Jaiden Animations played WEIRD virtual pet games! They are BIZARRE!

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i don't mean to brag friends but i may be a tamagotchi world record holder so when jaden animations says she's playing weird virtual pet games i think it's right up my alley you know i'm gonna check it out let's get into it [Music] welcome back friends and a special welcome welcome to all new friends out there i'm yo bgs and when i said i have a tamagotchi world record i think that's because i have probably killed more tamagotchis than anyone on the planet i had some furbies that didn't really end well either but when jaden animations says she's playing weird virtual pet games it brought up all these memories of all these goofy pet things we used to have so i want to check that out and if you want to check out my stream by the way i am live as you're seeing this twitch.tv slash go bgs i'm doing some live reactions you can stop by by the way just a little thing i've heard that subscribing to this channel can make you up to 80 more hype so you might want to check and see if you're subscribed especially if you are digging the videos now i see we've got a furby we've got a um oh what are those robo dogs like an ibo one of the robo dogs what else we got pet games have been around since when people figured out how to make games that weren't pong okay pack chow and the pac-man was adorable we got shade nintendogs webkinz robo-sapien you name it and it makes sense kids love pets and parents love not giving their children actual living breathing animals that'll eventually die and send their child into a spiraling depression for at least three days where did that come from that was so real and i mean it's kind of true like i remember my folks coming to tell me when our dog had uh was no longer with us went to the farm and it was actually while i was in the middle of playing mortal kombat i was in like hour 16 of a mortal kombat marathon i honestly think it's because most parents get animals as like a test for a kid and if the animal lives then they decide to try having children and that's why so many of us grew up with older pets in the house but that mean that may just be me it's a win-win for everyone in 2004 my parents gave me a nintendo ds along with two games to go with it animal crossing wild world and nintendogs they already gave me a real dog at that point but this was good for stopping me before i started trying to ask for another because boy did i not take care of the first one that's always the way though if you have an animal it's because your parents actually wanted an animal although there are a lot of those memes of like people who come home with cats and their dog or you know and then their dad doesn't really want the cat in the home but then like they the dad grows more attached to the cat than anyone else although they will never admit it but that is the fact dads love the cats they just rarely ever actually say that when anyone's around actually still have the exact same save file as when i first got the name this is star my first ever nintendog i don't know why i named her star especially since the shape on her stomach is a heart anyway her steps are maxed out she can walk longer than any of my other dogs i was gonna show you but then i do i do not think that we just went on a walk i haven't seen these dogs in 12 years and she's the champion of agility training or at least she was until i tried to do a contest like the good old days made a fool of myself and got my dog bullied by the judges what happened after my that's awful i as somebody who didn't play nintendogs that's like horrible it's like some sort of weird well it is kind of like pokemon but the fact that your dog can get bullied after decades decades of not using the dog like they let the let the poor thing hang out it's earned its retirement at this point who is very dead now oh there's scruffy i know you haven't had a human interaction in like six years because you're dead but give me some space will ya ah again another dark why do jaden videos always have these like dark turns and also it's interesting how jaden is like such a completionist with things like with cookie mama you know getting all golds and then with this obviously the pets having maxed out stats i played games for like five minutes and then i would always start a new file the other dogs mean nothing to me i also wanted to show off my peach cart toy i love this thing as a kid and thought it was super rare which i actually think maybe isn't because i have two anyway i'm not here to talk about nintendogs i'm here because i'm in a bunch we gotta go back we gotta see the games on the games on the shelf here maybe isn't because i have two anyway i'm not here to talk about actually good games spongebob battle for bikini bottom katamari damacy uh sakiro we've got breath of the wild monster hunter then we've got dark souls platinum scrimmy bingus what is scrimmy let me know in the comments down below if you know what screaming bingos is we got hollow knight minecraft uh kirby superstar excellent very underrated game by the way looks like banjo-kazooie and tui nuts and bolts solid selections here i'm i'm very i very much like these 10 dogs i'm here because i found a bunch of very strange virtual pet games that are not nintendogs that i want to show you first up we've got hamster's life with a z and oh i got these games from ebay and it looks like someone else's hamster is on here no jayden how can you what no remember the the fun memories that you just had with your you you just had fun memories with your your nintendog and then you just took someone else's pet and geeded it into the garbage can what happened anyway oh no it's one of these games so i was going through the selection of hamsters and i stumble onto this the cutie hamster this is quite possibly one of the ugliest hamsters i've ever seen very true the cute little icon compared to the actual hamster is astounding i got worse it looks like an elder son it's a fixer-upper oh grandpa wants to play a memory game [Music] or gramps this is just reminding me of hamtaro and the dancing hamsters so you can pet your hamster feed it clean the mass amounts of black mold growing in its cage hold it with your creepy hand you can even take them out of the cage and hold it all right i think i'm done for now is this just walmart nintendogs again if you had hamsters rule for life or whatever the game was let me know in the comments is this just discount um is this just discount nintendogs you can also give it toys to play with oh he cage is too small so you know hamster's life with a z was as to be expected sure some of the execution was a bit unexpected [Music] they caught it though but was wrong with that until what do you say when you tone around you see a cat and your heart almost stops ah what i thought you just play little mini games with your hamster and feed them seeds and stuff but apparently they start learning english you can talk to them and they'll respond but you can only say the options the game is provided ah yes the only phrases a human would ever need good evening come on and i'm sad but sometimes the hamster will personally ask how to convey emotions my friend went away how should i express these feelings oh come on and then the options were i'm sad i'm happy and long time no see this is like some sort of weird experiment i say when i only have one sunflower seed left why is the answer always i'm sad what is going on here why is the answer always i mean i guess you could say done eating or maybe that was surprising that's happened to me before you know you order food at a restaurant it comes and then by the time you're done that was surprising i apparently ate the whole thing but i don't really like this guys i taught my hamster how to be sad and now i think he's depressed but it's okay because 42 hours in grandpa now has a cowboy hat and an entire roller coaster next up is parrot pals i was excited about this one because you know i have my own parrot yo shout out to ari she spent 43 hours 43 hours on hamsters that's an entire two days of jayden's life dedicated to hamster's r us you put a game and you know what it's not wrong i picked out my large bird and named him large and now i have option by the way can we get a crossover spectacular between jontron and and josh his bird and uh jaden and ari i feel like but the two of them their bird youtuber powers combined would like rival the sun in terms of brightness on how to interact with them care which is jacques not josh i don't know why i said josh the typical feeding cage cleanup bathing watching which is just letting him outside and watching him you can't interact with your bird while you're watching him you just sit there and and watch him i mean i don't know what i expected and play which is the mini games can't be a virtual pet game without the mini games dribbling made you look and tug of war and i was immediately intrigued by tug of war because i don't know if you know this but this is what tug of war looks like with a bird turns out you have to withhold your strength and not knock over the flag in the middle which is less exciting if i'm gonna be completely honest also this is what dribbling looks like it's just keep away with the bird i mean that's adorable though if if the bird looked like something a little bit better than like one of those robotic like it looks like the bird's a wind-up toy you know one of the ones that you you'd wind the back of them maybe right away but like in concept this was supposed to be a good game i'm chalking this up to ran out of budget ran out of time never had either and just didn't care about it show you what it looked like anyway you can actually talk to your bird and it'll try to have a conversation hello bird what alright so let me show you the amazon review that single-handedly made me decide i have to buy this game sarah says one star within the first five minutes my daughter struggled to get the speak and repeat to work and when it did work the bird kept telling her over and over i dislike you until she cried did i say more also it was literally like two bucks a bit into the game you unlock training which lets you teach your bird tricks and phrases to repeat i was confused on why the game was telling me that bird just used roll out i just noticed that to teach the bird random phrases like washed up by the river there is an old man and ogre island but then i realized i had to teach the bird this entire 20 phrase long story [Music] i'm not going to tell you how long it took to get him to learn all that but just know it was more than i would have committed to if i wasn't monetizing it for content that is okay please don't ask me any reading comprehension questions because i just completely like broke the an old woman washed up on ogre island and that's where she found things was on ogre you know what it's a talking bird i feel like i feel like that is about par for the court just starts going off with the free speech [Music] i tell you how long it took to get him to learn no way i wasn't monetizing it off with the free speech [Music] i gotta believe the last one is you worked really hard i didn't teach him any of that why is he saying these things after you teach the bird every single trick and repeatable phrase he can learn contests open up and i'm gonna go out on a limb here and say i'm probably the first person in the world who has actually unlocked contests and parrot pals please tell me you counted this as a speed run please tell me there was a timer running of some kind into the beginner contest and one probably because he was the only participant so you win the beginner contest and you'd expect your rank to go up to i don't know intermediate yeah or maybe even advanced contest no you rank up from beginner to novice what's next after that just starting out it's master you go from beginner to novice to master i mean first of all that is an awesome ari looking bird second of all jayden looks pissed um what it's it's it's so smacks to me of running out of time right yeah we'll have the seven difficulty level the beginner novice like belts and karate and all this kind of stuff and then they ran out of time like uh the game comes out tomorrow did you put those different ranked levels in and they're like uh no so i guess we'll just have to jump straight to master and now the game you've all been waiting for what do we got you know them you love them monkeys pets monkeys house okay pets if memory serves pets was like you remember brats like there was the bratz dolls and then the bratz dolls came out with a series of like doll animals and i think that was where pets the pets franchise came from but i don't even want to know what this game the features i guess you'd call them features with a z obviously a game where you adopt take home and play with monkeys you start off go wrong center where you can pet the three monkeys they have out in their backyard to see which one you want to take home well hey there buddy what's your oh god i mean how can i say no to a face like that i named him champ and now we just go home i guess look at him go welcome home little man don't touch that i'm seriously trying to figure out what a single one of these menu icons meant well we got the we got the book which i'm guessing is learning things we've got the paper which is probably clean up dirty we've got the key who knows the camera take pictures settings and then leave leave is the only option you should ever need and champ decided to just go out and help himself to the kitchen oh it means the monkey i guess monkeys would be able to do that but i sure didn't expect it also holy crap i totally thought champ was a boy at first but turns out i was just confused because they colored the female gender yeah i saw it too blue so their champ is in the kitchen hanging out i'm just realizing there's just a straight-up monkey in my house after a little bit of petting and taking care of your monkey a little heart gage goes up and when you get all three hearts your monkey will grow up so you basically so you're you're you're you've got a semi-sage is that what happened here the panpour leveled up or i mean basically there's evolution in this game that's what we're looking at here [Music] this is uncanny this monkey is now taller than the kitchen countertops go out and take a look at the counters in your kitchen right now and really just take in how big of a monkey that is am i the only one that is feeling very weird about this there's no doubt in my mind this monkey could absolutely kill me if it wanted to you're raising king kong let's see it was just offering you part of a banana but i guess the goal of this game is to raise king kong if it kidnapped jaiden and runs to the chrysler building that would be remarkable i bought another monkey you can go out to the park with your monkeys and play with just some random other monkey that's there where would you live this would be a thing but for monkeys and nintendogs bath time but for monkeys and nintendogs frisbee toy but for monkeys but you know what this game has that nintendogs doesn't human clothes i put this sweater on champ because i don't know i think now it feels like i have an actual just hairy person then i bought another monkey there are three monkeys and they all have why does jaden do this to herself why whenever like jaden is at the point where any normal you know and anybody would like close up their ds uh maybe take the game out maybe throw the game across the room flush it down the toilet see if it's actually worth a lot of money on ebay or something she decides at that point she has to 100 the game and that face i'm going to be seeing that face in my nightmares but jaden again going for the hundred percent strats here styles of clothes on then this happened baby monkey little man and champ had a baby virtual pet games out there the fact that the monkeys can have babies uh makes me the most uncomfortable overall this game is um what we've got staring at the wall lost head running backwards and having babies very jank you can throw the bowl of water and the water just does this monkeys will get stuck in the walls when you enter a new room for a few frames you can catch all the monkeys t-posing but expect nothing less from pets monkeys house with a z i knew what i was getting into with this game have you seen the back of the box whoa okay i'm going back we're looking at the back of the box have you seen every monkey's is spelled with a z um assurance is not spelled with a z it's not the nintendo zeal of approval uh let's see it's not booklets with a z that is um ds multi-card wireless connection requires games uh one game card per player i don't think that's ever i don't think you're ever going to get two people with monkeys in in the in in the same box corner of the world overall i enjoyed virtual pet games as a kid and i'm sure a lot of people think back fondly on their virtual pets as well it's just funny how nintendog started this huge trend and all these other game companies started scrap raymen throw together their own nintendogs to cash in on poor unassuming children but realistically like why do we need mother three why do we need a spiritual or why do we need the actual successor to earthbound if we can have pets with a z and and honestly i think nowadays the mobile game craze has sort of spoiled us right because how many apps are there now where you can take care of a virtual pet and honestly all of them probably are more fully featured and detailed than um monkeys certainly is but back in the day when this was all we had you kind of had to make do with it and as a parent what better time waster to give your kid than a game that doesn't have an ending right you can you just keep raising them forever that's parents who care about replay value that's the important part grandparents but again or grandparents you're right jason now we've got such a wide variety of of content and i unironically love it hi hope you're all having a good year so far uh that's so interesting to me by the way that the the jaden things look like another certain another certain someone here they they kind of have the same but then again i guess everyone has a blob body you know took a break at the beginning of the year so yeah it happens anyway uh i don't think i have much to say here so i guess this is gonna be a short end card this time but still shout outs to everybody that was a part of the team you know everyone who helps make these come to life because i don't know it would be very easy i think to just be able to to say hey these games are bad laugh at these games because they're bad but for jaden to find the things that she like unironically loves about bad games i mean again look behind me you don't you don't get this without having some bad games that you unironically tend to enjoy so that was kind of a a breath of fresh air i don't know a little bit of an optimism i guess you would say but that is going to do it for me for today for this video i hope you have an amazing rest of your day can stop by my stream twitch.tv slash yo bgs take care and i will see you for the salty run back
Channel: YoBGS
Views: 36,911
Rating: 4.8876538 out of 5
Keywords: I played weird virtual pet games reaction, reacting to I played weird virtual pet games, I played weird virtual pet games, jaiden animations, jaiden animations reaction, reacting to jaiden animations, yobgs, let's play, nintendo ds, The Best Pokemon Game You Never Played, nintendogs, I Attempted a Pokemon Platinum Nuzlocke, I Attempted a Speedrun (and got a world record), new jaiden animations, monky with sweater, parrot, virtual pet, tamogachi, furby, new jaiden, weird game, gaming
Id: DWwcdooS5rI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 53sec (1313 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 15 2021
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