WOW... this Ice is INSANE!!! // Draft Horse Training in the WINTER ❄️ #422

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okay come on everybody careful today we are going to do our very first real job with Baron Baron is our three-year-old Suffolk cult punch stallion and we've been doing quite a bit of training with him over the last few months but it's just driving him around well today we're gonna hit onto the sled and actually take some hay out to the cows so this will be the actual the first actual work where he's going to be accomplishing something in the process of training which is quite exciting when we get to that point for the end of the horses where we can actually do something that's uh you know amounting to something other than just exercising foreign today we have just finished a stretch of very very very windy and cold weather it's finally the wind has finally slowed down so it's much more pleasant outside it's about 20 degrees right now I guess so I'm just hitching up Baron's neck yoke and I'm going to swing the Rope over here and tie him it's been several days since we've worked them so better safe than sorry after I get the neck kissed up I'll come around and hits up the evening and uh I'll explain a couple things even on my sled in a second as usual oh not bad quite often the chains are froze pretty bad into the ice and snow but not bad oh Baron okay that Baron back there back up here oh good boy good boy did you see how he backed up that was pretty good he's learning and he's also standing in so much better today yeah yeah he's been swinging his butt out right from the start so much today I didn't even have to pull him over he's right here in place so that's really really good oh course she's tied and that's a good thing but uh High one time a second but I want to show you something here as you can see this is a steel uh a slab so it's got Runners but on the bottom it has a steel shoe and being steel that will freeze really easily to the snow and ice so what I like to do with this is one of two things when I hitch up I'll take something and pry underneath the runners to break the runners for you to make sure they're not froze in we had a lot of rain and snow and wind and cold over the last few days so the chance of it frozen to the ground are fairly high but what I do is I will have I will put one by fours underneath the runners so when I slide on the runners slide up on top of the wood and it's much much much less chance of it freezing because of that but as I can see the last time I pulled in here oh guys these one by fours I just have two of them here and they kind of slid ahead so the front is off the ground you can see the steel of the runners of the shoes but back there it does not look like it's it was up enough so it looks like it's frozen in so because of that I do not want to ask these horses to pull if it's if the things if everything's froze in what's going to happen several things is going to happen it discourages a horse tremendously by pulling something that they can't budge also if they pull really hard things break really easy in a situation like this so what I'm going to do because I'm concerned about that about that I'm going to try to get one of my Stakes loose if I can and even that's difficult because it's frozen also but this one comes out so I would come up here and just see if I can't make sure this Runner is free so having that long pipe like this it gives me lots of Leverage and as I lift it up I can see it moving all the way down through there so now I'm going to do the other side and as long as I can see it move it should be okay so it all moved so now I will hitch I will hopefully drive right out of here isn't he one smart cookie I wouldn't um I would have probably banged on it to loosen it up because banging on stuff does help but it also breaks things but anyways good job um now would you do that if if it was two seasoned horses still oh absolutely but you gotta think ahead and have that underneath there they have to pull up on it yeah and that that's a really really good way to do it uh I think I've showed you before on my my sled that I use for sleigh rides I will pull up onto wood with that also foreign I think I was in my last video we showed that little bit of a sore on Baron's hind leg and by turning really sharp right here with this sled it's that's possibly where it happened because that is until a horse gets used to it they will rub against that hole pretty hard sometimes so what I'm gonna do is pull up actually I think I'll go around the driveway once put them across the blacktop again we haven't he's not used to that we've only done that once and I gotta be very cautious because this morning being the first ride out um for several days since he's worked um he has more energy and he's going to be more spooky so when he hears the the runners on the blacktop it's definitely going to Spook him Ken also seems kind of high energy this morning yeah when you don't work much and they spend a lot of the time the last two or three days in the barn because of the raining weather is so miserable Brenda had asked me this morning about because of the ice she was concerned with Baron's footing and I'll try to talk about that after I get her off the blacktop hang on tight good morning for a walk time okay so just a quick little talk about horses with shoes and without shoes now Ken has good shoes with drill texts on the on the bottoms of them to give them really good traction so he does not slip much at all Baron has no shoes at all so he is going to be one to be doing some slipping years ago I can remember my father talking about it this and saying that if you're going to work a horse barefoot just make sure he stays Barefoot type of thing because as soon as you put shoes on a horse they tend to be less sure-footed if you go barefoot again I guess that's probably because of the fact that with the shoes on they're pretty confident in their footing but then they go without shoes and then it's even worse oh oh so let me tie Baron I'll just give a close-up if there's anybody new to the channel of um what the shoes look like you can see they're almost like high heels sorry about the manure under there come here a little bit oh of course here's Baron without a hues I have a rope that I leave here which is great except for the snap itself will freeze up cause trouble but we got her give me a little bit Ken see tapping does help sometimes come here a little bit come here come here come here oh okay let's go get some hat okay so we need five bales that I want to take out to feed the cows and we feed we have this is the first time we've actually fed outside this year um but we generally feed inside the barn every feed twice a day so this would be for this morning's feeding we also need like eight bales of hay for the horses so we'll throw that down also foreign Bales huh that's that the other day before we got all that rain and warm weather I took these guys with just the empty sled partially out through the field to where we're going to be feeding hay because I knew I wanted to do this and uh it went well there was a lot of snow at the time so it was kind of hard going but it went well but now we lost tremendous amount of that snow but now we have ice and as I look out into the fields where we're headed I see a tremendous amount of ice out there that the water just overflowed the bank so ditches and whatnot and we have a lot of ice in the field and we don't know I'm assuming that ice is frozen hard and the water down below is not running but I don't know that so I don't know if we'll be able to stay on top of the ice if we'll break through what kind of troubles we'll get into hopefully not too many troubles it does look like a large amount of water out there we shall soon find out and then we had um snow again on top so there's a little bit of a layer of blown snow everywhere as well just barely see my track see my tracks from there yeah that's where I went the other day but that's such a wider body of ice and whatnot I'm thinking straight ahead it's a lot narrower section and so I think I'll cross at that point and I can kind of tell the looks of it that it's actually Frozen hard so I don't think I'll be surprised if we break through and if we do it's not like it's deep it's just a nuisance right it's a little bit riffly so hopefully it won't be too slippery I'm a poet and I didn't know it okay okay yeah yeah oh let's watch that again [Music] oh [Music] let me explain what happened you probably saw what happened obviously but because that was just so slippery for Baron oh okay fortunately for because can had his good ice shoes on oh he was able to support them and I I chose not to stop him I just kept right on rolling as you can see he actually can't actually pull them across the ice and so now ho as I continue on I'm gonna try to even find better spots to stay out of that icy stuff because it's just so bad all right careful step yeah go ahead and jump on bed so now I'm just staying as much off the ice as possible and if it's a just a narrow strip of sorts I'm going to put Baron on the snow and and can in the iciest part because he can he can handle it better well that was a good experience for Bayern as frightening as it must have been and can I can too yes if I can had the footing so he was fine you know it's such a nice day compared to what we've had but that wind is still cold yes it is cold it's uh 20 degrees out Fahrenheit but of what the wind chill temperature is I don't know so our cows are way down there and this will be the first time that we fed hay out here this winter so we've done this before but I'll have to holler to him and hopefully they'll they'll come in come on come on come on come on come on come basketball and look concerning where the gate is that looks icy there too I don't like that so when we get down there Brenda I'm gonna have to have you go open up that gate wide open yeah see it and then I'll see what I can do yeah it's like an icy area it does the wise men and go home a different way we might although it's sometimes it's bad sometimes it's not oh all right go down open that gate up also way out of our way look at this yeah that's good it's wet in a sense underneath Come On Let's cross foreign very slippery I got an idea Brenda okay um it looks like it's better way way up and maybe I can just disconnect the fence and walk go through that way since you're disconnected there leave that right there leave it what do you want me to do uh walk up the fence throw probably okay 3G around here g g g g g foreign just come right here so I'm hoping and thinking that maybe we can disconnect the fence right there and kind of kitty corner down through there oh all right you just stand here and hold down for a second it should be fine hello a tester okay the wheel there's a way yeah all those different noises and everything's good for Baron too right oh absolutely now it's got the big snow here oh it's not that big but come on come on come on come on come on come on Oscar boss my family's defeat hey way up here but I gotta get the cows up here come on come on we'll get a little closer then we'll feed down there and then my plan is to continue feeding hay out here whenever I'm not in the woods logging I will take the time to do it this way using Baron and what that will do is spread the manure around in this field since they'll have to come up here for hey come on come on come on come on come on come on staring Baron when I'm hollering like that they're all mooing over there easy guys I don't really want you to run I don't want them to run but I I'm glad that Baron wants to run so he has that kind of energy come on come on I think as soon as I start throwing the hay down they'll probably come I'll go get close to the gate come on come on come on come on come on of course it looks like they go across that ice also gotta think about them too yeah but they got to go for water anyways this is the opening oh all right okay see that hey now they're running yeah be careful cow is coming across this cast out this gives them a lot of stop and start hey which is good learning too let's see if they dare to come across I dress up [Music] so there's several things that I really like about feeding hay like this for the horses it uh it teaches them to start and stop a lot so I'm going low ways and I stop and I'm feeding of another bail then I go ahead and caps out those things are really really good oh I'm not sure if the cows are set to go across that little bit of ice there or I think so just scared of the horses out here oh but they'll come across eventually and the next time they'll be right here all around us when we're feeding probably so we are all done but we're gonna go all up there hits that fence back up as it can and then then shut the gate still jumps up faster I'm gonna be ready for a hot beverage by the time we get home yep so this is so far it's successful feeding with the with the two horses and uh hopefully the cows can be across that ice all right it's not that bad so I can't imagine the knot well we can keep an eye on them let's do something different if they won't cross yeah so we've got one more thing to do with these guys today this morning we have sleigh rides this afternoon so we're going to go down in a little bit to the cabin and get the fire going so the cabin is toasty warm for our our visitors I just want to show you guys how much Baron is driving behind right now this this snow is hard walking for a young horse like this and uh so he is definitely hanging back a little bit swap side's brand is soon so I can stand over here by doing this puts more pressure on cam and they walk together a little bit better but I'm not expecting perfection at this stage and baron is doing just fine the way it is hands a little bit anxious here oh they're starting to sink through right here yeah it's muddy under there it is crazy weather oh oh let's hold that let me close like it attached out I know I can't believe how freezing it is out even though the wind has died down a lot he's freezing go right into it like this up all right oh hey gotcha so we'll talk about this fastest wet hole again because that's a ditch a good ditch so I think it'll be fine it'll be a lot narrower thank you so off to our left right here is where we came through that chunk of ice there we're not gonna go back there again if we can help us it looks like way up on the edge of the field is that there's a lot of snow right there and that's more of a steeper part of the ditch uh actually that's that's kind of a ditch right there because then it's off there's a tile there underground and unless we just could not handle it all obviously that's why water's all over the place but I can see up there that it might be a little bit rough but at least it won't be icy or so bad questions oh yeah oh this is one of those times when I wish I had been closer we always have to choose where we're gonna be but would have been good to be on the sled because there was an event no problem they did sink through pretty deep but that's okay well that's what I could see Baron what all the way in here it was pretty far down so berries having quite the experience today I think I've ever seen bearing house so much spring in his stuff as he does today he's acting almost like a mature trained horse look at that evening right now right together just the way I like to see you sometimes it's even ahead of him [Music] push them over again want to go the other way apparently huh you wanted to go the other way all right we'll go this way okay get out of my way it takes a long time for a young horse to to really get the hang of turning on this big long sled it's easy for what you can to drag him to the left than it is to push them to the right [Music] you gotta make a really wide turn with this too yeah you do I noticed that in the field that you were actually go out it's been a rough time with the driveways gym plowing and everything too with a completely basically had a flash freeze when everything was so wet everything's so rough oh okay well it's been a good day this is evening now of course and uh we had a good day with with Baron and then with the blacks on our Sleigh Ride we ended up taking um Baron and Ken out after we fed the hay and out to the cabin and Brenda needed to start the fire in the in the cabin so she did that while she's doing that I was going around the the Trails um and we didn't know this but we haven't been on the trails for two days now and the drifts out there were terrible I was very surprised how bad they were but it was also very very pleased how well Baron did it some of these drifts were right to their bellies and they just Powerhouse their way right through these drifts I wish I had it caught it on camera but I wasn't expecting to to do a video on on that but I do wish I had my camera out there because it was in my opinion feel impressive the way he went through those drifts and he really got quite a workout today and then we took the two blacks out in the afternoon and gave rides and so the one ride we gave um we were surprised and pleased to actually get a present from them they had this all wrapped up so this came from the partner family right here local family that's come on a ride several times throughout the years and they've always enjoyed themselves greatly down in the cabin and they even got to use this skating Pond a little bit today although it was not the best but they surely did seem to have fun on it just the same and so they made this picture I mean this is a picture of the horses of course and they made it put it up in this Frame and I'm just very thankful so thank you very much Cad and family for this picture and uh I very much appreciate it and so I hope uh you guys enjoyed this video and you have a great day [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: Working Horses With Jim
Views: 263,826
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wow this ice is insane, ice is insane, draft horse training in the winter, draft horse training, training horses in the winter, crazy weather, suffolk punch draft horse, suffolk punch horse, suffolk draft horse, suffolk punch breed, suffolk punch horses, driving horses on ice, why do horses wear shoes, horse shoes on ice, why horses wear shoes, horseshoes on ice, belgian horses, percheron horses, suffolk punch stallion, suffolk punch colts, horses on ice
Id: jnTTeyTN--Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 26sec (2186 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 28 2022
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