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together online and i've got serious respect for his game he's aggressive balanced and very experienced but unfortunately all his talent wasn't evidence in his hand against franco i think possibly out of frustration with being the short stack titan tom made the mistake of trying to outplay and bully the more amateur player choosing the wrong time to get on a line can result in a weaker player turning you into a reckless player let's break it down tom begins the hand by raising jack 9 0 on the hijack with 21 big blinds which is marginal to begin with though not a bad idea considering he's raising into the least experienced player on the table he makes a standard continuation bet on the flop and franco calls with his over cards it's tom's turn play that i have a really big problem with and here's why the 10 on the turn doesn't really provide much in the way of a scare card for tom to represent and the board now contains enough draw possibilities that it's not crazy to think a less experienced player may bet out with a stronger hand afraid of that potential river suck out when franco bets out he's doing so for a third of tom's remaining stack leaving tom little fold equity on his shove unless franco really is holding nothing come on when tom moves in he's laying franco an excellent price getting about three to one might go i think that in a more level-headed moment tom likely wouldn't shove this turn i feel a good deal of his motivation comes from having someone he knows is a weaker player than him trying to bet him out of a pot right after he picked up draw equity and the frustration that comes from not having things go your way at the crucial times despite his mistake lady luck visited tom on the river but she wasn't the only woman on his side during the hand and if his girlfriend's hilariously loud and over-the-top reaction isn't any indication i can assure you that his neighbors already believe that titan tom is quite the titan we are back in the action where franco brunetti is all in and at risk let's get down to my convince well he lost that last spot on a horrible beat on the river now he's short stacked franco brunetti dole in here with king high against the eight high of kyle wilson who's looked him up now kyle's gonna have to get lucky to eliminate him let's see if he can do it oh he did it so far he's out flopped him kyle wilson out in front with the two sixes for franco to stay alive in this tournament he's gonna have to catch a king or two runners to make a straight or a flush kyle rail birds rooting their man on turn cart coming up well the nine comes off so we're off to the river here franco brunetti must catch a king on the river otherwise he's going to be out in sixth place [Music] well it's a queen of diamonds it's not gonna do it for franco burnetti got this tournament through a satellite a real gentleman tough beats here tonight [Applause] well vance as franco brunetti walks out in sixth place this is also a good time to tell everyone about the world poker tours club wpt.com well mike i'm not just saying this but i love club wpt.com it is amazing for only 19.95 a month anybody can play you play in tournaments you can win prizes you can win cash i mean it is incredible it is the best deal in poker folks if you like playing poker give club wpt a try guarantee you're gonna love it okay let's get back to the table all right action goes to kyle wilson our canadian a lot of momentum with a king deuce and the button is going to raise tom lee out frankenberger though with a queen jack is going to play here's the flop oh a nice flop for andy as he flop top pair comes jack 6'5 yep and he's first to act stuck look at this he's going to lead right out and bet vince 100 000. kyle always suspicious as to why a guy would lead out into a pre-flop razor and wondering if he can make a raise here if he'll just take the pot away from this guy well he's got nothing he'd have to be doing it with a lot of heart and he's going to try it he's made it 325 000. and frankenberger not going anywhere he has made this call those are not the words kyle want to hear now the board pairs sixes so neither player crazy about that card fearful that their opponent might have a six in their hand frankenberger with top right here still though 300. he's got a bet 300 000. well not a big bet into a pot that's got nearly 900 000 in it don't forget andy frankenberger came into this tournament as the chip leader he's been whittled away punched around he needs this pot badly did you hit that six handy it was six how much mine no i'm just wondering what you have oh geez i'm like you called and then you bet and turn a little confusion there well i was wondering if he can raise one more time would he win this pot chances are he might but what to do now if you're kyle wilson he took a stab at it re-raised on the flop that didn't work will he try it again i'm gonna fold he's gonna lay it down so andy frankenberger taking down that pop you never think did you andy to quote my friend over there would you like me to lie you don't have to i'd like to hear the lie find out how well he does it he's tough as andy he's a former equity derivatives trader i have no idea what that could possibly be but we will move on and now it's tom lee who's been taking a sabbatical lately playing very tight he folds his hand over to andy he's out as well under the 25 year old from huntington beach california tom broadband she's got the four five of diamonds the suited connectors just got lucky in one apart a minute ago tom's a sneaky player i used to play a lot of different hands very creative player and this time proving that again he's gonna raise it to a hundred thousand now mr brooklyn jared jaffe jared's got a decent queen jack here he's considering this former collegiate baseball player raises with the 5-4 but remember vance these other players saw him try to steal a pot a minute ago with a jack nine off suit they know the jig is up for this guy stealing all these pots jared's gonna make the call with the queen jack kyle wilson with just 9-7 also going to make the call three-way action feels like he's getting priced in so 60 of the field playing this pot going to the flop who will be lucky oh all three players have flopped a pair jared has flopped top pair he's going to check yep kyle's flop middle pair he also checks and now a continuation bet nope broadband also checking to the turn we go oh and a seven comes off oh no how many times a night at this table we've seen the slot machine come up three sevens for the canadian now he's been checked into now how to play your three of a kind what a card for him and he's gonna bet right out with him man yeah it looks like 200 000 now tom's saying to himself hmm this guy really got something we're just making a stab at this pot because we didn't bet on the flop well tom is going to give a little something here too with just a pair of fours 200 grand and he's going to make the call and now jared's got a tough decision remember nobody bet the flop now all of a sudden it's been betting called on a turn i think you get away from this hand even if you got the best hand here oh he's going to do the opposite he's shoved well jared doesn't think so he has shoved his stack in over the top now kyle's thinking to himself okay do i re-raise this guy behind me how to play this properly well what he's thinking about is is this guy having me beat well you can't lay down three sevens though not with a small stack like this man you still got a man behind you remember that cool but kyle is going to make the call and tom broadband goes away guys right i have a seven tom what a disaster here for the two-day lawyer well the two day lawyers got two outs here must catch a jack on the river to win this spot otherwise he's going to be out in fifth place and will be case closed for the lawyer kyle as you can see not jumping for joy until that river card hits the board all he's got to do is dodge a jack to win this pot here comes the river but it's a king [Applause] so that's going to do it for the two-day lawyer jared jaffe out tonight in fifth place well a big effort for jared disappointing but he is going to take home 86 000 and just like that we have four players remaining at the legends of poker well it wasn't in the cards this evening for two-time final tablets jared jaffe tonight's fifth place finisher but things seem to be falling into place for kyle wilson join us again for wpt's continuing coverage of the legends of poker at the bicycle casino until then for mike sexton and vince van patten in los angeles i'm kimberly lansing thanks for watching see you next time right here on the wpt we're just playing vocal now what do you have betting so big can i see your cards please show me bluff maybe 100 well we've got the race situation here between the two young guns at the table and out come the beautiful royal flush girls this is why everyone plays cards everybody on their feed here's the come on come on we are down to the river [Music] he has done it [Music] the world poker tour is brought to you by club wpt.com never lose a dime playing poker guaranteed the bicycle casino in los angeles has seen its share of legends win it all but tonight it's a new name for the record books three-quarters of a million dollars to the champion and there will be a champion because the conclusion of the legends of poker starts now only on the world poker tour [Music] well the crowd all standing he is circling the drain they are going bare knuckles in the center of the ring he needs the extreme miracle wow unbelievable oh he's going over the top yeah the 62 year old takes the chip lead let's go a bit faster boys well the former baseball player about to strike out here he did it he hits an 8. you're allowed to celebrate that's a big head you just gotta say the poker guys were not smiling pon franco here tonight andy frankenberger coming out as the chip leader now in trouble taking hits from around the table a little faster what a disaster here for the two-day lawyer the canadian rail birds root and kyle wilson on jared jaffe out tonight in fifth place and just like that we have four players remaining at the legends of poker as you can see it's been an exciting competition so far the legends of poker tournament here at the bicycle casino is where poker icons doyle brunson and dan harrington earned their wpt titles and with four players left one lucky player is going to join that elite group action is about to resume so let's get back to the call of the game with mike sexton and vince van patten well thanks kimberly there you see our two chip leaders kyle wilson and tommy lee both of these guys have been to a wpt final table before it looks like experience might bode well for our champion tonight so the table we go andy's 5 000 blinds 25 and 50. it's been folded around to kyle wilson from canada kyle looks down at an 8-5 well kyle is the current chip leader but the guy is up against here is in second chip position and he's picked up two aces i'm talking about tommy lee and just calls mints does not re-raise with two aces before the flop here here comes the flop 10-5-3 so kyle's flop second pair he's checked surprised he would check there after raising pre-flop well tom lee very sneaky with the weapons of mass destruction pair of aces coming out for a bet 300 000. tommy a former helicopter pilot in the vietnam war 300 now real estate broker and kyle's gonna call with the two fives yes he is gonna get stubborn a little strange he wouldn't lead out and bet the flop now he's gonna call and it'd be a guess as to what his opponent has all the way through the hand as the queen of hearts comes off on the turn action on kyle he checks again he knows he's up against the guy in second chip position who most likely will be ship leader at the end of this pot and now tommy lee got in this tournament through a satellite a dream come true for this tough poker player well he's an unorthodox poker player all the players think this guy you never know where he's at or what he's doing relax do diamond draw i know this he's played nine wpt events he's cashed four times with two final tables that is impressive you can't say anything right okay you got diamonds right well he's got a bet how much is that seven hundred thousand nine thousand nine hundred thousand yeah no seven hundred thousand sorry yeah now 700 900 might do the same thing kyle does lay down the two fives and why is he so what do you have betting so big i don't know sorry i would tell you a big flusher we'll be right back from the bicycle casino with more exciting poker brought to you by club wpt.com [Music] welcome back to the wpt and mike it looks like the royal flush girls are having a fantastic time here in los angeles well you can't blame them because they've had ringside seats for all the action at the bicycle casino all week long and it's not over yet let's check the chip count and get back to the action the royal flush girls they're at every wpt event along with kimberly lansing mike sexton and myself as you can see the chip leader is tom lee he has 4.4 million he's going after the first place prize of 750 000. yeah the canadian kyle wilson in second place those two guys have both been at the wpt final table before can they take down the title this time all right to the felt we go the canadian kyle wilson takes a look at ace four with the button and he's gonna pop it up makes it 110 000 to go tommy lee going out now andy frankenberger he's a former equity derivative trader very smart guy well as you can see not afraid to play as he makes the call here with just a 6'5 and it looks like a good thing maybe because he's taking the lead with two fives as well as a gut shot straight draw he has bet it even though he didn't raise before the flop kyle is a two-way straight draw a deuce or six would make him a straight an ace would give him the best hand so he makes the call here comes the turn card wow the diamonds comes off this gives kyle a straight let's give andy a flush draw to go along with a straight draw but he's going to have to have help to win this pot i spent 175 000 and there's greg mueller and sean buchanan two great poker players kyle's friends both from canada rooting their fellow canadian on kyle has made this straight with three diamonds out there you're saying yourself could this guy really have a flush kyle's just calling here down to the river we go when the queen of diamonds comes off and now andy does have the flush and he has the best hand how much is that oh not a big bed 175 000 is always bad here andy what do you have you can see the disgusting look in kyle's face what do you got left i want to know what he's got left zero chance he's gonna raise it here in my mind even though if he did he might win the pot but he's got it straight so he's just gonna call and hope his opponent doesn't have a diamond and diamond obviously what i called well there he looks like a bobble head doll going sideways he's so lucky and frankenberger's gonna put a little extra ketchup on the burger because he just took down kyle kyle disgusted say you are so lucky welcome to the wpt well andy frankenberger the double major from duke taking down that pot day one was pretty slow for me i had joe hashem sitting to my immediate left and you know seeing a guy like that on your left you're going to sort of watch what you do i also know i don't want to do anything stupid because they'll take advantage of it well you made a monkey out of hashem he's gone you're not all right to the action we go tom lee going to take a sabbatical folds his hand frankenberger on a little bit of a rush now with a 9-7 of clubs folks this guy got the perfect 800 on the s.a.t math test so that shows you he's meant to quality well he's called it tom broadband with just a 9-6 in the small blind tom the former baseball player in college gonna make the call and kyle with the king four has an option to raise but he says okay so we got three-way action here let's come ace king five with two clubs kyle out in front with the two kings andy of course with the first draw thomas checked kyle is checked will andy bet the flush draw both opponents check to him he's on the button and he's going to bet at 150 000. titan tom will not call he folds well kyle who just got burned by any minute ago is going to call him with the two kings here and you wonder if kyle's going to be steaming here a little deuce of clubs comes off oh man andy frankenberger's hit his flush just like that there's no card kyle can catch to win this pot well he's checked it wisely let's see how andy's going to play this hand and he's reaching for chips he's definitely going to bet 500 000. now that's more money that's in the pot so this a huge bit after making this flush on the turn here whatever kyle puts in the pot is just going by the board wow there's a half made you can say goodbye to frankenberger he's getting the action he wants and the four diamonds comes off this gives kyle two pair he now has kings and fours and could get in much further trouble he's checked all in wow andy has gone all in here again that's more money that's in the pot hey count so another over bet by andy it worked on the turn will it work again on the river kyle wilson now a whipping boy as the whale birds get up well they're going to get up and head straight to the bar after this pop their man in dire straits he could possibly throw another man and a half away right here you really made a flush andy if he should get the call andy frankenberger would be a massive chip leader he would reverse the fortunes between him and kyle in a big way all right andy i got two pair i fold i'm amazed kyle laid that hand down after calling that half million on the turn bluff she'll be bluffing 100 kyle very curious about what he has and he not going for it the competition between kyle and andy is certainly heating up there's plenty more wpt action on the way including later my interview with ahmed makisha who took second in this tournament season seven i feel like the younger guys are always putting you in difficult spots we'll be right back with more world poker tour brought to you by club wpt.com who's the best player at this final table i would say i am i have a lot of experience i've been doing this for six or seven years on the internet and played billions of hands welcome back to the world poker tour brought to you by club wpt.com i'm sitting here with greg fbt mueller he's here supporting kyle so greg two years later kyle's back at the final table you're back here supporting him this is like deja vu i hope it's not quite deja vu because he was out like so early last time due to a bad beat but you know he's been playing really well all week i've been talking to him he's super focused he's confident he told me right from the start get ready because i'm going to come in first or second and when my other good buddy sean buchanan said that he won mandalay bay so sometimes when you just get in that groove it's right weird how you think positive and it just happens all right mike and vince you heard it from greg back to you guys well we've seen that kyle wilson is very confident in his game but even with that confidence you still got to get across the finish line with the doe let's see if he can do it here he looks down at two nines nice half for kyle wilson and he is going to raise it makes it 140 000. tom lee out frankenberger out and now it's around a titan tom broadband well tom the former collegiate baseball player looks down at kojak he's got the king jack come on he's going all in here he's come right over the top of kyle thinks kyle might be steaming from losing that last pot it's an additional 810 000 for kyle to call with the nines well he's made the call so we've got the classic race situation the two over cards versus the under pair and as we all know by now if you want to win poker tournaments you got to win races here's the flop well so far so good for the canadian kyle out in front of the two nines as the flop comes queen seven four tom is looking for some paint he could catch two runners and make a straight but he's gotta have help to stay alive in this tournament doesn't come on the turn as an eight comes off so we're down to the river tom brawman must catch a kangaroo jack doesn't do it as the nine comes off [Applause] so that's going to do it for the 25 year old from huntington beach california tom braband is going to finish in fourth place tonight but you got to hand it to this guy he's played three wpt events he finished 23rd in the la poker classic he made it to the final table tonight finishing fourth but in three tournaments folks let me tell you something that is performing well he is a player no doubt about it fine effort but he's not a legend one of these guys will be tommy lee is the chip leader 63 years old he's the senior at the table can he finish here tonight you know tommy lee started out like a race horse at this final table and then went into a big shell letting these other guys go at it let's see what's going to happen from here out if he's going to step it up a notch well mike why don't we take a moment to tell everyone at home our favorite things about our new sponsor club wpt.com absolutely it's a great site created by the people at wpt and what i like most about events is that anyone who plays on the site will never go broke playing poker because it's a membership site you only pay 19.95 a month and you still have the chance to win real cash and prizes and even a seat into a wpt tournament boy i wish they had this when i started playing poker well when you started playing poker you didn't play with numbers you had spots on the cards but nevertheless it is the best new thing in poker i have to admit well what about you vince what's your favorite part of being a member you know i love the poker too but i also get a kick out of watching the wpt bonus footage and i love chatting and tweeting believe it or not with our other wpt friends like tony dunst kimberly lansing and the rfgs the rfgs oil girls you mean melanie michelle melissa sunisha jennifer and katrina wow first name basis very impressive well vince maybe you need to spend a little more time on club wpt.com i'm on it but apparently i do and so can you just go to clubwpth.com where you'll never lose a dime playing poker guaranteed all right let's get back to the action tom lee now looking down at the pair of jacks and the button great starting hand especially in a three-handed poker game he's putting out the raising chips like he should makes it 250 000 to go now and he's gonna fold only one to beat his kyle but look at this mike he's got pair of kings unbelievable well this could spell big trouble for tommy lee right here kyle comes over the top he's going to raise it makes it 650 000 to go advanced most players will just shove right here with the two jacks says if you can beat this hand good luck to you 400 times away yep tommy just calls with two jacks does not re-raise here now it's come queen 10-5 so there is an over card to the jacks out there but kyle out in front with the two kings and checks them set in the trap well once he's checked i don't blame tommy lee for betting here he's gonna bet all right a million dollars look at this little acting job the deep breath sitting back in the chair now he's going to look back down to his cards here yeah usually a guy's size and moves around his seat like that with his shoulders back you know he's got something pretty good i'm all in and he's going to push all in now you wouldn't think a guy would go through all that gyrating and acting there if he was bluffing his canadian buddies on their feet now now let's see what tommy lee's gonna do with the jacks where you got tom got ace queen if he had ace queen he would already been in the pot i can guarantee you that he's pretty surprised kyle would even ask that question yeah looks very confident kyle does to me i'm with you vince looks like he's got a strong hand the way he's been acting indeed he does you'd like a call with you just out of curiosity i'm just that's all that's the only reason i want yeah you don't care about money well tommy lee's gonna lay it down and i believe kyle did a little too much shadow there i agree if you let his player off the hook there a little bit but kyle wilson will take that pot oh look at that the wonder cam shows a jack on the turn of six on the river kidding me incredible had tommy played that hand fast before the flopper on the flop he would have busted kyle wilson out of this tournament more to come from the city of angels [Music] we've had several real-life legends that have won the legends of poker championship it immediately comes to mind doyle brunson who's been beloved in the sport of poker forever [Applause] dan harrington is one of the most respected tournament players and then prolad friedman prolon friedman from malibu california is our champion top rows in the world just ask them what's one of the greatest places to play they'll all tell you the bicycle casino welcome back to three-handed action at the bicycle casino where kyle wilson has just taken the chip lead away from tom lee a wpt title is still up for grabs so let's get back to the game all right three-way action tommy lee folding his hand andy frankenberger with an ace down to clubs he's on the short stack i'm all in and he's saying all in [Applause] and now kyle wilson has an a7 of spades i call wow he's made the call and he's dominated at this point he's got big kicker problems this could be good for andy frankenberger the board pairs and some big guards come up it'll be a split pot keep it clean keep it clean but as it is andy out in front here with the ace nine versus the a7 andy looking for clubs kyle looking for spades oh it's come 9-7 deuce andy knows he's in great shape now oh boy the rail bird's getting angry kyle's got to hit two runners to make a flush or catch a seven well let jack comes off so we're down to the river and one more time kyle's got to hit a slot machine to win it make three sevens doesn't happen as the queen of hearts comes off andy frankenberger wins that pot doubles up and rubs his hands together he knows he's back in the hunt now to take down this title right now mike the andes are going up to ten thousand blinds fifty and a hundred thousand action back on tommy lee senior at the table gotten this tournament into a satellite put up a small amount to win a lot and he's gonna fold his hands and it's gonna get out of the way here and let these two guys continue to go at it until one of them gets broke this time frankenberger with a 910 gonna race it to 200 000 and the only one to beat is kyle he looks down at undistinguished 8-6 off suit wow he's going to re-raise though with it right with a junk hand goes to 575 and it's gonna work just plain six eight off suit whoa what a re-raise by the canadian air to take down that pot circuit you can see the rail bergs there they get a little out of line those are your friends they're they're wasted yeah don't miss i'm not just you're about to win i would be embarrassed but and he's not appreciating kyle's friends here my friends did that i'd be like dude you have to leave frankly i would embarrass me it's like third grade you know yeah i would actually ask my friends to leave if they started doing stuff like that but they can't they drove all the way up here from canada i just think they're making look making you look bad i mean i don't know it doesn't phase me it just seems like it does though a little bit it has to looks like they're getting under her skin so if i was kyle i'd never make them leave now more world-class poker action with mike sexton and vince van patten as wpt coverage of the legends of poker continues right after this don't just use your phone to call use it to raise download the world poker tour texas hold'em game to your mobile device today and get in on the action fish pump fist pump this pump i have a scale of happiness on how happy i am and so i judge that by fist pumping like the happier i get the fist pump meter slowly starts to rise sometimes when you win a really big one and you get the rush of euphoria that's the double fist pump fist pump meters off the chart i like this pump a lot [Applause] i'm melissa grace and you're watching the world poker tour some of the spectators here have been getting a bit out of control which begs the question do the players at the final table have the responsibility to keep their friends in line let's check in with our own tony donson to see what he thinks in this edition of the raw deal drunken friends in the audience entirely obnoxious or totally awesome i'm tony dunst known as bond 18 online let's talk about drinking this edition of the raw deal brought to you by rise so kyle's friends begin with a little everyday drunken profanity in the ace nine versus a seven hand here then they amp up the harassment and begin shouting things at andy after he folds to a re-raise from kyle preflock here am i the only one who finds it odd for a guy to taunt another guy with the phrase suck it my friends did that i'd be like dude you have to leave frankly i would embarrass me were i in kyle's position i wouldn't ask my friends to leave but i'd certainly go over and tell them they're acting like a bunch of jerks and that their behavior is uncalled for whether kyle realizes it or not the conduct of his friends reflects on him to the audience at home and the greater industry even if they've just had a couple too many and are trying to have a good time i think almost anyone that would voluntarily submit themselves to watching several hours of live poker should be entitled to a few drinks and i can't remember the last time a friend made a major final table and his surrounding social circle didn't see it as the perfect excuse to get hammered in support which seems pretty inevitable given today's heavily 20-something poker crowd however insults continual vulgarity and harassment are simply out of line those are your friends and nobody playing for that amount of money should be submitted to it when trying to concentrate on the task at hand look i'd love to tell you that i haven't shown up tanked and wearing a profane t-shirt that i wrote myself for a friend's final table but i'm just not the lion type still when the production crew insisted i put on my dress shirt to cover up the expletive i had the good sense to throw it back on and drown my disappointment in the beer in front of me i urge you to show the same consideration when you're in the audience of a wpt final table we can always count on tony to call it like it is the game continues so let's get back down to mike and vince we are at the legends of poker in los angeles as three players remain and these are the three players that came to this final table as the three chip leaders and they're the three guys left battling it out for this title win who's going to take home 750 000 here tonight all right back to the action and andy frankenberger with an ace king and he is going to bump it up makes it 275 000 but kyle behind him with ace nine quick to call so as the cars lie andy has him dominated ace king versus ace nine and what a flop for andy he swapped the joint the best hand possible the ace high straight as it comes queen jack 10. the cinch the nuts what do you do trap it dig the hole put the branches of the twigs over it wait for the big sucker kyle to fall in and he is he's done it he's bet 300 thousand here he does have an open end straight throw him but the best he can do is tie this hand that's a call it's a call kyle is exactly right that was what we call a string raise really okay he didn't have all the chips out there at once kyle quickly called him on it and said that's a call now to me that's a bit of a tell that you don't have anything yet now he's caught the king he's made these high straight two both players have the a size straight but andy has the ace high flush draw to go along with his straight he's on the free roll there's three diamonds out there and andy frankenberger is going to bet 7.75 well kyle has hit the best card he could hit right here he has called it at least at the moment to give him an a size straight they're tied right now andy on the jelly roll if a diamond comes off he'd make a flush and have the best hand another diamond five of diamonds does come off so sick so sick andy has made the ace high flush now the question is how much to bet to get paid off would you call it if i raised before would i have called it the burgers start to talk now ask questions that is a weird question to ask at this stage before you bet i'm all in oh god now he's going all in how does he say a huge over bet here in my mind oh this is going to put kyle into the rubber room can you count that please that's unbelievable what kind of he is confused he's angry about this well vance i don't blame him for being confused here what kind of act is that i don't know he says so sick and then it goes all in not too bad actually i think it was a very strange act i agree with kyle here there's no way you say all that and then you don't have a diamond in your hand yeah i said would you have called me if i had gone all into the turn and now he goes all in on the river now in my mind the only way you can make that play is if you have the ace of diamonds or you don't have a diamond if he had nothing it'd be the greatest bluff of the wpt but not to be kyle figures it out lays down the hand good fold well kyle laid down the ace high straight a good lay down by him it's so sick but very peculiar questioning in my mind by andy there before he bet kyle wilson getting punchy here at the bicycle casino we'll be right back the world poker tour is brought to you by club wpt.com play poker for your share of over a hundred thousand in cash and prizes for only 19.95 a month never lose a dime playing poker guaranteed welcome back to the bicycle casino and wpt's coverage of the legends of poker brought to you by club wpt.com where you'll never lose a dime playing poker guaranteed in season seven rising star ahmet makija almost became the youngest winner in wpt legends history he lost that battle then to john fan but to amit it was no big deal he knows that talent and time are on the side of the young what was yours to win mike sexton called you a warrior and i just lost it there's a few hands that i regret but before heads up i was really happy with how i played but heads up was whatever i kind of i mean lost my focus and i feel like i'd go in there a little better this time you're an educated man why why poker and not say finance i got a degree in finance at the university of minnesota and right when i graduated i won 100k in online tournaments that week and i was just like i don't think i'm going to find a job it's worked out pretty good do you prefer playing with younger players your age or some of the older pros in general i'd rather play with the older players because they have not necessarily all put in the time and i feel like the younger guys are always putting you in difficult spots it's easier to figure out what the older guys are up to how has it evolved though i mean how are people playing differently is it just like ultra aggressive i would describe it more as like a controlled aggression it seems like the best players today are the younger guys and they're three betting a lot in position they're making you play big pots out of position and they're real conscious about if they're in or out of position and i mean that's hard to play against the older guys a lot of times they're defending out of position and they're playing these huge massive pots when they have to act first and it just makes life kind of difficult how important is it to you to win a wpt title it's very important to me i've never gotten the major live title and this would be a really good feather in my hat you know it's everyone wants to win a wpt title and before i'm done playing tournament poker i plan on having one or few ahmed makija still looking for that elusive first title cashed in this season's legends of poker coming in 45th tonight we still have three competitors left and the game continues so let's get back to my convince mike you gotta say being one of the older guys we're not getting any respect well the young guns do feel like they're more aggressive that the older players are more passive and as amit said he thinks they're easier to read ah have they met doyle lately all right back to the action kyle wilson looks down at queen four spade in a small blind he's gonna raise it makes it 225 000 to go tom lee he's got king five of diamonds and he's gonna stick around he's got position he's got more chips he's gonna make the call flop comes queen jack ten kyle out in front now with the two queens and he's first to act and he's going to bet at 150 000. tommy lee has the open end straight draw on the back door flush draw he's going to make the call eventually took off his hat there you know it's a little different without the hat here comes the turn card it's a four of hearts that makes queens in fours for kyle nice card for kyle as he now has queens up well there's nearly 800 000 in the pot kyle's gonna bet 350 000. he's going to make tommy lee pay for it if he wants to draw i mean as the cards lie must catch the straight to win the pot come on wow it's going all in here on a stone bluff folks unbelievable kyle knows the four didn't help this guy so what he's got to wonder about did this guy really flop a straight on me wow he didn't re-raise before the flop hard to put him on ace-king could he have a 9-8 or a king nine in this spot holes are flopping along in the turn was it four comes unreal kyle wilson perplexed if he should make this call and his hand stand up he'd be a massive chip leader i have no clue what you have tom but he's in a quandary right now can you beat two pair remember his opponent called him on the flop and now has moved all in on the turn after a four it can be no help at all to the guest are you tired why are you doing that tommy lee great poker face trying to cover his whole persona there doing a good job of it not letting a smart player like kyle read them king nine tommy lee has more chips than kyle so town knows if he makes this call and loses this pot he's gonna be out of here in third place what a tough decision to make with queens up in this spot kyle is going to lay it down somebody left one time one time please show me one time please oh please do tommy put a little salt in that blood he's not gonna do it though believe me kyle you don't want to see it my friend oh wow and the wonder tan comes up card was irrelevant tommy wouldn't have gotten there that might have been the whole tournament it might have been on the call that is the bluff of the tournament well done for tommy lee i had no clue still have life here you made the good lady don't forever them that then they don't they're gonna start playing harder don't want to be telling them to shut up well greg mueller up this time he made a good lay down there but in truth they're probably not really believing it now the andes are going up to 20 000 blinds at 60 and 120 all right action right back on kyle he has got to be punchy at this point just getting manhandled here tonight he's going to fold a nothing hand and now tom lee with just a queen five happy to just call that mr frankenberger with a jack five content to see a flop and he's got clubs and two clubs come on the flop but tommy has flopped top and bottom pair he's got queens up what a flop for tommy lee queen's in five then he's gonna bet at 300 000. that's that's not going to shock me if we see a big pot brew right here on the flop there is because andy's got one of those hands that it doesn't matter what his opponent has yep he is not drawn dead even if his opponent had three queens he'd have a flush draw he's making it one million seven hundred thousand to go with the four flush and a pair well i think tommy lee's just gonna have to go with this hand ben owen and he does so he has gone all in now you can't blame him he's got two pair of panes up i'd move all in there too and i'd call if i was andy yeah it's just one of those hands that sort of plays itself i call it yup he's going to call it well tommy probably not going to like what he sees here he knows the flesh could beat him [Applause] tommy's family on the rail sweating their father out andy looking for another flush he's made a couple flushes on the river to win big pots at this final table oh club four clubs right on the turn i mean they just can't believe it come on come on come on it is not over yet though tommy looking for a queen or a five that's what he needs to win this pot otherwise he's gonna be crippled well a seven comes off andy frankenberger makes another flush to win another pop unreal well andy frankenberger is now the big chip leader with three players left can this highly educated guy from duke playing in his first ever wpt event here in the states take down this title we shall see let's get back to the table misfortune for tommy lee he is just licking his wounds right now as he picks up ace eight here and he's gonna shove all in well you can't blame him for that i call frankenberger behind him with a seven of clubs has called and kyle wilson with a queen eight also gonna call well this gives them two chances to knock tommy out of this tournament where they can play heads up for this title it's pretty much an unwritten rule you're not going to bet here unless you got the nuts on this here's the flop king nine four helps no one at the table frankenberger going to check the side part potential kyle does as well queen on the turn kyle takes the lead with queens well it's going check check again down here comes the river card the jack of clubs comes off this gives andy the ace high flush another flush he makes on the river this one is going to knock tommy out of this tournament there's nothing on the side of course yet but well he's going to bet something here got a cinch he got a bet he might not bet much but i can assure you he's going to bet kyle looking impatient clock oh boy he's calling the clock i want to keep playing can't take it anymore 400. well i think that's the frustration of laying down those now the guy's betting four hundred thousand and kyle ejects his hand and tommy sees his fate it's not good nice hand he is gone well that's gonna do it for tommy lee just very unlucky those last couple parts tommy lee a gentleman very entertaining player he's going to go home with close to 175 000. don't worry about everyone just like that we are down to two players on the wpt as is the custom on the world poker tour when we get down to heads up play we have our money presentation so show us the money and out come the beautiful royal flush girls brought to you by prestigious models melissa katrina and jennifer this is why everyone plays cards the winner tonight is going to take home 750 000 dollars and a coveted wpt title which one of these two guys will it be heads up action for the title stay with us we're coming back with more on the world poker tour brought to you by club wpt.com welcome back to the world poker tour brought to you by club wpt.com where heads up action is about to start between kyle wilson and andy frankenberger during the break we caught up with both players and here's what they had to say it's like a dream come true right now i've been to when you watch this on tv and to come out here and have a chance to play heads up for this trophy and and this this title is is amazing these guys are a lot more experienced than me and um it showed a couple times but as far as you know i'm feeling good i'm confident in my strategy and these guys are playing great i'm really uh really excited to be here and as we start heads up action andy frankenberger is out in front with nearly 9 million in chips kyle wilson a pro out of canada is sitting on 2.6 million frankenberger in his first ever wpt event in the united states what a showing we're going to get nearly a three and a half to one chip lead over kyle right now is the what are you out of there 120 and he's a 20 000 blind 60 and 120 make it 240. kyle with a queen 10 is going to raise it up to 240 behind him andy frankenberger with a king 9 off suit call and he's going to make the call so here we go round one of this championship battle and the flop comes king 10-5 andy has flopped two kings kyle has flopped two tens and then so many times tonight we've seen this guy lead right out into the pre-flop razor he's doing it again here with two kings he takes the play away that's 300 000. well it confused kyle before liable to confuse him here again and indeed kyle making the call with the two tens how can you blame him you just automatically think the guy would check if he had kings to check for asia eight of clubs on the turn 800. pandy just keeps firing away 800 000. andy what do you got just bats into me twice please be fuddled this kyle wilson seasoned professional plays online all the time a lot of respect for this player and makes a good lay down right there good luck yeah okay kyle just consistently asks questions to other players to the king nobody ever answered no one no one no respect there what did you have were you bluffing i'll give you a hundred dollars if you show me i mean it's not working no just tell me up and play all right next hand we go this time andy with a big ace nine of clubs that's a pretty good hand plan heads up poker for sure kyle's staring him down just beaming right through him one of these men to become a legend of poker here at the bicycle casino well andy's bet 275 000 and kyle's picked up a3 of diamonds also a pretty good hand playing heads up poker unfortunately for kyle he is out kicked here as we say come on wow he is going to ship it he says all in that's a pretty big raise there nearly 2.4 million is the raise frankenburg is pretty strong with an ace nine of clubs he's got a lot of chips he can afford to gamble and he's gonna make the call well that's the reason he can call vance because he can afford to make this call and still have a big chip leading in if he loses a spot if he wins it he'll be our champion he's now excited he sees he's got his opponent dominated kyle looking for diamonds or three to pop off of there otherwise he's going to be our runner-up finisher kyle's head down he knows he's going to get lucky to stay alive here he comes the flop wow what a flop andy has flopped the best hand with two nines but kyle has the flush draw and the back door straight draws unbelievable jack hart's on the turn not gonna help kyle there we're down to the river kyle needs to catch a diamond and make a flush to win the pot otherwise frankenberger is gonna win this event and become a legend of poker well here comes the river card it's the six of spade andy frankenberger made a lot of flushes at this final table but to take the title he had to dodge a flush he's our champion andy frankenberger taking down the ledges of poker picking up 750 000 here tonight what an effort we have our champion of the legends of poker andy frankenberger from new york city congratulations to all of tonight's players from los angeles this is kimberly lansing saying good night good to see you here i think this is a nice greeting we're just playing vocal now okay no more complaining no more nothing show me bluff mike it looks like the royal flush girls are having a fantastic time here in los angeles bottom line is look at my chip stack how am i not playing well well there he looks like a bobble head doll going sideways so lucky my baby did that i'd be like dude you have to leave frankly i would embarrass me [Applause] andy frankenberger taking down the legends of poker he's our champion and until next time may all your cards be live and your pots be monster [Music] the world poker tour is brought to you by club wpt.com never lose a dime playing poker guaranteed in atlantic city a thousand players have become six and tonight six will become one as the bragata poker open crowns not just a champion but the ultimate survivor and it's only on the wpt [Music] well the crown all standing he is the extreme [Music] the largest tournament in the history of the wpt has turned out to be the ultimate test of survival over the previous five days this record-setting field of 1042 players was whittled down to only six one of those who made a deep run here at borgata but came up just a bit short is here with me right now our very own mike sexton mike congratulations on your 20th place finish first the hall of fame now this soon you're going to be demanding a bigger dressing room well thanks kimberly you know i don't get a chance to play a lot of poker tournaments anymore so whenever i get to play a big event like the borgata poker open i thoroughly enjoy myself it's a lot of fun for me you know it's always disappointing when you get knocked out of tournaments of course but the truth is only about ten percent of the people make the money in a poker tournament anytime you make the money that's good you know i'm an old school guy i still love to compete against the young guns and see how well i can do so this has been a real fun week for me even though i didn't quite make it to the final table you know i've really enjoyed myself and bittersweet of course but still quite an achievement congratulations again and don't go anywhere but mike sexton's tale from this event is just one from the multitudes that came to borgata this week seeking poker glory let's take a look back at the bloodbath that ensues when a thousand players go after one championship welcome to the bergana poker open on behalf of the royal flush girls and everyone at the world pooper tour shovel up and deal history was in the air early on day one as the number of entrants set a wpt record with 1042 registered players and in a sea of a thousand players one man olivier bousquet stood alone hoping to become the first wpt champion ever to win the same title two years running but to do so he would have to get through a field that was staffed with notable players 2010 legends of poker champion andy frankenberger couldn't make it two titles in a row he ended up on the losing end of a flushover flush situation against poker pro daniel mikowski and frankenberger hit the rail soon after the day ended with 641 players canadian vincenzo abate was in the chip lead young gun jeff papola in fourth mike sexton made it through with a healthy stack of over 70 000. olivier bousquet's chances to repeat looked bleak as he limped into day two with 29 thousand in chips far behind his fellow 2009 borgata poker open final tablists keith crowder jeremy brown and yannick brodeur with 641 players going after one title tempers were bound to flare no no no no you might influence him dude don't mind you went in the park but you're jacking your jaws see what's in that game while some tried to keep their true feelings to themselves others weren't afraid to tell people how they really felt give it me all back you're right i knew i was going to get it because how you doing cuz how you're doing cars right you're getting this on camera right here dirk boy down there look at the crowd look at the crowd around i said i'm sorry i already told you i'm a gentleman now you want to continue as the dust settled the battle for survival began in earnest as almost 500 players hit the rail leaving just 165 in contention to be a wpt champion one of those players was the defending champ who not only survived the day but thrived finishing with a huge stack of over 355 thousand good for 22nd place it was three-time wpt finalist john diagocino who captured the chip lead giuseppe pantaleo a close second jeff papola and after turned poker pro ben clear rounded out the top ten at the start of day three we were still 65 players away from the money bubble but no time was wasted and by the third level we were just one away from the money short stack travell thomas was holding on for dear life with just 20 000 in chips less than he started with on day one but it wasn't a short stack who burst the bubble greg merritt was all in for over 250 000 he was quickly called by chip leader giuseppe pantalia who had flopped a set of deuces no help on the turn or river meant that merritt was our bubble boy i'm happy that i cashed you know someone was saying hey if you got all this money i said ain't about the money i said i just wanted cash i popped my cherry travel thomas was knocked out shortly after in 97th place for his first wpt event cash next year other first-time casters included our own mike sexton also cashing were jeremy brown and keith crowder the returning champion olivier bousquet continued his repeat run with a huge day three so last year around this time i actually didn't have as many chips relatively speaking as i do now now i think i'm one of the chip leaders so i'm in a little bit of a stronger position he finished the day in fifth chip position our new chip leader was semi-pro brandon novina who at one point earlier in the tournament was down to just 1325 in chips i am very proud of these and these will multiply remember that [Music] the final 27 began with two big stories could olivier busquet go back to back and who would sit next to vince van patten if mike sexton made the final six one storyline took a huge hit early in the day making a tough lay down with top pair it's not a hollywood real decision why are you so good brandon novina put the final nail in olivier's coffin when his flop set crushed his opponent's hand and hopes for a bolgata poker open repeat champion defending my title was something that i was really really hoping i could uh at least get closer to achieving and you know that's the way poker goes sometimes but it doesn't take away from how difficult it can be to deal with shortly after the other big story ended his day and the tv mystery vince i'm coming back chip leader brandon novina knocked out john diagostino in 14th place ending dag's shot at a second bergata poker open final table borgata cash game regular ophir moore knocked out jeff papola in seventh place giving him the chip lead and cementing the final six with jeff eliminated dwight pilgrim along with the other five players he has a chance too baby shock the world indeed with all the big names in this field the final six are relative unknowns but mike you played with these guys over the last five days walk me through this final table well i did play with all these guys on their journey to the final table but once again the young guys are doing it on the world poker tour the top four chip leaders tonight are all guys in their 20s now i'm a believer that experience bodes well under the bright lights of these televised final tables and the guy at the final table that has by far the most experience and success in big time poker events is dwight pilgrim and for that reason i look for him to be the guy to beat tonight well of course they all have chips so it's anyone's game to win let's just see if dwight can as he puts it shock the world mike is going to make his way back to the booth as we get ready for the final table of the biggest tournament in wpt history don't go away in the two-seat rising young start ben clear i'm playing for the title obviously the money is is great but the title is also just as important new york city as a rock daniel winning this title i mean first of all reputation and recognition of me as a good player in the five seats becoming a legend white pilgrim they're playing to build a resume that holds up with the big boys with the top of the food chain trying to put something together that nobody can really look down and say you know what that kid is bringing something to the table hi everyone welcome back to atlantic city and the final table of the largest event in the history of the wpt the bargata poker open and mike very impressive 1042 players put up the money to take a shot at this title including you my friend i was so impressed you finished 20th congratulations remind me but mike there could only be one champion here tonight who will we through the largest field ever on the world poker tour and take down this title lots of fun and pain coming up let's watch the bluffing begin well odds are youth will prevail once again on the world pull for tour as our top four chip leaders are all in their 20s led by ophir moore with 7.2 million so one of these players is going to win close to three quarters of a million dollars here tonight the annie's at 25 000 blind 75 and 150 000 let's go to the felt first to act as daniel makovsky out of new york he's got a lousy 4-3 and he folds now it's into kia mahajairi 57 years old former electrical engineer he's going to fold as well and ben clear looks down at ace king a big hand here ben's a former actor former bartender he's raised a 325. oh fear out brandon novina not going to play no it's around the dwight pilgrim he's the guy the eyes are focused on here he's like the muhammad ali a poker vince very braggadacious kind of guy but he's also got game i played a lot with him during this tournament and i can tell you he can play well he's only got a seven nine but he is going to call and here's the flop look at this dwight's got a piece of it pair of sevens and he's gonna check queen seven deuce with two spades is the flop now clear with just ace king in with the continuation bet 400 000. dwight's got second pair but he's going to make the call and a good one it is is he's out in front with the two sevens fourth street is a five of clubs helps neither player back on dwight he checks let's see if ben will fire again nope he's going to check this time that's going to tell dwight he's got the best hand right now now a deuce comes off dwight getting chips out of the looks like 275. now 275 thousand now the pot's got a million six in it so this is a very small value bet and it's gonna work for him i'm surprised at this call by ben here oh wow he is a little stunned there little value bed by dwight on the river there got his opponent to pay him off i'm even defending with the 7-9 now son he is a chatty player so imagine what i'm doing with the 10 jack very confident his abilities and he lets you know it i want to be the best i want to be one of the best i want to go out there put up my best foot forward i got to take that spot right i want to be able to say that i put it all on the field i let it all hang out and i'm willing to take whatever comes with it well i played a fair amount with dwight during this tournament and i can tell you he's fun to have at the table but we'll do a lot of chatting plenty more action from borgata plus my five questions with this year's legends of poker champion andy frankenberger find out which poker pro called him a clown and his response it was like nothing i'd ever experienced before we'll be right back with more world poker tour brought to you by club wpt.com this is the world poker tour brought to you by club wpt.com where you'll never lose a dime playing poker guaranteed we are back in atlantic city six players remain well vince let's take a moment and talk about our new sponsor club wpt.com oh mike well i'll tell you know how i feel about the club it's absolutely the best deal in poker i mean where else can you play real poker for real cash and prizes and not spend a dime that's right all the buy-ins are free you just pay 19.95 a month for the membership and with that you get all sorts of great stuff like behind-the-scenes access from wpt events and bonus footage not seen on the show yeah mike don't forget about the beautiful royal flush girls they have video diaries they have chats they have photos and much more in the private club wpt members only section man says your wife really let you go to that section don't call it well i go there not only to talk and chat and tweet with the royal flush girls but the other club members as well i certainly do too it is a lot of fun you know what else is a lot of fun what's that mike that's the action at the final table tonight yes it is that is my cue to go back to the table but don't forget about checking out club wpt.com dwight pilgrim the kanye west to poker his first act he'll play almost anything and he is our chip leader right now but gonna lay this hand down daniel also out the former electrical engineer kia not gonna play so it's around to bend clear well he's on the button he looks down at the 8-4 spade he's a very aggressive player in position so he's going to raise it 325 000. oh fear more now a local high-stakes cash game player not going to play but brandon novina now with an ace nine well he's gonna make the call so we're to see a flop this ben doesn't look at the flop he stares at his opponent flop comes jack for deuce brandon checks the ace high benz hits second pair here so he's going to bet 400 000 brandon nothing hitting there on that flop but he's gonna call here comes the turn it is a queen of diamonds helping neither player wow very gutsy here looks like 600 000. well if you're sitting in ben's seat you're wondering yourself why is this guy doing that if he had a strong hand wouldn't he check raise me here something smells about this play it's still disturbing because you only have forced 1.8 but he doesn't care he's coming back over the top and makes it 1.8 million well i'll tell you in my mind he put two plus two together here and this is a very good play by ben clear oh the bartender's serving up the cocktail right there into brandon well that play can only be topped if brandon comes back over the top of him for all his chips he'll win this part almost impossible to do he really is you just sickened you made a smart move you're tight at the table you have a good perception of solidness of tightness you think that's gonna work oh boy it has been foiled by ben brilliantly done brandon has to go away vanclear earned that pot played it superbly he is moving his chips around fast tonight and brandon has to pay for it my mom is here like all moms you know they're don't be playing that poker you know what i mean she was scared you know but i told her i said mom one day there's gonna be a day i'm gonna make over a hundred thousand in one day you watch i'm here with wpt final tablist sean cunix who is friends with brandon novina if it weren't for you brandon wouldn't be here yes that's true i generally don't stank people in tournaments but he had so much heart and i could tell he was very hungry for it eye of the tiger if you will and he said look if i go i'm going to win as a matter of fact he got down to 1 325 chips and he still said oh don't worry i'll be there at the end i'm going to win this thing i told you i was and here we are all right well good luck to your friend brandon thank you guys back to the action on to the next part right here everyone's folded around and now it's between kia and ben the two blinds here they both have junk hands eight six of clubs five three of clubs yeah flop comes eight jack eight with two clubs both players with a flush draw and both players checking to the turn we go oh queen of clubs comes off this could spell big trouble for being clear here and now ben i think he's in good shape but of course we know he's in a potential disaster spot ben is gonna better 250 000 600 well 600 000 more i need 50 to go you know ben's thinking to himself what have i got myself into i'm all in wow yeah all in and called it's flush over flush and look at that ben knows it's flush over flush before kia turns up his cards and it's bad news for him good man good hand yeah i'm i'm drawing that man it's what we call a cooler in poker trade vents when you get a flush you just got to get your money in there the former electrical engineer shocking ben he puts a screwdriver into the ear i'm katrina one of the royal flesh girls stay tuned for more world poker tour [Music] the world poker tour is brought to you by club wpt.com play poker for your share of over a hundred thousand in cash and prizes for only 19.95 a month never lose a dime playing poker guaranteed for someone that hasn't been to the bragata it's really a fun place to be there's night clubs a lot of great restaurants and it's just a fun place to be in addition to our 2000 room hotel to brigado we also offer the water club an 800 room hotel the water club features five indoor and outdoor pools and a two-story spa called immersion i call it my second home to all my other friends because i'm here all the time it's it's a great place feels like home welcome back to the world poker tour we are back at regatta with the royal flush girls brought to you by prestigious models they're at every wpt event along with kimberly lansing mike sexton and myself six players remain and as you can see dwight pilgrim is our chip leader 7.5 kia behind him close behind him with about 7.3 action's going to dwight after a couple folds and he's got a pair of sixes he's just called it but daniel behind him has a pair of kings i want to well he's going all in here he's on the short stack kia out ben not going to play dwight has called it with the sixes well dwight's made the call not going to like it is his pair over pair here i'm surprised that dwight made this call he's the tightest player at the table that's daniel malkovsky let me leave let me leave and let's see a flop now flop is ace ten nine so dwight's gonna need to catch a six or two running cars to make a straight they'd love to knock out this daniel mikowski well an eight comes up so that does give dwight a straight draw [Applause] he can now win the pot with a six or a seven that would give him a straight daniel's squirming there a little bit will he get unlucky or will he double up well deuce of diamonds comes off so daniel's going to double up and let's have a side release well you've got a showdown that's what you want you want to see what i'm doing right folks i can tell you right now you're gonna have to get a crowbar to get the chips from that guy patient guys patience it's gonna be like pulling hands teeth tight is right but you have to know how to use the tight image if you're here for the money and you're here for the results you have to be patient be tired and choose your spots i can remember moving to daniel's table he had a lot of chips we played all day long into the night i don't remember the guy playing a pot and i always kept wondering where'd this guy get all these chips 600. tight tight tight but this time he picks up an attractive pair of nines makes it 600 000 to go kia out ben with an ace nine boy he's been active but he respects the tightness of daniel and he folds that's folded around the dwight pilgrim and here he picks up two jacks 1.8 well this could be payback time it's going to raise it to 1.8 million so these guys are back out of daniel now with a little bit of a problem i don't think i could fall that i know that already don't worry that's not that's not going to affect my decision just wanted to make sure he was clear on something we clear more things than you think in a few weeks you realize that it's going to take me years three or four years [Music] so that means it's going to take you decades to realize it is what we don't agree you got beautiful eyes lousy glasses oh but now i see your eyes though oh get a room he's got a big decision here well man you want to flip yeah he says do you want to flip minnie good fall sir he thinks dwight's got a two over cards like an ace king or an ace queen here you sure yeah on tv no no you know my show now when it's gonna be on tv i need the information now not on the tv that's gonna spoil the surprise i'm not playing for surprises certainly taking a long amount of time decide what to do here i'm just thinking yesterday you saw me raising goddamn with the gun you saw me doing it today too see that's your problem you're still thinking about yesterday no no i'm thinking about today too i did it today too you need to start thinking about today i'm thinking about today all the time in your future getting very deep on us so now you're using that against me did i ever tell you i like your eyes you did what you said one more time i'll be confused but this is this is i've never seen such sweet talking between two players ever i'm not sure i'm folding man i don't think i can fold that really i just don't like it i don't like it at all can i get a clock for this foolishness this guy's doing wow think i was gonna give you all day son i really don't respect what you just did after after you're the one talking i'm not gonna miss things listen i gotta defend my hands son what you gonna do about yours lover's quarrel you make me lay down with a better hand they're breaking up good fall sir probably by four percent but it's a better handle oh i don't even know how to calculate four percent well daniel does lay it down something i could have done about five minutes ago tough decision and daniel escapes there brilliantly done even if it was a race situation vance he's just not the kind of player that likes to gamble on a race as it was it was peril repair and he was in dire straits all right to the next hand we go a couple folds and it's around to the small blind kia who has an ace queen and he's gonna make it 500 000 to go come on no call wow ben behind him with jax has gone all in and the quick call by kia nice time they both get up these two have clashed before one more race please i've won a bunch of them this tournament i have pretty close to the same amount of chips but kia has him covered so ben clears tournament life on the line here the two jacks don't stand up he'll be out in sixth place give me five jacks but if they do he'll become the chip leader how do you like that well how about dwight he's up in the stands now rooting him on this is fun let's take a look at the first three inside straight draw there for kia that's about it running jacks well if kia catches a jack that would give him a straight in the best hand at least you got his house needs an ace or a queen to take the lead here comes the turn and the six comes off so we're down to the river kia must catch an eighth a queen or a jack nothing else will do for him one more ben alex's odds are chuckling up can he escape one more card and double up here comes the river [Applause] oh it's the retired electrical engineer short circuit's been clear he is out of here oh boy he's a gentleman but absolutely stunned as he's going to take home 148 000 this is a fantastic player i thought he played very well the former bartender probably heading to the bar right now after his opponent spiked an ace on the river to knock him out it's definitely a lot of fun it'd be a lot more fun if i'd won but it's still a great experience so 27 year old ben clear taken that hit on the river and now out in sixth place we still have five players left more with mike sexton and vince van patten as wpt coverage of the final table of the borgata poker open continues after this brief break well it's definitely difficult to get through a field like this it's not easy to get to the finals it took a long time a lot of people to go through i look at it as a big ufc contest and it's about 1200 fighters coming in the ring taking you down everybody's coming with three different styles i'm coming with about seven if they beat me in karate we're gonna go down to the floor we're gonna grapple we're gonna do whatever we gotta do to survive i'm here to just play my best and show my different styles i like that analogy by dwight pilgrim there he says he's got more games than the rest of them that's why he's confident that he's going to win he can change styles and adapt five players remain the blinds are going up to 125 250. well kia is our chip leader and he has folded his hand and now it's on to ophir moore come on he has gone all in a couple folds around i call but daniel makowski with ace king has made the call well he's got to love it right here vance he is dominating his opponent ace king versus ace queen bring it home danny bring it home danny oh fear just hadn't had any cards yet at this final table finally picks up a hand and is dominated daniel has a little more money so he could break oh fear more right now ophir from woodmere new york a cash game player 25 years old in a lot of trouble right now i'm gonna have to get very lucky to stay alive in this tournament that's for sure oh when he does on the flop it's come eighth queen six oh fear is taking the lead with the top two pair daniel just drops his head down on the table he is sick he knows you're gonna have to catch a king or two runners to make a straight otherwise he's essentially gonna be down to nothing well he better get real lucky otherwise he'll be on the morphine drip what a flop for ophir here comes the turn card no help but daniel with the seven of spades well we are down to the river daniel must catch a king or oh fear is gonna double up here what will it be no with a deuce of hearts oh fear doubling up and daniel mikulski a very tight solid player oh man he is hanging on by dental floss well vance he doesn't even have half of this small blind left so he's going to be all in on the next part let's do a miracle guys cheap in a chair i heard stories about this chip in the chair thing boy back in the straitjacket let's see if it happens he might trade that sweater in for a real straight jacket after that beat all right back to the next hand actional fear quickly folds brandon novina not playing but dwight pilgrim now with an ace queen just calling i guess there's no protection here well he's just calling because he doesn't mind the big blind being in the pot in this situation he would be just as happy if kia won this pot almost as happy as if he won the pot because you knock out a player and you move up in prize money well the flop is jack eight eight actually daniel's out in front with his fives take it check check both other players check for the side pod so bad yeah you just want to check it down this spot hope that one of you can get lucky and outdraw this guy oh man hard luck for daniel but can he get lucky here oh now jack comes off check check that is a bad card for daniel he now must catch a five on the river to win this pot seven of hearts check well dwight pilgrim is going to win this pot with jackson eights and an ace kicker and that's going to do it for the former biologist as he blows up his test tube and goes out of here in fifth place he's going to take home 183 000 a lot of respect for this young guy really took a tough beat when he played for all the dough essentially when he had ace king up against ace queen sometimes it's just not meant to be even the fidel castro look alike walks away into the darkness of regatta daniel makowsky out in fifth place sometimes it's just not your day we started with over 1 000 players but now only four remain wpt's coverage of the borgata poker open brought to you by club wpt.com continues right after this don't just use your phone to call use it to raise download the world poker tour texas holding game on your mobile device today and get in on the action it is very difficult playing against young online players it is hard because they don't have experience they find themselves in this tournament playground like a like a dark room when they come into it with a handgun in their hand and they start shooting and trying to hit the bullseye without knowing that first they need to turn on the switch there you go that's senior pride for you well i've never heard an analogy like that about online players they just come in a dark room and start shooting open they hit the target kia's the chip leader why not and he is first to act and let's get to five six of spades okay he's gonna make the call oh fear out brandon now with a queen out of diamonds i'm gonna call and dwight with a just a five three not gonna raise now flop comes queen five four brandon he's out in front going to check his queens dwight's got two fives he also checks and now kia with fives as well 650. he's gonna bet 650 000 of a second pair brandon's mom sweating her boy chris he's going to raise it here as he's got the best hand dwight goes away and back on the chip leader kia who took a stab here and he's pulled to the hand well done brandon oh look at this brandon's mother just rejoicing there just before coming to borgata the wpt stopped at the bicycle casino where amateur player andy frankenberger garnered his share of abuse for his unorthodox play but now with a wpt bracelet on his wrist nobody is arguing with the success of a champion earlier this week i caught up with andy for this edition of five questions how would you describe the feeling of winning a wpt title it was like nothing i'd ever experienced before for me personally it validated a lot of the decisions i've made to date to play and to take some time to travel and play poker so it's very rewarding why did you deserve to win i think in any given tournament you know you can't really expect to win but on that particular tournament i really did play pretty disciplined throughout and they quoted phil hellmuth as saying that you know maybe the guy got lucky and he'll end up giving back the money maybe he didn't play against the top players or something i played against very very solid players throughout the tournament jonathan little he called you a clown on twitter why would he say that i can't speak for him but obviously another bad read on his part you know he said oh i caught runner runner flush well it's not really catching run a runner flush when you bet all in after the river i mean it's not like i got my money in bat i made a big bet when i had the hand so nothing against him i'm sure he's a great player i just think he had another bad read about calling me a clown why did you say that kyle wilson's friends should have been asked to leave well i didn't say that they should have been asked i said if i were kyle i would have asked them to leave offsuit those are your friends they're they're wasted you know they can call me whatever they want it doesn't bother me it's just i think it makes him look bad that his friends are saying obnoxious things i said if i were him i would want them to leave because it makes him look bad i want to talk about this bracelet right here you took it home at the bike and now you brought it to borgata yeah you know i'll probably stop wearing it when when it loses that thrill but i'm not so sure that'll happen in the near future picking on the new guy vince i don't know how you criticize anybody that's got a double major from duke scored a perfect 800 on his s.a.t math test he is far from a clown and a super nice guy my dad well it's back on brandon he's got a six four of diamonds look at that he feigned like he was gonna muck it probably should have but now he's getting chips ready this guy plays very unorthodox he's getting some confidence what's he gonna do here he's gonna raise makes it 625 000 to go 1.8 but right behind him dwight with just a king jack says 1.8 million well that's the only way he could do that is because he sensed what you just said yeah that he could feel that the guy wanted to muck his hand to start with so why not give him a chance to muck it raise it with the king eye don't you think dwight missed a thing he was studying his man now that could have been a fake but we know it's not uh oh i don't like this play at all damn you ready to jam the flypon stopping go time why you look back like it even matters like you're not jamming this flop here comes the flop flop is queen 7-3 brandon flops a gut shot straight drawing is gonna check familia and now dwight hitting nothing there just king high bets a million dollars brandon's just going to shove it here or muck it he got himself in an awkward position here by calling that 1.2 million dollar raise he's got to fold it so dwight pilgrim gonna take that pot you let me win that three million dollar pot with nothing you let me win this pop three million dollar pot with nothing just by me saying a million you folk yep which one you want to see sir um sure go ahead nothing okay look at this he's table talking brandon making him feel worse putting the salt in the wound i don't know too much but i'm giving up three million dollar pots for the next guy got nothing very strange hand let's see what tony dunst has to say on this week's raw deal brought to you by rise does trash talk really get into people's heads white pilgrim sure seems to think so and in this hand against brandon it's hard to argue against it i'm tony dunst known as bond 18 online let's break it down the hand begins with a loose open from brandon holding 6'4 of diamonds and just over 20 big blinds dwight decides to apply the pressure and makes it a nearly 3x re-raise to 1.8 million 1.8 totaling about 40 percent of brandon stack to begin the hand brandon makes a huge mistake by calling the re-raise with no clear plan for post-flop holding 6 high and when the flop comes down queen 7-3 rainbow he meekly check fold throughout the course of the hand dwight is not shy about table talk the question is whether the banter helps his overall strategy both on and away from the felt know what dwight says to brandon during the hand why you look back like it even matters like you're not jamming this flop he's saying this because he's aware there are many flops upon which calling a shove would be difficult or awkward given the texture and i think dwight would prefer the option to make the bet and create fold equity himself a professional knows to tune out heavy trash talk and use it as just another piece of information with which to look for patterns but it might have a more profitable effect against less experienced players however in dwight's case i think he's also using the talk to stand out on a wpt final table and establish himself as one of the game's true characters he knows there's real value in that off the felt i sat next to dwight throughout day three of this year's world series main event and i came away with a real positive impression he's an approachable fun naturally talkative guy with a real hard work ethic do i think his incessant banter was uncalled for and unnecessary yeah i do but i'd also be lying if i didn't say that from a strictly viewer's standpoint i found it pretty entertaining besides perhaps this is just dwight's way of alleviating the pressure of being at his first major wpt final table and the fear that while being on film is a liability to be killed off first well said tony dunst got to agree well you have to agree that the pre-flop call of 1.2 million more with just six high when you only had less than five million in chips just doesn't make sense at all six well the blinds are going up to 153 and look at this dwight pilgrim with a pair of queens has made it 600 000 to go but kia right behind him with an ace queen of clubs likes it and he's gonna make the call let the guys get out of the way so two-way action right out in front with the two queens here here we go with the first three cards well out in front no longer the dream flop for kia he's flopped the nut flush with the royal flush draw and dwight pilgrim must feel something is bad about this hand because he checks two queens on the flop here he does slow down and he is sickened by that flop and look at that he's pretending like he's gonna just make a quick call unbelievable he is gonna bet the flush dwight does beat him in the pot yeah he's made the call this is a potential disaster for dwight pilgrim he's drawing almost dead as we say you got to hit two runners to make a full house to win it that doesn't happen as the ace of diamonds comes off 2.3 wow dwight is going to make matters worse he's gonna try to steal this 2.3 million dollar bet i don't like the size of this bet in fact i don't like this bet at all the guy he's up against calling the pre-flop raise and bet on the flop can you help on this decision oh boy how about that help over the top to make it seven million well that'll silence the pilgrim zero chance dwight is gonna call one this guy's a solid player not fooling around kia has to get on a respirator to calm his nerves here he's so excited nice huh well then there you go finally the muck and dwight pilgrim gonna lose a big one kia taking down this pot here extends his chip lead dwight does mix up his game he does have many levels sometimes those levels don't pay off we'll be right back from atlantic city with more exciting poker brought to you by club wpt.com [Music] welcome back to the world poker tour brought to you by the royal flush girls actually i mean club wpt.com a little distracted there oh man benny i'll be at the pool tomorrow well we are down to four players here when he's gonna take home close to 750 000 here tonight and actually goes to brandon novina who picks up a pair of sixes i'm all in and he's gonna shovel with it makes it all in going all in with the mid pair dwight pilgrim oh cool behind him he's made the call yes a daring call in my mind for dwight here out oh fear out show me the king tense and he says show me king high but that's not gonna happen and brandon hasn't beat dwight a pot yet at this final table and if he doesn't win this one he'll be out in fourth place but right now he's in the lead with the two sixes yeah 24 years old out of ohio love to see his sixes hold up here comes the flop oh and look at this dwight has hit his pair of kings unbelievable tough luck for brandon so far he's now going to have to catch a six to win this pot come on six oh and he's begging for a six yeah there you saw his fiancee amanda one time not a happy camper right now brandon's first wpt appearance can he get lucky on the turn and double up well the deuce comes off so we're down to the river brandon must catch a six to stay alive in this tournament otherwise he'll be our fourth place finisher he's down to a chip and a chair on day one but he has no more chair here as he goes out in fourth place [Applause] white pilgrim has knocked out brandon novina who's gonna take home 223 000 a big effort and dwight pilgrim celebrating with his fans and just like that we are down to three players at the forgotten poker open former electrical engineer 57 year old kia mohajeri he's the chip leader of moore the cash game star and then of course the very colorful trash talking dwight pilgrim that knockout made me number one in the world with that hand we have run out of time join us next time for wpt's continuing coverage of the final table of the borgata poker open brought to you by club wpt.com until then for mike sexton and vince van patten i'm kimberly lansing saying thanks for watching and good night oh you can't play better poker than me oh this guy's gonna have a problem dwight who you rooting for if i can't beat him standing up i'm gonna take him to the floor you would like that huh keep joking around sir we are down to two players and out come the royal flush girls that was crazy the winner tonight is going to take home nearly 750 000. whoa whoa take it easy man you know there's number one in the world that's like tickling the foot of the poker god it doesn't like to be tickled bam mike [Music] the world poker tour is brought to you by club wpt.com never lose a dime playing poker guaranteed a record field of over a thousand players came to atlantic city to try and win this wpt championship but only the strongest have survived 733 thousand dollars to the winner as the conclusion of the borgata poker open starts now only on the wpt [Music] well the crowd all standing he is circling the drain [Music] [Music] come on okay bend with jax has gone all in and a quick call by kia who has an ace queen oh it's an ace on the river it's been clear he is out of here can i get a clock for this foolishness i really don't respect what you just did more has gone all in with his ace queen daniel makowski with ace king has made the call oh fear gonna have to get very lucky to stay alive in this tournament oh and he does on the flop oh fear doubling up and that's gonna do it sometimes it's just not meant to be even brandon novina who picks up a pair of sixes i'm all in oh cool oh dwight has hit his pair of kings dwight pilgrim has knocked out brandon oviedo that knockout made me number one in the world he's fun to have at the table but he will do a lot of chat the battle rage is on so let's get right back to the game with mike sexton and vince van patten thanks kimberly tonight's winner of the bergata poker open will be the champion of the largest field in wpt history 1042 players who will be the last man standing and the first man to buy drinks at the bar there's only one way to find out let's go watch the bluffing begin well we're down to three players and on the short stack right now it's a poker pro high stakes cash game player ophir moore in second place top pro dwight pilgrim he's got 12 million chips in our current ship leaders retired electrical engineer kia moa jerry's got nearly 16 million in chips as you can see the winner is going to take home close to three-quarters of a million dollars and he's at 25 000 blinds 150 and three five four four kia with a quick fold fee five four now oh more with a come on king eight he's gonna go all in with his short stack around the dwight pilgrim how much i want to know how much before i even look he's like the muhammad ali a poker vince very braggadacious kind of guy but he's also got game i played a lot with him during this tournament and i can tell you he can play that's decent bro this is an ace if it's suited if it's a king or if it's paired you're getting called it is suited how much is it see if he lives up to his word yes he does he's made the call well vince he might win the fight but i don't like this call for 2.8 million to call an ole invent with just jack i you know you have to outdraw your opponent to win the pot dwight pilgrim a very loosey-goosey player makes a lot of moves says he has seven different levels to his game he just showed us another level he does he's not afraid to take a chance as we see let's see if it works out for him oh jack 10-4 right on the fly unbelievable what a flop for dwight pilgrim he is well out in front like he knew he was coming mike well ophir gets up he knows you got to catch two running cars to win this pot two running hearts to make a flush two running cars to make us three for two cars that are king and eight dwight is going to the rail celebrating but it's not over sure not but i didn't even look at the turn in the river that's confidence for you folks is all i can tell you well fear needs two runners to win this pot but it is not over folks we've seen it happen before but dwight is acting like it's over well he sure is partying in the rail sometimes a dangerous thing mike he's high-fiving everybody let's see what happens on the turn here [Applause] and look at this cart on the tourney eight of hearts comes off of fear now has a lot of outs to win the pot he can win it with a king or an eight or any heart uh whoops not so fast the 10 hearts won't win it for him but any other hard wheel so ophir moore from woodmere new york 25 years old has a shot now to double up and outdraw dwight pilgrim white realizing now his opponent's got a lot out they hit it and hits one of them the king comes off oh fear has done it and folks if there's a lesson to be learned here don't celebrate until they pass the pot your way lessons being learned here tonight dwight with a big smile oh there he is he's laughing at himself because he knows he's celebrated prematurely sometimes the best hand holds up kid oh fear more now back in contention [Laughter] tickling the foot of the poker god he doesn't like to be tickled bam mike a lot for me to win this wpt event especially since it's at the bergata i play here every weekend cash games so it would be great it would be like winning on a home court i'm here with matt glantz he plays in a big cash game here at borgata and he's friends with ophir moore and when i say friend i go onto twitter and i find a tweet i don't have a piece but he plays every week in the mixed game so i feel like i got 20 it's just a joke he's a good friend and he plays in the game he's a winner in the game so it's just a little bit of humor for him give him give some incentive to do well in the tournament now i'm looking for some predictions what do we think uh right now i'd say dwight's probably the favorite at this point all right let's get back to the action go get him off here there you have it matt glantz a high stakes player here at borgata rooting for ophir but picking dwight to win it all i'll call kia mohajeri the chip leader's gonna call with a jack nine and ophir moore's gonna pick up an a6 well he's got a new lease on life now so he's got to be feeling good he's just going to call though doesn't raise with the ace i dwight pilgrim with just an 8-6 content to see a flop now flop comes king three deuce with two spades no one hitting anything oh fear checks dwight pilgrim checking and kia checks as well now a seven comes off take it and again it goes check check check now a queen comes off who's going to take a stab 575. yes it is dwight pilgrim he's going to bet 575 000. well kia goes out but ophir saying to himself you know this guy didn't bet anywhere along the way and all of a sudden he's going to bet now when the queen comes up so no fears mind he's probably got a pair of queens or he's got nothing whereas ace high might be good this would be a heck of a call if ophear can make it he is sensing it and he's doing it well what a nice call biofury he read him perfectly there he had two queens where he had nothing so ophir wins that pot by making a good call well ophir a very tough player last year he actually finished 27th in this same tournament now he's down to three players with a shot to win it stay tuned for more world poker tour [Music] you could say i'm the king of the minor leagues because i came in in 2009 i started off with a small tournament played a lot of small events but i took shots and i made a couple deep runs and now i'm taking my shot with the big dogs this is the world poker tour brought to you by club wpt.com where you'll never lose a dime playing poker guaranteed well there you heard dwight pilgrim talking about him being the king of the minor leagues but i can tell you he's in the major leagues now and this would be a signature win for him in his career certainly would be all right to the table we go who will become a wpt champion here tonight at bergato we will see actually going to oh fear more cash game star he goes out 750. and now dwight pilgrim with a pair of ducks makes it 750 000 ago but look at this right behind him kia with a pair of jacks this could spell big trouble for dwight here kia has more chips than dwight and has an over pair she's got the two jacks no raise he is going to raise it like he should see how much more he's going to bet one and a half more wow that's another minute and a half for dwight to make this call i'm all in but he's going back over the top all in well this could spell doom for dwight pilgrim right here but it has to be called first you think it's pretty automatic though eight million altogether like it or not you got a call with a pair of jacks you would like that huh oh fear would like to see him call him sitting out there looking pretty you cannot lay this hand down for guys got asus kings or queens good luck to him please call how about the moxie to come back over the top all in with just deuces he's thinking his opponent might have something like ace nine or ace ten or get away from the hand even if he's got a small pair he might throw it away but he's got two jacks he cannot throw this away vance well especially against the player like dwight who mixes it up we can play be playing with anything i mean this is in my opinion pretty automatic well it's 100 automatic the guy's got acer kings here you just beat yeah but even if you lose this pot you still got almost 6 million in chips to play with not like you're out of the tournament all right let's see if he does the right thing he will be pleased with himself if he does the former electrical engineer just troubled by this well vince he will be disconnecting the wires if he lays this hand down you win wow he's going to lay it down this is shocking can you be seven huh yeah choose one can you beat seven high i don't care go ahead oh i found a dude oh man i always showed him a deuce and right now kia is just sick look at the look on his face he knows no matter what that other card was he's a monster favorite to win the pot and i got to tell you man i can't believe we laid it down you can't put 10 million with a deuce in your hand you ain't playing poker what are you doing kia that is tighter than the back seat of akia nice hand incredible a surprising lay down there by kia moa jerry let's take a moment and check in with our expert analyst tony dunst back in wpt video control to find out what just happened in this week's edition of the raw deal brought to you by rise you've just been dealt a premium hand in a short-handed game facing an aggressive player so what's the last thing you should do turn it into a bluff but that's exactly what kia mohajeri did and this is what happens when you don't have a plan for your hand kia seems to think that the young players of today don't know what they're doing that they're all shooting guns at a target in a room with no lights i'm tony dunce spot 18 online and let me tell you something don't give that man a gun no matter how well lit the room is because he has no idea what he's doing in this hand with about 32 big blinds as effective stacks dwight raises out of the small blind to 750k 750. kia makes what should be an entirely standard re-raise to 2.25 million and here's where things go wrong light decides to move in over the top and after long consideration kia falls the best hand you win this demonstrates a very common mistake by less experienced players a failure to create a plan for the hand and anticipate each potential variable before kia makes his re-raise he should know what he's going to do based on whether dwight moves all in or he raises to a different amount or decides to call and play a bloated pot out of position the problem with leaving all these up to later evaluation is that during the moment our emotions run high and imply our more logical thought process we wind up second guessing ourselves and thinking about all the wrong details in this spot kia's failure to anticipate turns what should be an instant and confident call into a monumental blunder of a full what can i say kia woke up with the fourth best hand in poker against an aggressive opponent in a three-handed game blind vs blind and turn it into a bluff it's an absolute catastrophe back to the table we go well vince i'm totally baffled how you can lay that hand down against an aggressive player like this and if he doesn't win this tournament i guarantee you he's going to look at that hand for the rest of his life and say what was i thinking by the way the antes are going up to 50 000 blinds 175 350. oh fear more now with an ace eight and he makes it 850 000. dwight the thief goes away oh you guys know how to play poker against each other and kia with a pair of threes just gonna call here's the flop well flop comes ace queen four key is gonna check and fear is gonna check his aces gonna play slow well now the ten of clubs comes off and again kia checks old fear more with the aces got to feel pretty good about it he's gonna put in 600 000. i raised whoa and quickly raised by kia now eventually you think the guy's steaming here well he's gonna try to make a move another million little does he know this other guy has aces then an additional million makes it 1.6 million to go wow well ophir believes his ace is the best hand he's gonna make the call here and a good call it is now a nine comes off three million three million is the bet say hello to uncle tilty ben sophia is gonna put all the pieces of the puzzle together here and one of those pieces includes the last pot where dwight showed kia meduse after he bluffed him in that last pot for a guy that doesn't bluff if you're sitting in ophir seed right now you're saying to yourself ease shock the world won't shock the world oh dwight going to the royal flush girl oh fear got a tough decision to make here folks this a very difficult call to make against a tight player ikea i call oh he's make the call you got it then what a call that is folks i'm telling you that is playing some poker to make that call right there in that spot not easy to do really a good call by fear right there that was crazy and kia is just falling off the tracks now but in truth many people have laid that hand down against him the way that hand was played stay tuned for more action at borgata and my five questions with last year's bergata poker open runner-up jeremy brown we'll talk about his epic blow up and why it pays to think before you drink my buddies behind me were like slow down dude you're drinking way too much the world poker tour is brought to you by club wpt.com play poker for your share of over a hundred thousand in cash and prizes and even become a wpt champion all for only 19.95 a month never lose a dime playing poker guaranteed [Music] welcome back to the world poker tour brought to you by club wpt wpt.com and mike where the heck were we when they were shooting these things good question i'm calling my agent three players remain our chip leader now is ophir moore i got about uh five and a half or something and he got positioned on you kia woo what a turnaround what a turnaround down to the felt we go action goes to kia look at this he's got a huge hand pair of kings 900. and he makes it 900 000 to go 100 whatever that is now our chip leader oh fear he's got an ace jack well that's a big hand in a three-handed poker game make it two million whoa two million kids you see that back there kids right he's turned into a little richard on us whoa he said two point something now i'm glad i don't have 900 thousands he's gonna go away 57 year old kia will he ship it or not i'll call he does not that's baffling gives his opponent a chance to beat him here in my opinion away from this table before it causes problems an ace comes up or a couple jacks would come up or you gotta chill over here it's serious over there dwight's gonna do a little walk about four million work the crowd a little bit more he's a character but we got kings up against ace jack in a very big hand serious pot over there man here's the flop and flop comes queen jack five o'phier's got second pair with top kicker and he moves in quickly called by kia and o'fear is going to need some help to win this pot who went all in no yeah no fear went all in but he's not liking it right now and dwight sees it now dwight grunts as he sees that off that key is out in front and may stick around dwight obviously wants sophia to win so he can play heads up for this title moves up in real money and gets a chance to play for the title but for that the atmophere's gonna have to have some help needs an ace or a jack or a couple runners to make a straight doesn't happen as the three comes off on the turn so with one card to go ophir needs to catch an ace or a jack he's good at these rivers bro barry greenstein dwight calling out for barry greenstein two-time wpt champion who wrote a book called ace on the river but it didn't happen there kia is gonna double up that is right a huge pot there for kia mozari i guess he played it right after all yeah we all leaving again and dwight a disappointed man but still talks last season jeremy brown held a 19-1 ship lead in heads-up play here at the borgata poker open and yet still managed to find a way to come up short we caught up with jeremy for five questions including one that's on everybody's mind how would you grade yourself as a poker player i actually think i'm pretty good some people might not agree with me because of what they saw on tv what did they see on tv me blowing a 20-1 chip lead at the final table and i pretty much just thought it was a lock it's a guarantee that i was going to win once i had so many chips and just started going crazy and next thing i know everything flipped around how drunk were you i was feeling pretty good should i go boys chug them up cocktail fish around for everybody including me too please you know the cocktail i mean i started slurring my words a little bit i saw on tv which was kind of embarrassing what did your friend say my buddies behind me were like slow down dude like you're drinking way too much cocktail i was just having fun i was just so caught up by everything i was having way too much fun think before you drink i should have taken it a little more serious but like i said it was a learning experience i'll never do it again i'll actually wait till after the tournament's over to uh start the party well he guzzled himself right out of that tournament and now he's paying for it but a good lesson for all think before you drink all right the cards have been dealt million too think he is on fire he's making a million two with his hand king jack of hearts oh fear out and dwight pilgrim he's gonna stick around with an ace for a club just as the ace four makes the call so here we go with the first three h4 up against king jack and a four hits on the flop well flop is nine four three so now dwight's out in front with the two fours and it goes check check one million two in the dark well one million two in the dark says dwight pilgrim oh and probably a bad move as a jack comes off kia now in front with the two jacks i call and kia just calling well the crying call here with the top pair dwight wanted to disappear down to the river now a king comes off only gets worse for dwight and the brooklynite is gonna check his miserable fours now kia is gonna win this pot three million it's the matter if he wins any more chips or not three million dollars i could be scaring dwight away in a hurry well it should be if it's not nice huh and he's going to do the right thing finally kia extending his chip lead with solid play well he's on a little role right now no doubt about it holden in my opinion is a combination of science art and psychology combination of all three i would say makes a good poker player will this be kia mohajari's first wpt title we will see we're coming back with more action on the world poker tour brought to you by club wpt.com if you want to get in on the action anytime anywhere download wpt texas hold'em for your mobile device today wpt texas hold'em sometimes the game's too good to leave behind having the wpt in town brings a lot of excitement to the regatta regatta is the best tournament i've ever been in this is a great tournament the structure is great players are excellent if people make it to the money at least they're going to get twice as much as they're buying and this is not the case elsewhere it's a good environment and a really good program in the world welcome back to the regatta poker open in atlantic city i'm vic van patten alongside mike sexton three players remain going after close to three quarters of a million dollars well vince let's take a moment and talk about our new sponsor club wpt.com well mike you know how i feel about club wpt.com it is fantastic it is the best deal in poker i mean anyone can play for free but if you put 1995 up per month you get vip benefits you play all the poker you want you tweet you chat with the royal flush girls it's fantastic well it really is and with that membership fee you get to play all the tournaments you want and you can win your share of the hundred thousand dollars in cash and prizes as well as win an entry into a wpt event and don't forget about the special free ringtone of mike sexton the hall of famer it'll be on there you'll love it oh and with that let's get back to the action at the table but don't forget to check out club wpt.com there you see our chip leader kia moa jerry with over 15 million in chips dwight pilgrim in second place with nine million in the third place right now the high stakes cash game player oh fear more back to the action kia million with an ace eight of hearts he's raised it to a million dollars oh fear out and now dwight pilgrim with an ace queen just gonna call it most everybody would re-raise in that spot with an ace queen but dwight not everybody here come the first three the flop is jack four three helps neither player and dwight's gonna check it well kia does not make the continuation bad and an ace comes off on the turn they both hit aces and pilgrim is going to check it he's got a huge kicker chick now kia just doesn't want to take any chances at all here and wisely so at the moment now the four clubs comes off both players have aces up but there's four clubs out there too neither player has a club but look at this dwight pilgrim bets 350. i love this bed vince this is a defensive bet as well as an offensive bet 350. you're not betting like you got a club sir do you he's been called that's not a bet like you gotta he has not turned up to his hand is this a slow roll you want me to show or it's no no just mark it's good get it out of there don't paint yourself anymore dwight tickle pink that the man didn't have a club and he's going to take down that pot well all betting should serve a purpose that purpose there would prevent his opponent from making a big bet on the river if he had a club in his hand trolls versus joe's or if he didn't my name joe dwight pilgrim 28 years old out of brooklyn new york okay on to this hand the blinds are going up to 200 and 400 000. action on oh fear more he's got king ten i call for him and he's got a call and right behind him dwight pilgrim a million with an age 10 of diamonds has made it a million to go no key is out but ophir is going to make the quick call so we have ace 10 up against king nice pot brewing now flop comes nine four three no help to either player i checked well dwight's gonna check the ace high oh fear not gonna take a chance he's checking as well here comes the turn oh a 10 comes off deadly they both hit tens the dream card for dwight pilgrim because he's got top pair with top kicker 600. his opponent's got top pair with second top kicker and there's a bet of 600 by dwight and a routine call there by ophir down to the river we go the five comes off 1.2 i call he's going to bet 1.2 million he's quickly called oh and he's not going to like it i know that i know that sound when i hear it ah kidney shot oh i know that sound when i hear it [Music] [Applause] my liver that is beautiful oliver that is pip trouble i'll tell you he's enjoying it oh i know that sounds a little whimper by your opponent it won't sound like it hurt mike you heard that from over there oh well he is having a bowl right now oh man what do you think i'm a you think i never have a hand son come on you kidding me it just looks like i never have a hand cause i'm crazy he is putting his players through the torture chamber here tonight when is the blinds going up cause this guy's gonna have a problem they just went up oh oh the blinds just went up wait they just went up take it easy take it easy and we continue three-handed poker very entertaining here at pagata and this hand dwight's gonna quickly fold two million kia our chip leader at this point making it two million with just an eight seven of clubs i'm on i call it no fear going all in with the ace high and kia with a quick call with his 8-7 yo this could be like a 200 000 7. well dwight pulling for kia now well because it means 200 000 in real money almost that's the difference between third and second place i never wanted to see a seven or eight batter that i don't want to see it right now everyone's seven give me eight dwight who you rooting for 200 000. who you rooting for who are you rooting for i'm brewing for 200 grand the next one out i don't know who that is but who are you rooting for this man yeah a little sarcasm 200 grand i can't even lie and say i'm going for you right now i wouldn't even believe it bro good luck though i can still wish you good luck well old fear the favorite but five cards to come that's seven right in the door come king seven three guns he is out flopped off here yeah lo fear's gonna have to have help or he's gonna be our third place finisher there you see his brothers not liking that flop but it's not over here comes the turn card boom oh and eight of diamonds it's over now yeah two pair for kia oh fear drawing dead no cardigan catch to win the pot very nice thing with you so kia is going to win this pot and we are down to heads-up play well i tell you i have a lot of respect for ophea moore from wooden mirror new york great poker intuition he made some amazing plays tonight gonna go home in third place for 266 000 did i tell you i'm number one in the world and you forget i'm number one in the world and do i build you can taste it he's one man away from victory he didn't really get in my head but he seemed like he had his head a little bit and put him on top of this stuff we're down to heads up play and on the world poker tour you know what that means show us the money an outcome the royal flush girls brought to us by prestigious models putting the large amounts of cash on the table for the winners to see and the winner tonight going to take home nearly 750 000 and a coveted wpt title the royal flush girls keep putting trey after trey onto the table and there's some other goodies to go with it we've got to cover the wpt bracelet by tiffany's as well as a beautiful trophy that the winner can put on the map we are coming back with heads up play in just a moment on the world poker tour brought to you by club wpt.com welcome back to the world poker tour brought to you by club wpt.com heads-up action is about to start between kia mohajeri and dwight pilgrim during the break we caught up with both players and here's what they had to say it doesn't bother me he's a young man and he does what he does it's just his personality doesn't bother me none i might be joking around i might be having fun but at the end of the day it's all about being focused being ready being able to take it to the next level um and just make it happen you know it might look like i'm having fun but trust me i'm making the right decisions well a great trash talker that is a poker weapon in itself don't kid yourself it distracts players it makes them play differently and that is a big edge that dwight pilgrim has in this heads-up battle let's go to the felt i'm not sure about all his right decisions i am sure he's in the right position to take down this title playing heads up for it well he's got queen three of clubs this time he has called it 900 kia behind him with ace fork gonna get aggressive makes it 900 000 to go gotta come stronger than that to make me fall buddy well that's a pot size bet but as dwight says not strong enough to get me out he makes the call both got about 15 million in chips and there's the flop eight eight deuce kia out in front with the ace high but chicks 1.3 dwight with the flush draw fires out 1.3 million you hit that flop no never stopped you before it's kind of surprising that kia didn't come out with a continuation bet with the ace high it's like a walk just after the flop i can't believe it he wouldn't bet with that flop 88 deuce and kia is putting up the white flag he folds his hand the first hand going to dwight pilgrim and with that pod dwight pilgrim is now the chip leader even you kidding me he's about to say something interesting no doubt i know i got that edge if we even confident isn't he i know that for a fact i don't care how long you've been playing poker it's getting personal here it's a dwight pilgrim factor oh boy the peacock is strutting to the next hand we go kia now first to act he has an a7 just gonna sneak in there and call i'm behind him dwight can tend to see a flop with king seven surprise he'd limp in with the a sign but he did so flop comes queen six five two spades no help to either player dwight is going to check it and again no continuation bet out of kia yeah now the eight of spade comes off what an interesting card dwight has an opening straight flush draw 1.4 but kia has the nut flush draw wow with the open-end straight throw dwight bet four key is coming back over the top to make it 1.4 it's worth a million to see that river of course well dwight's gonna make the call wants to take this draw down to the river big pot brewing well king comes off a dream card for dwight pilgrim he now has a lead he comes out and bets 400 000 with the two kings 2.5 he is going to try to steal this he has bumped it up to 2.9 gonna cost white another two and a half million to make the call i pay you off the first one call good call by dwight ace high you keep joking around sir it was a tough call to make but dwight made it who's gonna enjoy [Applause] what this saying he can't play better poker than me he can't play better poker okay you can't play better poker than me man he's the muhammad alia poker i am the greatest this guy says gracie jiu-jitsu this is reality tv at its finest here on the wpt you think i don't know where i'm at think i don't know where i stand you think i don't understand every facet of this game no censorship in this sport we're coming back with more action on the world poker tour brought to you by club wpt.com vince i'm coming back it's vinnie right there he is save my spot in the booth my friend i'll be there yes i'm out there you just got me i'm out in 20th or something i'm coming back don't worry i don't want to leave you alone up there welcome back to the bragata poker open in atlantic city brought to you by club wpt.com that's mike sexton you got knocked out but what a sport you are did you jinx me there you called me i got broke in 20th place but i appreciate the call to see how i was doing i might have anyway the andes are going up to 75 000 blinds at 250 and 500 000. both players have a lot of chips 16 million against 14. let's go to the felt do i called on the button here's a flop well what a flop for both players both players have flap top pair 1.2 dwight pilgrim has the better kicker though sounds like a good bet you like that bet that's a real good one right here kia with his nines with a seven kicker has bet 1.2 million and dwight with his nines with a ten kicker has called queen of clubs comes off sick so both players have two nines and a flush draw and dwight pilgrim has got the best of both 1.2 sounds good i like i like 1.2 and kia has checked it and dwight's going to put out chips looks like 1.2 again he has made the call though down to the river we go the three of clubs comes off both players have made a flush you know what you made 1.2 sounds so nice okay and it's betting called dwight's got the ten of clubs kia's got the nine of clubs dwight going to win this pod just an aggravating hand all along for kiev or jerry yo if i can't beat it if i can't beat him standing up i'm gonna take him to the floor [Applause] oh man whatever style it takes to win that's pilgrim's motto i like it man threatening bodily harm he's got some table talk dwight pilgrim back to the hand though kia this time with a queen seven that has called it you keep completing that bet just cause we're gonna show you how you're gonna be like yo what happened to that two million i had 800 000 on top and dwight with a king ten of clubs gonna re-raise eight hundred thousand more and kia now i think getting a little frustrated calling these razors with queen seven off suits here let's see the flop now floppers they says 10. pilgrim out in front with aces and tens and he's going to check it here with nothing checking as well now a king comes off this improves pilgrim's hand he's now got eighth and kings nice but dwight and he's going to try to trap he has checked it kia checks again kia must catch a jack to win the pot at least in terms of having the best hand well the three of hearts comes off so possible flush out there now nine hundred thousand i'm all in 900 000 and all in quickly by kia i don't know that you can call with two kings in this spot after your opponent goes all in might have a straight might have a flush could have three aces a full house it's not like free information kia has risked it all and it's gonna work with absolute zip and pip bringing play there by the former electrical engineer superbly done and i think that was just sort of a combination frustration all in bet there but it works well for kia we're coming back with more action on the world poker tour brought to you by club wpt.com [Music] hi i'm melanie and we're the royal flush girls welcome back to the world poker tour royal plus girls are at every wpp event along with kimberly lansing mike sexton and myself we're back to heads up action pilgrim with about 19 million kia with about 11. right now the blinds are going up to 300 and 600 000 actions on kia 1.2 he looks down at the king nine and he's going to raise it makes it 1.2 million to go make it so nice we should probably do it twice dwight's got the queen jack he's going to make the call so we got king 9 up against queen jack in this tremendous heads-up battle here we're flopping the dream flop of all time for dwight pilgrim look out he has flopped the nut straight his opponent has got top and bottom pair two million this could do it vince yeah dwight has checked it and kia's gonna bite with his two pair of course looks like two million see if another spade comes out there all right look at that well he's gonna make the call i'm gonna wait another street or two before he makes his move here with the nuts did they change oh boy here comes the turn well the seven of diamonds comes off two million i gotta see if he was bluffing marlin well dwight leads out and gets the guy to move all in and vance is a huge favorite to take this title he's dreaming about so long right here right now 8 away from a title [Applause] he said it well he knows he's over a 90 favorite to win it right here right now all he's got to do is dodge a kangaroo 9 on the river [Applause] well better be careful about celebrating too early looks like he learned his lesson i'm not celebrating that was not a celebration that was not a celebration the poker guards might look the other way this is going to be a celebration well kia needs a king or a nine let's see if we can get one come on one time can i use my one time can i use my one time white pilgrim could feel it i was 92 favorite for a title i don't care what happens man yes you do i showed these guys how to play from the beginning to the end school and they ain't even pay me for that lesson that was a free one here comes the end they're paying you all right about 750 000 if you can dodge a king or a nine and a five comes up he has done advanced dwight pilgrim has shocked the world and taken this title and right now you can see folks he is overcome with emotion he is not showboating anymore this is really motion here drops the floor like a large boulder [Music] talks a lot so did muhammad ali but there you can see how important his title was to him yeah we gotta appreciate the fact that a guy wants to win a wpd title this bad oh man get up champ get up so it's been a long time dreamed about winning the world poker tour tyler and becoming a really big name in the poker world he has done it tonight [Music] on his feet oh well that's in all sincerity kia had his chance when he could have called him with the two jacks he deserved it good game nice face when dwight had the two deuces when they were playing three-handed no we competed with these guys without the bankroll now imagine what we gonna do with the bankroll flight making future plans bigger and better that's one thing for sure we're gonna see this guy a lot more in the world poker tour congratulations on being wpt's newest champion oh thank you thank you so much sir i think you have uh just shocked the world that was my whole initial point to show the world what i'm bringing to the table when i was going in there i was trying to throw elbows i was trying to get them to the floor i was trying to grab a limb and i was trying to break it well i think you did so that was my game plan congratulations again job well done thank you so much well that's going to do it from borgata in atlantic city on behalf of mike and vince i'm kimberly lansing saying thanks for watching and good night [Music] i really don't respect what you just did if i can't beat them standing up i'ma take them to the floor are you getting this on camera jerk boy down there i popped my cherry [Music] this guy's gonna have a problem defending my title was something that i was hoping i could get closer to achieving oh one more race please who are you rooting for sailor v vince i'm coming back i don't wanna get up i wanna be the best shot baby and here's to the champion of the record-setting forgotten poker open from brooklyn new york dwight pilgrim [Applause] and until next time may all your cards be live and your pots be monster [Music] the world poker tour is brought to you by club wpt.com never lose a dime playing poker guaranteed [Music] in las vegas one man will attempt to do what no player has done for the last five years win two wpt titles in a single season possible history in the making tonight at bellagio and it's only on the wpt [Applause] [Music] well the crowd all standing is circling the drain they are going bare knuckles in the center of the ring he would love to knock this loudmouth out it's over gus has done it gus hanson howard lederer eric lindgren daniel negranu and tuan lee that is the remarkable list of players who were able to achieve one of the rarest feats in poker two major titles in a single season tonight it's former wall street equity trader andy frankenberger who could add his name to that list to see how this legends of poker champ got this far and this close to his own piece of poker history we have to go back to the beginning [Music] wpt baby can't top that i'm ready to win something for once back to back one shot spirits were high as the festa alago kicked off at bellagio while the royal flesh girls looked on let's shuffle up and deal but once cards were in the air season nine champ andy frankenberger got off to a rough start as the field grew the fontana lounge filled to capacity and late registrants found themselves playing in the poker room where the tables were stacked with familiar faces while young gun shaun deeb would rather be playing in the fontana lounge i mean i don't mind it's how it feels just when you're 250 big lines deep much rather have fish playing really dominated hands close to a table of name pros we're all just playing tighter joe siebach liked his seat just fine it's just all the wackos but but shh but they're also a bunch of bluff fiends right so you just have to pick up a couple hands and they're gonna give you their tips they're all wackos here day one ended with over 70 percent of the fields still alive including joe seebach and shaun deeb who survived the poker room and a short-stacked andy frankenberger who barely survived leading the way was la tournament grinder heyman arjang my goal was 200 for a day i didn't know i'm going to be chipotle with this day two saw the total number of entrants in this tournament surged to 335 players and the later rivals wasted no time in mixing it up at least i made level nine and there's 170 people that didn't do that 20 minutes after taking his seat phil ivey pushed all in with jack 8 and was called by young pro michael benvenuti with ace 10. michael hit an ace and phil darted for the exit just get it all in pre-club yeah exactly it's pretty nice i'll take it it's pretty similar to busting anyone yeah two players who weren't going anywhere but up for rising star matt affleck and the norwegian sensation and met overstaff who both built their stacks throughout the day matt affleck was at my table he ultimately busted me as well he's got a massive stack and i wouldn't be surprised to see him go all the way day two saw 99 players still standing including superstars barry greenstein and daniel negranu but the big stacks belong to affleck and oberstad who ended the day on the top of the chip counts with so many big names left in the field day three was all about surviving your table draw and making it into the money it's day three i'm excited got a really fun table we've got annette and then she has all the chips in the tournament right now despite amateur walkie yasuhiro's assessment of daniel negranu walkie took on the two-time wpt champ in a pot where daniel held pocket kings versus walkie's ace queen daniel flopped a set but with five spades on the board it ended in a chopped pot come on tonight a chance to double up daniel was soon after eliminated every time i played an all in pot with way the best of it or even close i seem to not run good canadian owen crow was all in on the money bubble where he was called by wpt champ gavin smith but owen could not catch a queen or a 10. [Music] and just like that he was out and the 50 remaining players were in the money i bobbled the tournament it was a lot of fun 41 players remaining only hall of famer lyle berman broke through the monopoly young players held on the leaderboard which was topped by two young pros from north carolina wpt finalist steve o'dwyer and wpt champ randall flowers well the two best players in the field i mean they ought to have the most chips on day four tension in the fontana lounge was high as the field narrowed down towards the final table as short stacked barry greenstein was all in with ace king against online pro lauren cling's pocket jacks barry couldn't hit an ace on the river and signed over a copy of his book to lauren but with his 38th place finish barry tied wpt champ lee markholt for the most number of cashes on the wpt it's all about making final tables that's where the big money is so cash is might be fun on the scorecard but it still isn't what you're going for barry was not the only named pro to hit the rail on day four one time chip leaders matt affleck and steve o'dwyer both hit rough times as steve was eliminated in 25th place and matt busted to randall flowers in 22nd place as players continued to fall the story of day four became 22 year old annette oberstad who amassed a huge chip stack that she would take with her into day five the last day of play before the wpt final table joining a net atop the leaderboard were tough pros jeff madsen and noah schwartz and season nine legends champ andy frankenberger who was closing in on his second big cash and only his fourth wpt tournament [Music] on day five the final 13 players were playing down to six and andy frankenberger summed it up fast it's about survival at this point right ship leader annette oberstad seemed poised to make her first wpt final table when she doubled up 62 year old skip wilson not once but twice leaving her shortstack her tournament run ended soon after and annette quickly went from first in chips to the first player out on day five yeah my day i didn't exactly go as planned if you wanted to say that we started out as chip leader if you can't win flips you can't win tournaments just with us good job guys with eight players left wpt champ randall flowers was drawing thin with king 10 against the pocket kings of michael benvenuti randall hit a miraculous straight on the river to give him a mountain of chips left with only a few big blinds michael somehow survived doubling through jason kuhn and then again through 8th place finisher bobby sewer it looked like michael had used up all his luck when he pushed all in with jack six and was called by jason kuhn with ace six michael hit running cards to make a straight and benvenuti was back in action michael's string of good fortune was bad luck for two-time wpt finalist alan kessler who was eliminated on the tv bubble by jason kuhn it was destined that i didn't make this final table and the final six players were set including the amateur player skip wilson tough pro noah schwartz wpt champions andy frankenberger and randall flowers and young internet pros michael benvenuti and jason kuhn thank you god as you can see the play down day to this final table became a test of survival and 12 and a half hours of play left these players exhausted and the blinds sky high relative to the starting stacks for how all that will factor in we turn as always to mike sexton and vince van patten gentlemen how will the blinds affect this final table at the start well kimberly because the blinds and annie's are relatively high in relation to the average ship stack that means we could see fireworks early on at this final table because if any players are planning on sitting back and waiting for premium hands they're going to find themselves blinded down to a short stack pretty quickly and vince talk to us a little about andy frankenberger and can you put in context what he's trying to accomplish tonight well it's amazing kimberly who is this guy andy frankenberger he's going after his second title on the world poker tour in the same season now that has not been done in six seasons so very impressive from a so-called amateur from wall street let me put it this way kimberly the burger man is going to take home a lot more cash to go with his fries and shake well there you have it amateur poker player andy frankenberger bids for history when we return to las vegas for the start of the festa a lago right after we this back here on the world poker tour with the royal flush girls i'm vince van patten alongside poker hall of famer mike sexton where we're just moments away from the start of what could be an historic festa el lago final table can andy frankenberger win two out of the first four tournaments of our wpt season we will find out let's go watch the bluffing begin we started five days ago with 335 players we are down to our final six all six of these players from the us forum in their 20s right there you see the chip leaders randall flowers only 22 years old with 3.2 million in chips let's go around the table this is skip wilson 62 year old retired businessman in state two as 24 year old michael benvenuti was a pre-med student at university of texas quit to become a poker player there in c3 jason kuhn he sold insurance for three months gave it up and now he is playing poker only 25 years old in seat four's noah schwartz 27 year old former baseball pitcher making his second wpt final table appearance and in seat number five is the chip leader wpt champ randall flowers and he's the youngest player ever to win a wpt event and he's trying to become the youngest player ever to win two titles out here on the wpt and in seat six we've got the guy they're all talking about andy frankenberger he's an equity derivatives trader out of new york city 37 year old going for a second wpt title this season that hasn't been done in six years okay and as you can see the winner's going to take home 831 500 here at the festival lago the cards have been dealt they're flying around the table first to act is noah schwartz and noah schwartz is gonna peek down to the king nine of diamonds not what we call a premium hand but it's not slowing noah down looks like he's gonna raise it here now i look at noah i always got to think of mclovin from that movie super bad man he's trying to make a bad move here right now might be a good one we'll see raises the 215 000 with the king nine the chip leader behind him with ace ten but he's gonna fold it frankenberger peeps down at a pair of fives though caps his cards he's a very aggressive player played a little unorthodox at times it seemed like when he won the legends of poker let's see what he does here well it's an investment 250 000 starting out with about 2.2 million so one tenth of his chips he's gonna fold it yeah skip wilson out as well michael benvenuti no sir for a guy like you decides to hang up his cards here goes away now jason now has ace jack jason used to run track in college a very fast 10-3 he was telling me and he's going to run away from this hand and just like that nick lovett takes down the first pot well noah schwartz the former pitcher threw him all a little curveball right there you go back to bergato he had that star of david necklace on his rabbi said you know what maybe that was the kiss of death you know you can't mix religion and poker get rid of it and he's done so here tonight all right back to the action here the old-timer skip wilson no relation to flip wilson of course he's got ace queen well skip's an old stud player been playing poker for 20 years i've actually played with him some even back in ohio he's from cincinnati i was from the dayton area i actually played the game in springboro and he's kind of raised with his ace queen makes it 230 000 to go michael benvenuti going out well all these players know skip's probably the tightest player at the table so if he raises it you're gonna give him credit for having a hand jason also going out and noah's not gonna play so skip wilson the 62 year old take it down his first pot of the evening skip the retired businessman loves to play poker the kids have a great advantage the memories are so sharp they remember everything and in fact it's just hard to figure out how to play against them mike saxton i think he might be rooting for me today i i think he likes to root for the gray hair he wants to put some bad beats on skip didn't you mike hey i like to put them on anybody we are just getting started at bellagio stay tuned for more action and my five questions with the reigning wpt world champion david williams you know boom it comes and it's like you get that that rush wpt's coverage brought to you by club wpt.com continues right after this andy frankenberger taking down the legends of poker he's our champion if you asked me at the beginning of the season whether i'd win a wpt event i'd say uh maybe but it's pretty unlikely number six andy frankenberger if you told me i'd be at the final table of two i'd say very unlikely and i probably want to win even more this time than the first time because i've tasted it and once you've had that taste of the wind you realize how good it is welcome back to the world poker tour we are at bellagio in las vegas okay vince by now a lot of people are aware of our season 9 sponsor club wpt.com the membership site where you can play a lot of poker tournaments and win cash and prizes but without paying any buy-in fees that is true mike it is a great site i mean it's become my little social network hub where i get to go and chat and get updated with other club wpt members like tony dunst and kimberly lansing and sometimes i talk to one of the royal flush girls it's very nice well maybe i'll start doing a little bit more chatting myself all right and if you at home want to start chatting it up just go to clubwpt.com and find out how easy it is to become a member you'll be glad you did okay let's get back to the final table when is going to take home 831 000 here tonight the leader is 3.1 million the last place guy has over 1.2 million so really it's anybody's game now jason kuhn the former track star out of college oh vance look at this he's got a 7-4 offsuit looks like the track star is coming out of the blocks early here vince with a raise of 180 000. wow gutsy move just playing position a couple folds in front and he's going to try to steal this one noah schwartz will go away and now randall flowers with a nothing hand also going out around the big blind who i might as what we call a defender that being andy frankenberger looks at the a6 of spade makes the call gonna take a shot comes king jack nine no help to either player no first to act as andy and he's gonna check will the trackman continue with this ruse with just seven high absolute zip and pip he is going to make a bet a bold bet of 200 000 will it work yes it does indeed andy frankenberger has folded his hand and the former track star out of college jason taking down a nice puck vinci came out of the blocks early and got away with the false start i've always wanted a wpt title because of the money the prestige you know and just whose dream isn't to win a wpt if you play poker you know it's what i've always wanted i woke up this morning and i really laughed out loud i was like oh my god i'm gonna play a wpt final table today like you know vince and mike are gonna be talking about me this is wild i still can't believe it well right now jason we're saying good things my friend mike he sold insurance but three months said i've had enough i'm going to play poker and look what's happening here tonight that's the way he plays looks like he could sell anything to anybody to me 225 000. and he's on a rush here with king queen he's going to 225. and noah schwartz gonna fold randall flowers with a queen ava spades when's he gonna come out of the woods not there andy frankenberger can you believe the small pairs he gets we've seen him lay down five now he's got two sevens facing a raise will he get bold here andy will you meekly shy and fly away costing 225 000 to make the call he's got about 1.7 million i'm all in whoa he's going over the top all in here so there you go he pops the cork for all of it right there need to flip wilson i mean skip wilson he's out before nudie out jason can't play either well there you see jared jaffe also from new york here to watch his buddy andy play in fact he was at that final table but the legend of the poker one andy took down that title well we have six players remaining they're opening up their games stay with us we'll be right back from las vegas for more exciting poker brought to you by club wpt.com [Music] the bellagio is recognized as one of the premier poker rooms in the world i really like this drama a lot yeah i love that you can emulate i love that you play five levels a day and then you get the rest of it out i love it i think i think this is the best yeah absolutely welcome back to the world poker tour brought to you by club wpt.com where the royal flush girls are having a great time at bellagio in events we're seeing two players at the table one for their second wpt title andy frankenberger going for his second title this season that's something that hasn't been done since season three on the world poker tour only five guys have won two titles in the same season anyway yeah and what an impressive five guys that is just handsome howard letter harry lingard daniel negroni antoine lee so if you join that company folks you're up there can andy do it we will see but back to this hand randall flowers once again oh he's going to fold so andy frankenberger on the button in position picks up an ace eight offsuit and like most players would raise in this position he makes it 250 000 to go and let's see if he can push away skip wilson who is on the short stack and has just a seven five he's got 50 000 out there vince and it has a little over 800 000 left come on whoa he's going all in with a seven high here a bold move not sure that and he's going to get away from his hand he gets away from it though just doesn't put the math to it right there and he's a math whiz just like that the tightest player at the table steals a pot well vance he stole that pot because of his reputation on his style of play all these guys give him credit for being the tightest player that's why they're folding to him for a stone-faced poker player david williams showed real emotion when he was crowned wpt world champion at the end of last season and for good reason in these five questions david tells me how being a champion changed his life and now changing his life made him a champion you said that winning your bracelet was nothing compared to winning a wpt world championship how do those two compare well i think the difference is there's two things i think it was because the buying of my bracelet event was small and when you win a tournament in a big bet game it's such a weird feeling because in a limit game you sort of grind a guy down and you watch his chips gradually go you can't just boo win in one hand whereas with the title we're all in well he must catch a deuce fence nothing else we're good oh there it is it's over he caught it on the turn lightning again and then boom it comes and it's like you get that that rush you get that adrenaline rush is poker tougher now than when you first started playing definitely poker's tougher now when i started playing i've almost had to relearn how to play like the new generation of younger players who study the game know the math a lot of the what they call them internet kids everybody plays so aggressive everybody knows on multiple levels all this guy's raising me with nothing so i'm going to raise him with nothing it becomes this level festive moving all in on people so my aggression didn't really work because there was no thought behind it it was just naked aggression [Music] and i suffered because of that and i had to sort of rebuild my image every once in a while though do you miss the old poker 2005 was the best it was almost like you just show up to collect your cash i mean poker was amazing back then i mean who doesn't miss it even the people who didn't experience it hear about it go man i wish i could play poker back then it's a different game i have seen your relationship with your mom you guys are so close is she your biggest fan my mom is amazing she was afraid to come to the final table because she thought she was bad luck for me she was there and she she was crying had tears i mean i cried but she was bawling screaming crying and he was she was going calling everybody to finally be able to see her just that smile she had it was it was amazing are you still the king of las vegas nightlife no it hurts to say it but i'm i'm really not i used to be there's only so many nights you can go to a nightclub and order a bottle and drink patron all night and until it gets to be the same thing and same thing and i'm very lucky that i met an amazing girl about two years ago now we're expecting a baby maybe it's time for a new group of people to be the king not me well david williams one of the most well-liked pros on the circuit no doubt about it all right back to this table michael benvenuti from orange county california looks down to two queens big hand 24 years old six wpt tournament in his lifetime he was a pre-med student at the university of texas before he dropped out to play poker so he's gonna try to do his operating on the poker table he's made a 220 to go jason out action over to noah schwartz he's out as well yep justin bieber excuse me randall flowers also going out so round to the blinds andy frankenberger in the small blind looks down at a7 of spades you know this guy's playing very solid very tight and he raised under the gun so you give him credit for a big hand when you do that you fold the a7 yeah nice lay down and the only one still involved is skip wilson and skip has a queen 10 in the big blind yeah and he's going to call it ladies and gentlemen we have a flop gambling here with the queen 10 he is really up against it because he's facing two queens the worst hand he could be up against here's the flop flop comes ten six five skip wilson has flopped top pair and vance this can spell doom for him yeah he probably thinks he's in front here come on and he's gonna go all in this could be an absolute disaster you would think it's a pretty automatic call here all right i call and he's gonna make the call he's gonna like what he sees and so skip wilson in a ton of trouble here at bellagio the retired businessman needs some help or he's gonna be our sixth place finisher skip looking for a 10 to take the lead two running hearts would give him a flush otherwise it's tapioca pudding for skip wilson here comes the turn card oh and there is a heart on the turn the jack of hearts comes off that is a good card for skip because it gives him a flush draw he can catch a heart or a 10 to win it skips friends and family enjoying that card and the possibilities here comes the river well seducer spade so that's going to do it for the senior at the table retired businessman skip wilson going to be out in sixth place he had a shot there put a little scare into the young guy but skip has to say good night 112 000 he takes home he hung on like a champ all week long but we have to say goodnight to skip wilson our sixth place finisher there's plenty of more action to come from bellagio including tony dunst with the raw deal and a tennis prom bet between tony and vince van patten so stick around [Applause] what was that [Music] you're not like handling man just play poker nothing else before we walked over here we got tony done the guy's going to do the new segment on the raw deal on the world poker tour i think she plays a little tennis he's up against my man vince van patten please vamping to tennis you got to be a pro to benny he's good he's really good i mean he just basically doesn't miss a shot oh my god [Applause] well that was tough i had to give him six points if i lose one got that little squirrelly shot hit the net dribble's over pleasure you too thanks man good match guys well you talk about a bad beat let cord winner nicely done tony welcome to the wpt anyway back to the action into andy frankenberger with the button and a queen jack and most guys would raise on the button with looks like andy's doing just that only his fourth wpt tournament he's going to make the raise makes it 250 000 to go then venuti not going to play jason kuhn with an ace four of spades did you start the hand with how much did he start to handle he wants to know how much you got well if he won't tell me you've got to do it that is correct oh he doesn't have to talk is it really that i mean yeah it's actually very important i know but they're stacked funny i mean i i can see one red sec i can't even see it's like a straight line okay well jason getting andy to break there a little bit and talk it up and show his frustration a bit of a tell i'm all in jason coleman back over the top with just ace high the gloves have come off what a raise by jason into frankenberger well andy faced with another tough decision now as to what to do now vince normally a guy might just muck the queen high in this spot for all his chips but after that speech and the way he set into him you may just want to go ahead and gamble this hand and get back at the guy in a way that's true an anger call i love those jason just making this move because it's thinking andy's on the button that's a good place for him to raise he can't be that strong if i come back even though i just have ace high maybe he'll fold laid down and he is correct so another nice play by jason kuhn at this final table vince he's made the most moves at this final table with the least cards he's an online player he's nova sky when he plays online poker and he said he's won over a million dollars in online tournament winnings pretty incredible all right back to the felt in this hand randall flowers picking up a pair of tens randall who came to this final table as our chip leader hundred thousand that's probably played the most solid or tightest poker at the table so far here he's got a pair of tens going to raise it up to 200 000. now what's interesting is andy with a mid pair small pair pair of fives allen he's gone all in with it though this time he's made a play that could cost him dearly well they all fold around yeah it's pretty automatic you got to make this call randall flowers making the good call with the tens and he is dominating andy frankenberger with the fives well a huge pot here over 3.3 million in this pod [Applause] the youngster randall flowers could take a big chip lead if he wins it but if andy frankenberger wins it he'll be the new chip leader has the mustard finally come off the frankenburger we will see as five cards are coming out here's the first three well flop comes ace jack eight no help for either player well vance if andy frankenberger is gonna win his second wpt title this season at least here today he's gonna have to get very lucky here and he must catch a five to stay alive will this be andy's demise here comes fourth street well a four comes off so we're down to the river a two outer for andy must catch a five on the river no don't don't don't no sand jinx yet nope i know it's the last resort well it's a king so that's gonna do it for the legend of the poker champion andy frankenberger out tonight in fifth place good sport vince you're gonna handle the guy for getting to a second final table just wasn't meant to be now he's a good battler fine player he's going to take over 161 000 but not two titles on the wpt this season it hurts yeah what are we gonna tell you probably got a little quick to re-raise with the fives but when you start to get short you just can't let that chip stack you know dwindle down or you're not gonna be you're not gonna be relevant for very long andy frankenberger is gone out in fifth place and with him the hopes of seeing a player win two titles in a single season but randall flowers now has a significant chip lead and a one out of four shot at a second wpt championship wpd's coverage of bellagio's festa all logo continues so stick around don't just use your phone to call use it to raise download the world poker tour texas holding game to your mobile device today and get in on the action i enjoy being the youngest wpt champion there are all kinds of little records in poker and considering i was under 21 when i wanted it would be pretty tough for someone under 21 to win a wpt so i feel for the time being it's a little bit safe welcome back to the world poker tour we're at bellagio in the fontana lounge and it is rocking right now because we are down to four players well down to four young poker pros all in their 20s fighting it out for this title once again youth prevails here on the world poker tour and right now it's the 22 year old randall flowers leading the way could he become the youngest player to win two titles on the wpt let's get back down to the felt actions on michael benvenuti looks down at the suited connectors the 910 of hearts he's first to speak getting raising chips out gonna take a plunge makes it 220 000 to go got the suited connectors you like to see flops with jason going away and now noah schwartz with a king queen noah's in second chip position right now with 3.2 million he's going to make the call and our chip leader randall flowers looks at the a6 and takes the conservative route gets out of their way so it's benvenuti up against noah schwartz mr mclovin and mr mclover gets lucky with the queens nice flop for noah's flop top pair here see how he's going to play it he's going to check and my guess is to check raise if ben benuti makes the continuation bet i go with just a 10 high looks like he is going to reach for chips here you're just betting not because of the strength of your hand but because your hope your opponent didn't hit a pair of queens and won't call you unfortunately for him noah's flop top pair and i suspect it's going to check razer it's a 280 000 bet well noah schwartz comes out of that tough miami area where they played home games with the miz rocky family chino rheem michael the grinder miss rocky those guys are all wpt champion so if you cut your teeth in that home game i can tell you you can play some poker just like that noah schwartz back over the top with a re-raise looks like 645 000. it's very depressing if you've been venuti just taking a stab now what to do with that nothing hand well you throw it away that's what you do with it so the former baseball pitcher throws a strike at michael benvenuti and takes down the pot noah is only 27 years old and amazingly is the oldest guy at the table the blinds have gone up to 60 120. quick full by flowers and benvenuti and now we are around to jason with a jack eight the battle of the blinds between jason and noah here nicole he's just gonna call noah schwartz with a queen eight of hearts and he's happy to see a flop with that hand may think he's got the best hand but you don't want to raise and then get re-raised out of the pot so he's just going to see a flop here there is the flop 9-7-5 with two spades jason has flopped a two-way straight draw a ten or a six would give him a straight because of that he's going to make what we call a semi bluff here 150 000. but incredibly he's gotten called by noah with the gut shot straight draw six would give him the same hand so noah doing some gambling here and it's paid off as a queen comes on the turn he now is out in front with two queens but the action's still on chase in first position well the queen of spade vents gives jason a flush draw to go along with this two-way straight draw so even though he's betting here it's another semi-bluff bet as we say you've got a lot of outs to catch to win the pot if your opponent calls you here but you're very happy to win it without a call well jason has put in 400 000 this time noah's a little bit leery about the third spade that's come off even though he's made top pair in the turn but he is gonna call pot getting bigger and bigger between these two guys both in the blinds river card coming up king and diamonds doesn't help either player well this tells jason the only way he can win this pot is to bet at it does he want to fire a third shell you know he fired on the flop he got called he fired on the turn and got called do you really want to jeopardize more chips and bluff him off here well that would be very courageous three strikes could it work but no he's slowing down he's going to check it missed everything well he's waving the white flag and noah schwartz gonna win this pot with two queens and noah's gotta love it when he says i missed everything good pot going to noah schwartz and you just wonder what would have happened that jason moved in on him there on the river behind on the town we'll never know four players battling for this championship at the festival lago we'll be right back from las vegas with more exciting poker brought to you by club wpt.com the world poker tour is brought to you by club wpt.com play poker for your share of over 100 000 in cash and prizes for only 19.95 a month never lose a dime playing poker guaranteed [Music] welcome back to bellagio and the world poker tour brought to you by club wpt.com despite busting in fifth place andy frankenberger has moved to the top spot in the wpt player of the year rankings we'll keep you updated on the race for player of the year as the season goes on but right now let's hear from tony dunst on how andy's night went wrong in this week's edition of the raw deal brought to you by rise naturally the story in the early going of this final table was potential two-time champion andy frankenberger now that andy is out in fifth place i think it's evident that the temptation of almost playable hands and the pressure of winning a second wpt final table in the same season caused some lapses in judgement both in play and in conduct i'm tony dunst known as bond 18 online let's break it down first we see andy being dealt a number of potentially playable hands that he winds up being forced to fold either pre-flop or on the flop here he releases pocket fives to an under the gun open from noah schwartz then he makes a call with a suited a6 out of the big blind only to have one of the worst possible flops come down and check folds after two orbits of nearly everything going wrong andy then finds himself in a marginal situation against skip wilson when andy opens to 250k he can skip shoves for 8.70 come on he's getting just over two to one to make the call with a hand that will likely have that much equity or more against skip's range it's unfair to expect annie to ever think skip could be shoving with seven high but he's likely shoving with enough hands that the ace 8 is strong enough for a call especially since winning puts him in a tie for the chip lead and losing leaves him short but with 13 big blinds and not so short that he doesn't have fold equity on his shoves over the tiny raises everyone makes instead andy elects to fold and preserve his stack all the marginal situations seem to build some frustration in andy who seems less than his usual call himself in the hand against jason kuhn how much did you start the hand with is it really that i mean cool they're stacked at 20. technically andy doesn't have to answer jason's question and can let the dealer count down the chips but his tone and body language seem annoyed given how straightforward the question is so how do you keep the natural swings of tournament poker from getting to you well don't become emotionally attached in your chips or your potential in the tournament take each hand is an individual situation and use the information you've accumulated over the previous ones while leaving out any of the disappointment they may have built up in you your goal is to make the most correct decisions not win the most hands all right thanks tony now let's get back to the call of the game with mike and vince well four guys in their 20s going after this title current chip leader is noah schwartz with 4.8 million second place the youngster at the table randall flowers with 4.3 million michael benvenuti in third place with 2.3 million and in fourth place right now jason kuhn with over 1.8 million all right back to the grind we go noah schwartz now picks up a pair of eights he's on quite a rush they're gonna raise it here in a four-handed poker game with two eighths and he does so makes it 275 000 to go into the man with a beaver haircut randall flowers he's got king queen pretty nice hand see what he's going to do with it yeah he's going to make the call benvenuti out and now jason with a jack queen in the big blind i'm all on wow he's gone all in here he has the worst hand of the three but he's moved all in can they stand the pressure it's 1.8 a little over that's 1.8 he's moved all in on the two chip leaders i might add well he's taking a shot at the old squeeze play well that's what noah thinks he's doing here vince perhaps you know just trying to make a play to win this pot you seen him do it several times at this table before i think he's really worried about random because randall didn't raise him originally but still if you just call here you might lure randall in the pot and he's going all in over the top and randall quickly folds well it's a smart play in my mind by no way if you're going to play this hand just move all in with it shut randall out of the pot and play heads up for the rest of it so what a good call all in by noah schwartz he's out in front with the eights well we've got the race situation the two over cards versus the under pair jason kuhn must win this pot to stay alive if he does so he'll more than double up and be in good shape to take down this title yeah the former track star jason kuhn needs to sprint away and get a good flop can it happen on the first three let's take a peek oh yes yes it does right out of the box man right in the door as we say for him to take the lead here we go with the turn card oh a jack comes off [Applause] now that gives jason the top two pair but really means nothing his opponent must catch an eight to win the pot nothing else will do for him and a nine comes off so jason kuhn is going to win a nice pot here vance over four million wow the young poker pro jason taking down a big [Applause] this tournament man it's been ridiculous yeah it's been a lot of fun but i'll tell you what i probably lost five to ten years off my life because of this tournament so everyone has chips we've got four young gun poker players going after the festa el lago who will take this title down join us next time for wpt's continuing coverage of the festa all lago from bellagio brought to you by club wpt.com until then for mike sexton vince van patten and tony dunst i'm kimberly lansing saying thanks for watching good night [Music] what we're seeing is young guys fighting for about every single pot whether they have a hand or not that's what shows you what great poker champions are made of what i call the regular rose randall's friends should bring up a pretty big bar tab tonight before this night's over we're waiting for a flop to come with a little the drama building in the fontana lounge we're going to the river i got a lucky feeling about this can i catch it everybody on their feet that's the hand of the monk [Music] the world poker tour is brought to you by club wpt.com never lose a dime playing poker guaranteed [Music] bellagio is not only the center of the las vegas strip but also the center of the poker world where tonight one player will take home the 830 000 first place prize and achieve the ultimate thrill of being crowned wpt champion the conclusion of festa alago starts now only on the wpt [Music] he would love to knock this loudmouth out [Music] we could see fireworks early on at this final table i'm all in whoa andy frankenberger going for a second wpt title this season skip wilson has flopped top pair advanced discus fell dune for him so that's gonna do it retired businessman skip wilson gonna be out in sixth place as the mustard finally come off the frankenberger nice thing i don't don't don't know hand jinx yet [Applause] andy frankenberger out tonight in fifth place not two titles on the wpc this season and right now it's the 22 year old randall flowers could he become the youngest player to win two titles on the wpt so jason kuhn is going to win a nice pot here vance right now we can call the chip leader because that's exactly what he is what a rollercoaster it's been a lot of fun but i'll tell you what i probably lost five to ten years off my life because of this tournament it's never an easy journey to win a wpt title at bellagio but we will crown a new champion here tonight let's get back to the call of the game with mike sexton and vince van patten hello i'm vince van patten alongside my hall of fame partner mike sexton where four 20 year olds remain going after this big title our current chip leader is jason kuhn he's a 25 year old poker pro now live in las vegas formerly from west virginia he's got 4.2 million in chips and randall flowers with 3.9 million in chips and he became the youngest player ever to win a wpt title in barcelona and he's looking to make history and become the youngest player to ever win two wpt titles here tonight and then there's noah schwartz his second time at a wpt final table he's got 2.8 million in chips and in fourth place is michael benvenuti a 24 year old poker pro out of costa mesa california he's sitting on 2.5 million chips there you see the winner tonight will take home over 830 000. annie's will start out at 15 000 the blind 60-120 000 we are about to get started as the cards fly around the table action first on jason kuhn the chip leader only his second wpt tournament ever he's an online player they call him nova sky and nova scotia is picked up by jack nine in first position it's all four of these guys in their 20s all our young pros incredibly youth prevailing once again on the world poker tour the four youngest guys at the final table are the final four players jason is raised to 275. noah schwartz gonna muck and now randall flowers with the justin bieber haircut with a king deuce randall came to this final table as the chip leader but in truth it's probably played the most conservative at the table but no longer he is changing gears but it's going to re-raise here with the king deuce michael benvenuti out so back on jason the guy in second chip position raises you here when you're the chip leader and you're looking down at jack nine off suit you're not very thrilled about it and jason gonna lay it down nice play by randall there maybe he's just sensing that jason's getting a little too aggressive doesn't have a hand every time and he's gonna find out where he's at and he's got his buddies here tonight he's got some momentum can he pull off his own little piece of poker history i'm here with professional poker player lauren cling who's here to support jason kuhn and well the four remaining players at this table probably because she was extremely close to actually making this final table you took 14th right yes i did i bust out the last hand of the night on day four it's kind of disappointing but definitely we'll make something happen next time so you know the four remaining players in this tournament who do you think can take this thing down based on skill i think it's really dependent on who gets lucky uh all of these players are really good skilled online players and just it will somewhat come down to the cards so i know you're really here to root on jason but randall flowers mentioned that if he were to win this tournament what would he do he told me that he would do a belly roll for the cameras so that will definitely be great to see if he does end up winning i would like to see that myself all right mike and vince back to you all right back to the felt we go action on noah schwartz and noah has quickly folded his hand as does randall flowers so we've got the battle of the blinds here between benvenuti who has a king eight and jason cooper my friends i'll probably follow that button too i think he's impersonating you mike oh man i thought i was the only one that did the impersonations of you now ben affleck tried to now we got another one trying to be like mike we're waiting for a flop to come with a little bingo bangabong over here hey you gotta work on me a little more randall [Music] we're waiting for a flop here comes out ten nine seven two it's hearts very action-oriented flop here man it's my chaser max oh man michael benvenuti with an open-ended straight draw he's gonna bet how much is that mike remember i can't see the amount 180 thousandths of it to the camera but karen reaches for chimps it looks like he's going to call head's up to the turn it's a ten of diamond chance i'm out of a job i was very excited what is michael benvenetti going to do [Applause] he's in deep thought here vance let's give him a little quiet time you guys playing for 830 thousand taking my job too now it's up to jacob to pull the trigger oh nope he passes on to the river our king of diamonds a scarecrow advantage [Laughter] it's convenient he's reaching for chips he's counting it out he's looking like he's firing 295 thousand vans so sick bro looks like jason's going into the tank here mike who is this kid is this your long-lost son that you never told me about well he's actually from greenville north carolina i used to play poker greenville north carolina i live north carolina a little bit event so somehow we get the same kind of roots she got king x put jason in a pretty tough spot here man all right buddy all right he makes a sick fold vince ben vernet when's the pot well not bad mike he's got you down there i'll tell you i wish he was up here and i was down there lots of great young players competed in this tournament at bellagio including arguably the best woman player in the world stick around for my five questions with 22 year old annette oberstad you went on the record saying that women suck at poker [Music] i love playing at the bellagio the fontana room is the most comfortable room to play in in the world uh the staff at bellagio are really friendly and nice and yeah it's just a great place to play poker bellagio's it's bellagio it's glass it's where you want to be when people think of a big poker tournament they think about bellagio [Music] welcome back to las vegas i'm vince van patten alongside mike sexton and this is the world poker tour brought to you by club wpt.com and as you can see randall flowers a great mike sexton impersonator he's our chip leader he's got 4.3 million in chips as we go to the table action on benvenuti he's going to quickly fold and now the former college sprinter jason kuhn with a 6'5 i will play almost anything has been the most aggressive player at this final table that's for sure was the chip leader briefly now sitting in second chip position and he's going to raise here with the 6'5 on the button makes it 250 000 to go noah schwartz with an ace deuce of diamonds it's like an exasperated look vince every time he wants to play a hand this guy raised in front of him and he gets away from it and flowers with a jack ten of diamonds because he's got so many chips i think that will inspire randall to play this pot with the suited connectors because if you hit your hand you can win more money well he has made the call we got jack 10 up against 6'5 so here we go here comes the flop [Applause] flop king 88 no help to either player action on randall he checks will jason make the continuation bet here well he is super aggressive we've seen it all night long with nothing hands a fearless poker player and he's going to stick out 250 000. randall with no hand and no draw could he suspect some marks in here vents and look at this he is just calling this bet it's what we call floating in poker meaning you call a guy with no hand and no draw to try to take the pot away from him later but a dream card on the turn for randall as the nine of diamonds comes up gives him an open end straight flush draw so he doesn't have to bluff the pot now because he's got such a big draw yeah he's checked it and jason kuhn now with an inside straight drive that's about it wow well this is really bold here folks let me tell you something when the flop comes king 88 and you bet and the guy calls you if you've got the nerve to fire again on the terminal 9 comes off more power to you i couldn't do it well he has done it and now interestingly enough randall with a huge strong hand just calling we're going down to the river who will get lucky on this car seven comes off oh man since both players have made it straight randall has the higher straight he's got a jack ten impossible to put him on this hand if you're jason kuhn and jason looking back at his hand he can't believe it he's been bluffing all the way since before the flop on the flop on the turn and now makes a straight on the river and randall has checked into him waiting for that bet oh boy i bet you're definitely gonna bet here with the street 1.5 1.5 million is the bet and now let's see what randall is gonna do he's for sure at least gonna call with the jack high street but it would take a full house to beat him but certainly a full house of possibility looking at that board well randall realizes that jason only has about a million left all in and he's gonna come back over the top he wants all his money jason can't even breathe right now look at it this is just a nightmare for jason oh boy you can't swallow a bb right there it's hard to lay down this hand i can't believe what's happened to him he was in second chip position going into this pot he was bluffing bluffing bluff and now made a hand and now could do all his money and be out of here in fourth place oh jesus and you're so pot committed you got a pretty big hand yeah i think most players will go broke on this nicole he's calling and he's going to lose cold [Applause] well jason in shock as he sees his opponents made a jackass straight we did it leaving the arena right now can't believe what's happened to him jason's sucking up there always a gentleman he is a great player we're going to see a lot of them yeah that's good good luck thanks man oh what a devastating loss for jason he is our fourth place finisher he is stunned as the crowd is stunned they will take home 225 000 but that is that's the hand of the of the month nice hand randall thank you that's pretty sick i like the game a little you know it's like anybody else in tournament poker i ramble to get here and um obviously not happy about that hand but what can you do i played the best that i could and i got my money all in with a straight on a i mean that's the absolute jen river card for me well vance what we're seeing is young guys fighting for about every single pot whether they have a hand or not you got to love that that's what shows you what great poker champions are made of and the 22 year old has taken a monster chip lead here randall flowers with three players left and the festa alago the party by the lake three-handed back to the felt we go noah schwartz with the button he's gonna muck with a four deuce and now mr lucky the sexton impersonator randall flowers with h3 says how much you got all in and then he pushes all in i'm gonna try to just bully you out but this time benvenuti with a queen ten of spades what would it call the regular raise oh it's a good thing i did that queen 10 suited well vance these are all young 20-something year pros like tony dunst let's see what he's got to say all right in this edition of the raw deal brought to you by rise two of today's tough young guns play the biggest part of the tournament and what winds up being a cooler by the river i'm tony dunst known as bond 18 online let's break down how misfortune stung jason kuhn against randall flowers in a hand that demonstrates the deep level of thought both players commit to the game naturally an aggressive player like jason will raise the button with a huge range of hands pre-flop so randall can't narrow much down before the flop and makes the call with the always sexy looking jack 10 suited on the flop jason makes the standard continuation bet on a texture that will often get randall to fold but rattle doesn't fold he makes what's known as an out of position float a play that allows him to likely take down the pot on the river if jason checks back the turn plus possibly make a hand with one of his backdoor draws the turn is more straightforward 575. jason betts because he knows randall will call the flop with a wide range of hands that will mostly fold to a second barrel including ace high small pairs and floats randall makes the call with what is now an open-ended straight flush draw which he can never fold given that price the river is the gin card as both players make their hand randall makes a very wise check 1.5 million and jason bets about half of his remaining stack and what is now the majority of his stack that began the hand with oh when randall moves in on him jason truly looks like he's going to vomit and i can't blame him for feeling the urge he knows that a lot of the hands randall chuck shoves the river with are full houses but he may also believe randall would play a strong 8 this way [Music] i really like both jason and randall and i believe both players made smart decisions in this hand there's only one thing that really upsets me about all this that randall hasn't bothered to develop a decent impression of me yet yeah i'm talking to you randall thought we were friends man stick around we'll be right back with more world poker tour the world poker tour is brought to you by club wpt.com play poker for your share of over a hundred thousand in cash and prizes and even become a wbt champion all for only 19.95 a month never lose a dime playing poker guaranteed before i was 21 it was pretty rough trying to play poker because you have to be 21 in the states so i had to travel to a lot of places in europe to play i when i went to barcelona i wanted wpt it was pretty amazing i got a giant fake check had someone asked me if i won the barcelona lottery and i thought about it for a little while and i was like well yeah i feel like this will be a little bit more well covered so it'd be nice to get a little bit more recognition and win a title in the states welcome back to the world poker tour brought to you by club wpt.com we are back at bellagio for the festa a lago and that is randall flowers and he's running over the field right now going after a second wpt title miranda flowers is the youngest player to ever capture wpt title but not the youngest to make wpt final tables that's right we had 19 year old kofi farkey 19 year old jeff garza and 18 year old ozzy shake and we should point out that those guys made wpt final tables at events outside the u.s all right winner's going to take home 831 000 here tonight there you see the chip counts randall out in front with 8.1 million noah with 2.7 million and michael with 2.5 million first to act is the chip leader randall 9 8 in his hand not very impressive but he is just opening up this game even more so like you're supposed to when you have chips in a short-handed poker game he's going to raise makes it 240 000 to go well that's incredibly to me when we've had a six-handed game he was the tightest player at the table now he's become the most aggressive player at the table come on but look at this michael benvenuti over the top baldwin with an ace ten of diamonds as noah schwartz folds his hand and so does randall a nice all-in bet there by michael oh that is nice to do especially when you've been pushed around all night long just to get back at that bully of a chip leader randall flowers has to feel good from the time she burst onto the poker scene at 18 years old annette oberstad has been considered one of the top female poker players in the world now 22 annette dominated the action here at bellagio before finishing in a disappointing 13th place earlier this week i caught up with the young norwegian superstar for this edition of five questions there was a lot of hype and excitement about u-turns i'm 21 years old and i'm sure there was a lot of pressure as well have you lived up to that hype i wouldn't say so even if you're the best player in the world you're probably not going to win a bracelet he's an odd star against you it's tough to win tournaments how is your game different from when you play live versus online it's very different when i play online i play really tight for the most part but when i play live i feel like i get away with more stuff than i probably should i just feel like they have a hard time pulling the trigger against me compared to online because when you're playing online you just click a button but when you have you have to shove your whole stack in there maybe you look like a fool if you if you get caught then you know it's not always that easy you won a wsop event in europe when you were 18. so how important is it to you now to go deep in in a u.s event like i just want people to still think that i'm a good player and consistent winner and i know what i'm doing for me it's really more important to get respect from other players so what are the differences between american and european poker players european poker players are probably a little more aggressive there's not as many casinos in europe as there are in the states so we're kind of you know forced to play online if we want to play the game and honestly there's really not that much to do in norway it's a really boring place and it rains a lot so it's a good thing to just stay in yeah gamble right gamble it off in the snow you went on the record saying that suck at poker yeah and i stick to it but i don't think all women suck at poker i'm saying most of them do but still most men suck too so i'm not gonna discriminate some bold words by annette she may be young vince but i can tell you if she can really play poker make no mistake about that she was the chip leader in this tournament with 13 players left and unfortunately went out in 13th place but we'll see her again i have no doubts about that on to the next 10. now with schwartz's time with h3 and jose signs a favorite over a random two card hand that's for sure so he is going to raise it here yeah it makes it 300 000 to go but randall with an ace deuce of diamonds come on randall is going all in just going to put pressure on noah when noah's face with a decision for all his doe right here and just as an h3 off suit you're not liking it folks you're fearful your opponent's got ace king as queen as jack he's ten suited a small pair any of those hands of course dominate you you don't want to get knocked out on this kind of hand finished third where you pick up about 344 compared to second at least which is 564. so noah does the right thing even though he's in front he lays down the hand well this good tough smart poker being played by the youngster now randall flowers is dabbing it as we say convince that's the power having chips we'll be right back from las vegas with more exciting poker brought to you by club wpt.com [Music] okay if you want to get in on the action anytime anywhere download wpt texas hold'em for your mobile device today wpt texas hold'em sometimes the game's too good to leave behind i'm michelle one of the royal flush girls and you're watching the world poker tour oh my goodness i'm always on the computer and i like to play video games as well my major in school was computer information systems i'm really a big nerd at home don't tell anybody welcome back to the world poker tour well that was michelle banzer one of the royal flesh girls and they sure are fun to have around absolutely right mike it is great to have the royal plus girls out here with us and we can meet them and kimberly lansing like saxton and myself at any of our tournament stops of course just go to worldpokertour.com for a complete tournament schedule and right now we're three-handed at bellagio and leading the way is 22 year old randall flowers with 8.5 million in chips and we're going to go back down to the felt where michael benvenuti the first one to act he's got a queen jack in his hand from orange county california he's a surfer he's a sportsman he's a poker player and this is 6wpt event his first final table was second cash well he's raised a 280 noah out randall flowers though with the jack ten of spades we only won the biggest part of the night this final table when he beat jason kuhn with the jack ten of diamonds he made a call on the flop then when it came king eight eight so he's gotta like jack ten suited and he has made the call so jack ten for the chip leader up against queen jack flop eight four three two diamonds no help for either player randall quickly checks let's see if and if annuity will make the continuation bet no he gets a little timid he checks it ace on the turn helps neither player randall jackson come on michael you're gonna fire one of these times he's gonna try to represent an ace here possibly you know he doesn't need to he's got the best hand with queen high but he doesn't know it raised before the flop played a little timid on the flop but now you're gonna bet nicely done 300 000 can he chase away randall flowers yep very easily so nice job by michael benvenuti taking down that pot he's a server from orange county and right there he gets a couple cut backs gets barreled and wins the pot when i was first starting to play i loved watching poker on tv i always watched all the world poker tour events so this is pretty cool to actually be on one of the final tables i definitely think it's one of the crowning achievements of all poker players that do this for a living to win a major title would be just a great achievement vince michael was watching us on tv when he was 14. now here he is that's scary all right well the annie's are staying at 15 000 but the blinds are going up to 80 and 160 000 as three players remain action going to noah schwartz pear queens and he says all in with it right behind him justin bieber look alike how much is it randall flowers has a pair of eights well that's because he can well afford to make this call possibly take out a player i think for sure he's going to get involved with his hand i'm on well he's gone all in too and i'm not crazy about that play then the nudie gets out of the way there's no way the third guy is coming into that spot unless he's got a huge overpower right now noah schwartz dominating flowers i got hearts it's the pair over pear don't know about an 80 favorite to win this pot we got the best sound he is happy right now great shot to double up right here for the guy from miami florida i got a lucky feeling about this dude it's going to be like at least the gutter on the flop randall flowers really lucky well vance when you're young you got confidence anything can flop out there i'm getting so short looking at the two queens i'm happy yeah dude i'm getting deuce five three four no no i can't get nothing i don't see a face card let's see if i'm here here we go with a flop oh it's queen seven seven noah's flopped a full house mclovin's gotta love that one this body must catch two running eights oh so much for that lucky feeling there man get a split pot if it came two running sevens but very dim four clubs on the turn that's gonna do it noah schwartz is gonna double up here well deserved for noah schwartz that's certainly gonna even up this contest quite a bit here between these three players to win a wpt title is something that i've dreamed about for a long time it's sort of like a pro athlete winning the super bowl i mean this is a very prestigious event it was 335 of the best players in the world in my opinion so i mean it would mean a great deal to me noah schwartz doubles up nick lovin loving it here tonight we'll be right back with more world poker tour brought to you by club wpt.com i've earned a decent bit of money in my age but i don't really look at it like that it's more just like a high score in a video game and i kind of just want to get the top score [Music] welcome back to bellagio and wpt's coverage of festa alago as you can see fifth place finisher andy frankenberger has taken the lead in the wpt player of the year race and with more points up for grabs this evening we'll have new names on the leaderboard before this night is complete the players are almost back from their break so let's send it back down to mike sexton and vince van patten you know mike this is our time to talk about our new season 9 sponsor club wpt.com well for those of you who aren't up to speed on this yet let us tell you in a nutshell what the club is all about well mike it really is a great site you pay 19.95 a month you get a bunch of great free stuff like the online wpt poker magazine and things for your phone and your computer and of course then you have your poker well that's right for only 19.95 a month people can play all the poker they want for their share of a hundred thousand dollars in cash and prizes and that includes playing for a wpt tournament seat every month and all the buy-ins are free no money not a dime what a deal all right so if you haven't gone already go to club wpc.com and check it out okay let's get back to the final table all right to the felt we go randall flowers first to act has a big hand ace queen and he got chips out makes it 320 000 to go it's the minimum raise his blinds are 80 and 160 000. benvenuti going away but noah schwartz with king queen says all-in and he quickly gets the call by randall ace queen king queen noah's not gonna like it because he is dominated as we say it's ace queen versus king queen yeah the former baseball pitcher noah schwartz out of miami 27 years old on the ropes right now randall about a three to one favorite to win this pot and knock noah out of this tournament we gotta ship his face kid as he goes to his buddies on the rail well there's last year's champion of this event tom avidis [Applause] how do you have ace clean on the button dude so sick he's watching his buddy here tonight but he's gonna have to get lucky right here to stay alive michael benvenuti just rooting for him to lose everybody's queen there so sick like you said i'm the best here comes the flop well jack 7-3 no help to either player good game no one looking for a king or two runners to make a straight otherwise he'll be out in third place so just called noah dismal mumbling to himself 10 begging for cards at this point 10 ball 10 ball 10 ball oh we got a gun nine comes off so don't water the flowers yet man no a 10 would give noah street a king will give him the win as well oh boy yesterday the drama building in the fontana lounge we're going to the river noah needs a king or a 10 can he catch it can i catch it everybody on their feet it's a six so that's gonna do it for the southern florida man noah schwartz out the night in third place well a huge effort by noah taking home 344 000. he just didn't get any mclovin right there with that flop turn and river a little disappointed you know thought i'd win it but you know next time well it's come down to the two youngest guys at the table 24 year old michael benvenuti and 22 year old randall flowers heads up action for the title stay with us we're coming back with more on the world poker tour brought to you by club wpt.com welcome back to the world poker tour brought to you by club wpt.com as is the custom on the world poker tour when we get down to head they'll play we have our money presentations so show us the money out come the royal flush girls brought to you by prestigious models jen michelle cenesa and katrina bringing out the cold hard cash [Applause] look at that mike what a sight to see the cash for the girl yes oh yeah that's pretty cool and there's the wpt bracelet the watch and the trophy for our champion uh what a thing of beauty we are moments away from heads up action where randall flowers and michael benvenuti will battle for a wpt title during the break we caught up with both players and here's what they had to say i got a bunch of my friends here supporting me and you know we're all everyone here is like online players that i know and you know it's just it's a cool feeling to have everyone here it's just really exciting i've never been in this spot before for this much money so uh i'm feeling great i'm just going to play my best and you know we're going to be heads up and he's going to have like slightly under 20 bbs once we get to 100 200 so the chips are really just going to go in the hands are going to play themselves there's not going to be too much deep play going on just a lot of gambling advance one more time youth prevailing on the world poker tour the two youngest players at this final table are now playing heads up for this title 22 year old randall flowers from greenville north carolina up against michael benvenuti 24 year old from costa mesa california all right the cards are being dealt the drama about the start of the heads up action action going to randall flowers our chip leader first he's got the button he's got queen deuce of spades and he's got a lot of nerve getting chips out gonna push it makes it 320 000 to go but behind a michael with ace five will he strike first come on when he's going all in and what a nice ole in bet it was by him to take down that pot as randall now mike back in season five we saw the youngest heads-up battle on the wpt when 21-year-old isaac haxton went up against 22-year-old ryan dout at the caribbean poker adventure where ryan doubt came out on top and even though randall and michael are both very young guys you can see on this chart that they are the fourth youngest pairing we have witnessed duking it out over a wpt title and right now it's a 22 year old randall flowers who has the chip lead and a shot at becoming the youngest player to win two titles out here on the wpt all right to the felt we go michael benvenuti right now with king nine of clubs and the button things starting to sway his way a little momentum on his side and he is going to raise this 320 000 to go randall this time with a jack nine off suit make the call since it was a minimum raise i think it's the right play well flop comes 6'5 deuce all little cards no help to either player no randall's first to act doesn't look like he's going to check here looks like he's getting some chips to bet well he passed 360 and it's going to work michael benvenuti has to fold his hand no that's a brilliant pitch i ran in here understood the situation this guy's pretty solid he's ready before the flop let me bet when all the little cards come up here and see if he'll go away that's exactly what happened we're coming back with more exciting heads-up action for the wpt in just a moment stay with us [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] welcome back to the world poker tour brought to you by club wpt.com we've had some great champs here at festal lago including carlos mortensen who won his first of three wpt titles here in season three and elky gross pa who won this event in season seven on his way to becoming the wpt player of the year right now both randall flowers and michael benvenuti are hoping to add their names to that prestigious list as you can see randall flowers is the chip leader with 10 million up against michael benvenuti's 3.4 million let's go to the felt action on randall flowers first he's got the button he's got queen three 330. randall makes it 330 000 to go michael though behind him with a king 10. come on wow what a nice all-in bet by michael there and a quick ejection for randall flowers he's just sensing that randall's raising every time on the button whatever he's got so with the king 10 he just came over the top all in and took it down right back at him benvenuti this time with a king seven with the button he's first to act 80s 15 000 blinds still 80 and 160. well he's gonna raise it makes it 320 000 to go flowers with just a 9 10. he's gonna make the call to see the flop yeah he's not going anywhere gambling time here in the fontana lounge here comes the flop flop is jack 6'5 no help to either player yeah randall flower's going to check it and michael not going to make continuation bets checks as well but that could be good for him because he just picks up kings randall's picked up a gunshot straight troll but he's going to check and now after hitting two kings on the turn michael reaching for chips yep it looks like 420 000 going out to the middle of the pot and it's gonna work randall gives it up so michael benvenuti blowing his way back here benvenuti who started watching poker nine years ago in the world poker tour he says didn't know how to play then educated by us and now play for a title okay onward and upward we go randall flowers this time with an uneventful 9-3 off suit 3 30. well he is relentless raising on the button bench doesn't matter what two cards he has as you can see he's raised every time on the button with him yeah i made a 3 30 to go michael this time with a queen seven of spades getting chips out do you want to see a flop and he's gonna make the call all right so queen seven up against nine three here we go flop comes nine six five with two spades michael hustro and a gunshot straight draw and checks yeah randall has hit a pair of nines here though yep he's hit top pair will he try to protect the top pair with a bet he rings with nine three off suit and then make two nines of course you're gonna bet yes he's gonna stick some chips out there four hundred and twenty thousand i bet i just move all in if i was michael here well let's get the flush draw the gunshot straight throw and he's gonna go all in tough decision for randall now as to what to do call not too tough because he'd snap calls [Applause] well unbelievable i'm not sure i could have made that call for 3.3 million there 9-3 versus queensland even though randall has the best hand with two nines he's not the mathematical favorite to win this pot michael benvenuti is certainly the player could win this pot michael must win it to stay alive if he wins he'll be the chip leader if randall's 2-9 stand up he'll be our champion here's the turn car the four clubs comes off now that gives michael an open end straight draw to go along with this plus throwing his over card so michael needs a queen an eight a spade or a three otherwise randall flowers is our champion let's see what happens here [Applause] michael had yeah couldn't hit anything you certainly can't blame him for getting it all in without handbath just played unlucky not to make a hand that could be too nice wow it is a mosh pit over there for randall flowers he's our wpt champion congratulations it's two it's two as a professional poker player this is uh you know everyone's goal so it just feels great to to make it a heads up and for a 500k score you know i can't complain congratulations mr flowers thank you very much you are the youngest person to ever take down a wpt title and the youngest guy to ever take down two wpt titles that's a nice ad to your resume right there yeah it's pretty uh nice but i try to remain humble else i won't be successful in the future and i gotta tell you you had a whole lot of support in this room tonight they're all really good friends of mine who really wanted to see me win so the more noise i just knew that men the more support in their eyes i can't imagine what the rest of your night's gonna look like meet you and the most important part of this interview i need to see a belly roll a belly roll yeah first hand all right this is for lauren the belly roll it's the victory roll the best part of the night thank you thank you very much from bellagio this is kimberly lansing for mike sexton vince van patten tony dunst and the rest of the wpt team thanks for watching and good night wpt baby can't top that we're waiting for a flop to come with a little bingo bang up bongo here i wish he was up here and i was down there most men suck too so i'm not going to discriminate it hurts yeah what am i going to tell you [Applause] come on that's the hand of the monk then i catch it and it boom it comes and it's like you get that that rush roller coaster i probably lost five to ten years off my life because of this tournament what a sight to see the cash for the girls yes oh yeah that's pretty cool it's two it's two it's here for the two-time wpt champ brando flower [Applause] until next time see all your cars be live and your pets be mustered [Music] the world poker tour is brought to you by club wpt.com never lose a dime playing poker guaranteed [Music] the connecticut countryside has been invaded by a group of young talented pros all ready to prove they have what it takes to dominate the sport but only one will be named champion tonight it's the fox woods world poker finals and it's only on the wpt [Music] it is the extreme miracle unbelievable [Music] for nine seasons foxwood has played host to some of the biggest poker names in the world howard lederer eric seidel and white perkins all earned their wpt titles here but it's a brave new world in poker four days ago all the great past champs showed up ready to take down another wpt title but a new generation of pros were ready and waiting to kick the old guard out the door day one here at wpt foxwoods let's shuffle up and deal with the tournament underway the royal flush girls hit the floor let's see if you're good luck and they found the room filled with wpt champs including multiple title winners carlos mortensen barry greenstein cornell simpan and jonathan little unfortunately some of our champs seem to be having a difficult time in the early rounds to see it i'm off to kind of a weak start so far no reason to panic yet overall the day belonged to the young new stars of the game including jason mercier jason somerville and thomas marchese seventy percent of the field survived to see day two including young online pro mohsen charania who was second in chips i made a couple of hero calls because i had a lot of chips in the last hand i busted a player flop super i mean just running really good [Music] day two started with 168 players and some familiar wpt champs still in the hunt including gavin smith hoyt corkins barry greenstein carlos martinson and nick shulman season eight shooting star champ maclean carr started the day 12th in chips but once again fell he was unfairly losing them and now you're making me accept it and it's clearly like wrong of course we don't know any of those pieces i do know i do know i told you i did line's in anything i keep very close track in my head of like how much i have i have to that's how i play ridiculous as play continued we saw season two world poker finals champ point corkins chip up while canadian pro eric casually went from 110 000 in chips to zero attention was now on the competition forming at table ten where wpt champs howard lederer victor ramden and old school pro miami john cenato were battling the young new players to watch including jason mercier and daryl fish as luck would have it mclean's new seat was to the left of howard letterer it's hard for me to go incognito today but luck was not on the side of wpt champs victor ramden vic as he ran into the pocket kings of 22 year old online pro jeff forest see it open tableton by the end of the day we would see wpt season 4 world poker finals champ nick shulman and wpt world champ carlos mortensen bust mclean's day of frustration was capped with a bluff that went bad and set him packing after nine hours of playing the young pros left an impression on season one world poker finals champ howard lederer things have changed in the last couple of years it used to be there were a lot of young players some of them were good and a lot of them were just you know overly aggressive thought they were good but weren't seasoned i feel like the young guys that are still around are the good ones howard barely survived the day placing 65th out of the remaining 69 players a couple other familiar names were doing well with josh ariel and gavin smith in the top five but it was online pro kyle bowker who held a slight chip lead day three of this six day poker marathon started with one goal in mind making the money only 25 of the remaining 69 players would cash but wpt champ eric seidel would not be one of them as he was eliminated by russian software engineer nikolai yakovenko sorelle mitzi did the honors for jonathan little denying the season six player of the year his third cash of season nine while young pros jason mercier most mohsen charania and kevin stamen were all moving up in chips superstars howard letter and barry greenstein were sent home empty-handed leaving josh arie gavin smith and boyd corgins holding the hopes of the old guard but after nine hours of grueling play there were still 28 players left meaning we would not hit the prize money till tomorrow online pro chris unikin would end the day on the top and day two chip leader kyle bowker would have the night to think about how he went from first to worst [Music] day four dawned with one mantra in the room make the money make the money make the money my seat is terrible i'm at the toughest table i'm out of position on a bunch of good players it's pretty tough but hopefully we get the money soon but the bubble would not burst quickly it took almost three hours of play to lose the first two players good luck on the bubble one more spot to go you can feel it you know the tension in the room right now you know everybody wants to make the money it would take another hour before the moment everyone was waiting for new york player alex berger goes all in with pocket tens he's followed by kyle bowker who's holding pocket queens swap comes jack 8-4 no help for alex turn is a nine kyle is still in the lead but alex now has a gut shot straight draw river another nine no look for the unfortunate alex as he exits in 26th place breaking the money bubble and guaranteeing the rest of the field a payday after a slow start to the day the bust out came quickly and the surviving players began to look for that extra edge i understand what girls go through now man this is like hot the whole neck's burning but even a lucky wig couldn't help ronnie barta from a string of bad luck and then elimination courtesy of sorel mitzi's pocket kings i can't pull the hand again several big hands would put card player magazine's 2010 player of the year thomas marchese and online pro jeff forrest one two atop the leaderboard and although the field still included superstars jason mercier and sorel mitzi point forkins chances of making a sixth wpt final table were looking very good indeed [Music] day five donned with just six players left to lose and the odds high that at least one familiar face would survive to the tv table but nothing comes easy on the wpt and the immediate ejection of multiple wpt champ hoyt corkins by most in terrania sent a clear message to the remaining 11. this was anyone's title to win 15 minutes later that message was emphasized when the young superstar jason mercier was sent to the rail by the online pro known as stam dog kevin stamen i was feeling good all tournament and just felt like i had a good opportunity to maybe make the final table and potentially get a title but just doesn't always work out the way that you play in a tournament of surprises the final surprise of the day was bluff magazine's player of the year sorel mitzi who put his tournament life on the line with ace queen suited against mohsen's pocket tens an ace on the flop wasn't good enough for sorel at 10 on the river sealed his fate giving us six new faces ready to win a wpt title including respected online players most in terrania and kevin stahlmann young up and comer jeff forest the russian software engineer nikolai yakovanko foxwood satellite qualifier david enzelberg and card player magazine's player of the year thomas marchese anyone can win it they're all really talented so we'll see what happens given the makeup of this final table one could assume the old guard just can't compete with this aggressive new generation of players well luckily we have our resident poker hall of famer mike sexton who's been down in the trenches with these guys so mike is it harder for the old school guys to make it to a wpt final table kimberly youth does prevail out here on the world poker tour today five of our six finalists are age 26 or younger now there's a number of reasons that the young guns do so well out here they're bright they're well educated and they're constantly working on improving their game nearly all of them play a lot of online poker meaning they gain as much experience in six months time as an old school guy like me did in 10 years of playing live poker betting is what the game is all about these young guys know it they're aggressive and they're fearless vince europe next in many sports the older you get the less effective you become you think this is true for poker as well well kimberly i'll put it this way in my sport of tennis you could play until you're 40 years old now you lose your physical part a little bit but if you're still eager that's what it's all about you can still play as many champions have in tennis i'll equate it to poker as well the young players they're still very eager nothing bothers them five days of poker they're attentive they're eager they want to prove something to the world whereas the older guys even though they mean well and they want to do it maybe they get a little bit soft softness in poker leads to fatigue fatigue leads to bad decisions and bad decisions lead you to the rail like a domino effect yeah well thank you gentlemen tournament officials are making their final preparations mike and vince will be back with the call of the game as the final table of fox woods the world poker final gets underway right after this [Music] welcome back to the world poker tour brought to you by club wpt.com never lose a dime playing poker guaranteed we're at foxwoods where we're just moments away from the start of the final table of the world poker finals and vince i look for the young guys guns to come out blazing while this young aggressive poker bun should make for great poker action the car is about ready to fly let's go watch the bluffing begin the crowd is filled with excitement tonight as our players get ready to battle for this wpt title starting out in seat one is 26 year old nikolai yakovenko this russian-born software engineer lives in brooklyn new york people here call him google's because he used to work for google okay moving over to seat number two we have jeff forest from orlando florida he is 22 years old and he's second in chips he's a very young online pro and he's made an impressive run here this week especially given this is his very first wpt event he has ever played sitting in c3 as our chip leader that's 23 year old thomas marchese from parsippany new jersey while this is thomas's first wpt final table he is no stranger to the poker world thomas had an amazing year in major tournaments earning him the honor of being named card player magazine 2010 player of the year now moving over to seat number four is one of our extreme short stacks he's 43 year old david enzelberg he is the oldest player at the final table now david owned an ice cream store in manhattan that went belly up and he's been trying to get back on his feet by playing poker well vance we've been talking about these young online players 24 year old kevin stahlmann is one of those guys kevin said he plays upwards of 20 tournaments at one time online tonight he has just one hand to look at at a time but he's gonna have to make something happen quick as he's sitting at the bottom of the chip count with a little over 260 thousand chips rounding out the field in seat six is 25 year old mohsin sharanya he's an avid online player and he graduated from the university of illinois urbana-champaign where he learned poker by playing with his fellow classmates including wpt player of the year ferrazz jacka tonight's winner will earn over a half a million dollars once again our chip leader is card player magazine's player of the year thomas marchese the short stack is online pro kevin stalman all right blinds at 12 and 24 action on kevin starman who looks down at ace deuce and he throws it away boston also going away action over to nikolai yakivenko he's going to raise it here with an ace 8 offsuit makes it 58 000 to go but right behind him jeff forest with a pair of sevens seems to like his hand he's going to make the call action over to the small blind now our chip leader thomas marchese he looks down at the ace nine of hearts pretty seductive hand the 58. he also was going to make a call thomas only 23 years old now it's up to the ice cream man david enzelberg and he is gonna go away so we have three-way action firsthand here at foxwoods here we go well flop comes 10-5 deuce with two hearts thomas has flopped the nut flush draw but checks nikolai who raised before the flop also checks no continuation bet and quickly jeff forest is making a wager of 84 000 here thomas mercasi with a four flush just a call many players with a chip lead would have re-raised right there nick like going out well six of clubs comes off and look at this thomas leads right out and bets 234 000 on the turn with no hesitation puts the chips in on the turn interesting play well great call by jeff there yeah comes the river card oh a nine comes off sickening this gives thomas the best hand now with two nines he's gonna check doesn't have to bluff here oh this one is gonna hurt if it jeff forrest out rivered he checks as well and let's watch the pain on jeff's face there it is took that beat pretty well actually so thomas marchese taking down the first pot at this final table and then the rich get richer now jeff forest may have lost that hand but kimberly lansing has found he has some celebrity support rooting him on today i'm standing here with two of jeff forrest's biggest fans jeff forest senior yep and former nsync member joey fatone welcome honestly it is kind of crazy how do you guys know each other uh from orlando we're being good friends uh for quite some time and we've uh you have to do a bunch of charity events together and he texts me and asked me if i was here and i happen to be here in foxwoods doing let's make a deal on the show out here at fox theater and uh came out here to show support now do you play poker a little bit i'm not like this there's no way i couldn't stand the pressure of that one but you know i dabble a little bit i've won i've been fairly close of winning some tournaments but nothing nothing like this yeah and what's funny is i have no idea how to play like if i set a table no clue yeah i don't know how that's possible your son like paid his way through college on poker and you have no idea i noticed when he brings a lot of chips to him that's a good thing there you go yeah there you go i'm trying to end up a winner no matter what yes he will yes he will andy's a nice guy too so that always helps all right mike you heard it from the best can i get a little jig going on we'll dance he's the dancing guy in this thing there we go go jeffrey that's right mike and vince back to you guys really is joy patone on dancing with the stars as well advanced tonight jeff force wants to be in sync and take down this title that was always one of your favorite boy bands wasn't it all right getting back to the table nikolai has raised with ace jack up to 58 000 a quick full by jeff forest all in and now thomas marcasi has gone all in with ace 10. this is just power poker and mathematically i should be in there i kind of feel like you have me by one so sick and now he's talking to himself he would love this call if he should make it not cool wow a very bright guy went to columbia as a computer science major come on i can't feel confident on this one i know i'm feeling your confidence too and it seemed like you had that once you started talking you're probably hoping at ace nine and a suited or something or just a hand that folds oh boy and thomas marquese very sheepish at this point took a shot five cards to come here come the first three now flop comes king eight five all spades neither player have a spade so nikolai let's bait on the turn liking that flop so i'm taking nine of spades in this thomas mark casey hopi against hope he gets lucky well jack of spades comes off now thomas can win this pot if a queen comes off trying to clean her space obviously if a spade comes off they would split the pot both would have a flush no paint one card to hold off well the eight of diamonds he's done it nikolai yakovanko from brooklyn new york doubles up [Applause] you know it's so sick i i really like could not help with things like man with more cheesy dudes with ace 10 suited hell yeah why don't you have that one dude we do have to take a break but stick around there's more to come including tony dunst giving us the raw deal and five questions with poco pro vanessa selbst we'll be right back do you think women's events are kind of [Music] antiquated welcome back to the world poker tour brought to you by club wpt.com where the royal flush girls enjoy bowling at foxwoods i'm vince van patten alongside mike sexton and we're about to get back to the final table but first mike i'd like to chat a little bit about our season 9 sponsor club wpt.com well vince the club has really taken off people are signing up winning cash prizes and even seats into wpt events it's amazing it is amazing and do you remember laron washington okay the club wpt member that want to see to the wpt invitational of course i do he was the boxer yeah he went on not only to make the final table but he won the tournament it's a great cinderella story that is right and it's a good reminder to everyone at home that they could be the next one to slide on that glass slipper that's right you could be next but first you have to go to club wpt.com and if you sign up now you get two weeks of vip membership for free and don't forget that we have that code that gives them an additional two free weeks that's right if you go to club wpt.com and put in the code season nine you will get a total of a whole month free and during that time you can play poker for your share of the hundred thousand in cash and prizes it is truly a great deal and everyone should check it out but right now we have to get back down to the final table as you can see thomas mark casey is the chip leader with 3.4 million down to the felt we go nikolai yakovenko with an ace 10. he's getting some chips out well he just calls does not raise in first position limps in with the ace 10. jeff forrest his first time ever playing a wpt event he's next to act and he's gonna fold thomas mark casey out as well and now it's around to the ice cream man david enzelberg who has an attractive queen jack of clubs he's going to make the call yep starman out and motion with a pair of sixes check not gonna race so three-way action and the flop comes queen jack eight what a great flop for the ice cream man flopping two pair queens and jacks motions going to check with his pocket sixes nikolai has bet 70 david come on the ice cream man going all in ocean goes away and now it's back around to nikolai he's got to realize he's up against by far the tightest player at this table is nikolai has a two-way straight draw will he get stubborn and make this call all right i do yes he does as you said vince i believe this is a stubborn call ah that's not what i want to say and i don't like this play events and i say that because he's gambling against the tightest player at the table four diamonds comes off nick last shaking his head did not help him david the ice cream man one card away from doubling up just got to dodge a kangaroo 9 and he does so as an ace comes off so the oldest guy at the table 43 year old david anselberg takes the ice cream sticks in his nose and wins the pot in this event i really didn't think i'd be the last older man standing hoy clark can play great too i'm honored to play with these young guys they've played a huge amount of hands uh 200 tournaments a day so they could try things out and perfect it in one day where we play one tournament a deck we try something new we're knocked out by the time we perfected it could go months they could do that in one day so they're really good [Applause] so as you can see david enzelberg recognizes how tough these young players are vince he's just happy to be here what did you have um i think 4 20. i started including this it's been folded around in motion all in look at this with ace queen he says all in now it's up to nikolai yakiventko he's got ace deuce and he is considering this well i can't believe he would think about calling all the ships off with an ace deuce here i guess the question is if i'm flipping how much do i want to flip can i understand you're moving all in with an ace deuce out of the small blind but to call a guy for all your money with this hand just doesn't make sense to me all right i call you wow he has done it he's made the call whoa they're playing fast here at foxwoods anybody folded this well nikolai asking if anybody folded the deuce thomas marchese did oh for your job last chance the google man hit the wrong search engine there he needs to get extremely lucky let's see anything can happen on the wpt and there's the flop they both have aces and motion of course with a bigger kicker so right now motion in a beautiful position to double up and break nikolaj nikolai's gonna have to catch a deuce to win this fight on the turn well this is really tough luck for motion oh that is just ridiculous well motions are going to have to catch a queen of jack or seven to win the pot not to be mike it's over well making the wrong move at the right time is the way to go that's what happened for nikolai right there i think that what i love about tournament poker is that it really does help to be aggressive players who don't play aggressively don't do as well you know i think that aggression can make out for a lot of mistakes you know getting lucky with bad calls can make up for a lot of mistakes too vance all right kevin stumming gonna fold hasn't played a hand here yet very tight and now the very disappointed motion also folding but here comes nikolai with ace nine of diamonds makes it 70 000 to go behind him jeff fars with jack queen of clubs he will call our casey folding and the ice cream man with an a7 also folds so two-way action here we go flop comes king 10-4 and quickly nikolai making a 115 thousand dollar bet with just ace high jeff with the open industry draw does make the call and the nine comes off on the turn jeff has caught the there's no carton and come up he can lose the pot with vance i'm talking about jeff forest nikolai has checked wisely there's jeff forrest senior there little does he know his son cannot be beat on this hand he's trying to try to trap there now a king pairs the board as nikolai meekly checks and here comes jeff with his straight 225 000. just about half the size of the pot here i think that where his opponent will pay it off now vince i can't even imagine you can pay this off in this spot the only way you can pay this off you think your opponent's got two fours or a small pair nikolai is liable to do anything and he does the worst thing right there he makes this call oh jeff shows him a straight and takes down the pot but in my mind nicholas marching with two left feet right now in this tournament got lucky in one pot but not playing well at the moment jeff barth and his dad extremely happy as nikolai takes a dive things not going so well for nikolai tony dunst is analyzing his play right now when we come back we'll see what tony has to say as the wpt at fox woods continues the world poker tour is brought to you by club wpt.com play poker for your share of over a hundred thousand in cash and prizes for only 19.95 a month never lose a dime playing poker guaranteed [Applause] [Music] welcome back to the world poker tour brought to you by club wpt.com we've seen the russian software engineer nikolai yakovenko makes several missteps here tonight our own tony dunst has reviewed the footage and has some thoughts on nikolai's play in this edition of the raw deal brought to you by rise sometimes you get fortunate and find yourself at the final table with a less experienced and overly loose player how do you give yourself the best chance of getting his chips don't expect him to fold i'm tony dunst known as bond 18 online let's break it down nikolai yakuvenko begins this hand against dave insulberg by strangely limping ace 10 offsuit under the gun in a six-handed game with under 14 big blinds there'd have to be some kind of history to make me think that isn't pure faith palm right there insulberg makes a smart limp behind with queen jack suited and they go to the flop nikolai leads out 70k and he's stuck calling insulberg's shove come on given he's got two straight draws plus some overcard value plus the rare times his opponent has a worse draw and he holds up made the right decision fast playing his two pair on this texture as nikolai was committed to calling with a fair bit of his betting rank strange then in the hand against jeff forrest we cut to nikolai opening the 70k with 12 big blind and ace nine in the cutoff which again likely plays better as a shove but hey at least it's not a limp horst makes a shallow call on the button and they go to the flop heads up i find it curious that forest doesn't shove over nikolai's flop bet but if he believes nikolai to be a major station and won't fold many of his ace highs and any pair then i can see why he elects the call i really like to check by forrest on the turn as he only needs to go for one more stream of value to essentially stack nikolai and he likely realizes that on this texture nikolai would simply better shove the turn with his stronger hands anyway i have no idea why nikolai is calling the river bet though what hand is he expecting for us to turn over as far as i can tell nikolai never bothered for a second to think about what forrest might have and instead went with the more classic logic of i has pair therefore i call that's the thing about loose bad players though they're not folders so when you get one on your table make sure to bluff less slow down on draws and value that much more thin than you usually would or hit a strike whatever works really strange wow who let the dogs out i'm starting to feel sorry for nikolai he made the final table he's doing fine i like him oh you're right fancy obviously not playing well so far tonight but he must have done a lot of things right to make it to this final table that's for sure all right back to this hand 20 and 40 of the blinds come on and it's a round to stomach and he's gone all in with a pair of eights how much is that kevin emotion uh just under 400 i think from chicago illinois has a pair of sevens mullen and he says all in well both these guys are on relatively short stacks everyone else folds both picking up mid pairs and moving all in like most guys would do that unfortunately for mohsin he's got the underpair he's got the two sevens up against two eights really close it's like the worst pair i can get it in with he does have a few more chips so he won't be broke if he loses this pot but well mike had an awful beat before with his ace queen to get sucked out with an ace deuce against his opponent that was awful now can he get some payback not there it's an h4 deuce on the flop motions behind well boson's gonna have to catch a seven to win the pot he could get a split if it comes a three and a five but comes a turn deuce comes off on the turn so we are down to the river card it must be a seven for motion to win this pot otherwise kevin stalman's gonna double up oh boy no it's a five of diamonds motion not getting lucky there kevin starman gonna win this pot and double up mowson who has six caches of the wpt after only playing 15 wpt events he's a heck of a player gonna need a little bit of luck if that's an accurate account so far it is not his night tonight no doubt about it and now doesn't even have the size of the big blind vents so his money's going to be in the next hand regardless what he has he won't even have to look at his cars to put it in all right action on stoma and he falls motion of course in with his remaining money nikolai now with an ace deuce gonna lay that one down and now it's up to jeff forest who has a king jack of spades he's going to raise it to 90 000. thomas marchese behind him with an a6 of clubs is interested makes the call and the ice cream man gonna fall so we have three-way action mohsen on the ropes here he is down to his dental floss let's see the flop flop comes ace seven five motion with the inside straight but ace is there for my casey and they all check the turn well another ace comes off so thomas feeling pretty good at three aces to the best hand right now he's gonna make a wager here 110 000 forces jeff to go away and i need a four now motion needs a four to stay alive nothing else will do for him that's that time now you might get there i apologize right now in advance he is one card away from the brink of extinction can he catches four nope five comes off and just like that motion charania out in sixth place yancey is one of those tough tough young players but tonight just wasn't his night well he's gonna pick up close to 105 000 and just like that we are down to five it's always tough to be the first one to bust out most insurance our sixth place finisher as the action here at foxwoods is heating up we do have to take a break but stick around there's more to come including my surprising interview with poker pro vanessa sells we'll be right back nice and vanessa it's cause you're slow rolling that's why if you want to get in on the action anytime anywhere download wpt texas hold'em on your mobile device today wpt texas hold'em sometimes the game's too good to leave behind welcome back to the world poker tour brought to you by club wpt.com where you'll never lose a dime playing poker guaranteed the world poker finals is one part of the wpt experience here at fox woods just a few steps from the final table is the wpt poker room where the live cash games take place that room is where poker pro and law student vanessa selps gained the experience to graduate to the big leagues earlier this week i sat down with vanessa for this edition of five questions are you a poker player or a law student a little bit of both i guess the thing about law school especially at yale law school people have such interesting and different backgrounds everybody has done something crazy like working with governments and other countries or one of our classmates had won an emmy before coming here so everybody has this interesting story and i think poker is mine and it's cool is the poker community liberal or conservative conservative relative to the communities that i've been involved in i'm much more bordering on not socialism but something close to there where you know a lot of poker players aren't necessarily as interested in social justice issues as i am on the whole it's just a lot of younger more intelligent people that have like sort of new ideas and are more keeping with the times why are you so intense and i guess i gotta like sit back and relax on it um i don't know i've always been intense i guess you know i'm very aggressive style i like to put fear into the hearts of my opponents i think that's one of the things that makes me successful it's important to sort of maintain that intensity you know at the table when i'm not in the hand i'm joking and laughing but when i'm in a hand or when something's going on i think it's important just to let your opponent know that you're serious about this and they're not gonna you know get this spot without a struggle do you think women's events are kind of antiquated or do you think there's still a need for them um i think it's interesting question i don't think that there is a need for them but i don't think they're antiquated either they're great i think they're a lot of fun and they inspire a lot of women to come out and play the game is it necessary no i mean women can compete with men it's not a question of leveling the playing field they're just a really great way to get more women involved your day one strategy seems like it's go big or go home is that right i don't mean to i guess so i have more variance in my game because i bluff bigger and i value a bit bigger i'm not going crazy you know i'm not like playing every single hand or something like that it's basically like when the bluffs are working and the value bets are working then i get a big stack and when they're not then i go home yeah so i guess that is my chance i mean who wants to sit around for two and a half days and like barely catch a tournament it's much more fun when you win unfortunately vanessa busted early on day two but hopefully we'll see her go deep and make a wpt final table in the near future let's send it back to mike and vince to check the chip counts and get back to the game well vance i believe vanessa sells is truly one of the greatest poker players in the world she can really play the game last year she made over 3 million dollars playing poker pretty impressive 90 000. what's impressive right here is thomas marcasi our chip leader as you can see a pair of kings he's raised it to 90 000. david out kevin stallman with a pair of deuces will he compete no he's gonna fold it oh nicholas looks down at age queen and he's gonna shove his small stack well i don't blame him here vance i do the same thing with his chip count chef out thomas colin of course nikolai from brooklyn new york has to get lucky with his ace queen otherwise he'll be our fifth place finisher well vance was all in earlier at this final table lace deuce against ace queen he sucked out and won that pot can he get lucky again to stay alive anybody holding this couple of deuces well he plays a loose game can he get a good beat and yes he's got a great start ace hits on the flop great flop for nikolai thomas needs a king to win the pot if a deuce in the four comes up they would split the pot well a deuce comes on the turn stallman saying i would have had three deuces sucked out as well no no sides i'll take no sides nikolai feeling good here down to the river will his hand hold up yes it does there's a ten of hearts hits on the river google's back in the game got lucky again vance to stay alive and who knows fate may be on the side of nikolai tonight well the suck outs running rampant here at foxwoods stay with us as five players remain here on the wpt i love being here at fox it's awesome everyone's so sweet and nice foxwoods is absolutely amazing it's good to be here with wpt we think of fox's is one of the entertainment capitals of the world it's such a huge property it has four big big casinos here we kiddingly say it's all within one zip code we promise we love boxwood [Applause] welcome back to the world poker tour brought to you by club wpt.com and you heard jen haley say what a great time she's been having here all week you can see the royal flush girls kimberly lansing myself and my buddy mike sexton live at all our wpt tour stops five players remain here and the chip leader is thomas marcasi with 3.5 million in chips well action's going to be on the oldest player at the table 43 year old david enzelberg he goes out now kevin starman also folding around to nikolai well lymph's in on the button most guys would raise on the button with two fours jeff forrest also calling and thomas marcasi with a queen jack jack not gonna raise could tend to see the flop so three-way action well the flop comes up 10-8 deuce jeff hitting a pair of eights but gonna check the chip leader's gonna make a bet here with a gunshot straight draw and the two over cards yeah ninety thousand nikolai out jeff forest now from orlando florida only 22 years old look at this fancy is going to check raise the chip leader here with second pair yeah an additional hundred thousand into marcasi but marchese quickly calls here not going anywhere six of hearts comes on the turn will jeff fire another shell know he's going to check this time and now no help there to mark casey but 465 doesn't seem to care he's going to put in a good bet 465 000 into jeff look at that look you get a glimpse of why thomas marchese was card players player of the year in 2010 for making plays like this i promise you probably 90 percent of even the really good players in the world would have checked on the turn here with an opportunity to get the free card to win this pot after his opponent checked on the turn and thomas not taking that route for the free card he's firing out and winning the pie yeah jeff has to lay his hand down nicely dubbed by the chip leader over bedding with a straight that wasn't much of an overview [Music] i think there's a decent advantage on my end for playing a lot of the online guys i feel like a lot of those players really respect my game so they're less likely to get out of line against me so that way a lot of times the best players at the table are playing relatively straightforward against me which makes them easier to fight against don't go away we're coming back for more action here on the world poker tour brought to you by club wpt.com [Music] welcome back to the world poker tour brought to you by club wpt.com right there you can see the current standings for wpt player of the year whoever wins tonight will earn 1200 points and jump into a tie for second place in the race for this coveted award and as you can see thomas marcasi is our chip leader with close to 3.7 million in chips to the felt we go kevin stahlmann looks down at his card he will not play nikolai yaakov with a pair of fives he's to raise it makes it 90 000 to go into the young pro from orlando folding thomas also going out so it's up to david inselberg got to make the call trying a new tactic with aces against the slow play he's stepping out of character here vance calling a raise with a queen five david normally a very tight player then he's flopped the flush draw come on and he's moved all in right on the flop yeah it's always a difficult decision it usually is boy an insta bet there by the ice cream man nikolai has been known to make crazy calls but not this time he's going to fold it yeah he does lay it down [Applause] wasn't a good spot for my hand today no i kind of pinpointed that flop pretty well or you had those aces and you thought i finally hit something nikolai saying that ace is so wrong well david enselberg has two children ross 13 daughter samantha who is 10 and he says sam his daughter is the best goalie in long island that's nice and we're back down to the felt where the blinds are going up to 25 and 50 000 a little more expensive on kevin starman all in with an ace 10 nikolai out jeff not going to play surrounded thomas marcasi our chip leader he's got an ace three of clubs he's gonna lay it down the only one to beat is the ice cream man he's got ace queen of diamonds i call well he quickly called with the ace queen of diamonds so the 24 year old from polar ohio kevin salmon in trouble right now good luck buddy needs help to stay alive can he get it on this flop oh not this flop it comes queen 10-4 with two diamonds david has not only flopped top perry's flopped a nut flush straw kevin did flop a pair of tins must catch a ten to win this pot the online pro with the friar tuck haircut has to get lucky a three of hearts on the turn no help for him and we're off to the river wish i had kitchens kevin must catch a ten otherwise he's gonna be our fifth place finisher queen comes off so that's gonna do it for the 24 year old from coldwater ohio yeah kevin stomach out in fifth place what a good sport and he walks away we're down to four with the elimination of kevin stahlmann in fifth place we've come to the halfway point in our coverage of the world poker finals here at foxwoods thomas marchese has the lead with 3.9 million jeff forest is sitting in second place with 1.4 so mike convinced at this point in the game given his chip stack and experience is thomas marchese a shoe in to take down this title well kimberly to say anyone to shoot at this point of the game is a little dangerous i think obviously thomas has a big advantage it's always good to be the player with the chip lead he has proven tournament experience on his side we've seen him make some impressive plays against online player jeff forest and it's been obvious tonight why thomas was named card player magazine's player of the year well kimberly i agree with mike thomas is a very solid player but keep an eye on jeff forest we haven't seen any nerves from this young player especially in that big hand against the russian software engineer nikolai yakivenko now nikolai is on the short stack and i call you and mike you and i have both been very critical of some of his moves at this final table and david inzenberg the ice cream man will definitely melt away unless he gets his chips in with a very premium hand but even with that as we've seen time and time again out here in the wpt fortunes can change quickly especially at the midway point well there you have it chip leader thomas marchese definitely has a lot in his favor but really anyone could still take down this title join us next time when the final four players here at foxwoods battle to the end and we crown a new wpt champ from mike sexton vince van patten tony dunst the royal flush girls and everyone at the wpt thanks for watching good night the world poker tour is brought to you by club wpt.com never lose a dime playing poker guaranteed the majesty of the connecticut countryside is the setting as a new name will be added to the ranks of the privileged few called wpt champions the conclusion of foxwood's world poker final starts now only on the wpt [Music] well the crowd all standing he is circling the drain they are going bare knuckles in the center of the ring he would love to knock this loudmouth out [Music] the world poker finals here at foxwood started with a sizable field filled with established wpt champs like wake corkins gavin smith howard lederer and eric seidel but despite the best efforts of those past champs it was representatives of a new wave in poker who dominated this tournament and indeed three of tonight's remaining four players are all in their 20s including our chip leader 23 year old professional player thomas marchese right now let's turn to mike sexton and vince van patten for their take on what is the home stretch in this run for the championship here at foxwoods mike vince well kimberly the smart money is on thomas marchese he came to this final table with the chip lead and is well out in front with four players left we've seen him make some impressive plays against online player jeff forest and it's been obvious tonight why thomas was named card player magazine's player of the year kim i definitely agree with mike i like thomas mark casey's chances but keep an eye on the player second in chips the 22 year old from orlando florida jeff forest now jeff is playing in his first ever wpt event but we haven't seen any nerves from this young player especially in that big hand he played against the russian software engineer nikolai yakivenko now nikolai is on the short stack as we restart play and mike you and i have both been very critical of some of his moves at this final table but he's still alive helped in part by a suck out against online pro mohsin sharanya it helped him send mowson packet in sixth place well that just leaves the last of tonight's four players and in many ways the odd man out at this final table is 42 year old amateur david enselberg david used to own an ice cream shop that business went bust and now he's hoping for a big score to help himself and his family get back on their feet previously we saw david knock out 24 year old online pro kevin stahlmann in fifth place so david's got some momentum on his side but he has his work cut out for him against the likes of thomas marchese and jeff force those are the two guys i look to go heads up for this title well gentlemen one thing's for sure there's a lot at stake tonight's winner of the ninth annual world poker finals here at foxwoods will take home over a half million dollars along with a 25 000 seat in the season ending wpt world championship where they could win millions more it looks like foxwoods tournament director jeffrey toth and his team are ready to resume the competition so mike and vince let's get down to the action okay thanks kimberly blind's at 25 050 with a 5 000 annie action's going to start with nikolai he's quickly mucking over to jeff forrest he's on the button looks down at a king 10. most pros would raise with this hand on the button and jeff doing just that makes it a hundred thousand to go the chip leader thomas out and now it's up to the ice cream man david insulberg he's gonna make this call well david enselberg has shown to be a very tight player he's got to step his game up here he's doing it by calling a raise with ace three off suit and it's come queen queen threes now out in front with queens and threes it's on him first to act and he's gonna check it jeff forest 22 years old out of orlando florida gonna make the continuation bet 300 000. well quickly to 300 000 by david check raised by the ice cream guy he's just throwing the milkshake right in jeff's face here put a little chocolate syrup on that one mike and it's gonna work i'll tell you gotta hand it to david he is changing his game a little bit speeding it up and it's working out well for him mike he got in this tournament through a 250 satellite just amazing bargain and he's turned out to be quite a player with a big chance at this title now look at this hand nikolai has picked up the weapons of mass destruction pyrobase is just like that in first position and there he goes makes it a hundred thousand it's gonna nurse him along on this bet makes the minimum raise jeff going out can he trap anybody thomas the chip leader picks up nothing he's gonna fold around today but he looked down at king eight off suit call he's already him for 50 and he's been trapped he's going to make this call well since we've got the four handed he played the ace three and now the king eight and he has flopped the top two pair incredible just amazing and he checks it of course look at this the minimum bet the size of the big blind here by nikolai thinking he's reeling his opponent in 150. oh boy ice cream man coming back over the top making it 150 000 to go with his two pair well there's two spades on the board or two cards straight i can't imagine nikolai's gonna fool around here and give him a draw to beat him i'm sure he thinks his two aces are the best hand right now you wait for this type of hand pair of aces i call and a quick hold on come on well he sees this precarious situation now as his opponent flop the top two pair he is going to have to have help or he's going to be out in fourth place please i can't complain i didn't get aced once in three days no i did well vance right now he's clicking the search engine trying to find three aces or two pair here that'll be kings and eights here's the turn three of spades no help to googles no hell because his opponent's got the king of spade meaning the ace of spade won't even help him here he's got a pair of the seven or three or catch an ace it's not the ace of spade river card coming up doesn't happen nine of clubs comes off that's gonna do it for the software engineer [Applause] nikolai is gonna be out in fourth place yeah gonna pick up 170 000 but tough luck you know try to keep uh david in the pot made a small raise you flop two pair and i guess that's just how it is you know i mean not not much i can do about that one bye bye nikolai out in fourth place the remaining three will continue the fight for the title as wpt's coverage of foxwoods world poker finals continues right after this my name is kim i love to do a lot of outdoor stuff i like to go hiking i love reading i love cooking i just enjoy life you know just take it how it is welcome back to the wpt brought to you by club wpt.com kim one of our royal flush girls is having a great time here by the way if you come out on one of the wpt stops you can meet the royal flush girls mike sexton myself and kimberly lansing that would be fun but back to the table right now auntie's going up for ten thousand blinds thirty and sixty thousand thomas marchese the big chip leader on the button raise it with the nine four off suit his opponents fold so it just shows you the power of chips and what to do with them thomas marchese demonstrating that just fire at them and they'll run away from you right now david inselberg folding jeff forrest on with a pair of forces all in car and thomas is going to call with an ace king well you can't blame him so we have the classic race situation the under pair versus the two over cards and as any poker player will tell you if you want to win tournaments you got to win races doesn't matter if you have the over cards or the under pair you got to get lucky there's joey fatone formerly from nsync he's his buddy of jeff and his dad's can he bring him luck here he's got a pair of fours three of a kind on the flop for jeff forest as in sync celebrates well joey fatone was on dancing with the stars doing a little dance in there after that flop turned card well it's an eight so it's not over here so thomas is alive he can now catch a king or an eight to win this pot thomas marcasi looking to strike lightning right here on the river can he do it nope five comes off and jeff force lets out a sign of relief there man jeff barr's first time ever on the world poke towards his first event only 22 years old what an effort here tonight [Music] it's been a really long tournament you know this is day six it's a long drag it's a grind i was pretty fatigued going into day five i'm not used to playing a lot alive i play mostly online so this is new for me i i still can't believe it you know i stayed up last night thinking about it you know to have the wpt title would just be absolutely great no matter what if i quit poker tomorrow i'd be able to tell everybody for the rest of my life that i was a wpt champion yes you would and you've got a shot here tonight well incredible he's playing in his first ever wpt event and here he is with the shot to take down this title well this hand he's raised with nine five but behind him mark casey with a big ace king man he just got burned with the ace king a minute ago vance and doubling up just force but that's not going to slow you down for playing it that's for sure thomas has popped it to 320 to the ice cream man come on david and he says all in with an ace nine my car oh boy nice well vance i gotta say i'm very surprised that david picked this time to come over the top it's king versus nine this just not a premium hand unless you think your opponents are gonna throw their hand away no sense in moving all in here with an ace nine but let's see if it works out for him all right if you're sitting down smell with this and the cream is getting thicker here for the ice cream man in a lot of trouble right now jeff will you ruin the food jeff right now it's like an ice cream cone out in 120 degree heat doesn't last long he's gonna have to get luckier he's not gonna last any longer in this tournament here we go with the first three oh and it's come ace nine three no that's better than a banana split for the guy right there he has flopped the top two pair unbelievable tough luck for thomas so far no emotion from david he's in a state of shock what a flop for him king me wilson come on turn card coming up they'll ate a spade on the turn thomas marquezia must catch a king to win this pot unbelievable tough luck for thomas marchese back-to-back hands thomas marchese is lost with an ace gang vince could it be fake for the ice cream man unbelievable to win that pot with ace nine against ace king destiny perhaps on the side of the guy who won a satellite to get in this tournament what's going on man he is taking it to these guys tonight man yeah i'm the ice cream guy i played poker before the business and used a lot of my winnings to open the business figuring it would be a more stable environment i have two children 10 and 13 and i figured an ice cream store in manhattan would be fun i didn't realize i'd be losing 80 000 a year and a half to close it after three but it taught me a lesson not to gamble too much on something even if it's business and it's made me work harder to come back well the dream is very much alive for david as he smiles there his two children ross 13 his daughter samantha is 10 who david claims is the best goalie on long island all right back to the felt the action continues david's going to fold this one and now jeff forest from orlando peeks down at a queen deuce gonna raise makes it 160. well the young guys stay aggressive thomas marcasi with a queen three of clubs going to make the call here comes the yeah flop comes hey's queen deuce what a flop for jeff you swapped the bottom two pair and jeff not gonna play a coy he bets a hundred and eighty thousand carl and mark casey's gonna call he's gonna stick around with his queens well a four comes off now this does give thomas a straight draw as well as two queens but jeff has got two pair and he's firing again this time a quarter of a million and thomas doesn't believe him he's gonna make this call well vince the guy raised before the flop he bet on the flop he got called and he bet again on the turn so at some point you have to start giving him credit for something six of diamonds comes off jeff two pair a thing of beauty at this point hold on and he's gonna fire heavy all in and he's hoping his opponent scott ace isn't gonna call him again thomas just has queens and obviously at this point can only be the bluff thomas in a miserable position as he lays his hand down i bet he's laying his head down too because right now he's got a migraine headache he is sick he is on a downward spiral jeff's buddy in sync joey fatone loving that we have a quick break in the action but there's more to come including tony dunst giving us the raw deal and five questions with last year's second place finisher so hal sham said in stick around one spade butt naked right here [Music] [Music] so [Music] welcome back to the world poker tour brought to you by club wpt.com mike before we get back to our final table i think we should clear something up about our sponsor club wpt.com what's not clear it's a membership site that gives you lots of benefit and lots of poker where you can win cash and prizes that is true but it is a little confusing to certain people because they can't understand how they can play in all these tournaments for free they can win this share of a hundred thousand in cash and prizes it sounds too good to be true okay folks let me spell it out for you do that first you go to club wpt.com and pay 19.95 a month for a vip membership for that you get a bunch of great free stuff like the online wpt poker magazine thanks for your phone and computer plus much much more in addition you get to play tons of poker that is right tons of poker and you know there's dozens of tournaments running every day you always can find a seat and all the buy-ins are absolutely free no money not a dime listen if you're still confused hopefully you're not but if you are go to club wpt.com right now and sign up for free you'll get two weeks of a vip membership for free and if you use the sign up code season nine you'll get an extra two weeks that's a full month for free and if you can't figure it out how it works by then ah forget about players owen's always an option right mike okay hopefully we made it clear now let's head back to the table david inselberg the ice cream man with 3.3 million now he's the chip leader the winner's gonna take home nearly 550 000. jeff forest with 2.2 and it's on jeff right now and with a king seven he's going to raise makes it 120 to go thomas out and now david inselberg with an ace eight of diamonds now he's made the call we're seeing a flop now flop comes king 5'4 nice flop for jeff as he's flopped top pair but 200. right in front of him david leads out and bets 200 000. that's kind of shocking because he hasn't made many moves before he's trying now as the chip leader but a quick call by jeff who has the kings now a deuce comes off doesn't help the ice cream guy and he's gonna check he does have a straight draw jeff checks right behind him just doesn't want to get check raised out of this pot with top pair four diamonds pairs the board 250. and there goes the ice cream man again he's gonna take a shot it's a quarter of a million yeah that's a puzzling bet here to me man his opponent had six seven some kind of straight draw he's gonna win the hand with ace high anyway but in case he had kings fives or fours he's gonna lose with these high sign that's exactly the case as jeff calls him with the two kings that's him and he's gonna take down the pot well nice solid call by jeff and usually tonight he's been the pusher he has been taking stabs pushing the parts and this time he lets david do that and it backfires on him showing the young kids how to play man i've been playing longer than you guys you guys have played a lot more hands than me maybe the snow cone is finally melting here a little bit i was saying in the interview how for us to change something we have to lose six seven tournaments each day where you could figure something out in one day playing 30 tournaments and don't underestimate yourself there david you're doing just fine back the table thomas quickly folding david picking up a nice hand the small blind here 160. he's going to raise it makes it 160 000 to go and he's going to get a call by jeff with just an 8-7 jeffers got position on him as we say he's got some money invested makes the call and looks like wisely sells his flop sevens up now david will you make the continuation bet no he slows down and jeff with the sevens check check here comes the turn five of hearts and helps neither player david possibly conceding checks again and now jeff 185 thousand dollar bet by jeff your arm never gets tired it's amazing i got the promo i'm gonna have to lay it down he just doesn't like the way things are going mike listen and he is going to lay it down so jeff forest on a little roll here right now he will catch the five somehow 22 year old playing in his first ever wpt event in full houses over there how's your arm feeling maybe it's getting tired i don't want to do that anymore i had a good hat you know i got hands that you guys would be all in with and i'm just making bets for them and fold them david enzelberg taking a beating these last couple of hands while jeff forrest adds to his chip stack tony dunst has something to say about david's play we'll find out what right after this [Music] welcome back to foxwoods world poker finals brought to you by club wpt.com before the break we saw the tightest player at the table david enselberg attempt a bluff it didn't go so well for david here to tell us why is tony dunst in this edition of the raw deal brought to you by rise [Music] does being the tightest player on the table give you a license to bluff no matter the situation no no it doesn't especially not if you don't think about your opponent's hand range don't pay attention to board texture and have no idea how to size your bats i'm tony dunst known as bond 18 online let's break it down things play out pretty standard pre-flop in this hand between jeff forrest and dave inselberg when three-handed it's on the flop where things start going all kinds of wrong for dave his ace high has decent showdown value on a board of king 5'4 rainbow against the button raise 200. so i'm not sure why he's betting when jeff will react by folding all his worst hands and calling with almost all of his hands that are better except the rare times he folds a weak pair or a better ace high the turn is a deuce that changes little outside of adding a backdoor flush draw dave checks and jeff makes a nice check back to control the size of the pot the river brings it off suit 4 and now david makes an even worse bet than the one he fired out on the flop 250. i call bats like these 100 spew because they wind up throwing away chips almost 100 of the time first let's look at jeff's hand range you likely wouldn't call on the flop against a player as weak as david without a decent hand and will usually bet the turn when he himself is drawing then there's the board texture which ran out of very safe deuce then four and neither card can possibly serve as something scary for david to represent with his bet lastly his sizing david betts 250k into a pot of nearly a million giving jeff five to one on the call this is one of the strangest hands i've seen playing on the wpt all year and it's a clear example of why we think before we bet no matter how tight our table image my guess is david won't be attempting another bluff anytime soon but you never know let's get back to the action with mike and vince also the other problem was that the man caught a pair of kings on the flop otherwise the bluff might have worked exactly three players remain we're seeing it all here tonight david inselberg the ice cream man is our chip leader with close to three million action on thomas marchese here's got a pair of threes all in he's moving all in with him david out around jeff he's got a pair of fours mike well thomas was big chip leader not long ago now he's in third place he's moved all in with two threes i call jeff makes the call so it looks like the doom and gloom continue for thomas marquez a year he's going to have to get very lucky to stay alive in this tournament yes he is dominated right now thomas a fine player was so confident early on but things have turned and changed rapidly here at foxwoods for him hearts don't work diamonds maybe [Applause] i'll take a high paired board also he'd like to see two higher pairs what he's talking about to get to split but comes king 9-5 he'd love to see two cards pair on the board where he would get a chop out of this pot as it is he needs a three or two running diamonds to win it well there's one diamond the queen of diamonds wow so that gives thomas a lot more out he can win this pot now with a diamond or a three they better get lucky here hit that diamond on a three otherwise it's back to precipity for him here's the river card he got it he's done it even though it makes three fours again for jeff forest it's not good enough as thomas has made a diamond flush well finally thomas says i got some luck at this final table well he was overdue justice for thomas he deserved that one it is a miracle here at foxwoods thomas is back we're coming back in just a moment as three players remain going after this foxwoods title the world poker tour is brought to you by club wpt.com play poker for your share of over a hundred thousand in cash and prizes and even become a wpt champion all for only 19.95 a month never lose a dime playing poker guaranteed you don't have to be a big time pro to play at fox woods but we have a local player david enzelberg who paid only 250 for a satellite and now could potentially parlay that into over half a million dollars everybody could take a chance at it and potentially be at this final table if you into poker this is really right now the center of the poker universe welcome back to foxwoods i'm mike sexton alongside vince van patten and this is the world poker tour brought to you by club wpt.com three players remain here at the foxwoods world poker finals our current chip leaders 43 year old david anselberg former ice cream shop owner got in this tournament by one or 250 satellite actions on him he folds now jeff forest from orlando florida with a 7-5 is going to raise 200 000 to go thomas is going to give him some action he's going to call with the 10-9 jeff and thomas at it again here's the flop and flop comes king eight deuce with two hearts she had flops a four flush but checks quickly thomas checks right behind him now a seven comes off now he has a pair and a flush draw checks again at thomas with an open-ended straight draw is going to come out to play well vince most players would just check rays right here in this spot after checking on the flop might as well raise on the turn you got a pair in a flush draw but jeff taking the conservative route just calls the quarter of a million down to the river and now a nine comes off thomas has made the best hand now with two nines jeff checks again now there's a three card flush out there possible straight out there but thomas is not gonna bet the bluff here 450. he is betting a value bet he believes his two nines are the best hand i think he's put his opponent on a pair of eights or possibly a pair of sevens jeff absolutely sickened well he should be sick vince because he lost his pot when he should have won it in my mind he should have bet the flop after raising pre-flop when he hit the flush draw that would have won it right there then he could have checked raised on the turn and won it as well but he does make a good lay down here to get away from it so he does save that money but i'm sure when he sees this hand he's not going to be happy with the way he played it not that much of a station last season here at fox woods we saw sohail champseton pull out all the stops in what could only be called a performance as he banked a second place finish call dr phil call dr root call dr kavorkian just call a damn doctor because i'm sick while sohal's table talk is always entertaining there is a method to his madness in this edition of five questions so hal your table talk it looks like it's all for show is there any strategy behind it yes there is a little strategy you can put nine of the tightest players in the world on my table give me one hour and they will play any two cards against me one of the guys told me you have a way to make good players play bad poker there it is that's the strategy vince calls you so hell what the hell do you really not care about the results i'm one of those guys that i don't sit and wait for opportunity to fall in my lap i'll go look for it vince it's official it's so what the hell now that's his nickname let's go ahead and gamble with the 10 deuce bottom line is i'm trying to win i'm not trying to edge up one seat at a time so if i can if i think i'm ahead i'll take the gamble i'll always go with my instincts well you do have a really big personality that is like a thing but do you ever feel like you have crossed the line never most time i'm sitting at a table where most of the players i don't know i only have a good time because you're here so you're the best i wish i could have you at every table with me me too he is happy go lucky the guy is showing the love for him more than 90 of the time they always come shake my hand and tell me how much they enjoy playing with me even though i bluff them and i show them and try to put them on tails knock them out and knock them out what puts you on tilt another darn thing poker is as tricky as just like life i mean you're going to have good runs you're going to have bad runs the key is when you have your bad runs to keep your insanity you know because it will change eventually would you say that most poker players take the game too seriously yes i mean i had a guy one time come to me says i i need to change my style of poker you know and i told him i said your style is is extension of your personality if you want to change your poker game you have to change the way you live and the way you look at life and the way you take every day yeah that's why i love the game so busted on the first day of the world poker finals this season but i'm sure we've not seen the last of him let's send it back to mike and vince to check the chip counts and get back to the game well vance i believe if you took a poll among poker players that play out here on the tour they would vote so hail sham seton as the number one guy that they would want at their table in terms of having a fun table and an entertaining table back to the table on thomas with the button he's got a jack nine of clubs and he is gonna pop it up makes it 160 000 to go look at this the ice cream man with a pair of fours and he's also got the chip lead vents many players just come right back over the top with a pair what are you playing are you playing 1.2 1.3 and this can afford to push his man around but no i'm shocked by this absolutely stunned he folds the hand how was that in the meantime jeff's gonna make the call with the queen seven of clubs so yeah this is just well stunning folding i'm very concerned at four riding the door look at that look geez back to serving snow cones back at the place after that play gee oh boy well with the cards his opponents are holding he probably wouldn't make any more money anyway but still we'll see they both checked on the flop and now on the turn of three and jeff's gonna get fancy he's gonna make a bet well here's a case he's bluffing with the best hand the queen high he's gonna take down the pot just profit i knew that if i raised you with fours we'd get it i don't want to get it right there before wow i'm so bad the ice cream is going sour here tonight at foxwoods three players remain going after a wpt title or coming back for more brought to you by club wpt.com welcome back to the world poker finals brought to you by club wpt.com the winner tonight is going to take home over a half a million dollars and earn 1200 points towards the race for wpt player of the year let's get back down to the action with mike and vince right now the chip leader david insleberg the ice cream man with 2.8 million and then we have thomas marcasi with 2.6 jeff forest 1.8 and now david enzelberg first to act and he's going to lay down a queen jack now jeff forest is going to raise with his ace nine makes it 225 000 to go all in and thomas marcasi coming over the top with an a6 it's going to cost jeff for us all his money to make this call with an ace nine off suit now he knows thomas very capable of making a move here with like king queen or king jack suited possibly an ace and a baby card suited but still would you call another 1.6 maiden with an a-9 offsuit for your tournament life i call he has done it and what a call this is by jeff forest win or lose this pot you gotta admire the moxie of making a call for this much money with just an ace nine off suit after your opponent moves over the top all in on you here come the first three well a nine right in the door yeah jeff has hit his pair of nines flop there thomas [Applause] it's hard for me to catch up here thomas got to catch 6-6 to win it doesn't happen as the nine comes off on the turn jeff forest has doubled up [Applause] jeff makes nine full of aces just like that but vince the key there was having the moxie to make that all-in call with the age nine offsuit when your opponent moves you all in yep jeff a former business student at university of central florida he dropped out to play professional poker and right now it is paying off the blinds are going up to 15 100 000. back to the next hand jeff now looks down at a king six he's the chip leader now feels like he's on a little roll so he's gonna raise it up here with a king six off suit makes it 275 but thomas marcasi all on with ace king says all in ice cream man goes away he's been called he's khan by jeff and jeff not in good shape here at all his opponent has him dominated it's ace king versus king six but remember thomas marchese has not paired well with the ace king at this final table that's his nightmare hand that's the hand he's been getting sucked out on all night long can it continue like that you're right vince the last time it is king his opponent had ace nine the flop came ace nine three that hand was a nightmare could it possibly happen again to him well soon keep it friendly for me this time and we will see thomas marcasi the persephone kid like to have his hand hold up here it comes cheers another dagger in the heart of thomas marchese the door card has been the dirtiest yeah i can't even speak brutal for thomas nine chapter eight maybe it comes fourth street uh when a queen comes off this does give thomas a straight draw that means thomas can win the pot with a 10 now as well as an ace but he's got to have help and joey fatone jeff forest his good friend celebrating perhaps a little early there can or casey get lucky no a deuce of diamonds on the river well folks i got to tell you absolutely horrible luck for thomas marchese at this final table yes the outdoor opponent in one hand when he had two threes against fours but on every other occasion he had a dominating hand and didn't win a pot in these all-in situations yeah i don't know i'm happy with how i played i was unfortunate to be on the bad end of some beats in all in paths but that happens and i'm sure i'll be back here with tom marchese out in third place we've reached the all-important heads-up action will it be jeff forest or david enzelberg who takes the title we'll be back with wpt's coverage from boxwoods right after this [Music] if you want to get in on the action anytime anywhere download wpt texas hold'em for your mobile device today wpt texas hold'em sometimes the game is too good to leave behind welcome back to the world poker tour brought to you by club wpt.com as is the custom on the world poker tour when we get down to heads up play we have our money presentation so show us the money out come the beautiful royal flush girls brought to you by prestigious models we have sunisa jen michelle and katrina bringing out the cold hard catch what a great sight all the cash they're dumping on the table well as a player this is when it hits home what you're really playing for here is a lot of money along with that great cash comes some other goodies we got the customized tiffany bracelet the beautiful fox woods trophy this is what you dream about as a poker [Music] player back to foxwoods we are moments away from heads of action where jeff forest and david enzelberg will battle for a wpt title during the break we caught up with both players and here's what they had to say you know it wasn't exactly expected you know there was a lot of great players going into the final table but obviously i'm extremely happy and very proud to be at this point this is a dream come true it means i'm not down to my last 700 trying to pay for food next week it means i can do what i want to do now make my family happy go back to how i used to be before i lost all my money in business the players are ready so let's get back to the call of the game with mike and vince well man it's just a dream final in my mind a 22 year old who's got the chip lead with 5.1 million in ships playing in his first ever wpt event up against a 43 year old guy lost his money in business got in this tournament 250 satellite and is going to make a huge cash wherever he finishes well here we go david enzelberg with the button has called with queen deuce jeff forrest with queen eight content to see the flop here we go yeah flop is ace nine three no help to either player jeff is gonna check and look at this changing gears perhaps by the ice cream man he makes a bet and jeff forrest gonna fly away firsthand going to david inzaburg well jeff has about a two and a half to one chip lead as we start this heads-up battle over david enselberg but david off to a good start 200. well jeff now with nine seven gonna make it 200 000. david with a jack 10 right now we'll make the call i was gonna say you won this tournament back in 92 i believe yeah jeff was one three or four years old at that time that's right all right the flop comes up ace king seven pair of sevens for jeff forest they both check oh a queen comes off this gives david the absolute nuts he's got the ace high straight 300. oh when he gets to have someone bet into him when you have the cinch the nuts to my opinion jeff made a bad play here by not making the continuation bet on the flop now david mighty called with a gut shot straight draw but a guy raised before the flop and bets when an ace of king hits the board chances are you're not gonna call five on the river had no help so the ice cream man with the nuts gonna check again chuck's good oh he's disappointed he didn't get more you know david's a little upset here he's not gonna make any more money if he leads out in beds or if he raises on the turn so in truth he's just frustrated his opponent didn't have a better hand but you know he's got to be aware he couldn't have won any more money had he raised on the turn or bet on the river you don't get paid for a sunday if you're just giving away a snow cone [Applause] well cold stones is what the audience is crying out here no she didn't have the cold stones in the ice cream parlor but that ace high straight was a cold stone nuts no doubt about it well david on a nice comeback trail right now it's on him his time with a miserable looking ten deuce off suit 200 and he's gonna pop it makes it 200 000 to go yeah i must think he's doyle brunson right now six and deuce very famous hand in the poker world named after doyle brunson who won the world championship two years in a row with that hand but here he gets raised and throws the 10 deuce away and now recognizes he's not doing but at least he has moves right now david does let steve daniman say i'm having the time of my life when he was heads up to hatch him sounds right i'm half of the time in my life i'm sure you are also this is great david's really enjoying this 200. but look at this jeff has a pair of ladies pair of queens makes it 200 000 to go david with just nine six gonna make this call could get into trouble wow flop comes nine eight five david flop top pair in a gut shot straight draw jeff of course has the over pair yeah david has checked it 250. a quarter of a million dollar bet with the over pair by jeff 600 we could see some serious fireworks here and that's in my mind if you get the over pair here you just got to go for it all mullen and that's what he's done jeff horse has moved all in it's plunge time i call yeah you can't throw this hand away now if you're david you just gotta gamble with it and hope you can get a nine a seven or a six the ice cream man is down to eight flavors gentlemen he is in trouble six seven nine six seven nine he's trying to get a chance go but it's a little meek well jeff forest loving it knows if his two queens stand up here he's going to capture a wpt title in his first ever attempt one time here we go with a turn can the ice cream man hit a queen right on the turn still not over though but the nine and six now will not help david anymore he must catch a seven must make a straight to win this spot can jeff forest in his first ever wpt event win this title it's coming down to this no ace comes off and jeff's done it well they can't believe it vince he is in shock that he has done it 22 years old playing in his first ever wpt event and taking down the title that is impressive stuff in sync doing backup excited for his friend well going over to see his friends his dad there to greet him there's the hug from dad i love you i love you too dude place is just like winning i don't have a bracelet i don't have a trophy but second place is a win i mean of course i gotta be happy with that and i get to go see my family tomorrow your first wpt event your first final table and your first big cash this has to be just so emotional for you right now it definitely doesn't even feel real yet i don't know when it will finally hit me you know that i'm a wpt champion but it's it's completely it's a dream come true well we're all so proud of you again congratulations to the world poker finals champion jeff forrest from foxwoods this is kimberly lansing for mike sexton vince van patten tony dunst and the rest of the wpt team thanks for watching and good night go jeffrey that's right come on jesus not that much of a station you're gonna need a little bit of luck good luck showing the young kids how to play man i don't deserve it there'd have to be some kind of history to make me think that isn't pure faith palm right there do you ever feel like you have crossed the line never the money out come the beautiful royal plus girls i love you too dude so let's hear it for the champion of the world poker finals jeff forest and until next time may all your cards be live and your pets be monster [Music] the world poker tour is brought to you by club wpt.com never lose a dime playing poker guaranteed [Music] at bellagio a wpt favorite reappears after seven years two bridesmaids make a bid for the top spot and one of poker's biggest names makes her bid for wpt history it's a night worthy of doyle brunson himself and it's only on the wpt [Music] miracles [Music] one word describes the final table tonight of the doyle brunson five diamond world poker classic stacked but you could use that term to characterize the entire field of this prestigious tournament here at bellagio this event was as deep as any in wpt history with 438 players including 111 finalists and nearly 40 former champions with a group of poker players of this caliber all competing for their share of the largest prize pool of season nine making it to the final six would definitely prove to be a difficult feat [Music] and now for the words that jack mcclellan made famous many years ago let's shuffle up and deal a noon starting time can be a little early for most poker players it's too early in the morning i can't be really sorry but that didn't stop a huge turnout with many tables filled with multiple big-name poker pros justin smith was happy to find himself surrounded by unknowns but boosted jay was too quick on the tweet as mr phil ivey took the seat to justin's left while many players settled in for a marathon tournament some took off at his sprint wasting no time in accumulating chips ryan deangelo finished the day as chip leader with over 192 000 also making the top 10 were antonio esfandiari and phil ivey plus season five wpt championship runner-up kirk morrison the number of day one entrants reached 391 but that number was sure to grow as registration was open until the third level of day two the big question of day two at the doyle brunson five diamond world poker classic was whether or not the godfather of poker himself would play in his namesake tournament lots of players and pros took advantage of the late registration including 2010 wsop runner-up john rasner jason kuhn and john juwanda to name a few also keeping with his tradition of late arrivals was phil hellmuth i'm ready to roll as soon as i find out where the heck i'm sitting when registration closed 438 players had entered the field creating the largest prize pool of season 9. both phil and doyle waited until the last moment to register but that's where the similarities of their days ended phil sat at a table across from sorel mitzi a familiar face or was he i just spent eight thousand dollars for five thousand dollars with sorel that he sat next to me on day two at the bicycle club but i lose i just throw him this five thousand dollar aria chip but if i win he's gonna have to go to his box i'm like 99 i love punishing phil hellmuth this is phil hellmuth you know how hard it is to get this hey when you lose you gotta pay i mean it sounds like i had a bad lead i can't knock over any chairs i can't throw anything phil lost the bet and his chips and headed home after an early exit doyle on the other hand wasted no time building his stack up to 120 000 and then promptly doubled up when he went all in with pocket aces against matt kaiquan's pocket kings the day finished with the magician antonio esfandiari as chip leader with nearly half a million in chips season eight player of the year for us jacka in third and two-time wpt bubble girl vanessa russo in fifth place doyle's amazing start was good for ninth place first that was all right today's day three today's the day where you gotta make the run you gotta actually make it into the money and it's gonna be a lot of pressure gotta be aware you gotta make it happen today day three began with 138 players remaining of which only 100 would make it into the money so for short stack players like olympic gold medalist oddly harrison it was time to make a move by the comeback today sadly the boxing heavyweight was knocked out by chip stack heavyweight doug lee just before the bubble burst one player who had a tremendous start on days one and two for ozzaka found himself all in with pocket sixes against vanessa russo's pocket tens no help on the board sent faraz home short of making the money as we approached the bubble all eyes were on the short stack eric mizraki who was down to just one blind right now i'm hanging on to a thread one player to go we'll see what i can do hopefully get in the money and double up double up double up eric did hang on and the bubble boy honor went to ali islami [Music] eric survived and cashed in a tie for 70th place with dwight pilgrim also cashing where johnny chan and festa alago finalist jason kuhn once again antonio esfandiari finished with the chip lead becoming the only player to break the million ship mark vanessa russo in third doyle brunson had a quiet day but continued to chip up his 446 000 was good for 13th place day four began with a bang as high stakes cash game specialist andrew robel got off to a fast start by knocking out macau cash game host winfrey u when his flopped set of jacks feed winfried's flopped set of eights after running hot earlier in the tournament doyle ran into a cold deck on day four late in the day doyle went all in with ace jack but was called by kiamo jerry and his ace king no help on the board meant the end of the road for doyle an 18th place finish and an impressive run for this legendary poker player well i fought hard i mean this was really a miserable day never held a hand today but you know that's part of poker i survived for a long time so i'm proud of myself actually he tweeted his fate shortly after play ended after kirk morrison knocked out our player of the year leader andy frankenberger in 16th place good enough for andy to add 200 points to his player of the year standings antonio esfandiari continued to crush as he cruised through the field finishing as the chip leader for the third straight day andrew robel's strong day four showing was good for third place john rasner was in his familiar second place by day's end i've called the best day of tournament for me starting a couple hundred thousand ending with two million it's a pretty sick day [Music] one thing was clear as the remaining 15 players took their seats at the start of day five no matter what happened this day five diamond would have a star-studded final table but it was the one player with the most wpt tv experience who ran into the most trouble early on antonio raised to 53 000 from under the gun and was called by vanessa and kia the flop came down 884 and antonio continued to apply pressure with a 111 thousand dollar bet vanessa called kia folded a third eight on the turn didn't slow down antonio as he let out with 260 thousand dollars vanessa called a seven on the river was followed by an all-in bet by antonio putting vanessa to a decision that could cost her her tournament life you don't look scared at all do you think i can make a tough call all right i'm gonna call time on myself because i just i don't i hate taking this long with the clock ticking vanessa made the call and turned over a pair of tens for a full house oh my god that was the hardest ever antonio mucked his hand and in losing gave up the chip lead for the first time in three days oh my god i need a little break i need a little break all i can say is after letting the outside world know of her amazing call new chip leader vanessa promptly went on a tear busting on the makija in 13th christa macy and 12. louis vallidore in 11 sorel mitzi in nine andrew lichtenberger in eighth but it was left to john racinger to bring the day to a close as the runner-up in the wsop knocked out the runner-up in the borgata poker open as kiamoa jerry exited on the tv bubble kia wouldn't take the top spot in the player of the year standings but his seventh place finish propelled him into second place the final six was set after bubbling two wpt final tables vanessa finally reached one as the chip leader no less young cash game pro andrew roble and john racinger also reached their first wpt final table joining them would be the short stack bracelet winner ted lawson and kirk morrison who has stepped away from the poker scene after his big score at bellagio in season five but the happiest guy in the room had to be antonio esfandiari as he finally reached a wpt final table after a seven year absence like i said this final table is stacked russo esfandiari morrison lawson racener and roble six big names but only one title to be had the final table of the doyle brunson five diamond world poker classic starts right after this our current tournament leader vanessa russo i would be disappointed if i didn't get at least top three but at the end of the day i really am playing for the title it would be pretty sick to uh to be the first woman to win an open 10k wpt main event welcome back to the world poker tour brought to you by club wpt.com it has been a tremendous tournament from day one to this very moment let's not waste any more time and get to the call of the game with mike sexton and vince van patten we're about to get started the win is going to take home close to 900 000 and there's the lineup vanessa rousso the chip leader with 5.8 million in chips and a chance to make poker history tonight vince as she said she could be the first woman in history of the world poker tour to win an open event meaning one where you had a buy-in okay let's get it out of the way happy birthday antonio there's the magician antonio esfandiari it's his birthday here tonight action going to the lady at the table and look at this as she picks up the queens the ladies what a hand well she's made it 125 but right behind her is ted he's got a pair of nines she is really a terrific player but desperately wants to win this title tonight well ted lawson poker pro come on wow he's going all in with the two nines here like he should bracener goes away yes morrison out that's right and andrew roble also flying away the magician disappeared and a quick call by vanessa we have a showdown queens against nines she is dominating ted lawson at this point this is a ninth wpt cash for ted now there's ted's good buddy two-time wpt champ hoyt corkins in the crowd watching him but we're all rooting for you ted we're all rooting for you buddy ted on the short stack needs a lot of help with his nines can he get it am i in the wrong seat apparently but we will see here comes the flop well there you go a little energy from the 51 year old the oldest guy at the table here how about a 10 make it fun i don't want to be fun i don't want to be fun at all ted out in front got to dodge a queen or two running cars to make a straight now this game is never easy here we go with a turn card it can't be can you believe this ted can't believe it as you can see [Music] he counted his blessings on the flop and now all of a sudden he's down to one out on the river unreal they really wanted to make a tv show today they really want to give me a heart attack today absolute hair pulled by the little lady can we just do it quickly please down to the river we go that's sickening here comes the river but a king on the river so that's going to do it for the poker pro out of vegas ted lawson one to win tonight but vince got lucky on the flop unlucky on the turn out tonight in sixth place plain boiled out of here pick it up 126 000. holy smokes vanessa russo extends her chip lead let's turn it over to cara scott who is down on the floor with ted lawson i caught the knife you're two queens and bing queen you know yeah but um but it was it was a great time and i had a really nice time up until uh that queen hat and uh there's always uh always the next turn and with that dramatic hand our short stack ted lawson is out in sixth place don't go away we'll be back with more exciting poker here on the wpt [Music] welcome back to the world poker tour there's the beautiful royal flush girls brought to us by prestigious models and what an addition they have been this year having fun with us on the world poker tour but let's get back to the table well there you see the big chipley that vanessa russo has actions on her now she looks down at ace jack she's gonna raise it makes it 150 000 to go racer out and now kirk morrison with a queen ten of clubs will call kirk one of those players not afraid to play pots andrew roble out antonio out as well so two-handed action mike you and me baby kirk and vanessa and here's the flop now flop comes jack 10-6 okay two spades monsters flop top pair top kicker oh quickly makes a continuation bet of 225 and a call by kirk well the king comes on the turn that helps him in that it gives him an open end straight draw vanessa out in front with the jacks but she checks a kirk there's a pair of tins of course and he says i'm going to check as well down to the river we go you're going to take the free card and what a free card it is breaks into a big grin as he makes broadway the ace high straight and that's a check she's got aces and jacks but four hundred thousand he has to bet it well four hundred thousand is the bet and this is gonna pay it off queen that is sickening if you're vanessa mr clark kent there picking up a nice pot i can't do this full time so one year went another year went and then a third year went and i'm like okay let's get back into this a little bit and i'm i'm here to have fun and just and and keep playing and it's it's nice to know that i haven't missed a step it's been folded around the kirk got the king jack off suit makes it 135 000 andrew now look at this with a king nines coming back over the top makes it 375 000 to go the magician disappears and kirk is going to make this call andrew making the three-bet as we say with the king nine and he has come out with the best hand now as it comes 10-9-7 easy game kirk has a two-way straight draw check they both check wow look at this kings and nines now for andrew and kirk with kings that's another good who stares more andrew or i he's a talker this guy i know i can be cute sometimes but what a character we got here i spent just a minute he didn't like that you pissed him off very personable how much is that andrew's gonna bet his two pair 425 000. you can't blame me for betting here do you have any of that he's got a lot of the kirk all right kirk has made the call you know it goes in deeper just in case i get there kirk needs a queen of jack or nate to win this pot we're going to the river this is a good putt now well an ace comes off neither player going to like that card going to be fearful their opponent might have made aces up but it doesn't slow down andrew roble 850 000 into kirk morrison he fires again here with kings and nines kirk's lost his smile oh he's back he's got that goofy laugh again my man what a predicament that's pretty obviously i don't have the nuts right now that's pretty obvious left by antonio yeah i'm still the same the nuts of course would be the queen jack for the a-size straight all right andy i'm gonna do the right thing i'm gonna pass there you go well he makes a good lay down there solid folds but andy robo playing very aggressive before the flop [Applause] out flopping his opponent making two pair to take down that pot nice hand my mom we'll be right back with more action from bellagio plus tony dunst giving us the raw deal and five questions with the godfather of poker doyle brunson what surprises you about poker now [Music] welcome back to the world poker tour brought to you by club wpt.com i'm vince van patten alongside my hall of fame partner here mike sexton and yes we've got five big name players at this final table all fighting for a wpt title and tony of course going for his second action over to andrew roble lives in vegas he's got ace three of diamonds just limping in on the button the magician's gonna fold in the small blind and vanessa not gonna raise i'm gonna see a flop here we go flop comes 995 vanessa checks she's going to try to trap now she's flopped three nines and you're going to push here she's betting the continuation 60 000 and she's going to double it with a cute 120. look at this andrew just quick calls we're going to the turn jack of hearts comes off and vanessa gonna stick out 200 000 has andrew had enough no well that's he's drawing completely dead no carting catch to win this pot must put her on some type of straight draw like a six seven or a seven eight king of spades on the river well this time a 500 000 bet by vanessa vance i am very puzzled by andrew's play on this hand he called on the flop of the ace high caught on the turn with the aside must think the ace has the best hand he must specifically put her on a six seven or a seven eight three nines she's got three nines are going to take down that pot and vince that was like a million dollar giveaway by andrew roble in my opinion there he just went with his gut feeling wow there's chad brown vanessa's husband a great player himself and vanessa russo galloping away the philly making big strides tonight [Music] so i have been the wpt final table bubble girl not once but twice uh actually the first time launched my career at this very casino i went out in seventh place at the twenty-five thousand dollar buying bellagio main event in 2006 and you know that was super stressful for me at that point in my career then finally after another tv bubble at the beau rivage in 2008 where i got seventh also i now finally got past that bubble and not only did i get past it but i'm going into the final table with the chip lead it's an awesome feeling pass and the annie's are going up to ten thousand blinds and now forty and eighty thousand and now andrew robel probably still talking to himself about that nearly eight hundred thousand it gave away in the last spot well he's made it 180 to go antonio out but vanessa with a pair of nines and she's going to raise the champ in good form right now racer out back on andrew yeah he just got spanked by vanessa a minute ago see what he's gonna do here with an ace eight well he has called it it's a two-way action just about how much do you have behind can you just round it off for me there you you go girl one five one six okay thank you wants to know how much she can punish andrew with and there's the flop well ten six four with two diamonds so andrew has flopped the nut flush draw as we say vanessa right now is the best hand with two nines but well vanessa going all in just hoping he doesn't have a ten and now andrew's got a tough decision to call he calls and he's gonna have to have some help or he's gonna be our fifth place finisher andrew looking for an ace or a diamond right now can the philly knock out the cash game pro a lot of drama left in his hand andrew robo looking for the diamond yes i say diamonds are a woman's best friend they won't be here can she break andrew robert right now we will see here's a turn it's a diamond that's going to do it the flush of andrew robo going to win this pod doesn't matter what comes up on the river and as you can see he's got some fans in the house tonight the first run in the stocking there for vanessa well vance i like the way she played the hands she came over the top with two nines moved all in on the flop unfortunately he had the diamond draw and hit it that's what i do on tv poker i get it on behind and win every time and the philly stumbles a little bit down the back stretch we'll come about with more action on the wpt don't just use your phone to call use it to raise that's right download the world poker tour texas hold'em game on your mobile device today and get in on the action [Music] welcome back to the world pokemon tour brought to you by club wpt.com where the royal flush girls are enjoying the night life here in las vegas well once again vance we weren't invited to join the royal flush girls at all these parties of course but nonetheless there's plenty of action here at bellagio including naming the next wpt champion so let's get back to the fell all right mike as you can see five players and vanessa russo still out in front with over five million yeah but andrew roble now has over four million in chips last pot has really closed the gap in terms of anybody being able to win this tournament they folded around to andrew roble and he has picked up two queens what a hand with the button and he's going to make it a subtle 200 000 the magician playing very tight tonight he folds now vanessa quickly makes the call with the jack seven of clubs she is flop top pair could get in further trouble here seven four deuce all hearts well she just double landed her up in the last pot she checks andrew with no hard betting again 250 vanessa gonna get tricky here comes back over the top makes it 750 000 to go with no heart i'm all in well andrew's going all in i think i'm going to go with it just give me a second uh when he's saying most likely she probably has one heart i don't care i'm gonna gamble my queens do you want me to i've got a really big hand a really really really big hand you're right a really really really awful hand it's two million in the middle well vance the only way she can call here is if she specifically puts him on like ace king ace queen with the ace of hearts okay i'm going this would be a dreadful mistake by vanessa if she makes this call in my opinion without a heart in her hand to make a flush draw i don't say anything calling two seven she could be up against an overpair and the flush draw she's drawing almost dead okay i call time on myself so vanessa's got one minute to act on her hand if she hasn't acted by then her hand is automatically forwarded my ring is that you're bluffing my rate is that you're bluffing you have you know one maybe two over cards with the flesh drive but the problem is is that there's so much in there i can't even avoid even if you do have that it's correct for me to call she is a math whiz graduated in economics from duke in two and a half years best case scenario you could be 60 she better put two and two together or she's going to be severely crippled i think you've got one over on me and maybe nine out so that's 12 hours basically flipping that thing is so not fun oh she's great off here on the percentages but i mean would you think you're good here with top pair you know a lot of players go through this but they talk to themselves they don't explain it all to the table she's entertaining how many how much time can you tell me now or before we wait too much longer one minute is in two seconds give her an extra time dude that was so weird i was like how much time do i have left you said but you said one minute she thought she had a minute so she got distracted like i was just asking how much time is left i don't know why you were waiting 10 more seconds i just wondered how much time start over at 30 or 20. all right 20 seconds jesus well vanessa seemed confused by the tournament director but i think he made it quite clear you have one minute to act on your hand when it gets 10 seconds i'll start counting backwards well you're right about that mike she's getting more time but i guarantee you i mean andrew would like her to call if he could see her hand but if she has a hardener hand he would not want her to call here clock running out and she finally does the right thing makes the fold well vince she made it a tough fold when i think it was just simple as abc to make that fold after the guy moves all in for 3 million [Applause] oh that was close that was so hard i probably would have called that that messed me up that time thing wasn't messed me up i couldn't even think and she's stumbling badly right now i was like why are you still away waiting i'm explaining how much time is left nicely done i didn't mean to be confusing i just when i said how much time is left i just think so then you can say you almost have your minute up don't wait 10 seconds and then tell me that only the audience at home is going to know about that one earlier this week in the bellagio's legendary bobby's room it was my privilege to sit down with poker legend and this tournament's namesake doyle brunson as he boiled down 50 years of poker wisdom into five questions what surprises you about poker now the number of the young kids that play that are pretty good that's surprising to me because it takes a certain amount of seasoning to get to be really good and the internet has provided the experience because they play so many hands consequently there's some kid sitting at your table that you've never seen or never heard of but he's a very good player and so it's hard to adapt to that there's a lot of talk these days about the young guns of poker but back when you started playing there were actual guns how do you think these young poker players would last back in the day well they've got no idea what it was like because we're in a protected environment now you know the security cameras the guards and everything and it took a special kind of person to play back when all those dangers were there i was single at the time it was an adventure i don't know exactly what prompted me to keep doing it except for the love of the game for those who don't know what is the brunson 10 the brunson 10 is a group of young men that have played on the internet and established very good records doyle's room has decided to take the 10 best candidates and call them the brunson 10 and these kids they get a lot of publicity and they're going to get a lot more the poker community is really embracing social media cyberspace twitter how would you rate yourself as a a twitterer i've got i think 357 000 followers and so that flattering in itself use life experiences and i put a lot of jokes on there i have fun with it do you think you will ever stop playing poker when i die i will well vince you got to take your hat off to doyle brunson he almost made this final table finished at the second table in this tournament unbelievable he can still do it that good pretty amazing on to this hand the blinds are going up to fifteen a hundred thousand action on vanessa she folds over to john racinger here he's got a king six off suit gonna raise it 255 000 going to try to make something happen kirk morrison with ace jack calls and andrew robel with a pair of fives quickly calls as well well antonio going out so we've got three-way action here flop is ace ten five andrew will swap three fives and he checks oh he's gonna try to trap with this three of a kind racing also checking yeah they're both checking you got two aces you're gonna bet here kirk morrison certainly does that can't blame them it's 225 000 quickly gets raised by andrew makes it 550 racing it out oh and kirk not hesitated thinks he's out in front with the aces he's making the call well bet you're not going to put the guy on ace king here because he didn't raise before the flop turn card is the nine of spades god i wish we wouldn't do that i don't call it when we're like looking at each other a little bit and having that moment is it romantic no it's not it looked romantic all in wow well andrew's going to roll in i call kirk morrison is called other side that's good you win well kirk knows he's drawn dead irrelevant card tennis spades on the river and just unfortunate for kirk morrison out in fifth place gonna take home 168 thousand well the happy-go-lucky guy kirk morrison took a three-year-old he is from the world poker tour he's come back to make the final table here hopefully we'll see a lot more of them in the future nobody wanted nobody wanted to talk you talk tonight but i'm just uh happy you know that i know that i can still play so i'll take another time capsule and come back in three years and see if i can still do it i'll meet you right here then that's a date thanks so much no worries cheers thank you very much thank you bellagio and wpt you guys have been fantastic to me cheers the four players left it's still anyone's game continuing coverage of the doyle brunson five-time and world poker classic brought to you by club wpt.com in just a moment and tony dunst will give his spin on the action so far in this week's installment of the raw deal don't go away welcome back to the world poker tour brought to you by club wpt.com this is craig edwards everyone he found himself here after winning a club wpt qualifier 20 a month you can't beat the price do you recognize any of the faces at your table the guy that's sitting in your seat has been pushing me around the whole time and he's talking about frozka our player of the year last year it's possible really for anyone to find themselves sitting with a table of pros at a 10k tournament it is possible anybody can do it it's only going to cost you 20 bucks a month and that was our latest club wpt.com qualifier craig edwards talking about his experience here at bellagio and to make it clear craig didn't pay 10 000 to get into this tournament like everyone else did he got in for free just by qualifying on club wpt.com that is right mike pretty amazing and and craig said himself he said you know this is a great deal you only put up 19.95 a month you get this membership and you get to play all the poco tournaments you want absolutely free and guess what else mike what craig actually did very well the guy made the money he picked up twelve thousand dollars here at bellagio he came in 78th place and that was two spots higher than the great field ivy let me tell you something making the money in this tournament that is an amazing fee congratulations to chris it really is so if you think you have what it takes to win a free seat to our next tournament just go to club wpt.com and sign up okay vance it's time to head back to the final table as you can see andy frankenberger is still at the top of our season nine player of the year standings andy kiamo jerry and dwight pilgrim all cashed in this event adding points to their totals all right back to the table four players remain and right now andrew robles the chip leader with eight million but actions to john reister who picks up a pair of deuces when you play short-handed poker from four players on down you have to play more aggressive so rachel are raising it with two deuces here and antonio's been very quiet this final table so far but antonio with a pair of eights he's going to raise makes 700 000 to go vanessa out race they're gonna call well grayson are just hoping to flop a deuce here eight against deuces and there's the flop well it's come king king nine antonio going all in with two eights says if you can beat this good luck to you racer now trying to figure out does he have ace queen or something but he can't take a chance he lays down the two ducks and john racinger just has not been able to get things going today well this is my first wpt final table and i've always wanted to make one when i was 21 the first one i played i got eighth so i bubbled the tv file table which was pretty disappointing i even dreamed more about making this final table than the of world series both final tables no bad play goes unpunished and tonight delivering his own form of poker justice is our very own tony dunst in this week's raw deals brought to you by rise every now and then while watching a hand you sit back and ask yourself what the hell is going on here that's all i could think when watching vanessa play her top hair against andrew's pocket queens i'm tony dunst let's break it down as we saw andrew doubled through vanessa with the draw in the previous hand and so it's sensible to believe that vanessa may be a bit off-center after losing such a major pot that's what i do on tv poker i get a on behind and win she decides to try and get some of her chips back from andrew by making a speculative call out of the big blind with a suited jack 7 against andrew's button race the flop action is a mess it seems vanessa check raised the flop without any particular plan for what she would do against any reaction from andrew except the fold vanessa and andrew are the two deepest stacks and with her mediocre holding on this draw-heavy monotone board vanessa's goal should have been pot control instead of just trying to take it down as quickly as possible instead she raises and this is a major mistake for three reasons a she's got enough showdown value that she can check call the flop and evaluate whether she wants to keep calling on future streets b by check raising she reopens the action and allows andrew to push her off her hand by jamming the flop c let's say andrew had chose to just call vanessa's raise on the flop now she's stuck playing a bloated pot out of position with a medium strength hand against a competent opponent with tons of turn cards that could make her decisions even more difficult perhaps she meant to turn her pair into a bluff all along but if that's the case then i don't know why she would spend so much time deliberating over her decision i've got a really big hand a really really really big hand i think i'm going to go with it but just give me a second do you want me to i'm going to add to the complication vanessa calls the clock on herself okay i call time on myself ah calling the clock on yourself for people who want to combine the experience of making an enormous equity decision with the sensation of trying to defuse a bomb how many how much time doesn't help that nobody in the room is quite sure whether a minute contains 60 20 or 10 seconds and i'm not even sure myself i never last that long eventually vanessa comes to the right conclusion and lets go over her hand but it seems clear to me that she made the decision a lot harder and more expensive than it needed to be it's too bad i was hoping we'd get to see one of her patented aggressive calls i probably would have called but that messed me up that time thing doesn't mess me up i couldn't even think well he doesn't hold back does he mike well he has some good input need to pay attention to tony you'll learn something back to the table vanessa and this time she's going to look down at a king 10 off suit yeah she's going to say aggressive here it looks like if she caps her cards using an indication someone's going to play a pot and indeed she is she raises it to 250 000 with the king 10. sean racer can't pick up any cards lately he folds but andrew with a huge hand ace queen of diamonds well vince once again he and vanessa are going to play a pot here at least temporarily this is a powerful hand in a four-handed poker game and he's going to raise it makes it 700 000 to go antonio gets out of the way cool and vanessa is going to stick around makes the call well she wants to see a flop here vince don't know if she's getting a little stubborn but she's just trying to beat this guy so bad because he's taken so many chips from her so far and look at this two pair top two pair for andrew on the flop ace queen three so andrew flop the top two pair vanessa is the gut shot straight throw there you see kirk morrison who's come back to watch this final table sitting along with another good player robert williamson so it's on andrew huge hand and he's not gonna play it slow he's gonna bet no i'm gonna make the continuation bet with a top two pair here just don't want to give your opponent a free card where she could catch a gut shot to beat you or if she had a small pair make trips to beat you or they're going to bust you on the turn well it's 700 000 and vanessa cannot take the heat she had the gut shot straight draw just didn't want to put in 700 000 to try to catch a jack and andrew robles extending his chip lead here at the doyle brunson five diamond world poker classic i'm melanie iglesias one of the world flash girls stay tuned we'll be right back [Music] there were a lot of strong players in this tournament i think any poker player these days who's a top notch poker player always shows up for this event and normally in such a large field there'll always be one or two amateurs left at the end who have gotten lucky along the way there's nobody here in that situation it's a lot harder nowadays to win welcome back to the world poker tour brought to you by club wpt.com four players remain and what a field and what a tournament we have seen so far you're right vance players love coming to blazio it's one of the greatest places in the world to play poker doyle brunson himself almost made this final table here at bellagio in a tournament that's named in his honor incredible effort by doyle and now action on john rasner he's got a queen eight of clubs and he's gonna push all in robel's out but the magician has a king queen that's pretty good hand he says how much he got sir well reisner's got about a million in chips antonio's got four and a half million so he can afford to make this call and he does so and what a call it is very solid vanessa out and we got a showdown well that's a great read on antonio's part king ball one time had his opponent dominated king queen versus queen eight good luck the magician trying to make reisner disappear where'd you fold queen eight 40. i hate that when i hear that at the table it's two eights in the deck uh takes your sweat away yes antonio loving his chances can he break john reister at this point we will see here's the flop oh when he gets a king comes king 631 club so for racer to win this park he's gotta catch two running clubs to make a flush or the last two eights in the deck to make three eights racing to the 24 year old out of tampa in a lot of trouble here comes the turn card well seven of hearts comes off so that's going to do it for john reisner the 24 year old poker pro out of tampa florida finishes in fourth place and vince he just didn't have any cars tonight wasn't meant to be for john tonight well he picks up 232 000 john racer out we are down to three players and one of them is the magician antonio esfandiari then we have lady maverick vanessa russo and of course the very strong andrew roble we've lost john reisner unfortunately here from our final table i know that one of the things you said was really important to you is that you had your mom here that's the only thing that went right really i guess fourth place finished not too bad out of 430 players really good strong players with the elimination
Channel: World Poker Tour
Views: 58,893
Rating: 4.8372879 out of 5
Keywords: World Poker Tour, WPT, poker, Poker-Turnier, torneo di poker, tournoi de poker, 포커 토너먼트, покер, ClubWPT, WPTDeepStacks
Id: Naf3yycCVM0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 363min 32sec (21812 seconds)
Published: Tue May 04 2021
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