hello only because you already have Mobility you thought about enhanced Mobility that evolved into many things only because we can speak we came up with a microphone and a telephone if we had no such thing as speech would we have thought of a microphone on a telephone because we can see we have microscopes and telescopes every machine and every Gadget we create is only enhancement of existing human faculty we can see this for but we want to see that form we can speak this for now we want to speak that far we can hear this for now we want to hear from somewhere else everything there is no other way for a human brain or human intelligence to function we will only think of how to enhance this the purpose of enhancement is essentially a longing to enhance the quality the content and the profoundness of our life if you are very clear that what you are doing is significant [Applause] for every life around you other people's opinion means nothing I'm saying for 30 years plus they've been saying the same things they are not even creative they're not able to come up with anything new all right same thing they are saying but they've not gotten anywhere because they have no substance there's no substantially anything that they have said so it's unfortunate that they are in that state but what I see is every daily Mystic court is there you know daily quote all these people are just waiting one thing that they don't understand suddenly all of them will get together and make it make their Twitter trend I'm so glad because every day they're reading my quotes even people who are here are not reading [Laughter] okay I'm saying every day carefully they're reading my code the day they don't understand they think I made a mistake and boom they'll go I'm glad I've worked in prisons both in India and United States I worked with hardcore criminals who have come for murder rape worst possible things that a man can do for those things they have come and I've seen significant transformation with in their lives simply because of two days or five days of contact with me these guys were continuously following me I am very confident one day they will be very transformed I wish them the best what does success look like what does it take well uh you know I know family and friends who always have their breakfast on time and after breakfast of course they must have coffee after coffee of course they must light up a cigarette and sit there nicely because they're trying to become peaceful and then they will go to work come back home exactly on time for lunch eat lunch rest for one or two hours sleep then evening have on tea and then smoke and then again go to work and eight eight o'clock 8 30 they're back home for dinner and then maybe other things drink and this and that and whatever but those who have been very successful either in music sport art business spiritual process doesn't matter what those people never know when they hate when they slept when they got afternoon rest I've not seen such a thing in my life [Music] so uh those who are committed to being successful with whatever they are doing one important aspect of their life is they're not settling down wherever it's a bit comfortable because Comfort will happen when they lower you in the grave very comfortable you are right now it's about ensuring that there is profoundness of experience and there is impactfulness of activity because if they had given you a limitless amount of time you could do all those things nothing wrong I am not against them but they gave you such a little time with such tremendous potential of Being Human that's the problem how would you explain Karma to someone who grew up in an Eastern culture where Karma takes on a completely different meaning and is used for control and for right and wrong no I would say uh using Karma as an instrument of creating fear or guilt is a western instrument not an Eastern one you aren't by the time your aunt came into the world there was too much Western influence in the country above all in many ways being ruled by the British for 20 you know 25 decades we somehow assume they're Superior to us we are still trying to shed it many of us still not been out of it so because of that we took to those things where the entire Society is only based on guilt and fear the whole religious structures of the world unfortunately based on fear and guilt without fear and guilt there is no nothing without reward and Punishment there is no nothing this fundamentally drips down from the fundamental idea of heaven and hell if you are good God will send you to heaven if you are bad he will send you to hell and burn you there forever whatever not just for a few days forever okay if you're burning forever maybe it'll be okay I'm saying only if you're outside and going to fire is very painful if you're burning all the time I don't think it'll be a problem you'll get used to the temperature like right now we have a certain body temperature we gotten used to it all right maybe your body temperature will be 300 degrees Centigrade but it should be okay we must understand however individual people might have tried to use it karma is not about control karma is about Liberation only when you talk about mukti we talk about Karma we don't talk about Karma about heaven and health Karma means my action my responsibility my life is my making so if you understand this you will not be controlled from outside you will be liberated from inside in the sense see it's like this the whether let us say people are eating drinking smoking whatever they are doing you can do those things or not do those things because you're controlling yourself because it's a bad thing to do or you can make yourself in such a way that you're feeling so fantastic you don't need to do those things so one way you're controlling it another way is you're liberated if you're controlling it you will do all kinds of free other freaky things this happen one day if you can if you can mind well you can take a joke I'm sure hello yes we want everybody for 100 days I'm riding 30 000 kilometers these 100 days I want all of you to talk about soil in your own capacity whatever information that you need we are providing a massive amount of information because all the top scientists of FAO world food program unccd unep are you see and they're all with us and the top scientists are there every information that you want we will provide otherwise you can always research your own this thing but the most important thing is everybody everybody who listens to you and all of you say something about soil for 100 days and let's change the narrative because without people speaking up in a democracy governments will not take any step the reason why this has not happened and nobody is addressing this ease our democratically elected governments last for four to five years that's their life you know that's their term rather why would they want to invest in something which takes 15 years 20 years to produce results unless people ask for it so this is just an effort to move three to four billion people across the world that they speak if they don't know anything else just say save soil let us make it happen right that much at least if 100 Days A lot of people three to four billion people speak on this we have a way of aggregating these numbers with social media platforms and using this we will bring about us policy change I am addressing the cop 15 in Ivory Coast in the month of May where 170 nations are there before that we want to have substantial numbers so that nobody can ignore it in a democracy the only currency that flies is numbers so we will move safe soil to the top right now we had drink water and take naps we've been just trying to get people to take naps and drink water that's really what we've been on for a long time but safe soil safe soils and then drink water take a nap where are you on uh removing animal products from the diet see right now uh the important thing is if the if the vegetables that you eat the vegetarian diets that you eat especially in this country I would say especially in this country not because this is the only place this is happening probably this is the only place where there's enough studies to show that the vegetables that you ate in early 20th century let's say in 1920 you ate something let's say a piece of lettuce or a carrot what it had to offer for you today it has only 10 percent of that nourishment 90 is gone that's right if you ate one Orange today you have to eat eight oranges to get the same stuff so naturally people shift to meat so it's important that soil organic content goes up the Vegeta the the vegetables that you eat the vegetarian food that you would eat has much higher level of nourishment then the other thing will naturally go down because already there is a momentum towards eating more veggies and stuff in the country which was not there just 20 30 years ago so that moment is anywhere there but the important thing is to make sure that vegetarian diets have the necessary nourishment that can only be done by enhancing the organic content in the soil why am I afraid I'm successful and you know I had some hard times but I came back but why am I afraid what am I afraid for like I'm just afraid that somebody might think I'm a wood CEO or a wimp or something why am I so afraid of that when they don't understand this this has been usually misinterpreted and misunderstood on various dimensions whether it's fear or love oranga or joy we need to understand it's not about something it's by itself it is not that there must be something that you must be afraid of it is not that there must be somebody that you are in love with it is not that you're happy about something or miserable about something you can be simply miserable hello thanks or you can be simply happy you can simply sit here just by yourself and be very loving you can sit here and be terrified about nothing because Human Experience is not created from outside Human Experience is happening from within so what happens from within May sometimes find Outside stimulus but you can work it even without external stimulus hello all of your experts without any external stimulus you can create Spain you can create Joy you can create misery you can create anger love fear whatever you want because the seat of experiences within you only thing is you are not sitting there you're crawling around it you're supposed to be sitting there on the seat if you are sitting on the seat of your experience you decide what should be the nature of your experience right now because you're crawling around something happens accidentally we find an excuse it's because of this guy I'm so even if he's not there we would find somebody else hello if that guy is not there we'll find somebody else if that is not then we'll find something else so this is not about something this is about that you have not taken charge of the seat of your experience that's all you just need an excuse and world will of course the world is quite enthusiastic about providing you the excuses it will they will provide lots of excuses but believe me if you are alone in the desert you would still go through all these things without anybody around you without any threat to your life yes or no so this is the fundamental flaw with life [Music] instead of fixing myself I want to fix the whole world well do what you want you can't even fix one more person absolutely in your life 100 did you get anybody ever just the way you want 100 if at all if you're looking for that kind of success 100 you can only try with this guy try anybody else you will find yes or no try anybody you will definitely fail there's only one this one you could do him hundred percent the way you want if you manage this one the way you want where is the question of fear suffering Misery all this this is not because of situations this is because of the state we are in because no investment has been made for the being the two kinds of people some people are interested in talking some people are interested in listening you must decide which is wiser some people are interested in expression some people are interested in perception it is perception which enhances your life not expression everybody is busy expressing their Madness in the world everybody is busy expressing their limitations in the world everybody is busy expressing their prejudices and opinions in the world what is the use of this expression I'm saying birds are tweeting it's a little more pleasant than all these human beings tweeting expression is like an expanse of life expanding it perception is enhancement of life this life for you should be about enhancing it not about expanding it I want you to look at it at this moment in your life just sit back and simply look at it all the things that have found expression from you [Music] take away the social context just look at it as life you're born one day and you'll be dead one day in between this all the things that you've said and done and expressed what meaning does it have [Music] but what value is it to life either to your life or anybody's life okay this moment I can say something and impress somebody here maybe I can teach something to a child and you know help him to learn something live better whatever but in terms of existential Life as a piece of Life what does it mean all the things that I've expressed it means nothing but all that you have perceived will make this go life go far if you want to find expression to what literally you have perceived already I would say wait this restlessness is you know across the world now it used to be an American phenomena but now it's everywhere everybody is restless before they are 20 they want their life to be done everything that you can do in your life should be done because there is a restlessness of wanting to be who fear that you may not find expression there is no need to be afraid of finding expression because if you become profound with your perception your expression happens not verbally not by action it becomes akashic expression they are the only ones who live today in my experience if I simply sit here for me whether it is Yogi or Krishna or Buddha or anybody any of the yogis who lived beyond their physical nature they are all present for me here they're alive here they are not past when I speak about them I talk about them they're like here because they are here if you do action with your physical self it leaves a certain wake in the existence and it obliterates itself if you do something powerfully with your mind it leaves a larger wake but it will obliterate itself after some time if you reverberate your physical energy in a certain way it will leave a larger much larger wake which has a much longer lifespan and it dies but if you do something beyond that if you do something with your fundamental Consciousness then the Wake that you leave is forever when the planet goes away you know the solar system has its lifespan when it implodes into itself or explodes whichever way it goes even when the planet goes away what certain people have left will not go you've heard of markandai Mark and I lived through the destruction of the solar system and again came back because what you do with your Consciousness does not die when the physical dies when I say the physical dying not about an individual dying even when the solar system dies when the universe dies when the whole galaxy dies what you did on the level of your Consciousness will not die it leaves awake forever and always available to humanity to any being of any nature who has the necessary perception for that being it'll always be available so do not focus your life on expression it'll go waste perception let this life be a lifetime of perception can you give us two tips that you think that we could live through our big as an example to others see when we use the word Peak naturally you want to go mountain climbing that means you want to do something others cannot do not necessary because the peak is not in what you're doing outside the peak is in the way you experience it isn't it somebody can do something very small with very profound experience somebody can be doing big things without any sensitivity to what's happening around them so essentially what you're looking for just look at this as yourself as a life right now you become so many social entities you may be lost in that but actually you're alive most people realize they're alive only when they're threatened with death till then there's something else they become so many other things no no no matter what work you're doing here you're just a piece of life isn't it it is a fortune that certain things happen through us which will impact many other lives wonderful but still this is a life only if this life functions in its best possible way everything else will happen best possible way means what is this very clear that uh you are not taking your your own apartment when you go I mean when you when you die and leave you're not taking they tell me you're creating very nice apartments and you're not going to take it right your own accommodations you can't carry you know that so obviously the only thing that is left here is the profoundness of your experience isn't it how profound is your experience to make our life profound somebody says if you have education you can do this well everybody went to the university I didn't somebody said if you have money you can do it everybody ran after it somebody said if you can get married it'll happen everybody got married somebody said if you have children then it will happen everybody did that somebody said this is not it you must get power in the world so people ran after that essentially what should happen inside you're trying to cause from outside hmm what should actually happen within you you're trying to cause it from outside yes it is possible sometimes it can be stimulated from outside but it has to happen within you all Human Experience comes from within you is that so your joy and misery pain and pleasure anything and anything Agony and ecstasy can only happen from within you the question is only your joy your peace your love your ecstasy is it on push start or is it on self-start I'm talking about upgrading Technologies there was a time in 1950s or 19 yeah 1950s if you bought a car you needed two people to help you in the morning because it's a push start if you got one in early 60s it's a crank start you need one person to help today all our cars are self-start right technological upgradation things which are most vital to you the profoundness of your experience the pleasantness of your experience here but right now it's all on push start if you have to be happy how many people we have to fix in this world if you if you have to be peaceful we have to fix the entire world so there is an endless amount of conditions for your experience to be in a certain way and in pursuit of human well-being we've turned the world upside down we've ripped the planet apart but still we are not a we are not the most joyful generation we are definitely the most comfortable generation ever never before another generation of people have enjoyed these kind of conveniences and Comforts as you and me are enjoying right now isn't it so never before but can we say with all these Comforts we are the most joyful generation no not true I am not saying we are more miserable but definitely we are not the most joyful are we peaceful no are we loving no so our experience of life is still like how the caveman's experience was same anxiety that guy was worried where's my food you are worried where is my next apartment endlessly you think it's different it's not different it's rudimentary isn't it hello the idea of organizing our survival process the way we have organized is we need not be concerned about it isn't it so hello you open the tap water comes don't think it's small it's a small thing just 100 years ago water means you have to go to the river with a pot on your head so today all this convenience that we did why because we don't have to concern ourselves with daily survival everything is organized now we believed if all these things are organized we will sit here blissed out well that's not happened it's not happened simply because we have not taken charge of this so peak of human life does not mean you climbed Mount Everest I have gone up Everest you know that no you didn't know yeah very top Somebody went up there and took a photograph with my picture in his hand so I believe I've been there website because this guy who went there took a picture with my picture in his hands came down and said Guru of of 12 people that we started out only two of us made it to the top and I took the picture and I came down we were there just about 40 seconds right on the top because winds were picking up speed we had to come down only 40 seconds I looked around and I couldn't see a thing and I came down now I'm wondering why did I do it because you wanted to know the peak of suffering it's not a simple physical challenge climbing Everest is not a simple physical challenge I'm not saying you should not climb all I'm saying is the peak can only happen within you it will not happen outside of you so if the peak and the valley and the very bottom can only happen within you people can sit in a palace and be depressed like they're at the pit of their life isn't it so hello so similarly if that is possible you can sit on the street and be on the peak see there are only two sorts of people who are very clear about everything in their lives a fool and a fanatic so if you're confused you're neither of these two which is a good sign utter idiots and Fanatics are always dead sure of everything they know they're going to heaven only their only problem is they want to take you along they need company there's a thing going everywhere particularly in the western world but it's very much come to Urban India in a big way today that is uh you want to be decisive this is it see I'm reconsidering my life all the time all the time whether I should continue a satguru or should I become a Chef or should I just go back to motorcycling or should I do something else or should I play golf should I do something or should I simply lace around why not I'm always considering every day and still I'm making a decision it's better to do this yes I am not decided I'm still considering and that's why it's valuable not because I decided long time ago I have no choice I keep on doing the same thing because I'm stuck in this the nature of the mind is it is intelligent and Alive only if every moment it's looking if it is concluded and decided it is a dumb mind he says go to the block of wood every moment it's considering only then it is an active mind it's only that you make this choice you make you must be joyfully confused that's all I'm saying people get confused and miserable because they have an idea that they must be they think all successful people are all clear and they determined they've made their decisions no only Fanatics are like that and fools are like that somebody who's successful he's keeping his eyes open for anything and everything right so uh this idea that your mind must be made up he's a silly idea it's important that every moment it's a choice everything that you're doing life becomes beautiful because there is enormous Joy because you want to do this right now because I decided 10 years ago I'm doing it how will you have any joy in what you're doing right now so this every day in the morning you get up and you don't know what to do it's a perfect way to get up yes this does not mean that you will do different things every day even if you do the same thing it's by choice then it keeps you alive to everything that you're doing because you're doing it by choice the choice that you're making is now you might have made the choice same Choice ten thousand times in the last 10 years it doesn't matter but now you're once again making an active choice this is very important only then you will stay alive to life otherwise I made my choice it will become a burden I made my choice long time ago so I have to do it now is a very burdensome process to live with so confusion is way better than silly conclusions that people are making about life only thing is you have to learn to enjoy the confusion yes I'm working hard to make you confused yes because all kinds of idiotic conclusions about life all kinds of stupid conclusions say for a long time people had this conclusion that they will go to heaven all right I'm just taking one Troublesome thing right now because with Afghanistan as a situation it's troubling everybody in the world heaven-bound people what they do on this planet is because they are going to heaven what is on this planet is not a value anyway they're going to happen so now they brought it to everybody's face it's always so it's just that people don't see it most of the time but now with a geopolitical situation they are rubbing it on your face we are going to heaven you are not going so you see what we will do to you anyway I'm not going to your heaven I'm not going to compete with you in the real estate of Heaven you can leave me alone hello yeah I'm not going to heaven so you are heaven-bound people you should ignore me isn't it but no you cannot because your life will not fly if I live your life will fly only if you get rid of me isn't it so these things are happening because people have conclusions how they arrived at this conclusion who helped them to make these conclusions I am taking a very esoteric conclusion but in daily life also this is happening somebody believes this is right just this one stupid conclusion how many parents have tortured their children hello they love them but they torture them they smash them up every day yes or no they love them they hold them as a light of their life but everyday daily torture because they think this is the way that is the way why can't you look at it every moment and see what brings maximum well-being to this and to everything else why can't we look what is the problem so if you don't know how to make these choices if they're confusing you the problem is there is no love or commitment towards anything okay if there is an immense sense of Love towards something all these things will fall into place see you don't need morality you don't need values you don't need ethics if you're conscious you don't need any of those things suppose that is not possible the next best thing is you have a deep sense of love if you have this you again don't need any values you don't need any ethics you don't need any anything because what you love you will take care in the best possible way because people think I think I should read this to you because people think love is a sappy talk and you know I love you you love me nonsense going on everywhere no it's a very deep sense of integrity and commitment isn't it when you genuinely love something or somebody there is an enormous sense of Integrity towards that you will never do anything harmful to what you love if you genuinely love if love is a mutual benefit scheme I mean it's a different matter you need to build something if you don't have anything then this man's possibility of considering and reconsidering everything every moment becomes a painful process otherwise this becomes a fantastic process you have to become either conscious or at least loving hello once you have this then you will see this daily consideration will not be painful it will be very joyful and wonderful someone who has some faith in a God or in a temple or whatever who is her simple-minded Faith Works only for those people who are simple-minded thinking people people who are too much thinking for them it never works a childlike person who has a simple faith in his God or his Temple or whatever he goes to the temple and says Shiva I want a house I don't know how you must make it for me now in his mind there are no negative thoughts will it happen will it not happen is it possible is it not possible these things are completely removed by the simple Act of Faith now he believes Shiva will do it for him and it will happen [Music] going to come and build your house no I want you to understand God will not lift his little finger for you what you refer to as God is the source of creation as a Creator he has done a phenomenal job there's no question about it could you think of a better creation than this is it in anybody's imagination to think anything better than what is there right now so as a Creator he has done his job wonderfully well but if you want life to happen the way you want it because right now the very Crux of your happiness and your well-being is this if at all if you're unhappy the only and only reason why you're unhappy is life is not happening the way you think it should happen that's all it is so if life is not happening the way you think it is it should happen you're unhappy if life happens the way you think it should happen you are happy it's as simple as that so if life has to happen the way you think it should happen first of all how you think with how much Focus you think how much stability is there in your thought and how much reverberance is there in the thought process will determine whether your thought will become a reality or is it just an empty thought or how you do not create any impediments for your thought by creating negative thought process this possible is something possible or not possible is destroying Humanity what is possible and not possible is not your business it's Nature's business your business is just to strive but what you want right now you're sitting here if I ask you two simple questions I want you to just look at this and answer this right now from where you're sitting can you just fly off you say no right now from where you're sitting can you get up and walk you'll say yes what is the basis of this why you say no to Flying and yes to walking because past experience of Life many times you've gotten up on walked never did you fly off or in other words you're using the past experience of Life as a basis for deciding whether something is possible or not possible or in other words you have decided that what has not happened till now cannot happen in your life in future this is a disgrace to humanity and the human spirit what has not happened till now on this planet can happen tomorrow human beings are capable of making it happen tomorrow so what is possible and what is not possible is not your business that is Nature's business nature will decide that you just see what is it that you really want and strive for that and if your thought is created in a powerful way without any negativity without any negative thoughts Bringing Down the intensity of the thought process the first and foremost thing is you must be clear what is it that you really want if you do not know what you want the question of creating it doesn't arise if you look at what you really want every human being wants is he wants to live joyfully he wants to live peacefully in terms of its relationships he wants it to be loving and affectionate or in other words all that any human being is seeking for is pleasantness within himself pleasantness around him this pleasantness if it happens in our body we call this health and pleasure if it happens in our mind we call this peace and joy if it happens in our emotion we call this love and compassion if it happens in our energy we call this blissfulness and ecstasy this is all that a human being is looking for whether he is going to his office to work he wants to make money build a career build a family he sits in the bar sits in the temple he is still looking for the same thing pleasantness within Pleasant is around if this is what we want to create I think it's time we addressed it directly and commit ourselves to creating it so you want to create yourself as a peaceful human being joyful human being loving human being a pleasant human being on all levels and do you also want a world like this a peaceful world a loving World a joyful world no no I want Greenery I want food when we say a joyful world that means everything that you want has happened so this is all all that you're looking for so all that you need to do is commit yourself to creating it to create a peaceful joyful and loving World both for yourself and everybody around you every day in the morning if you start your day with this simple thought in your mind that today wherever I go I will create a peaceful loving and joyful world if you fall down 100 times in the day what does it matter for a committed man there is no such thing as failure if you fall down 100 times 100 lessons to be learned if you commit yourself like this to creating what you really care for now your mind gets organized once your mind gets organized the way you think is the way you feel your emotional get organized once your thought and emotion is organized your energies will get organized in the same direction once your thought emotion and energies are organized your very body will get organized once all these four are organized in One Direction your ability to create and manifest what you want is phenomenal you are the Creator in many ways perception happens to you in five different dimensions seeing hearing smelling tasting touching this is how you're perceiving life this data data has gathered within you only because this data has gathered within you now you are able to walk on a round Planet which spins it's not a small thing it is not a small thing that you are able to walk on a spinning round ball because all this data has gathered to Five Senses it is not intellectual information but it is a perceptional information if this information is not there you won't be able to walk actually you will not be able to walk straight this is what is happening for people when some people lose their memory and things like that suddenly they become unstable in their body because some of the data is gotten disconnected with their system so this data that you perceive is most important that's what a child is all the time drinking up everything you see how the child is looking at everything because he wants to drink up as much data as possible because instinctively he knows without the data he will not be able to function so how attentive you are how attentive your eyes are how at interview your ears nose tongue and touch is accordingly you have that much you know that much usable information so why one person is more efficient while you are an athlete why one person is able to catch a damn ball another person can't catch the damn thing why is it because that level of attention of exactly how that ball will be behave how you can anticipate where it will go this is not there intellectually suppose you have a PhD in football you think you can play football uh if you have a PhD no I think you need to experience it as well if you just study it only yeah oh that is that you're watching exactly how a ball moves you may not be thinking the physics of it but you're watching it and perceiving it because of that perception you know something that you cannot know by reading 100 books about it why does one person need a well my prescription these days eight hours is it seven seven to eight hours seven hours sleep okay seven hours and why another person can do with half of that see one thing is as we already went through the very physical body that you carry is just the food that you've eaten isn't it you are looking at Food only as protein vitamin mineral like this but we're talking about a food chain that means they're all different kinds of lives what we consume is another form of life every animal consumes another form of life this is the way the food cycle is created so in what condition that life is will determine in what condition your life is in many ways so you food appears in front of me if I just look at it people have prepared it with elaborate care if I just look at it I say no this lady has brought it she's a very good cook she's very tasty I just look at energy now simply because it's not alive enough for me it may be tasty but it's not alive enough for me if it's not alive enough I will not consume if you're just conscious of this one thing you will see your sleep quota will go down another thing is most people are eating at least 50 50 means hundred percent more than what they need to eat yes you you will do one thing as an experiment just try this whatever you're eating cut it down by 50 percent if you're eating let's say uh two kilograms of food cut it down to one kilogram and eat variety of foods you will see you will neither drop weight nor will you become weak nor will you become less energetic only thing that will happen is your sleep quota will go down because you are putting so much food to generate the same same amount of energy you're eating more by compulsion of liking the taste or simply by compulsion of filling yourself up now the body has to press process so much food to create so much energy this extra processing is taking a toll on the system the amount of impurities that are there in the food will also determine how how much inertia you generate in the body let's understand it this way in terms of physical terms what sleep means is inertia right now your Dynamic this is life inertia said sin when inertia goes beyond a certain point that's death but sleep is a certain kind of death but it is offering you rest so restfulness is very important what is being restful means is if you sit here if you are a total ease you will see the body is naturally restful if you have you noticed on a particular day you are very happy on that day you don't need much sleep or food have you noticed this that's all you have to do if you remain very joyful every moment of your life the food will come down sleep will come down naturally the two kinds one is infectious this is an invasion from another organism you're somebody's food or somebody's habitat so that's a different matter that they need to be bombed out but I feel only 25 to 30 percent of the world's ailments today are infectious in nature rest is all chronic that means people are on self-help they're busy producing their own variety of disease I think every year people are coming out with various variations of disease so that doctors will be baffled every day so how does one Manifest this we must understand every cell in human body is programmed for life and health at the same time the same individual cell is also programmed from death when it's time it will start dismantling the system in a certain way so programming for Life well-being health is also there programming for death is also there if you in any way create a wrong message if your messaging is wrong then some cells start working for your death that's all this is is in a certain way they are working towards dismantling of life because somehow they got that message you're not sending out a clear message that I want to live healthy I want to live well that message is not there today if you're angry with somebody when you're angry or resentful with somebody you're not doing much to them you poisoning yourself there is substantial medical evidence today to show you're literally chemically poisoning yourself so when you yourself poison yourself what is the message that the cellular structure in the body is supposed to get the message goes across and even if two percent of them believe that you want to die because you're drinking poison then they'll start working for that now conflicting different types of activities happening one set of cells working for your well-being another set working against you manifests itself in many different ways this is a simplistic way I'm putting it but in a way this is what is happening wrong messaging is happening every day resentment anger fear anxiety these are all poisons that you drink but you expect somebody else to die life does not work like that if you drink you die so because we do everything in installments today we do death also in installments that's called disease [Music] see the most important thing is to get the individual committed towards their health and well-being they must be committed that commitment is not there I see outside the hospital health workers training and puffing away a cigarette how can they get somebody committed towards their health first thing is to have the individual committed to towards his health and well-being if he's committed he will become conscious as to what to eat what not to eat what to do what not to do if this enters his life half the problem is gone then specific help for a particular ailment that they're suffering from can be done the popular teachings in the world today I don't know how popular these are in Mumbai but in the west these things have become very popular somebody's telling you'll be in the moment nobody's telling you just let go everything will be okay that means there must be somebody taking care of your life from behind then you can let go someone telling you just do one thing at a time don't see he's around regressive teachings in the sense just to explore one or two what can you let go tell me they're saying just let go God will do it well life has not really gotten you yet that's why you're talking this language you're living in a fanciful world and life really gets you then you will know you can't let go anything you have to manage you let go your business today and see what will happen or try something more dramatic you're driving today just let go a lot of people seem to have just let go and say that you are dead or somebody else is dead now these popular teachings which have unfortunately become popular as messed up Humanity in a big way I I faced a group of people recently in America where their staunch being the moment people I am asking you can you be somewhere else be somewhere else and show me please can any of you be anywhere else other than this moment I'm asking can you be can you be somewhere else then here right now no then why do you need such a teaching what they're trying to tell you is don't think about tomorrow don't think about us today that will happen if you take away half your brain if I pull out half your brain you cannot think about tomorrow you cannot think about as today just be in the moment this is all coming because people do not even know how to sit in one place peacefully okay [Music] so people are coming up with Solutions like this shankaran pillai opened a pharmacy in United States and one day he had something to attend to some little chore that he has to attend to so he asked his teenage son please take care of the shop just for an hour I'll be back so boy said no problem dad so he went out in an hour's time he came back when he came back in front of the shop there was a man hugging the land Lamppost and his eyeballs were rolling wildly and he was looking totally crazy he looked at the man whether the man is wanting to go into the shop or is he going out of the shop you don't know so he looked at him and then he went inside and he asked his son who is that guy hugging the Lamppost like that is he our customer the boy said yes Dad he's our customer what did you give him oh he had you whooping cough so I gave him a box of laxatives and made him take it right here all of them he said what put whooping cough you gave him laxatives why come on dad look at him does he dare to cough now there are solutions and solutions but is it really a solution that's a question so now because you can't sit in one place peacefully somebody says be in the moment don't think about the past don't think about the future tell me can you call yourself a human being if you cannot remember the past and project into the future will you be a full-fledged human being I'm asking you wanting to go back in the evolutionary scale because you don't know how to handle your own intelligence this is the biggest problem with the human being their only problem is this you may call it by thousand different names but the only problem is you do not know how to handle your own intelligence isn't it you will see if we take away half your brain you will be peaceful yes or no but I am asking is that a solution is that a solution taking away half your brain so taking away your ability to look back into the past and look out into the future if you take away this ability maybe you will be peaceful for but towards what purpose I know so many people today are going about talking being peaceful or peace of mind is the ultimate goal of your life even the so-called spiritual teachers and leaders are going about saying peace of mind is the ultimate goal you tell me from your intelligence can you enjoy your dinner tonight if you're not peaceful if not joyful at least peaceful you must be to enjoy the dinner isn't it can you enjoy driving back home if you're not peaceful can you enjoy the people around you if you're not peaceful can you enjoy the work that you do if you are not peaceful I'm asking if you are not able to be joyful or ecstatic at least you must be peaceful isn't it so I'm asking you is it a fundamental requirement of life or is it the ultimate goal of life it's the most fundamental requirement but now people are pushing it to heaven they're saying peace is the ultimate goal of life such people will only rest in peace anything that you're deprived of tends to become Heavenly product today if you say peace people say Divine peace if you say love people say Divine love if you say Bliss people say Divine love divine Bliss these are all things human beings are capable of isn't it to be peaceful to be joyful to be loving to be Blissful these are all human qualities yes or no if you're willing you can be peaceful you can be loving you can be blissful but all these things have been exported to heaven so these simple aspects have become complicated because of all these teachings I'm saying it doesn't matter where the teaching comes from whether it comes from me or somebody else just keep it aside just apply your intelligence you cannot use my intelligence okay you can use my wisdom maybe but you cannot use my intelligence you can only use your intelligence so with your intelligence experiment if it works let's keep it if it doesn't work discard it tomorrow morning no need to continue it for one more day but first you must decide are you looking for Solace or are you looking for Solutions if you're looking for Solace just believe something it'll work you understand you believe that the source of life is in this light bulb and every day do this it'll work what you're doing is just inexpensive psychiatry yes you're trying to manage your psychological space with something using an anchor outside it's all right I'm not saying it's wrong if if you need that you can do it but if that's not your requirement what you want is an ultimate solution for life then you need something else which will not come with this kind of popular teachings you need a powerful force to move you from one dimension of life to another so when such a need comes if such a longing comes then you must look for spirituality otherwise just just do something go climb a mountain it'll work I'm telling you you'll build your confidence yes clamber Mountain swim in the ocean all these things will build your confidence or believe something but towards what end what is your requirement is something you have to see do you have a longing for the ultimate or are you just trying to manage your psychological drama that's it first distinction you have to make but your psychological drama can be managed only from within you can believe that you're using outside help but actually you can only manage from within because this is a ghost that you create you can't kill it from outside so let go of all the teachings you'll be fine it's wonderful but to feel lonely is terrible because loneliness means somewhere you have made your individual nature so exclusive but there is no way to feel connected with life around you of course in a new place you may have a few challenges I appreciate that but the important thing is for any given human being we must understand we come along and we go when we are here we are seeking for other people to travel with us as co-travelers and that need not be only in one form or one type of relationship or the other it can be in any number of ways so above all if you do not concretize your individuality I'm this kind of a person I am from this nationality I am this race I am this religion or I am this gender and whatever else if you just keep yourself a little open to life that you are alive you will see there's no room for loneliness there's too much population how can you be lonely it's just that you cannot smile at this person that you have never seen before if I have to smile at you I must know who you are where you come from what you do then only I can smile at you this is a terrible condition for a human being why can't you just smile at anything why can't you smile at the sky why can't you smile at a tree Why Can't This Man at a cloud why can't you smile at the sun which is trying to burn you down just working hard doesn't do things in the world this is the biggest problem right from your childhood your parents thought you if you study how much you how should you study study hard if you work how should you work work hard you do everything harder if you do things hard things won't happen it'll become a donkey's life just doing everything hard nobody told you you must study in Joy nobody told you you must work in love they told you you must do it hard they made their lives very difficult for themselves now they were inch they are ensuring that your life becomes difficult too why do you work hard what are you working hard if it's hard Give It Up if you can do it joyfully you do it otherwise don't do it isn't it isn't it so if you're going to make yourself miserable in the process of working what uses your work to yourself or to anybody around you you just sit at the Temple Gates and beg and eat it's better somebody will throw you one rupee to Rupee you eat out of it at least that you do joyfully sit there happily eat what people throw in your home if you are going to make it so hard for yourself I'm sure you're making it very hard for everybody around you isn't it if you're going to spread misery in the world it's better you don't do anything if you're going to spread joy in the world go and do as much as you can now you work hard just because you work hard things need not happen and they do not happen one day it happened can I tell you too shankaran pillai's old ambassador wouldn't start does anybody still own ambassador no all of you walked out of it his old Ambassador wouldn't start so he went home he had a kitten at home he brought the kitten harnessed it to the Ambassador he said go let's go let's go people looked at this and said are you crazy can this little kitten pull the Ambassador card generally it takes God to move this car what are you doing shankaran pillai said don't you fool yourself I have a horse whip you believe you believe you can do everything hard and it will work it will not work just because you do it hard you must do the right thing only then it works isn't it if you do not do the right thing it does not work people who are successful are successful not because necessarily they work hard they just know what's the right thing to do with their kind of job that's why they're successful another day shankaran pillai fell into the septic tank I wanted to imagine right up till here in filth please imaginance he tried to get out desperately he couldn't then after some time he started screaming fire fire neighbors heard the fire screams call the fire brigade the firemen came and looked everywhere no fire oh God then they found him in the septic tank pulled him out and then they asked why were you screaming fire if I said would you come [Laughter] you must do the right thing and then it doesn't work so just working hard will not do you must do the right thing otherwise it doesn't work now how do I enhance my competence say let's say you want to run on the field let's say you want to run a race you want to run 100 meters it is not running that you have to work on right now you have to work on your legs and lungs and muscle and everything isn't it so so if you want to become a great engineer yes definitely an Institute like this is crucial on one level but any number of people might have come here and gone not all of them became great Engineers though they might have produced hundreds of great Engineers still not all of them will become simply because of their own individual attitudes and competence and whatever else isn't it so whatever The Institute can do for you it is doing one foremost thing that you need to do is to enhance your own physical and mental capabilities because if you want to be a good engineer you have you need a working brain just having a degree of engineering can maybe a passport to a job but it is not a passport to success isn't it so to have a working brain which the engineering degree will not freeze usually lots of degrees when people acquire degrees they freeze their brains they think they can now they're finished using it and now they can rest it for the rest of their lives it is not so this is only to enhance your capability this is just an organized effort a school a college an Institute is just an organized effort towards that because each individual cannot craft it for himself that is why an institution otherwise an institution has no other purpose it is here to just organize that possibility of you striving to be of a certain competence but that is a mass application but as an individual your most important thing is you as a human being you are functioning at the fullest level if that has to happen there are other dimensions which one needs to explore unfortunately though these sciences and Technologies for inner well-being have been the Mainstay of this culture for thousands of years today we are largely losing it for various reasons because we want to imitate somebody else we don't want to imitate our grandfather topiwala anymore we want to imitate the head seller from another country because of that we are losing those things but we should not we have to bring it back into our lives this is very much a part of the way the culture itself is structured that it is all about the human being see this is the only culture which talks about which even an illiterate person in this culture is aware of that you can actually evolve to another dimension of existence even if I go into a village and talk to an illiterate peasant who has not read anything who doesn't know anything who's not heard any of this stuff even to him if I go he will not ask me give me a golden horse or something he'll say Swami he is saying he wants ultimate liberation where did this fellow get this nowhere else on the planet this is possible nowhere else on this planet is it possible that an illiterate person is thinking that he can break his present dimension of existence and go to another place whatever that place is so this was bred into our culture so deep we should not lose it it was not just the idea there are Technologies to become free if you became free from the process of your body and the process of your mind if you can sit outside of it and work it you would work it brilliantly do you understand you would be able to use this body and use this mind only when you are able to not treat it as myself these are powerful instruments in your life these instruments can be employed the way you want it only when you have an outside access to it right now you are a phenomenal computer but you don't know where the keyboard is when you can't think you scratch this spot that's not where it is do you see people when they cannot think they're thinking hard they scratch here it doesn't work like that there are there are proper steps that one can take it could be offered here if everybody is willing for that today the modern world is always goal oriented in the sense we want to win the game whether it's life or game they're only thinking about winning I feel that's a big mistake if you you people don't win a game because they want to win a game who doesn't want to win everybody wants to win people win a game because they play well isn't it any team wins because they play well not because they want to win who doesn't want to win you know we say in yoga if you keep one eye on the goal you have only one night to find your way that's not a good way to play a game it's better at both your eyes are on the game the winning the cup and the accolades are things which happen because we play a game well it's not because we want them it'll happen because we play well it happens so it's always best that we keep our eyes our body our mind everything focused on just one thing that is when a human being functions at his maximum efficiency there's a beautiful incident in our culture when ronacharya is teaching Arjuna and a few other boys archery he asked one by one to look up at the tree and aim and shoot at the bird that was sitting there a wooden bird that was kept up on the tree and a small dot was marked on the neck of the bird and ronacharya said you must aim at that at that particular Dot and shoot so when they just pull the string and they're just about to shoot he asked them to stop and ask what do you see so they said we see the leaves we see the tree we see the fruit we see the bird we see so many things everybody said this and when arjuna's chance came when he was ready to shoot and Rona asked him what do you see he just said I see only one dot and it is one who sees only one when one's vision is totally one point I think that is when you get there when everything in you gets organized in One Direction that is when the best results happen and so you're playing a hockey game it's not about winning it's not about getting a cup back home it's not about newspapers it's not about Fame your whole business is just to how to get the damn ball into the goal every moment of being there on the field that's all isn't it silence does not mean shutting your mouth silence what is being referred to as silence [Music] one can become this see if you can articulate the same things that you are saying with half the number of words suddenly you will become extremely conscious of everything [Music] the wind makes its own sound as the water [Music] let's notice that in fact so does the sky well there's headless steel objects are making their own sounds [Music] they're a sense of pain sounds or pleasure sounds of misery sounds of joy for everything there is a sound and human life is very true sounds of life and there are sounds of death and that even Sounds of Silence so this complex amalgamation of sounds different kinds of sounds creates a different intent different levels of compulsiveness different levels of bondage uh different possibilities of entanglement in all this why one chooses to become silent silence is not a way of denying yourself life [Music] it is not even about denying yourself articulation [Music] silence is about moving from compulsiveness to consciousness all sounds represent different forms and different dimensions of compulsiveness when one chooses to become conscious [Music] not me entangled in the compulsive nature of existence he eventually chooses to become silent silence does not mean shutting your mouth silence plugging your ears silence you can sing its eyes you can dance in silence you can even speak in silence you can even scream in silence we pray to God lack effort maybe all of them but in What proportion so when you separate obviously it's something that you cannot do anything about when you say luck again obviously it's something that you cannot do anything about when you say God again it's something that you cannot do anything about so only thing that's in your hands is effort so put your hundred percent into your effort what happens happens isn't it so don't leave proportions of your energy and your capability to lack God faith all these things that's not your business if there is such a thing it will act your business is only effort isn't it just do that effort has to be incisive in the sense it should be focused calibrated simply if you make effort this foolish effort isn't it just labor is not going to get you somewhere right kind of action the right timing right place all this is important isn't it so for all these things to happen you need perception and intelligence so that's all you must do in your life constantly looking for ways to enhance your perception and your intelligence rest will anyway happen this is one thing that unfortunately humanity is not doing they are trying to become capable of something do not try to become capable of something just enhance your perception and intelligence whatever comes your way right now let us say it's like this you know this is happening in the world all the time everybody wants to become a doctor not now if 25 years ago it was so if you want to study means first thing is medicine if you don't get a seat what's next engineering don't get a seat what next thing next thing like this so let's say you became a doctor and let us say everybody came to the yoga program and they stopped going to your doctor at least your visits to the doctor has come down isn't it has it has it come down or no for sure it's come down so business will go down it will no more be a good profession to go into because very few doctors are becoming doctors because they want to become doctors others are becoming doctors because they think it's lucrative isn't it isn't it so most people are becoming doctors because they think somebody's sickness is a lucrative business yeah it's a very I don't want to go into other aspects it's quite disturbing for me there are a few doctors who really want to be that they want to understand the human system and they want to serve in that direction that's great suppose everybody became healthy you don't want that isn't it yes you don't want that so do not try to put up a recipe for your success success is only when you are able to use yourself to your full potential it doesn't matter whether you become a doctor or a politician or a yogi or what the hell you become is not the thing success means you are living your life to your full potential that's what success means if that has to happen you need perception and an active intelligence how do I grow my intelligence don't worry about that right now the important thing is to enhance your perception if you're able to see life just the way it is you have the necessary intelligence to conduct it well if you're not able to see life the way it is your intelligence will work against you most intelligent people on this planet are generally the most miserable people on the planet this is simply because they have an active intelligence but no perception of life so one thing one most important thing that people have not worked at is to enhance their perception they are trying to broaden their mind that's not the point that will only make you socially successful not truly successful if you want to be truly successful you must be able to see everything just the way it is without distortions if you can see everything just the way it is life becomes a play you can play joyfully you can play it well for sure if you can play it well people will say you're successful you should never think I want to be successful don't ever think I want to be successful just see how to make this being in your full-fledged being people will say one day oh he's successful he's a great success you should not be aspiring for Success it's a miserable way to structure your life you will simply cause pain and suffering to yourself and suffering to everybody because your idea of success is sitting on top of somebody's head isn't it yes or no your idea of success is right now everybody should be below you you must be in the top this is your idea of success this is not success this is sickness so do not ever think of success just see how to make this into your full-fledged being this will find expression if it finds good expression people around you will say oh he is a great success that's fine people should recognize your success you should not be thinking how to be successful very wrong way to approach life hello no so this is the nature of your intellect right now so if you want to train this intellect that it can stay like this for long long periods of time that's fantastic that will need lots of work but your emotion is capable of like that there have been times in your life when you're emotionally very strong with somebody 24 hours only that isn't it so has it happened or no so you are more emotionally competent than intellectually competent I'm just trying to put it gently across to you hello it's okay ladies will say okay it's easy for them men are struggling what see whether you're a man or a woman this is true for you look at it and see maybe your love is not focused but your anger at least is focused that is an emotion if you look at the temperature or the intensity how many moments of your life have you known that kind of thought which is burning hot intensity but you've seen such emotions isn't it hello easier to crank up the intensity of your emotion than to crank up the intensity of your intellect because that takes a lot of work maintaining intensity of intellect takes enormous amount of work the problem in the spiritual path is just this you are focused like this then you see your destiny starts organizing itself in that direction then you become like this then you become like this then you become like this then it starts dismantling itself every one of you will come to an engineering program have experienced this at some moment that when you came to the program suddenly it looked like your life was on a trajectory boom but then you slowly distracted yourself it dismantles itself you need to understand when you set a trajectory you should stay if you want to fly if you do this this this anyway this way all of us are going hello now everybody thinks they're going like this there's no proof for that so this there is proof yes or no do you have proof that you're going up now there is proof that you will definitely go down unless you are one of those who can afford to be buried in Mars no no the planet needs you even if you're not useful when you're alive when you're dead Planet likes you yes really Mother Earth wants to get you back please don't deny her that when we talk about devotion being the way people think devotion means going to the temple going to church or mosque people think devotion means religion no no no devotion means you're organizing your emotion in such a way that it works for you absolutely there is something beyond what you think and feel if that has become a real thing for you even for a moment then you must invest your life towards that yes I'm trying to but Petty things Carry Me Away so you're a little falling in love with yourself that is why either even though the taste of the Beyond is somewhere on your tongue you still can get entangled because you're little becoming inflated personality your little love in love with yourself is it wrong nothing wrong it's just called madness because love is an effort love is a longing to include something as a part of yourself love is a process love is a possibility where you you could become larger than Who You Are you could become more than what you are by inclusion now if you value in your own self-love now this is going against all the popular teaching people have been telling you first you must love yourself before you love anybody if you cannot love yourself how can you love anybody if you say I want to love myself now you are heading towards schizophrenic condition now you're creating two in one if you want to ensure that you never go insane the first and foremost step that you need to take is you take away all divisions and you see this is an individual an individual means he cannot be further divided he's indivisible you cannot divide him anymore this is one entity you can't make it into two if you make it into two I love myself now you're heading towards Madness First Step has been taken if life situations cooperate you will get there quick if life situations don't create that situation for you you may manage within socially accepted levels of that Madness so the reason why even if Divine touches your tongue even if the taste of the Divine is there on your tongue you can still get entangled is simply self-love it is a sure step first step towards Madness whether you are going to get there to the Asylum status or you will get only to the ashram status is subject to many things but this happened to your man he wanted to enroll himself in a college so he saw a big building and walked in there they had registration forms he filled up everything he signed and when he went to the official to give it to be enrolled in the college the official said but this is not a college this is an asylum then the man said but no I wanted to join a college but the official said no this is an asylum then the man part but I already filled my legislation form so what difference I will join up not much difference I will join the Asylum what's the big difference the official agreed yes not much difference but there is one difference what is it here unless you show Improvement we won't let you get out so ashram is just a Sanskrit word an English word would be too insulting because with the taste of the Divine on your tongue you're trying or you have the necessary foolishness in you to fall in love with something so limited which you call as myself that is a sure sign of Madness that is definitely a sure sign of Madness if you had never tasted it then this is all you know that's okay because you don't know anything better and the taste of the Divine is still lingering and you're getting entangled with something so limited as your personality that is definitely a sign of Madness there is no question about it you are in such a state of Madness you're doomed even an astrologer will charge you half price because when your destiny is so doomed there's nothing much to predict you know it's easy it's very easy so there are many aspects to this fundamentally if you keep your life energies very exuberant now you will see the slip quota will naturally come down to keep it exuberant you should not be over LED largely in the ashram everybody young people also eat only two meals a day 10 in the morning seven in the evening our activity exceeds most people's activity in the world and we are seven days 365 days we don't know what's a vacation because we're enjoying what we're doing we don't want a break so they never go on a vacation there is no break there's no Sunday Monday nonsense nothing every day something is happening endlessly but you will see people are very energetic healthy sleep is very little so energetically a human being can be at different levels why this is important is see what we call as life is just a combination of two things a certain amount of energy and a certain amount of time when it comes to time it is ticking away for all of us at the same Pace plot doesn't run slowly for me faster for you there's no such thing whether you are busy you are lazy or sleeping you're doing useful things or useless things it doesn't matter what you do or you do not do time is ticking away so there's no such thing as time management you can manage your energy if you raise your energy to a higher pitch of intensity what somebody does in 10 years you may do it in one year so if you live for 100 years it looks like you lived for Thousand Years simply because your energy is pitched up this every human being can do the whole yogic system is one dimension of yogic system is just towards this if you sit here even if you simply sit here with your eyes closed you don't sit here in a static way you sit here in a dynamic way you never become Static because static is called as death if everything becomes static that is death if inertia really sets in that is death so sleep in yoga is seen as death you die every day how long do you want to die in a day you really must use this word for yourself don't tell anybody I'm going to die for yourself how long do I want to die in a day eight hours a day if you die one third of your life you're dead in 24 hours eight hours your day means one third of your life dead another four hours goes into eating sleeping eating toilet bath this that where is the time to live I'm asking so if life is precious the most important thing to do is keep your energies in an exuberant way so that life becomes more life feels enhanced because you cannot enhance time believe me in the morning if you need a bucket full of water if you had to walk a mile to the river to get one bucket of water and your family needed 25 buckets of water you would have no time to mess yourself now you have a lot of time to mess yourself because our survival is better organized than ever before another thing is most human beings do not know how to manage their biochemistry without physical activity I have seen a whole lot of people particularly teenage boys and girls between the ages of 12 and 16 who come to me with some severe violent problems within themselves if you leave them like that they may kill themselves or kill somebody else they're in that kind of state many of them have even killed their parents you know it just happened all over the world and in 2017 when I came to know that in India which is not so much suicidal in that sense because there's a huge family support and stuff like that in spite of that in 2017 18 600 children below 18 years of age committed suicide out of which 7200 are below 15 years of age so 12 13 14 year olds who must be bubbling with life or wanting to take their own lives why obviously we're doing something fundamentally wrong with the society isn't it yes our goals and our stupid ideas of what is success is driving them nuts [Music] because we are trying to use our children like race horses that's interesting and when you say that as something to that represent us that we've turned into something amazing or in what way are they like racehorses see when you understand Life as a race if you're in a race what's the subjective you must reach the Finish Line quick isn't it yes what is the finish line of your life death there you have it this may not be a conscious process but life within you is understanding it like that when you see you must understand this whether you are conscious of conscious of it or not any human being right now if you make yourself miserable you must understand you are sending a message to every cell in the body that I don't want to live you might not have articulated it in your head yet but when you become miserable you notice suddenly your body seems heavy and it's like doesn't want to get up from this chair have you seen this yes when you're happy you're willing to bounce out everything and do everything Bend backwards if necessary why this is happening is the message is gone to every cell in the body this guy wants to die they're all thinking okay what can we do to help him but by then of course you recover so you want to die you want to live you want to die you want to live the body is getting confused because you must understand this is a very intelligent body it's taking instructions from you every cell in the body has enormous sense of memory and intelligence if you keep sending wrong messages if they act you did because you're sending contradictory messages you are not dead you are half dead you can give it any number of exotic names essentially you have turned your intelligence against yourself this is supposed to work for you but now you turn it against yourself it's working against you adolescence means Springtime of life if you're having trouble with spring I can imagine how you'll handle your Winters hello [Music] it's a springtime of life when everything is high energy your body is at your at its best if you're having trouble dealing with that part of your life I can imagine the rest of your life how you will handle this is not any one age maybe studies are being done on specific people but toddlers have diaper issues other adolescence have hormonal issues middle-aged people have crisis voltage soul to Pharmaceuticals when you are young you bought drugs off the back street when you're older it's over the counter [Applause] nothing much has changed it's just become legal everything is becoming legal you know hello a lot of things which were not legal are becoming legal isn't it so this is not to make a joke out of somebody's suffering but you need to understand what's happening there are many many dimensions to this I don't think I can cover all of them in this few minutes but to just put some perspective to you see there are five sources of receptivity for you from the outside world there are five openings your vision your hearing your smell your taste and your touch the simplest aspect of life is this essentially your eyes are designed to take 12 hours of light 12 hours of Darkness Starlight Moonlight okay now literally every waking moment of your life light is penetrating no room sounds just imagine suppose you lived in the same place it is still here like this if you stay in the ashram it's still quiet if you lived here once in a way once in a way Some Noise happened otherwise gently acquired little bit of insects making noise this that that's about it now 24 hours something is going on Autumn bills are going on in United States everywhere there is some machine buzzing all the time it's it's like you know if I travel here for six weeks eight weeks it becomes like boom something is going on in any building you sit something is going on when I go back to ashram in India if I sit there it's still like that absolutely still the impact that it has on your system is tremendous but this buzzing that's going on see what's going on even here I am still holding my ground I don't know without telling me they might have already installed I said no air conditioners in the ashram in the Cottages why I am saying this is you you come to a Yoga Center because you want to bring your system to a certain level of stability balance because without balance doesn't matter what talents you have what intelligence you have what capabilities you have without balance you are no good all these things will work against you your own intelligence will work against you so all the time there is sound and vibrations going on as if that's not enough people are wearing headphones and all the time Dang Dang Dang Dang they call it music but the musician doesn't even bother to play it it's just a machine banging in your ears all the time well maybe that's maybe better than listening to people around you maybe you think it's better than the automobile noises that surround you but Non-Stop impact of sound non-stop impact of light non-stop impact of various other inputs this affects everybody an adolescence means they are malting literally from one stage to another quickly this is the time when there should have been a very stable atmosphere most people don't have such a stable atmosphere one thing is because of various things that I already mentioned family situations are not stable parents are also screaming hello yes they are because every movie every television show everything is showing in the house if you're angry you must shout you must punch the door if not somebody at least you must punch something you must break something this is becoming the norm that's a way to handle room it is examples are being said people think that's the way to handle your emotion no if your emotion going out of control shut up close your eyes and just sit on in one place huh yes that's a way to handle your emotion if your emotion is going out of control just shut your mouth close your eyes sit down in one place don't mess with the rest of the world hello [Applause] [Music] at least this much responsibility you must have when you are messed up you don't mess the world keep it to yourself your mess that much you must have isn't it Now everywhere people are demonstrating that if you are emotional you have to kick something you have to break something you have to throw something at somebody or at least at the wall so all this and tell me Suppose there was no television and there was no Cinema how many times in your life would you have witnessed somebody being shot but now that you're watching your Cinema on television how many shootings have you seen hundreds thousands probably isn't it you think it has no impact not only that from the age of five all the learning shooting shooting shooting maybe just on the screen but sometimes they have to come off the screen and do the real thing my own Vision has never failed me so I always kept away from all scriptures because I didn't want to clutter myself with something or the other the only thing that I learned and I continue to do is if I look at something if I look at a person I know they're past present and future that is the level of attention I'm paying to them I don't look at like this when I look I look at it completely with all that I have if you pay enough attention there is nothing that will not yield so I never had any reason or need to go looking for scriptures or something it all it all respect and regard for them it is not that I am hours to it it's just that I have not had the time it's good how this whole process started is when I was very young I realized that I just don't know anything see if you realize that you do not know if it says a full-scale realization that you do not know anything paying attention will be natural because you know everything ah you know this guy you know this this this the assumptions and assumptions and assumptions well I have used it in a different way but even if you're doing business even it's for business purposes the only reason why one human being seems to be all the opportunities seems to be going in his Direction and not other people is simply because he is able to see and other people are not able to see it's not that it's not there for others one is able to see and others are not able to see so essentially a leader means that you're able to see something that others are not able to see so attention without intention simply being attempted that's what we were trying to do in the afternoon not paying attention to something just practicing attention a very heightened level of attention where an unfocused attention but when you focus it on something just about anything has to heal there is no other way to that attention so I always focused on enhancing and sharpening my attention never in retention because what you gather is not you essentially you know that you exist only because you have some sense of attention right now isn't it suppose you fall asleep and you lose your attention you do not even know that you exist so the basis of your existence itself is attention and this attention need not be mortgage to anything you just have to sharpen the attention see if you have a knife in your hands there is no such thing that you have to cut only apples with this if you have a sharp enough knife you could cut anything that you want but the important thing is the knife is sharp enough so that your attention is clean enough not for something or the other if your attention has become very keen if you wish to do a certain type of activity you can successfully do it the greatest predicament that a human being faces and the greatest tragedy that human beings are going through and the greatest struggle that all humans seem to be toiling with is just this that sensory perception gives one-sided perception if you see this you can't see this if you see light you can't see Darkness if you hear sound you can't hear silence so life becomes a heap of opposites her contradictions trying to Wade their way through these contradictions how much suffering unbelievable how much confusion how much struggle if this nearly 8 billion people if you document what kind of suffering they are going through in one year or in one day just one day it's enough for eternity all this is simply because they have misunderstood instruments of survival or as instruments of knowing you must know which is light and which is Darkness if you want to walk through this you must know which is man which is woman if you have to operate in the world so these differences are very one-sided well in many ways I have said this now it's become a bit uh too common for everybody to know this because I've been speaking about this for some time while you are sitting here as a man or a woman but you came here because a man and woman came together your mother and father exists within you you being a woman or a man is just a surface thing but you've taken it so seriously and you go through a whole lot of circus just being a man or a woman how much circus in the world forget about light and darkness that's more complicated and he's the simplest damn thing but how much struggle how much Social confusion how many religions and scriptures have been written about this misunderstanding endlessly this is just that because between light and darkness you think they are two different worlds because it looks like that the day looks like one kind of world this planet looks different during the day during the night it's a completely different world but it is not it's the same world I think you get that point during Twilight to some extent this is why it's always important to wake up before the sun comes up because you don't have to do anything if you just alert and looking slowly the perception will go into you this is why I always in yoga Brahma mortam you should be up because Twilight starts then in Twilight if you're awake you perceive that the differences that you have made out in your mind because of misperceptions of senses that you have settles within you when that happens when Karma means action there are four types of action physical mental emotional and energy of all these things the energy action is the most important one and the most enduring one and the most liberating one if you do it the right way if you do it the wrong way the energy action which is improper can have far more impact upon one's life than the improper physical actions improper mental actions improper emotional actions so what do I mean by improper energy actions one thing is unfortunately I had to witness a few things which I did not wish to witness certain people trying to misuse a little flexibility in energy that came with certain practice of yoga or a certain initiation especially there are some over smart people that when you initiate them when it's fresh when they're bursting with energy they want to use it for something else they want to channelize it to impress their neighbors or to make some money out of it or in some way use it what was offered to them for their well-being they try to do something else that can happen or example would be see there are there are many ways you can perform negative action one thing is let's say you sat here and thought that somebody that you don't like Must Die or you even thought how to kill them it has a certain level of impact on you on another level you had a thought but not just a thought the strong emotion now it has a much deeper impact upon you you acted upon this thought and emotion and you actually perform the action then it has a much deeper impact on you now you understand that if you perform these actions there may be consequences so you found another way you found somebody who will do certain type of energy action through which the person that you don't like will die there is an entire science like this one Veda among the four Vedas is dedicated to this this is called where it's about learning to use energies towards your benefit and other people's detriment you have heard of words like black magic voodoo and building and whatever else you call it where people have learned to use energies to cause harm to someone else once you energetically try to influence somebody for some benefit of your own now this will be the worst Karma because the impact of this goes very deep into you because you're employing your energies to do this this is the reason why even to initiate you into a simple process like sambhavi I am asking you to take the step of being a mother to the world so that you never misuse this you see everybody as yours because enhancement of energies has to come with a profound sense of responsibility enhancement of energies has to happen with deeper dimension of inclusiveness without inclusiveness if you use energy this will be the worst karma karma so those of you who find some dramatic changes happening in your life because of initiations you must take care you must take at most care that you never try to use this ability to transform to do something else of course some of you think you will do a great thing by healing Somebody by intervening in somebody's life in some other way no you this will be the worst type of karma you perform because once you try to use your Energies and still you are capable of anger you're capable of drawing boundaries of what is you and what is not you what is yours and what is not yours when these things are still there you should never ever try to do anything energetically because this will be the most impactful Karma that you will do this is the reason why even the basic practice of shambhavi to initiate you you must become a mother to the world and this is also a fantastic way to beat your karma if every moment of your life if you live with an inclusive emotion of being a mother to the world not discriminating between what what is yours and what is not yours right now you cannot help discriminating what is you and what is not you but at least what is yours and what is not yours if you take it away you have solved the karmic puzzle 90 percent believe me 90 percent of all dimensions of karma you have solved that puzzle the remaining 10 percent I am this respect is not something that you ever demand in your life please don't ever do such a vulgarity that you demand respect you can only earn it not demand it the moment you demand yes or no so you stand One Step higher than somebody and you demand respect or the only stupid thing that you did is you came here a few years earlier than someone else and your demand that I am Senior it must be happening in the college also one year senior I am hey you better respect me yeah just one year ahead I joined the college and now I am Senior okay so this is an unfortunate reality that's well established in the world that in the name of religion in the name of authority in the name of Parenthood in many different ways we have been trying to establish Authority is the truth No Authority is not the truth truth is the only Authority this is why Youth and Truth truth is the only Authority nothing else is the authority so if I ask a question somebody freaks see if you ask a question somebody freaks because they don't know the answer suppose you go sit in an examination and look at the question paper you don't know a damn thing don't you freak just like that they're freaking why don't you understand hello you they gave you a question paper you have no clue do you freak or no so they are also freaking so you must understand and be little compassionate when you ask a question somebody freaks means obviously they don't have an answer so you must be compassionate considerate because they're your seniors they came ahead of here ahead of you but they are no better than you so they're freaking a bit please make way for them I'll admit what to do they grow a little bigger than you but at the same time there is no need for anybody to succumb to that it's all right there is no need to confront people a question first of all say a question is a tool a question is a tool to dig little deeper isn't it hello but somebody's asking a question to prove a point that's not good to don't ask a question to your parents or to somebody else just to prove your point now ask a question because it's a genuine question so people were asking me sadhguru what kind of questions can we ask what can we not ask I said even the dumbest question you have if it means something to you it means something to me if it doesn't mean anything to you don't ask such stupid things because it doesn't mean a damn thing to me either but if it means something to you maybe it's a stupid question somebody thinks it's a stupid question but it means something to your life it means a lot to me so please make sure your questions are genuine whether you ask a parent or a political leader or a spiritual leader it doesn't matter who the hell you ask a question when you ask a question you must understand the purpose of asking a question is to expand yourself from what you know to enter a territory where you do not know something that's the idea of asking a question but you ask a question to prove them stupid then maybe they're getting mad you're entering their territory now but you have to make sure in your life because your life is not just about your life how you conduct your life will determine the nature of this world isn't it so when you have such a responsibility you have to ensure that truth is the only Authority Authority is not the truth it doesn't matter whether it's parents or teachers or spiritual teachers political leaders or God himself came down and he said something stupid you must be able to question him that is the nature of this culture see even when those entities which we considered Divine came in India all we did is ask questions endless questions when Shiva came his wife Parvati freaks him with a million questions when Krishna came Arjuna asked thousand questions questions and questions and questions I must tell you this we were trekking in Tibet a group of people almost from 42 different countries so an Indian man who settled in United States was uh wanted to ask a question I said you can ask questions immediately raised his hand and he stood up he asked a question which lasted over eight minutes and it was going on I said Sid this is too long a question then I told the others because they were all looking like this because they are from different nations they can't understand this question I said see this is a very Indian question question inside a question inside a question inside a question inside a question Indians are experts in this because they have 15 000 years of culture they have crafted questions like this why it doesn't matter Shiva comes Krishna comes they want to bowl a googly to him that's the whole intent so I said this is an Indian question and I try to explain to them what is an Indian mind and why it asks such questions so much of culture then one Chinese lady she said Guru I was working at the United Nations even there only Indians asked questions we never ask questions only the Indians were asking questions all the time I said that is India karma is never about other people it's only about you it's only your karma you talk about never about other people's Karma about the loss of life we must understand that this is the nature of life we are born and we die question is only when how you know that's how it's guaranteed that all of us will die whether other things will happen in our lives or not but all of us will definitely die for sure but unfortunately it happens untimely for certain people because we have an expectation a human being means he or she will live a certain amount of life so these expectations are based on our assumptions but life has its own ways life has many aspects so many young people have died in the in this pandemic unfortunately it's so many people that I know every day 15 to 20 people that I know well many people very dear to me are dying on a daily basis I'm saying so we need to understand this when we lose somebody it is not that we should find some explanation and write them off you don't write them off you value people because in some way they contributed and enriched your life maybe just by a word Maybe by certain actions Maybe by a variety of other possibilities in so many ways human beings around you have enriched your life so it doesn't matter see all the people who are alive right now may not be with you but you cherish them similarly they may not be with you but you just just cherish them for who they are don't make them the source of misery in your life or you are only your only kind of right now being affected by it because in some way they were a source of joy for you let it stay that way they must always stay as a source of joy for you the greatest disservice you can do to The Departed person is you make them the source of misery in your life do not do that to them this they don't deserve because if they were here they would have been a source of joy for you for whatever reason life decides to leave do not try to find explanations for that you are you are born you never asked isn't it and why you die don't ask it's all right it happens we try to do our best to see that an individual human being lives a full-fledged life but many for many many many people it doesn't happen it's our business to see and do our best to see that their liverful life but will it always happen no so why you are born why I am born how did it happen don't go into these things because all you will have is hallucinations do not go into that the important thing is as a human being you valued that human being when they were alive please value them when they're gone with the same sense of joy and love in your heart do not kill that just because they are not here if somebody is not here let's say somebody who whom you love is not with you is in another town another country is it not true that you will feel much more love and longing for them when they are not with you yes the same should be true even for this person when life really isn't going our way how do we start to Where Do We Begin when people are so helpless so let's understand first what is life and what is external situations this is life this is society hello right now you want all of them to happen your way they're not going to happen you want microorganisms in the world to happen your way they're not going to happen hello what is the virus thing you want all the microorganisms to behave just the way you want them to behave because nearly 52 percent of your body in terms of numbers 52 percent of your body is actually other organisms your genetic material is only about 48 percent so these are all working for you so you have no problem one guy doesn't work for you so you're freaking the entire world this life means this because you have only experienced this one life isn't it so hello have you experienced any other life is it possible see do one thing take your hand touch the person who's sitting next to you please do this an experiment so you'll think you think you're experiencing that person no you're only experiencing Sensations in your hand isn't it hello you cannot experience that person this is the nature of life your only experiencing the sensations in your hand you do not know what's happening in their hand you cannot you can do some guesswork but you can only experience what's within you So when you say life you must understand you're talking about this life life is not happening the way what do you mean life is not happening the way life is happening the way you want it unless you're covered positive you're not it so life is happening the way you want Society is not happening the way you want it economic engine is not running the way you want it to run so many other things in the world what you were expecting a little dislocated yes it hurts a bit here and there but life is here is the only thing you can experience you cannot experience that right now you made yourself in such a way that your inner experience is created by external situations then you have a whole Cosmos to manage hello now you have a whole Cosmos to manage because your inner experience is determined by everything that's happening around you well all the best you will never know a moment of forget about Joy blissfulness ecstasy you will not know a moment of ease in your life that is why why you know this is probably a very sensitive subject to touch in California that is why alcohol drugs so many other things have become so popular simply because people do not know how to sit at ease you don't have to be on the go all the time if life demands people ask me how are you active like this because generally my schedule is anywhere between 18 to 20 hours a day seven days of the week 365 days non-stop for many years it's going on I'm complaining and the guys clapping about it [Laughter] so people keep asking how do you keep yourself like this how do you do this see I'm essentially lazy it's just that the situation in the world demands action left to myself I would close my eyes and simply said I am made like this if I close my eyes I can sit like this till I fall dead really I have really no need for Action I'm not trying to keep myself busy there's a lot to be done so you're doing people ask me sadhguru what's your dream what is your dream I said my dream is the day I am unemployed that's a great day because if I am unemployed it simply means everybody is doing fantastic what more do you want dream fulfilled so action is not something that you decide you just decide your intent action the world will decide how much of what I am you know at these economic forums and said why am I the world economic forum this guy in front of Business Schools in Harvard Business School one Professor comes oh you're that amazing tree planter I said no I am not a tree planter he said no no you planted those millions of tea yes I did but I'm not a tree planter us then what do you do I said uh I make people flowers not to entries but I'm planting trees because the goddamn trees are missing where they should have been where they should have been they are not there it's like this two men were working on the street one man is digging pits behind him another man is coming and closing and closing and going somebody else was driving by they saw this ridiculous Activity one guy digs the pit another guy closes the pit so they stopped and said hey what are you doing here why are you guys working like this one guy digging another guy closing they said no no the in between guy has gone and leave he's the tree planter he's not there we're doing our work so a lot of people are doing work legs I'm doing my work you have no work on this planet the planet needs work if the world needs work we will do it otherwise why should I think this is my work what's your mission it's a no Mission I'm just fooling around a bit because you have no business to have your own mission life has its own mission in some way if you can assist and serve that that's about it what is it that you have your own mission are you some kind of a tyrant all missionaries are tyrants in some way unknowingly yes those who think they have a mission there is no Mission what is needed you do especially when you study in a business school and get certain competence to manage things or create things you must create what is needed not create some rubbish and push it on them yes yes or no you must see how to make life better how to solve situations which are problematic to a whole lot of people you must look for Solutions and solutions for the existing situations and of course there are experts who go on creating new problems so you will never be short of problems believe me you just have to create Solutions not go on a mission mode it's learned to be like God never intervene in anything every day in the morning every kind of idiot will tell you what you should do today you just listen just like God marriage will work it may not work with your profession see uh you're misunderstanding this you're trying to make this into some kind of a value system you're trying to make it your philosophy I will do only what works [Music] well you took oath I will do only what works now you don't know what works because what we what works will not come with a oath or a commandment what works comes with constant observation and evolution of who you are isn't it hello the same things how you made them work how clumsily you made something work 10 years ago the same thing you may be doing it with ease today isn't it so or you may be doing it clumsily today you're doing it well at one time whichever way whichever kind of evolution has happened so what works is not some kind of a formula it is an evolution of a human being to come to what works on all levels of life uh uh this is like really I mean you you're just falling out of a self-help book no I am not a self-help book do what works do whatever the hell you want what's my problem [Music] but what's the point of doing something that doesn't work hello I'm not telling you you should do only what works do whatever the hell you want but for your life because it's a limited amount of time what is the point doing something that does not work isn't it either it should work for you or it should work for people around you if it doesn't work for you and anybody around you what is the point of doing that damn thing this happened soldiers American soldiers were leaving on duty so one of them told the other you know Steve's wife she read Three Musketeers and she delivered a triple delivered triplets you say oh my God my wife is reading Birth of a Nation what am I supposed to do that's not how it works so don't make this into some kind of an ethic or a philosophy I will do only what works well just to see what works needs lot of application even for the smallest damn things isn't it hello to do a smallest thing like hitting a ball or kicking a ball straight you know how much it takes somebody who can take a ball where he wants wow the whole world is worshiping him just because he kicks a damn ball yes or no because people understand what it takes nobody is worship Him worshiping him because he kicks a ball because people can see what has gone into it isn't it true people can see what has gone into to be able to kick a ball the way he is kicking what has gone into it is life has gone into it so don't make philosophies and ethics out of everything or don't tell yourself a commandment I will do only what works it's a good commandment but now you don't know what works so oh no you you need to be conscious and apply yourself to every damn thing if you just learn this much that you don't decide what is important and what is not important there's literally no human being who is not confronted with a thought and an emotion like that but they managed to brush us aside it doesn't bother them enough the pain of not knowing doesn't tear them that's the whole problem they come to terms with ignorance they make a deal with ignorance they will build relationships where everybody will confirm this is the best way to live off Comfort companionship love affection these are all things you're seeking I know a whole lot of people have raised human emotions to Heavens if you say love they say Divine love if you say Joy they say Divine Joy if you say Bliss they say Divine Bliss foreign you don't need any God's help to be joyful loving peaceful as a human being you endowed with these qualities so all those who deprived themselves of that they either seek God or they settle for a dog yeah usually because they want a unconditional love this is a demand because the nature of Love is such that it's like a flower if you don't watch it for two minutes It'll fall it'll wither and fall right there either you want to let it fall or you have to nourish it every moment or you have to concretize it that means you take a picture and keep it on your phone screen or you institutionalize it with marriage or this or that so essentially well I'm I'm not against any institution because institutions are needed in the world to operate otherwise there will be chaos that is a different thing but you cannot institutionalize Joy or peace like right now we think United Nations is the institution for peace no no you cannot institutionalize peace you cannot institutionalize Joy you cannot institutionalize love or anything for that matter institutions are functional instruments in a given Society I have utmost respect for them because without it people a whole lot of people wouldn't know how to live you need institutions there is a government there is a democratic process there are variety of things all right there are quotes there are parliaments well ninety percent of the time some nonsense may be happening there but still these institutions are important because without that there will be total chaos so I'm not talking against institutions but institutionalizing things that happen within a human being is a silly effort in the yoga culture first eight years or actually eight and a half years is considered childhood so these are not counted though balavastha is up to 12. it's the eight and a half years where you're a real child you know it from your own experience after you're eight and a half only your parents thought you were a child but you were secretly many things yes adults think that you are a child but you know you are not one because your childhood in many ways ends at eight and a half so if you take two side solar Cycles which is uh 24 years or little less than that and add eight and a half years to it will become 32 and three-fourths or something like this 32 years in seven months or somewhere there exact calculations we can make but it's nearly 33 years so when these two cycles end Plus living that when it ends it is a possibility this is a time when your life could take on a different level of propulsion if you have prepared yourself well either with education or some skill or yoga or inner dimensions of your life if you have prepared yourself on any of these things that is the time when it can Propel or that is the time when it can start crashing you know in the western societies they talk about mid-life crisis it usually starts around 33 34 years of age suddenly people don't know what to do with themselves life getting meaningless or those who are successful they find traction and suddenly they explode into different levels of success or well-being all this can happen because within the system it has completed a certain cycle either it can take off or it can crash you don't have to eliminate the waste waste is very valuable if you know right now in this Garden they buy wasted a very and you know a very exorbitant price because their waste goes into the public system they have to buy waste from somewhere they have to buy a filth to fertilize yes yeah so whether you turn your filth into a fertilizer or you smear it on your face and walk around that's your choice this is why Karma so what kind of karma happened in my life till this moment is not always my choice so many things have happened but what kind of karma I perform right now in this moment is 100 my choice will I use this filth as manuals and Blossom into your wonderful fragrance or will I smear it around me and walk around with filth this is the choice everybody has when unpleasant things happen to us which happens to everybody in some way if you're living in the world I'm saying unless you drop from somewhere else right if you're living in this world so many unpleasant things happen now with these unpleasant things do you become wise or do you become wounded this is a choice to exercise this Choice there must be a little space when I say a little space where is your memory stored people think here your brain has very little memory okay every cell in the body carries a trillion times more memory than your entire brain because if I take one cell from you we can you know create you completely in a lab that means what well your parents your father and mother gave you only one sell each they were not very generous only one cell each see a whole man came out of it yeah so in that one cell all this memory head to toe everything was there isn't it yeah no mistake texture of the hair texture of the skin the nails the works every detail to the minutest detail was it packed in that one cell or no yeah yes so every cell in your body carries a trillion times more memory than your entire brain carries wow so if you do not use that if you just use one part of your body then everything seems to be stressful everything seems to be a struggle today everybody complaining about everything everything is stressful you are a toddler you have stress of diapers you are a teenager you have hormonal stress your middle age you have a crisis your old age geriatric stress right all right which is not stressful entire life is stress tell them okay you die oh that is enormous stress so this is not because there is something wrong with anybody's life it's simply because it's like you have a car it's supposed to go on four wheels try to drive one one okay one may look like too much try to drive one two well within 10 miles your tires will burst because too much stress on one point other things are not being used this all that's happening to human beings pain is not a concept if you don't know that it's not a concept I can cause some pain to you you will know it's not a concept it's a living reality when you get it hello can pain be controlled by the mind see pain is of the body see suppose this water is hardly nine inches deep all right nine ten inches deep but you want to dive from the top of the tree if there was no pain you would have done it [Applause] yes if it breaks your head and still there is no pain a whole lot of people would have done it right now the only thing which is making you behave sensibly at least in terms of your survival is pain without pain most people would not know how to survive either so pain is a very good thing it manages you even emotional pain that you cause because you want to be a tragic hero [Laughter] see there is only physical pain as existentially true pain that you have in your mind and in your emotion is caused by you you like to poke yourself why because you're away in life you have not found any other way to feel profound pain makes you feel profound [Applause] you're from Mumbai cinema world I'm saying without pain no profoundness isn't it no Artistry people think they're profound because they're in pain no your misunderstanding pain for profoundness it's a serious mistake if it comes in loads then you will know what it is all right it'll destroy you it'll mutilate life pain yes or no human beings have been destroyed not necessarily by a sword or a gun they just break themselves down into pieces because of their own emotions and thoughts more people are mutilating themselves by themselves using the sharpness of their own mind rather than by somebody's sword or gone isn't it so why is this so because you have misunderstood a few fundamental things you do not know what is real and what is not what is existentially true what is physiologically true what is psychologically true do you have lost you know the boundaries of this once you lose this whatever you do it'll hurt you just tell me one thing people are not suffering tell me one thing well if they are poor they suffer their poverty you make them Rich they suffer the taxes yes if they are not educated they suffer that put them to school they suffer that uh they're not married they suffer that get them married oh [Music] don't tell me no children they suffer that give them children daily suffering yes so it looks like you're suffering every aspect of life so we'll offer you depth Oh They'll suffer that so suffering is not because of life situations suffering is because you do not know how to manage yourself you do not know how to manage your own mind your emotion your energy your your very life you do not know how to manage then everything becomes suffering physical pain is a different thing physical pain is caused by some contact or disease or injury or something that of course we must see how we keep it at the minimum in our life mosquito bites you all right but you don't have to be bitten by a bear you need to avoid that Joy or misery Agony or ecstasy pleasure of pain everything comes from within you if you understand this much if I understand suppose right now I think I'm miserable because of you there's no solution for my life isn't it because all you have to do is walk in front of my home I will become miserable so simple it is you don't have to kill me you just have to walk around in front of me I will die within myself every day if I understand the source of my joy and misery are within me then you know what's the obvious choice Joy the obvious choice isn't it so this one fundamental thing has to get across to all the human beings on this planet your experience is entirely determined by you this is what the word Karma means unfortunately it's become something else here Karma means action that means when we say your life is your karma we are saying your life is entirely your making 100 percent what happens in the world there are many many forces involved what happens within me it's one hundred percent me 100 percent isn't it yeah if you don't take charge of this then you're an accidental life when you're an accidental life anxiety is very natural incentive um suppose you're driving accidentally that is you don't know what's happening and you're simply somehow going anxiety is natural or no yes any accidental moment creates anxiety so this is why Consciousness means this that you have taken charge of the instruments of life which on most fundamental level is our physiological and psychological space you're taking charge of this now your health your happiness your joy your ecstasy your misery everything is in your hands you exercise them as you want see there is uh scientific evidence to show at least 20 percent of your energy right now as you sit here in a restful state is being consumed by your brain if you bring this down that your brain is not unnecessarily fluctuating and you know hopping mad all the time if it learns to still be still and do only what's needed an enormous sense of personal power will develop you can't do this with your mind right now if you try to stop it it will hop even more crazy at least do it with your body your words and your physical moments reduce it by 50 percent if you want to look at this look at this you want to look at that look at that don't do this this with your body and your utterances if you do this slowly it will also start manifesting in your mind it will not do unnecessary things when you don't know unnecessary things the energy that you have slowly transforms itself into potential power life is an openness death is closing isn't it death is a closure life is a possibility if you're just alive everything is open tell me can you be alive suppose you don't like me so you don't want to inhale what I exhale stop breathing and exist for some time let me see possible yes without breathing for a little while how is little how much is little for you to hold my breath yeah I don't know 30 seconds 10 seconds 10 minutes definitely not 10 minutes so I'm saying if you don't like me your dislike will not go away in 30 seconds isn't it yeah for sure suppose I hate you I don't want to be inhale what you exhale I will die Within Myself isn't it yes yes this all people are doing to themselves I like this guy I don't like that guy this is uh somebody I love that somebody I hate this is belongs to me this doesn't belong to me they're just killing themselves step by step they are planning to die in installments if you want to live here you are you must make up your mind whether you want to live or you want to die you want to know the certainty of death in life this is called belief this is called belonging this is called identification because you are trying to find the certainty of death in the seamless process of life it's very interesting this happened that the Cincinnati airport in Ohio United States people had lined up to check in at the airline ticket booth one man just skipped the line and came straight in the front and thrust his ticket the lady at the counter she said sir there is a line he said no no I'm in a hurry she said everybody's in a hurry you're on the same plane please stand in the line then he said do you know who I am she looked at him promptly picked up the microphone and said there is a man here who does not know who he is can somebody help him so who am I is not a question that you ask somebody it's a question that you ask yourself make it more and more profound something will get you money something will get you comfort that's not the point what you choose to do will it give you a life when I say give it give you a life are you just trying to make a living or are you trying to make a life out of this it's important making a living is not an issue a worm a insect a bird an animal all of them are making their life making a living isn't it so that even making a life out of it but definitely they're making a living so making a living with such a big brain is not an issue earning your food is not an issue making a living is not an issue only problem is you want to live like somebody else that's an endless problem I want to live is not a problem I want to live like you this is a problem so it is important if you consider your life as a precious life you must make sure you make a wonderful life out of this don't pursue enlightenment you cannot pursue enlightenment how can you pursue something that you do not know if you pursue something you will pursue only what you know what is the point pursuing something that you already know what is the point in running after something that you already know so if you have to step into something that you do not know the only thing is just to keep walking keep a steady Direction and keep working maybe it's the wrong direction it doesn't matter just keep working after all planet is round inevitably if you keep walking and keep straight walking not round and round if you just keep straight walking you will inevitably get somewhere nobody can take it away from you you know if you have a dog at home you would know this if you just tickle him in the tail he will go shh chasing his own tail okay A lot of people are doing that they don't tell they're chasing even Enlightenment is their own Tale nobody told you there is such a thing but definitely you can see from one person to another person one person seems to be little better off simply the way they are not because of their money not because of their wealth not because of their qualifications simply the way they sit and stand somebody seems to be better off than somebody else yes or no so there is room and scope for improvement relentlessly improve let's see where it gets you but if you have fancy ideas of what is enlightenment then you will chase that silly idea and that idea is never enlightenment because it's your idea in your book you talk about something I thought was so interesting to set the faucet to a certain drip rate and do nothing but focus on the dripping of the fossa for like seven minutes or something the idea is to pay attention to something which has no relevance to you say people are have divided the universe this is important this is not important this person is important for me this person is not important this is important for me that's not important for me you divided the universe you will never know anything this way indiscriminate Focus indiscriminate attention I am not attending to you because you are somebody with a cobra in your heart all right it doesn't matter who I speak to who I am with I'm the same way indiscriminate only when your attention and involvement is indiscriminate thus the universe open up to you you have discriminated naturally you close you know people come to me and say Sad Guru I want to walk the spiritual path I say okay be here for three days let's see what we can do day after tomorrow my uncle's daughter's birthday I have to go oh you want to get enlightened and Day After Tomorrow uncle's daughter's birthday also all right we got one and a half days you do one thing you do this this and this this is but I don't like this all right I'll give them a small piece of paper and say okay write down things that you like we'll do only do that you won't believe it in this entire universe most people like only three or four things when you are so constipated in your head that you lack only three or four people or three or four things in your life how do you want to open up to the existence because life is happening because of its openness this is a fundamental difference between death and life is people are thinking it's just breath all right on one level that is also openness whether you allow this to happen or you don't allow it to happen whether you did it consciously or unconsciously but it's happening isn't it openness is on every subatomic particle is in communication with everything that's why this is going on breath is happening so much is happening in connection with everything it is only in openness you're alive as you close doors you are dying in installments dying in installments is torture see life is fantastic if you're alive and fully alive if you're dead it's good at least the neighbors may think so this may sound very not so compassionate but I'm saying everybody dies you and me will die all right if you're dead it's the game is over but if you're half dead oh this is endless torture to yourself when you are being tortured of course you will share it with everybody else you must decide what is the highest value in your life freedom or bondage please I would like to hear that word but if you are free you feel lost if some if you go into the mountains and you're totally free that is nobody around nothing around you just in the empty space of the mountains you don't feel free you think you're lost so to handle Freedom it needs a certain Clarity and strength most people cannot handle freedom they are always trying to bind my bind themselves but only talking mouthing Freedom all the time if you really set them free they will suffer immensely so this is uh evolutionary issue in the sense human beings are right now like this a caged bird if you keep a bird cage for a long period of time and then one day you took off the door of the cage still the bird won't fly from inside it will protest that it's not free but it will not fly Human Condition is just that for all other creatures nature is drawn Two Lines within which they have to live and die and that's what they do but only for human beings there's only bottom line there's no Top Line and that's what they're suffering if their life was also fixed like every other creature's life they wouldn't be stressed they would be anxious they wouldn't be struggling how to handle their own intelligence and that is what you're seeking unknowingly you may have seek it in the form of relationships you may seek it in the form of profession you may seek it in the form of form of nationality ethnicity community God Heaven hell all you are trying to do is draw an artificial line which does not exist because Freedom needs courage Freedom needs I said in Madness if you're very sane you cannot be free because you will go between the two lines of logic to be free it takes a lot of strength that if you first of all what needs to happen if you want to be free is do you understand that all Human Experience has a chemical basis to it hello what you call is joy is one kind of chemistry misery is another kind of chemistry stress is one kind of chemistry anxiety another kind of chemistry Agony one kind of chemistry ecstasy another kind of chemistry at least ecstasy you know it's another kind of chemistry I hear so your experience of life has a chemical basis to it there's a more superficial way of looking at it there are other dimensions to it but for your understanding or in other words what you call as myself right now you're a chemical soup the question is only are you a great soup or a lousy soup yes or no right now if you have a chemistry of blissfulness if you close your eyes it's fantastic if you open your eyes it's fantastic if somebody is here it's fantastic nobody is here it's very fantastic yes or no but you have a lousy chemistry if you look at them if they smile at you it's nice not fantastic if they look at you like this suddenly it's a problem if these people are happening just the way you want your chemistry is reasonably balanced if they do something that you don't like boom it goes somewhere else so essentially you have not looked at this mechanism what is the basis of this how it functions how I can make it function at its highest level right now let's say you really blissed out like me do you care who is around who is not around if they're around it's fantastic they go on fantastic because your experience of life is no more determined by what you have and what you don't have whether it's people or things or food or this or that it is not determined by that once your way of being is not determined by anything outside of you then there is no such thing as loneliness but you will enjoy your aloneness because whether you like it or you don't like it at this young age it's a little uh difficult to understand this whether you like it or you don't like it within this body you're always alone isn't it whether you do interaction or intercourse or whatever whatever still you're alone in this body yes or no hello [Applause] if you don't learn how to handle this aloneness you have not learned anything about life this is the most beautiful thing the most beautiful thing about life is nobody can get here it's just my space yes or no isn't this the most beautiful thing nobody can invade me they can capture me they can torture me they can do so many things but they cannot invade me because I have a space which is just my own isn't this the most wonderful aspect of your life don't suffer that that is the most beautiful thing we are thinking of Happiness like it's some kind of a commodity or some kind of an attainment no when your life comes to ease when you come to ease happiness is a natural consequence coming to ease what does that mean there are many ways to look at this well because I should not say look inward you already put a condition on me so is it true that today even medically we know every human experience has a chemical basis to it so what you call as peace is one kind of chemistry happiness is another kind of chemistry Joy is another kind of chemistry misery is another kind of chemistry Agony is one kind of chemistry ecstasy is another kind of chemistry every human experience has a chemical basis to it or in other words you are a very complex chemical soup the question is only are you a great soup or a lousy soup if you're a great soup you taste good not for somebody for yourself when you taste very good for yourself if you sit here if you feel extremely Pleasant within yourself because the soup is great then people say you are happy if you become very very pleasant people say you're joyful if you become super Pleasant people will say you're ecstatic so to make it very simple and understandable for most people your Chemistry needs to be altered there's a whole technology with which we can create the kind of chemistry that you want if I teach you how to create a blissful chemistry within yourself your very chemistry is blissful and you will be Blissful when you're Blissful you will no more be in Pursuit of Happiness that is the biggest mistake that we are in pursuit of happiness your life has to become an expression of joy when your life is an expression of your experience then what you do what you do not do will not determine the quality of your life how you are within yourself will determine the quality of your life I am sorry once again I use the word within but chemistry is not within it is still outside of you but if you know how to make the right soup then being joyful is not an issue it's a natural consequence of that so we can teach you a technology we can teach you a methodology with which you will know how to stir the right kind of soup within you this is what I am calling as in engineering that you engineer your Chemistry in such a way that it's Blissful by its own nature not because of something if you think you're going to squeeze happiness out of something or somebody you will be disappointed because nothing will yield anything unless you have a chemistry of blissfulness within you so let us not think anger happens to us resentment happens to us no these things we are creating we have the power to emote we can make it love we can make it joy we can make it Ecstasy but people have chosen to make it tension anger resentment hatred they have turned it that way now they will claim this is because life has been unfair to me life has not been fair to anybody especially not me life is not fair to anybody life is simply rolling it's for you to learn to write it sometimes we're in uncomfortable situations some sometimes we're in comfortable situations sometimes we are in situations where we know exactly what to do and sometimes we're in situations where we don't know what to do sometimes somebody else is controlling the situation sometimes you're controlling the situation this is how life is if you are constantly stepping into unfamiliar situations in your life that means you are growing at a rapid Pace if you are in constantly in comfortable situations that means you are a stagnant life um um so if you if you look for Comfort if you look for a comfort zone because the moment your thoughts and emotions are going to torment you with external stimulant external stimulation that happens what will you Choose You will choose a comfort zone this means you will limit your life so the moment somebody can cause you pain or suffering this means unknowingly you will make the very scope of your life very limited only when a person loses this fear of suffering that no matter what happens this is how I will be if this assurance comes to you then you walk full stride because whatever happens in the life around you it will not really make you suffer once you are free from suffering only when you're free from suffering when you're free from the fear of suffering that is when you will explore your life in full depth and dimension if you do bad things bad things will come for you this has been the way of the world you don't need the word karma for that because people have been trying to control people either with fear or guilt this has been the basis of a whole lot of things happening in the world if you do this you will go to hell if you do that you will go to heaven otherwise here itself it will happen to you whatever or there is somebody up there with a stick waiting and they will vacuum all these kind of things essentially you're trying to manage Humanity control Humanity with uh fear or guilt yeah fear and guilt I see particularly in the western world is like enormous it is in the psyche of people in such a big way [Music] well karma is not about fear karma is not about guilt karma is about liberation it is about freedom because you are a composite as you sit here your composite of various memories within you yes it goes back it goes way back but let's start with amoeba in recent times okay so mommy go to now the whole evolutionary process in some ways recorded in this body otherwise this body would be confused every other day whether this is human or not this is 100 clear that this is human this is evolutionary memory always there there is genetic memory there is karmic memory there is articulate in articulate you know unconscious subconscious and conscious memories right now when we say memory people think only of their conscious memory which is less than one percent of their actual memory so the things they actually remember in their mind the conscious memory that is less than one percent of the actual memory so for example I can give you a thousand examples like this which are manifesting in everybody's life the simple thing is this uh let's say 500 years ago how your great great grandfather was you don't remember for sure no but his nose is sitting on your face probably right my ears are his ears yeah yep many things yeah even the color of the skin and the texture of the skin everything so the minute is details of what happened to your forefathers a million years ago still living with you right now wow it is living with you right now all these memories a composite or an amalgamation of all these complex memories is what you call as myself what you call is myself consciously maybe just a small part of that but that small part is happening because of this massive memory that is there if they're only looking at the phone screen or the computer screen they're heading into your wall you need to look up and see where is life going around you it's very important your misunderstanding technology and uh you know the screen space as a reality no it's a technology is a wonderful tool only if you use it consciously if you become unconscious and compulsive about it today in United States they've set up a technology de addiction centers okay just like drug de addiction technology addiction they're going crazy with technology technology has done wonders to me we are doing 100 times the work that we were doing uh maybe 15 20 years ago simply because of technology I think it's a great thing but somebody else is suffering that human beings are even suffering their own brains isn't it if they didn't have a brain they would be peaceful because they have a brain they think stress stress stress because you don't know how to handle the highest technology which is here on this planet the greatest technology in the planet is the human mechanism people who don't know how to handle it people who never read the user's manual they are suffering their body and their mind you own something not because it's useful to you if it's useful to you you enjoy using it please have it Whatever It Is but you are having it only because others don't have it this is a sickness this will naturally happen to you if you enhance your intellect without enhancing other aspects of your intelligence because the nature of the intellect is to accumulate today you call it as information you call it as data essentially it is accumulation and because of this information we have given up on human attention it is only with human attention you can open any door in the universe keenness of your attention will do that but today right now I've looked up a Wikipedia of all of you guys I know everything about you I don't have to look at you this is how we have become hello because I have information in my head I don't have to pay attention see whatever information let's say if I take one of you as an example if I have all the information about you about your life still it could be wrong this moment because a human being is a possibility this moment you may be something other than what information I have isn't it so if I am not open to that possibility I am missing the whole human being because a data doesn't make life data is the footprint of life not life if you see my footprint that's not me isn't it and the whole once you are thinking about accumulations the next thing is you want to leave a footprint those who want to leave a footprint in this world they shall never fly people think I have knowledge no my head is empty that's why to make it little look look little substantial I have a turbine it's totally empty always but I have Clarity Clarity means what you see things the way they are knowledge means what you have fixed information about everything if things have changed you will not see it the way it is that's as good as being blank say people think owls are blind it's not true their vision is far more sensitive than yours but because of sunlight they're blinded because it's too much when light goes down he sees very clearly not because he's blind because his eyes are super sensitive so it's important that you bring Clarity to your life not knowledge because knowledge is conclusions that you gather knowledge is okay when you're trying to do something physical material in the world but not with life is it true what you thought was absolute at the age of 12 today is not true yes or no are you sure that whatever you think is this is it right now will be this is it in another three years time of course not you know that so you know you're wrong yes sir no yes so you know anyway you're wrong so why assert the wrong things well right now we are wrong at least let's manage with little little more conscious if you know you're wrong you will walk carefully isn't it hello but you you think you're absolutely correct then you will do stupid things and you blunder around the world if you know you're not seeing properly will you walk carefully or not if I asked you to walk through a dark room suppose we turn off all the lights and close it down everything pitch dark if I ask you to walk suddenly will you become super alert and conscious as to how you walk but when the lights are on you just going unconsciously bumping into everybody so if you learn to walk every moment like there are no lights and you're looking at everything absolutely carefully then what you see clearly you go through it what you don't see see clearly you hesitate some places you take a little bit of chance but if you are just confident you will blunder through life we don't know where you will get in and what you will get trapped into most people are trapped into their professions their family situations their social situations in such a way they all became like yes already I am saying not just older people youth have become like this what will happen to me at the end of my life what will happen to me at the end of my life I'm already revealed the secret you will die but sadhguru if this happens what to do if that happens what to do all those things will happen it's not that everything will happen in your life the way you like it things will happen in the way you don't like it it once happened Shankar and pillai got fired from his job simply because he asked a question smoking or not smoke non-smoking how can you get fired for asking such a simple question smoking or non-smoking he asked and he got fired because what he was supposed to ask was cremation or burial so many times what you do thinking I am right may be irrelevant to the situation in which you exist so the most important aspect of your life is your relevant not right you're just relevant to the existing situation you're relevant I am right I am right I am right this is confidence you being right nobody cares all the idiots who think they are right nobody wants to listen to them nobody wants to be around them isn't it people who always think I am right I am right you want to be around them now the important thing is you're relevant to the situation in which you exist if you have to bring relevance into your life you must extinguish your confidence and bring Clarity you should not be a motivated person generally [Music] somebody when we say somebody is motivated it means they have an agenda of Their Own Life Has No Agenda it's for you to be a full-fledged life a grasshopper is trying to be a full-fledged grasshopper earthworm is trying to be a full-fledged earthworm a bird is trying to be a full-fledged bird a tree is trying to be a full-fledged tree a human being should strive to become a full-fledged human being this is all our businesses but each one of us start creating our own agendas and doing all kinds of things no no you're just a piece of life don't take yourself too seriously because before you and me countless number of people have come and gone yes or no where are they all those people you think they were all idiots they were all idiots and they died is it no they were also like you maybe they were also officers maybe they were Kings more than you all kinds of things all topsoil now this will also become top soil just a little bit of time life is a bit of a sparkle [Music] how old is your sunshine 25 so 27 years ago where was he sir so if somebody is not here we say they're dead isn't it 27 years ago he was dead we will give him 100 Years sir eight years later he will be again dead he said no so 27 years ago how long was the dead Fair huh long time so 85 years later or 80 years later how long will he be dead sir very long time so all of us will be dead for a very long time they're alive just for a brief amount of time yes very brief amount of time we will be dead for a very long time I want you to look at it in this perspective how long will you be dead you can't imagine so let us say 10 000 years we are dead or hundred thousand years they are dead or a million years we are dead all right how long are you alive compared to that very very brief what you call is life is a brief Sparkle the only thing that you have to do is rise and Sparkle as a full-fledged life when something is needed around us we will do that naturally because when you're doing wonderfully well you will do what is needed isn't it when you are miserable you will be motivated yes tell me when you're very happy have you looked at yourself how nice and wonderful you are you're willing to do anything for anybody you bend backwards if necessary yes or no when you're little frustrated whoa how difficult it is so don't teach your children to become motivated about something these are all nonsense that's coming from the West all those trashy self-help books motivate yourself build confidence believe in yourself you believed in God and destroyed so much of this world now you believe in yourself what will you do when Gautama the Buddha was asked is it better to walk alone or in company he said it's better to walk alone than to walk with a fool well that's him not me he was quite sure that only a fool will walk with you so he said it's better to walk alone than to walk with the fool certain lore in this country says when you want to do a short and quick Journey Walk Alone when you want to do a long journey walk in company but the important thing is who is walking with you not always being together is a good thing many times being together can be a new sense so first and foremost unless you are a twin even then we come along and we go along if one does not know how to be by himself or herself then being together can be a lot of nuisance we are referred to as human beings human beings means every other creature is what it is simply because of what he does but a human being can simply be which is a unique quality of the human being that we can simply be that we are not compulsive action that's what it means our action is conscious and judicious but generally when people get together generally people are in compulsive action it can be an association where there could be a purposeful action or it can be a gang where there can be more purposeful action or it can be a crowd which can be a compulsive action so essentially to be human means we have reached that point of evolution within ourselves that if we wish we can simply sit here just be we can consider as to what action to take and what not to take this is definitely individual when individuals come together we say it's we in in plural but still it is individuals who have to come together to be an individual means you are not further divisible that means you just want people find different ways to divide themselves within themselves in India with eight and thousand years of cultural history we have invented various words to divide ourselves it's very common for people to talk in terms of Atma paramatma Ankara this one and that one but every every culture has this in their own way when things are going right when good things are being done if you ask people they say yes I did it when things don't go right when things go wrong then they will try to find somebody if they don't find anybody he is always there when they are very wonderful of course they take pride in being how wonderful they are when they turn nasty they say it was my ego Mr ego is always a Fall Guy so individual means but if I'm wonderful it's me if I'm nasty it's me all of you are you 24 hours wonderful hello are you 24 hours wonderful no no sometimes wonderful sometimes nasty sometimes beautiful sometimes ugly it's okay if we understand it is me who is capable of being absolutely wonderful and it is me who is capable of being absolutely nasty another moment then gradually the number of moments of nastiness will keep on receding if I see what is wonderful is me what is nastiest in India we have many words it's my karma what can I do now you must fix this being an individual is very important that means you're not further divisible if I am wonderful it's me if I'm nasty it's me if I succeed it's me if I fail it's me you have to fix this let one human being honestly say when you are with your most loving parents however doting and wonderful they were to you that you never felt this is not where you want to be that is a dishonest human being because love gets tedious somebody's fondness gets very tedious Comfort gets tedious because the nature of life is it wants to constantly expand if there is no room for expansion it doesn't matter you are kept in a uh whatever I won't use because everybody uses the word Golden Palace I think Golden Palace is totally anesthetic in my uh my visual perception I hate Golden Palace but whatever is the most wonderful Palace or as you say Shangri-La or whatever you will it will get tedious all the heaven-bound people they don't know how bored they will be within three days in that place of goodness so I am saying it doesn't matter it's not because there's something wrong with your parents they may be most wonderful people but the very nature of a human being is such only if you are a pet animal if you have reduced yourself to that you're just happy with the means that you're getting and somebody is fondling you once in a way and you're happy with that for that you must be a pet animal you should not be born as a human being once you're born as a human being it is natural wanting to break barriers so when you're young as a child or a teenager you think barriers means they're all physical before you understand the barriers are not really physical whether you build your own house or you live in your parents house or you live in a slave master's house the house and walls are not the barrier it is all within us before you realize that or how soon you realize that will lead to either transformation or frustration you can simply sit if you learn to Simply sit you will become tremendously intense right now your energy is simply expanded by doing unnecessary endless activity when you have so much mental diarrhea how can you have energy suppose you have diarrhea do you see how weak you feel so no right now this mental diarrhea that's why people have no energy they want to just eat and sleep all the time because mental diarrhea is very exhausting if you have physical diarrhea you know how exhausting it is yes this is also equally exhausting people are sleeping eight hours ten hours a day not because they are working so much or their body is in such a bad state just mental diarrhea if you stop the mental diarrhea there's enough energy to make this very very intense now how do I stop mental area if you have diarrhea physical diarrhea what is the first thing to do huh what yes run to the toilet I know that I'm saying yeah as a as a corrective measure what is the first thing you do [Music] no as a corrective measure what is the first thing you do first thing is stop eating right I should know but diarrhea means in some way we've eaten something that the body doesn't want it's trying to throw it out yes you've taken something inside which the body doesn't like it wants to throw it out first thing is stay away from food for some time you eat bad food and then try to stop diarrhea it's not going to work so similarly bad food for the mind is just this you have gotten identified with things that you are not the moment you get identified with things that you are not mental diarrhea is inevitable it's bad food for the mind now it will run endlessly do what you want you do any damn meditation you say Shiva Rama it's not going to stop it's not stopped isn't it because bad food is being eaten every day you're getting identified with more and more things and you want to stop your mind you do whatever kind of circus it is not going to stop if you disidentify with everything if you understand what is you and what is not you if you keep a little distance from that mind will become still if you want you can use it otherwise you can keep it now my hand is there if I want I can move it otherwise I can keep it this is a useful hand suppose it starts jumping like this [Music] you clearly know there is some kind of an ailment isn't it yes or no so if hand is jumping you know it's an ailment if mind is jumping is it an ailment or no the element has come because continuous wrong diet you tell your mind that I am this I am this I am that I am that it's having diarrhea you stop giving it wrong food if you clearly see what even if you do not know what is me at least you know what is not me isn't it this much you do tonight before you go to bed sit on your bed and sit down and discount everything that is not you this house in Europe in which you are living is this me no this loving parent or mother father wife or husband or child they're wonderful but is this me no no it is nice clothes I am wearing is this me no now my body I like it but is this me no now I am having so many thoughts is this me no now I'm having wonderful emotions is this me no like this everything that's not you before you sleep keep it down and go to bed tomorrow morning you will wake up considerably more intense than today this happened in your school maybe later in your University later in your work it's happening to people maybe not everyone but a whole lot of people their commitment to success is weak they want to succeed they will take three steps then something little interesting happens here they will go away here they will go over there they'll go over there hey I want to live their commitment to success is weak uh either situations around them in some way you know situations can impede you from doing what you're doing very easily many times it happens to everyone but when this happens people weaken their commitment for their success maybe physically they'll feel a little weak they will weaken their commitment to success maybe their emotions loss around a little bit they will weaken their commitment to success this is very important right now however long it takes this virus you must come out of this successfully that means you will stay alive that's an important part and commitment to staying alive should not be slackened no matter what happened somebody very dear to us passed away all the more important we must live [Music] people around us are all sick all the more important we are healthy to take care of the people around us so our commitment to success should not weaken because there is social drama going on or physiological drama or psychological drama whatever happens your commitment to success should not weaken that is what get you across so many lines in our life so many barriers in our life so uh what does success look like what does it take just understand those who made any significant achievements in their life uh they did not you know I don't want to take any personal examples of anybody I'm trying to avoid obvious things that are coming to my mind yeah well [Music] you know I know family and friends who always have their breakfast on time and after breakfast of course they must have coffee after coffee of course they must light up a cigarette and sit there nicely because they're trying to become peaceful foreign and then they will go to work come back home exactly on time for lunch eat lunch rest for one or two hours sleep then evening have one tea and then smoke and then again go to work and ate eight eight o'clock 8 30 they're back home for dinner and then maybe other things drink and this and that and whatever well that's their priority it's fine I'm not complaining it should not be that way but those who have been very successful either in music sport art business spiritual process doesn't matter what those people never know when they ate when they slept when they got afternoon rest I have not seen such a thing in my life so uh those who are committed to being successful with whatever they are doing one important aspect of their life is they're not settling down wherever it's a bit comfortable because Comfort will happen when they lower you to in the grave very comfortable you are you know see every creature from a warm insect bird plant tree everybody all of them are trying to be full-fledged lives if one sees what's happening beneath the Earth in terms of the root systems it is an enormous effort for a plant or a tree to become a a full-fledged tree well an apple tree is not trying to be an oak tree but an apple tree wants to be a full-fledged apple tree that effort is on in every life so is it in human beings but the problem with humanity is just this that for every other creature nature is drawn two lines Within These two lines they live and die so their idea of full-fledged is hitting the ceiling of their life but if a human being hits a ceiling he gets frustrated and miserable because nature this process of evolution has delivered to us to a place where there is only the bottom line there is no Top Line though some human beings are trying to breach the bottom line and go below that effort also is going on so essentially what human life is is when life was in the other forms of life that you see on the planet nature determined a certain compulsive instinctive ways of functioning once you become human these lines have been removed you can act consciously that means what you call as human potential is not of any kind of measurable limit it can go as far as you desire or us as far as you have the courage to walk so when we say human potential unleashing human potential it is not about reaching the peak it is a trajectory because what our life is is a combination of a certain amount of time and energy time is rolling away for all of us at the same pace if you sit it rolls away if you sleep it rolls away if you do something it goes away if you don't do anything it goes away you're happy or miserable it goes away time is running out for all of us so it's only the energy that you can do different things with if you bring your energies to a certain level of intensity and possibility what somebody does in 10 years you may do it in one year this means if you live here for 100 years it feels like in people's impact that you have created it feels like you lived here for a thousand years simply because you have managed your life energies in a certain way so for me a human being being impactful means how conscious have you become this is very important because if you're in compulsive Cycles then your energy gets wasted in so many things if you absorb people in a day let's say let's take 24 hours in that anyway most people by prescription in America they sleep for eight hours so eight hours means one third of life is gone in the remaining two-thirds they have to eat they have to you know shower bathroom this that all this another two three hours gone so literally 50 percent of life is gone daily basis just for basic maintenance of this life fifty percent of the time is gone in maintenance remaining fifty percent what they have if you look at every single move that they may make with their body their thought process their emotions you will see a whole lot of it is happening in compulsive Cycles or in other words if you are little sensitive to life you will realize you are the biggest issue in your life so this is one thing that I'm trying to do with people that you are never the issue in your life I am not the issue my thought my emotion my body is never the issue my thought my emotion my energy and my body are my instruments a function they are not impediments in my life but I would say for 90 of the human beings their own body then the compulsions of the body the compulsions of their thought the compulsions of their emotions or ruling them most of the time so when you yourself are a problem well your own self-help I don't know I never looked at Life as a series of mistakes learning from that I don't look at life like that well have you done made some dumb decisions here and there of course uh I wouldn't see them as mistakes I just see them as part of growing up and becoming more mature because Enlightenment is one thing you see things clearly but still operating in the world you need wisdom wisdom you have to earn it with experience there is simply no other way for that today it has become fashionable with all these management gurus and all saying You must learn from your mistakes you must learn mistakes that means you must keep on doing mistakes I don't believe that you must learn from your mistakes I would rather live a life where I don't do any mistakes because life is so brief you do a bunch of mistakes and then you will learn and where will you use it in the grave yes of Being Human means that we can learn from other people's experience from history we can learn we don't have to do all those things once again and especially you are from the aviation state if you are trying Aviation or if you're trying skydiving or something if you don't do things right the first time well that will be the last time it's a pain is physiological it's there it was no pain most people would not even know how to protect themselves see just because there's no pain in the sea what all you've done to it isn't it see there's no pain in this so that's why you took it off if there's no pain in your nose maybe you would have taken it off right because there are many advantages you will take in about 22 extra oxygen if you just remove this one thing contraption [Laughter] wherever there is no pain people are messing with it like crazy isn't it they call this hairstyle they call it so many things yeah Suppose there was no pain in the entire body in Los Angeles people would pull out their stomach bag and you think they wouldn't do it no that's probably what only pain is helping them to preserve themselves isn't it so pain is good there's no physiological pain most people would not know I hear in United States there's one group they call themselves something I forget that word they're actually cutting their fingers off their hands off on the video wow they're posting it online there's a group like that whoa can you imagine this no in spite of so much pain if there was no pain almost everybody would have cut themselves off into in the name of fashion they would have cut themselves into ribbons wow so pain is a good thing physically because that is your preservation self-preservation mechanism but suffering is something that you do in your mind so pain that happens in your body you take it in your mind and multiply it a thousand times or a million times depending on how capable you are or how stupid you are and suffer it a million times over right now most human beings are like this what happened 10 years ago they can still suffer what may happen day after tomorrow they already suffer they are not suffering life they think they are suffering life they are not suffering life they are suffering the two most fantastic faculties that human beings alone have a vivid sense of memory and a fantastic sense of imagination don't utter the word freedom because freedom is a consequence it's something that you have to earn it doesn't come as a philosophy in 60s we thought it's a philosophy if you live responsibly you will see Freedom will come when I say responsibly not in the sense of civic responsibility if you retain your ability to respond to life without any prejudice without any restriction you will see you will become free your ability to respond if it is unlimited it is freedom see first of all people are assuming that anger is happening to them or misery is happening to them no this is exactly what I said earlier maybe I didn't articulate it fully no you are creating anger you are creating misery you're creating Joy you're creating whatever all this is happening from within you but Human Experience is happening from within us isn't it right whether it's love or hate or anger or misery or Joy or anything is only happening from within us now simple question I am asking is what happens from within you should you have should it happen your way or somebody else's way it should happen your way of course because the world will never happen your way hundred percent because there are so many stakeholders in the world little bit will happen my way little bit your way that is fine but what happens Within Me must happen my way if what happens within me does not happen my way this is the worst form of slavery isn't it wow somebody decides what happens within me somebody decides where I should sit this is slavery everybody understands this now somebody decides whether I am happier and happy isn't this the worst form of slavery yeah so this is The Liberation that Humanity needs to work at this is what inner engineering means inner engineering is not some mechanical process because engineering means this essentially you will say something is well engineered only if it works the way you want isn't it if this one doesn't work the way you want what the hell are you expecting other things to work the way you want it's just an accident when you live accidentally anxiety is normal oh he or she is hot now they say you must see this one come here come here come here you must say houses laughing at every joke foreign [Applause] just do this one thing stop discriminating what is important what is not important if you pay the same level of absolute attention to every damn thing you will see that what is the right thing to do is a very natural process but you have already decided what is important what is not important how will you evolve what is the right thing to do half the world has already been given up because it's not important you are paying attention only you even look at somebody properly only if they are of something to you no I looked at everybody absolutely every life every damn thing every Pebble every moment that was happening in the earth in the atmosphere everything not as a study simply because I had eyes and I had an attention span I paid attention to everything today they are saying this is something phenomenal I was just laughing and saying see I just wandered aimlessly everybody thought I am just a vagabond but now this aimless wandering has is paying off in a huge way because it doesn't matter what the hell you're doing small things are big things if you are absolutely involved absolutely you will say you will know what's the right thing to do you trying to live here without involvement this is why you have morals you have ideals you have ideologies you have values you have ethics you have Commandments because you are trying to live here without involvement you want ready-made formula what is the right thing to do thou shall not thou shall not thou shall not did the world get fixed I'm asking every goddamn school going children knows what is the right thing to do has it worked it's not worked because you think there is a substitute for involvement there is no substitute for involvement where there is no involvement there will be no life so don't try to make formulas or ideals or ideologies out of life all life takes is absolute involvement unbridled involvement not distinguishing who is who what is what just absolutely involved with everything that you're in touch with right now if you do this one thing well according to your level of intelligence and you know nature also should heal with all this you will know what is the best thing to do given your perspective of course see right now if you bring a man of certain capability he may do something in a given situation that's not the right thing to do for you isn't it you must know what is the right thing for you to do in a given situation you won't be able to do what he does you must be able to do what you can do to the best of your ability that is the right thing to do in your life you don't try to do like somebody else so that will be the problem the moment you decide what is the right thing to do now there is no ready-made solution involvement there is no substitute for involvement where there is no involvement there is no life Karma probably one of the most misunderstood words for sure it's become part of the English lexicon today but misunderstood and misinterpreted in a million different ways a range of things the very way the nature of karma is just like that its interpretations the karmic structure is a very complex mess but there is a there are very uh what to say very descriptive stories in the Indian culture about the type of jewelry the courtesans used to wear that is very famous courtesans were covered in gold and diamonds no clothes only jewelry covered their body such complex jewelry that when when a man who came to them they had no clue how to take off this jewelry because it was such a complex web of chains try as hard as they did but they cannot get this Jewelry off jewelry is beautiful but for a man who is whose mind is running right with lust this is a barrier so usually uh she encourages him to drink and drink little more and little more so that he sleeps and gifts are more jewelry and goes home but when she wants to take it off there is just one pin normally located at where our anahata is this one pin if she proof pulls the entire jewelry falls down in once just like that it falls down karma is like this it's a complex web of chains some of them of course decorated with diamonds some are ugly some are rusted chains but chains and chains and chains but there is just one single pin only because you are not able to consciously find the PIN the fundamental reason let me tell you the fundamental reason why there is a culture or there is a tradition of depending upon a guru for one spiritual growth is just this that you want him to pull the plug when the time is right because in this complex web of change you don't know where the pin is right now if you try to find it you can go on a search Forever and not find it and if you find it just in case if you find it you will dismantle it in such a way that you will dismantle your very life to dismantle it skillfully that just what just the karmic aspect falls off and you exist as a liberated being that takes lots of skill it is for that skill that you come to your Guru it is your karma that you have to endure me if you had figured it out yourself you didn't have to bother about me so sadhguru when are you going to pull my plug that means it's not you're not ready yet if you have if you are in a state where you think your karma is a burden and you must get rid of it you are not yet ready for it if you come to a state where you have learned how to transform every memory conscious and unconscious Pleasant and unpleasant beautiful and horrendous ones everything into well-being if you come to that state then it'll be good for me to pull the pins now if you feel the pain because this is not Liberation this is an escape there is difference between walking out of this body and committing suicide they're two different things all together committing suicide means you want to escape a difficult situation walking out of this means your term is over your time is up so they've released you these are two different things completely if you escape from the prison you will have to run for the rest of your life but if you're freed from the prison because your term is up then you're a free man that's a big difference monotony is not life monotony is the nature of the Mind that is if you left your mind loose without knowing how to employ it so if you do not know how to use it mind will use you in consume you so the whole spiritual process is just that [Music] every moment of your life if you just look up you're seeing a new piece of the sky because the Earth is rotating isn't it every moment if you look up you are seeing a new piece of the sky it's very exciting [Music] the Earth is spinning all the time not one moment same old thing anyway everything is changing if you're alive to life you will never know any monotone in your life if you're not alive to life but you just live in your mind then everything will be monotonous because mind is repetitive in nature people who are just bored and rejected and suffering the monotony of life people come to just a week-long or weekend program and suddenly everything looks fresh for them because the Cataract on their eyes has been cleared so the cataracted mind has been cleared and suddenly they find Everything Is Beautiful for them all of a sudden particularly people who go through the BIOS banana for them they go out and suddenly they're excited about everything and the same old things so the what is old essentially comes because of your mind otherwise there's nothing old in existence modern science is proving to you beyond any doubt there is no such thing as old anywhere everything is reverberating and creating itself all the time and a rock is pulsating with new life every moment but the world exists only in the mind because mind functions out of past memory once your mind is repetitive you will neither know peace [Music] nor Joy nor wisdom in your life which time you meditate and go beyond the step if it do this um for everything there's a price that's what you're saying uh you have to pay for everything it's like this right now my left foot is here my right foot is here if my right foot wants to go here it has to equate that space is a good song no no I want to be here also but I want to put my foot here is it possible so now I can if I do it joyfully I don't think this is a price if I do it with pain every step is a price right now it's mango season what the hell am I doing around here three months in a year in India there's only one religion called mango we will show up in mangoes in a mango season what am I doing anything that you do the limit you will not do this in Christ anything that will do unbeliefly is a price so it's up to you whether you want to conduct your life willingly anything that happens to you willingly Feels by heaven the same thing if it happens to you unwillingly feels like hell yes this is the choice you have either you make every breath every bit of your heart a willing process or an unwilling process if you make it unwilling everything will be suffering if you make it willing everything is fantastic couldn't think of Christ there is no price life there's no time to pay price in this life because life is just a certain arrangement of life and time and energy energy you can manage time is ticking away whether you like it or you don't like it you're happy you're unhappy you're awake and you're asleep it's sticking away isn't it energies you can conserve you can rest and become more active the next moment all these things you can do you can play with energy time is just sticking away no time to look back and pay Price look ahead and do what you can do what is sort of the primary way that you think people can start finding simple happiness see uh one important thing is uh you shouldn't be a potato farmer plucking mangoes from the ground it doesn't work like that so if you're looking for any inner experience it has to happen from within if only your thought and emotion happen just the way you want it your body if it happened the way you wanted you would be naturally healthy if your mind if your thought process happened the way you want it you would be naturally happy and joyful if your emotions happen the way you want it you would naturally be loving and Blissful by your own nature so right now the problem is we have not taken charge of our faculties and we are trying to take charge of the world and it's a disaster everything we're doing is a disaster whether we realize that or not future Generations will judge us that what we have done is a super disaster all in Pursuit of Happiness and well-being isn't it and we're all pursuing it outside yes instead of pursuing it I mean that's the only place it can happen isn't it Human Experience happens within but we are trying to create it from outside no matter what you do outside situations will never ever be hundred percent your way or my way it never will happen we can have it to some extent our way that's about it comfort and convenience can come by fixing the outside well-being and joy will not come from outside it can only come from within so we have created an education system we have created a social structure where we have been taught by ripping the outside inside will be fixed and endlessly we're going on we have as a generation of people we have more comfort and more convenience than any generation ever in the history of humanity but we cannot say we are the most joyful Generations we cannot even say we are the most peaceful generation yo yo I want to celebrate you most people start and don't finish most people never actually follow through most people say they want something but they don't ever do the work to actually get it but you're different you are special believe Nation you made it here all the way to the end and I love you so it's a special celebration if you put a hashtag believe down in the comments Below on this video I will showcase you and celebrate you somewhere on the screen in a future video because you are awesome for some incredible Gower gopal Das inspiration check the video right there next to me I think you'll love it continue to believe and I'll see you there time does fly time has two wings and one beak like an airplane the two wings of the plane on time are passed in future yesterday and tomorrow are the two wings and The Barn at that front Peak is the present
Channel: Evan Carmichael
Views: 3,659
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Keywords: entrepreneur, yt:cc=on, evancarmichael, evan carmichael, sadhguru top 10 rules for success, sadhguru, life advice, sadhguru’s motivation, success motivation, sadhguru interview, best of sadhguru, motivational speaker, entrepreneur motivation, evan carmichael top 10 rules for success, evan carmichael top ten, sadhguru latest, sadhguru quotes, sadguru speeches, sadhguru latest speech 2022, sadhguru english motivation, sadhguru meditation for success
Id: DpgqaSONxYs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 284min 0sec (17040 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 04 2023
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