The Seven Princes of Hell And Their Rings Explained! (Helluva Boss and Hazbin Hotel Breakdown!)

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in our last video we talked about the seven rings of hell and explained everything we know about their general lore there's seven rings each one is modeled after one of the seven deadly sins and each one has a prince that rules over it that is based on demons from real-life christian literature until recently which demons ruled over which ring was something of a debate there are several writings that exist about the seven princes of hell and each one lists different demons in relation to different sins last week twitter user xander reached out to me with a picture of a t-shirt from the has been hotel merch store a band tour shirt for veracica that included not just her performance in florida from episode 3 but performances in each of the seven rings with each ring was also the name of a city or venue most of which included a reference to popular demon names that match up perfectly with the peter binsfield classification of the seven princes of hell which also matches what we do know about the princess so far in the show with that in mind let's break down the seven different rings of hell talk about everything we know about them and what we can infer based on who their demonic prince is first up the pride ring which is ruled by charlie's dad lucifer this is the one we know the most about thanks to both shows taking place there so i'll just be giving a few key notes on what makes it unique according to the hell of a boss twitter account it's the only place where earthborn sinners can exist and it is the top ring of hell its hierarchy is built less around nobility like other rings seem to be and more around the earthborn sinners who rise to power instead of inheriting it though charlie and lucifer of course do have power here one interesting thing of note here is that in a 2020 interview vivziepop had come out and said that lucifer is the most powerful person in hell's hierarchy and that charlie and his wife would be below him and then the seven princes below them if the shark robot t-shirt is to be believed the next ring down from pride would be the wrath ring varaska performed there in lost satania which means city of satan a play on los angeles city of angels the prince of this ring would of course be satan who's only mentioned so far in the series that i have found was a homeless imp with a sign that said satan bless there are some theories out there that different species of hell may be native to different rings an idea brought about by the recent introduction of the succubus who are so particularly lust themed that people started speculating that they are native to the lust ring while blitz is an imp himself he claims in a leaked animatic from an upcoming episode that his employees are from the wrath ring seemingly referencing million moxie this paired with that homeless seeming worship for satan the prince of wrath makes a lot of fans believe that imps are from the wrath ring it would also explain why the imps unlike other demons look the most like generic devils with red skin and horns as satan is generally the demon most often associated with the aesthetic of the devil that being said if this is the case then hell is a bit like earth in that immigration both big and small has made it so that most of the rings we've seen do have a lot of non-native species living there the same way that real-life countries have people of all different races living in them now based on stolos and blitz's conversation in the league storyboard as well as scenes from the trailer the wrath ring appears to be mostly country based very rural and a bit desert looking based on the shirt again the next ring is gluttony which is arguably the one we know the absolute least about it's mentioned city is beaslehaven which matches bin's fields beazlebub as the prince of gluttony there's been no in-world references to bees above yet but an older live streams visi pop does mention him but notes that she doesn't really remember much about him and hasn't really worked out much details i'm sure more details have been worked out at this time but we have yet to see them we've got more rings with more interesting lord breakdown but before we jump into all that i have two things i would like to tell you today one to celebrate 350 000 subscribers haley and i will be doing a live stream q a this sunday march 21st at 4 p.m pacific standard time more info is in the description you can come and ask questions there or leave them in a comment down below they can be about us or our thoughts on your favorite cartoons or other forms of entertainment as for the second thing i noticed that has been hotel's lore can be a bit confusing for fans as a lot of information comes from obscure behind the scenes live streams and such so to try and fix that i'm going to put together a has been hotel and hell of a boss frequently asked questions video leave any questions you have about the show that you may be confused about down below and if enough people are asking we'll do our research and try to get you the answers or at the very least provide you with popular theories just leave all your questions in the comments down below now below gluttony we have greed with varaska performing at mint city if i had to guess this name is not a reference to any demons but to the minting process of money as money is generally what we think of when we think of greed we saw the greed ring back in episode 2 of hell of a boss where it had an almost earth-like blue sky because of this and other shots from the trailer showing other different colored skies this seems to indicate that each ring has a different colored sky the prince of this ring is maman and though we have not seen him in the show we have reason to believe that he is a jester-themed demon first and foremost on a contract that he signed we can see that he ends his signature with a simple doodle that looks like a jester with the three big points being its hat later when we see the currency of the greetering there is a gesture in the center where real earth money tends to have famous leaders depicted these two things combined give us reason to believe that they are designed to look like maman himself though i imagine his true introduction will be a bit more detailed blitz claimed to varaska that the nearest ocean was three rings down from where they were in episode 3 which was the pride ring which means that if this shirt lists the rings in order greed also has an ocean despite being a prince maman is also a businessman and owns lululand which is just a rip-off of lucifer's lulu world his primary goal seems to be owning as much of hell's currency as he can and does so through overpriced businesses like lululand as opposed to just over taxation as some sort of prince then below that we have lust with varaska performing at the crystal stadium the lustering seems to be the one we've seen the most of in the new teaser trailer from earlier this year while the name crystal stadium doesn't tell me anything the bin's field classification calls the prince of lust asmodius for those with doubts who prefer other interpretations notice the giant silhouetted demon one we presume to be the ozzy mentioned in the signs at the club seemingly a nickname for osmodius the original asmodeus is a pretty scary demon with three heads and while this demon is quite a bit different if you look closely at his silhouette he does seem to have three faces that light up which look like simple versions of asmodeus's three heads so i would be surprised if this turned out not to be the prince of lust as mentioned earlier if rings have native species then the succubus such as the one we saw in episode three are likely from this ring beneath lust we would have the envy ring with a location called leviah town in has been hotel charlie has an ex-boyfriend named sophiathen who has been seen in photos around the hotel with his name being sephiathan and his father seemingly a powerful demon who was a close friend of lucifer's i theorized that like charlie's father being the prince of pride that saviathan's father was likely named leviathan and was the prince of envy i have since discovered thanks to vivziepop's live streams that his name is actually herald and that their family the von eldridge family are not royalty but rather are just a powerful family of earth-born sitters that became overlords which means that as of now we have not seen or heard anything about the envy ring leviathan is generally associated with the giant sea monster mentioned in the bible so many people believe that this ring will be an entire ocean or at least have a big ocean in it finally the bottom ring would be sloth with its location being dreamville there is virtually nothing else to speculate on here but the prince's name based on the peter binsfield classification would be belfagore that is all the information i have right now but if you guys have found any information either from live streams or from real life christian writings please leave it in a comment down below and if it's relevant to the conversation we might make a video about it see you next time
Channel: Cartoon Universe
Views: 957,468
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: helluva boss, habzin hotel, hell of a boss, cherub, c.h.e.r.u.b., helluva cherubs, angels, helluva boss angels, helluva boss heaven, helluva boss episode 4, helluva boss new episode, hazbin hotel episode 2, helluva boss explained, helluva boss episode 4 explained, helluva boss break down, everything you missed, helluva boss lore, hazbin hotel, blitzo, moxxie, helluva boss demons, helluva boss secrets, helluva boss theory, hazbin hotel theory, mystery, 7 rings of hell
Id: suZ7GiDwQww
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 42sec (522 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 17 2021
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