This restart is going to be tough

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they said she's been standing out in the pasture for about two years I can feel her body get tense I had two Palomino horses come in a day apart I had the one that I showed you the evaluation video of a couple of days ago then I had this one this is coda she is 10 years old and she originally had some pretty good training I know the trainer that trained her and he does a good job and they had her home and I actually rode her for a while did good hauled her some things but since then she's been standing in the pasture for a couple of years and when they went back to Saddler back up she acted pretty green she bucked a little bit acted up so she's here to be restarted and that's what I'm going to start with here today I'm going to Bridle her first I just about always do that on these green horses I want the distraction of the bit to be on their mind what I'm doing the saddling and the other things now see she's looking away she's not giving me the respect that she needs as far as being aware of what I'm asking her to do and willingly accepting it that's something I need to be aware of bring your head over here that's something I'll be aware of and I'll address that as it goes another thing I've noticed is she has a little bit of runny eyes doesn't seem to be bothering her too much we've had some dry weather it's probably just some dust from her runny eyes just caught some dust causing her eyes to be a little runny don't seem to be bothering her but I will be keeping an eye on that when I went got her out of the stall she was kind of wide-eyed when I first went up to her she startled back just a little bit but she seems a lot better now this I don't care for see how she's looking out there at those other horses and she's not addressing me she needs to be more paying attention to what I'm asking her to do instead of what's going on out there so what I'm going to do is I'm just going to pull around and just tell her to do something come over here and follow me get her attention on me the next thing I want to do is put the saddle on her put the pad in the saddle but I don't want to throw it up there when her attention is out there someplace I want to saddle her when her attention is on me it's a whole lot more likely that it's going to go good if she's paying attention to me Springer over here over over here get your mind over here get your mind over here now I'll throw the pad up a couple of times see what kind of reaction I get see how her head was over there and then when I put put the pad against her should come back to me now I know this horse is pretty broke at one time was pretty broken I think she's like 10 now I know she was pretty broke so I don't expect her to look back at the side the pad and the saddle with worry I expect her to be comfortable with it but what I do want is I do want her to pay attention to what I'm asking her to do come on let's ask her to move her feet and we'll come over here and I'll put saddle up there [Music] if she was a young green horse I would have done that different but with her situation I know she has been broke now she's pushing forward through the pressure ask Rebecca I know that she had been well broke so I want to just throw it up there and see what I get I want a treat her like a broke horse so I can see where the holes are that I need to work on what I'm going to do is you kind of startled away from this side so what I want to do is I want to put the lunge line on her and have that on when I girth the saddle up because if she does start to Buck which I'm expecting she quite possibly will I want to have her on the lunge line I really don't want her to Buck I'm going to try to not let her buck and what I will do is give her something else to do it's girth us probably a little short I probably could have put a bigger girth on her I will next time but this is the girth we're going to work with today now I want to get the saddle tight enough so it don't fall off but I won't want to cut her in half all at one time at this point it's not tight enough to stay on if she was the book see how her feet are locked down there we go let's get in another hole I want to get it tight enough so that if she butts it don't come off she's a little bit mutton withered which means she don't have a whole lot of Withers so the saddle needs to be snug otherwise it will roll snug there that's going to move her feet move her feet she got just chewing a little bit that's a good sign now let's see if I can get another hole see how tight it is now that she's moved her feet yep that's pretty loose I don't ever tighten the saddle all at one time real tight I know a lot of people will do stuff to make them blow out air I'm not going to do that all I'm going to do is walk the horse in a circle make them move their feet what happens people say Well they're sucking in air that's not actually what's happening they're not really sucking in air what's actually happened is they're tightening all these muscles like like blowing your chest up like making your muscles big that's what they do there they're not sucking in air if they were actually sucking in air then when you went to lopam or do something more strenuous they wouldn't be able to breathe so they're not actually sucking in air when you're tight in the saddle they're actually tightening their muscles pushing back against that girth is tightening those now it's tight enough that it's going to stay on so what I want to do I want to go ahead and ask her to move her feet lunge just a little bit now let's see what we get like to get a trot I don't want her to work hard go get my lunch with don't want her to work hard but I do need her to move her feet now I get it a lot of times when you get horses in most of the time when you get a horse infiltrating you don't know much about the horse's previous training this horse I do know who the previous the original trainer was unless she's got that on her back leg it don't matter I do know who the previous trainer is and it's kind of nice to know that because I know his techniques his style and they're actually pretty complementary to mine we do a lot of similar things so I kind of know what to expect with this horse and no what to expect that this horse knows and what she don't know we're going to work our way over to the wall so we can change directions I never disengage the hip to change directions I'm always going to do a direction change with the hip engaged come on good girl it's become really common nowadays that a lot of clinicians teach disengage and to turn it see that a lot I see a lot of people do it and the other thing that I'm seeing a lot and getting a lot of questions on is people that are having trouble getting their horse to transition from a trot to Lope and those two things are connected when you change directions by disengaging the hip you're putting that horse all on his front end and if you don't ever teach the horse to use his back end go the other way there we go if you don't ever teach the horse to use it back end you're going to end up with issues like the horse not wanting to transition from the Trot to the loop now I'm not really trying to Tire the horse down I typically don't do much lunging on a broke course but what I do want to accomplish with this horse is I want to get her a little bit more paying attention to me which I'm just about there I'm watching that inside ear and it's coming back on me she's not changing directions as easily as I would like but she's not exactly telling me no either I think what I'm getting there with her being unsure of changing directions that's just because it's been a while since she's been worked they said she's been standing out in the pasture for about two years not really asked her to do much of anything so what I'm wanting to do what I need to do is just kind of get her restarted so now that right ear is on me the left ear is forward right ears on me like what I'm getting here so I think it's about time to get on her back and see what happens now I'm gonna quit centering it forward give her a chance to figure out that I'm not sending her forward when I was changing directions I was changing directions at the wall right now I'm not asking her to change directions but I'm not telling her to go either say I swapped hands with the lunge line she's got forward on her mind this is one reason why you need to get your horse's mined on you her obviously her mind does not pay attention to me I kind of tip her nose just a little bit her right ear is on me but she's going forward knows hey I'm not hey I'm not telling you go pay attention not telling you go pay attention over here there we go she almost stopped looked at me says she's looking to the outside over here over here there we go good girl she'd stop face me and chew good good indications now she's coming to me and she's not coming directly at me she's coming next to me I like that because if something was to happen she's not going to plow into my space I don't like that she came and she looked over that way I want her a little more attention on me let's go over here and we'll get Marines and I'll step up on her and we'll see what happens I have just a plain smooth snaffle bit on her I know she's been ridden in more than this in the past but I'm not going to go straight to that right now and because of her past history in her training I know she knows how to work off spit so I'm going to attach to the bit Walker over here let's see how she does when I uh go up to the mounting block the trainer that trainer is a lot taller than me so I doubt that he used the mounting block [Music] and I don't know if our owner had been using one so this could be new now when I get on her I'm going to keep that left range short so that I can take her into a circle I want to get her mind on the fact that I'm on her back see that's not a good sign let's go again that comes from not paying attention to what I'm doing I'm gonna try that again and what I might do what I might need to do is a little bit more Preparatory work [Music] my original thought was to just pick up where I know she was give her a little reminder and pick right up where I know she was might not be what I need to do me to do might need to do a little more Preparatory work see what happens if I stand up in the saddle I can feel her body get tense so we're gonna have to do a little more Preparatory work let's start with some desensitizing [Applause] [Music] put the lunge line back on her go over here get something else off the wall a couple of things I could go to from here I can start sacking her out with a bag I'm going to do this first I might come back and cycle right with a bag later but I want to go to this first because I know that she has been broke to ride she spooked when I stepped up in the start so I want to put something on her I'm just going to bounce around to get her a little more used to that all right foreign [Music] attached and then attach the other one attempt to attach the other one now let's ask her to Launch don't come to me this kind of simulates my legs on her side bouncing around and go the other way come on that's interesting I really expected more reaction give it a minute I might get more reaction yeah she just looked at it there we go now we get more reaction move her feet again I took a hold of her face because I really don't want her to Buck go all right let's go the other way I don't care what direction you go but you need to move your feet I don't believe in letting one Buck something out I'm going to scold them for bucking from the beginning so she starts to Buck I'm going to change directions pull ahead to me we'll change directions right here right now she's out running it there we go let's ask for a direction change so don't want to swatter with the whip if I can help it some situations I would she's already worried don't want her to back into the camera either some situations I would but I don't want to hear might have to if she don't go you gotta deer fly Bitner right on the bridge of her nose let's go got to move your feet come on go on there we go if I would have gotten on her back if I'd have made it that far this is what I would have got let's change directions again we'll be working that direction I'm going to start being a little more insistent of a better change of Direction wasn't too worried about it before I wasn't too worried about it before because if she would have just let me get on and ride off things would have been okay I wouldn't have had to go back and do more groundwork now that we need to do more groundwork I need to make the groundwork that we're doing better raise the quality of the level that I asked her for those are just regular rubber bumpers I'll put a link to them either in the the video description or the comments so you can see what they are they're uh for a boat they're soft there we go I didn't have to hit her that time they're soft to protect the boat from the pier so they're soft on the horse and I just took a piece of rope and a clip just so I could clip it to the back ring of the saddle let it bounce around a little bit kind of like having my legs on them but it also helps to desensitize them to things bouncing around she's starting to look out towards those horses again and not so much it mayor come on not so much as at me or the bumpers on the saddle which tells me she's less worried about what I'm doing here and then I need to raise the level of what I'm asking for and she's not giving me and what I'm asking her to do enough attention then I need to ask more a lot of times you wonder when is it time to ask more of your horse and when can the horse not handle more well that's one of the big things I look at all right I need more come on I need two eyes and I need her to be willing to do what I ask her to do come on go on there we go she has to be willing to do what I ask her to do I ask Ed several times and I told several times I cannot just let her stand there and tell me no I'm not going to go I have to do whatever it takes to get her to do what I'm asking her to do if you don't ever escalate to get your horse to do what you ask you're going to end up with problems later down the road you'll be the one there we go in the emergency room because the horse did not respect what you asked me to do foreign change directions there we go she learned something the last time to learn that I'm not gonna just stand here and let her tell me no so like I said I know the trainer who originally trained this horse I suspect that between the time when he set the horse home and when they were riding this horse some of these behaviors started to come out and never were fixed could be the reason why she stood in the pasture well I might not I don't know but I know that that trainer would not have let these behaviors go either he trains Performance Horses just like I do good girl foreign [Applause] better engage turns better at saying okay when I ask you to do something okay I like what I'm getting here good girl good girl foreign let's go back over here for our moraines let's try it again still going to clip them to the bit saddle could be tightened up a hole a little bit loose foreign now let's see what happens over here pay attention [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] like I said before she might not be used to being mounted with a mounting block I'm going to work it because I want to spend some time standing above her without getting on her there we go good girl good girl walk away [Music] [Music] at this point I do not believe in asking a horse to queue up to the mounting block she already doesn't want to be at the mailing block and if I start asking her to queue up to the mounting block I'm just going to get in a fight with her that's not the kind of thing you do with a horse like this that's the kind of thing you teach a horse that [Music] is already comfortable with the rider above them if I'm on the mounting block and I'm trying to ask her to queue up to it or swing into the mounting block for me to get on you don't want to be there I'm just asking for a fight I need her comfortable with me above her then we can teach something like that everything has to happen in order there's certain prerequisites to each part [Music] another bothering you pay attention to me and I'll help you with fly well back forward again come on [Music] all right [Music] come on okay that's what I'm talking about with that's going to be queue up I'm just asking to step forward just don't want to step forward so what I would have to do to escalate that is not going to be productive working towards our objective there we go instead I'm going to reward her for the right Behavior eventually I'll punish her for the wrong Behavior by making her lunge or move her feet something like that but I want to get some right Behavior I want her to stand with me up here and I could put her between the mounting block and the fence and I can do all kinds of things to get in the saddle the thing is getting in the saddle is not the objective here it's not what I want to accomplish what I want to accomplish is I want her to stand so that I can get in this animal [Applause] it's the standing part just to objective the standing part is what we want to accomplish doing things more extreme things or other actions to get me in the saddle is not gonna be productive to my end goal of standing you can't force a horse to stand you can encourage them to stand you can reward them when they do stand but there's nothing I can do to force this horse to stand here so what I'm going to do is I'm going to encourage it to stand here Henry water when she does good girl [Music] good girl so I'm going to quit with her for today her name is coda and I'll work on it again tomorrow and work towards getting in the saddle of course I think she has some issues she has to overcome well I think in the end she's going to pick back up just find where she used to be until next time thank you for watching
Channel: Tim Anderson Ranch and Horse Training
Views: 97,195
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tim anderson horses, tim anderson horse training, tim anderson horse trainer, horse training videos, horse training for beginners, horse training groundwork, horse training pro, problem horse training, problem horse bucking, cold backed horse, cold backed horse bucking, cold backed horse treatment, cold backed horse video, restarting horse, problem horse, scared horse training, scared horse behavior
Id: zgI780afizU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 46sec (2146 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 03 2023
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