Wrecked '69 Plymouth Roadrunner Build Start to Finish!

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[Music] foreign there's the Road Runner it's alive we are off Great Bend Kansas go see Chad we're at nobody's Auto and we have arrived I think what we're gonna do is go find the Road Runner and uh go check that out oh my God [Music] yep it's everything I imagined and a little less you're a good body man right no you can see over here it's just kind of you know not exactly how you want it we are now going to load up my new prized possession oh yeah left-handed thread cause attraction action check suspension check seat check headlight bezel check steering wheel check [Music] Chad's gonna try to straighten the roof out with his body Hammer of Doom it worked first priority is obviously get a MeetMe porn Well Chad it's a pleasure doing business with you thanks Dalton glad you made it out yep and uh thanks for that he worked with us pretty good here to get this thing if you need anything just call up Chad and nobody's Auto Salvage nobody else's Auto nobody else's Auto if you need anything odd specific things he got him pretty good shot at getting it and he ships all over the place well here she is we had to get out of the wind so we could actually talk this is a real deal 69 Plymouth Roadrunner 383 four-speed card foreign and it's a piece of crap it's been rolled wrecked on fire but you know what we're gonna make it live again well it's still here in the morning unfortunately well we're in Great Bend we're about to hop back on the road but uh Grandpa's riding right along with us in it and uh he's keeping a watchful eye first fuel stop on the way back nothing to report with some trailer burnouts we're back totally uneventful oh blue just powered on through all right she's sick freaks it's time to get started on the rolled Runner since you share the same disease for terrible muscle cars that I do you're gonna like this let's dig in and polish this turd this door opens the other one does not this might be worse than the GTO we don't really know much about this other than the fact it was obviously rolled and it was caught on fire apparently left to burn this is the keep pile that console is cool we got to get this door open and I think that's nice already better than the GTO foreign to get this thing all kinds of wet [Music] they're good in here I mean look at that boy it's still in good shape it's like no rust the rest of it is pretty good Next Step here is going to be to clean up all this burned up wiring and Alice resistor has been heat treated don't need that where we're going either there looks better already I don't think these visors are doing a lot of fizing anymore [Music] we've created a nice sized pile oh good that's uh oh not even a fist no problems I think our next step is gonna be to start pushing with the portal power things are happening whoa what was that did it work I really don't know I'm kind of out of my league here I'm not gonna lie the whole car is spreading apart yeah that actually works now we want it to stay there so we're going to leave our tension on where we had a almost completely fist-sized hole before I don't like my head right here seems like that could end badly yes yes I'm gonna have to pull this quarter glass out so I guess when we just yank off well this problem took care of itself I'll use grind over spilled milk I gotta get this to move up about an inch so I can move it in closer to the pillar well it's not exactly what you want to see now this is supposed to be in there that is quite a bit better let's compare sides that's not bad I mean it's real bad but I'm going to work back in here and up here and get that big kink out of the roof [Music] there might be more glue in this than the goat [Music] I'm going to measure kind of long this windshield is we got a lot of beating to do that's for dang sure let's check our progress yeah move about half an inch you all right that looks like it moved a lot oh baby foreign mic mount broke I fixed it with a self Tapper well let's continue to do the same thing I kind of want to set the glass in it just to see that's within Butch to Holy goat levels funny about hitting your funny bone foreign oh baby she's right on the money just kidding but it only needs to go up about another whole inch or so almost maybe strapped there to here and try to squeeze I felt we might have to move that size the old-fashioned foot what do they call that uh positive thinking like when you say something and you know it will come true so you will cooperate foreign it's not getting a roof if we got a holy go to windshield into it that's what we're gonna do here's the deal there's way more to fixing a rollover than just putting a roof on something it could be fixed by a guy with a jig and you know hundreds of hours of shop labor and a reality TV show this time on bonehead cars will we lose the shot will everybody get fired my name is Clark dorkman welcome to bonehead cars we've only got 42 minutes of TV programming with brakes for commercials to get this project done is this some kind of joke to you is this funny I don't think so foreign just to show you how real and serious I am I'm gonna get mad and you know and throw things listen up I'm the best and you're all fine some trouble look at all the drama pillar a little bit more and then I think I'm gonna beat on the back window a little bit then we'll try to put the windshield back in it let's just keep beating on it trying to work this crease out there we go [Music] we'll have to hit it with the wire wheel safety [Music] okay [Music] I'm kind of digging this they could paint a black though [Music] if we can't get the front window in tonight we got [Music] I think it will allow us to technically install it set it and forget it yep it's there what do you think Rock well that's not very nice well I just bought a motorhome for a 440 for the Road Runner and for 1 350 dollars and it is absolutely disgusting as far as motor goes that's a 440. no doubt about it [Music] cause you got a Holley carburetor on it no Thermo quad thank God and boy she just purrs like a kitten [Music] well I really think coming out the front is actually going to be the easiest way to do it it's good to start some preliminary hacking this will be good to replenish my bolt supply too thank you foreign do be a 440. we got that crossmember out we got tons of room now yo we made some Headway get all the intestines out of this thing [Music] oops perfect lined right up hello out there I'm in here yeah I feel good about it oh here goes nothing [Music] [Music] tail shaft is just barely catching on something a pole real hard [Music] there she be 440 and finally the first good engine I've bought in months before I do any wiring under the hood here I got this can of harvest Peach we could cover up some of the blue make things kind of blend a little better notice how I didn't prep any of this and that's because we actually want it to look like the car was yellow well I ran out we need to make a toggle switch panel I was thinking we probably [Music] install it like uh right there looks pretty good so I'm thinking I'm gonna precisely position the start button right in the middle of that eight I think that'll look classic oh dead that's centered man look at that craftsmanship so I'm gonna go ahead and drill these and then we'll hope that I eyeballs are right that is the kind of genuine craftsmanship you're just not gonna find anywhere else occurs from No Nonsense know-how is here and uh getting repairs on this Torino he's driving back from Vegas you can check that out on his channel No Nonsense no how and I'll put a link down in the description for that it's just fixing everything break rattles over bumps inside [Music] and then the AC yeah because it's hot and sweaty out here yeah it's like 100 degrees eyeball gauge is kind of losing its calibration I think because I was like two inches off on that oh look I can't even count pedal assembly here and it came like all sand blasted nice before we throw it in there we might as well completely refurbish it oh yeah just let that dry up and then we can go ahead and bolt it in there all right so I got our 32 dollar Ultra Mega high quality super gooder wiring kid here I'm just kind of stuck it up under here now we can ride all our wires I guess we could bolt this in oh it bolts to the bolts to the piece of the firewall that is no longer there [Music] looks pretty bad but other than that it looks pretty good now we can mount the brake pedal assembly to the firewall again so that this is going to work I think we need to run a battery cable from here to the solenoid there then one out the bottom of the solenoid to the starter I forgot my dykes that's okay we'll just use this that's how you get a clean cut we're going to land our power feed here and snip that off safety tug that shrunk up probably land it on top of here to make it a little easier here's our wire coming off the back of the uh crankety crank switch we take a break in the action amazing breaking news update I got a bunch of boxes from Irish Outlaw Garage interestingly decorated rainbows and and and unicorns he had a set of these these turbine Wheels for his Javelin which is the same bolt pattern as this Road Runner and they are um decorated that's all right these are cool as hell looks like two sevens and then two big old deep eights or tens maybe those are going to be just perfect for this thanks a lot to Irish Outlaw Garage this one appears to have been on fire um so that's good fits right in you can see that I've taken the red wire out of the push button and taking it up here to the S terminal let me hit our push button here and turn pulling that relay in aha looky there it's perfect uh these use this the special bracket here that's how they make their meat meat sound I can't wait to test El Cheapo meat meat makers and we will of course secure that with a couple of self-tappers maybe slide that on there and we'll go ahead and weatherproof it foreign there we go well car's done it was a good project guys uh yeah so if you want to see me work on something else uh you know it's it's finished now now I decided we'd start on the back half of the car with these brake lights actually they still had the brake light lens itself goes up in there but we're missing the quarter extension Richard sent me this down to Texas he yanked it out of a junkyard for me out of a satellite or something uh it's got the suds are busted off of it but I got way around that that's going to be a royal pain to take off if we ever have to but it's on there I need to make a brake light switch uh bracket because I don't have one there boom got our little bracket here bolted to the side nice and solid and we'll just stick our brake light switch through I'm just going to bring some power into one side of that brake light switch and then on the other side of the switch I'm just gonna run a wire all the way to the back of the car and there's our brake lights we know it's a good running motor you don't need to tear into it but it's got some leaky gaskets and stuff like that and we can go ahead and address [Applause] keep these giant motor mounts here they might come in handy down the road I'll do it with a wrench I don't want to pull the fuel pump either I don't want to do anything it all works I'm leaving it alone number one mistake people make when working on a car fixing what is not broken foreign [Music] looks a lot better now so does the transmission this motor has been into which is either a good thing or you know somebody like me rebuilt it which is a bad thing we'll just ignore that for now and try to get this thing dried up so we can paint it now that we've effectively created a giant environmental hazards to let her dry it looks trying up to me what do you think yep so we're gonna paint this baby up Kimmy orange I think or any Orange look at that Magnum 440 right there and boom one 440 Magnum coming right up that is gonna look sweet sitting in that piece of junk let's add some Pizzazz to the oil pump cap here this will probably be reusing all of this because I am cheap it's all wonky crooked and terrible so we got our mortar mounts on both sides inching our way closer to putting it in here let's go ahead and throw valve cover gaskets on it come on oh they glued them on dang it's spotless in there though holy cow lucky there this Baby's clean enough to eat out of I can see right here is why the damn thing leaked you've got a leaky valve cover and then they just start hogging down on it trying to get it to stop and boy that ain't gonna do nothing except for bend the hell out of it both of these all right all right no bueno you guys know who these people are well you should Kevin Mook junkyard digs they stopped by with a Cutlass they're driving back from Texas and 600 miles this is the best we could do well yeah fine we'll stop yeah no you know we're kidding we actually pushed really hard to make it here to meet this man and I don't know I don't know why Calamity he constructs them he offered us beer that is usually the key to all friendships see how absolutely destroyed these rails are what I'm gonna do is take a screwdriver handle it's nice and round it'll fit right up in here take my body hammer and just tap them down until they're flat again voila anyway the good thing on a Chrysler is there's only two ways to put the distributor in right or wrong because they're a blade type there's no gear to mess with so we know the rotor is pointing that way all we got to do is put the new distributor in with the rotor pointing that way there we go one dizzy we're making progress well I never drained the oil out of it when it was in the motorhome and see any sparkly stuff so I mean that's always good oh how big of a bucket you think that is oh my god get something else oh oh my God we're halfway there it might be okay it might be okay okay there we go so okay oh I don't think it's going anywhere I hope not God that'd be an ecological disaster go ahead and put our water pump on there you go it's a little chunky but you know let's start our new pickup man hit another roadblock this pan doesn't fit it can't come far enough forward I went ahead and ordered a six quart pan so like most plug wire kits this comes with eight wires of varying lengths and a DIY coil wire and they come with a spark plug-in pre-installed one we Marked One on the cap there's this guy and once we start with him then We're Off to the Races and there we go I want a math master cylinder make a couple of brake lines and probably go ahead and do all the brakes on the car so what we're going to need to do to make this work is we need to mount our master cylinder to this piece of plate this isn't going to be pretty but it should be functional time to get ghetto now we got about a icon yeah about a three about a one inch diameter uh-huh all right time to get to hacking my favorite part foreign [Music] got the plate bolted in Here and Now obviously we need some brake lines what you need to do for starters is find the correct die for this thing right and so what you're going to do is put your line inside of the die like so and you're going to want to line that up evenly with the top of the die then you can clamp it in with this thing and then you want that to be like what did I do it's broken I just broke it I didn't even tighten it that tight what the hell okay don't buy this piece of look at that crack right there pure Chinese yum so I'm gonna attempt to use this still I guess maybe not the hell man it's just a 3 16 sprake line and a 3 16 die let me go throw this in a scrap pile so it can be returned into chinesium like it belongs so here's the deal I just went ahead and used this you know kind of old cheapy what that I had from like a Napa or O'Reilly or something like that and it worked it kind of hit or miss it did work just fine well anyway hey I got it done that's pretty much how you do it your mileage may vary when it comes to brakes just as a disclaimer don't listen to the idiot on YouTube so for a push rod I robbed this little uh I guess what I don't know what you call that swivel joint thing off of my brother's truck we're gonna hold this up and measure this is so precise right here folks slide that on like that right we thread that into there [Music] and cut the end of this bolt off and boom you get a push rod you guys know me Crack welder there we go [Music] there is one poorly welded coupling now we'll go ahead and grind that down so it doesn't look that bad [Music] oh yeah [Applause] and it is these skills that will keep me alive when Armageddon comes okay that fits in there really nice actually you can see we got a brake pedal that works now it means we're pretty much wrapped up up here except for Finchley that obviously and I gotta put that back on so I'm looking at the rear brakes here good news is they're the right ones bad news is I don't want to unbolt and pull the axles out of this thing because I don't want to open that can of worm we're going to disassemble all the Hardware off of that and just put them on those backing plates I want to take a break from the brakes for a second pick up a steering column for 20 bucks I put the firewall plate from the original column in here let's see what we have as far in as it's going to go let me just use this flashlight to hold it up yep it's not that far from it yeah [Music] floor shift car I mean that's on all the way seems kind of dangerous but you know we've got one little issue here is that everything actually seems to line up fairly well you got to get rid of not this whole outside casing but just this like column shift part right here yeah so it's in here it feels pretty solid so you're not wondering what are we gonna do for a steering wheel well we got a perfectly good one right here ow fell right on my face [Music] you know oh that's awful God it's perfect will the brake line come free without being a douche I'm gonna go with no no way just came right off [Music] okay oh yeah there we go here we go cool one down now what do you think about painting the drums red I think that might look kind of 80s here oh yeah it'll look pretty sweet behind those turban mags I think that's gonna do it for breaks for now I'm gonna hop on the Rock Auto order stuff I'm going to show you one more thing before we wrap it up you guys might remember these turbine mags the other ones over there that Jay from Irish Outlaw Garage sent me uh good buddy of mine and you know I think we're going to get rid of the clown car appeal of these time for it to go so I'm just gonna blast them black [Music] like so and then what we'll do after I get done with that we'll hit them the spokes with the da get them all shined back up be looking like the General Lee there we go they actually look pretty tough all black I'm not gonna lie dig this so let's say you're like me you poor bastard and you're very cheap and the tires you buy are nanyang what do you do right I can't afford raised letters ignore these raised letter tires from treadwear paintable stencils that you can have custom made with whatever you want so I went with PBG maypop like you know made pop I like it a lot but I'm going the extra mile now they actually recommended I don't do this so I of course said well I wouldn't try it but we're gonna experiment with just this tire and strip our own Down Smooth and sand it polish it out smooth and then paint these on I don't actually know if this is going to work I'm going to put 40 grit on this and try to keep it flat is it worth it to look cool that's what cars are all about turned out like pretty damn cool so I got 40 on this guy right here and then I got 80 grit on that so I'm grinding with 40 with this and then 80 grit da with that to kind of Polish it so I noticed with the 40 grit it was opened up too much and it was like I was trying to wipe it off with you know one of these sweet roadkill Customs Rags here and I was noticing that it was actually leaving the rag behind and it still is a little bit but not near as bad like the whole tire was red so this is fine I think this will be okay like lots of Armor All and stuff [Music] [Music] slightly bad it's gonna be really bad [Music] oh god oh no what have we done another kick it oh [Music] hey it worked [Music] oh the big fire well I can't resist myself so I'm gonna try to paint one of these even though there's no wheel on it we'll see if it survives [Music] [Music] no I had to find the dry spot to paint these in I'm gonna try something a little bit different here just realized that I now need to cover the wheel up dang it this old air cleaner lid works pretty good and it also holds the system flat against the car I have the secret well you know what to do that I haven't got this far by doing anything right well I'll throw a few more coats on there but not all at once because we learned our lesson right I can't help myself I'm going to go ahead and put the one good wheel on here did I do a good thing or a bad thing valued partner all equal parts thanks Holly for this ass mat that's nice that is freaking badass sometimes what you need to get motivated on a project is just to put a set of wheels on them before we throw this baby back on the ground with our full custom tires I think we should go ahead and bleed the brakes I gravity bled the fronts so I think now that we did that have a little more pedal pressure and it'll blow it out the back all right just smashed the brakes a couple of times hard more ah well that worked they do pump up decent but hey that door almost shut that time uh dad did have these used air shocks he picked up at a swap meet for like 10 bucks is it just me or is the right rear shock on this longer than the driver's rear shot well naturally I broke the Schrader valve for the air shocks so I can't air them up but whatever I ordered one it'll be here next week I don't know anyway let's put the car on the ground foreign oh baby she's got the look look at that would you just look at it just look at it oh my God oh I love it it'll look even better with a 440 sitting bringing that front end down just a little bit we get those air shocks to air up and put just a little bit of air in them to kick that ass up a little 440 in there drop the front down a little we are here with the Road Runner and buff from Buff's garage who's going to help me install the 440 and a torque flight that's been underwater into this Road Runner and hopefully by the time we're done it makes beautiful noises my expectations are pretty low well there's the trans we're using and it's out of that 67 Fury it came with some topsoil you got it no no yeah I always have this problem every time foreign don't take it back out no way is that is that it didn't help oh I got it I got it yeah I just had to get it started oh my God it sounds awful am I getting close um you got an inch or two can I grab this and get like oh oh look at that oh just leave it right there got mine started I'm so close the dirt-filled piece of crap shove it all the way back okay oh hey I guess we're done oh that's as far as it goes I think we're ready to attempt stabbing dude don't scratch it all right I can go down a little bit yep yeah oh yeah now we gotta come down oh man just shove it in oh oh yeah suspended it'll be fine oh like a glove oh yeah oh [Music] boom installed money well that was easy piece of cake all right so what we got to do here is make a carb guy oh yeah the engine's in the car by the way we need to make a car gasket we don't have one it's late so we're just gonna Trace around this adapter here and boom bolt that down so our whole goal here is just to get the damn thing to start right we got a hundred things that need done he's trying to get a fuel line on I'm fighting the starter and we're gonna wire the starter up and we should have crankage all right so we are almost wired for sound I'm seeing Sparks [Music] [Applause] dude that starters oh what is going on down there well good job buddy I got a cross member trance cross member on eBay for 80 bucks with bolts gotta rebuild everything look at that it's brand new [Music] um [Applause] powder coated now we just gotta bake it all there we are losing the shop dude I broke the exhaust manifold because I'm stupid so I have a new one of these coming as well you know live and learn 80 mistake I just broke the transmission mount which is a bummer that the bolts was stuck and you know I really probably shouldn't have been trying to use this anyways goodbye next on the agenda is we need some kind of a shifter well this one here might work before I break out the cutoff we all just try gently persuading it still on the bat as well as I would have expected audios [Music] that's dangerous as hell there we go now we can get hello somewhere in here will be second oh crap reverse power code oh I got a new transmission mount so we'll throw in our new cross member the first things first let's toss this cross member UPS make sure she's done is what we need oh yeah after much pain and nashig of the teeth I got all the bolts in except for this one I'm sure the car being completely tacoed has nothing to do with why it didn't want to fit three out of four ain't bad just like meatloaf said so I went ahead and replaced that exhaust manifold over here uh I got a new one on eBay only 80 bucks then what we're going to do next is throw this fuel filter uh right before the fuel pump but right thereabouts oh there we go looks pretty nice and tidy in there this is a literally the cheapest radiator I could find on eBay it was a hundred and Seventeen dollars for this actually pretty nice I'm gonna need the gently persuade like this area and maybe uh some of that area there and you know we build the straighten it out a little oh too far we'll use some longer bolts but yeah I think we just dropped her on in another bolts line up oh cross threaded Nature's Loctite I got the finest radiator for this as I could find uh you know they almost fit and we got all these hose because they actually salvaged out of the motorhomes you know that thing really continues to pay for itself in fact JD and the buddy is around hanging out in there right now the old saying is you know measure twice cut once well I just measured none and cut like four times until I get where I need to be and uh yeah it works for me see what our fitment's like now yeah kind of start to look like an engine bay in here well here's what I got for a drive shaft now I use Southwest speed for all of my drive shafts a little hard to see but it fits absolutely perfect we gotta wrap up a couple of things but let's see if we get this thing to run like on its own maybe see if it'll move is the goal today so rather than try to use the overly complicated heavy and terrible Mopar alternator I will go ahead and you know throw this away and put a GM alternator on it because that requires like 15 wires or something and this needs one here's what I got going for an alternator bracket so I ordered the cheapest chinesium alternator bracket kit I can find and it looks like it's going to mount that GM alternator pretty well oh good yeah now that'll self clearance incredible so now that we got that on there we only have to run one wire right out of the back of that alternator straight over to the battery they're the starter solenoid over there on the battery side of it and we're a business we got her landed over here used a big old fat heavy wire here even though that alternator probably puts out about an amp anyway it's time to drop the pan on this and it's like it's solid I got a filter for it that'll fix it right up oh cool that's son of a gun wow it's not that bad there's fluid in it hey this is now three transmissions in a row on the Channel that I have found a leaf inside wow I only work on good stuff I think we got a running chance here I really do actually I'm not gonna say it's gonna work right but I bet it moves the vehicle thing rebuilding it right now and looking pretty rebuilt I think we'll just slap a new filter in it call it a day I think that's it I think that's it I don't know there's a ton of threaded holes in it that just don't do anything apparently well maybe they're like they're just for looks I think like man that would look really cool transmission oh dude it's just a Mopar thing it's all style and performance oh my God so much for that cleaned up really nice right except for uh you know this hole right there I think we'll just Rob the one off that motorhome transmission well the motorhome transmission pan cleaned up a little bit nicely hello still really rust pitted and stuff on the outside would they make these things out of Schlitz cans yeah let's go ahead and prep this surface perfectly so we don't want to tighten any of these down until we get them all in there now we're going to cross thread these in a uh alternating patterns so we got to make some lines for it I've had this random piece of pipe here I don't know what it's for I don't know what else we might have around here but I think this is probably it oh cool cut gee no this would never work okay well we'll use this like I said you know you know what I mean like I already said I wasn't like planning on doing anything else because I'm kind of a professional the flavor of transmission cooler I got today is uh the cheapest transmission cooler available at O'Reilly which is a Hayden unit uh we're just gonna you know kind of just put it up in this General vicinity ish you know kind of here probably see that yeah looks nice huh shiny yeah it does see it's shiny shiny it's just shiny kind of so we're just gonna hook it up with some random scraps of Hose I have now let's go ahead and fill her up with some antifreeze and uh hopefully it doesn't pour out on the ground what do you think floors right on the ground pours right on the ground there's a restful on it probably is is it pouring on the ground no okay it's a plus we got the fix for the transmission right here it's gonna get rebuilt got these for three dollars at Walmart like two years ago so I'm sure it's gonna be fine so we'll pour this in first so it's the first thing it really gets to eat you know oh wow yeah you want to see if it's poured on the ground no really not yet wow that one's a different color than the other one you notice that this one's red the other one was orange yeah maybe they're different well that's because one is better it's extra good yeah really good let's see if we can make this thing run for real oh yeah lots of gas we can just get her to pull some gas give me a good shape let's take a look at that filter a whole lot of nothing you want to guess you got it foreign well it's totally possible that line is plugged we're gonna try to blow this line out here it's flown out of this thing it's not even hooked up why how would it work uh I heard genius oh that was dumb what would you do oh just rust yay tasty so the fuel line is broken in half here and I was kind of hoping that we could just okay it's broken in a lot of places but it looked pretty good up to here but I'm just sucking air again can you give me the uh the long one and we'll just run a whole new line okay now let's see if we get some gas to it an eye on that fuel filter gasp lots lots of gas yeah oh uh too much yes all right no nothing it's brand new starter solenoid is apparently bad because I could jump right to it didn't do anything I can jump right across it so of course this car again all right now let's see what happens and it's dead again oh my God you real I can't make this stuff up anything that we do to this car has to be a hundred times as hard so we got lots of gas so we hooked this thing back up and then it should pump gas up car should run I'm Gonna Leave it off of the cart here we'll see if it pumps up here yeah and if it doesn't well I'm gonna light it on fire [Applause] nothing how was that even possible is it this that's plugged somehow we've got a kinky it's new I know it's all brand new stuff why why does it have to be this way you know I'm putting that clicky clack on that's what I'm doing got our OSHA approved fuel system rigged up here yeah this is fine and guess what another solenoid's stuck again let's create Sparks next to the gas did it unstick it of course it didn't I hate this part selling it right oh my God just why why see it's gonna move real quick try to win into gear oh and Ron's great but it went into gear it did it went into first and reverse so I mean it is still it's probably super low on fluid for whatever reason it'll pull gas with the electric clicky clack pump now uh it would not do that last night so I guess let's see if it'll run and move make sure it's in park sure [Music] and Booth yeah it moved it's running let the air clear a little bit but after that I don't know what else to do with this thing uh I really don't want to drop the money on a transmission rebuild maybe somebody else does but for me I think I'm done with it if the transmission won't work so we're gonna bolt some seats in here we're gonna put a gas pedal in it and we're going to try to shove it outside where maybe we can get some motion with the thing and maybe it'll take off I don't know it's pipe dream but it's worth a shot so what I got for a gas pedal here is a super cheap Universal spoon pedal thing for like a street rod you Dismount it on the firewall push you do gas pedal things of course going to mount it the only way I know how which is with self-tapper so I got the industrial strength cell tappers this time now that the throttle pedal is mounted poorly we have to mount the cable and it said measure so I read that as don't so that sticks in here like this that'll probably somewhere new and instead of like doing what they told me to do I'll just uh eyeball it down there get the pedal how oh oh I was hitting the battery cable oh I was like wait what that shouldn't make sparks you know sometimes a car wants to live and sometimes it doesn't this one doesn't this one doesn't I'm gonna cut it I don't know somewhere in here I think we got her working Lord that's it yep God so we're gonna put these hideous red Camaro seats in here I got a pair of them and we do have the original back seat still now I will uh make the marks for this is just take some spray paint just dust it over the holes something bright you can see and then you'll just drill where the hole is and there is one hideous 79 Camaro bucket seat I'll throw the other one in and there we go two hideous 79 Camaro bucket seats now I'm not a total hack so I did install the Buddy seat I found that a pair of vice grips corrects the gas pedal issue nicely she's running off the mechanical pump and pulling from her own tank now just fine runs great well right at this moment my camera audio died and it was right as me and JD were pushing the car out of the garage because if for whatever reason would not roll backwards we had to push and shove and JD pushed as hard as he could finally we got it to roll down the hill out into the driveway and it took off now I do have some audio of this but this whole clip is just dead and it's a real shame it's the first time that car's moved in 30 years you're watching right now and it's it's really amazing actually that that transmission even works uh but we'll catch up here in a second [Music] hey I got it nice [Music] [Music] I think we got all we were gonna get out of that guy well let's pull the stick is it empty that's how it got to move wow [Music] I don't know why it was blowing it all over the place so my audio cut out while we were driving the car earlier I I want to see if it'll move again we're gonna do our best with it in the dark here and I'll try to get it up here on the driveway but this is what we're working with I swear man I just can't win for losing [Music] [Music] do something oh God hey my house is there foreign there's the Road Runner it's alive by God I'm happy with it I think are you happy with it yeah no but I uh I'm pretty pleased I mean at least it runs and it moves if you let it cool off it drives fine for some reason I think we've accomplished our goal which was we pulled this out of a junkyard and brought a second gasp of life into it anyway if you like this or if you don't like this make sure you hit the like And subscribe and uh stay tuned to pole barn garage YouTube
Channel: Pole Barn Garage
Views: 502,332
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pontiac, gto, bullet goat, pole barn, car, junk, pile, roadkill, rat rod, project
Id: z6Y9nQIMu2g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 41sec (3581 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 30 2022
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