Wow Your GEEK Friends With SCI-FI WARP Tunnel Effects for FREE.

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hey this is kev a long time ago when blender 2.8 first dropped i made a tutorial on making wormholes and it kind of got some traction and a lot of people liked it but i'm starting to get questions that it's not working anymore so i thought i'd make a follow-up video here in blender 2.91 whatever and show you guys how to change that and in doing so i think i can make a cooler wormhole too so the first thing i'm going to do to make this wormhole or warp tunnel or whatever you want to call it is we need to have something we need to have a tunnel we need to have something a path so to do that and i'm going to use this menu up here for new people i'm going to hit add curve i'm going to go to circle okay there we go so curve circle it says add bezier circle grade so radius here i'm going to type in 50 and it makes it pretty huge great that's what i want the next thing i'm going to need to do is attach the camera so that it follows the circle okay that's really easy to do too but you have to zero out the camera first or you're gonna get the camera following the path at a weird angle and you're not gonna like that so to do that you're just gonna select the camera then hit alt g okay and then alt r and you'll see here that what that did is it takes item and zero it out you could also type in zero all over the place here and that'll do the same thing okay so then we have to attach this to the curve that's pretty simple too with the camera selected we're simply gonna go over here to object constraint properties okay object constraint and i'm going to say follow path and then target shall be bezier circle okay there's bezier circle there's a circle here it is in the list hit that there you go and once that's there you you can hit play and you won't see anything so you have to hit animate path now you'll see it go around and around and around now we also want to make it look ahead now i can always rotate this and make it look ahead that's perfectly fine but i like to use a target so to do that i'm going to add empty plane axis okay it's just a non-rendering empty object goes right in the middle and i'm going to do the same thing i did to the camera to this so here i am object constraint follow path target bezier circle there it is so now they're both going around so now what i want to do is make this guy in front of the camera just a little bit so to do that i'm going to say the offset okay negative and push him just a little bit for a little bit up okay just like that and now we have to make the camera look at him that's going to be our target for the camera so i'm going to select the camera and i'm saying we're still in this object constraint thing right i'm going to go to track 2 and then i'm going to say target empty done and if you set it up like this you don't have to mess with any of these things and guess or anything it's just going to work so now we have this camera looking ahead following this empty that's what we want perfect so now let's make the track a little bit more interesting to do that i can hit select the bezier curve hit tab and you get these four handles so you can select these you can hit g move them around move them around move it around right move it around and you can add more because that's kind of boring too that's not going to be very interesting so i can hit a to select them all then hit segments subdivide okay here we have more so now i can go g move this guy i can go g move this guy in g pull him g maybe pull him and that's looking quite a bit better okay so this guy's a little crazy so you can take these handles here right g move those around just kind of smooth that out a little bit all right that's probably okay so now if i hit tab again close it out and i hit play you can see there they are okay let me show you camera there he goes now he's going really fast so how to change that well a really fast way to do it is just to simply select the bezier circle okay go here to the little object data properties go to path animation and then what you see here is frames you can change the frames to match your end too so like 250 all right that's probably pretty good and now he's moving at a decent speed and you can add even more keyframes if you want you can say like 500 and as long as this matches this so 500 here now i have a decent speed okay that's going to be way more interesting when we actually get into the animation of it so there's our timeline 500 moving at a nice speed everything is cool so now we can go ahead and build the tunnel the tunnel is simple all you have to do is select the bezier circle okay go to geometry right here and then just say depth increase the depth so like two something whatever you get a tunnel so now if i hit zero look at that i'm actually inside a tunnel now you're seeing this like jerkiness right you don't want this jug no one likes jerk no one like jerkiness right so take this guy and what we can do bezier circle and we'll take this resolution preview turn that up to like 32 and you see that if you scroll ahead a little bit you see we're getting this fastening here you can change the resolution of the bevel here to like 16 and now you get a nice smooth tunnel you get nice smooth motion and there you go right so i also did this in this uh hawkins tunnel system tutorial from stranger things and that was kind of cool too so now let's make the actual shader because that's what you're here for anyway right what i'll do is i'll just drag this up and i'll just change this to shader editor because i want to have if i want to like animate any of the properties in here i like having the timeline on here so i don't really use this all that much i just like this and then i'll turn on ev over here too so we can see what's going on so now i'm just going to go ahead and hit principled shader so i'll hit new and as principled shader okay so i give this a new principled shader and i need to give it a texture so that it looks interesting so i'm going to hit principle shader principle bd principle bsdf okay and i'm going to hit ctrl t so for ctrl t to work you need to have node wrangler installed so if you go up here like edit preferences add-ons and enable nodewrangler this this is there okay 3000 other videos show you how to do that too so image texture i hit that and i hit shift s to change it and let's see i'm going to use a muskrate texture and it's not showing up yet so i'm going to take that from base color and i'm going to throw that for now into into alpha okay that's going to control the alpha and then i'm going to take emission and pump it up a bit and there is our shader on our tunnel but it's not looking like we want so for this to look better i'm going to take uv i'm going to change this to object into vector and now it looks like a bunch of noise so you just go here to musgrave and take the scale down a bit and you're getting something that looks kind of more like the nebula type look that i want all right and it's pretty harsh right now but we're gonna we're gonna change that in a minute all right so i can kind of get this like cool effect and you see here now we're in the tunnel and we're going through great so that's kind of a good basis so now what we'll do is we're going to make this transparent so to do that okay here's here's where it really differs there used to be like this additive thing and you know in the last video i did this whole additive and this is all the questions i'm getting so all you have to do now it's handled by okay and ev is this this transparency is now handled here but all you have to do is go here to material properties okay and go all the way down and see where it says blend mode change from opaque to alpha blend and there you go now you're getting a nice blend so if i go back inside the tunnel okay i'm still here alpha is controlled by this you can see that we're not getting transparency a little bit yet we're getting a little bit okay so if i back it up here you can see there's a little bit of transparency what we want to do too is we don't want to rely on the musgrave texture alone to control the alpha so i'm going to put a color ramp in here and that's going to give us more control and give us a nicer result so i'm going to hit shift a converter color ramp and there we go so now we get a nice much better fall off this is all transparent okay i don't get the harsh blacks anymore and there we go so now if i take base color here and i turn that all the way down i can control the look and the shader here with the emission okay because it's kind of a light effect that we want so i'll find a cool you know nice cool uh nice cool hue and there we go so i'm starting to get this warp tunnel now if you want to see some glowing in things because we're in ev and we can use that i can turn on bloom if i want and i can pump it up to like 16 and there we go so now i'm getting that light effect and it's looking pretty decent okay pretty decent start i like that not bad all right still a little jerky but whatever so what else can we do what else can we do well i can say that this right here shall be uh warp shader01 and now if i want to add more to this okay i want more colors i want more i can actually layer this on top and being that we changed the alpha here and we did we set it all up so that you can see through it this is where a lot of people are having trouble like duplicating this and not being able to see the second tunnel so here's where you do this i can just select this go here hit shift d and then enter immediately because you don't want to move it you just want to be exactly on top and then you're just going to go here to this object data properties and you're going to just change the depth a little bit more and now we start getting a different layer and here i can actually being that we're selecting this guy i can say new so warp shader 01 whatever and i can go ahead and change the color here to say like an orange right maybe something darker more interesting so i go in here now and that's even looking that's looking even more interesting not bad right so okay cool we can also go ahead and say we want to do more so i can go ahead and duplicate this again so i go here go in here hit shift d enter and now i can take this depth pull it up a little bit more and i can actually go ahead create a different shader a new shader here and this guy i'm going to create stars so to do that i'm just going to go to white and now i'm going to turn down the scale a bit and now i can change because i have this color ramp controlling i can take the black pull them in and now i kind of get stars and i can also go ahead and play with the scale and i can get whatever whatever i want so i'm just going to go back hit one that's fine zero and now i have stars nebula you know warp tunnel effect now the real cool trick here to get a much nicer looking effect is to change the camera then you go to camera and change it from focal length here change that down to something pretty wide all right so like i don't know like eight millimeters or something right now you're getting a much nicer effect and if i go ahead and i turn on motion blur for eevee okay and i say instead of shutter 50 i go to shutter one if i hit render now render image watch this i start getting in much nicer and you can see it's it's a bit better but we're going to change it and make it even nicer so to do that we're going to go ahead and we're going to take steps here and the more steps you give it the better it's going to look it's going to take a little bit longer to render but it's going to look better so steps here i'll say like 32 and if i hit render again there we go we're getting a much nicer and you can still see some stepping in here but you can smooth that out even more if you want so you can go uh steps like 128 even and it's gonna take longer to render but you'll see that the result is going to be much smoother okay there's more steps it looks smoother it looks nicer okay so as you're going through this you can play around and you don't have to have shutter speed at 1 but you can play around and i'm kind of liking that so i'm going to leave it now we can also go ahead and play around with some of these shaders again so for example let me see here this is this is the orange one so we can go ahead and we can kind of start playing around with the scale okay and if i'm in here we can play with the scale on the x or the y and we can give it get more of that you know cool nebulous nebuli look and it'll be pretty interesting right there we go okay so now hit render here check this out this is going to look a bit better there we go okay so we're getting like more nebula we're seeing more of this it's more glowy it's kind of cool right i dig that and then what we can also do is we can go ahead and we can add like a light in here and that's going to really kind of make this pop so to do that let's go back to frame zero and here is our thing okay so what we'll do is we'll do the same thing we did before so i'm gonna go ahead i'm gonna add okay i'm gonna say light and i'll just say point light it goes right into the middle and what i'll say is for point light okay i'm gonna do the same thing here i'm gonna go to object constraints and i'm going to say follow path bezier circle it doesn't matter which one because they're all on top of each other and there we go and then i can offset this just like i did the other stuff and put it in front of it so there it is and now if i turn it up a bit right we're getting white so as we go through oh there we go we're getting that effect and you don't have to use white like that's kind of that's kind of could be even kind of obnoxious right but you can use like other colors right say like like purple or you know maybe like yeah like that's kind of cool something like that all right there we go and now we're getting like an even cooler effect all right a better effect so we find a good good uh let's see that looks pretty cool there that looks pretty good there render let's see what this looks like pretty good and i'll probably even take that down probably don't need it to be that hot and there we go we're kind of flying through space and we're getting a wormhole effect and the cool thing is you can always go back here into these shaders and you can go ahead and you can increase the scale you can add more of this like nebula type effect or less you know it's totally totally up to you all right you're like it's like bob ross in this freaking blender world here and you can go ahead and really go ahead and change things and make the effect yours and you can add as many tunnels as you want as many you know different bezier curves as you want and really build this out and make something really interesting so to go ahead and render this out it's pretty simple all right you just go up here to uh object output properties okay tell it where you want to save it okay in my case i just said tunnel you just call it like warp tunnel dot mp4 if you just want an mp4 i usually write out exr files but this is a tutorial so i'll just say you know go ahead change file format to ffmpeg video change encoding to h.264 and mp4 on windows that's usually pretty good 24 frames a second pretty good one through 500 i'm digging that all right render render animation and you wait and in the end you get this and it's really interesting and fun and hopefully you got something out of this video if you did hit like subscribe share it this file will be up on my patreon if you want to hang out there and join and whatever and take it and play with it and have fun and yeah i'll see you in the next video thanks talk to you later bye
Channel: Kev Binge
Views: 16,067
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: time tunnel, warp tunnel effect, blender 2.9 camera tutorial, blender 2.8 shader tutorial, blender 2.9 motion graphics
Id: q05ZhUPmAvc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 28sec (1048 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 09 2020
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