WOW! What A Wiring Mess!

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now can't tell me that this doesn't make your brain hurt so good morning it's another day of working on the banana um it has been super busy lately we have just been out in the field doing rescues and recoveries and haven't had a lot of time to work on this trevor got this all stripped out do you have you seen that footage good morning children so for now we're going to be cleaning up the dash and some of the interior stuff um like the ac unit and uh i mean the firewall what what yeah the firewall it's a dash i need a 12. 13. 13. 14. i thought we were playing softball fine see that's why i threw it to lizzy the first time oh wait this needs to go too oh holy crap you're just tearing it all apart what our job description is we need a new one to tear it all apart a new one of these a lot of dirt fell in there yeah we'll get a new one of those i'm gonna be getting close way to be so we're trying to get the mixer box out from the firewall and we're not exactly sure how but we think we know i think we're on to something yeah so we're just gonna start pulling pulling things like this apart there we go [Music] right next to the other most valuable crew member ac max are we pulling this wiring harness out how are we going to do it i'll get this all on you did it without breaking the plastic i'm so proud of you i am so happy that trevor is our wiring guy all of it so that's a lot of wiring if you have a basic sense of how wiring works you should be able to figure all this out without any issues well unfortunately i don't have a basic stance all by myself it's not dinner time yet but we've got the spaghetti bowl here and trevor trevor knows what to do with this i'm gonna eat it up we're gonna throw it over here by the other one yeah now you can't tell me that this doesn't make your brain hurt for trevor for me indeed it's clean i like it engine cleaner and degreaser wipe off excess grit and grime not gonna do that and spray a generous amount i can do [Music] that i guess when we hold it up hose it down we ought to remember that there's holes in the firewall okay look at the hose [Music] that rag is up there oh that that is burned on there yeah that was brand new paint right there oh my gosh oh by the way i'm wearing sunglasses because it's bright outside why i'm wearing these ones is still a mystery to me you wear sunglasses outside because it's bright so me and trevor ended up stripping the firewall of the rest of the wiring harness and lizzy came out and helped us to grease all the stuff we missed because of all that other stuff that was in here and uh trevor's doing an amazing job filming yeah so looks like trevor got this all stripped out i guess rudy and trevor worked on that so today we're going to be working more on just finishing this up finishing all the welding and the boxing in for the steering and this uh this lower core support for the radiator and and all that the steering box fits pretty tight on the top of this and we've still got to cap this so there's we're going to have to lower this down about a quarter inch so we're going to cut this off clean it all up lots of opportunities to weld things we're just going to weld it all up it's going to be very sturdy when we're [Music] done [Music] a little broken [Applause] i've gotta cut some holes in here for some foot uh some plugs [Music] and then just turn it over somehow force that into there go ahead and complete that um so do you want me to trim this back to match where it is or fold it over and weld it up um yeah just keep folding i like exactly where it's laying did you say it ended up straight yeah it's not not perfect but we've done way worse than that oh yeah have you looked down the corvair so we're just flying these out because we don't know exactly where they go when we do know where they go there's going to be some more caps to put on the front of this to finish it off kind of cutting some new grass here because i don't know if anybody that's done this so i've got no reference but we're gonna try to retain the the look we're not gonna like change grills or anything so we added we've added this down here but this is where the bumper was so i'm thinking by the time we get the winch plate here in the winch that'll protect the lower part of this radiator we'll be able to keep the stock cherokee grill i think the front of this is going to look really stock when we're done that's the goal anyway not not radically change the the look of the front of this passes the kick test everybody knows that the kick test is universal so we've got this this frame stiffener that we added here and then we've added all this here this is these are going to connect together all this is going to get reworked for the ori struts so we're just waiting on waiting on that before we finish doing what we're doing here so i'm i want to be within 200 pounds of where we were so we were we were four thousand two hundred and sixty pounds that's the last that's the weigh-in we did just before we took this apart so if i can man if i could come in at under 4500 pounds i guess and i say we succeed if we get anywhere under 5 000. i think we're almost done with everything that needs to be done with the engine out all right so that wasn't too much but it was important and we got that done today but we've had several of you ask about the cache valley cruising and any footage from that so we're gonna actually show you some of that now we're here in logan with the city of logan fire department and we're talking to john about the charity event that's happening he can tell you more about it so the charity that we're sponsoring is one wish foundation one wish cache valley so this is a group that's local to cache valley they support people in terminal conditions and give them one last wish so it's kind of like the make-a-wish foundation is for kids this is for adults and so they've put some of our firefighters that have come down with cancer other illnesses that were terminal they'd help them and their families to go on trips say to hawaii or disneyland or even simple things like just getting friends together for a campfire one last time so we love these guys we wanted to support them they have offered to give us a little tour of the place and show us some of the equipment that they have here and i think lizzie and rudy are going to be suiting up in some fire gear maybe racing maybe lizzie are you going to be all right yeah yeah are you doing okay that was him you're chilling now they must be relaxed she's gonna be asleep in a second you know anything about lizzie this is a thermal imaging camera we call it tick pieces they used to call them the jaws alive they'd be combined so you'd have a cutter spreader and we've separated those so you can be using a spreader and a cutter at the same time holding it for more than a couple minutes is a lot of work especially if you're moving it around yeah so let you get it up put it in you know to a door break it open what we'll teach the guys is you know you haft it up and you seat it and once you get pressure on it then you just kind of relax but we leave our boots uh on our pants just so they're ready to go just so it's fast so a lot of these guys you'll see him laying out different ways like he had his hood sitting here in his boot it'll turn them inside out or whatever so that they can just come up throw their hood on you know just get dressed super quick you know my firemen have red suspenders hold their pants up it's true [Music] notice how his boots are he just pulls them off so we have zippers on our boots holy smokes what do you think about lizzy see when you get a call jump into that crowd that's why i want to see you i want to hear that we so we got a call that like pants on boots on i'm gonna i'm gonna beat him so this is what it would be like if we got a call and we were firemen instead of off-road recovery guys you guys stand with your back to the front of this side by side right in the middle in the middle right i can see your feet no cheating all right three two one go go let's go careful oh easy oh man on your pants you have that velcro and that belt i'll do that with the jacket on the zipper's reversed you got a belt there they're inside there's two layers you got to go between for the zipper it's not a big chunk of steel so it's hard for you to see good job i'm in southern utah again so if you were if your house was on fire and these two shows it's kind of nice to see it come through all the process that he's done with it watching rudy weld everything up on it i hope i can weld as good as you guys it's awesome yeah i thought it would be too big at first but then after it turned out it was like perfect what's your favorite one the more bear the banana um probably the banana i like the more berries he restored it he's not afraid to use it and get it dirty all the work he's put into it's pretty hot oh [Music] [Music] [Music] all right matt i wanted to introduce you to robin so robin uh is the president of of one wish cache valley and we sure appreciate her love her and so uh this this is the charity that we use which we chose thanks for your help now we appreciate you yeah thanks for letting us do this and putting this together we appreciate you guys choosing us to donate to well we got something for you really we don't deserve a more of air this is symbolic the real one's going to be different but this is what we raised wow that's awesome that's great well and it was a community that raised it there they were the ones that were donating so that is so cool that's huge thanks matt that's cool thank you we have an instagram and facebook too if you guys want to follow us as well if you haven't already but then you can see which well that's a wrap we've been up here for four days uh the cache valley cruise in it has been uh an amazing experience very positive it was great to meet all of you that came to see us and talk to you and it's just been a lot of fun it's been a lot of work but it's a lot of fun with all your help we were able to raise over 11 000 dollars for the one wish charity which is a it's 100 of the proceeds go to the families that the charities for so it's uh it was amazing experience to be able to help with that also and we're gonna head home now i think we're at about a six hour drive and uh thanks for watching
Channel: Matt's Off Road Recovery
Views: 451,669
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Off road recovery, Rescue, Matts off road recovery, Sand Trap, road recovery, Recovery, Difficult rescue, Winder Towing, Towing, Sand dunes, dunes, Jeep, Sand Hollow, utah, off road recovery fails, off road recovery truck, Rescuing, banana, shop work, shop, shop build, off road recovery, matts off road recovery, car build project, car build, rescue car build, car build reveal, jeep xj, xj rebuild, jeep build, jeep tear down, jeep rebuild, car electrical work, jeep electrical
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 7sec (1087 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 25 2021
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