WoW TBC Arms + Fury Warrior: A Quick Meta Guide

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what's up and welcome to my quickfire meta guide for the dps warrior and tbc classic now very briefly i wanted to make quick guides like this as it was exactly what i wanted as i searched for my ideal old class but alas i could not find it's a sad story i know so we're breaking this video down into those different sections that i was personally looking for and these are first and foremost the pve basics and what 10 seconds might look like in a raid encounter and i'm calling this a raid snapshot essentially for these videos and following this we'll look at where the spec shines in pve and then follow that up with the limitations of what the role basically is and has as part of its kit and just overall position in the raid finally we'll look at professions as briefly as possible though there's quite a lot to talk about in regards to worries on this topic and we'll go over pvp broadly um but again just a small disclaimer if you want any very specific pve hints or super secret stuff that's you know skill based you're probably going to look for a dedicated pvp guide because i'm just going to provide a pretty broad overview with that said let's get into the basics for fury your standard build is going to be 17 44 0 similarly to classic wow at the moment you will spend points down to impale and anger management in the arms tree and spend the remaining points in fury much of the spec is pretty straightforward and locked in however the three points and improved thunderclap from the arms tree can be spent on more points in iron wheel or improved charge this is essentially because similarly to improve demo in classic wow at the moment only one warrior needs to be specced into it because you can assume they have it up in the raid this is typically your tank in tbc or one of your tanks rather but do check obviously it's a great benefit to incoming damage on the tank and will help you tank dungeons in your dps spec if you wish to have that option but ultimately you can kind of move those three points around in the fury tree we're going to take five percent from cruelty five and improve demo because unbridled rats proc chance is greatly lowered with a proc per minute in tbc then five in commanding presence for better shouts five in enrage to access flurry five in dual build spec and we max out weapon mastery which helps our expertise needs by reducing chance for dodge by two percent finally we take everything we have budget for which amounts to five in a flurry three in position one in blood thirst of course we get to put one out of two in improved whirlwind which helps our rotation around in terms of timing and five into improved circumstance alongside rampage the new damage based cooldown for fury in tbc after death wishes defection to the arms tree now if you want to go for arms pve your spec has been quite symmetrical to the fury build in a lot of places but is moving the latter points into the deep arms talents instead becoming a 33 28 build we once again go down to impale and anger management but continue to take the damage boosts from two-hand spec death wish and then into our weapon spec mortal strike improved disciplines and of course blood frenzy which is a raid wide buff of four percent increased physical damage a note on your weapon specialization is that sword spec is your highest dps option by default and it's largely going to be down to you wanting to pick up swords throughout your journey in tbc for pve purposes in the fury tree we spend the talents very similarly to the fury build we just discussed but instead of putting points into dual world spec we put them into improved slam for a very quick slam time which goes down to 0.5 seconds and 3 out of 5 flurry a specific note for arms in this tree is that depending on the exact proct proc scripting sorry for unbridled wrath it may be better to use three out of five in unbridled wrath and two out of five in improved demo this was something discussed on the old elitist jerks forum which was kind of the high-end theory crafting forums of the time as tbc was approaching raf's release but wasn't fully resolved so this may be something we discover better when live servers hit that said if you're not the only warrior spectrum to improve demo in your raid once again we can kind of get away with moving points anyway so if you want to hedge your bets regardless then sure go ahead as long as 5 out of 5 improved demos up you're all good to go so once we are talented as furious what do we want to care for in regards to our stats well first and foremost we're going to be stacking hits till nine percent and this includes if you're taking precision as a fury warrior if your dual wielding hit has some value over that but isn't really that special it's mainly about making sure that your special abilities hit because you're going to have a lot of rage once you get enough gear you're then going to want to stack expertise to the six point two five percent dodge reduction point which includes two percent from our weapon mastery and if you are awkward human obviously that little extra expertise does help as well following this we're going to be looking for crit strength attack power and armor penetration and this will largely be dynamic in value depending on your current gear that said however armor penetration provides exponential gains as you get more of it rather than any diminishing returns which is experienced by every other stat this is ultimately why they removed the stat entirely from the game later on however in the late game as you get more of this armor pen it's going to become a dominant stat in your sim tool all the way up to the 1350 armor cap that said haste will typically be your final lowest value stat outside of extra hits because it's quite low value for both specs comparatively and i do want to put an addendum here that modern simples may find a perfect storm of circumstances where some haste may provide a big benefit but at present this seems unlikely it's just not a very strong stat for warriors unless it's in boatloads of amounts and the item budgets don't really work out in its favor we've got our stats ready our talents ready how are we going about life in our raids well fury is very similar to vanilla fury you'll be keeping blood thirst and whirlwind on cooldown whilst using rage above 60 to dump into heroic strike the main difference to vanilla is that you'll be keeping up the rampage buff whilst trying to avoid delaying bloodthirst or whirlwind by doing so as such you will typically be looking to refresh rampage with two to three seconds remaining in a gcd that you would usually have heroic striped in under 20 you'll be spamming execute and squeezing in a blood thirst if you ever spike to above 30 rage because essentially blood thirst is more damage per rage than execute once you have more than 30 rage as arms though it's all about slam timing you'll be weaving your slam with your autos to ensure slam doesn't reset your auto swing alongside this you'll be keeping mortal strike and whirlwind on cooldown as a priority the typical cycle can be summarized with four slams two mortal strikes and a single whirlwind under execute you will have the choice between spamming execute and your normal rotation if you are not forced to move is conventional wisdom that your normal rotation will be higher dps because execute does not scale with your weapon damage and you're using a two-hander however when required to move a lot during the final 20 you'll probably wish to execute to avoid any mishaps with your auto and slam timing because you don't want to be delaying your autos with slam so this is how each spec performs or goes about its business in the raids what they actually good at well first and foremost both specs do strong damage on single target with fury being ahead of arms in individual contribution likewise they both have strong aoe with arms having the highest on-demand aoe potential for melee specs between sweeping strikes death wish and their prolonged recklessness duration from improved disciplines aside from the ranged bias that pervades many tbc encounters both warrior specs put out very high damage as long as they can maintain up time with that said warriors truly shine a fight with very little movement which becomes more common towards the end of the game just when all that armor penetration starts stacking up for big numbers a great example of this is the final tbc encounter kil'jaeden in this fight you're not gonna be moving too much there are some ads to deal with you have to move inside of a little dome that protects you from the explosions and essentially you're going to be just pumping damage into a single target for the majority of the fight with very minimal movement compared to a lot of encounters in tbc and from this point as you can see in the clip i've got showing here fury will truly be a top dps on these kinds of fights with arms being relatively strong but not quite as good unless there is good potential for some two-handed sweeping strike shenanigans arms does however provide this above average dps when it can maintain up time whilst also providing a rage wide 4 physical damage buff as we've discussed in the talent section this damage buff across tanks the hunters their pets and other melee is pretty huge to the point where arms may be seen as the more desirable spec as far as hardcore raid comps are concerned at least until glaives enter the equation so this sounds overall quite different to what you've heard about tbc raiding and warrior i suspect a lot of doom and gloom about this role so what am i not telling you well essentially what you've heard is largely true many encounters are not kind to melee and here lies the biggest downside to both specs they are obviously melee specs plain and simple playing melee has an inbuilt downside that raid encounters won't allow you to provide as much of a contribution as range players may do especially before tier six where encounters become less hostile for melee and armature penetration items start becoming more common in addition to this most encounters become kinder towards the end of the game they have that ever-present gear reliance that means even if you play those earlier encounters that are quite unfriendly perfectly you will still be waiting till around zalaman tier vi kind of time to begin scaling super well towards the top of the dps meters where possible outside of that though there really isn't much to dislike if you're set on playing melee at the least it's hard not to recommend warrior when considering their performance and ability to tank as offspec this brings us to professions and the eternal mention of leatherworking as far as meta gaming goes 20 drum users will be the aim and as such should be considered a lock for many players seeking two min max beyond this i have to mention blacksmithing to get to the point blacksmithing provides very strong weapons based on your blacksmith spec and mace smith can craft a big weapon for one hand is called dragon strike which is really strong for fury due to how much haste it gives and whilst we've discussed how haste isn't super valuable as a stat individually in this much quantity with this kind of proc rate it's really strong and this will last you all the way to end game weapons from black temple and some well essentially similarly swordsmith provides a reasonable tanking weapon but more importantly a very strong two-hander for arms pve that won't be replaced easily though doesn't seem to have the same longevity as dragon strike you'll replace it a little bit sooner especially if solomon comes a bit sooner than you know perhaps it did in reality blacksmithing also allows you to craft and equip arguably the best chest in the game around somewhere time at worst case scenario it's going to be tiny bit worse than the best chest in the game so you kind of get basically the same deal so it has really good late game value even once you've replaced your weapons having laid all these blacksmithing benefits out there is a real tension here for warriors that want to pvp however mace smith provides the dreaded skill herald which has a chance to stun on hit for three seconds but better than that the proc is pretty often and does not provide diminishing returns with intercept or the stun from mace specialization in the arms tree yes it's ridiculously good so you may want to consider playing fury pve if you're keen to blast arena because mace smith is going to provide you both your one of your best pve weapons and almost certainly one of your best pvp options up to pretty much the end of the game where you get these super high end items if you wish to pve as arms though you're gonna really want to have a sword over a mace one final thing on blacksmithing is that its value is fairly reliant on how blizzard releases content if we get 2.0 itemization to begin with blacksmithing will be truly essential for many specs because the stats on items in the early stages of tbc were playing awful they just didn't compete very well against blacksmithing against a lot of the heroic items etc likewise if they release salaman alongside say tier 5 content instead of alongside tier 6 content or just before t6 content those final versions of your blacksmithing weapons won't look quite as good they'll still be strong and very useful but zoloman has a ton of great gear to put it simply similar to other classes the remaining options if you escape kim jong leatherworking are jewelcrafting and enchanting dual crafting once again has a strong leg gain craft and for dps warriors this will be your best neck in the game by quite a large margin and also you get slightly better gems for yourself enchanting for melee rings gives us plus four all stats to each ring exclusively which is ultimately going to give you just under point two five percent crit because 33 agi is equal to one crypt in tbc instead of the 20 that it is in classical at the moment and 16 attack power as a final mention on professions you can consider engineering as it provides progression of good helm pieces in the goggles that do get an upgrade in somewhere plateau however i will point out that if we truly mean maxing these don't actually become your end game bits though they may be best at different periods of time based on your guild progression for example the mayhem projection goggles are inferior to a very small list of helms in the game and in regards to any significant upgrades the only real huge upgrades that you'll be able to acquire over these goggles are from kil'jaeden particularly which is the final boss of the game so do bear that in mind finally we're on to pvp and here i am going to completely ignore fury while she may be able to give some inexperienced players at low to medium rating fury is not going to be competitive with arms assuming the same player skill so let's just throw it out the window for a second arms is quite simply st in arena it brings mortal strike and a lot of damage as it does now in classic wow however now warriors receive some nice tools in spell reflect and intervene particularly these two have an enormous impact spell reflect provides some much needed counter play to range disruption or damage whilst intervene allows you to be more mobile in general with the ability to go back and fill your teammates without putting intercept on cooldown and absorbing the next melee or range attack on them it's just really really good the class has lots of tools lots of damage it's pretty tanky overall it's just a fantastic class for arena keeping this brief arms can be paired with almost any healer in twos and any combination of healer plus dps and threes to pretty strong success competitively however there are some comps that stand out in twos you will find a lot of joy when partnered with arrested druid whilst there are some contenders for top two's comp that weren't previously well known until private servers like walmart and endless amongst others warrior druid is a really really strong top notch twos comp in threes particularly warlock warrior druid and dispel cleave aka double healer will likely be your go-to comps if you're focused on choosing the optimal comp for climbing the ladder both of these have extensive evidence from both og tbc and endless slash war main as probably the most viable contender to the rnp throne that people tend to hype up as the most op threes comp that said we will see how it plays out with modern pvp is maybe there is some true spice we've yet to see the chaos of fives is not something i'm confident in discussing at length but warriors typically find spots on most teams just due to how powerful the ms effect is in team fights with that covered this brings us to the end of the video i hope you found it helpful in deciding whether you want to commit to playing a dps warrior and i will see you next time hopefully in your notifications
Channel: Knot
Views: 89,532
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: TBC, WoW, Arms, Fury, Warrior
Id: GmckjQZqoH4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 6sec (1086 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 29 2020
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