Can we get this cow to eat grass??! // Farming with Draft Horses #633

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good morning everybody it's a chilly morning this morning um we just have some odds ends to do today so we thought we'd share a little bit about what we do what we're doing today B's milk and pansy right now and I just sent William out with Lady to take him out to the past her out to the pasture as you can see we only have Bill and Baron in right now and uh for the last few days Ken and all the young ones have been out in the pasture and uh so I wanted to swap some things around and put um lady out there and bring Ken in I might have some work for him to do today Bend is busy Ming the cow good morning we did have a little bit of a of a foot issue with with pansy and the there was an abscess in her foot and so the vet came up and took care of that she's still a little bit lame but she's definitely a lot lot lot better than she was so Brenda's working on that job there we've got rain coming in this afternoon I have a little bit of time this morning I've got a lot of s to do so the rain doesn't affect me as far as my work but I do have um since it's not supposed to rain this morning I'm hoping to get a few odds and ends done with the horses the one job I was hoping to do is clean out my uh down there end of the barn where the cows kind of are able to run in and out of but as you can see from all the rain that we've got it is very muddy in the barnyard here and uh I don't know I can surely pull the spreader through it because I've got some good strong horses but it's hard and uh it's just I'm to tell you the truth I'm really getting sick of the mud I was thinking maybe even this morning I could plow a little bit but even that's questionable but uh I hope to be able to get something done with the horses maybe we can show you a few of the things that we're doing I was thinking this morning as I have a lot more time to contemplate things now that I'm milking cows but um Jim isn't getting the weather that he wants but he was thinking about getting out and getting some Hors workk done before it rains and I thought about the fact that every little bit helps and sometimes uh I was thinking about that with a lot of things I have a Bible study today and on prayer that I am part of and um we're talking about H how every little bit of prayer um strengthens our prayer M muscles if we choose to pray and even whether you're a prayer or not it is also an whatever we can get done in life every little bit even if we think it's not as good as we wish it was it really does help it does make a difference I was thinking also about our greenhouse and our um the lettuce that's out there I may not have a huge salad every night but every little bit of uh Greenery that I could cut from the the lettuce in there is kind of a little bit of a health benefit it's instead of thinking all or nothing I guess what I'm saying is we have to do what we can when we can is the thought that's come to my mind lately and there's a lot of things in every day that's the way it is and I've learned that from Jim a lot he just does what he can when he can because it all it all adds up so here we have William coming with Ken and the other four are still out in the pasture and they'll stay there for the day I'm sure kenis has has enjoyed his is couple days in the pasture with the young ones [Music] but maybe you can get a little bit of work done today I'm not even really sure if we'll work them but he'll be available if we do and uh it's supposed to rain all afternoon and then tomorrow supposed to be a little bit better so maybe we can get some more work done okay Jim is taking pansy out she is limping but she's doing like a 100 times better than she was um last time we took her out this is her second time out she just didn't know what to do and got very you know upset about things so and didn't eat any grass so I'm confident today she's going to figure it out because she's figured out eating other stuff plain old dry hay and I just think this nice softness will be great on her hoof to bring some healing I think Jim might be just letting her go is that what you're going to do just let her go we are pretty confident she's not going to go too far and she's got this Big Field it is kind of wet in here at places it's plain it's just a Hayfield actually it's just a yeah it is just a Hayfield is it a little scary this see what she does all the noise and everything she's coming with you she's she probably won't stay when you start that chainsaw up uh she's moving a lot more than we thought she would we used to have our other cow that we had Viola um we used to call her VI she was she would roam free a lot and she'd come over to the porch when it was milking time and moo I hate to show you guys all my undone stuff around here all my Gardens that aren't cleaned up yet but this is life as it is happening I'm not sure this idea is going to work [Music] [Music] [Music] skip you're being very very very good it's hard isn't it thankfully she's very catchable and easy to walk around but she just is clueless and it's too much there's just too much going on it is amazing how much better she walks so on this soft soft ground and of course she's not used to electric fence and she's going to have to get used to that and since she didn't go to eating right away we're just going to put her back in want a drink [Music] babe these guys are ready to get to work so pansy's back in her pen for right now and she's enjoying a little bit of baage with the other Critters here Jim's hitching up here ready to go all oh okay as you can see we definitely have a muddy mess here um but I'm pretty sure the horses won't get stuck so we're going to spread some in this manure I did want to share one thing with you guys um one reason why this Barnyard and even our horse Barnyard is so wet is um because we have so much water coming off all these roofs now we did last summer put on a whole bunch of um gutters on these roofs but we have not finished up the job and so right now the water is coming off these roofs and just dropping in this one spot here and it's still flooding all over our Barnyard so my goal and plan is to this summer at some point be able to get these gutters with down spouts so that we have a way to get rid of this water get this water out of our barnyards and I'm hoping to kind of uh work that into the some tiling that I hope to be a do this fall but the way breakdowns been happening so far if they continue we're not going to have money enough to buy um any doing more tiling this fallou but at any rate I do have an escalated and I'm going to at least hopefully get this as drained out of the Barnyard so that's what we're dealing with in here so we'll get these guys loaded up they've got to definitely stand in the mud and muck for a little while while it load up and it's hard pulling this out and around the corner with the full load but uh it's a job that I can do so I am going to do it [Music] okay okay so Jim's loaded up and this is very heavy calure it's pretty much just solid manure so it's going to be heavy and as you can see the wheels have sunk in a little so I don't envy these guys at all but let's see how the B team does they seem to on the way over here they sure seem to have plenty of energy this morning [Music] well good morning babies how you all doing today last night I did give everybody a little bit of fish fertilizer trying to stay kind of organic as possible um some things are a little a little bit kindy yellowish I'm not claiming to be an expert on all this I'm learning I've learned so much being in here but I've repotted a lot of things and I I put some on our my tomatoes I put some camor on the bottom and that really seem to help some of these I had transplanted before I did that and they don't look as good they're still a little yellowish my cucumber over here is soon going to get flowers I think I'm super excited about that I put this up to try to train it I've never been very good at training things I've got to learn to do better but I'm hoping it'll climb up there I may have to put more up there for it to climb across and um this morning I'll cut a little bit of this lettuce as you can see I've been cutting it and I not every day but like every other day trim some off and then if I if I get it in the morning then then we are more likely to eat it that day but if I wait until evening to harvest it sometimes I get a little lazy and don't get out here to get it so I'll get that this morning too overall I'm happy with how things are growing this basil is not doing too great but this is I've noticed that sometimes it doesn't pay to single things out but leave them together in clumps they grow better they're happier like that I guess it's the same thing that shows you something anyways that's what's going on here [Applause] well I got all the banur spread from the shed and they still have a little time before lunch so I decided to do a little cutting in the distance you'll probably see William he is working on our greenhouse and uh there's just a few more things to get done and that'll be done so I'm working on an order of custom logs custom cutting for a guy it's tamarak and he just wants a bunch of different things bunch of 6X sixes some 4x6s some 2x6s to 2x4s little bit of everything and so that's what I'm working on now just doing custom sign [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] up [Applause] what [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] go [Applause] [Applause] a [Applause] [Applause] there's a saying in the lumber business it's very difficult to make straight Lumber out of crooked logs and here's a situation where we have a definitely crooked log so many logs the butt logs do tend to be crooked and this one here fortunately we're making some 6X sixes so it won't hurt it any it'll be just fine [Applause] [Applause] actually on this one instead of a 6x6 I made two 4X sixs hey everybody I'm down by the pond it's been a while it's been a few weeks since we brought those plants down that had oh kind of um I just thinned out my flower garden up there and I brought them down here to the pond I want to show you in just a minute and I have been planting them the soil around the pond is like almost pure clay it is so hard to dig in here it gets caked all over your shovel and everything but this is like I don't and I don't know if anything's going to grow I really don't but anyways it was so fun this is just like at the end of the pond and there's the cabin off in the distance and um they're mostly flocks I don't and they're kind of shallow rooted plants so I really don't know if they're going to make it the other thing I did was this is the top of a a tree that we had plant I had put it in in um a SAT bucket sat buckets over there for a Christmas decoration and it got enough moisture over the winter that it still looks alive and it really does look like it's growing so I mixed a little sand with this and with this CL clay and I put it here I would just love it if it would grow but we'll see anyways this has been so much fun all I could do is just dig a hole enough to put them in and we'll see if they make it or not skip has been having the time of his life as you can see the water's still flowing and um Skip's been running all over it has just been so nice to be down here I plan on that bank over there I would love to plant some wild flower mix and see if it grows also I could just throw some stuff in over there we'll see what happens I know it's going to grow you know there's there's clumps of grass in here and whatnot and that's okay I want it to just kind of naturalize and um even put some flowers around that are native to right here I put in a little Buttercup I just wanted to show you over here these little Marsh buttercups oh there's a turkey feather there's deer tracks around too we'll see if they eat everything they didn't yet so but how lovely are these in their simple beauty they are just gorgeous and they're kind of all around down here so I love this little natural garden it's already here J G G oh g g g bye [Applause] oh he guys we are finishing up a afternoon and our video also this is a kind of an old junk Hay Wagon in needs of a little repair but we purchased this a week or so ago and we'll be use that a little bit this summer for hanging so it's right in our yard I need to get out of the yard because William has the greenhouse just about done and we hope to get it out of here before it rains which is coming pretty soon I think back up guys bye bye bye oh no ni St our whole yard is getting kind of congested with all of our junk Here There and Everywhere these big wagon especially take a lot of room to store and of course we have no place that we can store them undercover um just cuz we haven't built a shed built a shed to make that happen and I can't see anything careful can't see that happening anytime soon either hey what's the matter K boy what's the matter Baron anyways I kind of wanted to um take a little time and answer a few more questions at the end of videos and I haven't been doing in the last couple videos just because I don't know something's come up and I just haven't but uh the one question I wanted to address from our last video I guess it would have been um we had and if you guys hadn't seen it was back when I was I was it was from cutting some logs at psmith college and I had cut a big oh I had cut a big white pine that had a lot Red Rod in it and I had to leave the butt two butt logs in the woods cuz they just weren't good for anything so a lot of people ask why don't I use it for firewood well generally White Pine is not something that people use for firewood it's a soft wood and it just has a lot of cre acid in it so if you burn it in a stove in your house it's very rather risky to use because it will cre set your chimney up so bad and you're more up to have a chimney fire with our outdoor furnace we can burn stuff like that but it costs so much money to get it uh trucked down here that I have plenty of stuff down here of that quality junk to burn I don't need to bring that and it would not be cost efficient cost effective in any way to bring that down here so it just has to stay in the woods and rot and that's just the way it is so anyways that's the one big question I really wanted to answer today uh and I'm going to go now and hopefully pull this um Greenhouse out of the building so that we can tell the customer it's done and they can come pick it up step B oh de oh by but but so we're go back in seems like horses always are a little spooky when I back into something like this they just really don't know what to think because they're going backwards they can't see I like to hitch on Center and I'm not doing a very good job here g g stop oh now bye bye oh so what I'm going to do is take this chain here that I've got hitch the hook right on here so it should kind of Center things out I know I'm a long ways from it but I think W oh oh oh whoops oh so here we are back hitched on the sled we're going to pull this right out of here and get it on the lawn right careful St as usual when you when the hitch on that sled I don't know it just seems to spook them up a little bit doesn't pull that hard but it's just something different and the noise behind them it's just something new okay now yeah careful careful H morning careful oh okay we are done so that's it for today hope you guys enjoyed the video have a great day it's sting time go ahead you go greet your brother we'll see you Thursday then y see you saided looks good I think they'll be happy with that have you ha ha ha ha ha oh do a little bit huh hi Bill cem me ha oh [Music]
Channel: Working Horses With Jim
Views: 33,730
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: can we get this cow to eat grass, cow won't eat grass, cow eating grass, draft horse farming, horse farming, farming wtih hroses, farming with horses, farming with draft horses, planting flowers around the pond, planting flowers, watch logging videos, horses logging, belgian hroses, horse videos, horse channel, Jim and brenda, Jim horses, Jim channel, suffolk punch horses, horses working, horses doing fieldwork, farming with draft hroses, draft horse videos, horses
Id: 8MNpruWpJ54
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 20sec (2000 seconds)
Published: Wed May 01 2024
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