Wow ! Look what happens at the Blue Crosses Medjugorje

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after a nice fresh squeezed orange juice here at Coffee sweaty Joseph holy Joseph coffee shop I am going to take you now further on our journey here in Meo you see how many people there are it's unbelievable to see another group is coming one after the other I've never seen that before in MA and look at the vi and look at that isn't that beautiful here look at that here St chabel and the coffee shop down here full as well for you see cars from Slovenia and Bosnia heroina there's a new shop here and I take you now after Apparition Hill to the blue crosses where are you guys from Spain from Spain Slovakia from Slovakia and there goes the Spanish CP I just did an interview with them so check it out a happy people from Spain coming to magya PTO is doing a tremendous shop there are 30 of them here in major look at them they seem they have to stay all in a row they are counted maybe now look there's another bus from Italy over here as you can see it's a constant stream of pilgrims I've never seen that before and the favorite good in Mago is ice cream the days when it's getting hotter you can find it everywhere and they are going now to cross Mountain [Music] and for me it's part of home as I lived for six years before coming to mugoya in Spain in feras Northern Catalonia and we let the guys go and we turn on the left up to the blue crosses and again look what we have here St chabel and our lady I love that picture and this one also very very nice and be going up to the blue crosses there a therapy dog Maybe coming from work now and you have to be careful going up here the stones let's see what's going on at the blue crosses if there also so many people and look at that again the beauty of God's creation flowers Dancing In The Wind wow there you see another Spanish group that's they come here because of 1 of May so they put all the days together took some holidays and look all Spanish young people that's amazing you have the rose in all kinds of languages special atmosphere today as there's so many people Feels Like Jesus talking to the crowd that's kind of the feeling for spe forign spee spe sorry foree spe was beautiful I just met people from Malta watching my channel I was so amazed I'm so happy I love Malta you know I went there in December it's a beautiful island if you have the chance go there 365 churches you can go every day in a different Church in Malta if you want very Catholic and they have every week a radio Mission about Maga Our Lady of Maga and look there all the Spanish what a combination Spain and Malta the countries I have been on lived before fore foree which language foree foree they again my malti friends over there new friends or followers and you see here the Spanish group spee for and brought you here there slightly is the rosary prayer and Mal spe foree and over there you got St James Church look at that the towers so you can see the people walking through the fields towards the blue crosses and aition Hill lovely way I will walk that back later and the Spanish La down here spe spee spe and you see here the people coming down apparition you have a slight wind and the sun it's very warm everybody goes under the trees in the shadow as the sun is very strong here in Maga I had my coffee my espresso over there and I want to show you a bit more the vi here yeah [Music] spee for spee and over there are the blue crosses foree foree foree you see more people coming down Apparition Hill a steady flow of pilgrims we are now on the other side I made a video the main way to get up to Apparition Hill and this is the way down to the crosses which are over there we show to you them a bit later and you see what's going on down there are coming from that side as well to and here they are coming down spe for spee ni fore [Music] spee for you of [Music] [Music] fore for for foree spe [Music] spe for fore speech and look at that so many buses I can't believe it our lady is bringing big time people to magoya
Channel: Tom Medjugorje
Views: 31,197
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: ZYyY8ph54pE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 1sec (1861 seconds)
Published: Thu May 02 2024
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