Wrath Ring At War? Everything You Missed in Episode 5 of Helluva Boss: The Harvest Festival!

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episode 5 of hell of a boss just aired and there is so much to talk about from hints of robofizz to the wrath ring to what's going on with angelic weapons on the black market and more welcome back to cartoon universe daddy deep cut here with another everything you missed this time for episode 5 of hell of a boss don't forget to subscribe to the channel because we got a whole bunch of has been and hell of a boss theory videos coming this week the first interesting thing to pop up is a billboard above moxie and millie's apartment advertising robofizz we know robofizz are produced at a factory in the lust ring and are available for purchase but this seems to indicate that they are affordable enough that they are being bought in mass as opposed to a luxury for the elites after this it's a pretty straight shot to the wrath ring which is what we learned the most about in this episode like the other rings we have seen it seems to have its own uniquely colored sky but unlike the others we have seen it seems to have a lot more going on in the atmosphere with clouds and haze despite the landscape being a dry deserty wasteland both this landscape and the culture of the people who seem to largely be imps is a combination of southern and western american tropes mashing up a wild west tone into a more southern feeling community while here we also see some of the native species of the wrath ring including demonic pigs demonic horses and demonic sharks that seem to live in tiny bodies of water we have yet to see much of the wildlife in other rings with the most prominent example being demonic birds seen at a cafe in pentagram city and one of the prequel comics for has been hotel up until now blitzizoa seemed like a bit of a mess of a person and without any comparison i personally had the belief that blitz isn't particularly skilled at his job but this episode really seems to indicate otherwise while blitz is a disaster of a person he manages to make it to the end of the pain games with striker and his business is doing so well that they're essentially backed up on assassinations at the moment stoles this place in this episode is also one that is very interesting for the most part the authority system within hell of a boss as hell is one built around the seven princes but while satan is mentioned in an expression of disbelief by moxie he makes new appearance at this supposedly important festival a festival that stullest not only shows up for but is entirely necessary for we don't have any reason to believe that the royalty of the goeisha were at war in any way with the seven deadly princes but with the rings each being tied to a prince and vivipop saying that the goesha are a separate form of nobility within hell it seems weird that the citizens of wrath would have this particular ceremony with stolos of the goatia the ceremony itself is also rather interesting stulles claims that he is giving them the real harvest moon which may mean the harvest moon as it appears on earth considering the portal he makes in the sky despite the whole episode focusing on this ceremony we currently don't know what its actual purpose is he is supposedly blessing the imps harvest and supposedly they are having this festival in order to celebrate the hard work that the imps do providing food for all of hell but whether or not this is purely ceremonial or if it actually affects the harvest has not been explained we've got more things you missed to explain but real quick if you like this content consider looking at our patreon for one dollar a month you get a weekly theory or discussion video like this one and for five dollars a month you get up to three a week plus early access to our videos here on the channel there's a lot of different tiers that you can check out so i'll leave a link in the pin comment down below and even if you can't afford it we have a free theory up you can listen to about why heaven really does their annual exterminations so make sure you at least check out that one then of course there is this interestingly beautiful weapon one that can kill other demons even royal ones for those who don't know hell of a boss is a spin-off of has been hotel a show that is premised on an annual extermination of citizens of the pride ring and perhaps other rings as well during this extermination angels known as exorcists come down with weapons to kill as many demons as they can it is currently unknown if their goal is earthborn sinners or all demons they leave behind weapons which we later see other demons collecting and making inventory for according to vivsipop these weapons are sold on the black market but we didn't know just how rare or expensive they were until now she also mentioned before that some of these weapons would be melted down and turn into other weapons including bullets and guns which set up this episode perfectly one thing i do not know for certain is whether or not lower level native demons like imps can be killed without them there are an extreme number of cases where the imps talk about other demons dying pretty casually with this episode being no different we know earthborn sinners are immortal but they cannot reproduce the way that imps can and i have heard talk on some live streams about characters like charlie being long living but not immortal though we should take these particular live streams with a grain of salt and as always things could have changed between that time and this episode's production regardless in this episode they even refer to the gun as being able to kill royal demons specifically this could be because they just wanted to emphasize its use in the plot for striker to try and kill stolos with it or it could have been a pointed phrase to indicate that imps could be killed by other weapons it is apparently such a rare example of the angelic weapons black market that moxie has trouble believing any imp could possibly afford it during his fight with striker and blitz it is indicated that these weapons are generally only owned by elites and royals something cemented even further when we find out that it was actually stolos's wife who hired stryker to assassinate him something she has no problem announcing at the table this sets up yet another character to recur within the show that i'm really excited to see more of i mentioned earlier that the wrath ring and its farming type communities are apparently responsible for feeding the entirety of hell despite this the people of the wrath ring are always talking about war how much they love war and how good they are at being in war with moxie even talking about how angels weapons have changed their combat before simply talking about more war as far as we know there is no current war with heaven going on and when millie's father follows up on moxie's comment about guns it's about fighting hellish beasts whether or not they are at war or simply dreaming of a war that may never come it is a very interesting contradiction to their simple and cozy farming lifestyle though the animals that they have to raise are definitely ones you would have to fight to some degree as we saw moxie failed to do so when slaughtering the pig finally it seems like we may have our first speaking role for a trans demon or at least a trans imp in this episode we are introduced to millie's sister whose horn-colored pattern is male with thick stripes as opposed to the female demons we have seen so far which tend to be black with thin white stripes her character is also played by morgana ignis who herself is a trans woman the horns were likely a way to indicate this to the audience without having to say it explicitly though it raises questions of whether or not some trans imps may paint over their horns or use makeup to make them resemble the pattern of systems i'm curious how their culture treats this difference between male imps and female imps and perhaps future episodes will feature this character again or other characters like her and explore how trans demons fit in with the various cultures of the seven rings of hell now that isn't everything you might have missed in this episode but it's everything we could fit in this video so help me out and tell me what other cool small or hidden details that are in the episode that didn't get discussed here and if you made it this far we're doing a live stream interview tomorrow may 1st at 10 a.m pacific standard time with the cast and creators of blood of zeus so consider coming back for that see you then
Channel: Cartoon Universe
Views: 139,131
Rating: 4.9477654 out of 5
Keywords: helluva boss, hell of a boss, helluva boss blitzo, helluva boss blitz, helluva boss episode 5, helluva boss episode 5 explaind, helluva boss harvest moon festival, helluva boss harvest moon festival explained, helluva boss new episode, helluva boss theory, helluva boss episode 5 theory, helluva boss review, helluva boss episode 5 ending explaind, helluva boss ending explained, helluva boss wrath ring, helluva boss stryker, helluva boss stolas, helluva boss cowboy
Id: oN_WV2biN9I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 1sec (481 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 30 2021
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